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beta(2)-Microglobulin (beta2-m) is a major component of dialysis-related amyloid fibrils. Although recombinant beta2-m forms needle-like fibrils by in vitro extension reaction at pH 2.5, reduced beta2-m, in which the intrachain disulfide bond is reduced, cannot form typical fibrils. Instead, thinner and flexible filaments are formed, as shown by atomic force microscopy images. To clarify the role of the disulfide bond in amyloid fibril formation, we characterized the conformations of the oxidized (intact) and reduced forms of beta2-m in the acid-denatured state at pH 2.5, as well as the native state at pH 6.5, by heteronuclear NMR. [(1)H]-(15)N NOE at the regions between the two cysteine residues (Cys25-Cys80) revealed a marked difference in the pico- and nanosecond time scale dynamics between that the acid-denatured oxidized and reduced states, with the former showing reduced mobility. Intriguingly, the secondary chemical shifts, DeltaCalpha, DeltaCO, and DeltaHalpha, and (3)J(HNHalpha) coupling constants indicated that both the oxidized and reduced beta2-m at pH 2.5 have marginal alpha-helical propensity at regions close to the C-terminal cysteine, although it is a beta-sheet protein in the native state. The results suggest that the reduced mobility of the denatured state is an important factor for the amylodogenic potential of beta2-m, and that the marginal helical propensity at the C-terminal regions might play a role in modifying this potential.  相似文献   

Prefoldin (PFD) is a heterohexameric molecular chaperone complex in the eukaryotic cytosol and archaea with a jellyfish-like structure containing six long coiled-coil tentacles. PFDs capture protein folding intermediates or unfolded polypeptides and transfer them to group II chaperonins for facilitated folding. Although detailed studies on the mechanisms for interaction with unfolded proteins or cooperation with chaperonins of archaeal PFD have been performed, it is still unclear how PFD captures the unfolded protein. In this study, we determined the X-ray structure of Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 PFD (PhPFD) at 3.0 Å resolution and examined the molecular mechanism for binding and recognition of nonnative substrate proteins by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and mutation analyses. PhPFD has a jellyfish-like structure with six long coiled-coil tentacles and a large central cavity. Each subunit has a hydrophobic groove at the distal region where an unfolded substrate protein is bound. During MD simulation at 330 K, each coiled coil was highly flexible, enabling it to widen its central cavity and capture various nonnative proteins. Docking MD simulation of PhPFD with unfolded insulin showed that the β subunit is essentially involved in substrate binding and that the α subunit modulates the shape and width of the central cavity. Analyses of mutant PhPFDs with amino acid replacement of the hydrophobic residues of the β subunit in the hydrophobic groove have shown that βIle107 has a critical role in forming the hydrophobic groove.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 5 (PP5), mainly localized in human brain, can dephosphorylate tau protein whose high level of phosphorylation is related to Alzheimer's disease. Similar to other protein phosphatases, PP5 has a conserved motif in the catalytic domain that contains two binding sites for manganese (Mn2+) ions. Structural data indicate that two active site water molecules, one bridging the two Mn2+ ions and the other terminally coordinated with one of the Mn2+ ions (Mn1), are involved in catalysis. Recently, a density functional theory study revealed that the two water molecules can be both deprotonated to keep a neutral active site for catalysis. The theoretical study gives us an insight into the catalytic mechanism of PP5, but the knowledge of how the deprotonation states of the two water molecules affect the binding of PP5 with its substrate is still lacking. To approach this problem, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to model the four possible deprotonation states. Through structural, dynamical and energetic analyses, the results demonstrate that the deprotonation states of the two water molecules affect the structure of the active site including the distance between the two Mn2+ ions and their coordination, impact the interaction energy of residues R275, R400 and H304 which directly interact with the substrate phosphoserine, and mediate the dynamics of helix αJ which is involved in regulation of the enzyme's activity. Furthermore, the deprotonation state that is preferable for PP5 binding of its substrate has been identified. These findings could provide new design strategy for PP5 inhibitor.  相似文献   

Local anesthetics (LAs) are drugs that cause reversible loss of nociception during surgical procedures. Articaine is a commonly used LA in dentistry that has proven to be exceptionally effective in penetrating bone tissue and induce anesthesia on posterior teeth in maxilla and mandibula. In the present study, our aim was to gain a deeper understanding of the penetration of articaine through biological membranes by studying the interactions of articaine with a phospholipid membrane. Our approach involves Langmuir monolayer experiments combined with molecular dynamics simulations. Membrane permeability of LAs can be modulated by pH due to a titratable amine group with a pKa value close to physiological pH. A change in protonation state is thus known to act as a lipophilicity switch in LAs. Our study shows that articaine has an additional unique lipophilicity switch in its ability to form an intramolecular hydrogen bond. We suggest this intramolecular hydrogen bond as a novel and additional solvent-dependent mechanism for modulation of lipophilicity of articaine which may enhance its diffusion through membranes and connective tissue.  相似文献   

The 36 residue villin headpiece helical subdomain (HP36) is one of the fastest cooperatively folding proteins, folding on the microsecond timescale. HP36's simple three helix topology, fast folding and small size have made it an attractive model system for computational and experimental studies of protein folding. Recent experimental studies have explored the denatured state of HP36 using fragment analysis coupled with relatively low-resolution spectroscopic techniques. These studies have shown that there is apparently only a small tendency to form locally stabilized secondary structure. Here, we complement the experimental studies by using replica exchange molecular dynamics with explicit solvent to investigate the structural features of these peptide models of unfolded HP36. To ensure convergence, two sets of simulations for each fragment were performed with different initial structures, and simulations were continued until these generated very similar final ensembles. These simulations reveal low populations of native-like structure and early folding events that cannot be resolved by experiment. For each fragment, calculated J-coupling constants and helical propensities are in good agreement with experimental trends. HP-1, corresponding to residues 41 to 53 and including the first alpha-helix, contains the highest helical population. HP-3, corresponding to residues 62 through 75 and including the third alpha-helix, contains a small population of helical turn residing at the N terminus while HP-2, corresponding to residues 52 through 61 and including the second alpha-helix, formed little to no structure in isolation. Overall, HP-1 was the only fragment to adopt a native-like conformation, but the low population suggests that formation of significant structure only occurs after formation of specific tertiary interactions.  相似文献   

The CuB metal center is at the core of the active site of the heme-copper oxidases, comprising a copper atom ligating three histidine residues one of which is covalently bonded to a tyrosine residue. Using quantum chemical methodology, we have studied the CuB site in several redox and ligand states proposed to be intermediates of the catalytic cycle. The importance of the His-Tyr crosslink was investigated by comparing energetics, charge, and spin distributions between systems with and without the crosslink. The His-Tyr bond was shown to decrease the proton affinity and increase the electron affinity of both Tyr-244 and the copper. A previously unnoticed internal electronic equilibrium between the copper atom and the tyrosine was observed, which seems to be coupled to the unique structure of the system. In certain states the copper and Tyr-244 compete for the unpaired electron, the localization of which is determined by the oxygenous ligand of the copper. This electronic equilibrium was found to be sensitive to the presence of a positive charge 10 Å away from the center, simulating the effect of Lys-319 in the K-pathway of proton transfer. The combined results provide an explanation for why the heme-copper oxidases need two pathways of proton uptake, and why the K-pathway is active only in the second half of the reaction cycle.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease is most active under weakly acidic conditions (pH 3.5-6.5), when the catalytic Asp25 and Asp25' residues share 1 proton. At neutral pH, this proton is lost and the stability of the structure is reduced. Here we present an investigation of the effect of pH on the dynamics of HIV-1 protease using MD simulation techniques. MD simulations of the solvated HIV-1 protease with the Asp25/25' residues monoprotonated and deprotonated have been performed. In addition we investigated the effect of the inclusion of Na(+) and Cl(-) ions to mimic physiological salt conditions. The simulations of the monoprotonated form and deprotonated form including Na(+) show very similar behavior. In both cases the protein remained stable in the compact, "self-blocked" conformation in which the active site is blocked by the tips of the flaps. In the deprotonated system a Na(+) ion binds tightly to the catalytic dyad shielding the repulsion between the COO(-) groups. Ab initio calculations also suggest the geometry of the active site with the Na(+) bound closely resembles that of the monoprotonated case. In the simulations of the deprotonated form (without Na(+) ions), a water molecule bound between the Asp25 Asp25' side-chains. This disrupted the dimerization interface and eventually led to a fully open conformation.  相似文献   

Nucleophile mutants of retaining β-glycosidase can act as glycosynthases to efficiently catalyze the synthesis of oligosaccharides. Previous studies proved that rice BGlu1 mutants E386G, E386S and E386A catalyze the oligosaccharide synthesis with different rates. The E386G mutant gave the fastest transglucosylation rate, which was approximately 3- and 19-fold faster than those of E386S and E386A. To account for the differences of their activities, in this paper, the X-ray crystal structures of BGlu1 mutants E386S and E386A were solved and compared with that of E386G mutant. However, they show quite similar active sites, which implies that their activities cannot be elucidated from the crystal structures alone. Therefore, a combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) calculations were further performed. Our calculations reveal that the catalytic reaction follows a single-step mechanism, i.e., the extraction of proton by the acid/base, E176, and the formation of glycosidic bond are concerted. The energy barriers are calculated to be 19.9, 21.5 and 21.9 kcal/mol for the mutants of E386G, E386S and E386A, respectively, which is consistent with the order of their experimental relative activities. But based on the calculated activation energies, 1.1 kcal/mol energy difference may translate to nearly 100 fold rate difference. Although the rate limiting step in these mutants has not been established, considering the size of the product and the nature of the active site, it is likely that the product release, rather than chemistry, is rate limiting in these oligosaccharides synthesis catalyzed by BGlu1 mutants.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of pili in the uropathogenic Echerichia coli, essential to the bacterial pathogenicity, is a complex molecular process, which involves several protein components of the Pap gene cluster. A crucial role in the process is played by the chaperone PapD and by the PapE pilus subunit. Interestingly, PapE exhibits an Ig-like fold with a missing strand. The missing G strand is donated by the chaperone during pilin folding and by adjacent pilus subunits in the final fibre. In order to obtain a detailed picture at atomic level of the molecular events related to this process, we undertook molecular dynamics studies of the non-canonical immuno-globulin-like PapE in its unliganded state. These analyses were extended to the complexes of PapE with the complementary G(1) strand of PapD and with the N-terminal extension of PapK. All three systems investigated were stable in the time interval considered (20 ns). However, significant differences in their local and overall flexibilities were detected. Notably, the equilibrated structure of unliganded PapE, which is difficult to characterise experimentally, displays unexpected features. Indeed, a significant rearrangement of the local structure of the groove, which hosts the complementary strands, is observed. This reorganisation, characterised by the formation of several new hydrogen bonds, leads to a closure of the groove that likely makes pilin polymerisation more difficult. These data suggest that chaperone release and pilin-pilin association must be concerted processes and that chaperone plays an important role in preventing pilin transitions towards states that are not prone to polymerise.  相似文献   

Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) has emerged as a drug target for neurological diseases. A flexible loop structure comprising loop A (res. 189–209) and loop B (res. 577–608) at the domain interface is implicated in substrate entry to the active site. Here we determined kinetic and structural properties of POP with mutations in loop A, loop B, and in two additional flexible loops (the catalytic His loop, propeller Asp/Glu loop). POP lacking loop A proved to be an inefficient enzyme, as did POP with a mutation in loop B (T590C). Both variants displayed an altered substrate preference profile, with reduced ligand binding capacity. Conversely, the T202C mutation increased the flexibility of loop A, enhancing the catalytic efficiency beyond that of the native enzyme. The T590C mutation in loop B increased the preference for shorter peptides, indicating a role in substrate gating. Loop A and the His loop are disordered in the H680A mutant crystal structure, as seen in previous bacterial POP structures, implying coordinated structural dynamics of these loops. Unlike native POP, variants with a malfunctioning loop A were not inhibited by a 17-mer peptide that may bind non-productively to an exosite involving loop A. Biophysical studies suggest a predominantly closed resting state for POP with higher flexibility at the physiological temperature. The flexible loop A, loop B and His loop system at the active site is the main regulator of substrate gating and specificity and represents a new inhibitor target.  相似文献   

Arg165 forms part of a previously identified base flipping motif in the bacterial DNA cytosine methyltransferase, M.HhaI. Replacement of Arg165 with Ala has no detectable effect on either DNA or AdoMet affinity, yet causes the base flipping and restacking transitions to be decreased approximately 16 and 190-fold respectively, thus confirming the importance of this motif. However, these kinetic changes cannot account for the mutant's observed 10(5)-fold decreased catalytic rate. The mutant enzyme/cognate DNA cocrystal structure (2.79 A resolution) shows the target cytosine to be positioned approximately 30 degrees into the major groove, which is consistent with a major groove pathway for nucleotide flipping. The pyrimidine-sugar chi angle is rotated to approximately +171 degrees, from a range of -95 degrees to -120 degrees in B DNA, and -77 degrees in the WT M.HhaI complex. Thus, Arg165 is important for maintaining the cytosine positioned for nucleophilic attack by Cys81. The cytosine sugar pucker is in the C2'-endo-C3'-exo (South conformation), in contrast to the previously reported C3'-endo (North conformation) described for the original 2.70 A resolution cocrystal structure of the WT M.HhaI/DNA complex. We determined a high resolution structure of the WT M.HhaI/DNA complex (1.96 A) to better determine the sugar pucker. This new structure is similar to the original, lower resolution WT M.HhaI complex, but shows that the sugar pucker is O4'-endo (East conformation), intermediate between the South and North conformers. In summary, Arg165 plays significant roles in base flipping, cytosine positioning, and catalysis. Furthermore, the previously proposed M.HhaI-mediated changes in sugar pucker may not be an important contributor to the base flipping mechanism. These results provide insights into the base flipping and catalytic mechanisms for bacterial and eukaryotic DNA methyltransferases.  相似文献   

2A protease of the pathogenic coxsackievirus B3 is key to the pathogenesis of inflammatory myocarditis and, therefore, an attractive drug target. However lack of a crystal structure impedes design of inhibitors. Here we predict 3D structure of CVB3 2Apro based on sequence comparison and homology modeling with human rhinovirus 2Apro. The two enzymes are remarkably similar in their core regions. However they have different conformations at the N-terminal. A large number of N-terminal hydrophobic residues reduce the thermal stability of CVB3 2Apro, as we confirmed by fluorescence, western blot and turbidity measurement. Molecular dynamic simulation revealed that elevated temperature induces protein motion that results in frequent movement of the N-terminal coil. This may therefore induce successive active site changes and thus play an important role in destabilization of CVB3 2Apro structure.  相似文献   

The ferric form of truncated hemoglobin II from Thermobifida fusca (Tf-trHb) and its triple mutant WG8F-YB10F-YCD1F at neutral and alkaline pH, and in the presence of CN have been characterized by resonance Raman spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations. Tf-trHb contains three polar residues in the distal site, namely TrpG8, TyrCD1 and TyrB10. Whereas TrpG8 can act as a potential hydrogen-bond donor, the tyrosines can act as donors or acceptors. Ligand binding in heme-containing proteins is determined by a number of factors, including the nature and conformation of the distal residues and their capability to stabilize the heme-bound ligand via hydrogen-bonding and electrostatic interactions. Since both the RR Fe–OH and Fe–CN frequencies are very sensitive to the distal environment, detailed information on structural variations has been obtained. The hydroxyl ligand binds only the WT protein giving rise to two different conformers. In form 1 the anion is stabilized by H-bonds with TrpG8, TyrCD1 and a water molecule, in turn H-bonded to TyrB10. In form 2, H-bonding with TyrCD1 is mediated by a water molecule. Unlike the OH ligand, CN binds both WT and the triple mutant giving rise to two forms with similar spectroscopic characteristics. The overall results clearly indicate that H-bonding interactions both with distal residues and water molecules are important structural determinants in the active site of Tf-trHb. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) calculations, a semi-continuum (SC) approach, and quantum chemistry (QC) calculations were employed together to investigate the molecular mechanics of ultrafast charge separation reactions in Photosystem I (PS I) of Thermosynechococcus elongatus. A molecular model of PS I was developed with the aim to relate the atomic structure with electron transfer events in the two branches of cofactors. A structural flexibility map of PS I was constructed based on MD simulations, which demonstrated its rigid hydrophobic core and more flexible peripheral regions. The MD model permitted the study of atomic movements (dielectric polarization) in response to primary and secondary charge separations, while QC calculations were used to estimate the direct chemical effect of the A0A/A0B ligands (Met or Asn in the 688/668 position) on the redox potential of chlorophylls A0A/A0B and phylloquinones A1A/A1B. A combination of MD and SC approaches was used to estimate reorganization energies λ of the primary (λ1) and secondary (λ2) charge separation reactions, which were found to be independent of the active branch of electron transfer; in PS I from the wild type, λ1 was estimated to be 390 ± 20 mV, while λ2 was estimated to be higher at 445 ± 15 mV. MD and QC approaches were used to describe the effect of substituting Met688PsaA/Met668PsaB by Asn688PsaA/Asn668PsaB on the energetics of electron transfer. Unlike Met, which has limited degrees of freedom in the site, Asn was found to switch between two relatively stable conformations depending on cofactor charge. The introduction of Asn and its conformation flexibility significantly affected the reorganization energy of charge separation and the redox potentials of chlorophylls A0A/A0B and phylloquinones A1A/A1B, which may explain the experimentally observed slowdown of secondary electron transfer in the M688NPsaA variant. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis research for sustainability: Keys to produce clean energy.  相似文献   

The M2 proton channel of influenza A is the target of the antiviral drugs amantadine and rimantadine, whose effectiveness has been abolished by a single-site mutation of Ser31 to Asn in the transmembrane domain of the protein. Recent high-resolution structures of the M2 transmembrane domain obtained from detergent-solubilized protein in solution and crystal environments gave conflicting drug binding sites. We present magic-angle-spinning solid-state NMR results of Ser31 and a number of other residues in the M2 transmembrane peptide (M2TMP) bound to lipid bilayers. Comparison of the spectra of the membrane-bound apo and complexed M2TMP indicates that Ser31 is the site of the largest chemical shift perturbation by amantadine. The chemical shift constraints lead to a monomer structure with a small kink of the helical axis at Gly34. A tetramer model is then constructed using the helix tilt angle and several interhelical distances previously measured on unoriented bilayer samples. This tetramer model differs from the solution and crystal structures in terms of the openness of the N-terminus of the channel, the constriction at Ser31, and the side-chain conformations of Trp41, a residue important for channel gating. Moreover, the tetramer model suggests that Ser31 may interact with amantadine amine via hydrogen bonding. While the apo and drug-bound M2TMP have similar average structures, the complexed peptide has much narrower linewidths at physiological temperature, indicating drug-induced changes of the protein dynamics in the membrane. Further, at low temperature, several residues show narrower lines in the complexed peptide than the apo peptide, indicating that amantadine binding reduces the conformational heterogeneity of specific residues. The differences of the current solid-state NMR structure of the bilayer-bound M2TMP from the detergent-based M2 structures suggest that the M2 conformation is sensitive to the environment, and care must be taken when interpreting structural findings from non-bilayer samples.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) protease (PR) is an aspartyl protease essential for HIV-1 viral infectivity. HIV-1 PR has one catalytic site formed by the homodimeric enzyme. We chemically synthesized fully active HIV-1 PR using modern ligation methods. When complexed with the classic substrate-derived inhibitors JG-365 and MVT-101, the synthetic HIV-1 PR formed crystals that diffracted to 1.04- and 1.2-A resolution, respectively. These atomic-resolution structures revealed additional structural details of the HIV-1 PR's interactions with its active site ligands. Heptapeptide inhibitor JG-365, which has a hydroxyethylamine moiety in place of the scissile bond, binds in two equivalent antiparallel orientations within the catalytic groove, whereas the reduced isostere hexapeptide MVT-101 binds in a single orientation. When JG-365 was converted into the natural peptide substrate for molecular dynamic simulations, we found putative catalytically competent reactant states for both lytic water and direct nucleophilic attack mechanisms. Moreover, free energy perturbation calculations indicated that the insertion of catalytic water into the catalytic site is an energetically favorable process.  相似文献   

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