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Chagasin is a protein produced by Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas' disease. This small protein belongs to a recently defined family of cysteine protease inhibitors. Although resembling well-known inhibitors like the cystatins in size (110 amino acid residues) and function (they all inhibit papain-like (C1 family) proteases), it has a unique amino acid sequence and structure. We have crystallized and solved the structure of chagasin in complex with the host cysteine protease, cathepsin L, at 1.75 A resolution. An inhibitory wedge composed of three loops (L2, L4, and L6) forms a number of contacts responsible for high-affinity binding (K(i), 39 pM) to the enzyme. All three loops interact with the catalytic groove, with the central loop L2 inserted directly into the catalytic center. Loops L4 and L6 embrace the enzyme molecule from both sides and exhibit distinctly different patterns of protein-protein recognition. Comparison with a 1.7 A structure of uncomplexed chagasin, also determined in this study, demonstrates that a conformational change of the first binding loop (L4) allows extended binding to the non-primed substrate pockets of the enzyme active site cleft, thereby providing a substantial part of the inhibitory surface. The mode of chagasin binding is generally similar, albeit distinctly different in detail, when compared to those displayed by cystatins and the cysteine protease inhibitory p41 fragment of the invariant chain. The chagasin-cathepsin L complex structure provides details of how the parasite protein inhibits a host enzyme of possible importance in host defense. The high level of structural and functional similarity between cathepsin L and the T. cruzi enzyme cruzipain gives clues to how the cysteine protease activity of the parasite can be targeted. This information will aid in the development of synthetic inhibitors for use as potential drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease.  相似文献   

Staphostatins are the endogenous inhibitors of the major secreted cysteine proteases of Staphylococcus aureus, the staphopains. Our recent crystal structure of staphostatin B has shown that this inhibitor forms a mixed, eight-stranded beta-barrel with statistically significant similarity to lipocalins, but not to cystatins. We now present the 1.8-A crystal structure of staphostatin B in complex with an inactive mutant of its target protease. The complex is held together through extensive interactions and buries a total surface area of 2300 A2. Unexpectedly for a cysteine protease inhibitor, staphostatin B binds to staphopain B in an almost substrate-like manner. The inhibitor polypeptide chain runs through the protease active site cleft in the forward direction, with residues IG-TS in P2 to P2' positions. Both in the free and complexed forms, the P1 glycine residue of the inhibitor is in a main chain conformation only accessible to glycines. Mutations in this residue lead to a loss of affinity of the inhibitor for protease and convert the inhibitor into a substrate.  相似文献   

Summary The value of a heterologous peptide extracellular production system in Streptomyces using a secretory protease inhibitor, was examined. DNA was synthesized encoding apidaecin 1b (AP1), an interesting antibacterial peptide discovered in lymph fluid of the honeybee, and was joined to the Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (SSI) gene via a 12-bp nucleotide sequence corresponding to the amino acid sequence specific for cleavage by blood coagulation factor Xa. The fusion protein (SSI-AP1) could be expressed and excreted efficiently into the medium by culturing S. lividans 66 harbouring a plasmid vector constructed for SSI secretion, into which the synthetic DNA was introduced. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and amino acid analysis of the purified SSI-AP1 protided reasonable results of molecular size and composition value. Interestingly, SSI-AP1 protein showed bifunctional activity: inhibitory activity of SSI and antibacterial activity of AP1. The inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli could be also detected after the fusion protein was cleaved by factor Xa. The extracellular production system presented here should provide a useful tool for production, analysis of mode of action, and also for genetic improvement of antimicrobial peptides such as apidaecin.Offprint requests to: H. Momose  相似文献   

Sharma A  Radha Kishan KV 《FEBS letters》2011,585(21):3465-3470
Protease inhibitors have been extensively used in research to prevent unwanted degradation of proteins during purification and analysis. Here, we report a remarkable discovery of protease inhibitor mediated reformation of peptide bonds by the serine protease inhibitor, PMSF in a diverse set of proteolyzed molecules. Interestingly, the religation reaction in the presence of PMSF occurs in a very short time period and with very high yields of the religated product. We also investigate the plausible mechanism of such a reaction and demonstrate through biochemical studies and X-ray crystallography that proximity of reacting termini is essential for the feasibility of this reaction.  相似文献   

Inserting peptide nanotubes into lipid bilayers modulates the permeability properties of the cell wall, thus conferring potential bacteriocidal capability. Interaction of a peptide nanotube formed by eight cyclo[RRKWLWLW] subunits with the surface of a hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The present sequence of alternated D-L-alpha-amino acids has been shown to yield remarkable antibacterial in vitro activity, and the chosen topoisomer corresponds to the optimum amphipathy of the tubular structure, whereby non-polar and charged side chains are segregated by the aqueous interface. The cohesion of the nanotube is ensured by a scaffold of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between adjacent cyclic peptides, supplemented by favorable like-charged contacts of arginine side chains. It is further reinforced by interactions of charged residues with the lipid head groups and of non-polar residues with the lipid acyl chains. The simulation reveals a partial breaking of the synthetic channel accompanying its early insertion into the lipid bilayer. The latter opens new questions about how peptide nanotubes permeate the membrane, in particular whether or not (i) self-assembly precedes partitioning and (ii) translocation occurs with the complete tubular structure.  相似文献   

A new method is presented that uses parallel peptide array synthesis on cellulose membranes to characterize protease/peptide inhibitor interactions. A peptide comprising P5-P4' of the third domain of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor was investigated for both binding to and inhibition of porcine pancreatic elastase. Binding was studied directly on the cellulose membrane, while inhibition was measured by an assay in microtiter plates with punched out peptide spots. The importance of each residue for binding or inhibition was determined by substitutional analyses, exchanging every original amino acid with all other 19 coded amino acids. Seven hundred eighty individual peptides were investigated for binding behavior to porcine pancreatic elastase, and 320 individual peptides were measured in inhibition experiments. The results provide new insights into the interaction between the ovomucoid derived peptide and subsites in the active site of elastase. Combining these data with length analysis we designed new peptides in a step-wise fashion which in the end not only inhibited elastase 400 times more strongly than the original peptide, but are highly specific for the enzyme. In addition, the optimized inhibitor peptide was protected against exopeptidase attack by substituting D-amino acids at both termini.  相似文献   



Hookworm disease is a major global health problem and principal among a number of soil-transmitted helminthiases (STHs) for the chronic disability inflicted that impacts both personal and societal productivity. Mass drug administration most often employs single-dose therapy with just two drugs of the same chemical class to which resistance is a growing concern. New chemical entities with the appropriate single-dose efficacy are needed.

Methods and Findings

Using various life-cycle stages of the hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum in vitro and a hamster model of infection, we report the potent, dose-dependent cidal activities of the peptidyl cysteine protease inhibitors (CPIs) K11002 (4-mopholino-carbonyl-phenylalanyl-homophenylalanyl- vinyl sulfone phenyl) and K11777 (N-methylpiperazine-phenylalanyl-homophenylalanyl-vinylsulfone phenyl). The latter is in late pre-clinical testing for submission as an Investigational New Drug (IND) with the US Federal Drug Administration as an anti-chagasic. In vitro, K11002 killed hookworm eggs but was without activity against first-stage larvae. The reverse was true for K11777 with a larvicidal potency equal to that of the current anti-hookworm drug, albendazole (ABZ). Both CPIs produced morbidity in ex vivo adult hookworms with the activity of K11777 again being at least the equivalent of ABZ. Combinations of either CPI with ABZ enhanced morbidity compared to single compounds. Strikingly, oral treatment of infected hamsters with 100 mg/kg K11777 b.i.d. (i.e., a total daily dose of 200 mg/kg) for one day cured infection: a single 100 mg/kg treatment removed >90% of worms. Treatment also reversed the otherwise fatal decrease in blood hemoglobin levels and body weights of hosts. Consistent with its mechanism of action, K11777 decreased by >95% the resident CP activity in parasites harvested from hamsters 8 h post-treatment with a single 100 mg/kg oral dose.


A new, oral single-dose anthelmintic that is active in an animal model of hookworm infection and that possesses a distinct mechanism of action from current anthelmintics is discovered. The data highlight both the possibility of repurposing the anti-chagasic K11777 as a treatment for hookworm infection and the opportunity to further develop CPIs as a novel anthelmintic class to target hookworms and, possibly, other helminths.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences of proteinaceous proteinase inhibitors have been extensively analysed for deriving information regarding the molecular evolution and functional relationship of these proteins. These sequences have been grouped into several well defined families. It was found that the phylogeny constructed with the sequences corresponding to the exposed loop responsible for inhibition has several branches that resemble those obtained from comparisons using the entire sequence. The major branches of the unrooted tree corresponded to the families to which the inhibitors belonged. Further branching is related to the enzyme specificity of the inhibitor. Examination of the active site loop sequences of trypsin inhibitors revealed that here are strong preferences for specific amino acids at different positions of the loop. These preferences are inhibitor class specific. Inhibitors active against more than one enzyme occur within a class and confirm to class specific sequence in their loops. Hence, only a few positions in the loop seem to determine the specificity. The ability to inhibit the same enzyme by inhibitors that belong to different classes appears to be a result of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity is required for several key processes in cancer development and progression, including tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. Accordingly, high levels of protease expression and activity have been found to correlate with malignant progression and poor patient prognosis in a wide variety of human cancers. Members of the papain family of cysteine cathepsins are among the protease classes that have been functionally implicated in cancer. Therefore, the discovery of effective cathepsin inhibitors has considerable potential for anti-cancer therapy. In this study we describe the identification of a novel, reversible cathepsin inhibitor, VBY-825, which has high potency against cathepsins B, L, S and V. VBY-825 was tested in a pre-clinical model of pancreatic islet cancer and found to significantly decrease tumor burden and tumor number. Thus, the identification of VBY-825 as a new and effective anti-tumor drug encourages the therapeutic application of cathepsin inhibitors in cancer.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters of interactions of calcium-saturated calmodulin (Ca(2+)-CaM) with melittin, C-terminal fragment of melittin, or peptides derived from the CaM binding regions of constitutive (cerebellar) nitric-oxide synthase, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I, and caldesmon (CaD-A, CaD-A*) have been measured using isothermal titration calorimetry. The peptides could be separated into two groups according to the change in heat capacity upon complex formation, DeltaC(p). The calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I, constitutive (cerebellar) nitric-oxide synthase, and melittin peptides have DeltaC(p) values clustered around -3.2 kJ.mol(-1).K(-1), consistent with the formation of a globular CaM-peptide complex in the canonical fashion. In contrast, phosphodiesterase, the C-terminal fragment of melittin, CaD-A, and CaD-A* have DeltaC(p) values clustered around -1.6 kJ.mol(-1).K(-1), indicative of interactions between the peptide and mostly one lobe of CaM, probably the C-terminal lobe. It is also shown that the interactions for different peptides with Ca(2+)-CaM can be either enthalpically or entropically driven. The difference in the energetics of peptide/Ca(2+)-CaM complex formation appears to be due to the coupling of peptide/Ca(2+)-CaM complex formation to the coil-helix transition of the peptide. The binding of a helical peptide to Ca(2+)-CaM is dominated by favorable entropic effects, which are probably mostly due to hydrophobic interactions between nonpolar groups of the peptide and Ca(2+)-CaM. Applications of these findings to the design of potential CaM inhibitors are discussed.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of PTP-1B could be therapeutically beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Owing to the large number of phosphatases in the cell, inhibitors against PTP-1B must not only be potent but selective as well. N-Benzoyl-L-glutamyl-[4-phosphono(difluoromethyl)]-L-phenylalanine-[4-phosphono(difluoro-methyl)]-L-phenylalanineamide (BzN-EJJ-amide) is a low nanomolar inhibitor of PTP-1B that shows selectivity over several protein tyrosine phosphatases. To gain an insight into the basis of its potency and selectivity, we evaluated several analogues of the inhibitor and introduced amino acid substitutions into PTP-1B by site-directed mutagenesis. We also determined the crystal structure of PTP-1B in complex with BzN-EJJ-amide at 2.5 A resolution. Our results indicate that the high inhibitory potency is due to interactions of several of its chemical groups with specific protein residues. An interaction between BzN-EJJ-amide and Asp48 is of particular significance, as substitution of Asp48 to alanine resulted in a 100-fold loss in potency. The crystal structure also revealed an unexpected binding orientation for a bisphosphonate inhibitor on PTP-1B, where the second difluorophosphonomethyl phenylalanine (F(2)PMP) moiety is bound close to Arg47 rather than in the previously identified second aryl phosphate site demarked by Arg24 and Arg254. Our results suggest that potent and selective PTP-1B inhibitors may be designed by targeting the region containing Arg47 and Asp48.  相似文献   

Some peptide sequences can behave as either substrates or inhibitors of serine proteases. Working with a cyclic peptidic inhibitor of the serine protease urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), we have now demonstrated a new mechanism for an inhibitor-to-substrate switch. The peptide, CSWRGLENHAAC (upain-2), is a competitive inhibitor of human uPA, but is also slowly converted to a substrate in which the bond between Arg4 and Gly5 (the P1-P1′ bond) is cleaved. Substituting the P2 residue Trp3 to an Ala or substituting the P1 Arg4 residue with 4-guanidino-phenylalanine strongly increased the substrate cleavage rate. We studied the structural basis for the inhibitor-to-substrate switch by determining the crystal structures of the various peptide variants in complex with the catalytic domain of uPA. While the slowly cleaved peptides bound clearly in inhibitory mode, with the oxyanion hole blocked by the side chain of the P3′ residue Glu7, peptides behaving essentially as substrates with a much accelerated rate of cleavage was observed to be bound to the enzyme in substrate mode. Our analysis reveals that the inhibitor-to-substrate switch was associated with a 7?Å translocation of the P2 residue, and we conclude that the inhibitor-to-substrate switch of upain-2 is a result of a major conformational change in the enzyme-bound state of the peptide. This conclusion is in contrast to findings with so-called standard mechanism inhibitors in which the inhibitor-to-substrate switch is linked to minor conformational changes in the backbone of the inhibitory peptide stretch.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins (Grx) represent a large family of glutathione (GSH)-dependent oxidoreductases that catalyse the reduction of disulfides or glutathione mixed disulfide. Grx domains from pathogenic bacteria and plant Grxs have been recently reported to target specific peroxiredoxins (Prxs). The specificity that triggers the interaction between Grx and Prx is poorly understood and is only based on the structure of Haemophilus influenzae Prx-Grx hybrid (hyPrx5). We report here an NMR study of the Populus tremula Grx C4 that targets a P.tremula D-type II Prx. We show that Grx C4 specifically self-associates in a monomer-dimer equilibrium with an apparent K(d) of ca 2.6 mM. Grx C4 homodimer was docked under experimental restraints. The results reveal a novel Grx-Grx interface that is unrelated to the hyPrx5 Grx-Grx dimer interface. Chemical-shift perturbations and 15N spin-relaxation measurements show that the auto-association surface comprises both the active site and the GSH binding site. Reduced GSH is demonstrated to bind reduced Grx with a K(d) of ca 8.6 mM. The potential biological significance of the new Grx-Grx interaction interface is discussed.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the deposition of amyloid beta-peptide (A-Beta) in the brain. Transthyretin (TTR) is a tetrameric protein of about 55 kDa mainly produced in the liver and choroid plexus of the brain. The known physiological functions of TTR are the transport of thyroid hormone T(4) and retinol, through binding to the retinol binding protein. TTR has also been established as a cryptic protease able to cleave ApoA-I in vitro. It has been described that TTR is involved in preventing A-Beta fibrilization, both by inhibiting and disrupting A-Beta fibrils, with consequent abrogation of toxicity. We further characterized the nature of the TTR/A-Beta interaction and found that TTR, both recombinant or isolated from human sera, was able to proteolytically process A-Beta, cleaving the peptide after aminoacid residues 1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 14,16, 19 and 27, as determined by mass spectrometry, and reversed phase chromatography followed by N-terminal sequencing. A-Beta peptides (1-14) and (15-42) showed lower amyloidogenic potential than the full length counterpart, as assessed by thioflavin binding assay and ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy. A-Beta cleavage by TTR was inhibited in the presence of an alphaAPP peptide containing the Kunitz Protease Inhibitor (KPI) domain but not in the presence of the secreted alphaAPP derived from the APP isoform 695 without the KPI domain. TTR was also able to degrade aggregated forms of A-Beta peptide. Our results confirmed TTR as a protective molecule in AD, and prompted A-Beta proteolysis by TTR as a protective mechanism in this disease. TTR may prove to be a useful therapeutic agent for preventing or retarding the cerebral amyloid plaque formation implicated in AD pathology.  相似文献   

Rubella, a viral disease characterized by a red skin rash, is well controlled because of an effective vaccine, but outbreaks are still occurring in the absence of available antiviral treatments. The Rubella virus (RUBV) papain-like protease (RubPro) is crucial for RUBV replication, cleaving the nonstructural polyprotein p200 into two multifunctional proteins, p150 and p90. This protease could represent a potential drug target, but structural and mechanistic details important for the inhibition of this enzyme are unclear. Here, we report a novel crystal structure of RubPro at a resolution of 1.64 Å. The RubPro adopts a unique papain-like protease fold, with a similar catalytic core to that of proteases from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and foot-and-mouth disease virus while having a distinctive N-terminal fingers domain. RubPro has well-conserved sequence motifs that are also found in its newly discovered Rubivirus relatives. In addition, we show that the RubPro construct has protease activity in trans against a construct of RUBV protease–helicase and fluorogenic peptides. A protease–helicase construct, exogenously expressed in Escherichia coli, was also cleaved at the p150–p90 cleavage junction, demonstrating protease activity of the protease–helicase protein. We also demonstrate that RubPro possesses deubiquitylation activity, suggesting a potential role of RubPro in modulating the host''s innate immune responses. We anticipate that these structural and functional insights of RubPro will advance our current understanding of its function and help facilitate more structure-based research into the RUBV replication machinery, in hopes of developing antiviral therapeutics against RUBV.  相似文献   



The tear film is a thin layer of fluid that covers the ocular surface and is involved in lubrication and protection of the eye. Little is known about the protein composition of tear fluid but its deregulation is associated with disease states, such as diabetic dry eyes. This makes this body fluid an interesting candidate for in-depth proteomic analysis.  相似文献   

A cell-free mRNA degradation system consisting of the polysomal and postpolysomal fractions was obtained from cultured soybean cotyledons for studying Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor (BBPI) mRNA stability. This in vitro system reflected the shorter in vivo half-life of BBPI mRNA of cotyledons cultured in basal-medium as compared to cotyledons cultured in methionine-supplemented medium. Most of the BBPI mRNA degradative activity was found to be present in the postpolysomal supernatant fraction. The higher rate of BBPI mRNA degradation in basal medium-cultured cotyledons was due to an increased destabilizing activity specific to BBPI mRNA in the postpolysomal fraction from basal-medium cultured cotyledons. The specificity was absent when purified RNA was used as the substrate. Degradation of the mRNA was not divalent cation-dependent and was inhibited in the presence of higher concentrations of monovalent and divalent cations.  相似文献   

Kojima S  Iwahara A  Yanai H 《FEBS letters》2005,579(20):4430-4436
Pleurotus ostrearus proteinase A inhibitor 1 (POIA1), which was discovered as a protease inhibitor, is unique in that it shows sequence homology to the propeptide of subtilisin, which functions as an intramolecular of a cognate protease. In this study, we demonstrate that POIA1 can function as an intramolecular chaperone of subtilisin by in vitro and in vivo experiments. The specific cleavage between POIA1 and the mature region of subtilisin BPN' occurred in a refolding process of a chimera protein, and Bacillus cells transformed with a chimera gene formed a halo on a skim milk plate. The mutational analyses of POIA1 in the chimera protein suggested that the tertiary structure of POIA1 is required for such a function, and that an increase in its ability to bind to subtilisin BPN' makes POIA1 a more effective intramolecular chaperone.  相似文献   

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