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Three Hereford × Friesian/Holstein heifers were each fitted with rumen and simple T-piece duodenal cannulae. They were used in an experiment of latin square design to study the rumen degradability and intestinal apparent digestibility (using the mobile dacron bag technique) of protein in soya-bean meal (SBM) and in low and high glucosinolate rapeseed meals (LgsRSM and HgsRSM, respectively) each in untreated (UT), heat treated (HT) and formaldehyde treated (FT) forms. For rumen incubation times of 24 h there were no significant protein source × processing treatment interactions for either degrability of protein in the rumen (dgN) or for the proportion of food protein undegradable in the rumen and digestible in the small intestine (DUDN). At this time dgN values for FT, HT and UT were 0.263, 0.374 and 0.418 (SEM 0.0078; P < 0.001) respectively and DUDN values for SBM, LgsRSM and HgsRSM were 0.320, 0.348 and 0.386 (SEM 0.0078; P < 0.001) respectively. Compared with UT, and to a lesser extent HT, FT at all times after 0 h incubation significantly decreased dgN values and increased DUDN values for all three protein sources. Compared with UT, HT significantly decreased dgN. Apparent digestibility of the protein of SBM in the intestines was greater than that of LgsRSM and HgsRSM, and overall the values of available undegraded protein for FTLgs and HgsRSM, but not of FTSBM, were similar to or greater than for the UT sources. FT tended to decrease the total tract apparent digestibility of the protein sources.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine accumulation in mucosal strips isolated from rat small intestine was significantly inhibited (P less than 0.01) after preincubation with trypsin, chymotrypsin, phospholipase D and neuraminidase. Unidirectional phenylalanine influx across the small intestine was significantly reduced (P less than 0.01) when the mucosal strips were preincubated with the above mentioned enzymes. Intestinal cell water and volume were not significantly changed (P greater than 0.6) when the intestinal tissues were preincubated with these enzymes.  相似文献   

In two experimental series in situ applying perfusion technique, and in vitro, the role of the duodenum in adaptation of sucrose digestion was investigated in the proximal, medial and distal parts of the chick small intestine. No adaptive changes occurred in hydrolysis and carbohydrate transport if the pancreo-duodenal complex was isolated from the lower parts. It is suggested that on feeding with sucrose, factors arise in the duodenal mucosa causing adaptive changes in sucrase activity of the small intestine.  相似文献   

Feed ingredients used in swine diets are often processed to improve nutritional value. However, (over-)processing may result in chemical reactions with amino acids (AAs) that decrease their ileal digestibility. This study aimed to determine effects of (over-)processing of soybean meal (SBM) and rapeseed meal (RSM) on post-absorptive utilization of ileal digestible AAs for retention and on body AA composition of growing pigs. Soybean meal and RSM were processed by secondary toasting in the presence of lignosulfonate to obtain processed soybean meal (pSBM) and processed rapeseed meal (pRSM). Four diets contained SBM, pSBM, RSM or pRSM as sole protein source. Two additional diets contained pSBM or pRSM and were supplemented with crystalline AA to similar standardized ileal digestible (SID) AA level as the SBM or RSM diet. These diets were used to verify that processing affected AA retention by affecting ileal AA digestibility rather than post-absorptive AA utilization. The SID AA levels of the protein sources were determined in a previous study. In total, 59 pigs were used (initial BW of 15.6±0.7 kg) of which five were used to determine initial body composition at the start of the experiment. In total, 54 pigs were fed one of six experimental diets and were slaughtered at a BW of 40 kg. The organ fraction (i.e. empty organs plus blood) and carcass were analyzed separately for N and AA content. Post-absorptive AA utilization was calculated from AA retention and SID AA intake. An interaction between diet type, comprising effects of processing and supplementing crystalline AA, and protein source was observed for CP content in the organ fraction, carcass and empty body and for nutrient retention. Processing reduced CP content and nutrient retention more for SBM than for RSM. Moreover, processing reduced (P<0.001) the lysine content in the organ fraction for both protein sources. Supplementing crystalline AA ameliorated the effect of processing on these variables. Thus, the data indicated that processing affected retention by reducing digestibility. Correcting AA retention for SID AA intake was, therefore, expected to result in similar post-absorptive AA utilization which was observed for the RSM diets. However, post-absorptive AA utilization was lower for the pSBM diet than for the SBM diet which might be related to an imbalanced post-absorptive AA supply. In conclusion, processing negatively affected nutrient retention for both protein sources and post-absorptive utilization of SID AA for retention for SBM. Effects of processing were compensated by supplementing crystalline AA.  相似文献   

By the short-circuit current method in our modification, kinetic constants for nutrient transporters in rat gastric-intestinal tract and unstirred layer thickness near mucosa surface, were studied. In experiments on rats it was shown that in ageing, the nutrient monomer transporters number in the small intestine increases twofold, while its affinity to correspondent nutrients remains unchanged. For the peptide the situation may be the opposite one. The layer thickness in the vicinity of mucosa surface measured by glucose decreased in ageing. It was suggested that in old rats the role of volume digestion is enhanced resulting in adapting increase of nutrient monomer transporters number.  相似文献   

Oral treatment of bulls with ethylene dibromide caused a temporary reduction of the DNA and protein content and head area of epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The major impact of the livestock sector on the environment may be reduced by feeding agricultural co-products to animals. Since the last decade, co-products from biodiesel production, such as rapeseed meal (RSM), became increasingly available in Europe. Consequently, an increase in RSM content in livestock diets was observed at the expense of soybean meal (SBM) content. Cultivation of SBM is associated with high environmental impacts, especially when emissions related to land use change (LUC) are included. This study aims to assess the environmental impact of replacing SBM with RSM in finishing pig diets. As RSM has a lower nutritional value, we assessed the environmental impact of replacing SBM with RSM using scenarios that differed in handling changes in nutritional level. Scenario 1 (S1) was the basic scenario containing SBM. In scenario 2 (S2), RSM replaced SBM based on CP content, resulting in reduced energy and amino acid content, and hence an increased feed intake to realize the same growth rate. The diet of scenario 3 (S3) was identical to S2; however, we assumed that pigs were not able to increase their feed intake, leading to reduced growth performance. In scenario 4 (S4), the energy and amino acid content were increased to the same level of S1. Pig performances were simulated using a growth model. We analyzed the environmental impact of each scenario using life-cycle assessment, including processes of feed production, manure management, piglet production, enteric fermentation and housing. Results show that, expressed as per kg of BW, replacing SBM with RSM in finishing pig diets marginally decreased global warming potential (GWP) and energy use (EU) but decreased land use (LU) up to 12%. Between scenarios, S3 had the maximum potential to reduce the environmental impact, due to a lower impact per kg of feed and an increased body protein-to-lipid ratio of the pigs, resulting in a better feed conversion ratio. Optimization of the body protein-to-lipid ratio, therefore, might result in a reduced environmental impact of pig production. Furthermore, the impact of replacing SBM with RSM changed only marginally when emissions related to direct (up to 2.9%) and indirect LUC (up to 2.5%) were included. When we evaluated environmental impacts of feed production only, which implies excluding other processes along the chain as is generally found in the literature, GWP decreased up to 10%, including LUC, EU up to 5% and LU up to 16%.  相似文献   

It has been reported by several authors that animals given repeated sublethal doses of an organophosphate, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor, develop tolerance to its toxicity. This phenomenon seems to be due, at least partially, to a decrease of central and peripheral cholinergic receptors. In the present study, we report that a decrease of muscarinic receptors, as measured by [3H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate (3H-QNB) binding, occurs in the small intestine of mice treated with the carbamate, AChE inhibitor, neostigmine. Male mice were given neostigmine in the drinking water at daily increasing concentrations (from 20 to 1000 ppm). Methylatropine (20mg/kg, i.p.) was administered twice a day for the same period to two groups of control and neostigmine-treated animals. AChE activity was inhibited 60–70% in small intestine and diaphragm and [3H]-QNB binding was significantly reduced in the small intestine of neostigmine-treated mice; both the number of receptors and the affinity were lower than control. This decrease was not present in the tissue of mice given methylatropine together with neostigmine. Administration of methylatropine alone caused a significant increase of [3H]-QNB binding in the small intestine.  相似文献   

2'-Phosphodiesterase activity was investigated, by measuring either the disappearance of (2',5')oligo(adenylate) or the release of 5'AMP, in several human cell lines (RSa, IFr, HEC-1, WGAr and HeLa) possessing different sensitivities to interferon, and treated or untreated with human interferon. In various cell lines whose (2'-5')oligo(adenylate) synthetase was normally induced by interferon treatment, both kinetic studies and measurements at different enzyme concentrations indicated that 2'-phosphodiesterase activity remained unchanged after interferon treatment. This observation was confirmed over a broad range of substrate concentrations (1-25000 nM). The activity of 2'-phosphodiesterase was dependent on Mg(OAc)2. Our results indicate that in various human cell lines the modulation of (2'-5')oligo(adenylate) metabolism by interferon does not involve an increase of 2'-phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

Conjugates of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) were used to map the distribution of cell surface receptors that can bind IgG at 0 degrees C within the small intestine of 10-12-d-old rats. Luminal receptors are present only within the duodenum and proximal jejunum. In these locations, receptors are limited to absorptive cells that line the upper portion of individual villi. Near villus tips, receptors are relatively evenly distributed over the entire luminal plasmalemma. In the midregion of villi, receptors are unevenly distributed over the luminal surface. Receptors (a) specifically bind rat and rabbit IgG, (b) recognize the Fc portion of the immunoglobulins, and (c) bind at pH 6.0 but not pH 7.4. To determine whether IgG receptors are confined to the luminal portion of the plasmalemma, intact epithelial cells were isolated from the proximal intestine of 10-12-d-old rats and incubated with HRP conjugates at 0 degree C. The specific binding of rat IgG-HRP to cells at pH 6.0 indicates that IgG receptors, which are functionally similar to those found on the luminal surface, are also present over the entire abluminal surface of absorptive cells. These results are consistent with the transport of IgG to the abluminal plasma membrane in the form of IgG-receptor complexes on the surface of vesicles. Exposure of these complexes to the serosal plasma, which is presumably at pH 7.4, would cause release of IgG from the receptors. To assess possible inward movement of vesicles from the abluminal surface after discharge of IgG, intravenously injected HRP was used as a space-filling tracer in the serosal plasma. HRP could be visualized within the coated and tubular vesicles responsible for transport of IgG in the opposite direction. These vesicles may, therefore, provide a pathway whereby receptors shuttle between the luminal and abluminal surfaces of cells.  相似文献   

Cadmium compounds are found widely in our environment: for example, in food, water, soil, and ambient air. The most important exposure route of animals to cadmium in the general environment is via oral exposure. In oral cadmium intoxication, the immediate target organ is the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of the present work was to determine how cadmium acts on the intestinal absorption of sugars and on the sucrase activity through rabbit jejunum, after in vitro administration and/or oral administration of CdCl2 in drinking water. Results obtained show that cadmium decreasesD-galactose accumulation in the jejunum tissue. This effect seems to be the result of an action mainly located on Na+-dependent sugar transport of the mucosal border of the intestinal epithelium, because cadmium seemnnot to modify the sugar diffusion across the intestinal epithelium. Cadmium has also been shown to inhibit the (Na+-K+)-ATPase activity of the enterocyte, which might explain the inhibition of theD-galactose Na+-dependent transport. Nevertheless, a direct action of the cadmium molecule on the Na+-dependent carrier cannot be discarded. Cadmium altered the sucrose activity when it was administered in the drinking water for 4 d.  相似文献   

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