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NK cells are able to lyse a variety of virally infected and neoplastic cells in an MHC-unrestricted manner. The cell-surface protein NKR-P1 is thought to play a key role in this process. NKR-P1, initially identified in rat IL-2 activated NK cells, is encoded in the mouse by at least three similar, but not identical, genes. We previously reported the isolation and characterization of three different NKR-P1 cDNA, termed cDNA 2, 34, and 40, from IL-2 activated mouse NK cells. This report describes the structure of the gene encoding NKR-P1 cDNA 2, the smallest of these three cDNA. Gene 2 is composed of six exons spanning approximately 14 kb of genomic DNA. The first exon encodes the N-terminal intracellular domain, and exons 4, 5, and 6 contain the sequences coding for the CRD. This organization is similar to that of other genes that encode C-type animal lectins. The expression of the NKR-P1 genes in A-LAK cells from 13 mouse strains was examined by Northern blot analysis. NKR-P1 expression appears to coincide with that of the NK1.1 Ag. This observation further supports the hypothesis that the NK1.1 Ag is encoded by one of the NKR-P1 genes. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the promoter region of the three NKR-P1 genes in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice suggests that differences in the level of expression probably do not result from alterations in the upstream regions of these genes, but may be caused by the expression of strain-specific transacting factors.  相似文献   

In mice, the NK1.1 alloantigen is expressed on all NK cells and it initiates transmembrane signals that activate cytotoxicity. NK1.1 has been mapped to a chromosomal region that encodes two families of receptor-like molecules, the NKR-P1 family and the Ly-49 family. Both of these gene families encode type II integral membrane proteins whose extracellular domains are homologous with known C-type lectins. We have isolated and expressed a member of the NKR-P1 gene family (mNKR-P1.9) and have demonstrated both by immunofluorescence and by immunoprecipitation that this cDNA encodes NK1.1. These findings, which demonstrate the receptor-like structure of NK1.1, will facilitate studies regarding the role of NK1.1 in natural killing and regarding the identification of possible NK1.1 ligands.  相似文献   

Mouse NKR-P1C(B6) receptor corresponding to NK1.1 alloantigen is one of the most widespread surface markers of mouse NK and NKT cells in C57BL/6 mice detected by monoclonal antibody PK136. Although functional studies revealed the ability of this receptor to activate both natural killing and production of cytokines upon antibody crosslinking, the ligand for NKR-P1C(B6) remains unknown. In order to initiate ligand identification, structural studies, and epitope mapping experiments, we developed a simple and efficient expression and purification protocol allowing to produce large amounts of pure soluble monomeric mouse NKR-P1C(B6). Our protein encompassed approximately half of the stalk region and the entire C-terminal globular ligand binding domain. The identity of protein that was devoid of N-terminal initiation methionine and had all three expected disulfides closed was confirmed using high resolution ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Protein produced into inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli was efficiently refolded into a unique three dimensional structure as confirmed by NMR using (1)H-(15)N-HSQC spectra of uniformly labeled protein. The exceptional purity of the protein should allow its crystallization and detailed structural investigations, and is a prerequisite for its use as a probe in ligand identification and antibody epitope mapping experiments.  相似文献   

NKR-P1 protein is an important activating receptor at the surface of the rat natural killer cells. GlcNAc and chitooligomers were identified as strong activation ligands in vitro and in vivo. Their clustering brings about increase of their affinity to the NKR-P1 by 3–6 orders. Here we describe novel methodology for preparation of neoglycoproteins based on BSA carying the chitooligomers (n = 2–5). Further on we developed novel methodology of the coupling of glycosylamines via aromatic-SCN activated linker both to protein or synthetic cores. Inhibition studies of chitooligomer glycoconjugates with the NKR-P1 receptor show that our neoglycoproteins are very strong ligands with high binding affinity (–log IC50 = 13–15). In analogy with our previous observations with GlcNAc clustered on protein or PAMAM backbones the synthetic chitooligomer clusters should provide considerably better ligands in the in vivo antitumor treatment.  相似文献   

Human killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are expressed on natural killer (NK) cells and are involved in their immunoreactivity. While KIR with a long cytoplasmic tail deliver an inhibitory signal when bound to their respective major histocompatibility complex class I ligands, KIR with a short cytoplasmic tail can activate NK responses. The expansion of the KIR gene family originally appeared to be a phenomenon restricted to primates (human, apes, and monkeys) in comparison to rodents, which via convergent evolution have numerous C-type lectin-like Ly49 molecules that function analogously. Further studies have shown that multiple KIR are also present in cow and horse. In this study, we have identified by comparative genomics the first and possibly only KIR gene, named KIR2DL1, in the domesticated pig (Sus scrofa) allowing further evolutionary comparisons to be made. It encodes a protein with two extracellular immunoglobulin domains (D0 + D2), and a long cytoplasmic tail containing two inhibitory motifs. We have mapped the pig KIR2DL1 gene to chromosome 6q. Flanked by LILRa, LILRb, and LILRc, members of the leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LILR) family, on the centromeric end, and FCAR, NCR1, NALP7, NALP2, and GP6 on the telomeric end, pig demonstrates conservation of synteny with the human leukocyte receptor complex (LRC). Both the porcine KIR and LILR genes have diverged sufficiently to no longer be clearly orthologous with known human LRC family members.  相似文献   

Previously we have reported the purification and characterization of a novel cytokine from an EBV-transformed B cell line, RPMI 8866. This factor, termed natural killer cell stimulatory factor (NKSF), possessed pleiotropic activities including the induction of IFN-gamma from PBL, enhancement of cytotoxicity by NK cells, and stimulation of the proliferation of PBL. Purified NKSF was found to be a disulfide-linked heterodimeric protein composed of 35-kDa and 40-kDa subunits (p35 and p40). We now report the molecular cloning of cDNA for both subunits of NKSF from RPMI 8866 cellular RNA. The cDNA sequences indicate that both genes are novel, and Southern blot analysis confirmed that both cDNA are of human genomic origin. [35S]Methionine labeling indicated that cos-1 cells transfected with either p35 or p40 cDNA produced unique protein species of appropriate size. Methionine labeling of cos-1 cells cotransfected with p35 plus p40 cDNA yielded a broad band migrating between 70 and 90 kDa on a nonreducing gel. Reduction of this high molecular weight material yielded bands correlating with p35 and p40 gene products. Only culture supernatant from cotransfected cos-1 cells had a high level of NKSF biologic activity. That the high molecular weight material was responsible for this activity was indicated by the observation that biologic activity in the culture supernatant migrated at 70 to 90 kDa in a nonreducing gel. Furthermore, anti-p40 serum was able to block the biologic activities of both recombinant and natural NKSF, which indicates that it is a component of the active protein. In contrast, no activity could be detected in the supernatants of cos-1 cells transfected with p40 or p35 cDNA alone. The spectrum of biologic activity produced by cotransfected cos-1 cells was the same as NKSF purified to homogeneity from the RPMI 8866 cell line. A synergistic augmentation of some of these responses was found by the addition of IL-2 or the co-stimulators PHA or phorbol diester. The synergistic stimulation by NKSF plus IL-2 of T and NK function supports the possibility that these cytokines might prove useful in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Cellular cholesterol metabolism is regulated primarily through sterol-mediated feedback suppression of the activity of the low-density lipoprotein receptor and several enzymes of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. We previously described the cloning of a rabbit cDNA for the oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP), a cytosolic protein of 809 amino acids that may participate in these regulatory events. We now use the rabbit OSBP cDNA to clone the human OSBP cDNA and 5' genomic region. Comparison of the human and rabbit OSBP sequences revealed a remarkably high degree of conservation. The cDNA sequence in the coding region showed 94% identity between the two species, and the predicted amino acid sequence showed 98% identity. The human cDNA was used to determine the chromosomal localization of the OSBP gene by Southern blot hybridization to panels of somatic cell hybrid clones containing subsets of human or mouse chromosomes and by RFLP analysis of recombinant inbred mouse strains. The OSBP locus mapped to the long arm of human chromosome 11 and the proximal end of mouse chromosome 19. Along with previously mapped genes including Ly-1 and CD20, OSBP defines a new conserved syntenic group on the long arm of chromosome 11 in the human and the proximal end of chromosome 19 in the mouse.  相似文献   

The resistance of mice to lethal infection by murine CMV (MCMV) is under complex host genetic control with contributions from both H-2 and non-H-2 genes. We have previously shown that an autosomal, non-MHC encoded gene, Cmv-1, controls MCMV replication in the spleen. We have investigated the mechanism by which the Cmv-1 resistance gene confers protection against MCMV infection. Using H-2 compatible irradiation bone marrow chimeras, the enhanced resistance to MCMV infection that is associated with the Cmv-1l allele in the C57BL background was shown to be mediated by an irradiation-sensitive bone marrow-derived cell population, or a factor produced by these cells. The lack of correlation between serum IFN titers and the strain distribution pattern of Cmv-1 in CXB recombinant inbred mouse strains suggests that IFN does not mediate resistance conferred by this gene. Similarly, the lack of effect of in vivo depletion of mature CD4+ and CD8+ T cells on virus replication in C57BL/6J mice indicates that T cells are unlikely to be involved. In contrast, in vivo depletion of NK cells by injection of the anti-NK1.1 mAb PK136 abrogated restricted splenic virus replication in C57BL/6J----BALB.B chimeric mice and in the Cmv-1l CXB strains. These data indicate that the effect of the Cmv-1 gene is mediated by NK cells. The significant augmentation in NK cell activity after MCMV infection of the susceptible Cmv-1h strains (BALB/cBy), CXBG/By, CXBH/By, CXBI/By, and CXBK/By) indicates the existence in these mice of NK cells that are functionally and phenotypically distinct from those in Cmv-1l strains. NK cells present in the Cmv-1h strains are unable to restrict efficiently splenic MCMV replication in vivo, possibly due to a lack of specificity for virus-infected target cells. Finally, flow cytometric analysis of NK1-1 expression in CXB and BXD RI mice together with MCMV replication studies in the BXD RI strains indicate that Cmv-1 is closely linked to NK1.1 and other loci that reside on a distal segment of murine chromosome 6 in a region that has recently been defined as the natural killer complex.  相似文献   

The Cmv1 locus controls NK cell-mediated resistance to infection with murine CMV. Our recent genetic analysis of backcross mice demonstrated that the NK gene complex (NKC)-linked Cmv1 locus should reside between the Ly49 and Prp gene clusters on distal mouse chromosome 6. We have aligned yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) inserts in a contig spanning the interval between the Ly49 and Prp gene clusters. This YAC contig includes 13 overlapping YAC inserts that span more than 2 megabases (Mb) in C57BL/6 (B6) mice. Since we have identified genomic clones that span the Ly49-Prp gene region, we hypothesize that at least one should contain the Cmv1 locus. To narrow the Cmv1 critical region, we developed novel NKC genetic markers and used these to genotype informative backcross and intra-NKC recombinant congenic mouse DNA samples. These data suggest that Cmv1 resides on a single YAC insert within an interval that corresponds to a physical distance of approximately 390 kb. This high resolution, integrated physical and genetic NKC map will facilitate identification of Cmv1 and other NKC-linked loci that regulate NK cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

The human natural killer gene complex is located on chromosome 12p12-p13   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
 Natural killer (NK) cells preferentially express several type II glycoproteins of the calcium-dependent lectin superfamily. The genes coding for these molecules are clustered on the distal mouse chromosome 6 and on the rat chromosome 4 in a region designated the NK gene complex. To date, no definite evidence of the presence of a NK gene complex has been found in humans. Here we report the assignment by fluorescence in situ hybridization of the CD94 gene to human chromosome 12p12-p13, in the same region where the CD69 and NKG2A genes had been previously mapped. In addition, using a yeast artificial chromosome contig spanning this region we determined that the human CD94, NKG2A, NKG2C, NKG2E, and NKR-P1A (NKR) genes map to the short arm of chromosome 12. The distal to proximal position of these loci are: NKR- CD69 - CD94/NKG2A/NKG2C/NKG2E. These data demonstrate the existence of a human NK gene complex located within a 5.6 cM interval flanked by the genetic markers D12S397 and D12S89. The physical distance spanned by the NK gene complex in humans ranges between 0.7 and 2.4 megabases. Received: 17 January 1997 / Revised: 10 March 1997  相似文献   

Comparative mapping between the human and the mouse genomes allows characterization of linkage groups that have been conserved over evolution. In this study, genes previously localized to adjacent regions of human chromosome 1 were mapped to discrete regions on distal mouse chromosomes 1 and 3 using an interspecific cross. Linkage analysis in mouse defined two groups in which the gene order appears to be the same as that in humans: 15 genes localized between human chromosome 1q21 and 1q32 were found to span 29.5 cM on distal mouse chromosome 1; 6 genes localized between human chromosome 1q21 and 1p22 spanned 15.6 cM on distal mouse chromosome 3. These data suggest that gene order within large chromosome segments may remain stable over long periods of evolution and that the position of the centromere may reflect a late event in the evolution of higher eukaryotic organisms. These studies provide a model for examination of specific evolutionary events.  相似文献   

Mouse leukosialin, previously known as the 3E8 antigen, is expressed primarily on cells of the hematopoietic and lymphoid lineages and is shown to be the mouse homologue to the human leukosialin/sialophorin and rat W3/13 molecules. A partial leukosialin cDNA clone was isolated via cross-species hybridization with a portion of a human leukosialin cDNA. This mouse cDNA clone was used to demonstrate that the leukosialin isoforms are encoded by a single mRNA species of approximately 4.2 kilobases (kb) and that the leukosialin gene is located on chromosome 7. Based on these results, mouse leukosialin is given the designation Ly48.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M30693.  相似文献   

We have generated a moderate resolution genetic map of mouse chromosomes 4 and 6 utilizing a (C57BL/6J x Mus spretus) F1 x Mus spretus backcross with RFLPs for 31 probes. The map for chromosome 4 covers 77 cM and details a large region of homology to human chromosome 1p. The map establishes the breakpoints in the mouse 4-human 1p region of homology to a 2-cM interval between Ifa and Jun in mouse and to the interval between JUN and ACADM in human. The map for mouse chromosome 6 spans a 65-cM region and contains a large region of homology to human 7q. These maps also provide chromosomal assignment and order for a number of previously unmapped probes. The maps should allow the rapid regional assignment of new markers to mouse chromosomes 4 and 6. In addition, knowledge of the gene order in mouse may prove useful in determining the gene order of the homologous regions in human.  相似文献   

A linkage map of distal mouse chromosome 1 was constructed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of DNAs from seven sets of recombinant inbred (RI) strains. The data obtained with seven probes on Southern hybridization combined with data from previous studies suggest the gene order Cfh, Pep-3/Ren-1,2, Ly-5, Lamb-2, At-3, Apoa-2/Ly-17,Spna-1. These results confirm and extend analyses of a large linkage group which includes genes present on a 20-30 cM span of mouse chromosome 1 and those localized to human chromosome 1q21-32. Moreover, the data indicate similar relative positions of human and mouse complement receptor-related genes REN, CD45, LAMB2, AT3, APOA2, and SPTA. These results suggest that mouse gene analyses may help in detailed mapping of human genes within such a syntenic group.  相似文献   

mAb have been derived against NK cell-sensitive target cells in an effort to identify the target cell structure involved in Ag recognition by NK cells. Several mAb were selected for further study based on their preliminary target cell binding characteristics. Flow cytometry demonstrated that each of these mAb bound to a series of NK-sensitive target cells of various origins (e.g., K562 and Molt-4) while having little or no reactivity with several NK-resistant target cell lines (e.g., SB and Daudi). Functional studies revealed that two of the mAb were able to inhibit the lysis of NK-sensitive K562 target cells by freshly isolated, endogenous NK cells in a dose-dependent fashion. Further, these mAb also could inhibit the killing of K562 target cells by both activated NK cells and cultured lymphokine-activated killer cells, as well as the cytolysis of other NK-sensitive target cells by each of these effector cell populations. Control experiments with another mAb which bound to the target cells but did not inhibit lysis implied that the effects of these mAb on NK cell function was not the result of steric hindrance. Single cell conjugate assays demonstrated that the mAb inhibited NK cell lysis via the inhibition of binding (recognition). Biochemical analysis of this target cell structure revealed that it was a molecule of approximately 42 kDa which may exist as a homodimer in its native state. Thus, it appears that the mAbs identify an unique Ag on the surface of NK cell-sensitive target cells which is involved in NK cell Ag recognition.  相似文献   

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