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In this review I will describe the development of a technique that enables genotyping of individual DNA molecules in the context of morphologically preserved fixed cells, from the fundamental concept published in 1994 to the present status. The review describes enzyme-assisted histochemistry approaches to achieve highly specific molecular identification reactions coupled to efficient signal amplification. The primary molecular identification is accomplished through circularization of oligonucleotide probes, called padlock probes. The circularization reaction is catalyzed by a DNA ligase, which provides robust distinction between single-nucleotide variants under standard reaction conditions. To generate a detectable signal from individual circularized probe molecules, a DNA polymerase is added that replicates probe circles, generating a long tandem-repeated DNA product, easily visualized using a standard epi-fluorescence microscope. Individual signals are recorded as bright dots, providing digital information about the abundance of specific sequences and opportunities for simultaneous detection of several targets using spectral multiplexing. The importance of strictly target-dependent signal amplification will be discussed.Robert Feulgen Prize 2006 Winner lecture presented at the 48th Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry in Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, 7–10 September 2006.  相似文献   

It is now well established that a large majority of small, multicopy plasmids of Gram-positive bacteria use the rolling-circle (RC) mechanism for their replication. Furthermore, the host range of RC plasmids now includes Gram-negative organisms as well as archaea. RC plasmids can be broadly classified into at least five families, individual members of which are spread among widely different bacteria. There is significant homology in the basic replicons of plasmids belonging to a particular family, and there is compelling evidence that such plasmids have evolved from common ancestors. Major advances have recently been made in our understanding of plasmid RC replication, including the characterization of the biochemical activities of the plasmid initiator proteins and their interaction with the double-strand origin, the domain structure of the initiator proteins and the molecular basis for the function of single-strand origins in plasmid lagging strand synthesis. Over the past several years, there has been a 'renaissance' in studies on RC replication as a result of the discovery that many plasmids replicate by this mechanism, and studies in the next few years are likely to reveal new and novel mechanisms used by RC plasmids for their regulated replication.  相似文献   

Helitrons are the only group of rolling-circle transposons that encode a transposase with a helicase domain (Hel), which belongs to the Pif1 family. Because Pif1 helicases are important components of eukaryotic genomes, it has been suggested that Hel domains probably originated after a host eukaryotic Pif1 gene was captured by a Helitron ancestor. However, the few analyses exploring the evolution of Helitron transposases (RepHel) have focused on its Rep domain, which is also present in other mobile genetic elements. Here, we used phylogenetic and nonmetric multidimensional scaling analyses to investigate the relationship between Hel domains and Pif1-like helicases from a variety of organisms. Our results reveal that Hel domains are only distantly related to genomic helicases from eukaryotes and prokaryotes, and thus are unlikely to have originated from a captured Pif1 gene. Based on this evidence, and on recent studies indicating that Rep domains are more closely related to rolling-circle plasmids and phages, we suggest that Helitrons are descendants of a RepHel-encoding prokaryotic plasmid element that invaded eukaryotic genomes before the radiation of its major groups. We discuss how a Pif1-like helicase domain might have favored the transposition of Helitrons in eukaryotes beyond simply unwinding DNA intermediates. Finally, we demonstrate that some examples in the literature describing genomic helicases from eukaryotes actually consist of Hel domains from Helitrons, a finding that underscores how transposons can hamper the analysis of eukaryotic genes. This investigation also revealed that two groups of land plants appear to have lost genomic Pif1 helicases independently.  相似文献   

Intermediates of λ DNA replication in the second half of the latent period have been isolated and investigated in the electron microscope. The isolated replicative structures were predominantly single-branched “rolling-circle” replicative forms. The long linear tails (concatemers) may be the precursor of mature λ DNA.  相似文献   

Multiplexed protein profiling on microarrays by rolling-circle amplification   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Fluorescent-sandwich immunoassays on microarrays hold appeal for proteomics studies, because equipment and antibodies are readily available, and assays are simple, scalable, and reproducible. The achievement of adequate sensitivity and specificity, however, requires a general method of immunoassay amplification. We describe coupling of isothermal rolling-circle amplification (RCA) to universal antibodies for this purpose. A total of 75 cytokines were measured simultaneously on glass arrays with signal amplification by RCA with high specificity, femtomolar sensitivity, 3 log quantitative range, and economy of sample consumption. A 51-feature RCA cytokine glass array was used to measure secretion from human dendritic cells (DCs) induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). As expected, LPS induced rapid secretion of inflammatory cytokines such as macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1beta, interleukin (IL)-8, and interferon-inducible protein (IP)-10. We found that eotaxin-2 and I-309 were induced by LPS; in addition, macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC), soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R), and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor I (sTNF-RI) were induced by TNF-alpha treatment. Because microarrays can accommodate approximately 1,000 sandwich immunoassays of this type, a relatively small number of RCA microarrays seem to offer a tractable approach for proteomic surveys.  相似文献   

pRm1132f isolated from Sinorhizobium meliloti is a group III rolling-circle-replicating (RCR) plasmid. At least seven of eight open reading frames in the nucleotide sequence represented coding regions. The minimal replicon contained a rep gene and single- and double-stranded origins of replication. Detection of single-stranded plasmid DNA confirmed that pRm1132f replicated via an RCR mechanism.  相似文献   

ChromoWheel is an Internet browser application for generating whole-genome illustrations. It can be used to depict chromosomes, genes and relations between chromosomal loci. The circular layout of chromosomes is advantageous for showing relationships between different chromosomes, as the connecting line never crosses over a chromosome. All graphical image components are in the vector-based format Scalable Vector Graphics, which are highly scaleable and admit user interaction. ChromoWheel can either be run with user-provided data in the generic SFS format, or as a browser front-end for precompiled genomic data.  相似文献   

Plasmid rolling-circle replication: highlights of two decades of research   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Khan SA 《Plasmid》2005,53(2):126-136
This review provides a historical perspective of the major findings that contributed to our current understanding of plasmid rolling-circle (RC) replication. Rolling-circle-replicating (RCR) plasmids were discovered approximately 20 years ago. The first of the RCR plasmids to be identified were native to Gram-positive bacteria, but later such plasmids were also identified in Gram-negative bacteria and in archaea. Further studies revealed mechanistic similarities in the replication of RCR plasmids and the single-stranded DNA bacteriophages of Escherichia coli, although there were important differences as well. Three important elements, a gene encoding the initiator protein, the double strand origin, and the single strand origin, are contained in all RCR plasmids. The initiator proteins typically contain a domain involved in their sequence-specific binding to the double strand origin and a domain that nicks within the double strand origin and generates the primer for DNA replication. The double strand origins include the start-site of leading strand synthesis and contain sequences that are bound and nicked by the initiator proteins. The single strand origins are required for synthesis of the lagging strand of RCR plasmids. The single strand origins are non-coding regions that are strand-specific, and contain extensive secondary structures. This minireview will highlight the major findings in the study of plasmid RC replication over the past twenty years. Regulation of replication of RCR plasmids will not be included since it is the subject of another review.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the cloning and sequencing of two small plasmids, pTAUp and pTADw, from the Antarctic Gram-negative Psychrobacter sp strain TA144. The observation that pTAUp contains a putative Rep-coding gene (Psyrep) suggested that its duplication occurs via a rolling-circle replication mechanism. This hypothesis was confirmed by the identification of the pTAUp single-stranded DNA form. The putative pTAUp plus origin of replication was found at the 3' end of the Psyrep by using an in vivo complementation assay. Structural similarities at the level of (i) gene organization, (ii) protein sequence, and (iii) nick site sequences strongly suggest that the psychrophilic enzyme belongs to a new subfamily of replication enzymes.  相似文献   

We describe here a family of foldback transposons found in the genome of the higher eucaryote, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Two major classes of TU elements have been identified by analysis of genomic DNA and TU element clones. One class consists of largely similar elements with long terminal inverted repeats (IVRs) containing outer and inner domains and sharing a common middle segment that can undergo deletions. Some of these elements contain insertions. The second class is highly heterogeneous, with many different middle segments nonhomologous to those of the first-class and variable-sized inverted repeats that contain only an outer domain. The middle and insertion segments of both classes carry sequences that also are found unassociated from the inverted repeats at many other genomic locations. We conclude that the TU elements are modular structures composed of inverted repeats plus other sequence domains that are themselves members of different families of dispersed repetitive sequences. Such modular elements may have a role in the dispersion and rearrangement of genomic DNA segments.  相似文献   

Gene amplification contributes to a variety of biological phenomena, including malignant progression and drug resistance. However, details of the molecular mechanisms remain to be determined. Here, we have developed a gene amplification system in yeast and mammalian cells that is based on double rolling-circle replication (DRCR). Cre-lox system is used to efficiently induce DRCR utilizing a recombinational process coupled with replication. This system shows distinctive features seen in amplification of oncogenes and drug-resistance genes: (i) intra- and extrachromosomal amplification, (ii) intensive chromosome rearrangement and (iii) scattered-type amplification resembling those seen in cancer cells. This system can serve as a model for amplification of oncogenes and drug-resistance genes, and improve amplification systems used for making pharmaceutical proteins in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

A series of intragenic DNA probes, encoding the major part of the transposase resolvase and inverted repeats of transposons Tn3, Tn21, and Tn2501, were used in hybridization assays for homologous DNA sequences in 18 transposons studied. The tnpA and tnpR probes detected extensive homology with Tn3-like and Tn21-like elements for 11 transposons. This high degree of homology was confirmed with the 38- and 48-base-pair inverted-repeat oligonucleotide probes of Tn3, Tn21, and Tn2501. The Southern-type gel hybridization experiments localized the tnpA-homologous sequences on the physical DNA maps constructed. The genetic and physical maps of the transposons were compared, as were their nucleic acid sequence homologies. These comparisons suggested a subfamily of mobile elements distinct from but related to the Tn21 group. Based on these results, an evolutionary model is proposed and a pedigree is presented for the genesis of multiresistance beta-lactamase transposons.  相似文献   

We describe a method to monitor rolling-circle replication of circular oligonucleotides in dual-color and in real-time using molecular beacons. The method can be used to study the kinetics of the polymerization reaction and to amplify and quantify circularized oligonucleotide probes in a rolling-circle amplification (RCA) reaction. Modified molecular beacons were made of 2′-O-Me-RNA to prevent 3′ exonucleolytic degradation by the polymerase used. Moreover, the complement of one of the stem sequences of the molecular beacon was included in the RCA products to avoid fluorescence quenching due to inter-molecular hybridization of neighboring molecular beacons hybridizing to the concatemeric polymerization product. The method allows highly accurate quantification of circularized DNA over a broad concentration range by relating the signal from the test DNA circle to an internal reference DNA circle reporting in a distinct fluorescence color.  相似文献   

Chu SF  Shu HY  Lin LC  Chen MY  Tsay SS  Lin GH 《Plasmid》2006,56(1):46-52
The thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus NTU103 harbors a 1,965-bp plasmid, pTA103. Sequencing analysis revealed that pTA103 contains two open reading frames. One of the open reading frames (orf2) shares no significant homology with protein in the data bank. The other one has 50% similarity and 34% identity with RepA-like protein of pRm1132f, which is a rolling-circle replication (RCR) plasmid isolated from Sinorhizobium meliloti. S1 nuclease analysis demonstrated that pTA103 contains a single-stranded intermediate, confirming that pTA103 replicates via RCR mechanism. Sequence data also revealed putative double-stranded origin and single-stranded origin sites, indicating the importance of these cis elements in pTA103 replication.  相似文献   

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