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 Recruitment of scleractinian corals on settlement plates at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, was examined over four years (September 1991–September 1995) to quantify spatio-temporal patterns at different scales and to assess post settlement mortality. Recruitment was dominated by pocilloporid corals which accounted for 80.1% of the 8627 spat counted, whereas non-isoporan acroporids represented only 16.4%. Poritids, faviids and isoporan acroporids rarely recruited to the plates (3.5%), despite their obvious abundance as adults on the reef. Recruitment patterns on the plates indicate strong space-time interactions as evidenced by patchy recruitment of both pocilloporid and acroporid spat. Interactions were found between space (on the scale of 102 m, i.e. sites within zones, and 101 m, i.e. racks within sites) and time (on the scale of years) for pocilloporids and between space (on the scale of 103 m, i.e. zones, and 102 m) and time (on the scale of years) for acroporids. Post-recruitment mortality of acroporid spat in the period 3–10 months after their major spawning was dependent on their initial recruitment density, but pocilloporid mortality was either independent of initial recruitment density or, more likely, obscured by additional recruitment of pocilloporids to plates between late February and September. High rates of recruitment and growth by other sessile organisms, particularly bryozoans and oysters, appear to result in increased post-recruitment mortality and limit recruitment of scleractinian corals on settlement plates. The work reinforces an emerging picture that coral recruitment patterns are determined by mechanisms that manifest over a large range of spatial scales. Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

The reef communities of the Florida coral reef tract play a major role in supporting the regional economy but are threatened by increased exploitation and environmental factors. Coral reef ecosystem services are vital to the economy of SE Florida where revenue and jobs depend on the status of reef resources. Here, we used an extensive, reef monitoring database collected by the Florida Reef Resilience (FRRP, 2003–2011) and the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA, 1997–2011) programs to evaluate percent recent mortality (PRM) as a robust ecological indicator of coral colony and coral reef status. PRM, the proportion of a coral colony that has experienced recent tissue mortality so that corallite structures in the non-living parts of the coral are still intact and identifiable to species, can be attributed to disturbances taking place within days to a few months preceding the surveys.Based on data from >50,000 colonies from 11 coral species and nearly 1400 sites, we propose a benchmark level of <1% PRM and <5% prevalence of partial mortality for Florida reefs during periods of background, low-stress environmental conditions. PRM levels >1.0% and prevalence levels >5% can be used as early warning indicators of degrading conditions. Average PRM values >2% are indicative of increasingly stressful conditions as those experienced during temperature anomalies and major hurricanes. Finally, PRM values considerably >2% are reflective of significantly stressful conditions and warning signals of potential major coral mortality as evidenced by mean PRM levels of >10% recorded in Florida as a consequence of the 2010 extreme cold-water event. PRM and prevalence values from Florida reefs compared favorably with those recorded in the Caribbean and the Mesoamerican region where a benchmark of 2% for background levels of PRM under low-level, chronic stress was proposed. The status of this indicator can be easily communicated to stakeholders and will benefit managers by providing: (1) a baseline to assess the status of coral populations; and (2) early-warning indicators of unfavorable conditions that may trigger management actions such as temporary closures or the establishment of more permanent protection such as MPAs.  相似文献   

 The rate of terrigenous sediment supply to the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR) coastline has probably increased in the last 200 years due to human impact on the catchments of central Queensland. This has led some researchers and environmental managers to conclude that corals within the GBR are under threat from increased turbidity and sedimentation. Using geological data and information on sedimentary processes, we show that turbidity levels and sediment accumulation rates at most coral reefs will not be increased, because these factors are not currently limited by sediment supply. Accepted: 15 January 1999  相似文献   

 Patterns of abundance of large piscivorous fish (>200 mm TL) were documented at two spatial and four temporal scales within the main lagoon of One Tree Reef on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Grouper (Serranidae), snapper (Lutjanidae) and wrasses (Labridae) were the most abundant large piscivores. On a large scale (hundreds of metres), patterns of predator abundance were consistently greater on the inner edge than centre of the lagoon over a range of temporal scales: days, weeks, months and years. On a small spatial scale (tens of metres), the abundance of large predatory fish was patchy. At both spatial scales, fish were consistently aggregated in particular areas and associated with specific structural features of the reef habitat. Predator abundance was high where live corals were predominant and the topography was more complex. Hence, predation pressure and its potential effects on the distribution and abundance of prey populations, both in time and space, may vary greatly within lagoonal environments. Accepted: 25 May 1997  相似文献   

 Significant coral reef ecosystems occur along the northwest (NW) coast of Australia in an oceanographic setting somewhat similar to that of the Great Barrier Reef off the northeast (NE) Australian coast. Seasonal and inter-annual variations of several surface climate variables are described for the NW coastal region of Australia from 10°–30°S over the period 1960 to 1992. Average climatic conditions in this region are compared with those for similar latitudes on the Great Barrier Reef. On average, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) along the NW Australian coast are warmer than at similar latitudes along the NE coast north of ∼20°S and cooler than the NE coast at higher latitudes. The annual range of SSTs along the NW coast is lower than found along the NE coast. There is also lower average cloud amount (and greater incoming solar radiation) along the NW coast compared with the NE coast. Corals reefs off the NW Australian coast are less likely to be influenced by freshwater and associated terrestrial impacts than nearshore reefs of the GBR. Although the latitudinal distribution of tropical cyclone activity is similar along the NW and NE Australian coasts, the total number of tropical cyclones and tropical cyclone days is substantially higher on the NW coast compared with the NE coast. Accepted: 22 June 1998  相似文献   

Patterns of spread of coral disease in the Florida Keys   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
Reefs in the Florida Keys are experiencing a dramatic increase in the number of localities and number of species with coral disease. In extensive surveys from Key Largo to Key West in 160 stations at 40 randomly chosen sites, there has been a dramatic increase in (1) the number of locations exhibiting disease (82% of all stations are now affected, a 404% increase over 1996 values), (2) the number of species affected (85% of all species are now affected, a 218% increase over 1996 values), and (3) the rate of coral mortality (the deep fore-reef at Carysfort experienced a 60% reduction of living coral cover during the survey). Two null hypotheses (1) that the incidence of disease has remained constant through time and (2) that the apparent increase in disease is due to a lack of comparable earlier data, are both falsified. Different diseases exhibit different patterns of spread: some diseases (e.g. black band) exhibit low incidence and jump rapidly between sites; other diseases (e.g. white pox) exhibit patchy distributions and increase in frequency at affected sites from one year to the next. The central question of why so many corals are becoming simultaneously susceptible to a host of marine pathogens remains unanswered.  相似文献   

 Scleractinian coral reefs, when coexistent with siliciclastic sediments, usually occur in association with deltaic or coastal sands. Nevertheless, Pleistocene reef limestones in southwestern Taiwan are developed in association with thick claystones that were deposited in a deeper-water environment. These reef limestones are characterized by: (1) rapid transition from underlying claystones upward to reefal limestones, (2) lateral interfingering with open-shelf claystones, (3) being overlain by terrestrial deposits or exposed with no covering strata, and (4) being located in close association with anticlines. The authors propose that these reef limestones developed on anticlinal ridges raised above the adjacent sea floor by thrust-front migration in a foreland setting. Accepted: 21 April 1998  相似文献   

 Experimental studies of the upper thermal limits of corals from Orpheus Island, an inshore reef in the central Great Barrier Reef, show that Acropora formosa has a 5-day 50%-bleaching threshold of between 31 and 32 °C in summer, only 2 to 3 °C higher than local mean summer temperatures (29 °C). Summer bleaching thresholds for Pocillopora damicornis and A. elseyi were 1 °C higher (between 32 and 33 °C). The winter bleaching threshold of Pocillopora damicornis was 1 °C lower than its summer threshold, indicating that seasonal acclimatisation may take place. This seasonal difference raises the possibility that at least some corals may be capable of short-term thermal acclimatisation. Neither P. damicornis nor A. elseyi showed habitat-specific (reef flat versus reef slope) differences in bleaching thresholds. Further, colonies of P. damicornis collected from sites 3 km apart also showed no difference in bleaching threshold despite populations of this species responding differently at these two sites during a natural bleaching event. The bleaching thresholds determined in this study are best considered as the maximum tolerable temperatures for local populations of these species because they were determined in the absence of additional stressors (e.g. high light) which often co-occur during natural bleaching events. We consider the 5-day 50% bleaching thresholds determined in these experiments to be fair indicators of upper thermal limits, because >50% of a sample population died when allowed to recover in situ. We found a delay of up to a month in the bleaching response of corals following thermal stress, a result that has implications for identifying the timing of stressful conditions in natural bleaching events. Accepted: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

Coral core records, combined with measurements of coral community structure, were used to assess the long-term impact of multiple environmental stressors on reef assemblages along an environmental gradient. Multiple proxies (luminescent lines, Ba/Ca, δ15N) that reflect different environmental conditions (freshwater discharge, sediment delivery to the nearshore, nutrient availability and transformations) were measured in Porites coral cores collected from nearshore reefs at increasing distance from the intensively agricultural region of Mackay (Queensland, Australia). The corals provide a record (1968–2002) of the frequency and intensity of exposure to terrestrial runoff and fertilizer-derived nitrogen and were used to assess how the present-day coral community composition may have been influenced by flood-related disturbance. Reefs closest to the mainland (5–32 km offshore) were characterized by low hard coral cover (≤10%), with no significant differences among locations. Distinct annual luminescent lines and elevated Ba/Ca values (4.98 ± 0.63 μmol mol−1; mean ± SD) in the most inshore corals (Round Top Island; 5 km offshore) indicated chronic, sub-annual exposure to freshwater and resuspended terrestrial sediment that may have historically prevented reef formation. By contrast, corals from Keswick Island (32 km offshore) indicated episodic, high-magnitude exposure to Pioneer River discharge during extreme flood events (e.g., 1974, 1991), with strongly luminescent lines and substantially enriched coral skeletal δ15N (12–14‰). The reef assemblages at Keswick and St. Bees islands were categorically different from all other locations, with high fleshy macroalgal cover (80.1 ± 7.2% and 62.7 ± 7.1%, respective mean ± SE) overgrowing dead reef matrix. Coral records from Scawfell Island (51 km offshore) indicated little exposure to Pioneer catchment influence: all locations from Scawfell and further offshore had total hard and soft coral cover comparable to largely undisturbed nearshore to middle shelf reefs of the southern Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

The export of carbon and carbonate from coral reefs was investigated through a multidisciplinary investigation of the hydrological, geochemical, sedimentological and biological features of Tiahura reef on the northwestern coast of Moorea Island (French Polynesia). The hydrology of the fore-reef is characterised by prevailing longshore western currents and a strong thermocline. As revealed by turbidity structures (benthic and intermediate nepheloid layers) and by the amount of particles collected by near-bottom sediment traps, horizontal and downslope advections of particles dominate over offshore vertical transport. The exported material is rich in carbonate (ca. 80%) and poor in organic matter (ca. 4%). Sedimentation rates at 430 m depth, i.e. definitive export, reached 209.6 mg m-2 d-1 (dry weight). Estimates of carbon and carbonates export for Tiahura reef also reported here represent respectively 47% and 21% of the organic and inorganic carbon produced within the reef.  相似文献   

Juvenile coral abundance and community composition depend on the spatial scale studied. To investigate this, an evaluation was made of juvenile coral density with hierarchical spatial analysis in the northern Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) at ~10 m depth. Study scope included semi-protected and unprotected areas located in this region. A total of 19 juvenile coral taxa were found, including 10 scleractinian species, 8 scleractinian coral genera not identified to species, and 1 Millepora species (Hydrozoa-Milleporidae). In terms of relative abundance, Agaricia spp., Siderastrea spp., and Porites spp. were the main juvenile taxa in the coral community at the surveyed sites, reefs, and regions levels. Greater variance was seen at smaller scales, at site level for taxa richness, and at the transect level for juvenile density, and lower variance was seen at larger scales (reefs and regions). The variance component contribution from each scale likely differed from other studies because of the different factors affecting the community and the different extensions of each scale used in each study. Densities (1–6.4 juvenile corals/m2) and dominant taxa found in this study agree with other studies from the Western Atlantic. Detected variability was explained by different causal agents, such as low grazing rates by herbivorous organisms, turbidity, and/or sediment suffocation and some nearby or distant localized disturbance (human settlement and a hurricane).  相似文献   

Natural incidences of disease among scleractinian corals are unknown, since most studies have been initiated in response to specific disease outbreaks. Our ability to distinguish elevated disease incidences influenced by anthropogenic and climatic factors is limited since current estimates are probably inflated for extrapolation to larger areas. In our study, we used quantitative assessment methods to characterize the distribution and frequency of scleractinian and gorgonian coral diseases in the south Florida region. This paper is the first in a series that will detail different aspects of our studies. In this paper, we examined the strategy and methodology developed over 2 years to optimize the experimental design of our study. Pilot surveys were conducted in 1997 to develop and test methods, select and determine suitability of sites, and obtain preliminary data to assess the variance and efficiency of the sampling design. Survey periods targeted late spring, the time when coral diseases are believed to emerge, and late summer, the time when coral diseases are believed to be most prevalent. Two strata were chosen to evaluate patterns of coral disease: the first, geographic area, consisted of reefs in the vicinity of Key West, New Grounds and the Dry Tortugas; and the second, reef type, consisted of back, fore and transitional reefs. Random radial arc transects (10 m diameter) were used to quantify 10 diseases affecting 18 species of stony corals and gorgonian sea fans over a large geographical region. During the pilot survey, we demonstrated that the outer 8–10 m segment (113 m2) was an adequate sampling area. The survey implemented important quality assurance measures for data quality control. Power analysis determined that future studies should adopt =0.10, =0.0383, and 1-=0.9617 in our experimental design. The highest prevalence of disease in our study was during the 1997 summer survey, with a mean percent coral disease (MPCD) of 28% occurring at Key West area reefs, or 55% of all back reef stations. Our results do not show a clear pattern of seasonality in coral diseases within either stratum, although differences in disease distribution between reef types and geographic areas were apparent in some of the spring and summer surveys.  相似文献   

Large-scale bleaching of corals on the Great Barrier Reef   总被引:20,自引:10,他引:10  
 The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) experienced its most intensive and extensive coral bleaching event on record in early 1998. Mild bleaching commenced in late January and intensified by late February/early March 1998. Broad-scale aerial surveys conducted of 654 reefs (∼23% of reefs on the GBR) in March and April 1998, showed that 87% of inshore reefs were bleached at least to some extent (>1% of coral cover) compared to 28% of offshore (mid- and outer-shelf) reefs. Of inshore reefs 67% had high levels of bleaching (>10% of coral) and 25% of inshore reefs had extreme levels of bleaching (>60% of coral). Fewer offshore reefs (14%) showed high levels of bleaching while none showed extreme levels of bleaching. Ground-truth surveys of 23 reefs, which experienced bleaching in intensities ranging from none to extreme, showed that the aerial survey data are likely to be underestimates of the true extent and intensity of bleaching on the GBR. The primary cause of this bleaching event is likely to be elevated sea temperature and solar radiation, exacerbated by lowered salinity on inshore and some offshore reefs in the central GBR. Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

 Annual and lunar patterns of larval release by the coral Porites astreoides in the Florida Keys were investigated. Corals were collected monthly and maintained in outdoor, flow-through systems to quantify nightly release of larvae. Planulae were released during a period from 10 days prior to the new moon through 11 days after the new moon, with a peak in release centered on the new moon. The average duration of larval release by a single colony was 9 nights. Although the correlation was low (r=0.292), there was a positive relationship between colony size and number of larvae released. The majority of larval release occurred in April and May, although smaller numbers of larvae were observed from June through as late as September. Larval release appeared to be correlated with the average water temperatures over the 30 days prior to the new moon, peaking when water temperatures were 24.5–27.5 °C. Accepted: 3 August 1998  相似文献   

 The digital airborne sensor, CASI (Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager) has considerable potential for mapping marine habitats. Here we present an account of one of the first coral reef applications. The CASI was flown over reefs of the Turks and Caicos Islands (British West Indies) and set to view 1 m pixels in 8 spectral bands. In addition, reef habitats were sampled in situ by visual assessment of percent cover in 1 m quadrats. Seagrass standing crop was assessed using a calibrated visual scale. Benthic habitats were classified using hierarchical cluster and similarity percentage analyses of the field survey data. Two levels of habitat discrimination were assessed: a coarse level (corals, algae, sand, seagrass) and a fine level which included nine reef habitats. Overall accuracies of CASI-derived habitat maps were 89% and 81% for coarse and fine levels of habitat discrimination, respectively. Accuracies were greatest once CASI data had been processed to compensate for variations in depth and edited to take account of generic patterns of reef distribution. These overall accuracies were significantly (P<0.001) better than those obtained from satellite imagery of the same site (Landsat MSS, Landsat TM, SPOT XS, SPOT Pan, merged Landsat TM/SPOT Pan). Results from CASI were also significantly better than those from interpretation of 1:10 000 colour aerial photographs of reefs in Anguilla (Sheppard et al. 1995). However, the studies may not have been entirely comparable due to a disparity in the areas mapped. Accepted: 26 May 1997  相似文献   

We investigated the degree to which component grains vary with depositional environment in sediments from three reef habitats from the Pleistocene (125?ka) Hato Unit of the Lower Terrace, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles: windward reef crest, windward back reef, and leeward reef crest. The windward reef crest sediment is the most distinctive, dominated by fragments of encrusting and branching coralline red algae, coral fragments and the encrusting foraminiferan Carpenteria sp. Windward back reef and leeward reef crest sediments are more similar compositionally, only showing significant differences in relative abundance of coral fragments and Homotrema rubrum. Although lacking high taxonomic resolution and subject to modification by transport, relative abundance of constituent grain types offers a way of assessing ancient skeletal reef community composition, and one which is not limited to a single taxonomic group. The strong correlation between grain type and environment we found in the Pleistocene of Curaçao suggests that constituent grain analysis may be an effective tool in delineating Pleistocene Caribbean reef environments. However, it will not be a sufficient indicator where communities vary significantly within reef environments or where evolutionary and/or biogeographical processes lead to different relationships between community composition and reef environment. Detailed interpretation of geological, biological, and physical characteristics of the Pleistocene reefs of Curaçao reveals that the abundance of the single coral species, Acropora palmata, is not a good predictor of the ecological structure of the ancient reef coral communities. This coral was the predominant species in two of the three reef habitats (windward and leeward reef crest), but the taxonomic composition (based on species relative abundance data) of the reef coral communities was substantially different in these two environments. We conclude that qualitative estimates of coral distribution patterns (presence of a key coral species or the use of a distinctive coral skeletal architecture), when used as a component in a multi-component analysis of ancient reef environments, probably introduces minimal circular reasoning into quantitative paleoecological studies of reef coral community structure.  相似文献   

An appraisal of methods used in coral recruitment studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 A new method for attaching individual artificial settlement plates directly to the reef surface using small stainless steel base plates is described. Recruitment of corals to settlement plates attached to the reef substratum and to steel mesh racks is compared. The effects of differences in depth, settlement plate angle, and local topography on recruitment of corals were also investigated. No significant difference in mean recruit density was found between settlement plates deployed using the two attachment methods. Small differences in depth and plate angle among replicate plates explained less than 6% of the variability in coral recruitment on replicate settlement plates. The direct-attachment method is less obtrusive, more cost and time efficient, and settlement plates can be deployed at precise locations. Additionally, because settlement plates are deployed individually rather than grouped on racks or frames, the direct-attachment method avoids complications associated with assumptions of independence implicit in most statistical procedures. Accepted: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

Anthropogenic global change and local stressors are impacting coral growth and survival worldwide, altering the structure and function of coral reef ecosystems. Here, we show that skeletal extension rates of nearshore colonies of two abundant and widespread Caribbean corals (Siderastrea siderea, Pseudodiploria strigosa) declined across the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) over the past century, while offshore coral conspecifics exhibited relatively stable extension rates over the same temporal interval. This decline has caused nearshore coral extension rates to converge with those of their historically slower growing offshore coral counterparts. For both species, individual mass coral bleaching events were correlated with low rates of skeletal extension within specific reef environments, but no single bleaching event was correlated with low skeletal extension rates across all reef environments. We postulate that the decline in skeletal extension rates for nearshore corals is driven primarily by the combined effects of long‐term ocean warming and increasing exposure to higher levels of land‐based anthropogenic stressors, with acute thermally induced bleaching events playing a lesser role. If these declining trends in skeletal growth of nearshore S. siderea and P. strigosa continue into the future, the structure and function of these critical nearshore MBRS coral reef systems is likely to be severely impaired.  相似文献   

Sponges biosynthesize a wealth of secondary metabolites, many with novel structures and strong biological activity. Such compounds may serve multiple ecological roles including anti-predation, anti-fouling functionalities and are implicated in border defense or attack during spatial competition. Relative size of benthic organisms may also play an important role in competitive interactions. To determine if a relationship exists between individual size and bioactive metabolite production in the context of spatial competition, we examined three sponge species with different morphologies: the massive Coscinoderma matthewsi, the club-shaped branching Hyrtios erecta, and the fan-shaped Ianthella basta. Extracts from sponges of various sizes and competitive environments were examined using a cell based bioassay as a proxy of bioactivity. For I. basta, sponge size was correlated with bioactivity; the largest individuals generally being the most bioactive. In contrast, there was no correlation between size and bioactivity for either C. matthewsi or H. erecta. Bioactivity of sponges in this study were however highly variable among individuals, regardless of levels of competition. The prevalence of encroaching organisms was not correlated with sponge size for any of the three sponge species, suggesting that potential bioactivity is not influenced by surrounding competition.  相似文献   

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