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Early nonsurgical correction of congenital auricular deformities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Congenital auricular deformation is not an uncommon phenomenon, and it may cause substantial annoyance to the growing child. Many parents of affected children will seek surgical correction of the deformed auricles. The variety of techniques that have been described for the correction of this anomaly suggests that none has been considered satisfying. The consequent possible surgical complications should also be considered, when the surgical procedure can be replaced by an effective conservative treatment. The authors describe their experience using early splinting for congenital auricular deformities. Fifty-two newborn infants with lop, prominent, Stahl's, and constricted ears referred to us by the neonatal department staff were enrolled in this study. Putty Soft, a vinyl polysiloxane impression material, has been used for early molding of the auricles. Surgical tapes were used for the fixation of the mold and to fix the auricle to the scalp. The results were evaluated by one of the parents and by a layperson (medical student) 6 months after completion of the procedure. The above-described early splinting procedure was applied onto 92 auricles of 52 newborn infants aged 1 to 10 days, mostly around day 3. The mean treatment time was 6.8 weeks. All treated auricles were improved, 87 percent were rated as excellent improvement, and there were no complications related to the treatment. The authors conclude that early splinting of deformed auricles should be offered to parents of affected children, and the awareness of this procedure by neonatologists, pediatricians, and nursery staff should be increased.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of uncomplicated ventricular septal defect and uncomplicated patent ductus arteriosus presents few hazards. Differential diagnosis of atrial septal defect and of transposed pulmonary veins is technically more difficult. The complex nature of most types of cyanotic congenital heart disease requires the combined use of catheterization, determination of circulation times, ventilation studies, and possibly angiocardiography. Reports of eight cases in which cardiac catheterization was carried out illustrate the common forms of acyanotic and cyanotic heart disease and the factors in diagnosis.  相似文献   

Refinements in reconstruction of congenital breast deformities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of tissue-expansion prostheses offers significant advantages in the reconstruction of congenital breast deformities, including Poland's syndrome. In the patient who has completed normal breast development, expansion on the abnormal side allows the development of adequate overlying skin and enlargement of the nipple-areola complex. It further allows transposition of the nipple-areola complex to a more normal location. In young patients who have not completed full breast development, tissue expanders have been placed beneath the hypoplastic breast and remain in place for many years. Periodic inflation of saline allows symmetry to be maintained as the opposite breast matures.  相似文献   

Nasal deformity in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients increases with time, tongue malposition being one of the causes. Some authors have emphasized the role of nasal and adjacent facial musculature as active extrinsic agents. Another cause of alar deformity can be the lack of a proper foundation because of a maxillary hypoplasia in the region of the pyriform foramen. If alar collapse occurs, the septum bends convexly toward the cleft side. Tissues are soft and plastic during the neonatal period. Once the infant is about 3 months of age, it becomes difficult to correct the nasal deformity. Therefore, any resource used from the first day, and mainly during the first 15 days of life, will be useful to prevent the increasing deformity and to avoid the surgical correction. A controlled clinical trial was planned to compare the anthropometric measurements of the nasal region in two series of patients with unilateral complete cleft lip. In the first group, we included 44 patients who came to our clinic during the first 2 days of life and the second group consisted of 47 patients who were more than 15 days of age at the time of the first consultation. To provide control data for the evaluation of the results after 6 years of follow-up in both series of cleft patients, we also included a third group of 48 healthy 6-year-old children. A nasal component added to the occlusal prostheses was only used in the first group up to the time of surgery. The same surgeon performed a Millard II procedure with muscular reposition as described by Delaire in all the patients. Nasal measurements taken with a caliper, obtained directly from plaster models by using surface impressions of the babies, were confirmed by a laser three-dimensional measuring device. The statistical comparison between both series showed a significant increase of the columellar length in the first group. A 6-year follow-up to compare growth and cosmetic results of the nose revealed a better and permanent nasal nostril symmetry and no alar cartilage luxation in the patients who had had the nasal component. These results highlight the importance of the early treatment and allow us to suggest the nasal prostheses as a way to prevent the increasing nasal deformity, to help nasal remodeling, to obtain columellar elongation, and to avoid or decrease the need for primary surgery of the cleft nose.  相似文献   

We present a method for reconstruction of the everted nostrils of the burned nose. Through a "ram's horn" incision, the everted vestibular lining and lower lateral cartilages are mobilized and repositioned, and the resultant defect is covered with a full-thickness skin graft. The linear scar is created as part of a circle, so that the postoperative contracture will improve the alar contour.  相似文献   

The deformity which is encountered following quadrantectomy (or similar procedures such as segmentectomy or partial mastectomy) and radiation therapy is difficult to evaluate objectively, and subjective assessment of the cosmetic outcome is extremely variable. In a group of 54 patients who underwent the procedure between 1979 and 1983, the types of cosmetic changes were evaluated and classified according to morphologic criteria. Four types of deformities and their related etiopathologic factors were identified. Type I is characterized by malposition and distortion of the nipple-areola complex and is mainly due to postoperative fibrosis and scar contracture. In type II deformity, localized tissue insufficiency is observed, which may be due to skin deficiency (type IIa), subcutaneous tissue deficiency (type IIb), or both (type IIab). Type III deformity is characterized by breast retraction and shrinkage and is mainly due to the effects of radiotherapy on residual breast parenchyma. In type IV deformity, severe radiation-induced damage to the skin, nipple-areola complex, and subcutaneous and glandular tissues is present. Surgical correction of each type of deformity is discussed, and examples are reported.  相似文献   

Preliminary data on the skeletal biology of 78 Taino skeletons belonging to Juan Dolio, an archaeological site of the Maguana province, 80 Km. east of S. Domingo, are presented. The minimum number of individuals, sex, age, stature, and morphologic and morphometric characters were determined. Dental wear and pathology of cranial and post-cranial bones were also recorded.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the most rational algorithm of an X-ray study and its results obtained while analyzing X-ray findings in 320 patients with severe congenital deformities of the visceral cranium. The malformations are shown to involve not only the visceral cranium, but also the cerebral cranium and its base and they can be rarely assigned to any of the known syndromes as they have frequently something in common. The most rational scheme of a X-ray study is presented.  相似文献   

The use of alloderm for the correction of nasal contour deformities   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
What rhinoplasty surgeon has not been frustrated by unmet expectations from unreliable graft materials? The quest for an ideal graft continues. Septal cartilage is not always adequate in amount or substance. Ear cartilage may cause unsightly irregularities over time. Cranial bone or rib harvest sites add to the complexity of the procedure and can be intimidating for many operators. This article describes the authors' successful experience with AlloDerm onlay grafts for the correction of nasal contour deformities in 58 primary and secondary rhinoplasty cases by means of the open and endonasal approaches. Forty-two patients received an open-approach procedure; the remaining 16 received grafting through an endonasal or closed approach. Thirty-seven of the patients were secondary rhinoplasty patients, and some underwent multiple nasal corrections. The indications, intraoperative surgical technique of graft placement, and representative results will be discussed. Long-term follow-up showed good results, though partial graft resorption occurred in some patients. Overall, this experience with AlloDerm for nasal augmentation was encouraging.  相似文献   

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