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Chromosome numbers are reported for 19 collections representing 16 AsiaticPotentilla taxa. The first chromosome records are reported forP. desertorum Bunge var.arnavatensis Wolf (2n=28),P. festiva Soják (2n=28),P. griffithii Hook f. subsp.beauvaisii (Cardot) Soják (2n=42),P. micropetala D. Don subsp.byssitecta (Soják) Měsí?ek etSoják (2n=14),P. mollissima Lehm. (2n=28),P. moorcroftii Wall. exLehm. (2n=42),P. multicaulis Bunge (2n=14),P. [x]omissa Soják (2n=35, 56, 70) andP. stanjukoviczii Ovcz. exKoczk. (2n=14). Counts differing from those previously recorded are given forP. algida Soják (2n=56) andP. flagellaris Willd. exSchlecht. (2n=42). Chromosome numbers of the following species were confirmed:P. [x]agrimonioides Bieb. (2n=42),P. chinensis Ser. in DC. (2n=14),P. fragarioides L. (2n=14),P. lineata Trev. (2n=14) andP. sericea L. (2n=28). Taxonomy is briefly discussed. A new combinationP. micropetala D. Don subsp.byssitecta (Soják) Měsí?ek etSoják stat. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of the following nine taxa of the Czechoslovak flora are given:Atriplex rosea L.,Cardamine resedifolia L.,Groenlandia densa (L.)Fourr.,Isoëtes lacustris L.,Lysimachia nemorum L.,Parnassia palustris L.,Phelipanche caesia (Rchb.) Soják,Rumex patientia L. subsp.patientia andSymphytum officinale L. s. str. A new chromosome number of 2n=80 is reported forRumex patientia L. subsp.patientia. Chromosome numbers of another five taxa are first reported from Czechoslovakia. Each of the ascertained chromosome counts is discussed with respect to hitherto known reports.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 26 collections representing 12 MongolianPotentilla taxa. The first chromosome records are reported forP.[x]agrimonioides Bieb. (2n = 42, 49–50),P. [x]chionea Soják (2n = 64, 74+1B, 84–86, 86),P. [x]stepposa Soják (2n = 62) andP. supina, L. subsp.costata Soják (2n = 42). Tetraploid and pentaploid populations ofP. sericea L. (2n = 28, 34, 35) and hexaploid populations ofP. omithopoda Tausch (2n = 42) were found in Mongolia. Chromosome numbers of the following species were confirmed:P. longifolia Willd. exSchlecht. (2n = 14),P. multifida L. (2n = 28),P. sanguisorba Willd. exSchlecht. (2n = 28),P. sericea L. (2n = 42),P. supina L. subsp.paradoxa (Nutt.) Soják (2n = 28 China) andP. tanacetifolia Willd. exSchlecht. (2n = 28). Taxonomic observations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In the southern parts of Scandinavia there occur two species of theVicia cracca L. complex:Vicia cracca L., represented by the chromosome race 2n=28, andV. oreophila ?ertová. WhereasV. oreophila predominantly inhabits habitats of primary character, especially near the coast, the tetraploid race ofV. cracca, which is the commonest in other parts of area, occurs predominantly on sites of secondary character, such as the borders of paths, roads, meadows and bushy places. The two species differ in several characters.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts of the following 15 taxa are given:Eupatorium cannabinum, Gypsophila fastigiata, Helianthemum grandiflorum subsp.obscurum, Helictotrichon desertorum subsp.basalticum, Impatiens parviflora, Inula hirta, Jurinea mollis, Kernera saxatilis, Lembotropis nigricans subsp.nigricans, Malva alcea subsp.excisa, Myosotis nemorosa, Otites pseudotites subsp.cuneifolia, Plantago atrata subsp.carpatica, P. atrata subsp.sudetica, Poa badensis. The chromosome numbers ofHelictotrichon desertorum (as subsp.basalticum) andPlantago atrata subsp.sudetica are given for the first time. Chromosome numbers differing from those previously known were found inJurinea mollis (2n=34 as compared to 2n=30) andKernera saxatilis (2n=14 as compared to 2n=16).Rhodax Spach (=Helianthemum L. p. p.) andOtites Adans. (=Silene L. p. p.) are considered as separate genera. Remarks on taxonomy, nomenclature and chorology are given for most of the taxa.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers ofVeronica beccabunga subsp.abscondita (2n=18),V. anagallis-aquatica subsp.lysimachioides (2n=18),V. anagallis-aquatica subsp.michauxii (2n=36), and of a presumable hybridV. poljensis × V. anagalloides (2n=36) are new for the relevant taxa. — A new number was found forV. anagalloides subsp.heureka (2n=18). The other counts, ofV. scardica (2n=18),V. anagalloides subsp.anagalloides (2n=18), andV. anagallis-aquatica subsp.oxycarpa (2n=36) agree with earlier findings.—Data from the literature have been critically evaluated, in some cases the relevant vouchers have been checked and, where needed, the original determinations have been revised. For several taxa, comments concerning their systematics and remarks on their distribution in Turkey are given.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and karyotypes ofSonchus oleraceus (n=16, 2n=32),S. asper (n=9, 2n=18 for subsp.asper and subsp.glaucescens, andS. microcephalus (n=15, 2n=30) are studied; for the first time their idiograms are given. Karyotypes mainly comprise small chromosomes with a degree of asymmetry 2B inS. oleraceus andS. microcephalus and 2A or 2A-2B inS. asper. No karyological differences can be pointed out betweenS. asper subspecies. Data presented support the amphiploid character ofS. oleraceus, and the origin ofS. microcephalus through a dysploid process involving the former taxon. In Iberian representatives of the genus, diagrams of karyotype asymmetry indices show a cluster grouping for species, with the detached exceptions ofS. maritimus andS. crassifolius, which spontaneously hybridize in central Spain. A review of available karyological data shows that in the evolution of the genusSonchus s.l. and relatives, the basic chromosome number x=9 has generally been maintained. Dysploidy is restricted to the seriesS. bourgeaui (n=8) —S. tenerrimus (n=7) andS. oleraceus (n=16) —S. microcephalus (n=15), evolutionarily related and included in the present subgenusSonchus. Polyploidy has been detected in a total of nine taxa ofSonchus and in the generaEmbergeria, Kirkianella, andDendroseris, being more common in peripheral regions of the distribution area of the group. Five diversification centers are proposed for the whole group, of which the Western Mediterranean area, including the Iberian Peninsula, is related to diversification of the present subgenusSonchus.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers forEleocharis palustris subsp.palustris (based on 70 samples from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden) andEleocharis palustris subsp.vulgaris (based on 74 samples from Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Sweden) are given. Also the chromosome number estimates based on relative DNA contents of plants from 8 localitiesE. palustris subsp.palustris from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Israel, and Slovenia, and from 18 localities ofE. palustris subsp.vulgaris from the Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden are included. InE. palustris subsp.palustris, 2n=16 prevailed, the mixoploid 2n=15, 16 was rare and a lone hypoploid 2n=15 was detected. InE. palustris subsp.vulgaris 2n=38 was most frequently detected, the hyperploid 2n=39 and mixoploid 2n=38, 39 were common, and the hypoploid 2n=36 and mixoploids in which 2n ranges from 36 to 42 were rarer. Distribution maps based on plants investigated either by chromosome counting or by flow cytometry, augmented by similar data from published sources are given for both subspecies in Europe.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and /or ploidy levels are reported for 44 species and subspecies ofHieracium s.str. from the following European countries: Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine. The chromosome numbers/DNA ploidy levels ofH. bocconei (2n ~ 4x),H. bupleuroides subsp.leviceps (2n = 27),H. caesioides subsp.caesioides (2n = 27),H. basifolium (H. caesium agg., 2n = 36),H. plumbeum (H. caesium agg., 2n = 36),H. glaucum subsp.nipholepium (2n= 27),H.gouanii (2n = 18),H. gymnocerinthe (2n = 27),H. ramondii (2n = 27),H. recoderi (2n = 18),H. stelligerum (2n = 18), andH. tomentosum (2n = 18, 2n ~ 2x, 2n ~ 3x) were determined for the first time. New ploidy levels are reported forH. cerinthoides s.str. (2n = 27),H. humile (2n = 36), andH. tommasinianum (2n = 27).  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers compared with as yet published data are given for the following 12 Phanerogams (both native species and aliens) from Czechoslovakia:Ambrosia trifida L.,Cardamine chelidonia L.,Dephne cneorum L.,Epipactis albensis Nováková etRydlo,Linum flavum L.subsp flavum, Lunaria rediviva L.,Nepeta grandiflora M.BIEB.,Reseda luteola L.,Thlaspi montanum L.,Tithymalus salicifolius (Host)Klotzsch etGarcke,Tithymalus virgultosus (Klokov) Holub andVerbascum speciosum Schrad. subsp.speciosum. The chromosome number 2n=40 is presented for the first time in autogamousEpipactis albensis Nováková etRydlo. New chromosome numbers were found inCardamine chelidonia L. (2n=32) and inTithymalus salicifolius (Host) Klotzch etGarcke (2n=40). Known but less frequent cytotypes are reported inLinum flavum L. subsp.flavum (2n=28) and inVerbascum speciosum Schrad. subsp.speciosum (2n=30).  相似文献   

The present paper deals with cytotaxonomy ofChelidonium majus L. s. 1. taxa and their hybrids. Based on results of hybridization experiments, cytology and reproductive isolation, a new combination,Ch. asiaticum (Hara) Krahulcová, is proposed. The structure of the aggregate is as follows:Ch. majus L. subsp.Majus (2n=12, distributed in Europe),Ch. majus L. subsp.grandiflorum (DC.)Printz (2n=12, S. Siberia, China) andCh. asisaticum (2n=10, E. Asia). Karyotypes ofCh. m. subsp.grandiflorum andCh. asiaticum are compared in detail.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of twenty taxa, almost all of them Iberian endemics, of the generaTeucrium, Sideritis, Thymus andSalvia are reported. New chromosome numbers are given for the following taxa:Teucrium homotrichum (2n=78),T. hifacense (2n=26),T. rivasii (2n=26),T. rivas-martinezii (2n=26),Sideritis edetana (2n=30),S. murgetana subsp.littoralis (2n=28), and the hybridS. xviciosoi (2n=27). The first count on Iberian material forSalvia pratensis (2n=18) is reported. Chromosome numbers have been confirmed for the rest of the taxa studied on material from SE Spain. Karyotype analyses and taxonomic remarks are included.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 14 species collected in Cuba. The first chromosome records are reported forAlbizzia cubana Britton etWilson (2n=26),Atkinsia cubensis (Britton etWilson)Howard (2n=26),Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.)Standl. (2n=24),Colubrina ferruginosa Brongn. (2n=24). Chromosome numbers of the following species were confirmed:Albizzia lebbeck (L.)Benth. (2n=26),Canavalia maritima (Aubl.)Thouars (2n=22),Casuarina equisetifolia Forst. (2n=18),Cedrela mexicana M.J. Roem. (2n=56),Delonix regia (Bojer)Raf. (2n=28),Guazuma tomentosa H.B.K. (2n=16),Lysiloma bahamense Benth. (2n=26),L. latisiliqua (L.)Benth. (2n=26),Samanea saman (Jacq.)Merrill (2n=26),Thespesia populnea (L.)Soland (2n=26).  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome numbers are reported from 25 vascular plant taxa, endemic to the Balearic Islands that are poorly known cytogenetically. The chromosome numbers ofAnthyllis vulneraria subsp.balearica (2n=12),Cymbalaria fragilis (2n=56), andPolygonum romanum subsp.balearicum (2n=40) were determined for the first time. A new chromosome number was found in several populations ofAnthyllis hystrix (2n=70) suggesting that this species is decaploid, in contrast to an earlier work reporting a higher ploidy level (2n=12x=84). The new chromosome number 2n=32 was reported inHypericum hircinum subsp.cambessedesii. It is suggested that the previous count (2n=40) could be explained by the presence of anomalous pentaploid cells in some tissues, contrating with the presence of a regular tetraploid complement (2n=32). Cytogenetic observations suggest thatSibthorpia africana has a diploid chromosome complement of 2n=18, with 0–2 accessory chromosomes. Accessory chromosomes are also reported forPhlomis italica, being the first record of B chromosomes in this genus. Chromosomal instability was found inGalium crespianum andG. friedichii species, with three numbers 2n=44, 55 and 66. Two cytotypes differing in ploidy level were documented within single plants. It is suggested that both species share a regular complement of 2n=44 and that the past hybridization events and formation of regenerating roots from the typical rootstock ofG. crespianum andG. friedrichii could be involved in the genesis of chromosome variants through partial endopolyploidy and concomitant somatic segregation.  相似文献   

Erysimum canum (Pill. & Mitterp).Polatschek transferred fromCheiranthus orSyrenia into the genusErysimum; it has 2n=14 chromosomes and a very small distribution range (parts of CSSR, Hungary, Yugoslavia). —Erysimum hayekii (Jav. & Rech. f.)Polatschek, is risen to specific rank; it has 2n=14 chromosomes (first count) and eastern Aegean distribution (Cyclades, Sporades). Typifications were made for both species.  相似文献   

A survey is given of three natural groups of the subsectionHeterophylla (Witas.)Fed. of the genusCampanula L. Within theSaxicolae four taxa of higher rank have been revealed:c. xylocarpa Kovanda (2n=34),C. gentilis Kovanda (2n=34),C. moravica (Spitzner)Kovanda subsp.moravica (2n=68), andC. moravica subsp.xylorrhiza (O. Schwarz)Kovanda (2n=102). BothAlpicolae andLanceolatae are represented by a single species: the first byC. cochleariifolia Lam. (2n=34), the latter byC. serrata (Kit. ap.Schult.)Hendrych (2n=34). Cytology, ecology and geographical distribution of all these taxa have been reviewed, and relationships to the other members of the complex discussed. Infraspecific variation within each species has also been examined.  相似文献   

In the present paper the results of a biosystematic study of some critical species ofLactuca sect.Lactucopsis are given. After a morphological, chorological, partly cytotaxonomical, chemotaxonomical analysis and experimental crossings the author came to the conclusion that bothL. wilhelmsiana Fisch. etMey ex. DC. andL. chaixii Vill. should be treated as infraspecific taxa ofL. quercina L. No differences were found betweenL. quercina andL. chaixii except in the basic shape of the cauline leaves.L. wilhelmsiana, however, can be distinguished by the length of the beak of the achene and by the distributional area. After revision the correct names of the taxa studied are as follows:Lactuca quercina L.,L. quercina var.integrifolia Bogenh. (Bisch.) forL. chaixii, L. quercina subsp.wilhelmsiana (Fisch. etMey.ex DC.)Feráková forL. wilhelmsiana  相似文献   

Three new dwarf mistletoes are described:Arceuthobium globosum subsp.grandicaule (Mexico and Guatemala),A. aureum subsp.aureum (Guatemala) andA. aureum subsp.petersonii (Chiapas, Mexico).Arceuthobium guatemalense is recorded for the first time in Mexico. Significant range extensions are recorded forA. abietisreligiosae, A. divaricatum,A. gillii subsp.nigrum, andA. rubrum. New hosts are reported for several taxa. Nineteen members of the genus are presently known from Mexico, and three (possibly four) from Guatemala. Chromosome counts are reported for the first time for 3 taxa.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 34 species of Dominican Compositae in 26 genera and nine tribes are reported. First counts are given forCoreopsis buchii (2n = 64),Lagascea mollis (2n = 34),Spilanthes urens (n = 16),Liabum subacaule (n = 18),Eupatorium sciatraphes (2n = 40),Hieracium gronovii (2n = 18),Vernonia buxifolia (2n = 34),V. sprengeliana (2n = 34),V. racemosa (2n = 28), andChaptalia leiocarpa (2n = 48,ca. 58). Our report forNarvalina domingensis (2n = 120) is the first for any species of this genus.  相似文献   

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