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Conservation of endangered species becomes a critical issue with the increasing rates of extinction. In this study, we use 13 microsatellite loci and 27 single-copy nuclear loci to investigate the population genetics of Boechera fecunda, a rare relative of Arabidopsis thaliana, known from only 21 populations in Montana. We investigated levels of genetic diversity and population structure in comparison to its widespread congener, Boechera stricta, which shares similar life history and mating system. Despite its rarity, B. fecunda had levels of genetic diversity similar to B. stricta for both microsatellites and nucleotide polymorphism. Populations of B. fecunda are highly differentiated, with a majority of genetic diversity existing among populations (F(ST) = 0.57). Differences in molecular diversity and allele frequencies between western and eastern population groups suggest they experienced very different evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Multiple queen-mating occurs in many social insects, but high degrees of multiple paternity have only been found in honeybees and some yellowjacket wasps. Here we report the first case of an ant species where multiple mating reduces relatedness among female offspring to values significantly lower than 0.5. Genetic analysis of a Panamanian population of the leaf-cutter ant Acromyrmex octospinosus showed that queens mate with at least 4 to 10 males. The detected (minimum) genetically effective paternity of nestmate females was 3.9 and estimates of mean relatedness among nestmate females were ca. 0.33. This implies that multiple queen-mating in Acromyrmex octospinosus reduces relatedness to 44% of the value in full-sib colonies (0.75), realizing 84% of the maximum reduction (to 0.25) that would be obtained with an infinite number of matings. Queens of Panamanian Acromyrmex octospinosus mate with more males than sympatric queens of Atta colombica, which is contrary to the positive relationship between queen-mating frequency and colony size found across more distantly related ant species. Possible selective forces that maintain high queen-mating frequencies in leaf-cutter ants are discussed.  相似文献   

The conservation and management of endangered species requires information on their genetic diversity, relatedness and population structure. The main genetic markers applied for these questions are microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the latter of which remain the more resource demanding approach in most cases. Here, we compare the performance of two approaches, SNPs obtained by restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) and 16 DNA microsatellite loci, for estimating genetic diversity, relatedness and genetic differentiation of three, small, geographically close wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations and a regionally used hatchery strain. The genetic differentiation, quantified as FST, was similar when measured using 16 microsatellites and 4,876 SNPs. Based on both marker types, each brown trout population represented a distinct gene pool with a low level of interbreeding. Analysis of SNPs identified half‐ and full‐siblings with a higher probability than the analysis based on microsatellites, and SNPs outperformed microsatellites in estimating individual‐level multilocus heterozygosity. Overall, the results indicated that moderately polymorphic microsatellites and SNPs from RADseq agreed on estimates of population genetic structure in moderately diverged, small populations, but RADseq outperformed microsatellites for applications that required individual‐level genotype information, such as quantifying relatedness and individual‐level heterozygosity. The results can be applied to other small populations with low or moderate levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gene flow and genetic variability within and among alpine plant populations can be greatly influenced by the steep environmental gradients and heterogeneous topography of alpine landscapes. In this study, the effects are examined of natural isolation of alpine habitats on genetic diversity and geographic structure in populations of C. thyrsoides, a rare and isolated European Alpine monocarpic perennial with limited seed dispersal capacity.


Molecular diversity was analysed for 736 individuals from 32 populations in the Swiss Alps and adjacent Jura mountains using five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Pollen flow was estimated using pollen grain-sized fluorescent powder. In addition, individual-based Bayesian approaches were applied to examine population structure.

Key Results

High within-population genetic diversity (HE = 0·76) and a relatively low inbreeding coefficient (FIS = 0·022) were found. Genetic differentiation among populations measured with a standardized measure was considerable (GST = 0·53). A significant isolation-by-distance relationship was found (r = 0·62, P < 0·001) and a significant geographic sub-structure, coinciding with proposed postglacial migration patterns. Altitudinal location and size of populations did not influence molecular variation. Direct measures of pollen flow revealed that insect-mediated pollen dispersal was restricted to short distances within a population.


The natural isolation of suitable habitats for C. thyrsoides restricts gene flow among the populations as expected for a monocarpic species with very limited seed dispersal capacities. The observed high within-population genetic diversity in this rare monocarpic perennial is best explained by its outcrossing behaviour, long-lived individuals and overlapping generations. Despite the high within-population genetic diversity, the considerable genetic differentiation and the clear western–eastern differentiation in this species merits consideration in future conservation efforts.Key words: Alpine plant, Campanula thyrsoides, genetic diversity, gene flow, genetic differentiation, glacial history, GST, habitat isolation, microsatellites, monocarpy, SSR  相似文献   

Molecular genetic analyses show that introduced populations undergoing biological invasions often bring together individuals from genetically disparate native-range source populations, which can elevate genotypic variation if these individuals interbreed. Differential admixture among multiple native-range sources explains mitochondrial haplotypic diversity within and differentiation among invasive populations of the lizard Anolis sagrei. Our examination of microsatellite variation supports the hypothesis that lizards from disparate native-range sources, identified using mtDNA haplotypes, form genetically admixed introduced populations. Furthermore, within-population genotypic diversity increases with the number of sources and among-population genotypic differentiation reflects disparity in their native-range sources. If adaptive genetic variation is similarly restructured, then the ability of invasive species to adapt to new conditions may be enhanced.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and prevalence of virtually all Theileria and Babesia species in a sheep population were studied using a specifically designed reverse line blot macroarray. The amplified hypervariable V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene was hybridised against generic and species-specific probes. In a first screening (Study I), 320 apparently healthy animals corresponding to 32 flocks located in the Basque Country (Northern Spain) were analysed. The survey demonstrated a high prevalence of subclinical infections (64.7%). Three Theileria genotypes were identified, sharing 96.7-97.0% similarity between their 18S rRNA gene sequences: Theileria ovis, Theileria sp. OT1 (99.6% similarity with the recently described pathogenic piroplasm Theileria sp. China 1), and Theileria sp. OT3. Two Babesia species sharing 91.5% similarity were also detected: Babesia ovis and Babesia motasi. The complete 18S rRNA gene sequences of these and other piroplasm species were phylogenetically analysed. Prevalence of piroplasms was also investigated in a second group of 80 sheep from 16 flocks reared in mountain areas that had been heavily exposed to ticks and had suffered a recent abortion episode (Study II). The screening revealed a significantly higher (P < 0.05) prevalence (78.7%) of piroplasm infections compared to Study I. Although the prevalence rates for some piroplasm species were significantly related to abortion (e.g. Theileria sp. OT3), decreases in the red cell parameters were not significant. The widespread distribution of Theileria spp. in the studied sheep population suggests that the parasites involved are of relatively low pathogenicity, in contrast to what has been reported for Theileria sp. China 1 in other countries.  相似文献   

The population size, dispersal of fry, growth of fry in relation to density, mortality and production of young trout ( Salmo trutta L.) were studied in a Danish brook during 1970–1972. In the first few months after emergence downstream emigration of fry took place both in 1971 and 1972, after which the trout became stationary. Growth was inversely density dependent and mortality was density dependent in the months just after emergence. Later mortality was constant and independent of density. Trout production varied between 10 g/m2 and 18.6 g/m2 in the 2 years.  相似文献   

Studies of highly kin-structured mammal societies have revealedthe importance of natal philopatry in determining the distributionof genetic variation within populations. In comparison, therelationship between philopatry and genetic diversity withinpopulations of moderately kin-structured societies has receivedrelatively little attention. Previous studies of Neotoma macrotishave suggested that females form distinct kin clusters. Eachkin cluster overlaps spatially with the home range(s) of oneor more males that are not related to each other or to the femaleswith which they are spatially associated. To examine interactionsbetween philopatry and genetic structure in this apparentlymoderately kin-structured species, we characterized spatialand genetic relationships among individually marked femalesin a population of N. macrotis from central coastal California.Our field studies revealed that, contrary to expectation, femalesin this population were not strongly philopatric and spatiallyclustered females were not characterized by high levels of geneticrelatedness. Nevertheless, genetic structure was evident withinthe study population; spatial and genetic distances among femaleswere significantly correlated, suggesting that dispersal patternsinfluenced genetic structure even in the absence of marked femalephilopatry. Because females with overlapping spatial distributionswere not typically closely related to one another, opportunitiesfor the evolution of kin-selected social behavior (e.g., cooperativecare of young) appear to be limited in this population.  相似文献   

Mating systems and population dynamics influence genetic diversity and structure. Species that experience inbreeding and limited gene flow are expected to evolve isolated, divergent genetic lineages. Metapopulation dynamics with frequent extinctions and colonizations may, on the other hand, deplete and homogenize genetic variation, if extinction rate is sufficiently high compared to the effect of drift in local demes. We investigated these theoretical predictions empirically in social spiders that are highly inbred. Social spiders show intranest mating, female‐biased sex ratio, and frequent extinction and colonization events, factors that deplete genetic diversity within nests and populations and limit gene flow. We characterized population genetic structure in Stegodyphus sarasinorum, a social spider distributed across the Indian subcontinent. Species‐wide genetic diversity was estimated over approximately 2800 km from Sri Lanka to Himalayas, by sequencing 16 protein‐coding nuclear loci. We found 13 SNPs in 6592 bp (π = 0.00045) indicating low species‐wide nucleotide diversity. Three genetic lineages were strongly differentiated; however, only one fixed difference among them suggests recent divergence. This is consistent with a scenario of metapopulation dynamics that homogenizes genetic diversity across the species' range. Ultimately, low standing genetic variation may hamper a species' ability to track environmental change and render social inbreeding spiders ‘evolutionary dead‐ends’.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic diversity and genetic differentiation may strongly vary among populations of the same species depending on population turnover and local population sizes. Yet, despite the importance of these predictions for evolutionary and conservation issues, empirical studies comparing high‐turnover and low‐turnover populations of the same species are scarce. In this study, we used Daphnia magna, a freshwater crustacean, as a model organism for such a comparison. In the southern/central part of its range, D. magna inhabits medium‐sized, stable ponds, whereas in the north, it occurs in small rock pools with strong population turnover. We found that these northern populations have a significantly lower genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation compared to the southern/central populations. Total genetic diversity across populations was only about half and average within‐population diversity only about a third of that in southern/central populations. Moreover, an average southern population contains more genetic diversity than the whole metapopulation system in the north. We based our analyses both on silent sites and microsatellites. The similarity of our results despite the contrasting mutation rates of these markers suggests that the differences are caused by contemporary rather than by historical processes. Our findings show that variation in population turnover and population size may have a major impact on the genetic diversity and differentiation of populations, and hence may lead to differences in evolutionary processes like local adaptation, hybrid vigour and breeding system evolution in different parts of a species range.  相似文献   

All Schistosoma mansoni tri- and tetranucleotide repeat microsatellites published as of December 2018 were identified. All 52 were evaluated for autosomal location, strength of amplification, scorability and behavior as single-copy loci by polyacrylamide and capillary gel electrophoresis. Of these, 27 were unique, autosomal, polymorphic, easily scored and single copy as assessed on pooled adult worm DNA from two different continental origins and adult worm clones. These microsatellites were distributed across all seven autosomal chromosomes. On laboratory strains their heterozygosity ranged from 0.22 to 0.77. Individual markers had 5–13 alleles, allelic richness of 2–10 and an effective allele number of 1.3–8.14. Those infected by Schistosoma mansoni carry many genetically distinct, sexually reproducing parasites, therefore, for an individual infection the complete allele frequency profile of their progeny consists of a pool of DNA from multiple diploid eggs. Using a set of 25 microsatellites, we calculated allele frequency profiles of eggs in fecal samples from people in two Brazilian communities separated by 6 km: Jenipapo (n = 80) and Volta do Rio (n = 38). There were no a priori characteristics that could predict the performance of markers in natural infections based on their performance with laboratory strains. Increasing marker number did not change accuracy for differentiation and diversity but did improve precision. Our data suggest that using a random set of 10–20 microsatellites appears to result in values that exhibit low standard deviations for diversity and differentiation indices. All identified microsatellites as well as PCR conditions, allele size, primer sequences and references for all tri- and tetramer microsatellites markers presented in this work are available at: https://sites.google.com/case.edu/cwru-and-fiocruz-wdrc/home.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within and among populations and species is influenced by complex demographic and evolutionary processes. Despite extensive research, there is no consensus regarding how landscape structure, spatial distribution, gene flow, and population dynamics impact genetic composition of natural populations. Here, we used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to investigate effects of population size, geographic isolation, immigration, and gene flow on genetic structure, divergence, and diversity in populations of Tetrix subulata pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from 20 sampling locations in southern Sweden. Analyses of 1564 AFLP markers revealed low to moderate levels of genetic diversity (PPL = 59.5–90.1; Hj = 0.23–0.32) within and significant divergence among sampling localities. This suggests that evolution of functional traits in response to divergent selection is possible and that gene flow is restricted. Genetic diversity increased with population size and with increasing proportion of long‐winged phenotypes (a proxy of recent immigration) across populations on the island of Öland, but not on the mainland. Our data further suggested that the open water separating Öland from the mainland acts as a dispersal barrier that restricts migration and leads to genetic divergence among regions. Isolation by distance was evident for short interpopulation distances on the mainland, but gradually disappeared as populations separated by longer distances were included. Results illustrate that integrating ecological and molecular data is key to identifying drivers of population genetic structure in natural populations. Our findings also underscore the importance of landscape structure and spatial sampling scheme for conclusions regarding the role of gene flow and isolation by distance.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic structure of a population is essential to its conservation and management. We report the level of genetic diversity and determine the population structure of a cryptic deep ocean cetacean, the Gray''s beaked whale (Mesoplodon grayi). We analysed 530 bp of mitochondrial control region and 12 microsatellite loci from 94 individuals stranded around New Zealand and Australia. The samples cover a large area of the species distribution (~6000 km) and were collected over a 22-year period. We show high genetic diversity (h=0.933–0.987, π=0.763–0.996% and Rs=4.22–4.37, He=0.624–0.675), and, in contrast to other cetaceans, we found a complete lack of genetic structure in both maternally and biparentally inherited markers. The oceanic habitats around New Zealand are diverse with extremely deep waters, seamounts and submarine canyons that are suitable for Gray''s beaked whales and their prey. We propose that the abundance of this rich habitat has promoted genetic homogeneity in this species. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the lack of beaked whale sightings is the result of their low abundance, but this is in contrast to our estimates of female effective population size based on mitochondrial data. In conclusion, the high diversity and lack of genetic structure can be explained by a historically large population size, in combination with no known exploitation, few apparent behavioural barriers and abundant habitat.  相似文献   

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