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Cardiac neural crest cells migrate into the pharyngeal arches where they support development of the pharyngeal arch arteries. The pharyngeal endoderm and ectoderm both express high levels of FGF8. We hypothesized that FGF8 is chemotactic for cardiac crest cells. To begin testing this hypothesis, cardiac crest was explanted for migration assays under various conditions. Cardiac neural crest cells migrated more in response to FGF8. Single cell tracing indicated that this was not due to proliferation and subsequent transwell assays showed that the cells migrate toward an FGF8 source. The migratory response was mediated by FGF receptors (FGFR) 1 and 3 and MAPK/ERK intracellular signaling. To test whether FGF8 is chemokinetic and/or chemotactic in vivo, dominant negative FGFR1 was electroporated into the premigratory cardiac neural crest. Cells expressing the dominant negative receptor migrated slower than normal cardiac neural crest cells and were prone to remain in the vicinity of the neural tube and die. Treating with the FGFR1 inhibitor, SU5402 or an FGFR3 function-blocking antibody also slowed neural crest migration. FGF8 over-signaling enhanced neural crest migration. Neural crest cells migrated to an FGF8-soaked bead placed dorsal to the pharynx. Finally, an FGF8 producing plasmid was electroporated into an ectopic site in the ventral pharyngeal endoderm. The FGF8 producing cells attracted a thick layer of mesenchymal cells. DiI labeling of the neural crest as well as quail-to-chick neural crest chimeras showed that neural crest cells migrated to and around the ectopic site of FGF8 expression. These results showing that FGF8 is chemotactic and chemokinetic for cardiac neural crest adds another dimension to understanding the relationship of FGF8 and cardiac neural crest in cardiovascular defects.  相似文献   

During vertebrate development, neural crest cells are exposed to multiple extracellular cues that drive their differentiation into neural and non-neural cell lineages. Insights into the signals potentially involved in neural crest cell fate decisions in vivo have been gained by cell culture experiments that have allowed the identification of instructive growth factors promoting either proliferation of multipotent neural crest cells or acquisition of specific fates. For instance, members of the TGFβ factor family induce neurogenesis and smooth muscle cell formation at the expense of other fates in culture. In vivo, conditional ablation of various TGFβ signaling components resulted in malformations of non-neural derivatives of the neural crest, but it is unclear whether these phenotypes involved aberrant fate decisions. Moreover, it remains to be shown whether neuronal determination indeed requires TGFβ factor activity in vivo. To address these issues, we conditionally deleted Smad4 in the neural crest, thus inactivating all canonical TGFβ factor signaling. Surprisingly, neural crest cell fates were not affected in these mutants, with the exception of sensory neurogenesis in trigeminal ganglia. Rather, Smad4 regulates survival of smooth muscle and proliferation of autonomic and ENS neuronal progenitor cells. Thus, Smad signaling plays multiple, lineage-specific roles in vivo, many of which are elicited only after neural crest cell fate decision.  相似文献   

Id proteins are negative regulators of basic helix-loop-helix gene products and participate in many developmental processes. We have evaluated the expression of Id2 in the developing chick heart and found expression in the cardiac neural crest, secondary heart field, outflow tract, inflow tract, and anterior parasympathetic plexus. Cardiac neural crest ablation in the chick embryo, which causes structural defects of the cardiac outflow tract, results in a significant loss of Id2 expression in the outflow tract. Id2 is also expressed in Xenopus neural folds, branchial arches, cardiac outflow tract, inflow tract, and splanchnic mesoderm. Ablation of the premigratory neural crest in Xenopus embryos results in abnormal formation of the heart and a loss of Id2 expression in the heart and splanchnic mesoderm. This data suggests that the presence of neural crest is required for normal Id2 expression in both chick and Xenopus heart development and provides evidence that neural crest is involved in heart development in Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   

The cardiac neural crest, a subpopulation of the neural crest, contributes to the cardiac outflow tract formation during development. However, how it follows the defined long-range migratory pathway remains unclear. We show here that the migrating cardiac neural crest cells (NCCs) express Plexin-A2, Plexin-D1 and Neuropilin. The membrane-bound ligands for Plexin-A2, Semaphorin (Sema)6A and Sema6B, are expressed in the dorsal neural tube and the lateral pharyngeal arch mesenchyme (the NCC “routes”). Sema3C, a ligand for Plexin-D1/neuropilin-1, is expressed in the cardiac outflow tract (the NCC “target”). Sema6A and Sema6B repel neural crest cells, while Sema3C attracts neural crest cells. Sema6A and Sema6B repulsion and Sema3C attraction are diminished either when Plexin-A2 and Neuropilin-1, or when Plexin-D1, respectively, are knocked down in NCCs. When RNAi knockdown diminishes each receptor in NCCs, the NCCs fail to migrate into the cardiac outflow tract in the developing chick embryo. Furthermore, Plexin-A2-deficient mice exhibit defects of cardiac outflow tract formation. We therefore conclude that the coordination of repulsive cues provided by Sema6A/Sema6B through Plexin-A2 paired with the attractive cue by Sema3C through Plexin-D1 is required for the precise navigation of migrating cardiac NCCs.  相似文献   

The Hedgehog signaling pathway is critical for a significant number of developmental patterning events. In this study, we focus on the defects in pharyngeal arch and cardiovascular patterning present in Sonic hedgehog (Shh) null mouse embryos. Our data indicate that, in the absence of Shh, there is general failure of the pharyngeal arch development leading to cardiac and craniofacial defects. The cardiac phenotype results from arch artery and outflow tract patterning defects, as well as abnormal development of migratory neural crest cells (NCCs). The constellation of cardiovascular defects resembles a severe form of the human birth defect syndrome tetralogy of Fallot with complete pulmonary artery atresia. Previous studies have demonstrated a role for Shh in NCC survival and proliferation at later stages of development. Our data suggest that SHH signaling does not act directly on NCCs as a survival factor, but rather acts to restrict the domains that NCCs can populate during early stages (e8.5-10.5) of cardiovascular and craniofacial development.  相似文献   

The basic helix-loop-helix DNA binding protein Hand2 has critical functions in cardiac development both in neural crest-derived and mesoderm-derived structures. Targeted deletion of Hand2 in the neural crest has allowed us to genetically dissect Hand2-dependent defects specifically in outflow tract and cardiac cushion independent of Hand2 functions in mesoderm-derived structures. Targeted deletion of Hand2 in the neural crest results in misalignment of the aortic arch arteries and outflow tract, contributing to development of double outlet right ventricle (DORV) and ventricular septal defects (VSD). These neural crest-derived developmental anomalies are associated with altered expression of Hand2-target genes we have identified by gene profiling. A number of Hand2 direct target genes have been identified using ChIP and ChIP-on-chip analyses. We have identified and validated a number of genes related to cell migration, proliferation/cell cycle and intracellular signaling whose expression is affected by Hand2 deletion in the neural crest and which are associated with development of VSD and DORV. Our data suggest that Hand2 is a multifunctional DNA binding protein affecting expression of target genes associated with a number of functional interactions in neural crest-derived cells required for proper patterning of the outflow tract, generation of the appropriate number of neural crest-derived cells for elongation of the conotruncus and cardiac cushion organization. Our genetic model has made it possible to investigate the molecular genetics of neural crest contributions to outflow tract morphogenesis and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The heart is divided into four chambers by membranous septa and valves. Although evidence suggests that formation of the membranous septa requires migration of neural crest cells into the developing heart, the functional significance of these neural crest cells in the development of the endocardial cushion, an embryonic tissue that gives rise to the membranous appendages, is largely unknown. Mice defective in the protease region of Meltrin beta/ADAM19 show ventricular septal defects and defects in valve formation. In this study, by expressing Meltrin beta in either endothelial or neural crest cell lineages, we showed that Meltrin beta expressed in neural crest cells but not in endothelial cells was required for formation of the ventricular septum and valves. Although Meltrin beta-deficient neural crest cells migrated into the heart normally, they could not properly fuse the right and left ridges of the cushion tissues in the proximal outflow tract (OT), and this led to defects in the assembly of the OT and AV cushions forming the ventricular septum. These results genetically demonstrated a critical role of cardiac neural crest cells expressing Meltrin beta in triggering fusion of the proximal OT cushions and in formation of the ventricular septum.  相似文献   

Cellular recruitment and the development of the myocardium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The vertebrate embryo experiences very rapid growth following fertilization. This necessitates the establishment of blood circulation, which is initiated during the early somite stages of development when the embryo begins to exhibit three-dimensional tissue organization. Accordingly, the contractile heart is the first functional organ that develops in both the bird and mammalian embryo. The vertebrate heart is quickly assembled as a simple two-layer tube consisting of an outer myocardium and inner endocardium. During embryogenesis, the heart undergoes substantial growth and remodeling to meet the increased circulatory requirements of an adult organism. Until recently, it was thought that all the cells that comprise the muscle of the mature heart could trace their roots back to two bilaterally distributed mesodermal fields within the early gastrula. It is now known that the cellular components that give rise to the myocardium have multiple ancestries and that de novo addition of cardiac myocytes to the developing heart occurs at various points during embryogenesis. In this article, we review what is presently known about the source of the cells that contribute to the myocardium and explore reasons why multiple myocardial cell sources exist.  相似文献   

Cardiac neural crest cells (CNCC) migrate into the caudal pharynx and arterial pole of the heart to form the outflow septum. Ablation of the CNCC results in arterial pole malalignment and failure of outflow septation, resulting in a common trunk overriding the right ventricle. Unlike preotic cranial crest, the postotic CNCC do not normally regenerate. We applied the hedgehog signaling inhibitor, cyclopamine (Cyc), to chick embryos after CNCC ablation and found normal heart development at day 9 suggesting that the CNCC population was reconstituted. We ablated the CNCC, and labeled the remaining neural tube with DiI/CSRE and applied cyclopamine. Cells migrated from the neural tube in the CNCC-ablated, cyclopamine-treated embryos but not in untreated CNCC-ablated embryos. The newly generated cells followed the CNCC migration pathways, expressed neural crest markers and supported normal heart development. Finally, we tested whether reducing hedgehog signaling caused redeployment of the dorsal–ventral axis of the injured neural tube, allowing generation of new neural crest-like cells. The dorsal neural tube marker, Pax7, was maintained 12 h after CNCC ablation with Cyc treatment but not in the CNCC-ablated alone. This disruption of dorsal–ventral neural patterning permits a new wave of migratory cardiac neural crest-like cells.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》2013,382(1):293-301
The evolution of chordates was accompanied by critical anatomical innovations in craniofacial development, along with the emergence of neural crest cells. The potential of these cells to implement a craniofacial program in part depends upon the (non-)expression of Hox genes. For instance, the development of jaws requires the inhibition of Hox genes function in the first pharyngeal arch. In contrast, Hox gene products induce craniofacial structures in more caudal territories. To further investigate which Hox gene clusters are involved in this latter role, we generated HoxA;HoxB cluster double mutant animals in cranial neural crest cells. We observed the appearance of a supernumerary dentary-like bone with an endochondral ossification around a neo-Meckel's cartilage matrix and an attachment of neo-muscle demonstrating that HoxB genes enhance the phenotype induced by the deletion of the HoxA cluster alone. In addition, a cervical and hypertrophic thymus was associated with the supernumerary dentary-like bone, which may reflect its ancestral position near the filtrating system. Altogether these results show that the HoxA and HoxB clusters cooperated during evolution to lead to present craniofacial diversity.  相似文献   

Here, we review recent studies that suggest that Notch signaling has two roles during neural crest development: first in establishing the neural crest domain within the ectoderm via lateral induction and subsequently in diversifying the fates of cells that arise from the neural crest via lateral inhibition. The first of these roles, specification of neural crest via lateral induction, has been explored primarily in the cranial neural folds from which the cranial neural crest arises. Evidence for such a role has thus far only been obtained from chick and frog; results from these two species differ, but share the feature that Notch signaling regulates genes that are expressed by cranial neural crest through effects on expression of Bmp family members. The second of these roles, diversification of neural crest progeny via lateral inhibition, has been identified thus far only in trunk neural crest. Evidence from several species suggests that Notch-mediated lateral inhibition functions in multiple episodes in this context, in each case inhibiting neurogenesis. In the 'standard' mode of lateral inhibition, Notch promotes proliferation and in the 'instructive' mode, it promotes specific secondary fates, including cell death or glial differentiation. We raise the possibility that a single molecular mechanism, inhibition of so-called proneural bHLH genes, underlies both modes of lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling.  相似文献   

Neural crest-like cells (NCLC) that express the HNK-1 antigen and form body pigment cells were previously identified in diverse ascidian species. Here we investigate the embryonic origin, migratory activity, and neural crest related gene expression patterns of NCLC in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. HNK-1 expression first appeared at about the time of larval hatching in dorsal cells of the posterior trunk. In swimming tadpoles, HNK-1 positive cells began to migrate, and after metamorphosis they were localized in the oral and atrial siphons, branchial gill slits, endostyle, and gut. Cleavage arrest experiments showed that NCLC are derived from the A7.6 cells, the precursors of trunk lateral cells (TLC), one of the three types of migratory mesenchymal cells in ascidian embryos. In cleavage arrested embryos, HNK-1 positive TLC were present on the lateral margins of the neural plate and later became localized adjacent to the posterior sensory vesicle, a staging zone for their migration after larval hatching. The Ciona orthologues of seven of sixteen genes that function in the vertebrate neural crest gene regulatory network are expressed in the A7.6/TLC lineage. The vertebrate counterparts of these genes function downstream of neural plate border specification in the regulatory network leading to neural crest development. The results suggest that NCLC and neural crest cells may be homologous cell types originating in the common ancestor of tunicates and vertebrates and support the possibility that a putative regulatory network governing NCLC development was co-opted to produce neural crest cells during vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Morphology and behaviour of neural crest cells of chick embryo in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Neural primordia of chick embryos were cultured for three days and the behaviour of migrating neural crest cells studied. Somite cells were used as a comparison. Crest cells were actively multipolar with narrow projections which extended and retracted rapidly, contrasting to the gradual extension of somite-cell lamellae. On losing cell contact, somite cells were also more directionally persistent. The rate of displacement of isolated crest cells was particularly low when calculated over a long time base. Both crest and somite cells were monolayered; contact paralysis occurred in somite cell collisions but was not ascertained for crest cells. However, crest cells in a population were far more directionally persistent than isolated cells. Contact duration between crest cells increased with time and they formed an open network. Eventually, retraction clumping occurred, initially and chiefly at the periphery of the crest outgrowth. Crest cells did not invade cultured embryonic mesenchymal or epithelial populations but endoderm underlapped them. No effects were observed on crest cells prior to direct contact. Substrate previously occupied by endoderm or ectoderm caused crest cells to flatten while substrate previously occupied by the neural tube caused them to round up and clump prematurely.  相似文献   

An increasing number of genes are known to show expression in the cranial neural crest area. So far it is very difficult to analyze their effect on neural crest cell migration because of the lack of transplantation techniques. This paper presents a simple method to study the migratory behavior of cranial neural crest cells by homo- and heterotopic transplantations: Green fluorescent protein (GFP) RNA was injected into one blastomere of Xenopus laevis embryos at the 2-cell stage. The cranial neural crest area of stage 14 embryos was transplanted into the head or trunk region of an uninjected host embryo, and the migration was monitored by GFP fluorescence. The transplants were further examined by double immunostaining and confocal microscopy to trace migratory routes inside the embryo, and to exclude contaminations of grafts with foreign tissues. Our results demonstrate that we developed a highly efficient and reproducible technique to study the migratory ability of cranial neural crest cells. It offers the possibility to analyze genes involved in neural crest cell migration by coinjecting their RNA with that of GFP. Received: 28 September 1999 / Accepted: 17 November 1999  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding protein Rac1, a member of the Rho family of small GTPases, has been implicated in regulation of many cellular processes including adhesion, migration and cytokinesis. These functions have largely been attributed to its ability to reorganize cytoskeleton. While the function of Rac1 is relatively well known in vitro, its role in vivo has been poorly understood. It has previously been shown that in neural crest cells (NCCs) Rac1 is required in a stage-specific manner to acquire responsiveness to mitogenic EGF signals. Here we demonstrate that mouse embryos lacking Rac1 in neural crest cells (Rac1/Wnt1-Cre) showed abnormal craniofacial development including regional ectodermal detachment associated with mesenchymal acellularity culminating in cleft face at E12. Rac1/Wnt1-Cre mutants also displayed inappropriate remodelling of pharyngeal arch arteries and defective outflow tract septation resulting in the formation of a common arterial trunk (‘persistent truncus arteriosus’ or PTA). The mesenchyme around the aortic sac also developed acellular regions, and the distal aortic sac became grossly dysmorphic, forming a pair of bilateral, highly dilated arterial structures connecting to the dorsal aortas. Smooth muscle cells lacking Rac1 failed to differentiate appropriately, and subpopulations of post-migratory NCCs demonstrated aberrant cell death and attenuated proliferation. These novel data demonstrate that while Rac1 is not required for normal NCC migration in vivo, it plays a critical cell-autonomous role in post-migratory NCCs during craniofacial and cardiac development by regulating the integrity of the craniofacial and pharyngeal mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Cell-adhesion molecule-related/Downregulated by Oncogenes (CDO or CDON) was identified as a receptor for the classic morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (SHH). It has been shown that, in cell culture, CDO also behaves as a SHH dependence receptor: CDO actively triggers apoptosis in absence of SHH via a proteolytic cleavage in CDO intracellular domain. We present evidence that CDO is also pro-apoptotic in the developing neural tube where SHH is known to act as a survival factor. SHH, produced by the ventral foregut endoderm, was shown to promote survival of facial neural crest cells (NCCs) that colonize the first branchial arch (BA1). We show here that the survival activity of SHH on neural crest cells is due to SHH-mediated inhibition of CDO pro-apoptotic activity. Silencing of CDO rescued NCCs from apoptosis observed upon SHH inhibition in the ventral foregut endoderm. Thus, the pair SHH/dependence receptor CDO may play an important role in neural crest cell survival during the formation of the first branchial arch.  相似文献   

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