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Human peripheral blood CD8+ T cells comprise cells that are in different states of differentiation and under the control of complex homeostatic processes. In a number of situations ranging from chronic inflammatory conditions and infectious diseases to ageing, immunodeficiency, iron overload and heavy alcohol intake, major phenotypic changes, usually associated with an increase in CD8+ T cells lacking CD28 expression, take place. CD8+CD28- T cells are characterized by a low proliferative capacity to conventional stimulation in vitro and by morphological and functional features of activated/memory T cells. Although the nature of the signals that give origin to this T-cell subset is uncertain, growing evidence argues for the existence of an interplay between epithelial cells, molecules with the MHC-class I fold and CD8+ T cells. The possibility that the generation of CD8+CD28- T cells is the combination of TCR/CD3zeta- and regulatory factor-mediated signals as a result of the sensing of modifications of the internal environment is discussed.  相似文献   

CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells suppress immune responses and are believed to play roles in preventing autoimmune diseases. However, the mechanism(s) underlying the suppression and the regulation of their homeostasis remain to be elucidated. Here we show that these regulatory T cells downregulated CD25(-)CD4(+) T-cell-mediated production of IL-12 from antigen-presenting cells, which can act as a growth factor for CD25(-)CD4(+) T cells. We further found that CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells, despite their well-documented "anergic" nature, proliferate significantly in vitro only when CD25(-)CD4(+) T cells are present. Notably, this proliferation was strongly dependent on IL-2 and relatively independent of IL-12. Thus, CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells suppress CD25(-)CD4(+) T-cell responses, at least in part, by inhibiting IL-12 production while they themselves can undergo proliferation with the mediation of CD25(-)CD4(+) T cells in vitro. These results offer a novel negative feedback system involving a tripartite interaction among CD25(+)CD4(+) and CD25(-)CD4(+) T cells, and APCs that may contribute to the termination of immune responses.  相似文献   

CD28/B7 blockade leads to exacerbated autoimmune disease in the nonobese diabetic mouse strain as a result of a marked reduction in the number of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs). Herein, we demonstrate that CD28 controls both thymic development and peripheral homeostasis of Tregs. CD28 maintains a stable pool of peripheral Tregs by both supporting their survival and promoting their self-renewal. CD28 engagement promotes survival by regulating IL-2 production by conventional T cells and CD25 expression on Tregs.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapeutics must induce robust CTL capable of killing tumor or virally infected cells in vivo. In this study, we show that RNA electroporated post maturation and coelectroporated with CD40L mRNA (post maturation electroporation (PME)-CD40L DC) generate high-avidity CTL in vitro that lyse naturally processed and presented tumor Ag. Unlike cytokine mixture-matured DC which induce predominantly nonproliferative effector memory CD45RA(+) CTL, PME-CD40L DC prime a novel subset of Ag-specific CTL that can be expanded to large numbers upon sequential DC stimulation in vitro. We have defined these cells as rapidly expanding high-avidity (REHA) CTL based on: 1) the maintenance of CD28 expression, 2) production of high levels of IFN-gamma and IL-2 in response to Ag, and 3) the demonstration of high-avidity TCR that exhibit strong cytolytic activity toward limiting amounts of native Ag. We demonstrate that induction of REHA CTL is dependent at least in part on the production of IL-12. Interestingly, neutralization of IL-12 did not effect cytolytic activity of REHA CTL when Ag is not limiting, but did result in lower TCR avidity of Ag-reactive CTL. These results suggest that PME-CD40L DC are uniquely capable of delivering the complex array of signals needed to generate stable CD28(+) REHA CTL, which if generated in vivo may have significant clinical benefit for the treatment of infectious disease and cancer.  相似文献   

Murine peripheral Lyt-2+ T cells could be subdivided according to surface expression of the Pgp-1 glycoprotein into major (71%) Pgp-1- and minor (29%) Pgp-1+ subsets. A striking correlation was observed between Pgp-1 expression and enrichment for antigen-specific memory cytolytic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp). After immunization with the male minor transplantation antigen H-Y, virtually all the H-Y-specific CTLp were found in the minor Pgp-1+ subset of Lyt-2+ cells. In addition, after alloimmunization the frequency of allospecific CTLp resistant to inhibition by anti-Lyt-2 antibody was markedly enriched within the Pgp-1+ cells, suggesting an enrichment for CTLp bearing high avidity antigen receptors. Taken together, these data suggest that surface Pgp-1 expression is stably acquired at the time of primary antigenic stimulation by virgin T cells. As such, Pgp-1 represents an important marker for identifying a subset of Lyt-2+ T cells with the quantitative and qualitative properties of memory CTLp.  相似文献   

We show that the lymphoid hyperplasia observed in IL-2Ralpha- and IL-2-deficient mice is due to the lack of a population of regulatory cells essential for CD4 T cell homeostasis. In chimeras reconstituted with bone marrow cells from IL-2Ralpha-deficient donors, restitution of a population of CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells prevents the chaotic accumulation of lymphoid cells, and rescues the mice from autoimmune disease and death. The reintroduction of IL-2-producing cells in IL-2-deficient chimeras establishes a population of CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells, and restores the peripheral lymphoid compartments to normal. The CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells regulated selectively the number of naive CD4(+) T cells transferred into T cell-deficient hosts. The CD25(+)CD4(+)/naive CD4 T cell ratio and the sequence of cell transfer determines the homeostatic plateau of CD4(+) T cells. Overall, our findings demonstrate that IL-2Ralpha is an absolute requirement for the development of the regulatory CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells that control peripheral CD4 T cell homeostasis, while IL-2 is required for establishing a sizeable population of these cells in the peripheral pools.  相似文献   

Virus-specific T cells represent a hallmark of Ag-specific, adaptive immunity. However, some T cells also demonstrate innate functions, including non-Ag-specific IFN-gamma production in response to microbial products such as LPS or exposure to IL-12 and/or IL-18. In these studies we examined LPS-induced cytokine responses of CD8(+) T cells directly ex vivo. Following acute viral infection, 70-80% of virus-specific T cells will produce IFN-gamma after exposure to LPS-induced cytokines, and neutralization experiments indicate that this is mediated almost entirely through production of IL-12 and IL-18. Different combinations of these cytokines revealed that IL-12 decreases the threshold of T cell activation by IL-18, presenting a new perspective on IL-12/IL-18 synergy. Moreover, memory T cells demonstrate high IL-18R expression and respond effectively to the combination of IL-12 and IL-18, but cannot respond to IL-18 alone, even at high cytokine concentrations. This demonstrates that the synergy between IL-12 and IL-18 in triggering IFN-gamma production by memory T cells is not simply due to up-regulation of the surface receptor for IL-18, as shown previously with naive T cells. Together, these studies indicate how virus-specific T cells are able to bridge the gap between innate and adaptive immunity during unrelated microbial infections, while attempting to protect the host from cytokine-induced immunopathology and endotoxic shock.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that priming of therapeutic CD8(+) T cells in tumor vaccine-draining lymph nodes of mice vaccinated with GM-CSF secreting B16BL6 melanoma cells occurs independent of CD4 T cell help. In this study, we examined the contribution of the major costimulatory molecules, CD40 ligand (CD40L), CD80, and CD86, in the priming of CD8(+) T cells. Priming of therapeutic CD8(+) T cells by a GM-CSF-transduced tumor vaccine did not require CD40 and CD40L interactions, as therapeutic T cells could be generated from mice injected with anti-CD40L Ab and from CD40L knockout mice. However, costimulation via either CD80 or CD86 was required, as therapeutic T cells could be generated from mice injected with either anti-CD80 or anti-CD86 Ab alone, but administration of both Abs completely inhibited the priming of therapeutic T cells. Blocking experiments also identified that priming of therapeutic T cells in MHC class II-deficient mice required TNFR and IL-12 signaling, but signaling through CD40, lymphotoxin-betaR, or receptor activator of NF-kappaB was not essential. Thus, cross-priming of therapeutic CD8(+) T cells by a tumor vaccine transduced with GM-CSF requires TNFR, IL-12, and CD28 signaling.  相似文献   

Concomitant with an increased number of memory-type cells, the amount of naive T cells steadily declines with age. Although the regulatory mechanisms behind this conversion are not fully understood, the suggestion is that both alterations in thymic output and homeostatic signals mold the naive T cell pool. In this study, we identify a new subset of circulating CD27(high)CD45RA(high) CD8+ T cells characterized by low IL-7Ralpha message and protein expression. Analysis of TCR repertoire and TCR excision circle content together with ex vivo recovery of IL-7Ralpha expression indicated that these cells should be placed into the naive T cell pool. Compared with conventional IL-7Ralpha(high) naive T cells, this subset displayed significantly lower levels of CD28 and higher levels of HLA-DR. Proliferative responses to anti-CD3/CD28 mAbs were indistinguishable from conventional naive T cells, but the responsiveness to IL-7 was limited. Strikingly, IL-7Ralpha(low) naive T cells were particularly increased in circumstances of naive CD8+ T cells shortage, as in the elderly, in patients early after hemopoietic stem cell transplantation, and in HIV-infected individuals. As common gamma chain cytokines induce rapid down-regulation of IL-7Ralpha, we propose that this new subset of naive T cells may encompass cells that have recently received homeostatic signals.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that mice lacking the IL-12-specific receptor subunit beta2 (IL-12Rbeta2) develop more severe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis than wild-type (WT) mice. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon is not known; nor is it known whether deficiency of IL-12Rbeta2 impacts other autoimmune disorders similarly. In the present study we demonstrate that IL-12Rbeta2(-/-) mice develop earlier onset and more severe disease in the streptozotocin-induced model of diabetes, indicating predisposition of IL-12Rbeta2-deficient mice to autoimmune diseases. T cells from IL-12Rbeta2(-/-) mice exhibited significantly higher proliferative responses upon TCR stimulation. The numbers of naturally occurring CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the thymus and spleen of IL-12Rbeta2(-/-) mice were comparable to those of WT mice. However, IL-12Rbeta2(-/-) mice exhibited a significantly reduced capacity to develop Tregs upon stimulation with TGF-beta, as shown by significantly lower numbers of CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells that expressed Foxp3. Functionally, CD25(+)CD4(+) Tregs derived from IL-12Rbeta2(-/-) mice were less efficient than those from WT mice in suppressing effector T cells. The role of IL-12Rbeta2 in the induction of Tregs was confirmed using small interfering RNA. These findings suggest that signaling via IL-12Rbeta2 regulates both the number and functional maturity of Treg cells, which indicates a novel mechanism underlying the regulation of autoimmune diseases by the IL-12 pathway.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T cells are a critical component of the adaptive immune response against infections and tumors. A current paradigm in immunology is that naive CD8(+) T cells require CD28 costimulation, whereas memory CD8(+) T cells do not. We show here, however, that during viral infections of mice, costimulation is required in vivo for the reactivation of memory CD8(+) T cells. In the absence of CD28 costimulation, secondary CD8(+) T cell responses are greatly reduced and this impairs viral clearance. The failure of CD8(+) T cells to expand in the absence of CD28 costimulation is CD4(+) T cell help independent and is accompanied by a failure to down-regulate Bcl-2 and by cell cycle arrest. This requirement for CD28 costimulation was shown in both influenza A and HSV infections. Thus, contrary to current dogma, memory CD8(+) T cells require CD28 costimulation to generate maximal secondary responses against pathogens. Importantly, this CD28 requirement was shown in the context of real infections were multiple other cytokines and costimulators may be up-regulated. Our findings have important implications for pathogens, such as HIV and measles virus, and tumors that evade the immune response by failing to provide CD28 costimulation. These findings also raise questions about the efficacy of CD8(+) T cell-based vaccines against such pathogens and tumors.  相似文献   

Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is an acute sporadic infection that usually affects young adults, and during infection a massive expansion of CD8 T cells is generally considered to occur. However, CD28 expression of the expanded cells has not been characterized. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells of acute IM (AIM) patients were analyzed by flow cytometry, a continuous spectrum of CD28 intensity ranging from negative to high, which could be separated into CD28 negative, intermediate (int), and positive, was seen for CD8 T cells. We studied 26 IM patients who were diagnosed on the basis of standard methods and found that all patients had the continuous CD28 spectrum. CD28 is a costimulatory molecule on T cells, and its expression is associated with the subdivision of CD8 cells into cytotoxic (CD28-positive) and suppressor (CD28-negative) T cells. After 24 h of ex vivo culturing, however, the continuous spectrum was found to consist of only CD28-positive and CD28-negative CD8 T cells, because the CD28-int cells had disappeared due to apoptosis. The CD28-int T cells have several cytotoxic functions, suggesting that CD28-int T cells are effectors. Examination of other costimulatory markers in AIM patients showed that CD80 and CD152 were not affected. In patients with other viral infections, such as measles or rubella, however, the continuous spectrum was not detected. These results suggest that there is an unusual CD28 expression pattern in patients with AIM, namely, the presence of a functional CD28-int subset among CD8 T cells. These findings are of special importance for clarifying the defense mechanism against Epstein-Barr virus infection, and the role of CD28 molecules in humans and should also be helpful for the diagnosis of AIM.  相似文献   

We describe a subset of CD4+/CD3+ human T lymphocytes that demonstrated a remarkably limited TCR repertoire responding to alloantigen stimulation. These cells have been characterized previously by their granular morphology and expression of CD11b but not CD28. Whereas multiple CD28+/CD4+ alloproliferative cloned cell lines generated by culture at limiting dilution immediately after isolation from peripheral blood each had a unique TCR-beta gene rearrangement, 19 of 21 CD11b+/CD4+ clones showed identical TCR-beta, and gamma gene rearrangements. In conventional MLR, the CD11b+/CD4+ cells responded poorly after stimulation with some HLA-class II Ag, and staining with a TCR Id-specific antibody and DNA blot hybridization suggested that the responding CD11b+/CD4+ cells typically contained predominant clonal populations. Clones of CD11b+/CD4+ cells with different TCR gene rearrangements showed closely similar patterns of responses when stimulated by a panel of allogeneic PBMC, but the response pattern did not correspond to that of any known HLA-class II Ag. These findings indicate that CD11b+/CD4+ cells have a limited alloproliferative repertoire characterized by predominant recognition of a limited number of undefined determinants that appear to be expressed in association with multiple distinct HLA-class II Ag. Our results suggest that CD11b+/CD4+ cells are selected for clonal reactivity by processes distinct from those for CD28+/CD4+ cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of IL-18 on the development of CD8+ effector T cells in DBA/2 anti-BDF1 whole spleen cell MLC and compared the results with those of IL-12. Addition of IL-18 to the MLC resulted in a twofold increase in CD8/CD4 ratios compared with the control cultures when cells were expanded in IL-2-containing medium following MLC. Purified CD8+ T cells recovered from the IL-18-stimulated MLC produced 20- to 30-fold more IFN-gamma after secondary stimulation with C57BL/6 spleen cells or anti-CD3 mAb, and exhibited strong allospecific CTL activity. Neither IL-18 nor IL-18-supplemented culture supernatants from DBA/2 anti-BDF1 MLC induced type I CD8+ effector T cells when purified CD8+ T cells were used as responder cells in primary MLC. Furthermore, CD4+ T cell depletion from the responder cells abrogated the IL-18-induced increase in secondary IFN-gamma production by CD8+ T cells, suggesting that IL-18-induced type I effector CD8+ T cell development was CD4+ T cell dependent. In marked contrast, adding IL-12 to primary MLC decreased CD8/CD4 ratios by 50% and suppressed secondary IFN-gamma production and CTL activity by CD8+ T cells regardless of concentration, whereas Th1 development was promoted by IL-12. Moreover, both IL-12 and IL-18 efficiently induced type I CD8+ effector T cells in C57BL/6 anti-BDF1 MLC. These findings show that IL-18 plays an important role in the generation of type I CD8+ effector T cells, and further suggest that functional maturation of CD8+ T cells is differentially regulated by IL-18 and IL-12.  相似文献   

IL-10 producing T cells inhibit Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses and may play a role in the immune dysregulation observed in HIV infection. We have previously observed the presence of HIV-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells in advanced HIV disease. In this study, we examined the suppressive function of the Gag-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells. Removal of these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells resulted in increased cytolysis and IL-2, but not IFN-gamma, production by both HIV- and human CMV-specific CD8+ T cells. In addition, these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells mediated suppression through direct cell-cell contact, and had a distinct immunophenotypic profile compared with other regulatory T cells. We describe a new suppressor CD8+ T cell population in advanced HIV infection that may contribute to the immune dysfunction observed in HIV infection.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis and HIV continue to be the world-leading killers among infectious diseases, primarily affecting poor people in many developing countries. Despite differences in the immunopathogenesis of human infection with tuberculosis and HIV, experimental evidence from clinical studies and relevant animal models can be used to reflect on the cellular mechanisms responsible for an increased risk of active tuberculosis among HIV-infected individuals. In this review, we will discuss the molecular features and regulation of cytolytic T cells and how deficient cytolytic T cell responses contribute to the pathogenesis of TB and HIV infection as well as TB/HIV co-infection.  相似文献   

Exposure to IL-4 during activation of naive murine CD8+ T cells leads to generation of IL-4-producing effector cells with reduced surface CD8, low perforin, granzyme B and granzyme C mRNA, and poor cytolytic function. We show in this study that maximal development of these cells depended on exposure to IL-4 for the first 5 days of activation. Although IL-4 was not required at later times, CD8 T cell clones continued to lose surface CD8 expression with prolonged culture, suggesting commitment to the CD8low phenotype. This state was reversible in early differentiation. When single CD8low cells from 4-day cultures were cultured without IL-4, 65% gave rise to clones that partly or wholly comprised CD8high cells; the proportion of reverted clones was reduced or increased when the cells were cloned in the presence of IL-4 or anti-IL-4 Ab, respectively. CD8 expression positively correlated with perforin and granzyme A, B, and C mRNA, and negatively correlated with IL-4 mRNA levels among these clones. By contrast, most CD8low cells isolated at later time points maintained their phenotype, produced IL-4, and exhibited poor cytolytic function after many weeks in the absence of exogenous IL-4. We conclude that IL-4-dependent down-regulation of CD8 is associated with progressive differentiation and commitment to yield IL-4-producing cells with little cytolytic activity. These data suggest that the CD4-CD8- cells identified in some disease states may be the product of a previously unrecognized pathway of effector differentiation from conventional CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

NK cells possess both effector and regulatory activities that may be important during the antitumor immune response. In fact, the generation of antitumor immunity by the administration of an agonistic mAb against CD137 is NK cell-dependent. In this study, we report that NK cells could be induced by IL-2 and IL-15 to express CD137 and ligation of CD137-stimulated NK cell proliferation and IFN-gamma secretion, but not their cytolytic activity. Importantly, CD137-stimulated NK cells promoted the expansion of activated T cells in vitro, demonstrating immunoregulatory or "helper" activity for CD8(+)CTL. Furthermore, tumor-specific CTL activity against P815 tumor Ags was abrogated following anti-CD137 treatment in NK-depleted mice. We further demonstrate that CD137-stimulated helper NK cells expressed the high-affinity IL-2R and were hyperresponsive to IL-2. Taken together with previous findings that CD137 is a critical receptor for costimulation of T cells, our findings suggest that CD137 is a stimulatory receptor for NK cells involved in the crosstalk between innate and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

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