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In response to threats from bioweapons, questions are being asked today in some countries about the implications and appropriateness of biological research. Many organizations and governments have suggested that bioscientists adopt what is generally referred to as a "code of conduct" to reduce the security concerns associated with their work. This article examines the potential contribution of such codes. By drawing on past lessons in other areas of professional life, it suggests some key questions, issues, and dilemmas for future consideration. As argued, attempts to establish codes must address demanding questions about their aims and audience--questions whose answers depend on potentially contentious issues regarding arms control, science, ethics, and politics.  相似文献   

Crosthwaite J 《Bioethics》1995,9(5):361-379
Philosophers, particularly moral philosophers, are increasingly being involved in public decision-making in areas which are seen to raise ethical issues. For example, Dame Mary Warnock chaired the 'Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilization and Embryology' in the UK in 1982-4; the Philosophy Department at Auckland was commissioned by the Auckland Regional Authority to report on the ethical aspects of fluoridating the public water supply in 1990; and many of us are serving on ethics committees of various sorts. Not only are philosophers actually being called on or consulted, but many of us would argue that a philosophical contribution in such areas is essential. The involvement of moral philosophers in public policy decisions raises a question of professional ethics, viz, what role should a philosopher's own moral perspective or judgements play in the advice s/he gives, or contribution s/he makes, to public decision-making on ethical issues. Like most problems in professional ethics, this prompts reflection on the nature of the profession, and in particular on the expertise we take moral philosophy to offer. It also prompts reflection on how processes of public decision making in ethically problematic areas should be understood. I explore these issues in this paper.  相似文献   

During the course of a rugby league match, players are involved in multiple physical collisions, predominantly in the form of tackles. The purpose of this study was to describe the nature of, and circumstances relating to the various types of tackles completed by various playing positions in professional rugby league competition. Time-motion analysis was used during 5 competition matches; 1 player from 3 positional groups (hit-up forwards, adjustables, and outside backs) was analyzed in each match. Tackles were assessed by recording the sequence of involvement (e.g., whether a player was the first, second, or third player to engage in the tackle), the area of initial body contact on the player being tackled (e.g., high-above waist or low-below waist) and the type of tackle (e.g., front-on tackle, side-on tackle, and tackle from behind). The hit-up forwards, adjustables and outside backs averaged 166, 89, and 41 tackles, respectively, a game; the majority (46%) involved the observed defender being the first physical contact in the tackle. The present data show that the first defender generally makes a front-on tackle, either low or high, whereas the second player performs a front-on high tackle. If a third player is involved in a tackle, he or she makes contact with the player from the side and above the waist. The most frequent activity immediately before tackling is striding, followed by sprinting. The development of strength-based wrestling for individual playing positions should be an integral part of physical conditioning for rugby league players. The development of tackling skills at various movement intensities should also be considered.  相似文献   

Modern-day discourse on medical professionalism has largely been dominated by a "nostalgic" view, emphasizing individual motives and behaviors. Shaped by a defining conflict between commercialism and professionalism, this discourse has unfolded through a series of waves, the first four of which are discovery, definition, assessment, and institutionalization. They have unfolded in a series of highly interactive and overlapping sequences that extend into the present. The fifth wave-linking structure and agency-which is nascent, proposes to shift our focus on professionalism from changing individuals to modifying the underlying structural and environmental forces that shape social actors and actions. The sixth wave-complexity science-is more incubatory in nature and seeks to recast social actors, social structures, and environmental factors as interactive, adaptive, and interdependent. Moving towards such a framing is necessary if medicine is to effectively reestablish professionalism as a core principle.  相似文献   

The Automated External Defibrillation is the key link of the chain of survival for patients in cardiac arrest. A lot of case series and trials have shown the effectiveness of early defibrillation by first rescuers and trained lay persons. The earlier the defibrillation is performed, the better is the rate of survival to hospital discharge. To increase the survival rate healthcare providers, first rescuer citizens at worksites and trained lay rescuers should be authorized, equipped and encouraged to perform early defibrillation combined with effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The new generation of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are sophisticated, computerized devices that are reliable and simple to operate, enabling also lay rescuers to administer this lifesaving intervention to victims of cardiac arrest. For the concept of recurrent adequate and qualified training in the use of the AED integrated in effective DPR is recommended.  相似文献   

The annotation of the recently released Populus trichocarpa genome, has allowed us to characterize extensively the multigenic families of the redoxin proteins. Proteins with two cysteines separated by two amino acids (CxxC motif) are often involved in redox reactions by promoting the formation, reduction or isomerization of disulfide bonds or by binding prosthetic groups or metals. We report here the presence of a new protein family in higher plants, constituted of 19 members in Populus trichocarpa, 15 in Arabidopsis thaliana and 17 in Oryza sativa. These proteins are almost specific to higher plants, with only two homologous genes found in mammals and arthropoda but none in other kingdoms. While these proteins were predicted as glutaredoxin-like proteins (GRL) in the automatic annotation procedure, they do not share the major conserved features of glutaredoxins but instead they display four conserved CxxC motives. A classification of these proteins, based on sequence similarity, gene structure and predicted cellular localization is proposed. The expression of these genes was also investigated by analyzing EST databases and Arabidopsis microarray results.  相似文献   

How complex life cycles of parasites are maintained is still a fascinating and unresolved topic. Complex life cycles using three host species, free-living stages, asexual and sexual reproduction are widespread in parasitic helminths. For such life cycles, we propose here that maintaining a second intermediate host in the life cycle can be advantageous for the individual parasite to increase the intermixture of different clones and therefore decrease the risk of matings between genetically identical individuals in the definitive host. Using microsatellite markers, we show that clone mixing occurs from the first to the second intermediate host in natural populations of the eye-fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum. Most individuals released by the first intermediate host belonged to one clone. In contrast, the second intermediate host was infected with a diverse array of mostly unique parasite genotypes. The proposed advantage of increased parasite clone intermixture may be a novel selection pressure favouring the maintenance of complex life cycles.  相似文献   

Primates - This essay summarizes some of my findings while studying primates in the field from 1962 to 2018. Although I have studied primates throughout the tropics, I focused on Africa, primarily...  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to identify and describe the frequency and duration of repeated high-intensity exercise (RHIE) bouts in Australian professional rugby league (National Rugby League) and whether these occurred at critical times during a game. Time motion analysis was used during 5 competition matches; 1 player from 3 positional groups (hit-up forward, adjustable, and outside back) was analyzed in each match. The ranges of RHIE bouts for the 3 positional groups were hit-up forwards 9-17, adjustables 2-8, and outside backs 3-7. Hit-up forwards were involved in a significantly greater number of RHIE bouts (p < 0.05) and had the shortest average recovery (376 ± 205 seconds) between RHIE bouts. The single overall maximum durations of RHIE bouts for the hit-up forwards, the adjustables, and the outside backs were 64, 64, and 49 seconds. For all groups, 70% of the total RHIE bouts occurred within 5 minutes prior of a try being scored. The present data show that the nature of RHIE bouts was specific to playing position and occurred frequently at critical times during the game. These results can be used to develop training programs that mimic the 'worst case scenarios' that elite rugby league players are likely to encounter.  相似文献   

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