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The fibrillization of α-synuclein (α-syn) is a key event in the pathogenesis of α-synucleinopathies. Mutant α-syn (A53T, A30P, or E46K), each linked to familial Parkinson's disease, has altered aggregation properties, fibril morphologies, and fibrillization kinetics. Besides α-syn, Lewy bodies also contain several associated proteins including small heat shock proteins (sHsps). Since α-syn accumulates intracellularly, molecular chaperones like sHsps may regulate α-syn folding and aggregation. Therefore, we investigated if the sHsps αB-crystallin, Hsp27, Hsp20, HspB8, and HspB2B3 bind to α-syn and affect α-syn aggregation. We demonstrate that all sHsps bind to the various α-syns, although the binding kinetics suggests a weak and transient interaction only. Despite this transient interaction, the various sHsps inhibited mature α-syn fibril formation as shown by a Thioflavin T assay and atomic force microscopy. Interestingly, HspB8 was the most potent sHsp in inhibiting mature fibril formation of both wild-type and mutant α-syn. In conclusion, sHsps may regulate α-syn aggregation and, therefore, optimization of the interaction between sHsps and α-syn may be an interesting target for therapeutic intervention in the pathogenesis of α-synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

Inclusions of aggregated α-synuclein (α-syn) in dopaminergic neurons are a characteristic histological marker of Parkinson’s disease (PD). In vitro, α-syn in the presence of dopamine (DA) at physiological pH forms SDS-resistant non-amyloidogenic oligomers. We used a combination of biophysical techniques, including sedimentation velocity analysis, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and circular dichroism spectroscopy to study the characteristics of α-syn oligomers formed in the presence of DA. Our SAXS data show that the trimers formed by the action of DA on α-syn consist of overlapping worm-like monomers, with no end-to-end associations. This lack of structure contrasts with the well-established, extensive β-sheet structure of the amyloid fibril form of the protein and its pre-fibrillar oligomers. We propose on the basis of these and earlier data that oxidation of the four methionine residues at the C- and N-terminal ends of α-syn molecules prevents their end-to-end association and stabilises oligomers formed by cross linking with DA-quinone/DA-melanin, which are formed as a result of the redox process, thus inhibiting formation of the β-sheet structure found in other pre-fibrillar forms of α-syn.  相似文献   

Amyloid aggregates of α-synuclein (αS) protein are the predominant species present within the intracellular inclusions called Lewy bodies in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. Among various aggregates, the low-molecular weight ones broadly ranging between 2 and 30 mers are known to be the primary neurotoxic agents responsible for the impairment of neuronal function. Recent research has indicated that the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) is one of the key physiological agents promoting and augmenting αS aggregation, which is thought to be a significant event in PD pathologenesis. Specifically, DA is known to induce the formation of soluble oligomers of αS, which in turn are responsible for inducing several important cellular changes leading to cellular toxicity. In this report, we present the generation, isolation, and biophysical characterization of five different dopamine-derived αS oligomers (DSOs) ranging between 3 and 15 mers, corroborating previously published reports. More importantly, we establish that these DSOs are also capable of replication by self-propagation, which leads to the replication of DSOs upon interaction with αS monomers, a process similar to that observed in mammilian prions. In addition, DSOs are also able to cross-propagate amyloid-β (Aβ) aggregates involved in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Interestingly, while self-propagation of DSOs occur with no net gain in protein structure, cross-propagation proceeds with an overall gain in β-sheet conformation. These results implicate the involvement of DSOs in the progression of PD, and, in part, provide a molecular basis for the observed co-existence of AD-like pathology among PD patients.  相似文献   



Recently diphenyl-pyrazole (DPP) compounds and especially anle138b were found to reduce the aggregation of α-synuclein or Tau protein in vitro as well as in a mouse model of neurodegenerative diseases [1,2]. Direct interaction of the DPPs with the fibrillar structure was identified by fluorescence spectroscopy. Thereby a strong dependence of the fluorescence on the surroundings could be identified [3].


Stationary and time-resolved emission experiments were performed on DPP compounds substituted by different halogens.


The compounds reveal a pronounced dependence of the fluorescence on the surrounding solvent. In non-polar solvents they show strong emission in the blue part of the spectrum while in polar and proton donating solvents, such as water or acetic acid a dual fluorescence can be observed where a red-shifted emission points to a charge transfer in the excited state with large dipole moment. Non-radiative processes including photochemical reactions are observed for DPP substituted with heavy halogens. Upon binding of anle138b and its derivatives to protein fibrils in aqueous buffer, strong enhancement of the fluorescence at short wavelengths is found.


The investigations of the DPPs in different surroundings lead to a detailed model of the fluorescence characteristics. We propose a model for the binding in fibrils of different proteins, where the DPP is located in a hydrophobic groove independent of the specific sequence of the amino acids.

General significance

These investigations characterize the binding site of the DPP anle138b in protein aggregates and contribute to the understanding of the therapeutic mode of action of this compound.  相似文献   

A hallmark of Parkinson disease (PD) is the formation of intracellular protein inclusions called Lewy bodies that also contain mitochondria. α-Synuclein (αSyn) is a major protein component of Lewy bodies, where it is in an amyloid conformation and a significant fraction is truncated by poorly understood proteolytic events. Previously, we demonstrated that the 20S proteasome cleaves αSyn in vitro to produce fragments like those observed in Lewy bodies and that the fragments accelerate the formation of amyloid fibrils from full-length αSyn. Three point mutations in αSyn are associated with early-onset familial PD: A30P, E46K, and A53T. However, these mutations have very different effects on the amyloidogenicity and vesicle-binding activity of αSyn, suggesting neither of these processes directly correlate with neurodegeneration. Here, we evaluate the effect of the disease-associated mutations on the fragmentation, conformation, and association reactions of αSyn in the presence of the 20S proteasome and liposomes. The 20S proteasome produced the C-terminal fragments from both the mutant and wildtype αSyn. These truncations accelerated fibrillization of all α-synucleins, but again there was no clear correlation between the PD-associated mutations and amyloid formation in the presence of liposomes. Recent data suggests that cellular toxicity is caused by a soluble oligomeric species, which is a precursor to the amyloid form and is immunologically distinguishable from both soluble monomeric and amyloid forms of αSyn. Notably, the rate of formation of the soluble, presumptively cytotoxic oligomers correlated with the disease-associated mutations when both 20S proteasome and liposomes were present. Under these conditions, the wildtype protein was also cleaved and formed the oligomeric structures, albeit at a slower rate, suggesting that 20S-mediated truncation of αSyn may play a role in sporadic PD as well. Evaluation of the biochemical reactions of the PD-associated α-synuclein mutants in our in vitro system provides insight into the possible pathogenetic mechanism of both familial and sporadic PD.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein (αS), a 140 amino acid presynaptic protein, is the major component of the fibrillar aggregates (Lewy bodies) observed in dopaminergic neurons of patients affected by Parkinson's disease. It is currently believed that noncovalent oligomeric forms of αS, arising as intermediates in its aggregation, may constitute the major neurotoxic species. However, attempts to isolate and characterize such oligomers in vitro, and even more so in living cells, have been hampered by their transient nature, low concentration, polymorphism, and inherent instability. In this work, we describe the preparation and characterization of low molecular weight covalently bound oligomeric species of αS obtained by crosslinking via tyrosyl radicals generated by blue-light photosensitization of the metal coordination complex ruthenium (II) tris-bipyridine in the presence of ammonium persulfate. Numerous analytical techniques were used to characterize the αS oligomers: biochemical (anion-exchange chromatography, SDS-PAGE, and Western blotting); spectroscopic (optical: UV/Vis absorption, steady state, dynamic fluorescence, and dynamic light scattering); mass spectrometry; and electrochemical. Light-controlled protein oligomerization was mediated by formation of Tyr-Tyr (dityrosine) dimers through -C-C- bonds acting as covalent bridges, with a predominant involvement of residue Y39. The diverse oligomeric species exhibited a direct effect on the in vitro aggregation behavior of wild-type monomeric αS, decreasing the total yield of amyloid fibrils in aggregation assays monitored by thioflavin T (ThioT) fluorescence and light scattering, and by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Compared to the unmodified monomer, the photoinduced covalent oligomeric species demonstrated increased toxic effects on differentiated neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cells. The results highlight the importance of protein modification induced by oxidative stress in the initial molecular events leading to Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Aggregated α-synuclein (α-syn) is a characteristic pathological finding in Parkinson's disease and related disorders, such as dementia with Lewy bodies. Recent evidence suggests that α-syn oligomers represent the principal neurotoxic species; however, the pathophysiological mechanisms are still not well understood. Here, we studied the neurophysiological effects of various biophysically-characterized preparations of α-syn aggregates on excitatory synaptic transmission in autaptic neuronal cultures. Nanomolar concentrations of large α-syn oligomers, generated by incubation with organic solvent and Fe(3+) ions, were found to selectivity enhance evoked α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA)-receptor, but not NMDA-receptor, mediated synaptic transmission within minutes. Moreover, the analysis of spontaneous AMPA-receptor-mediated miniature synaptic currents revealed an augmented frequency. These results collectively indicate that large α-syn oligomers alter both pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms of AMPA-receptor-mediated synaptic transmission. The augmented excitatory synaptic transmission may directly contribute to nerve cell death in synucleinopathies. Indeed, already low micromolar glutamate concentrations were found to be toxic in primary cultured neurons incubated with large α-syn oligomers. In conclusion, large α-syn oligomers enhance both pre- and post-synaptic AMPA-receptor-mediated synaptic transmission, thereby aggravating intracellular calcium dyshomeostasis and contributing to excitotoxic nerve cell death in synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

Aggregates of misfolded α-synuclein are a distinctive feature of Parkinson’s disease. Small oligomers of α-synuclein are thought to be an important neurotoxic agent, and α-synuclein aggregates exhibit prion-like behavior, propagating misfolding between cells. α-Synuclein is internalized by both passive diffusion and active uptake mechanisms, but how uptake varies with the size of the oligomer is less clear. We explored how α-synuclein internalization into live SH-SY5Y cells varied with oligomer size by comparing the uptake of fluorescently labeled monomers to that of engineered tandem dimers and tetramers. We found that these α-synuclein constructs were internalized primarily through endocytosis. Oligomer size had little effect on their internalization pathway, whether they were added individually or together. Measurements of co-localization of the α-synuclein constructs with fluorescent markers for early endosomes and lysosomes showed that most of the α-synuclein entered endocytic compartments, in which they were probably degraded. Treatment of the cells with the Pitstop inhibitor suggested that most of the oligomers were internalized by the clathrin-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Intracellular α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregates are the pathological hallmark in several neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and multiple system atrophy. Recent evidence suggests that small oligomeric aggregates rather than large amyloid fibrils represent the main toxic particle species in these diseases. We recently characterized iron-dependent toxic α-syn oligomer species by confocal single molecule fluorescence techniques and used this aggregation model to identify several N′-benzylidene-benzohydrazide (NBB) derivatives inhibiting oligomer formation in vitro. In our current work, we used the bioluminescent protein-fragment complementation assay (BPCA) to directly analyze the formation of toxic α-syn oligomers in cell culture and to investigate the effect of iron and potential drug-like compounds in living cells. Similar to our previous findings in vitro, we found a converse modulation of toxic α-syn oligomers by NBB derivates and ferric iron, which was characterized by an increase in aggregate formation by iron and an inhibitory effect of certain NBB compounds. Inhibition of α-syn oligomer formation by the NBB compound 293G02 was paralleled by a reduction in cytotoxicity indicating that toxic α-syn oligomers are present in the BPCA cell culture model and that pharmacological inhibition of oligomer formation can reduce toxicity. Thus, this approach provides a suitable model system for the development of new disease-modifying drugs targeting toxic oligomer species. Moreover, NBB compounds such as 293G02 may provide useful tool compounds to dissect the functional role of toxic oligomer species in cell culture models and in vivo.  相似文献   

The intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein aggregates into amyloid fibrils, a process known to be implicated in several neurodegenerative states. Partially folded forms of the protein are thought to trigger the aggregation process. Here, α-synuclein conformers are characterized by analysis of the charge-state distributions observed in electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry under negative-ion mode. It is found that, even at neutral pH, a small fraction of the molecular population is in a compact conformation. Several distinct partially folded forms are then identified under conditions that promote α-synuclein aggregation, such as solutions of simple and fluorinated alcohols. Specific intermediates accumulate at increasing concentrations of ethanol, hexafluoro-2-propanol, and trifluoroethanol. Finally, extensive folding induced by Cu(2+) binding is revealed by titrations in the presence of Cu(2+)-glycine. The data confirm the existence of a single, high-affinity binding site for Cu(2+). Because accumulation of this partially folded form correlates with enhancement of fibrillation kinetics, it is likely to represent an amyloidogenic intermediate in α-synuclein conformational transitions.  相似文献   



Protein aggregation in the brain is a central hallmark in many neurodegenerative diseases. In Parkinson's disease, α-synuclein (α-Syn) is the major component of the intraneuronal inclusions found in the brains of patients. Current therapeutics is merely symptomatic, and there is a pressing need for developing novel therapies. Previously we showed that mannosylglycerate (MG), a compatible solute typical of marine microorganisms thriving in hot environments, is highly effective in protecting a variety of model proteins against thermal denaturation and aggregation in vitro.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells expressing eGFP-tagged α-Syn, were further engineered to synthesize MG. The number of cells with fluorescent foci was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescence spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy were used to monitor fibril formation in vitro.


We observed a 3.3-fold reduction in the number of cells with α-Syn foci and mild attenuation of α-Syn-induced toxicity. Accordingly, sucrose gradient analysis confirmed a clear reduction in the size-range of α-Syn species in the cells. MG did not affect the expression levels of α-Syn or its degradation rate. Moreover, MG did not induce molecular chaperones (Hsp104, Hsp70 and Hsp40), suggesting the implication of other mechanisms for α-Syn stabilization. MG also inhibited α-Syn fibrillation in vitro.


MG acts as a chemical chaperone and the stabilization mechanism involves direct solute/protein interactions.

General significance

This is the first demonstration of the anti-aggregating ability of MG in the intracellular milieu. The work shows that MG is a good candidate to inspire the development of new drugs for protein-misfolding diseases.  相似文献   

The conversion of soluble peptides and proteins into amyloid fibrils and/or intermediate oligomers is believed to be the central event in the pathogenesis of most human neurodegenerative diseases. Existing treatments are at best symptomatic. Accordingly, small molecule inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation and their mechanisms are of great interest. Here we report that the conformational changes undergone by α -synuclein as it assembles into amyloid fibrils can be detected by epitope-specific antibodies. We show that the conformations of polyphenol-bound α-synuclein monomers and dimers differ from those of unbound monomers and resemble amyloid fibrils. This strongly suggests that small molecule inhibitors bind and stabilize intermediates of amyloid fibril formation, consistent with the view that inhibitor-bound molecular species are on-pathway intermediates.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of human α2-macroglobulin (α2-M), a major plasma proteinase inhibitor, on human pepsin and gastricsin were investigated. The activities of pepsin and gastricsin towards a protein substrate (reduced and carboxymethylated ribonuclease A) were significantly inhibited by α2-M at pH 5.5, whereas those towards a peptide substrate (oxidized insulin B-chain) were scarcely inhibited. Under these conditions at pH 5.5, pepsin and gastricsin cleaved α2-M mainly at the His694-Ala695 bond and Leu697-Val698 bond, respectively, in the bait regions sequence of α2-M. The conformation of α2-M was also shown to be markedly altered upon inhibition of these enzymes as examined by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. These results show the entrapment and concomitant inhibition of those proteinases by α2-M.  相似文献   

Interactions of oligomeric aggregates of the intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein with lipid membranes appear to play an important role in the development of Parkinson's disease. The permeabilization of cellular membranes by oligomers has been proposed to result in neuronal death. The detailed mechanisms by which α-synuclein oligomers permeabilize lipid bilayers remain unknown. Two different mechanisms are conceivable. Oligomers may either insert into membranes forming pores through which small molecules can cross the membrane or their interaction with the membrane may disorder the lipid packing, giving rise to membrane defects. Here we show, using kinetic leakage measurements, that α-synuclein oligomer induced impairment of membrane integrity is not limited to the formation of permanent membrane spanning pores. Fast membrane permeabilization could be observed in a fraction of the large unilamellar vesicles. We have also observed, for the first time, that α-synuclein oligomers cause an enhanced lipid flip-flop. In neuronal cells, most of the α-synuclein is not expected to be present in an oligomeric form, but as monomers. In our in vitro experiments, we find that membrane bound monomeric α-synuclein can only delay the onset of oligomer-induced membrane permeabilization, implying that α-synuclein monomers cannot counteract oligomer toxicity.  相似文献   

Inhibition of gluconeogenesis by α-oxo acids   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

α-Synuclein is the major amyloidogenic component observed in the Lewy bodies of Parkinson's disease. Amyloid fibrils of α-synuclein prepared in vitro were instantaneously disintegrated by dequalinium (DQ). Double-headed cationic amphipathic structure of DQ with two aminoquinaldinium rings at both ends turned out to be crucial to exert the disintegration activity. The defibrillation activity was shown to be selective toward the fibrils of α-synuclein and Aβ40 while the other β2-microglobulin amyloid fibrils were not susceptible so much. Besides the common cross β-sheet conformation of amyloid fibrils, therefore, additional specific molecular interactions with the target amyloidogenic proteins have been expected to be involved for DQ to exhibit its defibrillation activity. The disintegrating activity of DQ was also evaluated in vivo with the yeast system overexpressing α-synuclein-GFP. With the DQ treatment, the intracellular green inclusions turned into green smears, which resulted in the enhanced cell death. Based on the data, the previous observation that DQ led to the predominant protofibril formation of α-synuclein could be explained by the dual function of DQ showing both the facilitated self-oligomerization of α-synuclein and the instantaneous defibrillation of its amyloid fibrils. In addition, amyloidosis-related cytotoxicity has been demonstrated to be amplified by the fragmentation of mature amyloid fibrils by DQ.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is currently recognized as a common mechanism involved in the regulation of a number of cellular functions. On the other hand, aberrant phase separation has been linked to the biogenesis of several neurodegenerative disorders since many proteins that undergo LLPS are also found in pathological aggregates. The formation of mixed protein coacervates may constitute a risk factor in overlapping neuropathologies, such as Parkinson's (PD) and Alzheimer's (AD) diseases. In this work, we evaluated the homotypic and heterotypic phase behaviour of the PD-related protein α-synuclein (AS) in the presence of the biologically relevant molecules ATP, polyamines, and the AD-related protein Tau. We found that AS exhibits a low propensity to form homotypic liquid droplets, yet phase separates into liquid-like or solid-like phases depending on the interacting biomolecule. We further demonstrated the synergistic droplet formation of AS and Tau providing support for a mechanism in which mixed condensates might contribute to the biogenesis of AS/Tau pathologies.  相似文献   

Significant evidence has been accumulated linking exposure to heavy metals and/or distortion of metal homeostasis with the development of various neurodegenerative diseases. α-Synuclein is known to be involved in pathogenesis of a subset of neurodegenerative diseases collectively known as synucleinopathies. Therefore the interplay between metals, α-synuclein and neurodegeneration has attracted significant attention of researchers. This review discusses some of the aspects of the α-synuclein metalloproteomics and represents the peculiarities and consequences of α-synuclein interaction with various metal ions. Both non-specific and specific binding of this protein to metals is considered together with the analysis of the effects of such interactions on α-synuclein structure and aggregation propensity.  相似文献   

Kinetic changes of alpha-glucosidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) and SDS solutions were investigated. The results showed both denaturants can lead conformational changes and loss of enzymatic activities. However, the concentrations of denaturants causing loss of activities were much lower than that of conformational changes, which suggested that the conformation of active site of α-glucosidase was more fragile than the whole molecular conformation in response to the two denaturants. According to the different kinetic process of the enzyme in the GdmCl and SDS solutions, the further investigation on the process of denaturation were made, it showed GdmCl and SDS had different types of inhibition and different types of interaction with the enzyme. Furthermore, the mechanisms of the two denaturants were discussed.  相似文献   

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