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Senescence and food limitation in a slowly ageing spider   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Sex-specific plasticity in body size has been recently proposed to cause intraspecific patterns of variation in sexual size dimorphism (SSD). We reared juvenile male and female Mediterranean tarantulas (Lycosa tarantula) under two feeding regimes and monitored their growth until maturation. Selection gradients calculated across studies show how maturation size is under net stabilizing selection in females and under directional selection in males. This pattern was used to predict that body size should be more canalized in females than in males. As expected, feeding affected male but not female maturation size. The sex-specific response of maturation size was related to a dramatic divergence between subadult male and female growth pathways. These results demonstrate the existence of sex-specific canalization and resource allocation to maturation size in this species, which causes variation in SSD depending on developmental conditions consistent with the differential-plasticity hypothesis explaining Rensch's Rule.  相似文献   

Bathymetric and regional variation in condition of Icelandic cod Gadus morhua in autumn is compared to that previously observed in spring. Once again, contradicting patterns in the hepato-somatic index and a morphometric index of fish condition were observed. The relevance of this persistent spatial variation in condition in relation to emerging evidence of behavioural types is discussed.  相似文献   

Females often possess ornaments that appear smaller and duller than homologous traits in males. These ornaments may arise as nonfunctional by‐products of sexual selection in males and cause negative viability or fecundity selection in females in proportion to the cost of their production and maintenance. Alternatively, female ornaments may function as signals of quality that are maintained by sexual or social selection. In a 4‐year study of 83 female common yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) and their 222 young, we found strong viability and fecundity selection on the yellow bib, a carotenoid‐based plumage ornament that is a target of sexual selection in males. Females with larger bibs were older, larger and more fecund than females with smaller bibs. However, bib size positively covaried with bib total brightness and carotenoid chroma, aspects of bib coloration that were under negative viability and fecundity selection. Females with more colourful bibs laid fewer eggs in their first clutch, were more likely to suffer total brood loss due to predation and were less likely to return to the study area. Selection against bib coloration limits the value of bib size as a quality indicator in females and may constrain the elaboration of bib attributes in males.  相似文献   

Migratory shorebirds have some of the highest fat loads among birds, especially species which migrate long distances. The upland sandpiper Bartramia longicauda makes long‐distance migrations twice a year, but variation in body condition or timing of feather molt during the non‐breeding season has not been studied. Molt is an important part of the annual cycle of migratory birds because feather condition determines flight performance during migration, and long‐distance movements are energetically costly. However, variation in body condition during molt has been poorly studied. The objective of our field study was to examine the timing and patterns of feather molt of a long distance migratory shorebird during the non‐breeding season and test for relationships with body size, fat depots, mass, and sex. Field work was conducted at four ranches in the Northern Campos of Uruguay (Paysandú and Salto Departments). We captured and marked 62 sandpipers in a 2‐month period (Nov–Jan) during four non‐breeding seasons (2008–2012). Sex was determined by genetic analyses of blood samples taken at capture. Molt was measured in captured birds using rank scores based on published standards. Body mass and tarsus length measurements showed female‐biased sexual size dimorphism with males smaller than females. Size‐corrected body mass (body condition) showed a U‐shaped relationship with the day of the season, indicating that birds arrived at non‐breeding grounds in relatively good condition. Arriving in good body condition at non‐breeding grounds is probably important because of the energetic demands due to physiological adjustments after migration and the costs of feather molt.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a study of the effects of Schistocephalus solidus on one of its intermediate hosts, the stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus , in an annual population in which infection is known to occur in one major wave in autumn. Weight, as a function of length, was lower in infected sticklebacks compared with uninfected fish during autumn and spring; in winter and summer, both categories of fish were in equally poor condition. In early autumn, the hepatosomatic indices of newly infected fish were higher than those of uninfected fish, perhaps due to a pathological response. Thereafter, relative liver size of uninfected and infected sticklebacks was comparable until spring, when it increased sharply in uninfected sticklebacks but remained stable at a low level in infected sticklebacks. Few infected fish reached maturity. The only males to attain maturity whilst sustaining an infection of S. solidus were in particularly good condition. Nuptial coloration, kidney hypertrophy and testes size were unimpaired in these mature infected males, but whether they were capable of successful reproduction remains debatable.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The beetle Parastizopus armaticeps (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) inhabits the Kalahari desert of southern Africa, constructs breeding burrows after rainfall, and shows extensive biparental care. Previous work has shown that it is predominantly male size, not female size, that determines breeding success; however, in the field these beetles show size assortative mating. This might obscure or override effects of female size on reproduction. Moreover, the inaccessibility of the breeding burrows makes it impossible to test effects of female and male size on offspring development and survival before adulthood. 2. To disentangle the effects of male and female length, body mass, and body condition on reproductive success, males and females were paired randomly in small breeding cages in the laboratory (n = 887 breeding pairs). The construction of the breeding cages allowed a clear view of the brood chamber contents at each stage in offspring development. Larva, pupa, and imago numbers and development were monitored daily, and imago mass at hatching from the pupa (hatchlings), offspring mass, and offspring body length at complete exoskeleton melanisation (juveniles) were determined. 3. There was a weak positive correlation between body condition and body length for females only. Breeding chronology was related to male body condition: males in better condition were fast to start and finish a breeding bout. Males in better condition produced heavier hatchlings and juveniles, and larger‐sized males produced larger‐sized juveniles. In contrast, numbers of larvae and juveniles produced were determined mainly by female length and body condition: larger females in better condition hatched more larvae and produced more offspring. 4. The results suggest that male size and condition will be the most important determinant of reproductive success under relatively dry conditions, when burrow length is critical for reproductive success. Female size might be more important for the pair's reproductive success under wet breeding conditions, when burrow length is less critical for successful reproduction.  相似文献   

The effect of asynchronous hatching on nestling health and condition in ardeids is still in need of empirical evidence from populations living in different environmental conditions. Using morphometric and hematologic data from Little Egret Egretta garzetta nestlings in a Tunisian breeding colony, we assessed the relationship between hatching order and nestling condition, while accounting for the effects of brood size, age and hatching date. Our results showed that the youngest nestlings had lower values of hematocrit and body condition index but higher levels of fluctuating asymmetry compared with their older siblings. These trends seem to stem from increased nutritional stress experienced by younger nestlings who would have received less food from their parents than their siblings due to their less competitive nature. Additional constraints during the rearing period, such as possible injuries resulting from conflicts with siblings and the energy cost of thermoregulation, may also have contributed to the deterioration of the condition of last nestlings. Overall, our findings provide empirical evidence of the short-term repercussions of asynchronous hatching in a North African population of Little Egrets. They also highlight the great complexity of mechanisms by which asynchronous hatching may affect body condition and health of bird nestlings.  相似文献   

The body condition of live-caught male and female red kangaroos (Macropus rufus Desmarest 1842) was assessed in environmental conditions described by a period of high (two years) followed by low (one year) rainfall. Changes in pasture biomass and quality closely followed rainfall fluctuations in these years. Fluctuations in standardized body mass, in turn, lagged behind changes in pasture biomass with a delay of three months. Male and female body condition was best predicted by green grass biomass. Kangaroos caught during the high rainfall period reached an above average plane of condition. In the low rainfall period that followed, the condition of kangaroos declined, and was greater for small males (14–41 kg), large males (45–89 kg), and females (18–36 kg) with small or no pouch young than for female subadults (< 22 kg) and females with large pouch young (20–34 kg). Female subadults were also significantly older and the ratio of females:females with young-at-foot was higher in the low rainfall period. This suggests a mechanism for age/sex class differences in survivorship. The lagged synchrony of body condition with pasture biomass can be explained by body-size related digestive constraints, reflecting sex differences in adaptation to a stochastic environment.  相似文献   

Geometric shape analyses were used to study body shape and size variation among populations of the livebearing fish Poecilia vivipara inhabiting the recently formed coastal lagoons of Grussaí and Iquipari in Northern Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The largest components of morphological variation among females were between different habitats in the same lagoon, whereas for males there were larger differences between lagoons than between habitats. The shape differences were mostly localized in the head region and midbody, which indicated different patterns of locomotion and foraging behaviour optimized for the habitat experienced by each population. The pattern of size variation was similar to that of size-independent shape variation.  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) may vary considerably within and among taxa, and the primary causes of such variation have not been thoroughly elucidated. For example, the effect of abiotic factors is frequently attributed to explain intra‐ and interspecific variation in SSD. Rensch's rule, which states that males vary more in size than females when body size increases, has rarely been tested in bats. Therefore, whether bats follow Rensch's rule remains unclear, particularly when females are larger than males. We investigated whether four bat species presented SSD, as well as whether their body sizes varied within each sex across localities, testing the hypothesis that intraspecific SSD varies substantially depending of sampling localities. We finally examined whether bats followed Rensch's rule by simultaneously using intraspecific and interspecific approaches. Although SSD was not observed for most bat species within each locality, the females of three of the four captured species exhibited differences in body size between particular localities. Usually the females varied more in size than did males across localities, mostly exhibiting a female‐biased SSD. Significant differences in SSD were observed (i.e. mean values of the sexual dimorphism index), even though Rensch's rule was not followed.  相似文献   

Decisions about parental effort have the potential to be affectedby an individual's body condition and, among species with biparentalcare, by the level of effort made by one's mate. Previous studies,primarily of short-lived species, have found that a reductionin the parental effort of one pair member typically leads toa compensatory increase by the mate. However, long-lived specieswith short-term pair bonds might be expected to retaliate, ratherthan compensate, for a reduction in a mate's effort. I studiedthe factors affecting parental effort decisions during incubationby the great frigatebird, a long-lived seabird that forms newpair bonds for each breeding attempt. During incubation, malesand females took turns incubating and foraging. Individualslost mass during an incubation shift and regained this massduring the subsequent foraging bout. If an individual was lefton the nest for a long period of time while its mate was foraging,it subsequently went on a long foraging trip after being relievedby its mate, despite the fact that longer shifts were likelyto lead to nest failure. This relationship between incubationshift length and duration of subsequent foraging excursion could be due to a need to regain body condition after a longfast, or it could reflect a retaliatory response to the mate'sprolonged absence. To test these alternatives, I conducteda food supplementation experiment. Individuals engaged in along incubation shift were assigned to a control group or toa treatment group that was fed until the end of that particularincubation shift. Overall, fed birds returned from the subsequentforaging trip sooner than control birds, demonstrating thatthe relationship between incubation shift duration and foragingtrip duration is due primarily to a need to increase body mass,rather than being a retaliatory response to a mate's low levelof parental effort. However, males and females differed in theextent of their responses to the experimental treatment, indicatingthat males may also exhibit some degree of retaliation.  相似文献   

We examined the geographical pattern in growth and adult body size among 14 populations of Swedish moose (Alces alces) using data from 4,294 moose (1.5 years old) killed during the hunting season in 1989–1992. In both sexes, adult body mass was significantly positively correlated with latitude. Moose in northern populations had a 15–20% larger adult body mass than moose in the south. Juvenile body mass was correlated with neither latitude nor adult body mass. Thus, variation in time (years) and rate of body growth after the juvenile stage were responsible for most of the variation in adult body mass among populations. Moose in northern populations grew for approximately 2 more years of life than southern moose. In contrast to adult body mass, skeletal size (measured as jawbone length) was not correlated with latitude, suggesting that variation in adult body mass was primarily due to differences in fat reserves. Discrimination between population characteristics, such as moose density, climate, and the amount of browse available to moose, showed climatic harshness to be the most important variable explaining geographical variation in body mass among populations. The results support the notion that in mammals body size increases with latitude in accordance with Bergmann's rule. We conclude that (1) variation in patterns of growth after the juvenile stage is the main cause of the latitudinal trend in adult body size in moose, and (2) climatic conditions are a more important factor than population density and availability of food in explaining geographical variation in growth patterns and adult body mass between populations of Swedish moose.  相似文献   

Determinants of geographic variation in body size are often poorly understood, especially in organisms with complex life cycles. We examined patterns of adult body size and metamorphic traits variation in Iberian spadefoot toad ( Pelobates cultripes ) populations, which exhibit an extreme reduction in adult body size, 71.6% reduction in body mass, within just about 30 km at south-western Spain. We hypothesized that size at and time to metamorphosis would be predictive of the spatial pattern observed in adult body size. Larvae from eight populations were raised in a common garden experiment at two different larval densities that allow to differentiate whether population divergence was genetically based or was simply a reflection of environmental variation and, in addition, whether this population divergence was modulated by differing crowding larval environments. Larger adult size populations had higher larval growth rates, attaining larger sizes at metamorphosis, and exhibited higher survival than smaller-sized populations at both densities, although accentuated at a low larval density. These population differences appeared to be consistent once embryo size variation was controlled for, suggesting that this phenotypic divergence is not due to maternal effects. Our results suggest considerable genetic differentiation in metamorphic traits that parallels and may be a causal determinant of geographic variation in adult body size.  相似文献   

This study tracks evolutionary change in body mass (W) and correlated ecological variables over the 3.75 million year history of the North American muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus). A new model is presented suggesting muskrat body mass has been in equilibrium for most of its history. Four pulses of pronounced size increase are correlated with glacial dynamics and volcanic events. Ranges of evolutionary rates in darwins and a new metric based on percent change in W document episodic size change. Proportional size change is independent of interval length, with a background range attributed to natural selection ≤25–30%. In increasing body mass by a factor of ten to about 1 kg mass-specific metabolism was halved, home range quadrupled, population density decreased fourfold, and average biomass more than doubled. Estimates of species diversity in ancient cotton rats (Sigmodon) and muskrats are calculated from a function derived from the correlation of numbers of North American rodent species and mean W. The phyletic mode of muskrat body size increase is explained as a combination of large body size reducing speciation coupled with an aquatic lifestyle. To the ecological consequences of large size in evolving clades (Cope’s rule) we can now add reduced speciation potential.  相似文献   

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