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Chopped sugarcane was ensiled with and without the addition of aqueous ammonia (28% NH3) in laboratory silos (4.5 kg NH3/t sugarcane). The effect of the NH3 on the pattern of fermentation was studied over a period of 42 days. Addition of NH3 resulted in: (a) an initial decrease in the population of yeasts and moulds, and Lactobacillus organisms; (b) a reduction (47.9%) in weight loss; (c) a reduction (46.4%) in the loss of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC); (d) increased levels of lactic acid; and (e) lower levels of acid detergent fibre (ADF) when compared with untreated canelage (fermented, whole-plant sugarcane).In another experiment in which 205-litre drums were used as silos, addition of NH3 (1.25 kg NH3/t sugarcane) to chopped sugarcane also produced canelage with higher levels of lactic acid, more WSC, lower levels of ADF and a reduction in weight loss when compared with the control canelage.  相似文献   

Sugarcane and agave bagasse samples were hydrolyzed with either mineral acids (HCl), commercial glucanases or a combined treatment consisting of alkaline delignification followed by enzymatic hydrolysis. Acid hydrolysis of sugar cane bagasse yielded a higher level of reducing sugars (37.21% for depithed bagasse and 35.37% for pith bagasse), when compared to metzal or metzontete (agave pinecone and leaves, 5.02% and 9.91%, respectively). An optimized enzyme formulation was used to process sugar cane bagasse, which contained Celluclast, Novozyme and Viscozyme L. From alkaline–enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse samples, a reduced level of reducing sugar yield was obtained (11–20%) compared to agave bagasse (12–58%). Selected hydrolyzates were fermented with a non-recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Maximum alcohol yield by fermentation (32.6%) was obtained from the hydrolyzate of sugarcane depithed bagasse. Hydrolyzed agave waste residues provide an increased glucose decreased xylose product useful for biotechnological conversion.  相似文献   

L-鸟氨酸的混合菌种发酵研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谷氨酸棒杆菌可发酵葡萄糖产L-鸟氨酸。通过连续筛选与驯化筛选到了产量较高的生产菌株CG1006。以GC/MS对发酵液成分的定性分析及鸟氨酸的产量为依据,优化了培养条件,产量从最初的14.346g/L提高到40.416g/L。初步考察了酵母菌CG1006-1对发酵液成分及产量的影响。结果表明混合菌种发酵可纯化发酵液成分。  相似文献   

研究了不同发酵条件对雷帕霉素产量的影响.结果显示在最优条件下,进行了100 L发酵罐的发酵试验,发酵190~200 h雷帕霉素的产量为1200 mg/L,产量较优化前提高一倍,达到了工业化生产的要求,为进一步放大生产奠定了基础.  相似文献   

研究了不同发酵条件对雷帕霉素产量的影响。结果显示在最优条件下,进行了100L发酵罐的发酵试验,发酵190-200h雷帕霉素的产量为1200mg/L,产量较优化前提高一倍,达到了工业化生产的要求,为进一步放大生产奠定了基础。  相似文献   


l-Lysine is an essential amino acid that can be produced by chemical processes from fossil raw materials, as well as by microbial fermentation, the latter being a more efficient and environmentally friendly procedure. In this work, the production process of l-lysine-HCl is studied using a systematic approach based on modeling and simulation, which supports decision making in the early stage of process design. The study considers two analysis stages: first, the dynamic analysis of the fermentation reactor, where the conversion of sugars from sugarcane molasses to l-lysine with a strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum is carried out. In this stage, the operation mode (either batch or fed batch) and operating conditions of the fermentation reactor are defined to reach the maximum technical criteria. Afterwards, the second analysis stage relates to the industrial production process of l-lysine-HCl, where the fermentation reactor, upstream processing, and downstream processing are included. In this stage, the influence of key parameters on the overall process performance is scrutinized through the evaluation of several technical, economic, and environmental criteria, to determine a profitable and sustainable design of the l-lysine production process. The main results show how the operating conditions, process design, and selection of evaluation criteria can influence in the conceptual design. The best plant design shows maximum product yield (0.31 g l-lysine/g glucose) and productivity (1.99 g/L/h), achieving 26.5% return on investment (ROI) with a payback period (PBP) of 3.8 years, decreasing water and energy consumption, and with a low potential environmental impact (PEI) index.


Simplified modeling based on material balances for biomass, ethanol and substrate was used to describe the kinetics of fed-batch alcohol fermentation of sugarcane blackstrap molasses. Maintenance requirements were previously shown to be of particular significance in this system, owing to the use of massive inoculum to minimize inhibitions; therefore, they were taken into consideration for kinetic modeling. Average values of biomass and ethanol yields, productivities, and substrate consumption rates, calculated at the end of runs performed either at constant or exponentially varying flow rates, demonstrated that all of these parameters were influenced by the initial sugar-feeding rate, F(o)S(o). Under conditions of substrate shortage (F(o)S(o) 相似文献   

鸟苷发酵过程的多尺度问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以鸟苷发酵为对象,在生物反应器中以多尺度问题的角度,对在线计算机数据进行相关分析,结合中间代谢物及有关酶活性的检测,建立了以代谢流为核心的多尺度调控方法;又通过与代谢流迁移有关的动态化学计量分析,实现了对批式发酵过程的时变系统估算,建立了主体代谢与产物形成的支路代谢间,包括能量与物质流的关系模型;最后,把具有不同生产能力菌株的关键基因与基因库数据进行了序列比较,发现了本文研究的菌株已具备高产能力,即编码sAMP合成酶的基因发生移码突变以及pur操纵子的多处突变,而中心代谢流迁移是过程优化的关键。对开展微生物功能基因组学的研究和工业过程优化的问题进行了探讨,作者提出有必要从生物反应器的系统生物学高度来认识和解决所面临的问题。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Menge vergärbarer Kohlenhydrate in Klee und Luzerne ist meistens zu gering, um eine zureichende Milchsäuregärung zu gewährleisten. Nur ein geringer Teil der gesamten Kohlenhydrate des Grünfutters wird zu Milchsäure vergoren. Durch Hydrolyse kann ein Teil der nicht direkt vergärbaren Kohlenhydrate für die Milchsäurebakterien zugänglich werden. Eine solche Hydrolyse scheint bei der Grünfuttergärung vor sich zu gehen, besonders bei einem Material mit relativ hohem Trockensubstanzgehalt, wahrscheinlich weil bei den hohenph-Werten, die in solchem Grünfutter vorliegen, die Pflanzen- und Bakterien-Carbohydrasen aktiv sind und weil die Carbohydrasen produzierenden Bakterien am Anfang der Gärung gut wachsen.Zusatz von verschiedenen Zuckerarten, wie Glucose, Maltose, Saccharose und auch Dextrin, begünstigen die Milchsäuregärung. Verschiedene Stärkearten, in fester Form fein verteilt zugesetzt, werden von den Pflanzen- und Bakterienamylasen nicht oder nur unbedeutend angegriffen und können deshalb durch die Milchsäurebakterien nicht vergoren werden. Malzamylasen vermögen dagegen solche Stärkearten zu hydrolysieren und sind im Grünfutter hoch aktiv. In allen Versuchen begünstigt deshalb Zusatz von Malz oder Malz + Stärke die Milchsäuregärung in hohem Grade. Wahrscheinlich vermögen die Amylasen und die übrigen Carbohydrasen des Malzes auch einen Teil der Polysaccharide des Pflanzenmaterials zu hydrolysieren.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Beimischung von mäßigen Mengen von Mehl verschiedener Getreidearten in Silage fördert die Milchsäuregärung nicht in nennenswertem Grad, da rohe Stärke nur in unbedeutendem Umfang von den Amylasen (hauptsächlich -Amylasen) des Getreidemehls oder des Grünfutters in für Milchsäurebakterien vergärbaren Zucker hydrolysiert werden kann. Durch -Amylase, welches Enzym in Malz in großen Mengen vorkommt, wird dagegen die rohe Stärke derart angegriffen, daß dadurch in der Silage ein fortgesetzter Abbau zu Milchsäure durch die sich dort befindenden Milchsäurebakterien erfolgt.Durch Beimischung verhältnismäßig geringer Mengen enzymreichen Malzmehles ist es demnach unter praktischen Bedingungen möglich, einen großen Teil der Stärke, welche dem Futter mit den verschiedenen Getreidemehlen zugeführt wurde, den Milchsäurebakterien zugänglich zu machen. Die starke amylolytische Enzymaktivität bei Mischungen von Malz-und Getreidemehl ist ein additiver Effekt von der -Amylase des Malzes und der -Amylase des Malzes, des Getreides und des Grünfutters.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Kohlenhydrat-Zusatzmittel dienen bei der natürlichen Gärfutterbereitung einerseits als Nährstoffe für die Mikroorganismen, andererseits beeinflussen sie die Feuchtigkeit des Gärfutters durch ihr Absorptionvermögen.Bei der Milchsäuregärung kann Zucker vollständig ausgenützt werden, Stärke und Cellulose dagenen nicht, oder nur unbedeutend. Zusatz von Gerstenmalz hat wegen seines höheren Zuckerinhaltes und wegen seiner diastasewirkung einen wesentlich besseren Effekt als Gerstegrütze.Malz, Grütze und Cellulose besitzen ein hohes Absorptionsvermögen und können dadurcheine günstige Wirkung bei der Gärfutterbereitung ausüben.

These studies are still in progress. We are indebted to the Swedish Foundation: Fonden för främjande av forskinings- och försöksverksamheten på jordbrukets område, for generous financial support.  相似文献   

从11种待选脱色介质中筛选出330(OH)型树脂对纳豆激酶发酵液进行脱色研究.结果表明:(1)330(OH)型树脂对纳豆激酶发酵液中的色素为优吸型吸附,其动力学模型符合扩散方程,其动力学拟和方程为-ln(1-F)=0.0223t+0.0511,R2=0.9978,其中F=Qt/Qe,Qt为脱色时间为t时330(OH)型...  相似文献   

Citric acid production by solid state fermentation using sugarcane bagasse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A solid state fermentation (SSF) method was used to produce citric acid by Aspergillus niger DS 1 using sugarcane bagasse as a carrier and sucrose or molasses based medium as a moistening agent. Initially bagasse and wheat bran were compared as carrier. Bagasse was the most suitable carrier, as it did not show agglomeration after moistening with medium, resulting in better heat and mass transfer during fermentation and higher product yield. Different parameters such as moisture content, particle size, sugar level and methanol concentration of the medium were optimised and 75% moisture level, 31.8 g sugar/100 g dry solid, 4% (v/w) methanol and particles of the size between 1.2 and 1.6 mm were found to be optimal. Sucrose and clarified and non-clarified molasses medium were also tested as moistening agents for SSF and under optimised conditions, 20.2, 19.8 and 17.9 g citric acid /100 g of dry solid with yield of 69.6, 64.5 and 62.4% (based on sugar consumed) was obtained in sucrose, clarified and non-clarified molasses medium respectively, after 9 days of fermentation.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to show how a mechanistic uptake model that accurately predicts phosphorus (P) uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) in a pot experiment may be used to evaluate the reasons for the differences in P availability observed when soil pH is varied. The model predicts P uptake by integrating soil P supply by mass flow and diffusion; size, shape and growth rate of roots; and P uptake kinetics of the root. The P supply parameters of the model that may be affected by soil pH are Pli, initial P concentration in the soil solution; b, the buffer power of P in the soil, Psi, for Pli, and De, effective diffusion coefficient. The effect of these changes on P uptake was predicted with the model by using measured values of the three soil supply parameters and of size, shape, and growth rate of roots and keeping the other parameters at values characteristic of maize. Values for three soil supply parameters can be calculated from measurements of Pli, Psi, and , volumetric water content. The predictions of the model closely agreed with observed uptake when form of P present at the higher pH's was accounted for. There was a significant positive correlation (r=0.94) between Pli and observed P uptake and a significant negative correlation (-0.93) between Psi and observed P uptake. The use of the model demonstrated the significance of P form and the importance of Pli in P uptake. It also showed importance of root growth rate.  相似文献   

The mushroom Flammulina velutipes and the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor were cultivated separately on sugarcane bagasse for 40 days. Trametes versicolor produced laccase and manganese-peroxidase activities, showing a simultaneous degradation of lignin and holocellulose. However, only phenoloxidase activity was found with Flammulina velutipes. A preferential degradation of lignin was detected in F. velutipes, which exhibited a greater reduction in the ratio of weight loss to lignin loss than T. versicolor. A decrease in the syringyl/guaiacyl ratio observed with both fungi indicated the preferential degradation of non-condensed (syringyl-type) lignin units. An increase in the relative abundance of aromatic carboxylic acids suggested that the oxidative transformation of lignin unit side-chains was occurring. This was more noticeable with Flammulina velutipes than with T. versicolor.  相似文献   

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