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Identifying protease cleavage sites contributes to our understanding of their specificity and biochemical properties and can help in designing specific inhibitors. One route to this end is the generation and screening of random libraries of cleavage sites. Both synthetic and phage-displayed libraries have been extensively used in vitro. We describe a novel system based on recombinant Sindbis virus which can be used to identify cleavage sites in vivo, thus eliminating the need for a purified enzyme and overcoming the problem of choosing the correct in vitro conditions. As a model we used the serine protease of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). We engineered the gene coding for this enzyme and two specific cleavage sites in the Sindbis virus structural gene and constructed libraries of viral genomes with a random sequence at either of the cleavage sites. The system was designed so that only viral genomes coding for sequences cleaved by the protease would produce viable viruses. With this system we selected viruses containing sequences mirroring those of the natural HCV protease substrates which were cleaved with comparable efficiencies.  相似文献   

The in vivo binding of 3H-Tiagabine to the central GABA uptake carrier in mouse brain was characterized. 3H-Tiagabine in vivo bound to a single class of binding sites with a Kd = 72.5 nM and a Bmax = 640 pmol/g tissue. 3H-Tiagabine binding in vivo was regionally distributed within the CNS, and showed a good correlation with 3H-Tiagabine binding in vitro. Pharmacological characterization of 3H-Tiagabine binding in vivo revealed a binding site exhibiting specificity for GABA uptake inhibitors. Experiments examining the in vivo receptor occupancy of the GABA uptake carrier for a series of GABA uptake inhibitors revealed that 20-30% of the GABA uptake sites were occupied at the ED50 for inhibiting DMCM-induced clonic convulsions, while a 50-62% receptor occupancy in vivo was needed to inhibit rotarod performance. These data suggest that 3H-Tiagabine in vivo binding may be a useful method for assessing GABA uptake inhibitor penetration into the CNS, and may be a useful tool for studying the physiological regulation of the GABA uptake carrier.  相似文献   

The primary amine coupling reagents succinimidyl-6-biotinamido-hexanoate (NHS-A-biotin) and sulfosuccinimidyl-6-biotinamido-hexanoate (NHS-LC-biotin) were tested for their ability to selectively label Escherichia coli cell envelope proteins in vivo. Probe localization was determined by examining membrane, periplasmic, and cytosolic protein fractions. Both hydrophobic NHS-A-biotin and hydrophilic NHS-LC-biotin were shown to preferentially label outer membrane, periplasmic, and inner membrane proteins. NHS-A- and NHS-LC-biotin were also shown to label a specific inner membrane marker protein (Tet-LacZ). Both probes, however, failed to label a cytosolic marker (the omega fragment of beta-galactosidase). The labeling procedure was also used to label E. coli cells grown in low-salt Luria broth medium supplemented with 0, 10, and 20% sucrose. Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) and OmpC were labeled by both NHS-A- and NHS-LC-biotin at all three sucrose concentrations. In contrast, OmpF was labeled by NHS-A-biotin but not by NHS-LC-biotin in media containing 0 and 10% sucrose. OmpF was not labeled by either NHS-A- or NHS-LC-biotin in E. coli cells grown in medium containing 20% sucrose. Coomassie-stained gels, however, revealed similar quantities of OmpF in E. coli cells grown at all three sucrose concentrations. These data indicate that there was a change in outer membrane structure due to increased osmolarity, which limits accessibility of NHS-A-biotin to OmpF.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the analysis of carbohydrate-protein interactions by using fluorescent labeling and SDS-PAGE was developed. The N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosamine-WGA complex and alpha-D-mannose-Con A complex were labeled with 8-aminonaphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate (ANTS). The protein band displaying fluorescence with ultraviolet illumination was seen after SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of food-borne disease in developed countries. The goal of this study was to develop a plasmid-based reporter system with green fluorescent protein (GFP) to facilitate the study of C. jejuni in a variety of niches. C. jejuni transformants harboring the pMEK91 GFP gene (gfp)-containing vector were readily detectable by both fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Given the ease of detecting these organisms, additional experiments were performed in which BALB/c mice were injected intraperitoneally with C. jejuni harboring the gfp-containing vector. Four hours after injection of the mice, flow cytometry analyses determined that C. jejuni synthesizing GFP were predominantly associated with granulocytes. More specifically, the proportion of CD11b(+) Gr-1(+) lavage neutrophils with green fluorescence ranged from 99.7 to 100%, while the proportion of CD11b(+) Gr-1(-) lavage macrophages ranged from 77.0 to 80.0%. In contrast, few CD11b(-) CD45R(+) B lymphocytes from the lavage of the C. jejuni-injected mice were associated with green-fluorescent C. jejuni (proportions ranged from 0.75 to 0.77%). Cell-free C. jejuni was recovered from tissue homogenates after intraperitoneal injection. Macrorestriction profiling with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis identified a genotypic variant of the C. jejuni F38011 wild-type isolate. In vivo this variant displayed a phenotype identical to that of the wild-type isolate. In summary, we demonstrate that C. jejuni associates with marker-defined cellular subsets in vivo with a novel gfp reporter system and that C. jejuni genotypic variants can be isolated from both in vitro and in vivo systems.  相似文献   

The injection of [2,3-3H]N-succinimidyl propionate ([3H]N-SP) into the rat sciatic nerve was used to covalently label both intra- and extra- axonal proteins. While extra-axonal proteins (e.g., myelin proteins) remained in the injection site, the intra-axonal proteins were transported in both the anterograde and retrograde directions. The mobile labeled proteins appeared to move by normal axonal transport processes because: (a) autoradiographic studies showed that they were localized exclusively within the axon at considerable distances from the injection site, (b) specific and identifiable proteins (by SDS gel electrophoresis) moved at expected rates in the anterograde direction, and (c) an entirely different profile of proteins moved in the anterograde vs. retrograde direction. This novel experimental approach to axonal transport, which is independent of de novo protein synthesis, provided a unique view of slow anterograde transport, and particularly of retrograde transport of endogenous proteins. A large quantity of a 68,000 mol wt proteins, moving at approximately 3-6 mm/day, dominated the retograde transport profile. [3H]N-SP, therefore, represents a new and unique "vital stain" which may find many applications in cell biology.  相似文献   

This study focused on the in vitro infection of mouse and human neuroblastoma cells and the in vivo infection of the murine central nervous system with a recombinant measles virus. An undifferentiated mouse neuroblastoma cell line (TMN) was infected with the vaccine strain of measles virus (MVeGFP), which expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). MVeGFP infected the cells, and cell-to-cell spread was studied by virtue of the resulting EGFP autofluorescence, using real-time confocal microscopy. Cells were differentiated to a neuronal phenotype, and extended processes, which interconnected the cells, were observed. It was also possible to infect the differentiated neuroblastoma cells (dTMN) with MVeGFP. Single autofluorescent EGFP-positive cells were selected at the earliest possible point in the infection, and the spread of EGFP autofluorescence was monitored. In this instance the virus used the interconnecting processes to spread from cell to cell. Human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY-5Y) were also infected with MVeGFP. The virus infected these cells, and existing processes were used to initiate new foci of infection at distinct regions of the monolayer. Transgenic animals expressing CD46, a measles virus receptor, and lacking interferon type 1 receptor gene were infected intracerebrally with MVeGFP. A productive infection ensued, and the mice exhibited clinical signs of infection, such as ataxia and an awkward gait, identical to those previously observed for the parental virus (Edtag). Mice were sacrificed, and brain sections were examined for EGFP autofluorescence by confocal scanning laser microscopy over a period of 6 h. EGFP was detected in discrete focal regions of the brain and in processes, which extended deep into the parenchyma. Collectively, these results indicate (i) that MVeGFP can be used to monitor virus replication sensitively, in real time, in animal tissues, (ii) that infection of ependymal cells and neuroblasts provides a route by which measles virus can enter the central nervous system in mouse models of encephalitis, and (iii) that upon infection, the virus spreads transneuronally.  相似文献   

The transsynaptic retrograde transport of the pseudorabies virus Bartha (PRV-Bartha) strain has become an important neuroanatomical tract-tracing technique. Recently, dual viral transneuronal labeling has been introduced by employing recombinant strains of PRV-Bartha engineered to express different reporter proteins. Dual viral transsynaptic tracing has the potential of becoming an extremely powerful method for defining connections of single neurons to multiple neural circuits in the brain. However, the present use of recombinant strains of PRV expressing different reporters that are driven by different promoters, inserted in different regions of the viral genome, and detected by different methods limits the potential of these recombinant virus strains as useful reagents. We previously constructed and characterized PRV152, a PRV-Bartha derivative that expresses the enhanced green fluorescent protein. The development of a strain isogenic to PRV152 and differing only in the fluorescent reporter would have great utility for dual transsynaptic tracing. In this report, we describe the construction, characterization, and application of strain PRV614, a PRV-Bartha derivative expressing a novel monomeric red fluorescent protein, mRFP1. In contrast to viruses expressing DsRed and DsRed2, PRV614 displayed robust fluorescence both in cell culture and in vivo following transsynaptic transport through autonomic circuits afferent to the eye. Transneuronal retrograde dual PRV labeling has the potential to be a powerful addition to the neuroanatomical tools for investigation of neuronal circuits; the use of strain PRV614 in combination with strain PRV152 will eliminate many of the pitfalls associated with the presently used pairs of PRV recombinants.  相似文献   

Leemhuis J  Henle F  Meyer DK 《Peptides》2007,28(9):1700-1705
In neurons from rat hippocampus, VIP induces the elongation of dendrites. In the present study, we have investigated in cultured hippocampal neurons whether VIP changed the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton in dendrites. VIP caused the elongation of dendrites and induced the outgrowth of microtubules, so that they extended up to the tips. In contrast, VIP reduced the F-actin content measured as total pixel after phalloidin staining in dendritic tips. These results suggest that VIP causes dendrite elongation by facilitating the outgrowth of microtubules into the newly formed extensions.  相似文献   

Plasmids were constructed which contained a large portion of each of the four nonstructural genes of Sindbis virus fused to the N-terminal two-thirds of the trpE gene of Escherichia coli. The large quantity of fusion protein induced from cells containing these plasmids was subsequently used as an antigen to generate polyclonal antisera in rabbits. Each antiserum was specific for the corresponding nonstructural protein and allowed ready identification of each nonstructural protein and of precursors containing the sequences of two or more nonstructural proteins. These antisera were used to determine the stability of the mature nonstructural proteins and to examine the kinetics of processing of the nonstructural proteins from their respective precursors in vivo. Pulse-chase experiments showed that the precursor P123 is cleaved with a half-life of approximately 19 min to produce P12 and nsP3; P12 is then cleaved with a half-life of approximately 9 min to produce nsP1 and nsP2. Thus, although the rate of cleavage between nsP1 and nsP2 is faster than that between nsP2 and nsP3, the latter cleavage must occur first and is therefore the rate-limiting step. The rate at which P34 is chased suggests that the cleavage between nsP3 and nsP4 is the last to occur; however the regulation of nsP4 function in Sindbis virus-infected cells may be even more complex than was previously thought. The products nsP1 and nsP2 (and nsP4) are relatively stable; nsP3, however, is unstable, with a half-life of about 1 h, and appears to be modified to produce heterodisperse, higher-molecular-mass forms. In general, the processing schemes used by Sindbis virus and Semliki Forest virus appear very similar, the major difference being that most nsP3 in Sindbis virus results from termination at an opal condon, whereas in Semliki Forest virus cleavage of the P34 precursor is required.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors (rAAV) show promise in preclinical trials for the treatment of genetic diseases including hemophilia. Liver-directed gene transfer results in a slow rise in transgene expression, reaching steady-state levels over a period of 5 weeks concomitant with the conversion of the single-stranded rAAV molecules into high-molecular-weight concatemers in about 5% of hepatocytes. Immunohistochemistry and RNA in situ hybridization show that the transgene product is made in about approximately 5% of hepatocytes, suggesting that most rAAV-mediated gene expression occurs in hepatocytes containing the double-stranded concatemers. In this study, the mechanism(s) involved in stable transduction in vivo was evaluated. While only approximately 5% of hepatocytes are stably transduced, in situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that the vast majority of the hepatocytes take up AAV-DNA genomes after portal vein infusion of the vector. Two different vectors were infused together or staggered by 1, 3, or 5 weeks, and two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization and molecular analyses were performed 5 weeks after the infusion of the second vector. These experiments revealed that a small but changing subpopulation of hepatocytes were permissive to stable transduction. Furthermore, in animals that received a single infusion of two vectors, about one-third of the transduced cells contained heteroconcatemers, suggesting that dimer formation was a critical event in the process of concatemer formation. To determine if the progression through the cell cycle was important for rAAV transduction, animals were continuously infused with 5'-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), starting at the time of administration of a rAAV vector that expressed cytoplasmic beta-galactosidase. Colabeling for beta-galactosidase and BrdU revealed that there was no preference for transduction of cycling cells. This was further confirmed by demonstrating no increase in rAAV transduction efficiencies in animals whose livers were induced to cycle at the time of or after vector administration. Taken together, our studies suggest that while virtually all hepatocytes take up vector, unknown cellular factors are required for stable transduction, and that dimer formation is a critical event in the transduction pathway. These studies have important implications for understanding the mechanism of integration and may be useful for improving liver gene transfer in vivo.  相似文献   

Mcl-1 is an anti-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family of proteins. We have expressed full length and mutated GFP:Mcl-1 fusion proteins to define structural motifs that control protein localisation and stability. When expressed in U-937 cells, full length Mcl-1 locates primarily within mitochondria and its half-life was approximately 3 h, which was identical to the native, endogenously expressed protein. When the terminal 20 amino acids from the C-terminus of the protein were detected, the protein was diffused in the cytoplasm, but its stability was unaffected. This confirms that this region is responsible for efficient targeting to mitochondria. Surprisingly, deletion of 104 amino acids (residues 79-183) that contain putative PEST sequences and other stability regulating motifs, did not affect protein stability.  相似文献   

W Jiang  K Venugopal    E A Gould 《Journal of virology》1995,69(2):1044-1049
A single-chain antibody fragment that identifies a neutralizing epitope on the envelope protein of louping ill and some other tick-borne flaviviruses was previously expressed in soluble form from bacteria and shown to be functionally active in vitro. To see whether or not the single-chain antibody could bind and inactivate infectious virus in vivo, we have used recombinant Sindbis virus as a delivery vehicle for intracellular expression of the antibody fragment. The variable genes and interchain linker encoding the single-chain antibody were cloned into a double subgenomic Sindbis virus expression vector to generate recombinant Sindbis virus. Infection with this recombinant Sindbis virus provided high-level cytoplasmic expression of the antibody fragment in mammalian cells. We demonstrate (i) that the antibody fragment was antigen binding and (ii) that louping ill virus infectivity was significantly reduced in the presence of intracellular antibody expressed by the superinfecting recombinant Sindbis virus.  相似文献   

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