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BOUMA  D. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(5):1143-1153
Subterranean clover plants depending on symbiotic nitrogen fixationhad smaller leaf areas than control plants supplied with combinednitrogen in the nutrient solutions. There were no differencesin chlorophyll content per unit fresh weight of leaves or petioles,nor in net rates of carbon dioxide uptake per unit leaf areaat light intensities above 2000 fc and at carbon dioxide concentrationsabove 300 ppm. Dark respiration by the shoots of the nodulatedplants was considerably higher than for the controls. This couldhave been a direct result of nodule activity and is suggestedas a possible factor contributing to the slower growth of theseplants compared with the controls. A comparison of the nitrogen contents of shoots and roots showeda sub-optimal nitrogen status, particularly in the roots, ofthe nodulated plants. This is suggested as another factor contributingto the slower growth of the nodulated plants compared with thecontrols. The response patterns before and after the addition of combinednitrogen differed in a number of important respects from thosefound previously under conditions of a sub-optimal nitrogensupply in the nutrient solution outside the roots. These arebriefly discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen (N) nutrition level on photosynthesis of wheat were studied using method of quick drying of detached leaves, under rapid water stress. The results showed that in the case, leaf water potential (Ψw), net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) of high N (HN) leaves decreased more quickly than that of low N (LN) leaves. Therefore, the difference of Pn between HN and LN leaves became less and less with increasing water stress. Under severe water stress, the Pn of HN leaves were lower than that of LN leaves. The intercellular concentration of CO2 (Ci) of HN leaves were lower than that of LN leaves, and the value of stomatal limitation of photosynthesis (Ls) of HN leaves were higher during rapid water stress. However, the mesophllous conductance of CO2 (Gm) and photosynthetic activity of mesophyll of HN leaves were still higher than that of LN leaves.  相似文献   

轻度土壤干旱下,小麦叶片仍能维持较好的水分状况,高氮营养对叶片光合作用有明显的促进作用。中度以上土壤干旱下,叶片水势和相对含水量明显降低,高氮叶片降低的幅度显著大于低氮,同时叶片净光合率(P_n)也趋于降低,高氮叶片降低的幅度较大。高氮叶片的叶肉光合活性明显大于低氮叶片,干旱下P_n降低与其气孔限制作用较大有关。高氮叶片的渗透调节大于低氮叶片,但渗透调节对气孔导度和P_n的维持有限。  相似文献   

不同氮素形态对向日葵生长和光合功能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用砂培试验研究了不同氮素形态对向日葵生长和光合功能的影响。结果表明:NO^3-N(NN)处理的株高、叶面积、干物质重显著高于NH4^ -N(AA)处理,施用NO3^--N的植株有较高的净光合速率(Pn)和较低的气孔导度(C8)、细胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci)。不同处理之间Fv/Fm没有显著差异,NN处理的植株PSⅡ线性电子传递量子效率ФPSⅡ、光化学荧光猝灭系数qP和表观光合电子传递效率ETR都显著高于AA处理的植株;而非光化学荧光猝灭系数qN则明显低于AA处理的植株。碳同化受到抑制是NH4^ -N条件下净光合速率下降的重要原因。  相似文献   

Nitrogen nutrition strongly affected the growth rate of young sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. When plants were grown from seed on either of two levels of N availability, a 33% decrease in tissue N of expanding leaves was associated with a 75% overall inhibition of leaf growth. Almost all of the growth inhibition resulted from a depression of the daytime growth rate. Measurements of pressure-induced water flux through roots showed that N deficiency decreased root hydraulic conductivity by about half. Thus, N deficiency lowered the steady-state water potential of expanding leaves during the daytime when transpiration was occurring. As a result, N-deficient leaves were unable to maintain adequate turgor for growth in the daytime. N deficiency also decreased the hydraulic conductivity for water movement into expanding leaf cells in the absence of transpiration, but growth inhibition at night was much less than in the daytime. N nutrition had no detectable effects on plastic extensibility or the threshold turgor for growth.  相似文献   

The effects of inorganic nutrients on the levels of endogenouscytokinins in plants of sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.) grownin sand culture were studied. Low levels of nitrogen resultedin rapid decreases in the levels of cytokinins extracted fromleaves, buds, roots, and root exudates. Similar effects wereobserved with phosphorus deficiency, but the effects of potassiumdeficiency on the cytokinin content of leaves was less marked.The cytokinin content was higher in plants supplied with nitrogenas nitrate than in those supplied with ammonium sulphate orammonium nitrate. The decline in cytokinin levels in derooted shoots and detachedleaves could be reversed by supplying them with nutrient solution.Although leaves on intact plants may normally be dependent uponthe supply of cytokinins from the roots, isolated leaves havethe capacity for cytokinin production when supplied with inorganicnutrients.  相似文献   

Two varieties of perpetual flowering carnation were grown undervarious conditions of nitrogen supply, daylength, and temperature. In short days as compared with long, the number of leaves belowthe flower bud was always greater and the flower bud alwaysappeared later. At low levels of nitrogen, successive leaf pairs developed moreslowly and more leaves were formed below the flower, so thatflower initiation was delayed. This effect was more marked undershort days than under long days. The development of the flower bud from macroscopic appearanceto anthesis was affected primarily by temperature. Low temperaturesgenerally retarded development, this effect being most pronouncedin nitrogen deficient plants grown under short days.  相似文献   

The Effects of Cold Stress on Photosynthesis in Hibiscus Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work studies the effects of cold on photosynthesis, as well as the involvement in the chilling stress of chlororespiratory enzymes and ferredoxin-mediated cyclic electron flow, in illuminated plants of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Plants were sensitive to cold stress, as indicated by a reduction in the photochemistry efficiency of PSII and in the capacity for electron transport. However, the susceptibility of leaves to cold may be modified by root temperature. When the stem, but not roots, was chilled, the quantum yield of PSII and the relative electron transport rates were much lower than when the whole plant, root and stem, was chilled at 10°C. Additionally, when the whole plant was cooled, both the activity of electron donation by NADPH and ferredoxin to plastoquinone and the amount of PGR5 polypeptide, an essential component of the cyclic electron flow around PSI, increased, suggesting that in these conditions cyclic electron flow helps protect photosystems. However, when the stem, but not the root, was cooled cyclic electron flow did not increase and PSII was damaged as a result of insufficient dissipation of the excess light energy. In contrast, the chlororespiratory enzymes (NDH complex and PTOX) remained similar to control when the whole plant was cooled, but increased when only the stem was cooled, suggesting the involvement of chlororespiration in the response to chilling stress when other pathways, such as cyclic electron flow around PSI, are insufficient to protect PSII.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphate deficiency on the composition and photosyntheticCO2 assimilation rates of fully expanded leaves of sunflower,maize and wheat plants are described. The regulation of photosynthesisby stomatal and mesophyll characteristics of leaves of differentphosphate status is analysed and related to structure. Phosphatedeficient leaves had small concentrations of inorganic phosphate,Pi, in the tissue water. Rate of photosynthesis in leaves andstomatal conductance were smaller in plants grown with inadequatephosphate when measured under any given light intensity or CO2partial pressure. Despite the decrease in stomatal conductance(and without evidence of patchy stomatal closure), the relativestomatal limitation of photosynthesis was similar in the plantsgrown with deficient or abundant phosphate. However, the mesophyllcapacity for photosynthesis was greatly limited by phosphatedeficiency. Leaves deficient in phosphate had larger numbersof small size cells per unit leaf area than leaves with adequatephosphate. The total soluble protein content of leaves decreasedwith phosphate deficiency in all three species; however, theleaf chlorophyll content was decreased only in sunflower andmaize and not in wheat. These results suggest that stomatalconductance did not restrict the CO2 diffusion rate, ratherthe metabolism of the mesophyll was the limiting factor. Thisis shown by poor carboxylation efficiency and decreased apparentquantum yield for CO2 assimilation, both of which contributedto the increase in relative mesophyll limitation of photosynthesisin phosphate deficient plants. Key words: Apparent quantum yield, carboxylation efficiency, phosphate nutrition, photosynthesis, stomatal and mesophyll limitation  相似文献   

Effects of Temporary Droughts on Photosynthesis of Alfalfa Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effect of temporary droughts on photosynthesis, total conductanceto water vapour, intercellular CO2 concentration, CO2 compensationpoint, light-response curves, photorespiration, dark respiration,chlorophyll content, and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase(EC [EC] ) activity has been examined in nodulated alfalfaplants (Medicago saliva cv. Aragón). Plants were subjectedto moderate (S1/RS1) or severe (S2/RS2) cycles of drought (drought/recovery).Photosynthetic light-response curves showed decreased light-saturatedphotosynthetic capacity and decreased apparent quantum yield.Upon rewatering, photosynthesis did not recover whereas conductancedid in moderately stressed plants. Calculated electron transportrate also declined in drought-stressed plants, but upon rewatering,moderately stressed plants exhibited a total recovery. Comparison of photosynthetic intercellular CO2 response curvesin well-watered and stressed leaves led to the assertion thateffects in chloroplast metabolism contribute significantly tophotosynthetic inhibition. Although the validity of this entireline of research has been questioned by some recent studiesbecause the occurrence of heterogeneous stomatal closure wouldaffect these curves, in our case, the effect of water stresswas investigated in experimental systems where stomata had beenremoved. Measurements of in vitro RuBP carboxylase activityand protein content showed a strong decline during drought treatmentsand upon rewatering no recovery was observed. Therefore, ourresults suggest the major implication of non-stomatal factorsin the decline of photosynthesis in alfalfa plants under cyclicdrought conditions. Key words: Alfalfa, water deficits, photosynthesis, ribulose, 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity, stomatal limitation  相似文献   

The effect of two N-forms (NH4 + and NO3 ) and NaCl on pattern of accumulation of some essential inorganic nutrients was examined in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cv. Hisun 33. Eight-day-old plants of were subjected for 21 d to Hoagland's nutrient solution containing 8 mM N as NH4 + or NO3 ·, and salinized with and addition of NaCl to the growth medium had no significant effect on total leaf N. However, root N of NH4-supplied plants decreased significantly with increase in NaCl concentration, whereas that of NO3-supplied plants remained unaffected. There was no significant effect of NaCl on leaf or root P, but the NO3-supplied plants had significa concentration of leaf P than that of NH4-supplied plants at varying salt treatments. Salinity of the rooting med did not show any significant effect on Na+ concentrations of leaves or roots of plants subjected to two differen N. NH4-treated plants generally had greater concentrations of Cl in leaves and roots and lower K+ content in leaves than NO3-supplied plants. Ca2+ concentrations of leaves and roots and Mg2+ concentrations of leaves decreased in NH4-supplied plants due to NaCl, but they remained unaffected in NO3-treated plants.  相似文献   

研究了不同磷营养水平(0,1/4,1/2,1,2 P)对烟草(Nicotiana rustica L.)叶片光合、光呼吸、乙醇酸合成和乙醇酸氧化酶活性的影响,结果如下; 光合强度在0~1P范围内随磷水平的提高而增高,但在2P水平中略为下降。光呼吸强度在1/4~2P范围内与光合强度有相同的变化趋势,但在磷水平为零时最高;光呼吸/光合比值亦在磷水平为零时最高,并随磷营养的增加而下降。 HPMS抑制乙醇酸氧化酶活性,乙醇酸的积累量随磷水平的变化与光呼吸有一致的趋势。 在加入FMN时,不同磷营养水平的烟草叶片中乙醇酸氧化酶的活性随磷水平的提高而下降;加入FMN对酶活性的促进作用亦随磷水平的提高而下降。 叶片无机磷、有机磷及总磷含量均随磷营养水平的提高而增加。 用不同浓度的磷酸盐溶液真空渗入在1P培养的烟草叶圆片,并在0.25,0.5,10mmol/LNaHCO_3溶液中测定光合和光呼吸,结果表明在0.25和 0.5mmol/L NaHCO_3中,光呼吸随磷浓度的增加而下降;在 10mmol/L中光呼吸完全受抑制。光合作用与磷浓度关系呈单峰曲线,随着NaHCO_3浓度的提高,其高峰位置向右移,即光合最适磷浓度增大。 根据试验结果及从化学计量学推算,认为磷营养有抑制光呼吸的作用,而光呼吸的运转则有补充叶绿体内进行光合作用所需的无机磷的功能。  相似文献   

BOUMA  D. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(5):1131-1142
Growth analysis showed that reductions in the relative growth-rateof subterranean clover plants (cv. Mt. Barker), even those dueto moderate nitrogen deficiencies, were reflected in reductionsof the leaf-area ratio and particularly of the net assimilationrate. A decline in nitrogen supply in the culture solutions was foundto depress net rates of carbon dioxide uptake per unit leafarea and leaf expansion per plant to about the same extent,even at moderate levels of nitrogen stress. Four days aftertransfer of plants grown with adequate nitrogen to solutionswithout nitrogen, leaf area and net carbon dioxide uptake haddeclined to 84 per cent and 89 per cent of the values for thecontrol plants. After a further 4 days these values had decreasedto 71 per cent and 52 per cent respectively. When net carbon dioxide uptake was expressed per unit weightof chlorophyll, the effect of changes in nitrogen supply onnet photosynthesis largely disappeared, indicating a close relationshipwith the chlorophyll content of the leaves. However, anotherand perhaps more direct effect of nitrogen on photosynthesiswas suggested by the fact that, during the early stages of recoveryfrom a severe nitrogen stress, photosynthesis began to increasebefore the chlorophyll content of the leaves.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted independently with plants of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) growing in sand with nutrient solutions with four nitrate concentrations (0.5, 3, 6 or 12 mM). In leaves, nitrate-N was undetectable at the low nitrate applications; total-N, ammonium-N, amino acid-N, reduced-N and insoluble-N all increased linearly, while soluble proteins did it curvilinearly, with increasing nitrate supply. In contrast, soluble-N did not respond to N treatments. Total-N and soluble proteins, but not nitrate-N or ammonium-N, were much higher in leaves than in roots. Plants grown under severe N deficiency accumulated ammonium-N and amino acid-N in their roots. Further, plants were exposed to either 3 or 12 mM nitrate-N, and leaf activities of key N-assimilating enzymes were evaluated. Activities of nitrate reductase, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase and glutamate dehydrogenase were considerably lower in low nitrate supply than in high one. Despite the low nitrate reductase activity, cassava leaves showed an ability to maintain a large proportion of N in soluble proteins.  相似文献   

不同磷营养水平对烟草叶片光合作用和光呼吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着磷营养水平的提高,烟草叶片的CO_2补偿点下降、光合速率上升。光呼吸在缺磷时最高。用光呼吸抑制剂处理烟草叶片后,光合的最适磷浓度提高。当CO_2浓度为560μl/L时,缺磷的烟草叶片在从21%O_2转入2%O_2时出现光合振荡,表明光呼吸与磷营养有密切关系。光呼吸在形成乙醇酸时所释放的磷,有回补叶绿体进行光合作用所需的磷的作用。  相似文献   

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus [Trumb.] Mansfeld cv. Early Star), was used as scion grafted onto three cultivars of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. cvs. Brava, Shintoza and Kamel) used as rootstocks and ungrafted Early Star plants were used as control. The rootstocks showed a high capacity for N uptake and transport to the scion where N reduction and assimilation improved growth of the scion in grafted plants with respect to the control.  相似文献   

Maize(Zea mays L.) plants were grown in a greenhouse with differentlevels of nitrate-N (2 to 20 millimolar). Nitrogen nutritionhad dramatic effects on plant growth and photosynthetic characteristicsof mature leaves. Increasing nitrogen resulted in greater biomassproduction, shoot/root ratios, and rates of leaf expansion duringthe day. The elongating zone of high-N plants had higher activities(per gram fresh weight) of sucrose synthase and neutral invertasethan low-N plants, suggesting that increased leaf growth wasrelated to a greater biochemical capacity for sucrose metabolism. Mature leaves of high-N plants had higher rates of photosynthesisand assimilate export (sucrose formation), and partitioned morecarbon into sucrose relative to starch. Increased photosyntheticrates (leaf area basis) were associated with higher levels ofribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylaseand pyruvate, phosphate dikinase (determined immunochemically).In addition, N-nutrition affected the functional organizationof chlorophyll in the leaves. Large increases in the numberof PS I reaction centers were observed which fully accountedfor increases in leaf chlorophyll content with increasing nitratesupply. Collectively, the results suggest that increased growth of maizeplants at high light and optimal nitrogen nutrition is relatedto greater capacity for photosynthesis and translocation inmature leaves, and possibly increased capacity for sucrose metabolismin expanding leaves. (Received May 22, 1989; Accepted August 28, 1989)  相似文献   

Effects of Water Deficit on Phosphorus Nutrition of Tomato Plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Measurements were made of phosphorus uptake by intact tomato plants from solutions labelled with 32P. The plants were exposed to low water potentials by the addition of mannitol to culture solutions. The amounts of labelled phosphorus in the roots and in the shoots wore determined after a one- or two-hour period. Down to -5.4 atmospheres, the amount of labelled phosphorus in the roots remained constant, hut the amount transported to the shoots was reduced. However, potentials of -10.4 atm reduced the amount of labelled phosphorus in both the root and the shoot. Similar results were obtained when plants were tested immediately after water stress was imposed and when tested after water potentials had been lowered gradually. Plants were treated for one hour at low water potentials and then returned to control solutions (?0.4 atm). For a considerable time, these plants had a much lower phosphorus uptake than plants which had remained continuously at ?0.4 atm. These data support the idea that a disturbance in mineral nutrition is partly responsible for reduced growth in plants which experience a moderate water deficit.  相似文献   

分别测量培养在不同氮浓度培养基中的葛仙米叶绿素a含量和3种叶绿素荧光参数(Fv/Fm、(φ)PS Ⅱ、ETR),研究外加氮源对葛仙米生长和光合生理的影响.结果表明:外加氮源抑制葛仙米的生长,并且随着浓度升高,抑制效果更加明显.外加氮源浓度小于等于1.5 g/L时,葛仙米光合电子传递速率(ETR)、PS Ⅱ最大量子产量(Fv/Fm)和PS Ⅱ光化学反应量子效率((φ)PS Ⅱ)值均有先下降后上升趋势;而当外加氮源浓度大于1.5 g/L时,上述3种荧光参数值先维持不变后有下降趋势.  相似文献   

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