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The visual pigments of cones and rods in three species of mollies, Poecilia mexicana , Poecilia latipinna and their asexual hybrid Poecilia formosa , were examined using microspectrophotometry. In P. mexicana , populations from extreme photic habitats were used: one population originated from a clear water habitat, one from a milky water habitat and another from a completely dark cave. Ultraviolet-sensitive cones were found in all species. Differences in the λmax values of the visual pigments were small between species and among the three P. mexicana populations, but dark-reared cave fishes showed appreciably higher variance. The hybrid species P. formosa showed a highly variable long wavelength cone absorbance, ranging from 528·9 to 598·5 nm, suggesting multiple opsin expression or chromophore mixing.  相似文献   

The phototactic behaviour of surface- and cave-dwelling Atlantic mollies Poecilia mexicana was examined. Surface-dwelling Atlantic mollies, as well as light- and dark-reared cave fish showed photophilic behaviour under all light intensities used (620, 50 and 3 lx).  相似文献   

Individuals providing misleading information to conspecifics may benefit from deception at the receiver's expense. A recent study (Plath et al., Curr Biol 18:1138–1141, 2008c) suggested that male Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana) deceive rival males about their preferred mate. Here, we contrasted potentially deceptive behavior in surface-dwelling P. mexicana males to males of the cave form of that species (the cave molly). Unlike many other cavefishes, cave mollies have retained functional eyes and readily respond to visual stimuli. Males could interact freely with two females (large and small), and an audience male was visually presented during the second part of the tests. When observed during mate choice, males reduced their mating activity, but this reduction was significantly weaker in cave mollies. Overall, the expression of mating preferences (determined through frequencies of nipping and thrusting) declined in front of an audience; again, this effect was significantly weaker in the cave form. Reduced sexual activity and reduced expression of mating preferences can be interpreted as an attempt of the focal male to avoid unintended interception of information by the rival male. Surface but not cave molly males directed their first sexual interaction (when being observed by the rival male) towards the initially non-preferred female, suggesting that surface-dwelling males deceive rival males about their mating preferences. Deception by the focal males may be an adaptation to avoid sperm competition, since other males in their social environment may use public information and copy the focal male's mate choice. It seems that sending deceptive signals is evolutionarily regressed in the cave molly, since mate choice copying is unlikely to occur under naturally dark conditions, and also the potential to deceive rivals about mating preferences is probably very limited.  相似文献   

The Atlantic molly Poecilia mexicana inhabits a variety of habitats. In previous studies, small males from clear-water populations showed considerably more sexual behaviours than large males. Males from a sulphur creek, the El Azufre, or from a sulphur cave (cave molly) showed comparatively low sexual activity, and typical size-dependent mating behaviour was either absent or large males showed even more sexual behaviour than smaller ones. Sexually deprived cave molly males increased their sexual activity, but small males still did not show more sexual behaviour than large ones, suggesting that the genetic basis for typical size-dependent mating behaviour has been lost. Likely, the extreme abiotic conditions (hypoxia and toxic hydrogen sulphide) have selected against energetically costly behaviours. In this paper, we examined how El Azufre males would respond to sexual deprivation. We found these males to also increase their sexual activity after sexual deprivation but, unlike cave mollies, small males now showed more sexual behaviour than large ones, suggesting that the genetic basis for this behaviour is not lost in this population. Differences between populations may be due to the less harsh characteristics of El Azufre (e.g. less H2S), resulting in weaker selection against energy-consuming behaviours. Furthermore, we tested for potential costs of male sexual harassment for females in terms of reduced feeding efficiency in the presence of a male, as was shown for P. mexicana from a clear-water population, but was not found in cave mollies or the El Azufre fish. Test females were either starved for 1 week to increase hunger levels or male sexual deprivation and female starvation were combined; however, we found no evidence for male sexual harassment even after these treatments. Our results parallel previous findings in the cave molly and suggest that El Azufre males have lost specific behavioural traits that cause sexual harassment.  相似文献   

Cave fishes need to rely on non-visual senses, such as the sense of smell or the lateral line to communicate in darkness. In the present study, we investigated sex identification by females of a cave-dwelling livebearing fish, Poecilia mexicana (cave molly), as well as its surface-dwelling relatives. Unlike many other cave fishes, cave mollies still possess functional eyes. Three different modes of presentation of the stimulus fish (a male and an equally sized female) were used: (i) the stimulus fish were presented behind wire-mesh in light, allowing the focal female to perceive multiple cues, (ii) the experiment was carried out under infrared conditions, such that only non-visual cues could be perceived and (iii) the stimulus fish were presented in light behind transparent Plexiglas, allowing for the use of visual cues only. Females of all populations examined preferred to associate with the stimulus female in at least one of the treatments, but only when visible light was provided, suggesting that far-range sex recognition is limited or even absent in the cave molly under naturally dark conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined the patterns of morphological variation both between species, and between sexes and among populations within each species of the Mexican sailfin mollies, Poecilia velifera and Poecilia petenensis , using geometric morphometrics and linear measurements of morphological traits. While sexes within each species differed in characteristics that may be important in sexual selection, such as length of the dorsal fin, species differed in traits, such as body depth, that may also be influenced by natural selection due to differences in habitats. Within each species, many morphological traits were similar among populations, but important differences, including caudal peduncle depth in P. petenensis (but not in P. velifera ), suggested that habitat differences may also be important in shaping population divergence independently within each species. Indeed, the evolutionary vectors of male morphological population divergence for each species differed by an angle of 98·5°, representing nearly orthogonal vectors and suggesting independent shape divergence between these two molly species. Finally, geographic isolation did not explain the morphological differentiation seen among populations, suggesting that natural and sexual selection were strong forces promoting morphological diversification within these two species, despite the potential for a high degree of population connectivity and gene flow.  相似文献   

The parasite communities of two molly species, the sexual Poecilia latipinna and the clonal Poecilia formosa , were investigated in four populations using a novel method applicable under field conditions. In two native populations from south Texas and two introduced populations from central Texas, four species of microparasites and eight species of macroparasites were recorded. Virtually no differences in the parasite diversity and species composition could be detected between the populations. Mollies from south Texas had a higher individual parasitization index of macroparasites. There was a negative correlation between the relative number of oocytes in gravid females and their individual macroparasite load.  相似文献   

The change in reproductive mode from parthenogenesis to gametogenesis in Cladocera is controlled by multiple environmental cues. Maternal effects are involved in the control of reproductive switching. In this study, we estimated the readiness of Moina macrocopa females to change reproduction mode under the effect of conspecific chemicals on maternal and offspring generations. The results demonstrated that information about the chemical environment was not transmitted between generations (none of the females produced diapausing eggs in the control medium irrespective of their mothers' environment). Differences in maternal energetic investments were not significant, hence the maternal environment did not affect the fecundity. However, tested animals adapted to the effect of the diapause inducing factor. When offspring of mothers cultured in crowded water were also cultured in crowded water (the constant effect of conspecific chemicals), they switched less readily to gametogenesis than offsprings of mothers cultured in fresh medium.  相似文献   

When making mating decisions, individuals may rely on multiple cues from either the same or multiple sensory modalities. Although the use of visual cues in sexual selection is well studied, fewer studies have examined the role of chemical cues in mate choice. In addition, few studies have examined how visual and/or chemical cues affect male mating decisions. Male mate choice is important in systems where males must avoid mating with heterospecific females, as is found in a mating complex of Poecilia. Male sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna, are sexually parasitized by gynogenetic Amazon mollies, P. formosa. Little is known about the mechanism by which male sailfin mollies base their mating decisions. Here we tested the hypothesis that male sailfin mollies from an allopatric and a sympatric population with Amazon mollies use multiple cues to distinguish between conspecific and heterospecific females. We found that male sailfin mollies recognized the chemical cues of conspecific females, but we found no support for the hypothesis that chemical cues are by themselves sufficient for species discrimination. Lack of discrimination based on chemical cues alone may be due to the close evolutionary history between P. latipinna and P. formosa. Males from populations sympatric with Amazon mollies did not differentially associate with females of either of the two species when given access to both visual and chemical cues of the females, yet males from the allopatric population did associate more with conspecific females than with heterospecific females in the presence of both chemical and visual cues. The lack of discrimination by males from the sympatric population between conspecific and heterospecific females based on both chemical and visual cues suggests that these males require more complex combinations of cues to distinguish species, possibly due to the close relatedness of these species.  相似文献   

We examined the ionoregulatory physiology and biochemistry of the teleost sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna), an inhabitant of salt marshes along the gulf coast, during exposure to hyper-saline waters (salinity range 35-95 ppt). Mollies were able to tightly control plasma Na(+) and Cl(-) concentrations and tissue water levels up to 65 ppt, but at higher salinities plasma ion levels began to rise and muscle water content dropped. Still, even at the highest salinity (90 ppt) plasma Na(+) and Cl(-) levels were only 32% and 39%, respectively, above levels at 35 ppt. Drinking rates at 60 ppt climbed 35%, while gut Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase (NAK) activity rose 70% and branchial NAK activity jumped 200%. The relatively small rise in drinking rate, in the face of a more than doubling of the osmotic gradient, suggests that a reduction in branchial water permeability significantly limited water loss and associated salt load. At 80 ppt, a salinity where plasma ion levels just begin to rise, drinking rate rose more rapidly, but gut and gill NAK activity did not, suggesting that mollies employed other pathways (perhaps renal) of salt excretion. At higher salinities, plasma ion levels continued to rise and muscle water content fell slightly indicating the beginnings of internal osmotic disturbances. To evaluate the energetic costs of hyper-salinity on mollies we measured the rate of O(2) consumption and found it rose with salinity, in sharp contrast to virtually all species previously examined. Interestingly, despite higher metabolism, growth was unaffected by hyper-salinity.  相似文献   

The inheritance of sexual behaviour patterns was studied in species hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera. In addition, the aggressive behaviour and some morphological characters have been investigated and checked for a possible correlation between and within these three different traits studied. All the characters are inherited polygenically. The minimum genetic factors could be estimated only for some characters.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the potential role of conspecific chemical cues in inland juvenile American eel Anguilla rostrata migrations by assessing glass eel and 1 year old elver affinities to elver washings, and elver affinity to adult yellow eel washings. In two‐choice maze assays, glass eels were attracted to elver washings, but elvers were neither attracted to nor repulsed by multiple concentrations of elver washings or to yellow eel washings. These results suggest that A. rostrata responses to chemical cues may be life‐stage dependent and that glass eels moving inland may use the odour of the previous year class as information to guide migration. The role of chemical cues and olfaction in eel migrations warrants further investigation as a potential restoration tool.  相似文献   

This study reports significant differences between the gynogenetic Amazon molly Poecilia formosa and one of its sperm hosts, and the sexual sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna in the critical temperatures at which individual fishes lost motion control. Based on these measurements, it is suggested that cold snaps occurring in winter, but not summer temperatures, can significantly change population composition of these closely related fishes by inflicting higher mortality on P. formosa .  相似文献   

The pintado (Pseudoplatystoma coruscans) is a ferocious carnivorous catfish with evident cannibalistic behaviour; its nocturnal habits are related to its ability to use predominately chemical sensorial modalities. This study investigated whether the pintado distinguishes conspecifics of different body sizes using chemical cues, which may reflect different physiological conditions such as hunger or stress. Pintados were observed when receiving water conditioned by either larger or similar-size conspecifics. A control group consisted of pintados receiving unconditioned water. Twelve repetitions were used for each condition. Feeding-like behaviours were investigated in the receiver fish and showed that they responded only to the conditioned water. Furthermore, a higher frequency of responses occurred when the water was conditioned by a similar-size conspecific. Thus, it is concluded that pintados are able to recognize conspecific size by chemical cues related to size and that this ability contributes to the individual's decision making on whether to approach or to avoid the conspecific.  相似文献   

Shoaling behavior protects fishes from avian and piscine predation, but at the same time costs of group living arise due to several mechanisms including increased food competition. Most cave fishes live in an environment in which avian and piscine predators are lacking, and cave environments are often characterized by low food availability, leading to increased food competition. Altogether, this should favor the reduction of shoaling in cave fishes. We compared shoaling behavior (i.e. the tendency to associate with a stimulus shoal) among surface dwelling populations of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana, and two cave forms of that species. The first cave population of P. mexicana originated from the Cueva del Azufre and was previously recognized as the only cave form of a poeciliid fish. The second cave population examined came from a cave that was discovered only recently (Cueva Luna Azufre). In both cave forms shoaling behavior was reduced compared with surface dwelling mollies.  相似文献   

Where orangethroat darters (Etheostoma: Ceasia) and rainbow darters (Etheostoma caeruleum) co-occur, males prefer conspecific over heterospecific females. The cues males use to identify conspecific females remain unclear. We conducted behavioral trials to ask whether chemical cues function in conspecific recognition. We found that males from three orangethroat darter species preferentially associate with female scent over a control. Our results support the use of olfaction in conspecific identification in the orangethroat clade and contribute to our understanding of signals that may facilitate species recognition and underlie the evolution of behavioral isolation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In cannibalistic populations, smaller individuals are subject to predation by larger conspecifics, and small individuals commonly alter their behaviour in response to cannibals. Little is known, however, about the underlying cues that trigger such responses and how the behavioural responses to conspecific cannibals differ from heterospecific predators.
2. This study tests which cues are used for the detection of conspecific predators in the larva of the dragonfly Plathemis lydia and how the behavioural response to cannibals differed from the response to heterospecific predators.
3. Individuals were exposed to chemical cues, visual cues, and a combination of both cues from conspecifics as well as no predator and heterospecific predator controls during which their activity and feeding rates were observed.
4. Individuals increased their activity, spatial movement and feeding behaviour in response to either visual or chemical cues from conspecific predators, which was opposite to responses displayed with cues from heterospecific predators. Interestingly, the responses to visual and chemical cues from conspecifics combined were weaker than to either cue in isolation and similar to the no cue control.
5. The results clearly indicate that individuals are able to use chemical and visual cues to detect even very subtle differences in phenotype of conspecific predators.
6. The opposite response in behaviour when exposed to conspecific cannibals vs. heterospecific predators suggests that the presence of cannibals will increase the mortality risk of small individuals due to heterospecific predation. This risk-enhancement is likely to have important consequences for the dynamics of predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

We investigated the induction of aggregate formation in the freshwater bacterium Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 by growth state and protistan grazing. Dialysis bag batch culture experiments were conducted in which these bacteria were grown spatially separated from bacteria or from co‐cultures of bacteria and predators. In pure cultures of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007, the concentrations of single cells and aggregates inside and outside the dialysis membranes developed in a similar manner over 3 days of incubation, and the proportions of aggregates were highest during the exponential growth phase. Cell production of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 was enhanced in the presence of another isolate, Limnohabitans planktonicus, from an abundant freshwater lineage (R‐BT065) outside the bags, and even more so if that strain was additionally grazed upon by the bacterivorous flagellate Poterioochromonas sp. However, the ratios of single cells to aggregates of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 were not affected in either case. By contrast, the feeding of flagellates on Sphingobium sp. strain Z007 outside the dialysis bags led to significantly higher proportions of aggregates inside the bags. This was not paralleled by an increase in growth rates, and all cultures were in a comparable growth state at the end of the experiment. We conclude that two mechanisms, growth state and the possible release of infochemicals by the predator, may induce aggregate formation of Sphingobium sp. strain Z007. Moreover, these infochemicals only appeared to be generated by predation on cells from the same species.  相似文献   

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