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Lim J  Johnson MB 《Chemical senses》2011,36(3):283-289
The current study took a first step toward elucidating the sensory input that drives retronasal odor referral to the mouth. In 2 experiments, subjects performed odor localization tasks under various oral-nasal stimulation conditions that allowed us to assess the effects of direction of airflow, taste, and tactile stimulation on retronasal odor referral. Subjects reported the locations of perceived odors when food odorants were inhaled through the mouth alone or in the presence of water or various tastants in the mouth. The results indicated that when perceived alone, vanilla and soy sauce odor were localized 54.7%: 26.4%: 18.9% and 60.0%: 21.7%: 18.3% in the nose, oral cavity, and on the tongue, respectively. The localization of odors alone was not significantly different from when water was presented simultaneously in the mouth, indicating that tactile stimulation itself is not sufficient to enhance odor referral. However, the presence of sucrose, but not other tastes, significantly increased localization of vanilla to the tongue. Likewise, only NaCl significantly augmented referral of soy sauce odor to the tongue. These data indicate that referral of retronasal odors to the mouth can occur in the absence of a either taste or touch but that referral to the tongue depends strongly on the presence of a congruent taste.  相似文献   

Perceptual interactions in a model of wine woody-fruity binary mixtures were previously reported in a psychophysical study performed through orthonasal stimulation only. However, recent studies suggested that the perception of food-like and nonfood-like odors may depend on the route of stimulation. The aim of the present study was two-fold: first to examine the neural correlates of perceptual interactions using electroencephalogram (EEG)-derived event-related potentials (ERPs) and second to test the influence of the stimulation route on quality perception. Therefore, we designed an experiment with 30 subjects to study perceptual interactions in woody-fruity mixtures and compared ortho- vs. retronasal stimulation sites on perceived odor quality and ERPs. The results revealed synergy or masking of the fruity component, depending on the woody component level. Synergy was supported by larger N1 amplitude of the ERP. Furthermore, mixtures including a medium level of the woody odor elicited a strong increase of P2 amplitude only retronasally. This study evidenced for the first time electrophysiological correlates of both perceptual synergy and masking on the early component of the ERPs and confirmed that retro- vs. orthonasal stimulation route induces different neural processes that are reflected in the late component of the ERP.  相似文献   

A methodological issue in research relating daytime mood to dream content is the question of whether mood congruency effects—that is, recalling more negative events if the current mood is more negative—also play a role in the dream recall process. This study adopted an indirect approach by testing the hypothesis that interindividual differences in mood congruency effects in a memory task carried out in the daytime correlate with mood congruency effects in dream recall (recalling more negative dream emotions, as one would predict on the basis of the current stress level or overall mood state). The findings, however, did not support the hypothesis of mood congruency effects and, thus, rule out that the findings regarding the continuity hypothesis of dreaming are biased by selective recall. Studies with different methodological approaches are necessary to validate this study’s findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Gottfried JA 《Neuron》2005,47(4):473-476
It is widely thought that locating the source of a smell is an ability best left to nonhuman members of the animal kingdom. In this issue of Neuron, two complementary articles highlight the neural mechanisms underlying the localization of an odor, either to the left or right side of the nose (Porter et al.) or to the inside or outside of the mouth (Small et al.). Together, these studies validate the idea that the human brain is equipped with the apparatus necessary to pinpoint the location of an odor source.  相似文献   

Insects detect volatile chemosignals with olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) that express olfactory receptors. Among them, the most sensitive receptors are the odorant receptors (ORs), which form cation channels passing also Ca2+. Here, we investigate if and how odor-induced Ca2+ signals in Drosophila melanogaster OSNs are controlled by intracellular Ca2+ stores, especially by mitochondria. Using an open antenna preparation that allows observation and pharmacological manipulation of OSNs we performed Ca2+ imaging to determine the role of Ca2+ influx and efflux pathways in OSN mitochondria. The results indicate that mitochondria participate in shaping the OR responses. The major players of this modulation are the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Intriguingly, OR-induced Ca2+ signals were only mildly affected by modulating the Ca2+ management of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Details of mouth formation in normal and exogastrulated Pisaster ochraceus larvae have been studied by light microscopy and transmission and scanning electron microscopy. As the archenteron begins to bend, the cells in the presumptive mouth region dissociate and migrate into the blastocoele where they become mesenchyme cells. This leaves a defect in the “blind” endodermal tube, which is covered by a basal lamina. Subsequently this exposed basal lamina bulges to form a blister which appears to extend across the blastocoele to make contact with spikelike projections from the future stomodeal region of the ectoderm. Mesenchyme cell processes are associated with both the basal lamina blister and the ectoderm in this region and may provide both motive power and guidance for contact. Shortly after contact is made the blister of basal lamina from the endoderm fuses with the basal lamina of the ectodermal cells and the ectoderm begins to invaginate. At this time the lateral walls of the presumptive oesophagus are largely formed of naked basal lamina with some loosely associated cells on the endodermal side. Eventually the lateral walls of the proximal part of the oesophagus become cellular, giving rise to an epithelium. A cell plug located between the stomodeum and oesophagus persists for some time before finally breaking down to complete the larval digestive tract. Experiments with exogastrulae suggest that many of these developmental patterns are determined before gastrulation.  相似文献   

It is well established that for most people linguistic processing is primarily a left hemisphere activity, whereas recent evidence has shown that basic odor perception is more lateralized to the right hemisphere. Importantly, under certain conditions, emotional responding also shows right hemisphere laterality. Hedonic (pleasantness) assessments constitute basic level emotional responses. Given that olfaction is predominantly ipsilateral in function, it was hypothesized that odor pleasantness evaluations may be accentuated by right nostril perception and that odor naming would be superior with left nostril perception. To test this prediction we presented eight familiar neutral-mildly pleasant odors for subjects to sniff through the left and right nostrils. Subjects smelled each odor twice (once through each nostril) at two different sessions, separated by 1 week. At each session subjects provided pleasantness, arousal and naming responses to each odorant. Results revealed that odors were rated as more pleasant when sniffed through the right nostril and named more correctly when sniffed through the left. No effects for arousal were obtained. These findings are consistent with previously demonstrated neural laterality in the processing of olfaction, emotion and language, and suggest that a local and functional convergence may exist between olfaction and emotional processing.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of odor coding in the Drosophila larva   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kreher SA  Kwon JY  Carlson JR 《Neuron》2005,46(3):445-456
We have analyzed the molecular basis of odor coding in the Drosophila larva. A subset of Or genes is found to be expressed in larval olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). Using an in vivo expression system and electrophysiology, we demonstrate that these genes encode functional odor receptors and determine their response spectra with 27 odors. The receptors vary in their breadth of tuning, exhibit both excitation and inhibition, and show different onset and termination kinetics. An individual receptor appears to transmit signals via a single ORN to a single glomerulus in the larval antennal lobe. We provide a spatial map of odor information in the larval brain and find that ORNs with related functional specificity map to related spatial positions. The results show how one family of receptors underlies odor coding in two markedly different olfactory systems; they also provide a molecular mechanism to explain longstanding observations of larval odor discrimination.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of odor coding in the Drosophila antenna   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Hallem EA  Ho MG  Carlson JR 《Cell》2004,117(7):965-979
We have undertaken a functional analysis of the odorant receptor repertoire in the Drosophila antenna. Each receptor was expressed in a mutant olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) used as a "decoder," and the odor response spectrum conferred by the receptor was determined in vivo by electrophysiological recordings. The spectra of these receptors were then matched to those of defined ORNs to establish a receptor-to-neuron map. In addition to the odor response spectrum, the receptors dictate the signaling mode, i.e., excitation or inhibition, and the response dynamics of the neuron. An individual receptor can mediate both excitatory and inhibitory responses to different odorants in the same cell, suggesting a model of odorant receptor transduction. Receptors vary widely in their breadth of tuning, and odorants vary widely in the number of receptors they activate. Together, these properties provide a molecular basis for odor coding by the receptor repertoire of an olfactory organ.  相似文献   

Identifying joint contact in articular joints is important for both the biomechanical investigation of joint mechanics and the study of osteoarthritis. The purpose of this study is to develop a proximity mapping technique to non-invasively determine joint congruency, as a surrogate of joint contact. To illustrate the capabilities of this algorithm, a cadaveric upper extremity was positioned at varying degrees of elbow flexion. This technique was validated using a gold standard experimental casting technique. The pattern of the cast showed an excellent agreement with the generated proximity map using the inter-bone distance algorithm. The results from this study agree with the results of previous studies examining joint contact at the elbow both in the location and in the tracking of the joint contact throughout elbow flexion. Ultimately, this technique will lead to an increased understanding of the effect of malalignment and instability of the joint on contact mechanics.  相似文献   

The odor coding system of Drosophila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Our understanding of the molecular and cellular organization of the Drosophila melanogaster olfactory system has increased dramatically in recent years. A large family of approximately 60 odorant receptors has been identified, and many of these receptors have been functionally characterized. The odor responses of olfactory receptor neurons have been characterized, and much has been learned about how odors are represented in olfactory centers in the brain. The circuitry of the olfactory system has been studied in detail, and the developmental mechanisms that specify the wiring and functional diversity of olfactory neurons are becoming increasingly well understood. Thus, functional, anatomical and developmental studies are rapidly being integrated to form a unified picture of odor coding in this model olfactory system.  相似文献   

Exposure of anestrous ewes to a ram or its odor results in the activation of the luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion leading to reinstatement of cyclicity in most females. Sexual experience and learning have been suggested as important factors to explain the variability of the female responses. In experiment 1, we compared the behavioral and endocrine responses of four groups of anestrous females that differed in age (young or adult) and previous exposure to males [naive (no exposure) or experienced (courtship behavior for young and numerous mating for adults)]. Age did not seem to affect the LH response to males or their odor. In contrast, sexual experience was a critical factor: the proportion of females exhibiting an LH response to male odor was significantly higher in experienced than in naive ewes. Sexual experience affected the response to male odor, but did not have an effect on responses to the male himself. A second experiment investigated whether the LH response to male odor could result from an associative learning process. Accordingly, we tested the effectiveness of a conditioned stimulus (lavender odor) previously associated with the male, in inducing the endocrine response. The results indicate that the odor of lavender activated LH secretion only in ewes that have been previously exposed to scented males. This demonstrates that ewes are able to learn the association between a neutral odor and their sexual partner.  相似文献   

Recordings in the locust antennal lobe (AL) reveal activity-dependent, stimulus-specific changes in projection neuron (PN) and local neuron response patterns over repeated odor trials. During the first few trials, PN response intensity decreases, while spike time precision increases, and coherent oscillations, absent at first, quickly emerge. We examined this "fast odor learning" with a realistic computational model of the AL. Activity-dependent facilitation of AL inhibitory synapses was sufficient to simulate physiological recordings of fast learning. In addition, in experiments with noisy inputs, a network including synaptic facilitation of both inhibition and excitation responded with reliable spatiotemporal patterns from trial to trial despite the noise. A network lacking fast plasticity, however, responded with patterns that varied across trials, reflecting the input variability. Thus, our study suggests that fast olfactory learning results from stimulus-specific, activity-dependent synaptic facilitation and may improve the signal-to-noise ratio for repeatedly encountered odor stimuli.  相似文献   

A unifying feature of mammalian and insect olfactory systems is that olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing the same unique odorant-receptor gene converge onto the same glomeruli in the brain [1-7]. Most odorants activate a combination of receptors and thus distinct patterns of glomeruli, forming a proposed combinatorial spatial code that could support discrimination between a large number of odorants [8-11]. OSNs also exhibit odor-evoked responses with complex temporal dynamics [11], but the contribution of this activity to behavioral odor discrimination has received little attention [12]. Here, we investigated the importance of spatial encoding in the relatively simple Drosophila antennal lobe. We show that Drosophila can learn to discriminate between two odorants with one functional class of Or83b-expressing OSNs. Furthermore, these flies encode one odorant from a mixture and cross-adapt to odorants that activate the relevant OSN class, demonstrating that they discriminate odorants by using the same OSNs. Lastly, flies with a single class of Or83b-expressing OSNs recognize a specific odorant across a range of concentration, indicating that they encode odorant identity. Therefore, flies can distinguish odorants without discrete spatial codes in the antennal lobe, implying an important role for odorant-evoked temporal dynamics in behavioral odorant discrimination.  相似文献   

Salt, known as taste quality, is generally neglected in olfaction, although the olfactory sensory neurons stretch into the salty nasal mucus covering the olfactory epithelium (OE). Using a psychophysical approach, we directly and functionally demonstrate in the awake rat for a variety of structurally diverse odorants that sodium is a critical factor for olfactory perception and sensitivity, both very important components of mammalian communication and sexual behavior. Bathing the olfactory mucus with an iso-osmotic sodium-free buffer solution results in severe deficits in odorant detection. However, sensitivity returns fully within a few hours, indicating continuous mucus production. In the presence of sodium in the mucus covering the OE, all odorants induce odorant-specific c-Fos expression in the olfactory bulb. Yet, if sodium is absent in the mucus, no c-Fos expression is induced as demonstrated for n-octanal. Our noninvasive approach to induce anosmia in mammals here presented--which is fully reversible within hours--opens new possibilities to study the functions of olfactory communication in awake animals.  相似文献   

Animals use odors as signals for mate, kin, and food recognition, a strategy which appears ubiquitous and successful despite the high intrinsic variability of naturally-occurring odor quantities. Stimulus generalization, or the ability to decide that two objects, though readily distinguishable, are similar enough to afford the same consequence, could help animals adjust to variation in odor signals without losing sensitivity to key inter-stimulus differences. The present study was designed to investigate whether an animal's ability to generalize learned associations to novel odors can be influenced by the nature of the associated outcome. We use a classical conditioning paradigm for studying olfactory learning in honeybees to show that honeybees conditioned on either a fixed- or variable-proportion binary odor mixture generalize learned responses to novel proportions of the same mixture even when inter-odor differences are substantial. We also show that the resulting olfactory generalization gradients depend critically on both the nature of the stimulus-reward paradigm and the intrinsic variability of the conditioned stimulus. The reward dependency we observe must be cognitive rather than perceptual in nature, and we argue that outcome-dependent generalization is necessary for maintaining sensitivity to inter-odor differences in complex olfactory scenes.  相似文献   

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