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Whole-crop wheat and barley were each harvested at the soft-, medium- and hard-dough stages of grain development. Material from each harvest was ensiled in polythene bag silos without additive or after the addition of calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide or sodium acrylate at 50, 50 and 12.5 g kg?1 of the crop dry matter (DM), respectively. All silages were opened after 60 days.With advancing maturity there was an increase in the content of DM, starch and insoluble-nitrogen, but a reduction in water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and ash.When crops were ensiled without additives, only medium-dough barley fermented to give butyric acid. However, the addition of calcium hydroxide to crops of low DM (soft-dough) and medium DM (medium-dough) promoted the activity of clostridial bacteria giving rise to the production of butyric acid, but this did not occur with crops of high DM (hard-dough). Sodium hydroxide gave rise to butyric acid only at low DM, and to restricted fermentation at high DM content. Sodium acrylate restricted fermentation and prevented butyric acid production in all silages.Ensiling led to an average reduction of 5 percentage units in the digestible organic matter (DOM) of the control silages compared to that of the crops. Addition of calcium hydroxide and sodium acrylate gave values similar to the control silages. Only sodium hydroxide consistently increased DOM, the effect becoming more marked as the crops matured. The increases over the control silages were 10, 18 and 26 units for wheat and 15, 21 and 20 units for barley at low, medium and high DM, respectively.  相似文献   

The storage potential of seeds harvested at weekly intervals after controlled pollination was studied in three diverse cytoplasmic male sterile pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) lines. In the first experiment in 1989, a comparison of p50 (time for viability to decline to 50% during storage) among seeds of the line DSA 105A harvested 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days after pollination (DAP), and then stored at 35°C with 15% moisture content or 40°C with 13% moisture content, showed that those harvested 35 DAP had the greatest longevity. In the second experiment in 1990, a comparison of p50 within the lines 5141A and L 67A harvested 28, 35 and 42 DAP, and then stored at 40°C with 13% moisture content, showed that seeds of both lines harvested 42 DAP had the greatest longevity. In both the seasons, and in all three lines, maximum seed longevity (p50) was attained one week after physiological maturity (defined as the end of the grain filling period), which is therefore the optimum time of harvest to obtain good quality seeds for conservation.  相似文献   

Effects of plant maturity on apparent ruminal synthesis and post-ruminal supply of B vitamins were evaluated in two feeding trials. Diets containing alfalfa (Trial 1) or orchardgrass (Trial 2) silages harvested either (1) early cut, less mature (EC) or (2) late cut, more mature (LC) as the sole forage were offered to ruminally and duodenally cannulated lactating Holstein cows in crossover design experiments. In Trial 1, conducted with 16 cows (569±43 kg of empty BW (ruminal content removed) and 43.7±8.6 kg/day of 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield; mean±SD) in two 17-day treatment periods, both diets provided ~22% forage NDF and 27% total NDF, and the forage-to-concentrate ratios were 53 : 47 and 42 : 58 for EC and LC, respectively. In Trial 2, conducted with 13 cows (588±55 kg of empty BW and 43.7±7.7 kg/day of 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield; mean±SD) in two 18-day treatment periods, both diets provided ~25% forage NDF and 31% total NDF; the forage-to-concentrate ratios were 58 : 42 and 46 : 54 for EC and LC, respectively. Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folates and vitamin B12 were measured in feed and duodenal content. Apparent ruminal synthesis was calculated as the duodenal flow minus the intake. Diets based on EC alfalfa decreased the amounts of thiamin, niacin and folates reaching the duodenum, whereas diets based on EC orchardgrass increased riboflavin duodenal flow. Daily apparent ruminal synthesis of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6 were correlated negatively with their intake, suggesting a microbial regulation of their concentration in the rumen. Vitamin B12 apparent ruminal synthesis was correlated negatively with total volatile fatty acids concentration, but positively with ruminal pH and microbial N duodenal flow.  相似文献   

Young and unripe oranges and grapefruits stored at 15° or 20° evidenced shortly after harvest a marked increase in respiratory rate, and then a well-defined maximum which was followed by a decrease.  相似文献   

A. Szwed  M. Kosińska 《HOMO》2012,63(4):292-300
The main aim of the study was to assess the influence of biological maturity at birth on growth processes in the subsequent years and during puberty in girls. The material of this study comes from the outpatient clinic cards and cross-sectional research on girls from the province of Wielkopolska in Poland. It includes data of 527 girls. The influence of perinatal maturity on body weight in the later stages of ontogeny was determined with the use of the Kruskal–Wallis test and the Mann–Whitney U test. In order to determine the relationship between perinatal maturity and age at menarche, the survival analysis module was used.The results show a diverse influence of perinatal maturity on the values of body weight achieved in later years of life. The indicated predictive factors included both birth weight and gestational age. In the examined girls menarche occurred between the 10th year and the 17th year of life (X¯=12.87, s = 1.26; Me = 13 years). The comparison showed a significant variation in age at menarche depending on the length of pregnancy (log-rank χ22=27.068, p < 0.0001) and birth weight (log-rank χ22=23.241, p < 0.0001). There was no variation in maturation of the examined girls conditioned by the occurrence of intra-uterine growth retardation (log-rank χ22=2.046, p > 0.05). Remote prognoses as to the postnatal development of preterm-born children and/or children with low birth weight indicate adverse influence of these variables on age at menarche. Perinatal biological maturity of a newborn conditions the course of postnatal development.  相似文献   

Plant height and maturity are two critical traits in sorghum breeding. To develop molecular tools and to identify genes underlying the traits for molecular breeding, we developed 14,739 SNP markers used to genotype the complete sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] mini core collection. The collection was evaluated in four rainy and three post-rainy season environments for plant height and maturity. Association analysis identified six marker loci linked to height and ten to maturity in at least two environments with at least two SNPs in each locus. Of these, 14 were in close proximity to previously mapped height/maturity QTL in sorghum. Candidate genes for maturity or plant height close to the marker loci include a sugar transporter (SbSUC9), an auxin response factor (SbARF3), an FLC and FT regulator (SbMED12), and a photoperiod response gene (SbPPR1) for maturity and peroxidase 53, and an auxin transporter (SbLAX4) for plant height. Linkage disequilibrium analysis showed that SbPPR1 and SbARF3 were in regions with reduced sequence variation among early-maturing accessions, suggestive of past purifying selection. We also found a linkage disequilibrium block that existed only among the accessions with short plant height in rainy season environments. The block contains a gene homologous to the Arabidopsis flowering time gene, LUMINIDEPENDENS (LD). Functional LD promotes early maturity while mutation delays maturity, affecting plant height. Previous studies also found reduced sequence variations within this gene. These newly-mapped SNP markers will facilitate further efforts to identify plant height or maturity genes in sorghum.  相似文献   

Leaves of varying maturity from 84-day-old tobacco plants were harvested and analyzed for total sterol and their individual sterol components. The mature leaves had a significant higher sterol content than the immature leaves. Separation into free sterols, steryl esters, steryl glycosides, and acylated steryl glycosides showed that the free sterols accounted for most of the sterol increase, and stimgasterol was principally responsible for this increase.  相似文献   

The hemicellulosic composition of the internodes of Arundo donax depends on the maturity of the tissue. The percentage of xylose in the total hemicellulose increases with increasing plant maturity. The main hemicellulose is an arabino-4-O-methyl glucurono xylan which is already present in the youngest tissues and has the same structural features regardless of the age of the tissues. The average D.P. of this polysaccharide increases from about 60 to 150 with maturation of the plant tissue.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of enzymatic and combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatments on chemical composition and methane production from ensiled sorghum forage. Four commercial enzymatic preparations were tested and the two yielding the highest sugars release were added to evaluate any hydrolytic effect on both untreated and alkaline pretreated samples. In the combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment trials, the highest sugar release was found with Primafast and BGL preparations (added at a final concentration 0.12 and 0.20 mL/g TS, respectively), with a total monomeric content of 12 and 6.5 g/L. Fibre composition analysis confirmed that the combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment led to cellulose (up to 32 %) and hemicelluloses (up to 56 %) solubilisation, compared to the enzymatic pretreatment alone. BMP tests were performed on both untreated and pretreated samples, and time courses of methane production were fitted. Both enzymatic and combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment led to a methane production increase (304 and 362 mL CH4/g VS), compared to that of untreated sorghum (265 mL CH4/g VS), as  +15 and  +37 %, respectively. Moreover, higher specific methane production rates, compared to that of untreated sorghum (20.31 mL CH4/g VS/d), were obtained by applying the enzymatic and combined alkaline-enzymatic pretreatment (33.94 and 31.65 mL CH4/g VS/d), respectively.  相似文献   

Two feeding experiments and in vitro hind gut fermentation tests were carried out to study the effect of processing sorghum grain on digestion of starch and on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract environment of the horse. In experiment 1, 12 yearling Australian stock horses were blocked on the basis of sex then randomly divided into four equal groups, each containing one castrated male and two females of approximately the same age and weight. Horses were offered at 0800 and 1500 h, 3 kg medium quality liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) hay and 2 kg of either oats (O), dry rolled sorghum (DRS), steam-flaked sorghum (SFS) or expanded sorghum (ES). Lanthanum was used as external solid marker for the measurements of apparent total tract digestibility. Fresh water was available ad libitum. Horses were allowed 18 days to adapt to the diets followed by a 3-day faecal collection period. Digestibility of dry matter (DM), and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were higher (P<0.01) for dry rolled and expanded sorghum diets. Digestibility of starch was similar across treatments, averaging 0.98 ± 0.009. Faecal pH values were lower (P<0.05) for the sorghum treatments but remained slightly below neutral (≥6.42) for the steam-flaked sorghum. Sub-samples of fresh faeces were supplemented with glucose and used for in vitro measurement of potential lactate production and final pH. The 20 h in vitro pH was also lower (P<0.05) for the steam-flaked sorghum group. All horses maintained good health and completed the experiment successfully.Results of this experiment indicate that digestibility of starch of processed sorghum is comparable to that of oats (0.97 versus 0.98), but processing sorghum grains may produce conditions favourable for lactate production and accumulation.In experiment 2, eight Australian stock horses were used to study changes in pH and accumulation of VFA and lactate in the different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. In this experiment SFS was compared with DRS. Horses were divided into two groups on the basis of sex and body weight. Each group contained two females and two castrated males. The nutritional management of the horses was the same as for the DRS and SFS groups in experiment 1. At the end of the adaptation period horses were slaughtered at intervals of 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 h after morning feeding, one horse per interval per treatment. Samples were collected from the different anatomical regions, and analysed for pH, VFA, and l- and d-lactate. Fermentation in the pre-glandular stomach produced mainly lactic acid and reduced pH to 4.0–4.3 while VFA was the main product in the hind gut. Total and d-lactate were higher (P<0.01) for SFS and a similar trend was observed for total and individual VFA and l-lactate but differences lacked significance (P>0.05). It was concluded that steam flaking of sorghum exacerbates starch fermentation, which may lead to acidosis-related damage to the epithelium of the pre-glandular stomach.  相似文献   

BackgroundOne of the main problems for the preservation of genetics resources of Agaricus subrufescens is to maintain the viability of the strains because the mycelium is very sensitive to cooling and therefore it ages rapidly.AimsEvaluate the viability of A. subrufescens strains stored as cultures on sorghum grain (spawn) at different temperatures.MethodsEighteen strains of A. subrufescens and three strains of Agaricus bisporus were studied. Spawn's viability was evaluated under the following conditions: (1) control at 25 °C (C), (2) cooling to 4 °C (R) and (3) freezing in liquid nitrogen at ?196 °C (LN). Samples were recovered from week 4 every 2 weeks until week 12 and week 24 in C and R, whereas in LN samples were recovered at 4, 12 and 24 weeks. Viability was evaluated in 50 seeds, by strain and condition, recovering the mycelium in Petri dishes with potato dextrose agar medium (PDA). Mycelium growth was also evaluated on PDA after 14 days of recovery.ResultsMost strains showed 100% viability and they were recovered usually in 1 day. In LN the viability ranged between 84 and 100% depending on the strain, but in some cases recovery took more than 10 days. Mycelial growth decreased gradually over time and although the results show significant differences between treatments C and R, the decline is associated with ageing of the mycelium rather than the treatment itself.ConclusionsCulture on sorghum grain and storage at low temperature is an interesting way to preserve genetic resources of A. subrufescens.  相似文献   

【目的】果蝇类害虫是杨梅果实的主要害虫,本文旨在探讨果蝇对不同成熟度果实的选择倾向以及杨梅园果蝇动态变化规律。【方法】通过饲养获得黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster种群,探讨果蝇在不同成熟度杨梅果实上的繁殖量,通过果园调查统计杨梅成熟过程中落果数量、落果和树上挂果中果蝇数量。【结果】杨梅成熟过程中,果色经历绿色、粉红色、红色和紫红色变化过程;果蝇分别在各种成熟度果实上繁殖时,绿色果实上果蝇后代数量最少,但接近成熟的粉红色、红色和紫红色果实上果蝇后代数量无显著差异;同时提供各种成熟度的果实时,随着果实成熟度增加,黑腹果蝇的后代繁殖数量增多。在果实成熟前后对果园果蝇数量的调查表明,在果实成熟前,落果中果蝇数量显著高于树上挂果,落果是果园果蝇的主要繁殖地;但当果园果实大量成熟时,挂果中果蝇数量显著多于落果,挂果成为果蝇主要繁殖场所。【结论】在杨梅园,果蝇存在从地面落果转移至树上挂果的动态变化,果蝇对不同成熟度果实的选择性差异可能是这种动态变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

The changes in the composition of the total hemicelluloses of leaf and stem tissues of field-grown barley plants have been examined at different stages of maturation. In each plant the proportion of xylose residues in the total hemicellulose increases with tissue maturity, that of galactose varies little, and the proportions of arabinose, glucose and uronic acid residues decrease. The ratio of β(1 → 3) to β(1 → 4) linkages in the β-glucans decreases with tissue maturity and there is a decrease in the DPn of these β-glucans.  相似文献   

Young leaves of the potato Solanum tuberosum L. cultivar Kardal contain resistance factors to the green peach aphid Myzuspersicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and normal probing behavior is impeded. However, M. persicae can survive and reproduce on mature and senescent leaves of the cv. Kardal plant without problems. We compared the settling ofM. persicae on young and old leaves and analyzed the impact of aphids settling on the plant in terms of gene expression. Settling, as measured by aphid numbers staying on young or old leaves, showed that after 21 h significantly fewer aphids were found on the young leaves. At earlier time points there were no difference between young and old leaves, suggesting that the young leaf resistance factors are not located at the surface level but deeper in the tissue. Gene expression was measured in plants at 96 h postinfestation, which is at a late stage in the interaction and in compatible interactions this is long enough for host plant acceptance to occur. In old leaves of cv. Kardal (compatible interaction), M. persicae infestation elicited a higher number of differentially regulated genes than in young leaves. The plant response to aphid infestation included a larger number of genes induced than repressed, and the proportion of induced versus repressed genes was larger in young than in old leaves. Several genes changing expression seem to be involved in changing the metabolic state of the leaf from source to sink.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a C4 drought resistant species with a huge potential for bioenergy. Accentuated reductions in water availability for crop production and altered rainfall distribution patterns, however, will have direct impact on its physiological attributes, metabolic functions and plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of drought and re‐watering on the photosynthetic efficiency of sweet sorghum. Durable or short transient drought stress periods were imposed at early and late growth stages and compared with well‐watered plants. In spite of very similar drought levels at early and late growth stages (Ψsoil = ?1.6 and ?1.7 MPa), the decrements in maximum quantum yield (?Po) and performance index (PI) were about twice at late than at early growth stages. All the PI components, that is, density of active reaction centers (RCs), excitation energy trapping and conversion of excitation energy into electron flow followed a similar decreasing pattern. Upon re‐watering and regardless the duration and growth stage of the drought period, all the photosynthetic functions, and particularly those of photosystem II (PSII), fully recovered. Such effective self‐regulating functional activity by PSII photochemistry likely contributes to both high drought resistance and photosynthetic recovery capacity of sweet sorghum. At vegetative growth stages, the down regulation of the photochemistry seems to be the main photoprotective/regulative mechanisms, while at late growth stages, the accumulation of compatible solutes likely has a more preponderant role. The observed sugar concentration increments likely contributed to prevent permanent photo‐oxidative destruction of the PSII RCs of mature droughted sweet sorghum plants.  相似文献   

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a rich source of glucosinolates (GLS), a class of secondary metabolites, nitrogen and sulfur compounds found in Brassicaceae family. Variations of content and composition of nine GLS in horseradish plants grown with N alone and N plus S were evaluated in the above- and below-ground portions at different developmental stages. Total GLS concentration was significantly higher in the above-ground tissues compared to the roots (97.8 vs 11.6 µmol g?1 dw); it responded positively to N and S supply in roots (11.5 in N alone and 15.8 µmol g?1 dw in N plus S treatments with respect to 7.4 µmol g?1 dw of the untreated control) without significant variations in the above-ground tissues. In both portions, total GLS concentration showed the greatest values at the beginning of plant regrowth and then decreased throughout the plant development till the end of the growing period. Among classes, the aliphatic GLS were the most abundant accounting for over 73 and 97 % of the total GLS in roots and above-ground tissues, respectively. Whereas, aromatic and indole GLS were present at roughly equivalent levels in both portions. GLS classes varied differently depending on developmental stage and fertilization, showing the highest percentage increase at the beginning of plant regrowth: aliphatic GLS increased by 150 % with N alone and 400 % with N and S supply, while aromatics and indoles increased both up to 35 % with N alone and 280 and 180 % with N and S, respectively. The results suggest that fertilization led to modulate GLS content and composition in plants in relation to a specific employment.  相似文献   

The content of the carbohydrates glucose, fructose and sucrose was determined in spring barley anthers at different stages of maturity. During maturation the sucrose content of the anthers increased markedly. The following 17 free amino acids were detected in anthers of different stages of maturity: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, alanine, arginine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, α-aminobutyric acid, glutamine, proline, tyrosine, phenylalanine, valine, threonine, cystine and glycine. Quantitative analysis was only carried out in amino acids present in higher concentrations in the analysed samples. These were: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, α-aminobutyric acid, proline, serine, valine and glutamine, and a mixture of amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine and phenylalanine). The total content of free amino acids increased with increasing maturity of the anthers. However, not all amino acids followed contributed to this increase, but only proline, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and glutamine. A small difference was found in the variety Gopal in which the aspartic acid content did not increase significantly, but the content of the mixture of amino acids and serine did. With the exception of green anthers of the variety Firlbecks Union, proline was present in the highest concentration in all samples analysed.  相似文献   

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