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G J Stuart 《Neuron》2001,32(6):966-968
Recent studies show that the precise timing of presynaptic inputs and postsynaptic action potentials influences the strength and sign of synaptic plasticity. In this issue of Neuron, Sj?str?m and colleagues (2001) determine how this so-called spike timing-dependent plasticity depends on the frequency and strength of the presynaptic inputs.  相似文献   

Although spike timing-dependent plasticity has been well-characterized in vitro, it is less clear to what degree spike timing-dependent plasticity contributes to shaping visual system properties in vivo. In this issue of Neuron, two papers by Vislay-Meltzer et al. and Mu and Poo provide evidence that STDP contributes to the effects of sensory stimuli in refinement of the retinotectal system in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Dynamics of spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity are analyzed for excitatory and inhibitory synapses onto cerebellar Purkinje cells. The purpose of this study is to place theoretical constraints on candidate synaptic learning rules that determine the changes in synaptic efficacy due to pairing complex spikes with presynaptic spikes in parallel fibers and inhibitory interneurons. Constraints are derived for the timing between complex spikes and presynaptic spikes, constraints that result from the stability of the learning dynamics of the learning rule. Potential instabilities in the parallel fiber synaptic learning rule are found to be stabilized by synaptic plasticity at inhibitory synapses if the inhibitory learning rules are stable, and conditions for stability of inhibitory plasticity are given. Combining excitatory with inhibitory plasticity provides a mechanism for minimizing the overall synaptic input. Stable learning rules are shown to be able to sculpt simple-spike patterns by regulating the excitability of neurons in the inferior olive that give rise to climbing fibers.  相似文献   

Spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), a synaptic modification depending on a relative timing of presynaptic and postsynaptic spikes, has fascinated researchers in the fields of neurophysiology and computational neuroscience, because it is not only conceptually simple or biologically reasonable but is also versatile in neural network simulations. The STDP rule may be valid only under specific conditions, however. We propose herein a method that could find more natural and potent rules of synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

S Song  L F Abbott 《Neuron》2001,32(2):339-350
Long-term modification of synaptic efficacy can depend on the timing of pre- and postsynaptic action potentials. In model studies, such spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) introduces the desirable features of competition among synapses and regulation of postsynaptic firing characteristics. STDP strengthens synapses that receive correlated input, which can lead to the formation of stimulus-selective columns and the development, refinement, and maintenance of selectivity maps in network models. The temporal asymmetry of STDP suppresses strong destabilizing self-excitatory loops and allows a group of neurons that become selective early in development to direct other neurons to become similarly selective. STDP, acting alone without further hypothetical global constraints or additional forms of plasticity, can also reproduce the remapping seen in adult cortex following afferent lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Advancing age is typically accompanied by deficits in learning and memory. These deficits occur independently of overt pathology and are often considered to be a part of "normal aging." At the neuronal level, normal aging is known to be associated with numerous cellular and molecular changes, which include a pronounced decrease in neuronal excitability and an altered induction in the threshold for synaptic plasticity. Because both of these mechanisms (neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity) have been implicated as putative cellular substrates for learning and memory, it is reasonable to propose that age-related changes in these mechanisms may contribute to the general cognitive decline that occurs during aging. RESULTS: To further investigate the relationship between aging, learning and memory, neuronal excitability, and synaptic plasticity, we have carried out experiments with aged mice that lack the auxiliary potassium channel subunit Kvbeta1.1. In aged mice, the deletion of the auxiliary potassium channel subunit Kvbeta1.1 resulted in increased neuronal excitability, as measured by a decrease in the post-burst afterhyperpolarization. In addition, long-term potentiation (LTP) was more readily induced in aged Kvbeta1.1 knockout mice. Finally, the aged Kvbeta1.1 mutants outperformed age-matched controls in the hidden-platform version of the Morris water maze. Interestingly, the enhancements in excitability and learning were both sensitive to genetic background: The enhanced learning was only observed in a genetic background in which the mutants exhibited increased neuronal excitability. CONCLUSIONS: Neuronal excitability is an important determinant of both synaptic plasticity and learning in aged subjects.  相似文献   

Theories of receptive field plasticity and information storage make specific assumptions for how synapses are modified. I give a personal account of how testing the validity of these assumptions eventually led to a detailed understanding of long-term depression and metaplasticity in hippocampal area CA1 and the visual cortex. The knowledge of these molecular mechanisms now promises to reveal when and how sensory experience modifies synapses in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Neuronal plasticity and its development were investigated at pyramidal neurons in the cortical slices of rats. The threshold and probability of firing spikes were measured by using whole-cell recording to assess neuronal excitability. Postsynaptic high frequency activity (HFA) at the pyramidal neurons, evoked by 20 trains (250-ms interval) of five depolarization-pulses (1 ms) at 100 Hz, persistently lowered the threshold and increased the probability of firing spikes. After long-term enhancement of neuronal excitability by HFA was stable, another HFA induced further enhancement. Infusing 1 mM 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N, N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid or 100 microM CaMKII(281-301) into the recording neurons prevented HFA-induced long-term enhancement of neuronal excitability. The infusion of 40 microM calcineurin autoinhibitory peptide enhanced neuronal excitability, which occluded HFA effect. HFA-induced long-term enhancement of intrinsic excitability expressed at most pyramidal neurons after postnatal day (PND) 14, but not at those before PND 9. Our results show a new type of neuronal plasticity induced by physiological activity at cortical neurons, which requires calcium-dependent protein phosphorylation and develops during postnatal period. An upregulation of intrinsic excitability at cortical neurons facilitates their activity and broadens signal codes; consequently, their computational ability is upgraded.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Xu NL  Wu CP  Duan S  Poo MM 《Neuron》2003,37(3):463-472
Information processing in the neuron requires spatial summation of synaptic inputs at the dendrite. In CA1 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus, a brief period of correlated pre- and postsynaptic activity, which induces long-term potentiation (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD), results in a persistent increase or decrease in the linearity of spatial summation, respectively. Such bidirectional modification of the summation property is specific to the modified input and reflects localized dendritic changes involving I(h) channels and NMDA receptors. Thus, correlated pre- and postsynaptic activity alters not only the strength of the activated input but also its dendritic integration with other inputs.  相似文献   

Phenomenological models of synaptic plasticity based on spike timing   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Synaptic plasticity is considered to be the biological substrate of learning and memory. In this document we review phenomenological models of short-term and long-term synaptic plasticity, in particular spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). The aim of the document is to provide a framework for classifying and evaluating different models of plasticity. We focus on phenomenological synaptic models that are compatible with integrate-and-fire type neuron models where each neuron is described by a small number of variables. This implies that synaptic update rules for short-term or long-term plasticity can only depend on spike timing and, potentially, on membrane potential, as well as on the value of the synaptic weight, or on low-pass filtered (temporally averaged) versions of the above variables. We examine the ability of the models to account for experimental data and to fulfill expectations derived from theoretical considerations. We further discuss their relations to teacher-based rules (supervised learning) and reward-based rules (reinforcement learning). All models discussed in this paper are suitable for large-scale network simulations.  相似文献   

A A Frolov  I P Murav'ev 《Biofizika》1988,33(4):659-666
Informational losses in neuronal nets(NN) with plastic elements were estimated. These losses are related with 1) transition from "complicated" decoding when from the modification state of such elements information of the whole set of recorded elements is extracted to "simple" decoding natural of NN functioning when information is extracted independently for individual events; 2) uncertainty concerning NN structure, if at decoding in one of the modification states the neuron reactivity totally or the weight of plastic synapse equals zero. After the transition from complicated to simple decoding these losses for gradual plasticity are so great that NN with such plasticity has no advantages in informational capacity as compared to the binary one. These losses are absent for plasticity of Olbus type. They are relatively high for neuronal plasticity of Hebb type. For Hebb synapses their value essentially depends on the net parameters.  相似文献   

Tomita S  Stein V  Stocker TJ  Nicoll RA  Bredt DS 《Neuron》2005,45(2):269-277
Synaptic plasticity involves protein phosphorylation cascades that alter the density of AMPA-type glutamate receptors at excitatory synapses; however, the crucial phosphorylated substrates remain uncertain. Here, we show that the AMPA receptor-associated protein stargazin is quantitatively phosphorylated and that stargazin phosphorylation promotes synaptic trafficking of AMPA receptors. Synaptic NMDA receptor activity can induce both stargazin phosphorylation, via activation of CaMKII and PKC, and stargazin dephosphorylation, by activation of PP1 downstream of PP2B. At hippocampal synapses, long-term potentiation and long-term depression require stargazin phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, respectively. These results establish stargazin as a critical substrate in the bidirectional control of synaptic strength, which is thought to underlie aspects of learning and memory.  相似文献   

Long-term plasticity typically relies on postsynaptic NMDA receptors to detect the coincidence of pre- and postsynaptic activity. Recent studies, however, have revealed forms of plasticity that depend on coincidence detection by presynaptic NMDA receptors. In the amygdala, cortical afferent associative presynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) requires activation of presynaptic NMDA receptors by simultaneous thalamic and cortical afferents. Surprisingly, both types of afferent can also undergo postsynaptically induced NMDA-receptor-dependent LTP. In the neocortex, spike-timing-dependent long-term depression (LTD) requires simultaneous activation of presynaptic NMDA autoreceptors and retrograde signalling by endocannabinoids. In cerebellar LTD, presynaptic NMDA receptor activation suggests that similar presynaptic mechanisms may exist. Recent studies also indicate the existence of presynaptic coincidence detection that is independent of NMDA receptors, suggesting that such mechanisms have a widespread role in plasticity.  相似文献   

Synchronized activity in ensembles of neurons recruited by excitatory afferents is thought to contribute to the coding information in the brain. However, the mechanisms by which neuronal ensembles are generated and modified are not known. Here we show that in rat hippocampal slices associative synaptic plasticity enables ensembles of neurons to change by incorporating neurons belonging to different ensembles. Associative synaptic plasticity redistributes the composition of different ensembles recruited by distinct inputs such as to specifically increase the similarity between the ensembles. These results show that in the hippocampus, the ensemble of neurons recruited by a given afferent projection is fluid and can be rapidly and persistently modified to specifically include neurons from different ensembles. This linking of ensembles may contribute to the formation of associative memories.  相似文献   

As in other mammals with binocular vision, monocular lid suture in mice induces bidirectional plasticity: rapid weakening of responses evoked through the deprived eye followed by delayed strengthening of responses through the open eye. It has been proposed that these bidirectional changes occur through three distinct processes: first, deprived-eye responses rapidly weaken through homosynaptic long-term depression (LTD); second, as the period of deprivation progresses, the modification threshold determining the boundary between synaptic depression and synaptic potentiation becomes lower, favouring potentiation; and third, facilitated by the decreased modification threshold, open-eye responses are strengthened via homosynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP). Of these processes, deprived-eye depression has received the greatest attention, and although several alternative hypotheses are also supported by current research, evidence suggests that alpha-amino-3- hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptor endocytosis through LTD is a key mechanism. The change in modification threshold appears to occur partly through changes in N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit composition, with decreases in the ratio of NR2A to NR2B facilitating potentiation. Although limited research has directly addressed the question of open-eye potentiation, several studies suggest that LTP could account for observed changes in vivo. This review will discuss evidence supporting this three-stage model, along with outstanding issues in the field.  相似文献   

Ma TF  Zhao XL  Cai L  Zhang N  Ren SQ  Ji F  Tian T  Lu W 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35001
The recent history of activity input onto granule cells (GCs) in the main olfactory bulb can affect the strength of lateral inhibition, which functions to generate contrast enhancement. However, at the plasticity level, it is unknown whether and how the prior modification of lateral inhibition modulates the subsequent induction of long-lasting changes of the excitatory olfactory nerve (ON) inputs to mitral cells (MCs). Here we found that the repetitive stimulation of two distinct excitatory inputs to the GCs induced a persistent modification of lateral inhibition in MCs in opposing directions. This bidirectional modification of inhibitory inputs differentially regulated the subsequent synaptic plasticity of the excitatory ON inputs to the MCs, which was induced by the repetitive pairing of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) with postsynaptic bursts. The regulation of spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) was achieved by the regulation of the inter-spike-interval (ISI) of the postsynaptic bursts. This novel form of inhibition-dependent regulation of plasticity may contribute to the encoding or processing of olfactory information in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Spike timing-dependent plasticity of neural circuits   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Dan Y  Poo MM 《Neuron》2004,44(1):23-30
Recent findings of spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) have stimulated much interest among experimentalists and theorists. Beyond the traditional correlation-based Hebbian plasticity, STDP opens up new avenues for understanding information coding and circuit plasticity that depend on the precise timing of neuronal spikes. Here we summarize experimental characterization of STDP at various synapses, the underlying cellular mechanisms, and the associated changes in neuronal excitability and dendritic integration. We also describe STDP in the context of complex spike patterns and its dependence on the dendritic location of the synapse. Finally, we discuss timing-dependent modification of neuronal receptive fields and human visual perception and the computational significance of STDP as a synaptic learning rule.  相似文献   

Ye X  Carew TJ 《Neuron》2011,70(3):379-381
Neurexins and neuroligins are cell adhesion molecules that form transsynaptic interactions. In this issue of Neuron, Choi et al. report that neurexin-neuroligin signaling plays a critical role in functional and structural synaptic plasticity underlying memory formation in Aplysia.  相似文献   

Calcium through NMDA receptors (NMDARs) is necessary for the long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic strength; however, NMDARs differ in several properties that can influence the amount of calcium influx into the spine. These properties, such as sensitivity to magnesium block and conductance decay kinetics, change the receptor's response to spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) protocols, and thereby shape synaptic integration and information processing. This study investigates the role of GluN2 subunit differences on spine calcium concentration during several STDP protocols in a model of a striatal medium spiny projection neuron (MSPN). The multi-compartment, multi-channel model exhibits firing frequency, spike width, and latency to first spike similar to current clamp data from mouse dorsal striatum MSPN. We find that NMDAR-mediated calcium is dependent on GluN2 subunit type, action potential timing, duration of somatic depolarization, and number of action potentials. Furthermore, the model demonstrates that in MSPNs, GluN2A and GluN2B control which STDP intervals allow for substantial calcium elevation in spines. The model predicts that blocking GluN2B subunits would modulate the range of intervals that cause long term potentiation. We confirmed this prediction experimentally, demonstrating that blocking GluN2B in the striatum, narrows the range of STDP intervals that cause long term potentiation. This ability of the GluN2 subunit to modulate the shape of the STDP curve could underlie the role that GluN2 subunits play in learning and development.  相似文献   

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