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Three species of Antithamnion Naegeli were previously known from Natal, all reported since 1984. A more thorough collection of the flora in recent months has revealed that there are nine species in Natal, four of which are newly described. Vegetative characteristics are emphasized in this study of the taxonomy of Antithamnion, the most important being (1) size of axial cells, (2) form of whorl-branchlets, (3) size of whorl-branchlet basal cells, (4) size and shape of whorl-branchlet terminal cells, (5) size and position of gland cells, (6) primary or secondary derivation of indeterminate lateral branches, and (7) the relationship of primary indeterminate branches, if present, to normal arrangement of whorl-branchlets. Two closely related species, A. diminuatum Wollaston and A. eliseae sp. nov. have been grown in laboratory culture allowing for testing of stability and reliability of vegetative characteristics for use in taxonomic studies. Conclusions are that these criteria can be effectively used for these purposes. In addition to A. eliseae, A. nematocladellum, A. pterocladellum and A. adenocladellum also are described as new species. A tropical species previously known from the Caribbean and Red Seas, A. lherminieri Nasr, a species previously recorded from Japan, A. secundum Itono, a species previously known from California and Japan, A hubbsii Dawson, and two species from Australia, A. diminuatum Wollaston and A. divergens (J. Agardh) J. Agardh, are also described from Natal.  相似文献   

Antithamnion cruciatum (C. Agardh) Nägeli var. scandinavicum var. nov. is described from material collected on the Danish and Swedish coasts. The variety was found growing on small stones, shells and on Zostera at depths between 0.5 to ca. 10m. A comparative study was made with var. cruciatum , var. radicans (J. Agardh) Collins et Hervey and Antithamnion tenuissimum (Hauck) Schiffner, including examination of type material and laboratory cultures of isolates from the Mediterranean and the Swedish west coast. Variety scandinavicum differs from the other varieties mainly by absence or rare development of gland cells, and sparsely branched whorl-branches. A. tenuissimum is distinguished from A. cruciatum by its shorter thallus, a sympodial type of branching, apparent absence of gland cells and adaxial-monostichous branchlets. Asexual reproduction was found to occur commonly in culture in the two species and their varieties, the morphology of which is discussed.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea is considered as one of the hotspots of marine bioinvasions, largely due to the influx of tropical species migrating through the Suez Canal, so-called Lessepsian migrants. Several cases of Lessepsian migration have been documented recently, however, little is known about the ecological characteristics of the migrating species and their aptitude to colonize the new areas. This study focused on Red Sea soritids, larger symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera (LBF) that are indicative of tropical and subtropical environments and were recently found in the Israeli coast of the Eastern Mediterranean. We combined molecular phylogenetic analyses of soritids and their algal symbionts as well as network analysis of Sorites orbiculus Forskål to compare populations from the Gulf of Elat (northern Red Sea) and from a known hotspot in Shikmona (northern Israel) that consists of a single population of S. orbiculus. Our phylogenetic analyses show that all specimens found in Shikmona are genetically identical to a population of S. orbiculus living on a similar shallow water pebbles habitat in the Gulf of Elat. Our analyses also show that the symbionts found in Shikmona and Elat soritids belong to the Symbiodinium clade F5, which is common in the Red Sea and also present in the Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Our study therefore provides the first genetic and ecological evidences that indicate that modern population of soritids found on the Mediterranean coast of Israel is probably Lessepsian, and is less likely the descendant of a native ancient Mediterranean species.  相似文献   

A joint programme on “Biota of the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean” has been carried out by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Smithsonian Institution of Washington between 1967 and 1972 in order to study the role played by the Suez Canal as a route for faunal exchanges between the Red Sea and Eastern Mediterranean. The euphausiids of this material have been examined and additional samples of zooplankton have been taken in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba) in 1973 in order to study the vertical distribution of the euphausiids. Four species have been found to occur in the Northern Red Sea and the Gulf of Elat:Euphausia diomedeae, E. sanzoi, Stylocheiron affine andS. abbreviatum. Seven species were found in the Eastern Mediterranean of whichEuphausia brevis is the dominant species. The present studies revealed that an exchange of Euphausiacea through the Suez Canal does not take place. The species of the Red Sea belong to the Indopacific fauna. Despite the particular historic-geographical and ecological situation of the Red Sea, no endemisms or subspecies have evolved there within the Euphausiacea.  相似文献   

Three species of Antithamnion Naegeli were previously known from Natal, all reported since 1984. A more thorough collection of the flora in recent months has revealed that there are nine species in Natal, four of which are newly described. Vegetative characteristics are emphasized in this study of the taxonomy of Antithamnion, the most important being (1) size of axial cells, (2) form of whorl-branchlets, (3) size of whorl-branchlet basal cells, (4) size and shape of whorl-branchlet terminal cells, (5) size and position of gland cells, (6) primary or secondary derivation of indeterminate lateral branches, and (7) the relationship of primary indeterminate branches, if present, to normal arrangement of whorl-branchlets. Two closely related species, A. diminuatum Wollaston and A. eliseae sp. nov. have been grown in laboratory culture allowing for testing of stability and reliability of vegetative characteristics for use in taxonomic studies. Conclusions are that these criteria can be effectively used for these purposes. In addition to A. eliseae, A. nematocladellum, A. pterocladellum and A. adenocladellum also are described as new species. A tropical species previously known from the Caribbean and Red Seas, A. Iherminieri Nasr, a species previously recorded from Japan, A. secundum Itono, a species previously known from California and Japan, A hubbsii Dawson, and two species from Australia, A. diminuatum Wollaston and A. divergens (J. Agardh) J. Agardh, are also described from Natal.  相似文献   

The following parameters were measured during May 1976 along the coasts of the Gulf of Elat (or: Gulf of Aqaba): phytoplankton species composition, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic production; weight of suspended particles and nutrient concentration; chlorophyll content of the sediments. The study areas were coral reefs of the northern part of the Gulf and a mangrove pool south of it. Phytoplankton characteristics and nutrient levels are those of oligotrophic waters. However, the sediments harbour such an abundant plant biomass that in coastal waters per m2 surface area, there is several hundred times more chlorophyll in the sand than in the plankton. Reasons why both the mangrove and the coral reef may exhibit the same trends are discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of various aspects of the morphology and reproduction ofAntithamnion subcorticatum Itono andAntithamnion crouanioides Itono show that these species are incorrectly referred to as the genusAntithamnion. To include these species, a new genus,Balliella, is proposed. In addition, some other algae possibly referable to this genus are briefly discussed. The genusBalliella is here recognized as a member of the new tribeDelesseriopsieae which is most nearly related to the tribe Antithamnieae in the Ceramiaceae. The tribe Delesseriopsieae is now recognized to include the two genera, i.e.,Delesseriopsis andBalliella.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new foraminiferan species, Rotaliella elatiana n. sp., was isolated in the Gulf of Elat, where it lives in association with a macrophytic green alga, Enteromorpha. The agamont of this tiny new species has a transparent test composed of a bilocular embryonic chamber followed by six to seven trochospirally coiled inflated chambers. The spiral sutures are undulated. The umbilical side has numerous denticules and has radial grooves. The gamont has only one inflated chamber. Rotaliella elatiana has a classical, heterophasic life cycle, with a regular alternation of diploid agamontic phase and haploid gamontic phase. The gamontic phase of the life cycle is exceptionally reduced and the uninucleated gamonts pair immediately after they build their first chamber. A few cases of autogamic reproduction were observed. R. elatiana is a heterocaryotic species; agamonts have one somatic and two to three generative nuclei.  相似文献   

Coccolithophore assemblages in the Gulf of Elat contain living Geopyrocapsa protohuxleyi hitherto assumed to have been extinct at least since 75, 000 years B.P.  相似文献   

Red algae (Rhodophyta) are an ancient group with unusual morphological, biochemical, and life-history features including a complete absence of flagella. Although the red algae present many opportunities for studying speciation, this has rarely been explicitly addressed. Here, we examine an aspect of paternal gene flow by determining fertilization success of female Neosiphonia harveyi (Ceramiales), which retains a morphological record of all successful and unsuccessful female gametes. High fertilization rates were observed except when there were no males at all within the tidepool, or in a submerged marina environment. Small numbers of reproductive males were able to saturate fertilization rates, suggesting that limited availability of sperm may be less significant in red algae than previously thought. In another member of the Ceramiales, Antithamnion, relatively large chromosomes permit karyological identification of polyploids. The Western Pacific species Antithamnion sparsum is closely related to the diploid species Antithamnion defectum, known only from the Eastern Pacific, and appears to have evolved from it. Molecular evidence suggests that A. sparsum is an autopolyploid, and that the European species known as Antithamnion densum is divergent from the A. sparsum/defectum complex.  相似文献   

We report the potential phylogenetic utility of the small RUBISCO subunit ( rbc  S) sequences from a sampling of Antithamnion and related genera in ceramiacean algae. The size of rbc  S was 417 bp for all taxa examined. Analyses of the DNA sequence data indicated that pairwise divergences of rbc  S sequences were 3.3%–9.8% among species of Antithamnion , and ranged from 13.6% to 18.0% between Antithamnion and related genera. Phylogenetic analyses fully resolved relationships at the intrageneric level with statistical significance supported by high bootstrap values. Two subgenera of Antithamnion , Pteroton and Antithamnion , were clearly distinguished in the molecular tree. In the clade of subgenus Pteroton , A. aglandum was allied with A. callocladum and separated from A. nipponicum. In the pairwise distance comparison of sequence variation, Ceramium showed the greatest genetic distances among genera examined in the study. All phylogenetic trees generated by the maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and maximum likelihood were completely congruent in topology with high confidence.  相似文献   

Microcerberus tabai sp.n. from the Gulf of Elat is described in detail. The relationship of the Microcerberida to the Anthuridea is discussed: the Microcerberidea have none of the synapomorphies of the Anthuridea.  相似文献   

During different surveys of phytoplankton in the Gulf of California, along the coasts of Baja California, the Gulf of Tehuantepec, and the Mexican Caribbean Sea, new records of diatoms have been made and new species (mainly of the genus Chaetoceros) have been described. This study shows that the planktonic diatom Chaetoceros sumatranus, a rather rare tropical to subtropical taxon, is a typical species of the subgenus Chaetoceros (syn.: Phaeoceros) with robust cells forming chains, thick setae, reduced apertures and small, rounded chloroplasts in cells and setae. Additionally, the species exhibits other singular characteristics, such as heteropolarity of chains, distinct bases of the setae and a pattern of several rimoportulae in every valve of the chain. These features indicate that C. sumatranus is a species closely related to C. coarctatus. Both C. coarctatus and C. sumatranus are considered to be members of the recently proposed section Coarctati (Coarctata), within the subgenus Chaetoceros. The taxonomic relationships of the two species is analyzed, and a formal Latin diagnosis of the section Coarctati is also given.  相似文献   

A new species, Gonapodasmius epinepheli (Didymozoidae: Gonapodasmiinae), is described from the fish Epinephelus tauvina from the Arabian Gulf. It differs from most other members of the genus in the presence of a bulbous swelling at the distal end of the ovary, the presence of a characteristic bulge in the genital junction region, in the dense mass of glandular cells around the intestinal limbs and in the presence of an empty metraterm and vas deferens in the male and female respectively. The new species represents the first record of a didymozoid trematode from fishes in the Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the hydrothermal vent gastropod Provanna is described. It is shown to be a primitive neotaenioglossan with mainly plesiomorphic features in all systems, including open pallial gonoducts, epiathroid nervous system with accessory pedal ganglia and a circulatory system where a considerable portion of the venous blood from the coelomic spaces enters the pallial skirt. Apomorphic features include the possession of an anterior notch, or short canal in the shell (and mantle edge), an annulated sensory pallial tentacle, paraspermatozoa modificd as nurse cells. multiple seminal receptacles, a posterior bursa copulatrix, and a renal oviduct with three distinct regions. the middle one expanded. Comparisons are madc with Abyssochrysos, a genus assumed to be a relict member of the Loxonematoidea, which appears to be the closest known relative. A new family. Provannidae fam.n., is created and tentatively included in the Loxonematoidea. The following new specics are described: Provanna segonzaci sp.n. (from hydrothermal vents at the Fiji Back Arc), P. laevis sp.n. (from hydrothermal seeps in the Gulf of California), P. sculpta sp.n. and P. admetoides sp.n. (from hydrocarbon seeps in the Gulf of Mexico). New records are added for previously described species of Provanna.  相似文献   

In situ nitrogen fixation associated with the seagrass Halophila stipulacea, at the northern Gulf of Elat (Red Sea), is eight to ten times higher than that of nearby plant-free areas. A daily cycle of nitrogen fixation is evident, with rates during the day being seven times greater than during the night. Removal of seagrass leaves only from a patch within a seagrass bed gradually decreases nitrogen fixation activity, reaching the rates of plant-free areas after ten hours. A method devised for the in situ measurement of nitrogen fixation rates using belljars is described in detail. Nitrogen fixation rates in situ are higher than in the laboratory and lack the lag period typical to laboratory measurements. In laboratory experiments using intact plant samples, glucose enhances nitrogen fixation rates both in light and dark. Photosystem II inhibitor (3-3,4-dichloro-phenyl-1,1-dimethylurea) doubles nitrogen fixation rates in light. Both field and laboratory results indicate that light is essential for nitrogen fixation activity in the H. stipulacea bed possibly through its effect on cyanobacterial population that occupy the aerobic niches of the phyllosphere and on photosynthetic Rhodospirillacean bacteria that inhabit the anaerobic ones. Nitrogen fixation rates evident in H. stipulacea beds in situ account for a considerable portion of the biomass production by the seagrasses. The dependence of high nitrogenase activity by the diazotrophs on the presence of the seagrasses indicates the great importance of the seagrass community to the nitrogen cycle in its highly oligotrophic surroundings of the Gulf of Elat.  相似文献   

Nematogens and vermiform embryos of a new species of Dicyema are described from an octopus collected off Veracruz, Mexico. Dicyema shorti n. sp. is a small dicyemid species that rarely exceeds 500 microm in length. It is further characterized by the presence of 18 peripheral cells in the vermiform stages, a conical-shape calotte, and an axial cell that extends to the base of the propolar cells. Other stages in the life cycle of the parasite are not known. This is the first dicyemid to be described from Octopus burryi Voss. 1950, and also from both the southern Gulf of Mexico and the country of Mexico.  相似文献   

A new species of cephalaspidean gastropod from MediterraneanSea (West Naples Gulf, Italy) is described. This species, Haminaeafusari, is characterised mainly by the presence of short parapodiallobes, which cover only the anterolateral parts of the shell;the prostatic gland has two lobes separated by a narrow andcylindrical zone; the lateral teeth of the radula are all smooth;the penis has a triangular section at the apical zone and asmall sharpened tip; and the spawn is horse-shoe-shaped or coiledin a single spiral. This species is compared with all the Europeanspecies of the genus and a key to identification is provided. (Received 4 May 1992; accepted 4 January 1993)  相似文献   

Shichun  Sun  Jingrang  Lu 《Hydrobiologia》1998,367(1-3):175-187
A new genus and species of heteronemertean, Yinia pratensis gen. nov. and sp. nov., collected from low salinity waters (salinity 0.2–0.4 ‰) at Changjiang River Estuary, is described and illustrated. The species possesses a proboscis with an outer circular and an inner longitudinal muscle layer, and is placed in family Lineidae sensu Gibson. The following combination of morphological features distinguishes the new species from any other genera in this family: proboscis with two muscle crosses; dermis without connective tissue layer between gland cells and body wall outer longitudinal muscle layer; rhynchocoel wall circular muscles not interweaving with adjacent body wall longitudinal muscles; foregut with circular somatic muscles and subepithelial gland cell layer; neurochord cells present in central nervous system; caudal cirrus missing; blood system developed into alimentary plexus extending almost the full length of the body. Another significant character is that the lobular excretory cells are extremely well developed which may represent adaptation to water of low salinity. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study is focused on the formation and function of sagittocysts, which are secretions typical of members of the acoel family Sagittiferidae. The needle-shaped sagittocysts are produced in specialized gland cells (sagittocytes) whose distal necks are often surrounded by muscle mantles. Contraction of the muscle mantle ejects the sagittocyst. We establish a model for the development of sagittocytes and muscle mantles out of the stem cell pool of the new acoel species Symsagittifera corsicae . We used various techniques, especially interference and phase-contrast microscopy of living specimens as well as labeling of the body-wall musculature, for species characterization. In addition to the morphological features, we provide the third complete sequence of the 18S rDNA gene in the family Sagittiferidae.  相似文献   

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