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Despite a general understanding that bone quality contributes to skeletal fragility, very little information exits on the age-dependent fatigue behavior of human bone. In this study four-point bending fatigue tests were conducted on aging bone in conjunction with the analysis of stiffness loss and preliminary investigation of nanoindentation based measurements of local tissue stiffness and histological evaluation of resultant tensile and compressive damage to identify the damage mechanism responsible for the increase in age-related bone fragility. The results obtained show that there is an exponential decrease in fatigue life with age, and old bone exhibits different modulus degradation profiles than young bone. In addition, this study provides preliminary evidence indicating that during fatigue loading, younger bone formed diffuse damage, lost local tissue stiffness on the tensile side. Older bone, in contrast, formed linear microcracks lost local tissue stiffness on the compressive side. Thus, the propensity of aging human bone to form more linear microcracks than diffuse damage may be a significant contributor to bone quality, and age related fragility in bone.  相似文献   

The fatigue properties of trabecular bone tissue (single trabeculae) and similarly sized cortical bone specimens from human tibia were experimentally determined on a microstructural level using four-point bending cyclic tests, and they were compared based on modulus, mineral density, and microstructural characteristics. The results showed that trabecular specimens had significantly lower moduli and lower fatigue strength than cortical specimens, despite their higher mineral density values. Fracture surface and microdamage analyses illustrated different fracture and damage patterns between trabecular and cortical bone tissue, depending upon their microstructural characteristics. Based on the results from mechanical tests and qualitative observations, a possible mechanical role of the cement lines in trabecular tissue microfracture was suggested.  相似文献   

A flexural model of four-point bending fatigue that has been experimentally validated for human cortical bone under load control was used to determine how load and displacement control testing affects the fatigue behavior of human cortical bone in three-point and symmetric four-point bending. Under load control, it was predicted that three-point bending produced no significant differences in fatigue life when compared to four-point bending. However, three-point bending produced less stiffness loss with increasing cycles than four-point bending. In four-point bending, displacement control was predicted to produce about one and a half orders of magnitude greater fatigue life when compared to load control. This prediction agrees with experimental observations of equine cannon bone tested in load and displacement control (Gibson et al., 1998). Displacement controlled three-point bending was found to produce approximately a 25% greater fatigue life when compared to load control. The prediction of longer fatigue life under displacement control may have clinical relevance for the repair of damaged bone. The model can also be adapted to other geometric configurations, including modeling of whole long bones, and with appropriate fatigue data, other cortical bone types.  相似文献   

We present results on the growth of damage in 29 fatigue tests of human femoral cortical bone from four individuals, aged 53-79. In these tests we examine the interdependency of stress, cycles to failure, rate of creep strain, and rate of modulus loss. The behavior of creep rates has been reported recently for the same donors as an effect of stress and cycles. In the present paper we first examine how the evolution of damage (drop in modulus per cycle) is associated with the stress level or the "normalized stress" level (stress divided by specimen modulus), and results show the rate of modulus loss fits better as a function of normalized stress. However, we find here that even better correlations can be established between either the cycles to failure or creep rates versus rates of damage than any of these three measures versus normalized stress. The data indicate that damage rates can be excellent predictors of fatigue life and creep strain rates in tensile fatigue of human cortical bone for use in practical problems and computer simulations.  相似文献   

Materials, including bone, often fail due to loading in the presence of critical flaws. The relative amount, location, and interaction of these flaws within a stressed volume of material play a role in determining the failure properties of the structure. As materials are generally imperfect, larger volumes of material have higher probabilities of containing a flaw of critical size than do smaller volumes. Thus, larger volumes tend to fail at fewer cycles compared with smaller volumes when fatigue loaded to similar stress levels. A material is said to exhibit a volume effect if its failure properties are dependent on the specimen volume. Volume effects are well documented in brittle ceramics and composites and have been proposed for bone. We hypothesized that (1) smaller volumes of cortical bone have longer fatigue lives than similarly loaded larger volumes and (2) that compared with microstructural features, specimen volume was able to explain comparable amounts of variability in fatigue life. In this investigation, waisted rectangular specimens (n=18) with nominal cross-sections of 3×4 mm and gage lengths of 10.5, 21, or 42 mm, were isolated from the mid-diaphysis of the dorsal region of equine third metacarpal bones. These specimens were subjected to uniaxial load controlled fatigue tests, with an initial strain range of 4000 microstrain. The group having the smallest volume exhibited a trend of greater log fatigue life than the larger volume groups. Each volume group exhibited a significant positive correlation between the logarithm of fatigue life and the cumulative failure probability, indicating that the data follow the two-parameter Weibull distribution. Additionally, log fatigue life was negatively correlated with log volume, supporting the hypothesis that smaller stressed volumes of cortical bone possess longer fatigue lives than similarly tested larger stressed volumes.  相似文献   

During fatigue tests of cortical bone specimens, at the unload portion of the cycle (zero stress) non-zero strains occur and progressively accumulate as the test progresses. This non-zero strain is hypothesised to be mostly, if not entirely, describable as creep. This work examines the rate of accumulation of this strain and quantifies its stress dependency. A published relationship determined from creep tests of cortical bone (Journal of Biomechanics 21 (1988) 623) is combined with knowledge of the stress history during fatigue testing to derive an expression for the amount of creep strain in fatigue tests. Fatigue tests on 31 bone samples from four individuals showed strong correlations between creep strain rate and both stress and "normalised stress" (sigma/E) during tensile fatigue testing (0-T). Combined results were good (r(2)=0.78) and differences between the various individuals, in particular, vanished when effects were examined against normalised stress values. Constants of the regression showed equivalence to constants derived in creep tests. The universality of the results, with respect to four different individuals of both sexes, shows great promise for use in computational models of fatigue in bone structures.  相似文献   

Accumulation of fatigue microdamage in cortical bone specimens is commonly measured by a modulus or stiffness degradation after normalizing tissue heterogeneity by the initial modulus or stiffness of each specimen measured during a preloading step. In the first experiment, the initial specimen modulus defined using linear elastic beam theory (LEBT) was shown to be nonlinearly dependent on the preload level, which subsequently caused systematic error in the amount and rate of damage accumulation measured by the LEBT modulus degradation. Therefore, the secant modulus is recommended for measurements of the initial specimen modulus during preloading. In the second experiment, different measures of mechanical degradation were directly compared and shown to result in widely varying estimates of damage accumulation during fatigue. After loading to 400,000 cycles, the normalized LEBT modulus decreased by 26% and the creep strain ratio decreased by 58%, but the normalized secant modulus experienced no degradation and histology revealed no significant differences in microcrack density. The LEBT modulus was shown to include the combined effect of both elastic (recovered) and creep (accumulated) strain. Therefore, at minimum, both the secant modulus and creep should be measured throughout a test to most accurately indicate damage accumulation and account for different damage mechanisms. Histology revealed indentation of tissue adjacent to roller supports, with significant sub-surface damage beneath large indentations, accounting for 22% of the creep strain on average. The indentation of roller supports resulted in inflated measures of the LEBT modulus degradation and creep. The results of this study suggest that investigations of fatigue microdamage in cortical bone should avoid the use of four-point bending unless no other option is possible.  相似文献   

Frankel J 《Genetics》1980,94(3):607-623
Progeny clones were derived from crosses arranged so that the number of ciliary meridians (corticotype) was unusually high in one partner, and normal in the other. An analysis of the propagation of corticotypes during maintenance of these clones for up to 1,000 fissions indicated that corticotypes above 21 undergo a rapid downward shift, while corticotypes in the range of 18 to 21 change slowly. Although these observations are consistent with Nanney's earlier deduction of a "stability center" at corticotype 19, there appears to be little if any difference in the stability of perpetuation of corticotypes 18, 19 and 20. Within this "stability range," the inertia of maintenance of pre-existing corticotypes is sufficiently strong that sister clones derived from an exconjugant pair can remain different for 1,000 fissions. These findings are consistent with observations made earlier, and those in the present study, indicating that cells in stock cultures express a substantial range of corticotypes even when maintained with frequent transfer. The results suggest that mechanisms of spatially ordered structural assembly within the cell can show sufficient fidelity to allow long-term vegetative perpetuation of phenotypic differences without artificial selection.  相似文献   

Damage accumulation under compressive fatigue loading is believed to contribute significantly to non-traumatic, age-related vertebral fractures in the human spine. Only few studies have explored trabecular bone fatigue behavior under compressive loading and none examined the influence of trabecular architecture on fatigue life. In this study, trabecular bone samples of human lumbar and thoracic vertebrae (4 donors from age 29 to 86, n=29) were scanned with a microCT system prior to compressive fatigue testing to determine morphology-mechanical relationships for this relevant loading mode. Inspired from previous fabric-based relationships for elastic properties and quasi-static strength of trabecular bone, a simple power relationship between volume fraction, fabric eigenvalue, applied stress and the number of cycles to failure is proposed. The experimental results demonstrate a high correlation for this relationship (R2=0.95) and detect a significant contribution of the degree of anisotropy towards prediction of fatigue life. Step-wise regression for total and residual strains at failure suggested a weak, but significant correlation with volume fraction. From the obtained results, we conclude that the applied stress normalized by volume fraction and axial fabric eigenvalue can estimate fatigue life of human vertebral trabecular bone in axial compressive loading.  相似文献   

Characterising the mechanisms causing viscoelastic mechanical properties of human cortical bone, as well as understanding sources of variation, is important in predicting response of the bone to creep and fatigue loads. Any better understanding, when incorporated into simulations including finite element analysis, would assist bioengineers, clinicians and biomedical scientists. In this study, we used an empirically verified model of creep strain accumulation, in a simulation of 10 non-homogeneous samples, which were created from micro-CT scans of human cortical bone of the femur midshaft obtained from a 74-year-old female cadaver. These non-homogeneous samples incorporate the presence of Haversian canals and resorption cavities. The influence of inhomogeneity on the response and variation in the samples in both creep and stress relaxation tests are examined. The relationship between steady-state creep rate, applied loads (stress relaxation and creep tests) and microstructure, that is bone apparent porosity, is obtained. These relations may provide insight into damage accumulation of whole human bones and be relevant to studies on osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Characterising the mechanisms causing viscoelastic mechanical properties of human cortical bone, as well as understanding sources of variation, is important in predicting response of the bone to creep and fatigue loads. Any better understanding, when incorporated into simulations including finite element analysis, would assist bioengineers, clinicians and biomedical scientists. In this study, we used an empirically verified model of creep strain accumulation, in a simulation of 10 non-homogeneous samples, which were created from micro-CT scans of human cortical bone of the femur midshaft obtained from a 74-year-old female cadaver. These non-homogeneous samples incorporate the presence of Haversian canals and resorption cavities. The influence of inhomogeneity on the response and variation in the samples in both creep and stress relaxation tests are examined. The relationship between steady-state creep rate, applied loads (stress relaxation and creep tests) and microstructure, that is bone apparent porosity, is obtained. These relations may provide insight into damage accumulation of whole human bones and be relevant to studies on osteoporosis.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of bone shape and size variation is modulated by genetic, mechanical, nutritional, and hormonal patterning throughout its lifetime. Microstructural changes across cross sections are a result of mechanistic optimization that results over the years of evolution while being based on universal, time-invariant ingredients and patterns. Here we report changes across anatomical sections of bone with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) that undermines the work of evolution through genetic mutation. This work examines the microstructure and molecular composition of different anatomical positions (anterior, medial, posterior, and lateral regions) in the diaphysis of an OI human tibia. The study shows that although there is no significant microstructural difference, molecular changes are observed using FTIR revealing differences in molecular composition of the four anatomical positions. In addition, the nanomechanical properties of anterior section of OI bone seem more heterogeneous. The nanomechanical properties of interstitial lamellae in all these bone samples are consistently greater than those of osteonal lamellae. The nanomechanical properties of bone depend on its anatomical section and on the measurement direction as well. Variations in molecular structure with anatomical positions and also corresponding differences in nanomechanical properties are reported. These are compared to those observed typically in healthy bone illustrating the unique influence of OI on bone multiscale behavior which results from an evolutionary process lasting for many years.  相似文献   

Some viscoplastic characteristics of bovine and human cortical bone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Multiple cycle tensile creep tests were performed on human and bovine cortical bone specimens. The tests enabled total strain to be decomposed into elastic, linear viscoelastic, creep and permanent plastic components. The results indicate that a stress threshold exists; above which time dependent effects dominate material response and below which the behavior is primarily linear viscoelastic, with time effects playing only a secondary role. A constant stress above the threshold produces a constant steady state creep rate, with the magnitude of the creep rate being an exponential function of the stress magnitude. Additionally, it was found that a major portion of the inelastic strain is always recovered on unloading and that the accumulation of creep strain increases the material compliance on subsequent loadings below the threshold. These two factors suggest that a damage mechanism is responsible for the nonlinear behavior.  相似文献   

The longevity, success, or failure of an orthopaedic implant is dependent on its osseointegration especially within the initial six months of the initial surgery. The development of strains plays a crucial role in both bone modelling and remodelling. For remodelling, in particular, strains of substantial values are required to activate the osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity for the osseointegration of the implant. Bone, however, is subject to "damage" when strain levels exceed a certain threshold level. Damage is manifested in the form of microcracks; it is linked to increased elastic strain amplitudes and is accompanied by the development of "plastic" (irrecoverable, residual) strains. Such strains increase the likelihood for the implant to subside or loosen. The present study examines the rates (per cycle) by which these two components of strain (elastic and "plastic") develop during fatigue cycling in two loading modes, tension and compression. The results of this study show that these strain rates depend on the applied stress in both loading modes. It also shows that elastic and plastic strain rates can be linked to each other through simple power law relationships so that one can calculate or predict the latter from the former and vice versa. We anticipate that such basic bone biomechanics data would be of great benefit to both clinicians and bioengineers working in the field of FEA modelling applications and orthopaedic implant surgery.  相似文献   

Human bones sustain fatigue damage in the form of in vivo microcracks as a result of the normal everyday loading activities. These microcracks appear to preferentially accumulate in certain regions of bone and most notably in interstitial bone matrix areas. These are remnants of old bone tissue left unremodelled, which show a higher than average mineral content and consequently the occurrence of microcracks has been attributed to the possible brittleness brought about by such hypermineralisation. There is a need, therefore, for information on the in situ bone matrix properties in the vicinity of such in vivo microcracks to elucidate the possible causes of their appearance. The present study examined the elastic, strain rate (viscous) and plastic properties of bone matrix in selectively targeted areas by nanoindentation and in both quasistatic and dynamic mode. The results showed that in vivo crack areas are not as stiff as some well-known extremely mineralised and brittle bone examples (bulla, rostrum); the strain rate effects of crack regions were identical to those of other regions of human bone and agreed well with values collected for human bone in the past at the macroscale; while the plasticity index of the crack regions was also not statistically different from most bone examples (including human at random, bovine, bulla and rostrum) except antler, which showed lower plasticity and thus a greater fraction of elastic recovery in indentation energy. It is difficult, therefore, to explain the susceptibility of these interstitial regions to crack in terms of the mineral content and its after-effects on elasticity, viscosity and plasticity alone, but one need to attribute the cracks to the cumulative loading history of these areas, or raise the suggestion that these areas of bone matrix are in some measure 'aged' or material/quality defective.  相似文献   

Targeted remodeling is activated by fatigue microcracks and plays an important role in maintaining bone integrity. It is widely believed that fluid flow-induced shear stress plays a major role in modulating the mechanotransduction process. Therefore, it is likely that fluid flow-induced shear stress plays a major role in the initiation of the repair of fatigue damage. Since no in vivo measurements of fluid flow within bone exist, computational and mathematical models must be employed to investigate the fluid flow field and the shear stress occurring within cortical bone. We developed a computational fluid dynamic model of cortical bone to examine the effect of a fatigue microcrack on the fluid flow field. Our results indicate that there are alterations in the fluid flow field as far as 150 microm away from the crack, and that at distances farther than this, the fluid flow field is similar to the fluid flow field of intact bone. Through the crack and immediately above and below it, the fluid velocity is higher, while at the lateral edges it is lower than that calculated for the intact model, with a maximum change of 29%. Our results suggest that the presence of a fatigue microcrack can alter the shear stress in regions near the crack. These alterations in shear stress have the potential to significantly alter mechanotransduction and may play a role in the initiation of the repair of fatigue microcracks.  相似文献   

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