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Environmental light conditions are of general importance in predator–prey interactions. In aquatic systems, prey individuals experience different levels of predation risk depending on the properties of the visual environment, such as structural complexity or water transparency. To reduce the threat of predation, prey should move to habitats providing better protection against visual predators. We studied the role of UV wavelengths in habitat choice behaviour under predation risk in a fish, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) that uses UV signals in different contexts of intraspecific communication. In a laboratory experiment sticklebacks were exposed to a predatory threat and given the choice between two escape habitats, one providing full-spectrum conditions including UV light (UV+) and one without UV wavelengths (UV−). Fish from two rearing treatments were tested, one group had been raised under natural lighting conditions (UV+), the other group under UV-deficient lighting conditions (UV−). Sticklebacks from the UV+ group preferred the UV− habitat as a refuge which suggests that predator avoidance behaviour is UV-related in this species with UV− conditions presumably being advantageous for prey fish. However, individuals from the UV− treatment group were equally attracted to both presented light habitats. It is possible that these fish could not discriminate between the two light habitats due to physiological limitations caused by their rearing conditions. Further control trials with neutral-density filters revealed that the UV− habitat preference of UV+ fish in the main experiment was rather not influenced by a difference in achromatic brightness between the UV+ and UV− habitat.  相似文献   

1. Focusing on the current environmental characteristics, the ‘habitat template’ theory proposes that life‐history strategies summarise how evolution has shaped species to cope with the temporal and spatial variability of their present environment. The hierarchical ‘landscape filters’ concept predicts that the distribution of species reflects their specific traits that allow them to pass through multiple habitat filters. Together, these theories showed the importance of identifying the functional relationships of species to selective habitat forces in order to predict the organisation and response of communities to the environment. 2. We test the relationships between life‐history traits of European freshwater fish species’ and their habitat preferences, to detect the strategies adopted by fish to cope with their current habitat. For this purpose, we use published data on species traits and habitat preferences (microhabitat hydraulics, temperature and oxygen level). We use multivariate analyses to classify fish species’ strategies and test the relationships between strategies and habitat preferences. 3. We identified a continuum of life‐history patterns between two extremes, with opportunistic and periodic species. Our study supports the idea that microhabitat hydraulics plays a more important role as a template for these species ecological strategies than temperature and oxygen level. Indeed, riffle habitats may select opportunistic species whereas weak relationships are found between species strategies and both their temperature and oxygen level preferences. In addition, the ratio between mortality and growth rate (dimensionless trait), reflecting a trade‐off between growth and survival, varied among species according to the use of their hydraulic habitat, with species using deep habitats exhibiting the highest values. 4. These general relationships between hydraulics and traits may be of importance in community ecology to develop predictive models to understand how fish communities change with the hydraulic environment.  相似文献   

In recent years, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration have been key issues of watershed management in many countries. To maintain or restore the environmental quality of watersheds, we need to assess the impact of anthropogenic changes on stream ecosystems with accuracy. In addition, watershed conservation planners have to make strategic plans and determine priorities of each conservation activity.

A new monitoring methodology to evaluate the change of habitat condition for freshwater fish based on a predictive habitat model using logistic regression was developed and applied to the whole of Japan. The main contributions of our approach were 1) the construction of a Geographical Information System (GIS) database that integrates many types of data, including freshwater fish species, water quality, habitat fragmentation by damming, geology, and climate; 2) spatial analysis for quantitative assessment and predictive habitat modeling using logistic regression to combine fish survey data and environmental habitat factors to determine critical and major habitat variables for each target fish; and 3) digital mapping and changes detection of fish habitat potential for targeted endangered fish species to show habitat distribution and spatio-temporal changes of habitat potential over a 25-year period (from 1977 to 2002). We found that predicted suitable habitat and actual fish habitat showed high overlap, and that habitat conditions and distribution patterns of target freshwater fish had been affected by major habitat variables to target species respectively.  相似文献   

Dry and rainy season investigations of diverse freshwater habitats in south-western Nigeria revealed fourteen species of snail comprised of nine pulmonates: Biomphalaria pfeifferi Krauss, Bulinus globosus Morelet, Bulinus rohlfsi Clessin, Lymnaea natalensis Krauss, Physa ( Aplexa) waterloti Germain, Bulinus forskali Ehrenberg, Gyraulus costulatus Krauss, Ferrissia sp, Segmentorbis sp. and five prosobranchs namely, Lanistes libycus Morelet, Lanistes ovum Peters, Pila wernei Philippi, Potadoma moerchi Reeve and Melanoides tuberculata Müller.The influence of diverse chemical and physical properties of water on their occurrence as well as interspecific and snail-plant relationships are discussed and maps showing the distribution of the species encountered are presented. Among the intermediate hosts of Schistosoma, B. globosus was widely distributed and common, B. pfeieri was also widely distributed but infrequent and B. rohlfsi was rare.  相似文献   

The Lake Victoria 'species flock' of cichlids is puzzling because reproductive isolation often occurs in the absence of substantial ecological differences among species. Theory predicts that this cannot evolve with most genetic mechanisms for mate choice. We provide the first evidence that learning, in the form of sexual imprinting, helps maintain reproductive isolation among closely related cichlid species. Using a cross-fostering experiment, we show that young females develop a sexual preference for males of their foster mothers' species, even reversing species assortative mating preferences. We suggest that learning creates favourable conditions for reproductive isolation to evolve.  相似文献   

  1. Increased turbidity and siltation caused by rock quarrying, mining, and deforestation are pervasive disturbances in aquatic systems. Turbidity interferes with vision for aquatic organisms, potentially altering predator–prey interactions.
  2. We studied the effects of these disturbances in Trinidadian streams by surveying predators and their shared prey both in streams with versus without quarries as well as in a focal stream before and after the establishment of a quarry. Then, to evaluate whether differential foraging success in turbid water might underlie abundance patterns of predators, we experimentally induced turbidity in mesocosms and measured predator foraging success.
  3. Upstream quarry presence had a dramatic effect on the benthic structure of streams, greatly increasing siltation. A substantial decrease in the abundance of a diurnal cichlid predator (Crenicichla frenata) was associated with quarry presence, while a nocturnal erytherinid predator (Hoplias malabaricus) was equally as abundant in streams with or without quarries. The density of their shared prey, the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) remained unchanged.
  4. In mesocosm trials, Crenicichla were less successful predators with turbidity, whereas Hoplias performed equally across turbidities. These foraging success results help explain differences in demographic shifts in response to turbidity for both predators.
  5. By relating short-term effects of an anthropogenically altered visual environment on species interactions to abundance patterns of predators and prey, this study helps to identify an important mechanism whereby changes to species’ visual ecology may have long-term effects on population biology.

Determination of predator food preferences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Conserving biodiversity in an era of rapid climate change requires understanding the mechanisms that influence dispersal, gene flow and, ultimately, species persistence. This information is becoming critical for conserving key species in rapidly warming places such as the Arctic. Arctic freshwater fish not only face warmer conditions, but also the drying of tundra streams due to climate change. Here, we examined population structure, gene flow, and the influence of landscape features on the neutral genetic variation of the Arctic grayling on Alaska’s North Slope. We estimated the number of genetically distinct clusters and determined effective population sizes for and patterns of gene flow among geographic regions. We predicted that river distance, river drying, distance to the coast, and elevational gradient would influence genetic differentiation for Arctic grayling. Bayesian clustering and discriminant analysis of principal components found support for five or six genetic clusters roughly corresponding to downstream and headwater subwatersheds. Estimates of gene flow revealed asymmetric downstream bias. River distance and river dry zones were significantly associated with increasing genetic differentiation among sampling locations despite this species' high dispersal capability and the temporary nature of dry zones. Isolation and downstream-biased dispersal could contribute to high levels of inter-population genetic variation among the headwaters of the North Slope Arctic grayling metapopulation, which might be particularly important for species conservation during rapid climate change. More generally, small, isolated populations might drive particular alleles to higher frequencies due to selection or drift, thus promoting the genetic potential for rapid evolutionary changes under future climate change.


Interacting global‐change drivers such as invasive species and climate warming are likely to have major and potentially unexpected influences on aquatic ecosystems. In river networks, modified water temperature combined with patchy physical conditions will likely cause shifts in the amount and distribution of suitable habitat, with influential invasive species further altering habitat availability. We examined how distributions of a thermally sensitive galaxiid fish native to the alpine rivers of New Zealand, Galaxias paucispondylus, were influenced by these drivers using spatially extensive presence–absence electrofishing surveys of 46 sites spread over four subcatchments. A unimodal response to water temperature and an interaction with substratum size meant G. paucispondylus were limited to streams with average summer water temperatures between 10.6 and 13.8 °C and were absent when average substratum sizes were <36 mm, regardless of temperature. In addition, non‐native trout >150 mm long excluded G. paucispondylus, but were only found in streams with average summer water temperatures <10.6 °C. These influences of trout likely strengthened the unimodal temperature response of G. paucispondylus and led to a very small G. paucispondylus realized niche. When predicted temperature increases were applied to catchment models, G. paucispondylus distributions were patchy and variable across subcatchments. Moreover, local physical characteristics of river networks were particularly important because of the non‐linear and interactive influences of temperature and substratum size on the outcome of species interactions. Therefore, substratum sizes, water temperature and a non‐native predator combined to influence the distribution of this thermally sensitive fish, illustrating how the effects of climate warming will likely be strongly context‐dependent and interactive.  相似文献   

Social living of animals is a broadly occurring phenomenon, although poorly studied in freshwater systems, fish schooling behaviour is an excellent example. The composition of fish schools, species-specific schooling tendencies and preferences of adult fish were studied in the pelagic habitat of the Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic. Video recordings captured over a total of 34 days (16 h per day) in the clear water period of three seasons were analysed. From four species identified as school-forming species – bream, bleak, roach and perch, 40% of the individuals observed formed schools of 3–36 individuals. Although conspecific schools prevailed, 20% of individuals formed heterospecific schools, except bleak that schooled strictly with conspecifics. Schools were composed of individuals of similar body size and life strategy. Heterospecific schools were significantly larger than conspecific schools and showed uneven proportion among species, that is, one species being more abundant when the school dimension increased. Probability of encounter in bleak was lowest and proved highest inclination for schooling. Gregarianism levels depended on species morphology and body size, with larger and morphologically advanced fish tending less to sociability. This indicates that the antipredator function of schooling behaviour is intensified with increasing vulnerability of the species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Food webs for 15 freshwater ecosystems in North America are reconstructed, based upon fish feeding habits in these ecosystems and established trophic categorizations for aquatic invertebrates. My own research in Goose Creek, Virginia, as well as literature data, provided the necessary information. One property of theoretical interest for food webs, namely omnivory, is examined, and the results are related to various topics more typically studied by freshwater fish ecologists, including predator-prey regulation, optimal foraging theory, and tropho-dynamics. The data indicate that omnivory is often important in freshwater ecosystems, such that fish may not always control the abundance of their prey. It is emphasized that knowledge of omnivory patterns can provide important insights into community structure and function in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

According to theory, directional female choice for male sexual ornaments is expected to erode underlying genetic variation. Considerable attention, in this regard, has been given to understanding the ubiquity of heritable genetic variation in both female choice and male sexual traits. One intriguing possibility emerging from this work is that persistent genetic variation could be maintained, over time, by variation in female mate preferences. Here, we report the results of a four-year study showing significant year-to-year fluctuations in mate preferences in a small marine fish, the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Although the average size of mature fish varied across years, we were unable to find direct evidence linking this variation to differences in female preferences among years. Our results, nevertheless, underscore the importance of temporal fluctuations in female mate preferences, as these can have important consequences for understanding variation in sexual traits and the intensity of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Some fish recognize the threat of predatory fish through chemical cues, which may result in variation in diel activity. However, there is little experimental evidence of diel shifts in activity of prey fish in response to the diel activity of a predator. We compared the total prey consumed and the use of cover by common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus), a native benthic feeding eleotrid, when exposed to the odour of an exotic predator, European perch (Perca fluviatilis), over a 12-h period. Our results showed no significant effect of perch odour on feeding activity, but a significant increase in the use of cover at night and a decrease in the use of cover by day. While common bullies may recognize the presence of a predator through chemical cues, dark conditions may inhibit this and other sensory mechanisms, affecting their ability to recognize the proximity of a predator. For example, during the daytime they may rely on visual cues to initiate cover-seeking behavior, but in the dark, vision is impaired giving them less warning of predators, thus potentially making them more vulnerable.  相似文献   

Despite potentially reducing predation mortality, behavioural responses of native species to introduced predators may still have sub-lethal impacts. In video-recorded laboratory trials, we examined the effects of introduced brown trout, Salmo trutta, on the short-term behaviour of a threatened, lake-dwelling galaxiid fish and confirmed a suspected diel pattern in habitat use by this species. We found that Galaxias auratus followed a distinct diel pattern in the use of complex habitats and open water, which was significantly altered by the presence of brown trout. In trials without the introduced predator, G. auratus used complex habitats (rocks or macrophytes) during the day, and open water during the night. In trials with brown trout present, G. auratus spent significantly less time in open water and rarely ventured out of the macrophytes. However, when given the option of using only rocky substrate or open water, which is the more common situation in the lakes to which this galaxiid is endemic, the fish reduced the amount of time they spent in the open water during the night, but still spent more time in open water than when macrophytes were available. Spending the daylight hours amongst the cover of rocks or macrophytes is most likely an adaptation to reduce the risk of predation by visual predators, and the pattern of reduced use of open water habitats in the presence of brown trout is an acute response to the close proximity of the introduced predator. The difference in the nocturnal use of macrophytes and rocks when trout are present may be related to differences in feeding opportunities or success within these habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The influence of filamentous algae on oviposition habitat selection by the mosquito Anopheles pseudopunctipennis and the consequences of oviposition decisions on the diet, development, body size, and survival of offspring were examined.
2. A natural population of An. pseudopunctipennis in Chiapas, Mexico, oviposited almost exclusively in containers with filamentous algae. Algae represented 47% of the gut contents of mosquito larvae sampled from the natural population. Mosquito larvae fed on an exclusive diet of algae developed as quickly and achieved the same adult body size (wing length) as their conspecifics fed on a standard laboratory diet.
3. Multiple regression of survival of mosquito larvae on percentage surface area cover of algae (0–99%) and the density of predatory fish (zero to four fish per container) was best described by a second-order polynomial model. Increasing fish densities resulted in a reduction in mosquito survival in all algal treatments. The highest incidence of survival was observed at intermediate (66%) algal cover in all treatments.
4. The presence of fish significantly extended larval development times whereas algal cover had no significant effect. The presence of fish resulted in emergence of smaller adults due to reduced feeding opportunities and predator avoidance behaviour. Algal cover also affected mosquito wing length but differently at each fish density.
5. Oviposition habitat selection improves survival in the presence of predators and feeding opportunities for An. pseudopunctipennis larvae.  相似文献   

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