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Herpetomonas megaseliae is a monoxenic trypanosomatid isolated from the phorid fly Megaselia scalaris . In the present report, the expression of cell surface sialoglycoconjugates in this parasite was analyzed by Western blotting, flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy analyses using lectins that specifically recognize sialic acid residues. A strong reaction was detected when parasites were treated with Limax flavus, Maackia amurensis and Sambucus nigra lectins. Analysis of crude protein extracts by Western blotting revealed that bands with molecular masses ranging from 19 to 80 kDa were reactive to these lectins, which showed a sugar-inhibited recognition with the parasite extract. These results indicated that molecules containing α2,3- and α2,6-sialylgalactosyl sequences are present in this protozoan. The role of the surface sialomolecules in the interaction with explanted guts from Aedes aegypti was assessed. The interaction of H. megaseliae with the insect gut was strongly inhibited in the presence of mucin (71%), fetuin (68%) and sialyllactose (68%). Collectively, our results suggest a possible involvement of sialomolecules in the interaction between this insect trypanosomatid and the invertebrate host.  相似文献   

The cell-associated and extracellular peptidases of Herpetomonas megaseliae grown in brain-heart infusion and in modified Roitman's complex media were analyzed by measuring peptidase activity on gelatin, casein and hemoglobin in zymograms. Casein was the best proteinaceous substrate for the peptidase detection on both growth conditions. However, no proteolytic activity was detected when hemoglobin was used. Our results showed that cellular cysteine peptidase (115-100, 40 and 35 kDa) and metallopeptidase (70 and 60 kDa) activities were detected on both media in casein and gelatin zymograms. Additionally, the use of casein in the gel revealed a distinct acidic metallopeptidase of 50 kDa when the parasite was cultured in the modified Roitman's complex medium. Irrespective of the culture medium composition, H. megaseliae released metallopeptidases exclusively in the extracellular environment. The presence of gp63-like molecules on the H. megaseliae surface was shown by flow cytometry using anti-gp63 antibody raised against recombinant gp63 from Leishmania mexicana. The pre-treatment of parasites with phospholipase C reduced the number of gp63-positive cells, suggesting that these molecules were glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored to the surface. Additionally, the supernatant obtained from phospholipase C-treated cells and probed with anti-cross-reacting determinant confirmed that at least a 52 kDa gp63-like molecule is glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored. Furthermore, we assessed a possible function for the gp63-like molecules in H. megaseliae on the interaction with explanted guts of its original host, Megaselia scalaris, and with an experimental model employing Aedes aegypti. Parasites pre-treated with either anti-gp63 antibody or phospholipase C showed a significant reduction in the adhesion to M. scalaris and A. aegypti guts. Similarly, the pre-treatment of the explanted guts with purified gp63 diminished the interaction process. Collectively, these results corroborate the ubiquitous existence of gp63 homologues in insect trypanosomatids and the potential adhesion of these molecules to invertebrate host tissues.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that the endosymbiont of Crithidia deanei influences the expression of surface gp63 molecules. Ultrastructural immunocytochemical analysis shows the presence of the gp63-like protein in the protozoan flagellum and flagellar pocket, either attached to shed membranes or in a free form. This molecule is glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored to the plasma membrane as demonstrated by phospholipase C (PLC) treatment and cross-reacting determinant detection by immunoblotting. The gp63 molecule mediates the adhesive process of the protozoan to Aedes aegypti explanted guts, since the binding was reduced by pre-incubating the C. deanei parasites (wild and aposymbiotic strains) with anti-gp63 antibodies, PLC or PLC followed by anti-gp63 antibodies incubation. In addition, the number of wild C. deanei bound to A. aegypti explanted guts was twice as that of aposymbiotic parasites. Flow cytometry assays revealed that the reactivity of the wild strain with anti-gp63 antibodies was approximately twice as that of the aposymbiotic strain. We may conclude that higher expression of surface gp63 by the wild strain of C. deanei may positively influence this interaction, posing a prominent advantage for the endosymbiont-containing trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a protozoal disease of human that occurs in most parts of the world. By considering the progress of bioinformatics in molecular modeling, major surface glycoprotein of Leishmania donovani (gp63) structure was modeled using homology modeling with high accuracy based on the X-ray crystal structure of the Leishmania major gp63 as a template, and then analyzed 3D structure of gp63 which can reveal exact facts about its structure and interaction. The objective of this study was to find folding and three dimensional structure of the gp63 as potent antigen for human. In this project, we applied the theory of evolution method, including comparative modeling and threading. This study presented a simple protocol for rapid and precise finding 3D structure of gp63 and investigation of its structural properties. The translated amino acid sequence showed that Leishmania donovani gp63 contains 590 amino acids precursor protein consisting of an NH2-terminal signal peptide of 39 amino acids for membrane targeting, a pro region of 48 amino acids, the mature protein of 478 amino acids containing glycosylation and putative catalytic sites, and a COOH-terminal signal peptide of 25 amino acids for GPI attachment. Based on our model, the protein consists of three domains: the N-terminal, central and C-terminal domains. Additionally, these results could guide future structure-function analyses of gp63 protein.  相似文献   

The promastigote stage of most if not all Leishmania species possesses an abundant surface glycoprotein of 63 kDa (gp63) that has protease activity. We show that the lizard parasite Leishmania tarentolae appears to lack the surface protease activity. L. tarentolae does, however, possess an approximately 63-kDa molecule that is antigenically cross-reactive with the L. major gp63. Additionally, the genome of L. tarentolae contains sequences that hybridise at high stringency to a L. major gp63 gene probe.  相似文献   

Summary The antigenicity and conformational properties of the Ser-Arg-Tyr-Asp (SRYD) segment (252–255) of the major surface glycoprotein ofLeishmania, gp63, which plays a key role in the parasite-macrophage attachement, are presented. It was found that the antibody recognition, using anti-IASRYDQL antibodies, of the SRYD-containing analogues, Ac-SRYD-NH2 (1), ANIASRYD-NH2 (2), Ac-SRYD (3), SRYD (4) and ANIASRYD (5), is rather similar. The structure of the SRYD moiety in analogues 1 and 2 is characterized by the presence of a type I -turn, stabilized by the formation of a hydrogen bonding between the C-terminaltrans-carboxamide proton and the Arg-CO and an ionic bridge between arginine and aspartic acid side chains, while the conformation of compounds 3, 4 and 5 is stabilized by an ionic bridge between the arginine side chain and the C-terminal carboxylate group. A common structural motif involving the arginine side chain in an ionic interaction is identified in all the SRYD analogues, which may explain the observed similarities in the antibody recognition of the reported peptides.  相似文献   

Blastocrithidia culicis and Crithidia deanei are trypanosomatid protozoa of insects that normally contain intracellular symbiotic bacteria. The protozoa can be rid of their endosymbionts by antibiotics, producing a cured cell line. Here, we analyzed the glycoconjugate profiles of endosymbiont-harboring and cured strains of B. culicis and C. deanei by Western blotting and flow cytometry analyses using lectins that recognize specifically sialic acid and mannose-like residues. The absence of the endosymbiont increased the intensity of the lectins binding on both trypanosomatids. In addition, wild and cured strain-specific glycoconjugate bands were identified. The role of the surface saccharide residues on the interaction with explanted guts from Aedes aegypti gut was assessed. The aposymbiotic strains of B. culicis and C. deanei presented interaction rates 3.3- and 2.3-fold lower with the insect gut, respectively, when compared with the endosymbiont-bearing strains. The interaction rate of sialidase-treated cells of the wild and cured strains of B. culicis and C. deanei was reduced in at least 90% in relation to the control. The interaction of B. culicis (wild strain) with explanted guts was inhibited in the presence of mucin (56%), fetuin (62%), sialyllactose (64%) and alpha-methyl-D-mannoside (80%), while in C. deanei (wild strain) the inhibition was 53%, 56%, 79% and 34%, respectively. Collectively, our results suggest a possible involvement of sialomolecules and mannose-rich glycoconjugates in the interaction between insect trypanosomatids and the invertebrate host.  相似文献   

D. G. Russell 《Protoplasma》1994,181(1-4):191-201
Summary The protistan parasiteLeishmania is a dimorphic cell that survives as a motile promastigote in the insect digestive tract, and a non-motile, amastigote from within the phagolysosomal compartment of the vertebrate host's phagocytes. The surface ofLeishmania must interface with a range of differing environments and facilitate uptake of nutrients, whilst protecting the parasite from various host defence mechanisms. This review discusses the organization of the leishmanial cell, and the biology of its major surface constituents, the lipophosphoglycan and the surface proteinase, gp 63.  相似文献   

Interaction experiments between hematophagous insects and monoxenous trypanosomatids have become relevant, once cases of human infection involving these protozoa have been reported. Moreover, investigations related to the interaction of insects with trypanosomatids that harbour an endosymbiotic bacterium and thereby lack the paraflagellar rod structure are important to elucidate the role of this structure in the adhesion process. In this work, we compared the interaction of endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids and their aposymbiotic counterpart strains (without endosymbionts) with cell lines of Anopheles gambiae, Aedes albopictus and Lutzomyia longipalpis and with explanted guts of the respective insects. Endosymbiont-bearing strains interacted better with insect cells and guts when compared with aposymbiotic strains. In vitro binding assays revealed that the trypanosomatids interacted with the gut epithelial cells via flagellum and cell body. Flagella attached to the insect gut were enlarged, containing electrondense filaments between the axoneme and flagellar membrane at the point of adhesion. Interactions involving the flagellum lacking paraflagellar rod structure were mainly observed close to tight junctions, between epithelial cells. Endosymbiont-bearing trypanosomatids were able to colonise Aedes aegypti guts after protozoa feeding.  相似文献   

In SDS-PAGE the immune complexes (IC) of kala-azar patient sera showed intense bands at 55 kDa and 20 kDa corresponding to heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins. In immunoblot experiment, kala-azar and normal IC after treatment with patient sera showed multiple bands of which the band at 55 kDa was most prominent in kala-azar IC. It is known that in kala-azar sera antihuman IgG is present, so the heavy band at 55 kDa region may be due to higher amount of IgG and/or other antigen(s) present at that region. Immunoblot experiments of kala-azar IC with anti gp63 also developed a major band at 55 kDa. It suggests that the antigen (55 kDa) and gp63 have common antigenic epitope (s). Normal IC did not react with anti gp63 indicating absence of this antigen in normal IC. Antigenic similarity between the IC antigen (55 kDa) and gp63 indicated that the former antigen may have been processed from gp63. In summary, identification of a parasite antigen (55 kDa) in IC of kala-azar patients sera may be useful in developing a serodiagnostic assay for visceral leishmaniasis. (Mol Cell Biochem130: 11–17, 1994)Abbreviations IC Immune Complexes - PEG Polyethylene Glycol (Mol wt 8000) - PBS Phosphate Buffer Saline - VL Visceral Leishmaniasis - AVL American Visceral Leishmaniasis - IgG Immunoglobulin G - TBS Tris Buffer Saline - SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - gp63 A leishmanial surface glycoprotein of molecular mass 63,000 - TEMED N,N,N,N-Tetramethylethylenediamine  相似文献   

The major surface glycoprotein gp63 of the kinetoplastid protozoal parasiteLeishmania is implicated as a ligand mediating uptake of the parasite into, and survival within, the host macrophage. By expressing gp63 antisense RNA from an episomal vector inL. donovani promastigotes, gp63-deficient transfectants were obtained. Reduction of the gp63 level resulted in increased generation times, altered cell morphology, accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and increased numbers of binucleate cells with one or two kinetoplasts. Growth was stimulated, and the number of binucleate cells reduced, by addition to the culture of a bacterially expressed fusion protein containing the fibronectin-like SRYD motif and the zinc-binding (metalloprotease) domain of gp63. These observations support an additional role of gp63 in promastigote multiplication; the fibronectin-like properties of gp63 may be important in this process  相似文献   

An effective vaccine against acquired immune deficiency syndrome is still unavailable after dozens of years of striving. The glycoprotein gp41 of human immunodeficiency virus is a good candidate as potential immunogen because of its conservation and relatively low glycosylation. As a reference of human immunodeficiency virus gp41, gp45 from equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) could be used for comparison because both wild‐type and vaccine strain of EIAV have been extensively studied. From structural studies of these proteins, the conformational changes during viral invasion could be unveiled, and a more effective acquired immune deficiency syndrome vaccine immunogen might be designed based on this information.  相似文献   

Species of the subgenus Leishmania (Leishmania) cause the debilitating disease leishmaniasis on four continents. Species grouped within the Leishmania donovani complex cause visceral leishmaniasis, a life-threatening disease, often associated with poverty, and affecting some 0.5 million people each year. The Leishmania glycoprotein GP63, or major surface protease, is a metalloprotease involved in parasite survival, infectivity and virulence. Here, we show that evolution of the gp63 multigene family is influenced by mosaic or fragmental gene conversion. This is a major evolutionary force for both homogenisation and for generating diversity, even in the absence of sexual reproduction. We propose here that the high GC content at the third codon position in the gp63 family of Old World Leishmania may be higher in multicopy regions, under the biased gene conversion model, because increased copy numbers may lead to increased rates of recombination. We confirm that one class of gp63 genes with an extended 3'end signal, gp63(EXT), reveals genetic groups within the complex and gives insights into evolution and host associations. Gp63(EXT) genes can also provide the basis for rapid and reliable genotyping of strains in the L. donovani complex. Our results confirmed that a more stringent definition of Leishmania infantum is required and that the species Leishmania archibaldi should be suppressed.  相似文献   

The role of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters in the efflux of the insecticide, temephos, was assessed in the larvae of Aedes aegypti. Bioassays were conducted using mosquito populations that were either susceptible or resistant to temephos by exposure to insecticide alone or in combination with sublethal doses of the ABC transporter inhibitor, verapamil (30, 35 and 40 μM). The best result in the series was obtained with the addition of verapamil (40 μM), which led to a 2x increase in the toxicity of temephos, suggesting that ABC transporters may be partially involved in conferring resistance to the populations evaluated.  相似文献   

Phytomonas serpens synthesizes metallo- and cysteine-proteases that are related to gp63 and cruzipain, respectively, two virulence factors produced by pathogenic trypanosomatids. Here, we described the cellular distribution of gp63- and cruzipain-like molecules in P. serpens through immunocytochemistry and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Both proteases were detected in distinct cellular compartments, presenting co-localization in membrane domains and intracellular regions. Subsequently, we showed that exogenous proteins modulated the production of both protease classes, but in different ways. Regarding the metalloprotease, only fetal bovine serum (FBS) influenced the gp63 expression, reducing its surface exposition (≈30%). Conversely, the cruzipain-like molecule was differentially modulated according to the proteins: human and bovine albumins reduced its expression around 50% and 35%, respectively; mucin and FBS did not alter its production, while IgG and hemoglobin drastically enhanced its surface exposition around 7- and 11-fold, respectively. Additionally, hemoglobin induced an augmentation in the cell-associated cruzipain-like activity in a dose-dependent manner. A twofold increase of the secreted cruzipain-like protein was detected after parasite incubation with 1% hemoglobin compared to the parasites incubated in PBS-glucose. The results showed the ability of P. serpens in modulating the expression and the activity of proteolytic enzymes after exposition to exogenous proteins, with emphasis in its cruzipain-like molecules.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The transmission of insect pathogens cannot be adequately described by direct linear functions of host and pathogen density due to heterogeneity generated from behavioural or physiological traits, or from the spatial distribution of pathogen particles. Invertebrate iridescent viruses (IIVs) can cause patent and lethal infection or a covert sub-lethal infection in insects. Aedes aegypti larvae were exposed to suspensions of IIV type 6 at two densities. High larval density increased the prevalence of aggression resulting in potentially fatal wounding.
2. The overall prevalence of infection (patent + covert) was positively influenced by host density and increased with exposure time in both densities. The survival time of patently infected insects was extended by ≈ 5 days compared with non-infected insects.
3. Maximum likelihood models based on the binomial distribution were fitted to empirical results. A model incorporating heterogeneity in host susceptibility by inclusion of a pathogen-free refuge was a significantly better fit to data than an all-susceptible model, indicating that transmission is non-linear. The transmission coefficient ( υ ) did not differ with host density whereas the faction of the population that occupied the pathogen-free refuge (ΠR) was significantly reduced at high host density compared with the low density treatment.
4. The transmission of free-living infective stages of an IIV in Ae. aegypti larvae is non-linear, probably because of density-related changes in the frequency of aggressive encounters between hosts. This alters host susceptibility to infection and effectively reduces the proportion of hosts that occupy the pathogen-free refuge.  相似文献   

登革热媒介昆虫抗药性的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,登革热在全球的流行迅速增长,埃及伊蚊Aedes aegypti(L.)和白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus(Skuse)是登革热传播的主要媒介。目前,化学防治仍然是防治蚊虫的主要手段,每年化学杀虫剂的大量使用直接或间接地导致其产生了抗药性。关于埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊的抗药性研究,主要集中于DDT、有机磷和拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂导致的抗药性,并已深入到抗药性分子机理的研究。文章就埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊对杀虫剂诱导的抗药性现状及抗性机理的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Summary The I250 ASRYDQL257 synthetic octapeptide of theLeishmania major surface glycoprotein gp63, which efficiently inhibits parasite attachment to the macrophage receptors and mimics antigenically and functionally the RGDS sequence of fibronectin, was studied by 2D TR-NOESY in the presence of an anti-SRYD monoclonal antibody (mAbSRYD) that recognizes both SRYD-containing peptides and the cognate protein on intact parasites. Molecular modeling was performed using distance constraints obtained from TR-NOEs. The bound structure was compared with that of the free peptide in DMSO solution and with the crystal structure of the RYD fragment of the OPG2 Fab, an antireceptor antibody that mimics an RGD cell adhesion site.  相似文献   

Mark‐release‐recapture experiments with Aedes aegypti were performed using experimental huts equipped with entrance and exit traps to evaluate their movement patterns during a two‐year period in Thailand. Results indicate no significant differences in the patterns of movement between the two years of observation. Movement into the huts occurred during the early morning period (06:00‐11:00) with a peak at 07:00 in the summer and rainy season and 09:00 in the winter. In contrast, the exit pattern was observed during the late morning (09:00‐12:00) and early afternoon (12:00‐16:00), with a peak at 16:00 in the winter, 11:00 in the summer, and 14:00 in the rainy season. Multiple regression analysis indicated that movements of Ae. aegypti females into and out of the huts were impacted by humidity and temperature during the day.  相似文献   

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