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We previously reported elevated levels of TGF-beta1 in patients with renal carcinoma. Certain aspects led us to ask whether they might be caused by chronic damage to the kidney(s). Here we report on an extended set of patients with various renal diseases, lung cancer, humoral immunodeficiency and controls. For latent TGF-beta1 in plasma, we find that the control, immunodeficiency, lung cancer and kidney transplant groups do not differ significantly (means, 7.0-8.8 ng/ml). Also, acute short-term renal stress (extracorporal lithotrypsy) does not lead to an increase of TGF-beta1. However, the pyelonephritis patients present with levels of 19.0 ng/ml, chronic extracorporal dialysis patients with 15.5 ng/ml, and renal cell carcinoma patients with 22.8 ng/ml. For active TGF-beta1 these findings are exactly recovered. For serum levels, only the renal carcinoma group presents with significantly elevated levels of TGF-beta1. Kidney transplantation seems to normalize TGF-beta1 levels, while in the kidney cancer patients surgery has an effect only in part of the group. We conclude that elevated plasma TGF-beta1 levels are common in at least two chronic renal disease conditions, and that it normalizes with restoration of renal function. It is tempting to speculate that chronic elevation of TGF-beta1 in these patients may be critically involved in these conditions predisposing to renal cancer.  相似文献   

Hornsby PJ 《Aging cell》2006,5(6):577-578
Questions about mechanisms, about the direction of causality, and about cellular heterogeneity complicate interpretation of claims associating short telomeres with adverse health outcomes.  相似文献   

Glyoxalase 1 is an enzyme, shown to protect against dicarbonyl glycation and the formation of advanced glycation end products. Recent findings suggest glyoxalase 1 as a molecular marker of psychiatric disorders. In clinical studies aberrant expression of glyoxalase 1 was shown to be involved in major depression, panic disorders and schizophrenia. In mouse models glyoxalase 1 was identified as a molecular marker of trait anxiety. However, anxiety-related behaviour in mice was inconsistently reported to correlate with elevated or reduced expression of glyoxalase 1. As yet, those findings were considered contradicting and the contribution of glyoxalase 1 to the aetiology of psychiatric disorders remained elusive. This review summarizes recent clinical and animal studies. In order to unravel the role of glyoxalase 1 in mental disease, findings are discussed with a particular focus on dicarbonyl substrate concentration. Prevailing the impact of dicarbonyl substrates on anxiety-related behaviour over the influence of glyoxalase 1 expression may consolidate findings that have been considered inconsistent. Taken together, this report suggests that physiological concentration of dicarbonyl compounds may differentiate a remedy from a poison.  相似文献   

A wide variety of oxidative DNA lesions are present in living cells. One of the best known lesions of this type is 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoGua) which has been shown to have mutagenic properties. An influence of antioxidative vitamins and labile iron pool on the background level of 8-oxoGua in cellular DNA is discussed and oxidative damage to free nucleotide pool as a possible source of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA and urine is described. An involvement of 8-oxoGua in the origin and/or progression of cancer is reviewed. It is concluded that a severe oxidative stress manifested as a high level of 8-oxoGua in cellular DNA as well as in urine of cancer patients is a consequence of development of many types of cancer. Although at present it is impossible to answer directly the question concerning involvement of oxidative DNA damage in cancer etiology it is likely that oxidative DNA base modifications may serve as a source of mutations that initiate carcinogenesis (i.e. they may be causal factors responsible for the process).  相似文献   

Complexins play a critical role in the control of fast synchronous neurotransmitter release. They operate by binding to trimeric SNARE complexes consisting of the vesicle protein Synaptobrevin and the plasma membrane proteins Syntaxin and SNAP-25, which are key executors of membrane fusion reactions. SNARE complex binding by Complexins is thought to stabilize and clamp the SNARE complex in a highly fusogenic state, thereby providing a pool of readily releasable synaptic vesicles that can be released quickly and synchronously in response to an action potential and the concomitant increase in intra-synaptic Ca(2+) levels. Genetic elimination of Complexins from mammalian neurons causes a strong reduction in evoked neurotransmitter release, and altered Complexin expression levels with consequent deficits in synaptic transmission were suggested to contribute to the etiology or pathogenesis of schizophrenia, Huntington's disease, depression, bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, Wernicke's encephalopathy, and fetal alcohol syndrome. In the present review I provide a summary of available data on the role of altered Complexin expression in brain diseases. On aggregate, the available information indicates that altered Complexin expression levels are unlikely to have a causal role in the etiology of the disorders that they have been implicated in, but that they may contribute to the corresponding symptoms.  相似文献   

All life requires nitrogen compounds. Nitrite is such a compound that is naturally occurring in nature and biology. Over the years, the pharmacological stance on nitrite has undergone a surprising metamorphosis, from a vilified substance that generates carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach to a life-saving drug that liberates a protective agent (nitric oxide or NO) during hypoxic events. Nitrite has been investigated as a vasodilator in mammals for over 125 years and is a known by-product of organic nitrate metabolism. There has been a recent rediscovery of some of the vasodilator actions of nitrite in physiology along with novel discoveries which render nitrite a fundamental molecule in biology. Until recently nitrite was thought to be an inert oxidative breakdown product of endogenous NO synthesis but the past few years have focused on the reduction of nitrite back to NO in the circulation as a possible mechanism for hypoxic vasodilatation. Nitrite has evolved into an endogenous signaling molecule and regulator of gene expression that may not only serve as a diagnostic marker but also find its role as a potential therapeutic agent of cardiovascular disease. These data therefore warrant a reevaluation on the fate and metabolism of nitrite in biological systems. This review serves to encompass the history and recent evolution of nitrite, the compartment-specific metabolism of nitrite and its role in plasma as a biomarker for disease, the role of nitrite as a potential regulator of NO homeostasis, and the future of nitrite-based research.  相似文献   

"Morning sickness" is the common term for nausea and vomiting in early human pregnancy (NVP). Recent interest in why NVP occurs-that is, in the evolutionary costs and benefits of NVP-has spurred the development of two alternative hypotheses. The "prophylaxis," or "maternal and embryonic protection," hypothesis suggests that NVP serves a beneficial function by expelling foods that may contain harmful toxins and microorganisms and triggering aversions to such foods throughout pregnancy. The alternative "by-product" hypothesis suggests that NVP is a nonfunctional by-product of conflict--over resource allocation--between the pregnant woman and the embryo. The critical predictions of the prophylaxis hypothesis have been developed and tested, whereas the by-product hypothesis has not been subjected to similar scrutiny. To address this gap, we developed a graphical model and used it to derive predictions from the by-product hypothesis under two different assumptions, namely, that NVP is either (i) a by-product of current conflict between a pregnant woman and an embryo or (ii) a by-product of honest signals of viability produced by the embryo. Neither version of the by-product hypothesis is fully consistent with available data. By contrast, the timing of NVP, its variation among societies, and associated patterns of food cravings and aversions are consistent with the prophylaxis hypothesis.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Ren J 《Autophagy》2010,6(8):1212-1213
The mitochondrial isoform of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) plays a key role in the metabolism of acetaldehyde and other toxic aldehydes. A recent seminal finding has indicated a potential role of ALDH2 activation in the cardioprotection against ischemic injury. Data from our group unveiled a myocardial protective effect of ALDH2 against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury possibly through detoxification of toxic aldehydes: and a differential regulation of autophagy mediated by AMPK-mTOR and Akt-mTOR signaling cascades during ischemia and reperfusion, respectively. These findings suggest not only the therapeutic potential of ALDH2 against I/R injury but also a pivotal role of the AMPK-Akt-mTOR signaling in the paradoxical autophagic regulation of cardiomyocyte survival.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11):854-868

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and refers to a spectrum of disorders ranging from steatosis to steatohepatitis, a disease stage characterized by inflammation, fibrosis, cell death and insulin resistance (IR). Due to its association with obesity and IR the impact of NAFLD is growing worldwide. Consistent with the role of mitochondria in fatty acid (FA) metabolism, impaired mitochondrial function is thought to contribute to NAFLD and IR. Indeed, mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired mitochondrial respiratory chain have been described in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and skeletal muscle of obese patients. However, recent data have provided evidence that pharmacological and genetic models of mitochondrial impairment with reduced electron transport stimulate insulin sensitivity and protect against diet-induced obesity, hepatosteatosis and IR. These beneficial metabolic effects of impaired mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation may be related not only to the reduction of reactive oxygen species production that regulate insulin signaling but also to decreased mitochondrial FA overload that generate specific metabolites derived from incomplete FA oxidation (FAO) in the TCA cycle. In line with the Randle cycle, reduced mitochondrial FAO rates may alleviate the repression on glucose metabolism in obesity. In addition, the redox paradox in insulin signaling and the delicate mitochondrial antioxidant balance in steatohepatitis add another level of complexity to the role of mitochondria in NAFLD and IR. Thus, better understanding the role of mitochondria in FA metabolism and glucose homeostasis may provide novel strategies for the treatment of NAFLD and IR.  相似文献   

In this issue of Molecular Cell, Sarkar et al. (2011) provide the first evidence for involvement of nitric oxide bioactivity in autophagy and suggest new insight into the role of aberrant S-nitrosylation in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which Trypanosoma cruzi causes cardiomyopathy are unknown but are the subject o f several hypotheses. In this paper, Diego Davila, Osman Rossell and Jose Donis discuss the aetiology of cardiac failure in Chagas disease and suggest that parasympathetic abnormalities are a consequence of, rather than the cause of, the progressive cardiac enlargement seen in these patients.  相似文献   

Previous investigations suggest that the infection of the cyprinid roach, Rutilus rutilus, with the larval plerocercoid forms of the cestode, Ligula intestinalis, creates behavioural and morphological changes in the fish host, potentially of adaptive significance to the parasite in promoting transmission to definitive avian hosts. Here we consider whether these behavioural changes are important in shaping the distribution of parasite individuals across the fish population. An examination of field data illustrates that fish infected with a single parasite were more scarce than expected under the negative binomial distribution, and in many months were more scarce than burdens of two, three or more, leading to a bimodal distribution of worm counts (peaks at 0 and >1). This scarcity of single-larval worm infections could be accounted for a priori by a predominance of multiple infection. However, experimental infections of roach gave no evidence for the establishment of multiple worms, even when the host was challenged with multiple intermediate crustacean hosts, each multiply infected. A second hypothesis assumes that host manipulation following an initial single infection leads to an increased probability of subsequent infection (thus creating a contagious distribution). If manipulated fish are more likely to encounter infected first-intermediate hosts (through microhabitat change, increased ingestion, or both), then host manipulation could act as a powerful cause of aggregation. A number of scenarios based on contagious distribution models of aggregation are explored, contrasted with alternative compound Poisson models, and compared with the empirical data on L. intestinalis aggregation in their roach intermediate hosts. Our results indicate that parasite-induced host manipulation in this system can function simultaneously as both a consequence and a cause of parasite aggregation. This mutual interaction between host manipulation and parasite aggregation points to a set of ecological interactions that are easily missed in most experimental studies of either phenomenon.  相似文献   

The Golgi complex undergoes a dramatic disassembly process during apoptosis. Some Golgi proteins implicated in Golgi structure and vesicle transport are cleaved during apoptosis, and expression of noncleavable mutants of these proteins delays Golgi disassembly after pro-apoptotic stimuli. Cleavage of Golgi structural proteins and subsequent disassembly of the organelle could simply be the result of the apoptotic process. However, recent studies raise the intriguing possibility that cleavage of Golgi proteins during apoptosis might be required for more than disassembly of the organelle.  相似文献   

Epigenetic silencing is a pervasive mode of gene regulation in multicellular eukaryotes: stable differentiation of somatic cell types requires the maintenance of subsets of genes in an active or silent state. The variety of molecules involved, and the requirement for active maintenance of epigenetic states, creates the potential for errors on a large scale. When epigenetic errors - or epimutations - activate or inactivate a critical gene, they may cause disease. An epimutation that occurs in the germline or early embryo can affect all, or most, of the soma and phenocopy genetic disease. But the stochastic and reversible nature of epigenetic phenomena predicts that epimutations are likely to be mosaic and inherited in a nonmendelian manner; epigenetic diseases will thus rarely behave in the comfortably predictable manner of genetic diseases but will display variable expressivity and complex patterns of inheritance. Much phenotypic variation and common disease might be explained by epigenetic variation and aberration. The known examples of true epigenetic disease are at present limited, but this may reflect only the difficulty in distinguishing causal epigenetic aberrations from those that are merely consequences of disease, a challenge further extended by the impact of environmental agents on epigenetic mechanisms. The rapidly developing molecular characterization of epigenomes, and the new ability to survey epigenetic marks on whole genomes, may answer many questions about the causal role of epigenetics in disease; these answers have the potential to transform our understanding of human disease.  相似文献   

Increased fruit and vegetable consumption is associated with a decreased incidence of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and other chronic diseases. The beneficial health effects of fruits and vegetables have been attributed, in part, to antioxidant flavonoids present in these foods. Large, transient increases in the total antioxidant capacity of plasma have often been observed after the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods by humans. These observations led to the hypothesis that dietary flavonoids play a significant role as antioxidants in vivo, thereby reducing chronic disease risk. This notion, however, has been challenged recently by studies on the bioavailability of flavonoids, which indicate that they reach only very low concentrations in human plasma after the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods. In addition, most flavonoids are extensively metabolized in vivo, which can affect their antioxidant capacity. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables contain many macro- and micronutrients, in addition to flavonoids, that may directly or through their metabolism affect the total antioxidant capacity of plasma. In this article, we critically review the published research in this field with the goal to assess the contribution of dietary flavonoids to the total antioxidant capacity of plasma in humans. We conclude that the large increase in plasma total antioxidant capacity observed after the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods is not caused by the flavonoids themselves, but is likely the consequence of increased uric acid levels.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a lysosome-mediated degradative system that is a highly conserved pathway present in all eukaryotes. In all cells, double-membrane autophagosomes form and engulf cytoplasmic components, delivering them to the lysosome for degradation. Autophagy is essential for cell health and can be activated to function as a recycling pathway in the absence of nutrients or as a quality-control pathway to eliminate damaged organelles or even to eliminate invading pathogens. Autophagy was first identified as a pathway in mammalian cells using morphological techniques, but the Atg (autophagy-related) genes required for autophagy were identified in yeast genetic screens. Despite tremendous advances in elucidating the function of individual Atg proteins, our knowledge of how autophagosomes form and subsequently interact with the endosomal pathway has lagged behind. Recent progress toward understanding where and how both the endocytotic and autophagic pathways overlap is reviewed here.Autophagy is a lysosome-mediated pathway for the degradation of cytosolic proteins and organelles, which is essential for cell homeostasis, development, and for the prevention of several human diseases and infection (Choi et al. 2013). Importantly, autophagy cannot occur without an active lysosome. However, it is becoming increasingly recognized that the endosomal pathway plays a greater role than just providing the degradative enzymes found in the lysosome. Recent data suggest that in mammalian cells multiple contributions from several stages of the endocytic pathway are essential for efficient autophagy. Here we outline the autophagic pathway and then address the recent data on how different endosomal compartments contribute to autophagy, and the molecular machinery required for the interaction of the endosome and lysosome during the formation, and consumption of the autophagosome. Given the model emerging that the amino-acid-sensitive autophagic pathway originates from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), several questions arise, including how do recognition and productive interaction occur between an ER-derived membrane and endosomes? How are these interactions mediated, and which are essential for efficient autophagy?  相似文献   

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