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The life history characteristics, population dynamics and production of Pontoporeia hoyi in Lake George, New York, were studied from May 1981 through October 1982. P. hoyi, in terms of both density and standing crop, is the most prevalent member of the deep water macrobenthos of Lake George. It reproduces in the winter, with young being released in the late winter-early spring. At the southernmost study site, young released in the spring grew to 6–7 mm in length and bred during their first winter. At the remaining sites, P. hoyi required two years to complete its life cycle. This difference in life history characteristics can be related to food availability and temperature differences. The open waters of the south end of Lake George are not only more productive but are also more closely associated with the littoral zone, providing a wealth of bacteria-rich detritus for benthic deposit feeders. The greater food availability in the south basin of Lake George is reflected in significantly larger brood sizes and smaller size at maturity for P. hoyi populations from the south end of the lake.The southernmost study site has significantly greater P. hoyi density and standing crop than all other sites. The cohort of the year dominated density and standing crop at the southern site while the cohort of the previous year dominated standing crop at the other sites. Peak abundance ranged from 600 · m–2 at the north site to 2 900 · m–2 at the south site. Cohort production ranged from 2g · m–2 at the north site to 15g · m–2 at the south site.  相似文献   

The originally diverse ciscoe fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes has suffered many extinctions and local extirpations. Bloaters (Coregonus hoyi) are presumed extirpated from Lake Ontario and the reintroduction of this deepwater fish is under consideration. Given the demographic fluctuations of this species in the other Great Lakes and its recent intralacustrine origin, we sought to identify a genetically diverse and similar source of C. hoyi via an analysis of genetic diversity and population structure using 10 microsatellite loci. Despite well-documented demographic declines, we found no genetic evidence of bottlenecks in 12 C. hoyi samples from the four potential donor lakes (Huron, Michigan, Superior and Nipigon). By contrast, evidence of bottlenecks in historical samples of C. artedi from Lake Ontario suggested that standard genetic methods frequently used to identify population bottlenecks can only detect very severe and long-lasting demographic declines in naturally large populations. Patterns of genetic differentiation and assignment tests indicated that C. hoyi from Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, which are not differentiated, are genetically most similar to Lake Ontario ciscoes. The small available sample of deepwater ciscoes recently caught in Lake Ontario did not allow determining if these represent a small undetected C. hoyi population or a recent invasion of the deep section by C. artedi. On the basis of genetic criteria, we conclude that C. hoyi from any location within Lake Huron or Lake Michigan would be judicious sources of breeders for reintroducing C. hoyi in Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

Measurement of amphipod body length using a digitizer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A digitizer/camera lucida method was developed to measure total body length and gut contents of an amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi. The method was more accurate and precise than two conventional methods (the forceps/ocular micrometer method, and the map wheel/camera lucida method). The digitizer/camera lucida method also provided rapid and direct transfer of body and gut length values to a computer file for subsequent analysis.  相似文献   

The benthic amphipod Pontoporeia affinis lives in the Baltic sea and in northern European lakes in an environment where very little light is available for vision. The eyes, consisting of 40–50 ommatidia, are correspondingly modified. Microspectrophotometric recordings on isolated eyes show the presence of at least two kinds of screening pigments in the ommatidia with maxima at 540–580 nm and 460–500 nm. Difference spectra obtained from the rhabdoms after exposure to red and blue light, respectively, give evidence of a single rhodopsin with its maximum at 548 nm and a 500-nm metarhodopsin. In ERG recordings sensitivity in the dark-adapted state, after saturating exposures to blue and to red light, stabilizes at levels determined by the rhodopsin concentration. No change is observed during 10–14 h after the beginning of dark adaptation. However, using animals pre-exposed with a strong red light and then kept in darkness, it is found that after a delay of 20–40 h sensitivity of the dark-adapted eye begins to increase and finally, after 5–6 days reaches a level corresponding to 100% rhodopsin. Thus, a slow renewal of rhodopsin appears to occur in darkness, where a photoisomerization of metarhodopsin is excluded.Abbreviations ERG electroretinogram - IR infrared - MSP microspectrophotometry  相似文献   

Analysis of weekly water samples taken at three depths from a nearshore station in Lake Ontario indicated significant (P > 0.05) relationships between particulate organic carbon (POC), total particulate nitrogen (TPN), chlorophyll a and total bacteria. Application of a stepwise multiple regression indicated that particulate organic carbon (POC) and temperature were the only two measured parameters that had significant effect on total bacterial numbers.  相似文献   

Variability in the size distributions of populations is usually studied in monocultures or in mixed plantings of two species. Variability of size distributions of populations in more complex communities has been neglected. The effects of seeding density (35 or 350 seeds/species/m2) and presence of small vertebrates on the variability of size distributions were studied for a total of 1,920 individuals of 4 species in replicated synthetic communities of 18 species in northern Illinois. End-of season height and above-ground biomass were measured for prairie perennials Dalea purpurea (purple prairie clover), Echinacea purpurea (purple coneflower), Desmanthus illinoensis (Illinois bundleflower) and Heliopsis helianthoides (early sunflower). Variability in biomass distribution of the four target species was twice as great at low than at high densities when small vertebrates were excluded. Our results suggest that inter- and intraspecific competition may affect all individuals more under high-density conditions, thereby reducing the variability in their biomass distributions within this community. This result, a consequence of plant-plant interaction, is obscured when small birds or mammals are present, presumably because either or both add variance that overwhelms the pattern.  相似文献   

Lathrop  R. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):353-361
High densities of zoobenthos inhabited Lake Mendota's profundal zone in the early 1900s through the mid-1940s. Chaoborus punctipennis was the most abundant organism during the winter, along with moderate densities of Chironomus spp., Pisidium sp., oligochaetes, and Procladius sp. By the early 1950s, Chaoborus punctipennis densities had declined to 10% of former levels, while Chironomus increased significantly. However, by the mid-1960s, Chaoborus, Chironomus, and Pisidium densities had decreased to very low population levels. By 1987–89, Pisidium was no longer found. Zoobenthos that had not decreased from earlier surveys were oligochaetes and Procladius, although further sampling of oligochaetes is needed to confirm current densities. These organisms are the most tolerant of severe anoxia.Four possible reasons for this decline were evaluated: (a) decline in food availability, (b) increase in fish predation, (c) use of toxic insecticides in the drainage basin, and (d) changes in the profundal sediment environment. Based on literature information and long-term data for Lake Mendota, a change in the profundal sediment environment is the most likely explanation for the decline in the less-tolerant zoobenthos species. Although the duration and extent of anoxia in the hypolimnion have not changed since the early 1900s, hypolimnetic ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentrations apparently have increased as Mendota became more eutrophic after the mid-1940s. However, further study is needed to determine if these higher concentrations or other factors were responsible for the dramatic decline in lake Mendota's profundal zoobenthos.  相似文献   

Synopsis Thermal and depth distributions, diets and time of feeding of young-of-year (YOY) alewives and YOY rainbow smelt were compared for evidence of resource partitioning in southeastern Lake Ontario. YOY alewives were largely epilimnial during August and September, but moved toward the bottom during fall turnover. Alewives were most abundant in the warmest available water. YOY rainbow smelt were concentrated at depths between 10 and 30 m in August and September, but moved into deeper water at fall turnover. Depth distribution of YOY smelt was correlated with temperatures of 8–12°C Both species fed predominantly during day on zooplankton during August and September. Cyclopoid copepods were the most common prey, but bosminids, eubosminids, and occasionally calanoid copepods were frequently eaten. As YOY rainbow smelt grew (> 60 mm), they consumed more Mysis relicta and amphipods, which became the major prey of rainbow smelt by November. YOY alewives consumed mostly zooplankton in all months. Diet overlap of the two species was greatest in warm water (> 12.0° during October (94.3% similarity) and August (80.0% similarity) and lowest in November (16.9% similarity). Positive size-selection on zooplankton was found in all months for YOY rainbow smelt, but only in late September through November for YOY alewives. Thus, during thermal stratification, the species were spatially segregated by water temperature but had a high degree of overlap in time of feeding and types of prey eaten. In contrast, after fall turnover there was a greater separation in diet but a higher overlap in habitat use.  相似文献   

The turnover and exchange rates, as well as the diffusion processes, concerning the input and output of carbon compounds at the mud-water interface, were studied. The carbon input rates were derived from the annual sedimentation rates of particulate organic matter (about 1 100 kg C · yr−1). The nature of the sedimented POC, and its breakdown pathways and turnover rates towards important metabolic intermediates in methanogenesis, were examined. The breakdown kinetics ofChlorella cell walls, a dominant green alga in Lake Vechten, was studied using U-14C-labelled cell walls. The breakdown of the cell walls appears to the rate-limiting step in anaerobic mineralization. Using first order kinetic equations, and HPLC and GLC and radio-chemical methods, turnover rate constants (k-values) of between 0.18 and 0.32 day−1 and pool sizes of algal cell walls of 37 to 80 μg · g−1 wet mud were found, giving turnover rates of 7.7 to 25.6 μg · g−1 · day−1 of cell wall material. The turnover rates (k-values between 0.07 and 0.31 h−1) of acetate, the most important breakdown product, and its concentration gradients (between 5 and 30 μmol) and diffusion coefficient (Ds = 2.2 × 10−6 cm2 · s−1) just in and above mud-water interface, was quantified. The diffusion of acetate, within the sediments, could not account for the turnover rates observed. Finally, from acetate flux data and from those on the rates of formation of carbon dioxide and methane, the output of carbon and its cycling in Lake Vechten are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Both historical patterns and recent evidence of resource partitioning and complementarity within the Lake Michigan fish community provide circumstantial evidence for interspecific competition. But competition is difficult to document in the field without controlled experimentation. In Lake Michigan, controlled experiments on competition within the fish community are nearly impossible, but we still need to understand the interactions among the dominant fishes. For this purpose, I have relied upon hypothesis-based field observation, natural experiments in the field and designed laboratory experiments to evaluate competitive interactions. Resource use patterns and trophic morphology of the bloater, Coregonus hoyi, a native cisco, from samples taken before alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, became abundant (1960) were compared to more recent data (1979–80). After the alewife density increase, bloaters had significantly fewer and shorter gill rakers. This suggests a morphological shift toward greater benthic foraging efficiency in response to high abundances of an efficient pelagic planktivore, alewife. Resource use comparisons suggested that bloaters now shift from pelagic zooplanktivory to benthic habitats and diets at least two years earlier in their life history than they did before alewife became abundant. This evidence, albeit not experimental, provides strong support for the importance of competition in the structure of the current Lake Michigan fish community.In Lake Michigan, seasonal thermal habitat compression can pack fish into a narrow thermal zone across the lake bottom, leading to increased habitat overlap, reduced prey availability and fish diets containing fewer and smaller prey. Thermal habitat compression, which can occur intermittently through the season, may create competitive bottlenecks which help maintain the observed resource partitioning among these fishes.  相似文献   

Medium type, its water status and the relative humidity in the culture vessel modified carnation leaf development in vitro. Carnation shoot apices cultured on liquid or on 0.8% agar solidified media developed into plantlets having succulent and translucent leaves which are not transplantable to non-aseptic conditions. Increasing the agar and/or sucrose concentration in the medium as well as decreasing the relative humidity in the culture vessel by a desiccant promoted glaucous leaf production. Increased water status (H2O and relative humidity) increased shoot proliferation and translucency of leaves. Decreased water status reduced shoot proliferation but induced the formation of glaucous leaves. The culture of apices for 5–6 days on liquid medium prior to their sub-culture to 1.5% agar medium improved shoot proliferation and normal leaf development. An agar slant prevented the submergence of apices in water accumulating on the medium and thus reduced leaf translucency. Survival was further increased by the transfer of plantlets in uncapped culture vessels to a desiccator for 1–2 weeks prior to transplanting to soil.  相似文献   

  1. Determining the movement and fate of fishes post-stocking is challenging due to the difficulty in monitoring them, particularly immediately after release. Bloater (Coregonus hoyi; Salmonidae) is a deepwater cisco that has been extirpated from Lake Ontario for several decades and is presently the focus of binational restoration stocking efforts; however, there is limited information to evaluate the efficacy of these efforts. The aim of this study was to examine the initial post-release survival, 3D movement, and behaviour of hatchery-reared bloater stocked in Lake Ontario to expand knowledge of post-stocking ecology of fish and inform stocking practices for deepwater ciscoes.
  2. In total, 74 hatchery-reared bloater were tagged with acoustic transmitters with depth and temperature sensors in 2016, 2017, and 2018 and passively monitored on an array of 105 69-kHz acoustic receivers deployed in north-eastern Lake Ontario. Several spatial metrics analysed movements after release to investigate immediate post-stocking survival and behaviour for the first time in a pelagic freshwater forage fish.
  3. Estimated survival for tagged bloater was low (≤42%) and detection periods of live bloater ranged from 0.2 to 12.1 days (mean ± SD: 2.9 ± 2.9 days). Following release, tagged bloater dispersed quickly and exhibited an association with deeper water (>40 m). Despite overlap in space use for some bloater, there was no evidence of schooling behaviour. Bloater underwent extensive diel vertical migration from near bottom to within metres of the surface. These results demonstrated that, despite high initial mortality, some hatchery-reared bloater survived the initial stress of release and displayed characteristic behaviour of the species.
  4. This study demonstrated the value of acoustic telemetry in restoration efforts and revealed survival and behaviour of bloater that has never been observed at this resolution, providing novel information for the management of reintroduced species. Establishment of a self-sustaining population of bloater will help restore fish native to Lake Ontario thus increasing prey fish diversity, improving ecological integrity and resilience, and serving as a model for the reintroduction and management of other native species throughout the Great Lakes.

In this paper, we would like to show unexpected morphogenic potential of cell suspensions derived from seedling explants of Gentiana kurroo (Royle). Suspension cultures were established with the use of embryogenic callus derived from seedling explants (root, hypocotyl and cotyledons). Proembryogenic mass proliferated in liquid MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l−1 2,4-D and 1.0 mg l−1 Kin. The highest growth coefficient was achieved for root derived cell suspensions. The microscopic analysis showed differences in aggregate structure depending on their size. To assess the embryogenic capability of the particular culture, 100 mg of cell aggregates was implanted on MS agar medium supplemented with Kin (0.0–2.0 mg l−1), GA3 (0.0–2.0 mg l−1) and AS (80.0 mg l−1). The highest number of somatic embryos was obtained for cotyledon-derived cell suspension on GA3-free medium, but the best morphological quality of embryos was observed in the presence of 0.5–1.0 mg l−1 Kin, 0.5 mg l−1 GA3 and 80.0 mg l−1 AS. The morphogenic competence of cultures also depended on the size of the aggregate fraction and was lower when size of aggregates decreased. Flow cytometry analysis reveled luck of uniformity of regenerants derived from hypocotyl suspension and 100% of uniformity for cotyledon suspension.  相似文献   

Contact activities of flucycloxuron on immature stages of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae (Koch)) and the European red mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)) gradually decrease in the successive developmental stages. The levels of contact activity of flucycloxuron on larvae and protonymphs ofT. urticae andP. ulmi are of the same order. Deutonymphs ofT. urticae are less susceptible to contact activity than the similar stage ofP. ulmi. In adultT. urticae, the transovarial ovicidal activity was used as an indicator for cuticular penetration. More than 90% of the maximal penetration into adult mites occurs within 8 h. Reversibility of the transovarial activity was not observed after 24 h, but did occur after a subsequent 48 h stay on untreated leaves. The ovo-larvicidal activity of flucycloxuron onP. ulmi after treatment of apple leaves is strongly negatively influenced by leaf age, partly by lower retention of the spray liquid on the leaves. Leaf penetration was measured by application of flucycloxuron on leaf uppersides and assessment of the transovarial activity in mites (P. ulmi orT. urticae) infested on the undersides, one day after treatment. In this test system, leaf penetration was found to be strongly species dependent. Penetration was high in cucumber, moderate in French beans, cotton, roses and strawberry, but low in apple and pepper. Leaf penetration in French bean plants is drastically reduced at increasing leaf age. The overall positive effect of increase in relative air humidity on leaf penetration, is statistically highly significant (P=0.001) for French beans and almost significant (P=0.08) for cucumbers. WithT. urticae on French bean it was found that in this test flucycloxuron needs more than one day for maximal leaf penetration. Although in apple leaves penetration from uppersides was low, penetration from undersides was much higher. The surfactants Arkopal N 130, Silwet L-77 and X2-5309 enhance penetration from leaf under-sides.  相似文献   

Reproducing Varroa jacobsoni obtained from brood cells of Apis mellifera L. with 13–16 day old bees (pupae) and Varroa mites kept on adult bees for at least 8 days were simultaneously tested for their choice in three host types. Comparisons were made of attractiveness of Varroa jacobsoni to nurse bees, pollen foragers as to larvae from nearly capped brood cells. Host choices were observed in Petri dishes and in an Y-shaped olfactometer. Varroa jacobsoni obtained from capped brood cells showed a stronger preference for nurse bees in Petri dish simultaneous choice tests with pollen foragers or larvae than did mites which were previously kept on adult bees. In olfactometer simultaneous choice tests, the two mite test groups showed no clear difference in preferences for bees of different ages. The preference of Varroa jacobsoni for bees of different ages is therefore not only influenced by host factors but also by intrinsic factors in female mites that depend on the mite's reproductive stage.  相似文献   

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) petiole and leaf segments of two pickling genotypes were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404, an octopine Ti-plasmid deletion mutant that is avirulent (disarmed plasmid), but to which were added T-DNA inserts on binary plasmids (pBIN 19, ca. 10 kb, and pCGN 783, ca. 25 kb). Expression of neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT II) encoding resistance to the aminoglycoside kanamycin was used as a selectable marker. Factors which influenced the frequency of callus development on medium containing kanamycin (75 mg l-1) were explant size, bacterial concentration and length of exposure, cocultivation period, and presence of acetosyringone. The optimal procedure involved exposing segments of petiole (4–6 mm) or leaf (0.5 cm2) segments to a bacterial suspension (108 cells ml-1) containing 20 M acetosyringone for 5 min, followed by a 48 h cocultivation period on a tobacco feeder layer. Explants were placed on MS medium containing 500 mg l-1 carbenicillin, 75 mg l-1 kanamycin, and NAA/BA (5.0/2.5 M) or 2,4-d/BA (5.0/5.0 M) and subcultured twice, each after a 2–3 week period, onto fresh media. The overall frequency of transformed callus was 20–50%; the frequency of plantlet regeneration from transformed callus was 8–15%. Twenty-one out of 23 individual plants recovered from two genotypes of pickling cucumber were NPT II positive (transformation frequency of 9%). Copy number of the NPT II gene insert (35S-NPT II-3 fragment, ca. 2.2 kb) in three transformed plants was estimated at ten per haploid genome, indicative of multiple insertions within the cucumber genome. Multimers of the gene (visible as 4.4 and 6.6 kb fragments in Southern analysis) were detected in one plant, suggestive of tandem duplications or repeats. Progeny from a cross between this transformed plant and a nontransformed control showed segregation for the NPT II gene in dot-blot assays; at least 24 plants out of 32 were kanamycin positive. Copy number in the progeny was variable, and ranged from none to ten.Abbreviations 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA- napthaleneacetic acid - BA benzyladenine  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine the effect upon photosynthetic capacity of short-term exposure (up to 10 h) to low temperatures (5° C) of darkened leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants. The carbohydrate content, metabolite status and the photosynthetic rate of leaves were measured at low temperature, high light and higher than ambient CO2. Under these conditions we could detect whether previous exposure of leaves to low temperature overcame the limitation by phosphate which occurs in leaves of plants not previously exposed to low temperatures. The rates of CO2 assimilation measured at 8° C differed by as much as twofold, depending upon the pretreatment. (i) Leaves from plants which had previously been darkened for 24 h had a low content of carbohydrate, had the lowest CO2-assimilation rates at low temperature, and photosynthesis was limited by carbohydrate, as shown by a large stimulation of photosynthesis by feeding glucose, (ii) Leaves from plants which had previously been illuminated for 24 h and which contained large carbohydrate reserves showed an accumulation of phosphorylated intermediates and higher CO2-assimilation rates at low temperature, but nevertheless remained limited by phosphate, (iii) Maximum rates of CO2 assimilation at low temperature were observed in leaves which had intermediate reserves of carbohydrate or in leaves which were rich in carbohydrate and which were also fed phosphate. It is suggested that carbohydrate reserves potentiate the system for the achievement of high rates of photosynthesis at low temperatures by accumulation of photosynthetic intermediates such as hexose phosphates, but that this potential cannot be realised if, at the same time, carbohydrate accumulation is itself leading to feedback inhibition of photosynthesis. This work was supported by the Agricultural and Food Research Council, UK (Research grant PG50/67) and by the Science and Engineering Reserach Council, UK. C.A.L. was supported by the British Council, by an Overseas Research Student Award and by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Brazil.  相似文献   

Like Bythotrephes, Bosmina (Eubosmina) coregoni coregoni Baird appears to have invaded North America from Eurasia, since there are no records from before 1965. All previously known North American populations have a well-rounded ventrocaudal corner of the carapace, suggesting that the founding race is one of the rotunda type, the most common eubosminid in European lakes. In Lake Muskoka, immediately to the east of Georgian Bay, Ontario, eubosminids were found that shared features of B. (E.) longicornis kessleri Ulianine. In contrast to other North America populations of B.(E. )c. coregoni, these specimens have a short, broadly based mucro. Morphological features suggest that these are interspecific F1-hybrids between B. (E.) longispina Leydig and B. (E.) coregoni, without any signs of introgression.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. John C.H. Carter.  相似文献   

以六盘山自然保护区华北落叶松林地土壤(海拔范围为1800-2700 m)为研究对象,选取1900、2100、2300、2500 m 4个海拔梯度,研究华北落叶松林土壤有机碳含量、有机碳密度沿海拔梯度的分布规律及其影响因素,以期为准确估算华北落叶松林土壤有机碳储量及其固碳效益评价提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)六盘山不同海拔梯度华北落叶松林土壤粒径范围主要集中在粗粉粒、细粉粒和极细砂粒,粘粒含量最少,不足1%。林地土壤呈中性或弱碱性,pH均值范围为6.74-8.19;除土壤pH外,其他土壤理化指标沿海拔梯度的分布差异不显著(P>0.05)。(2)在1 m的标准土壤剖面内,土壤有机碳含量变化范围为15.80-35.45 g/kg,总有机碳密度的分布在21.34-42.28 kg/m2,且深层(40-100 cm)土壤有机碳含量及其密度在各海拔梯度内的变异程度大于表层土壤。(3)随着海拔的升高,土壤有机碳含量及其密度的表聚现象逐渐不明显;同一海拔高度,土壤有机碳含量和碳密度均随土层深度的增加而逐渐降低;同一土层深度土壤有机碳含量及其密度均随海拔的升高呈先增加后减少的趋势,而在整个土壤剖面上,土壤有机碳含量及其密度在较低海拔区域(小于2100 m)的变异程度较大。(4)冗余分析(RDA)表明:土壤理化性质可以解释华北落叶松林土壤有机碳含量及其密度81.02%的变异,其中电导率是影响华北落叶松土壤有机碳沿海拔梯度变异的主导因子,占环境因子总解释量的67.4%。  相似文献   

Reported improvements in the muskellunge angling fishery on Lake of the Woods, Ontario over the last two decades have paralleled an increase in the practice of catch and release angling, and an increase in minimum size regulations for this species. The overall status of muskellunge populations in this large, complex lake has proven difficult to monitor using standard assessment methods. A volunteer muskellunge angler diary program, established in 1988, has provided a cost effective method of gathering a large amount of information with which to track this fishery and associated populations. Results from angling diaries indicated increased angling effort, catch and success rates for muskellunge on Lake of the Woods since the early 1990s. Although the month of July accounted for the majority of angling effort and catch, angling success rates and sizes of fish reported in diaries improved monthly into the late fall. Angling success rates were consistently higher in angling diaries than from creel surveys, but both survey types showed similar long-term trends in the fishery. Angler diary data, incorporating both the numbers of fish caught and/or seen by anglers, were used to calculate catch equality indices which proved to be sensitive to changes in population abundance. Increased minimum length regulations for muskellunge during 1987–2001 have been largely responsible for a decline in harvest rates from an estimated 36% in 1986 to 0% since 1999. Although higher size limits have yet to produce more quality-sized fish in angler catches, diary survey data, supported by recent improvements in catch rates from assessment gill nets, would indicate that muskellunge recruitment has increased. This article concludes with a brief review of how muskellunge angler diary data has been used in the past, including recommendations to minimize biases associated with this survey method.  相似文献   

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