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The wood frog (Rana sylvatica) can survive the winter in a frozen state, in which the frog’s tissues are also exposed to dehydration, ischemia, and anoxia. Critical to wood frog survival under these conditions is a global metabolic rate depression, the accumulation of glucose as a cryoprotectant, and a reliance on anaerobic glycolysis for energy production. Pyruvate kinase (PK) catalyzes the final reaction of aerobic glycolysis, generating pyruvate and ATP from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and ADP. This study investigated the effect of each stress condition experienced by R. sylvatica during freezing, including dehydration and anoxia, on PK regulation. PK from muscle of frozen and dehydrated frogs exhibited a lower affinity for PEP (Km = 0.098 ± 0.003 and Km = 0.092 ± 0.008) than PK from control and anoxic conditions (Km = 0.065 ± 0.003 and Km = 0.073 ± 0.002). Immunoblotting showed greater serine phosphorylation on muscle PK from frozen and dehydrated frogs relative to control and anoxic states, suggesting a reversible phosphorylation regulatory mechanism for PK activity during freezing stress. Furthermore, PK from frozen animals exhibited greater stability under thermal and urea-induced denaturing conditions than PK from control animals. Phosphorylation of PK during freezing may contribute to mediating energy conservation and maintaining intracellular cryoprotectant levels, as well as increase enzyme stability during stress.  相似文献   

Summary Wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) were frozen to-2.5°C under five distinct cooling regimes to investigate the effect of cooling rate on survival. Frogs survived freezing when cooled at -0.16°C · h-1 or -0.18°C · h-1, but mortality resulted at higher rates (-0.30°C · h-1,-1.03°C · h-1, and -1.17°C · h-1). Surviving frogs in the latter groups required longer periods to recover, and transient injury to the neuromuscular system was evident. Some of the frogs that died had patches of discolored, apparently necrotic skin; vascular damage, as indicated by hematoma, also occurred. It is concluded that slow cooling may be critical to the freeze tolerance of wood frogs. Additional studies examined the effect of cooling rate on physiological responses promoting freeze tolerance. Mean glucose concentrations measured in plasma (15–16 mol · ml-1) and liver (42–45 mol · g-1) following a 2-h thaw did not differ between slowly- and rapidly-cooled frogs but in both groups were elevated relative to unfrozen controls. Thus freezing injury to rapidly-cooled frogs apparently was not mitigated by the presence of elevated glucose. Water contents of liver tissue, measured 2 h post-thawing, did not differ between slowly-cooled (mean = 77.6%) and rapidly-cooled (mean = 78.5%) frogs. However, the mean hematocrit of slowly-cooled frogs (48%) was significantly higher than that (37%) of frogs cooled rapidly, possibly owing to differences in the dynamics of tissue water during freezing.  相似文献   

We investigated function and ultrastructure of sciatic nerves isolated from wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) endemic to the Northwest Territories, Canada, following freezing at −2.5 °C, −5.0 °C, or −7.5 °C. All frogs frozen at −2.5 °C, and most frogs (71%) frozen at −5.0 °C, recovered within 14 h after thawing began; however, frogs did not survive exposure to −7.5 °C. Sciatic nerves isolated from frogs frozen at −7.5 °C were refractory to electrical stimulation, whereas those obtained from frogs surviving exposure to −2.5 °C or −5.0 °C generally exhibited normal characteristics of compound action potentials. Frogs responded to freezing by mobilizing hepatic glycogen reserves to synthesize the cryoprotectant glucose, which increased 20-fold in the liver and 40-fold in the blood. Ultrastructural analyses of nerves harvested from frogs in each treatment group revealed that freezing at −2.5 °C or −5.0 °C had little or no effect on tissue and cellular organization, but that (lethal) exposure to −7.5 °C resulted in marked shrinkage of the axon, degeneration of mitochondria within the axoplasm, and extensive delamination of myelin sheaths of the surrounding Schwann cells. Accepted: 28 April 1999  相似文献   

We investigated the restoration of peripheral nerve function and simple neurobehavioral reflexes in the freeze-tolerant wood frog (Rana sylvatica). Thirty-two specimens, allowed to freeze for 39 h and ultimately cooled to-2.2°C, were sampled at various time intervals up to 60 h after thawing at 5°C was initiated. The sciatic nerves of treated frogs were initially unresponsive to stimulation, but usually regained excitability within 5 h. Except for a slight reduction in nerve excitability characteristics of the compound action potentials of treated frogs were indistinguishable from those of control frogs. Recovery times for the hindlimb retraction and righting reflexes were 8 h and 14 h, respectively. Concentrations of the cryoprotectant glucose increased 8.2-fold in the sciatic nerve and 10.5-fold in the underlying semimembranosis muscle of treated frogs, and remained elevated for at least 60 h after thawing was initiated. These organs lost 47.2% and 15.9%, respectively, of their water during freezing, but were rehydrated within 2 h of the onset of thawing. The accumulation of glucose and the withdrawal of tissue water apparently are cryoprotective responses which enable this species to survive freezing.  相似文献   

Summary The triggering of cryoprotectant synthesis was examined in the freeze tolerant wood frog,Rana sylvatica. A slow decrease in ambient temperature (1°C every 2 days) from 3° to –2.1 °C was used to search for a specific trigger temperature. None was found. Instead it was found that, despite subzero temperature, animals which remained in a supercooled unfrozen state had low blood glucose (1.66±0.44 mol/ml) while those which had frozen had high blood glucose (181±16 mol/ml). These results indicate that it is the initiation of ice nucleation, rather than a specific subzero temperature, which triggers cryoprotectant glucose synthesis. This was confirmed by monitoring the freezing curves for individual frogs with sampling of blood and tissues at various times relative to the initiation of nucleation (detected as an instantaneous temperature jump from –3 to –1°C). Animals sampled before nucleation had low blood and liver glucose contents and a low percentage of liver phosphorylase in thea form. Within 4 min of the initiation of freezing, however, blood glucose had jumped to 16 mol/ml and liver glucose to 39.5 mol/g wet weight. Glucose in both compartments continued to increase as the time of freezing increased correlated with an increase in liver phosphorylasea content from 47% before nucleation to 100% after 50 min of freezing. The results clearly demonstrate that freeze tolerant frogs have no anticipatory synthesis of cryoprotectant as a preparation for winter but rather can translate the initiation of extracellular ice formation into a signal which rapidly activates cryoprotectant production by liver.  相似文献   

Microgeographic countergradient variation in the wood frog, Rana sylvatica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prior studies have shown that macrogeographic gradients in temperature associated with latitude and altitude can lead to countergradient patterns of variation in a number of taxa: individuals from colder environments are known to grow or develop faster than their conspecifics from warmer environments when placed in a common setting. In this study, I hypothesized that countergradient variation also is important at microgeographic scales. The wood frog, Rana sylvatica, breeds in open-canopied, temporary wetlands as well as those heavily shaded by vegetation. Shading leads to cooler thermal environments that are associated with embryonic development rates as much as 50% slower than those in unshaded wetlands. Wetlands with contrasting canopy environments are often found within tens or hundreds of meters of each other. In a common garden experiment, embryos from nearby natural wetlands displayed countergradient variation: individuals collected from shaded wetlands developed up to 12% faster than those collected from relatively unshaded wetlands. The results of this study suggest that the concept of countergradient variation may be extended to small scales of space. In addition, the rate and scale of vegetation dynamics (the agent of wetland shading) imply that divergence in development among residents of nearby wetlands may be relatively rapid, on the order of decades.  相似文献   

This study identified a hierarchy in levels of cold tolerance for diverse tissues from larvae of Eurosta solidaginis. Following freezing at -80 degrees C, larval survival and the viability of specific tissues were assessed using membrane-permeant DNA stain (SYBY-14) and propidium iodide.Integumentary muscle, hemocytes, tracheae, and the crystal-containing portion of the Malpighian tubules were most susceptible to freezing injury. A second group consisting of fat body, salivary glands, and the proximal region of the Malpighian tubules were intermediate in their susceptibility, while the foregut, midgut, and hindgut were the most resistant to freezing injury. Seasonal increases in larval cold tolerance were closely matched by changes in the cold tolerance of individual tissues. Compared to larvae collected in September, the survival rates for each of the six tissues tested from October-collected larvae increased by 20-30%. The survival rate in all tissues was notably higher than that of whole animals, indicating that larval death could not be explained by the mortality in any of the tissues we tested. This method will be useful for assessing the nature of chilling/freezing injury, the role cryoprotectants, and cellular changes promoting cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Storey KB 《Cryobiology》2004,48(2):134-145
Winter survival for many cold-blooded species involves freeze tolerance, the capacity to endure the freezing of a high percentage of total body water as extracellular ice. The wood frog (Rana sylvatica) is the primary model animal used for studies of vertebrate freeze tolerance and current studies in my lab are focused on the freeze-induced changes in gene expression that support freezing survival. Using cDNA library screening, we have documented the freeze-induced up-regulation of a number of genes in wood frogs including both identifiable genes (fibrinogen, ATP/ADP translocase, and mitochondrial inorganic phosphate carrier) and novel proteins (FR10, FR47, and Li16). All three novel proteins share in common the presence of hydrophobic regions that may indicate that they have an association with membranes, but apart from that each shows unique tissue distribution patterns, stimulation by different signal transduction pathways and responses to two of the component stresses of freezing, anoxia, and dehydration. The new application of cDNA array screening technology is opening up a whole new world of possibilities in the search for molecular mechanisms that underlie freezing survival. Array screening of hearts from control versus frozen frogs hints at the up-regulation of adenosine receptor signaling for the possible mediation of metabolic rate suppression, hypoxia inducible factor mediated adjustments of anaerobic metabolism, natriuretic peptide regulation of fluid dynamics, enhanced glucose transporter capacity for cryoprotectant accumulation, defenses against the accumulation of advanced glycation end products, and improved antioxidant defenses as novel parts of natural freeze tolerance that remain to be explored.  相似文献   

Considerable study has focused on the physiological adaptations for freeze tolerance in the wood frog, Rana sylvatica, a northern species that overwinters within the frost zone, but little attention has been paid to the associated costs to organismal performance. Here we report that freezing causes transient impairment of locomotor endurance and adverse changes in exercise physiology that persist for at least 96 h. Wood frogs frozen at -2 degrees C for 36 h exhibited normal behaviors and hydro-osmotic status and near-normal metabolite (glycogen, glucose, and lactate) levels within 24 h after thawing began. However, when exercised to exhaustion on a treadmill, these frogs showed a 40% reduction in endurance as compared to sham-treated (unfrozen) controls, a reduction that persisted for at least 96 h. Previously frozen frogs exhibited higher rates of lactate accumulation during exercise than controls, suggesting that prior freezing forces greater reliance on the glycolytic pathways of energy production to support exercise. Given that this species breeds in late winter, when subzero temperatures are common, freezing may result in reduced fitness by hampering their ability to reach the pond, avoid predators, and successfully obtain mates.  相似文献   

We conducted a 3-year field and laboratory study of winter biology in hatchlings of the northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica). At our study area in northern Indiana, hatchlings routinely overwintered in their natal nests, emerging after the weather warmed in spring. Winter survival was excellent despite the fact that hatchlings were exposed frequently to subfreezing temperatures (to –5.4 °C). In the laboratory, cold-acclimated hatchlings exhibited low rates of evaporative water loss (mean=2.0 mg g–1 day–1), which would enable them to conserve body water during winter. Laboratory-reared hatchlings were intolerant of freezing at –2.5 °C for 24 h, conditions that are readily survived by freeze-tolerant species of turtles. Winter survival of hatchling G. geographica probably depended on their extensive capacity for supercooling (to –14.8 °C) and their well-developed resistance to inoculative freezing, which may occur when hatchlings contact ice and ice-nucleating agents present in nesting soil. Supercooled hatchlings survived a brief exposure to –8 °C. Others, held at –6 °C for 5 days, maintained ATP concentrations at control levels, although they did accumulate lactate and glucose, probably in response to tissue hypoxia. Therefore, anoxia tolerance, as evidenced by the viability of hatchlings exposed to N2 gas for 8 days, may promote survival during exposure to subfreezing temperatures.Abbreviations EWL evaporative water loss - FPeq equilibrium freezing point - INA ice-nucleating agents - Tc temperature of crystallizationCommunicated by L.C.-H. Wang  相似文献   

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