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Biochemical, pharmacological and immunocytochemical studies have implicated the microtubule-activated ATPase, kinesin, in the movement of membrane bounded organelles in fast axonal transport. In vitro studies suggested that kinesin moves organelles preferentially in the anterograde direction, but data about the function and precise localization of kinesin in the living axon were lacking. The current study was undertaken to establish whether kinesin associates with anterograde or retrograde moving organelles in vivo. Peripheral nerves were ligated to produce accumulations of organelles moving in defined directions. Regions proximal (anterograde) and distal (retrograde) to the ligation were analyzed for kinesin localization by immunofluorescence, and by immunogold electron microscopy using ultracryomicrotomy. Substantial amounts of kinesin were associated with anterograde moving organelles on the proximal side, while significantly less kinesin was detected distally. Statistical analyses indicated that kinesin was mostly associated with membrane-bounded organelles. These observations indicate that axonal kinesin is primarily associated with anterograde moving organelles in vivo.  相似文献   

Brain dynein is a microtubule-activated ATPase considered to be a candidate to function as a molecular motor to transport membranous organelles retrogradely in the axon. To determine whether brain dynein really binds to retrogradely transported organelles in vivo and how it is transported to the nerve terminals, we studied the localization of brain dynein in axons after the ligation of peripheral nerves by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry using affinity-purified anti-brain dynein antibodies. Different classes of organelles preferentially accumulated at the regions proximal and distal to the ligated part. Interestingly, brain dynein accumulated both at the regions proximal and distal to the ligation sites and localized not only on retrogradely transported membranous organelles but also on anterogradely transported ones. This is the first evidence to show that brain dynein associates with retrogradely transported organelles in vivo and that brain dynein is transported to the nerve terminal by fast flow. This also suggests that there may be some mechanism that activates brain dynein only for retrograde transport.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cytoplasmic dynein is the molecular motor responsible for most retrograde microtubule-based vesicular transport. In vitro single-molecule experiments suggest that dynein function is not as robust as that of kinesin-1 or myosin-V because dynein moves only a limited distance (approximately 800 nm) before detaching and can exert a modest (approximately 1 pN) force. However, dynein-driven cargos in vivo move robustly over many microns and exert forces of multiple pN. To determine how to go from limited single-molecule function to robust in vivo transport, we began to build complexity in a controlled manner by using in vitro experiments. RESULTS: We show that a single cytoplasmic dynein motor frequently transitions into an off-pathway unproductive state that impairs net transport. Addition of a second (and/or third) dynein motor, so that cargos are moved by two (or three) motors rather than one, is sufficient to recover several properties of in vivo motion; such properties include long cargo travels, robust motion, and increased forces. Part of this improvement appears to arise from selective suppression of the unproductive state of dynein rather than from a fundamental change in dynein's mechanochemical cycle. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple dyneins working together suppress shortcomings of a single motor and generate robust motion under in vitro conditions. There appears to be no need for additional cofactors (e.g., dynactin) for this improvement. Because cargos are often driven by multiple dyneins in vivo, our results show that changing the number of dynein motors could allow modulation of dynein function from the mediocre single-dynein limit to robust in vivo-like dynein-driven motion.  相似文献   

We describe two dynein heavy chain (DHC)-like polypeptides (DHCs 2 and 3) that are distinct from the heavy chain of conventional cytoplasmic dynein (DHC1) but are expressed in a variety of mammalian cells that lack axonemes. DHC2 is a distant member of the "cytoplasmic" branch of the dynein phylogenetic tree, while DHC3 shares more sequence similarity with dynein-like polypeptides that have been thought to be axonemal. Each cytoplasmic dynein is associated with distinct cellular organelles. DHC2 is localized predominantly to the Golgi apparatus. Moreover, the Golgi disperses upon microinjection of antibodies to DHC2, suggesting that this motor is involved in establishing proper Golgi organization. DCH3 is associated with as yet unidentified structures that may represent transport intermediates between two or more cytoplasmic compartments. Apparently, specific cytoplasmic dyneins, like individual members of the kinesin superfamily, play unique roles in the traffic of cytomembranes.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Glued gene product shares sequence homology with the p150 component of vertebrate dynactin. Dynactin is a multiprotein complex that stimulates cytoplasmic dynein-mediated vesicle motility in vitro. In this report, we present biochemical, cytological, and genetic evidence that demonstrates a functional similarity between the Drosophila Glued complex and vertebrate dynactin. We show that, similar to the vertebrate homologues in dynactin, the Glued polypeptides are components of a 20S complex. Our biochemical studies further reveal differential expression of the Glued polypeptides, all of which copurify as microtubule-associated proteins. In our analysis of the Glued polypeptides encoded by the dominant mutation, Glued, we identify a truncated polypeptide that fails to assemble into the wild-type 20S complex, but retains the ability to copurify with microtubules. The spatial and temporal distribution of the Glued complex during oogenesis is shown by immunocytochemistry methods to be identical to the pattern previously described for cytoplasmic dynein. Significantly, the pattern of Glued distribution in oogenesis is dependent on dynein function, as well as several other gene products known to be required for proper dynein localization. In genetic complementation studies, we find that certain mutations in the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain gene Dhc64C act as dominant suppressors or enhancers of the rough eye phenotype of the dominant Glued mutation. Furthermore, we show that a mutation that was previously isolated as a suppressor of the Glued mutation is an allele of Dhc64C. Together with the observed dependency of Glued localization on dynein function, these genetic interactions demonstrate a functional association between the Drosophila dynein motor and Glued complexes.  相似文献   

To identify the structures to be rapidly transported through the axons, we developed a new method to permit local cooling of mouse saphenous nerves in situ without exposing them. By this method, both anterograde and retrograde transport were successfully interrupted, while the structural integrity of the nerves was well preserved. Using radioactive tracers, anterogradely transported proteins were shown to accumulate just proximal to the cooled site, and retrogradely transported proteins just distal to the cooled site. Where the anterogradely transported proteins accumulated, the vesiculotubular membranous structures increased in amount inside both myelinated and unmyelinated axons. Such accumulated membranous structures showed a relatively uniform diameter of 50--80 nm, and some of them seemed to be continuous with the axonal smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Thick sections of nerves selectively stained for the axonal membranous structures revealed that the network of the axonal SER was also packed inside axons proximal to the cooled site. In contrast, large membranous bodies of varying sizes accumulated inside axons just distal to the cooled site, where the retrogradely transported proteins accumulated. These bodies were composed mainly of multivesicular bodies and lamellated membranous structures. When horseradish peroxidase was administered in the distal end of the nerve, membranous bodies showing this activity accumulated, together with unstained membranous bodies. Hence, we are led to propose that, besides mitochondria, the membranous components in the axon can be classified into two systems from the viewpoint of axonal transport: "axonal SER and vesiculotubular structures" in the anterograde direction and "large membranous bodies" in the retrograde direction.  相似文献   

To understand how the dramatic cell biological changes of oocyte maturation are brought about, we have begun to identify proteins whose phosphorylation state changes during Xenopus oocyte maturation. Here we have focused on one such protein, p83. We partially purified p83, obtained peptide sequence, and identified it as the intermediate chain of cytoplasmic dynein. During oocyte maturation, dynein intermediate chain became hyperphosphorylated at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown and remained hyperphosphorylated throughout the rest of meiosis and early embryogenesis. p150(Glued), a subunit of dynactin that has been shown to bind to dynein intermediate chain, underwent similar changes in its phosphorylation. Both dynein intermediate chain and p150(Glued) also became hyperphosphorylated during M phase in XTC-2 cells and HeLa cells. Thus, two components of the dynein-dynactin complex undergo coordinated phosphorylation changes at two G2/M transitions (maturation in oocytes and mitosis in cells in culture) but remain constitutively in their M phase forms during early embryogenesis. Dynein intermediate chain and p150(Glued) phosphorylation may positively regulate mitotic processes, such as spindle assembly or orientation, or negatively regulate interphase processes such as minus-end-directed organelle trafficking.  相似文献   

Because cytoplasmic dynein plays numerous critical roles in eukaryotic cells, determining the subunit composition and the organization and functions of the subunits within dynein are important goals. This has been difficult partly because of accessory polypeptide heterogeneity of dynein populations. The motor domain containing heavy chains of cytoplasmic dynein are associated with multiple intermediate, light intermediate, and light chain accessory polypeptides. We examined the organization of these subunits within cytoplasmic dynein by separating the molecule into two distinct subcomplexes. These subcomplexes were competent to reassemble into a molecule with dynein-like properties. One subcomplex was composed of the dynein heavy and light intermediate chains whereas the other subcomplex was composed of the intermediate and light chains. The intermediate and light chain subcomplex could be further separated into two pools, only one of which contained dynein light chains. The two pools had distinct intermediate chain compositions, suggesting that intermediate chain isoforms have different light chain-binding properties. When the two intermediate chain pools were characterized by analytical velocity sedimentation, at least four molecular components were seen: intermediate chain monomers, intermediate chain dimers, intermediate chain monomers with bound light chains, and a mixture of intermediate chain dimers with assorted bound light chains. These data provide new insights into the compositional heterogeneity and assembly of the cytoplasmic dynein complex and suggest that individual dynein molecules have distinct molecular compositions in vivo.  相似文献   

Force-induced bidirectional stepping of cytoplasmic dynein   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor whose mechanism of movement remains poorly understood. Here, we use optical tweezers to examine the force-dependent stepping behavior of yeast cytoplasmic dynein. We find that dynein primarily advances in 8 nm increments but takes other sized steps (4-24 nm) as well. An opposing force induces more frequent backward stepping by dynein, and the motor walks backward toward the microtubule plus end at loads above its stall force of 7 pN. Remarkably, in the absence of ATP, dynein steps processively along microtubules under an external load, with less force required for minus-end- than for plus-end-directed movement. This nucleotide-independent walking reveals that force alone can drive repetitive microtubule detachment-attachment cycles of dynein's motor domains. These results suggest a model for how dynein's two motor domains coordinate their activities during normal processive motility and provide new clues for understanding dynein-based motility in living cells.  相似文献   

In performing its multiple cellular functions, the cytoplasmic dynein motor is subject to complex regulation involving allosteric mechanisms within the dynein complex, as well as numerous extramolecular interactions controlling subcellular targeting and motor activity. Recent work has distinguished high- and low-load regulatory modes for cytoplasmic dynein, which, combined with a diversity of targeting mechanisms, accounts for a very broad range of functions.  相似文献   

A high molecular weight microtubule binding protein has been isolated from homogenates of Dictyostelium. Because of its sedimentation velocity (20s), ATP-sensitive binding to microtubules, UV-vanadate-ATP mediated fragmentation, prominent CTPase activity, and its ability to produce limited microtubule movement in vitro, we consider this protein to be a form of cytoplasmic dynein. A polyclonal antibody monospecific to this protein was produced, and dynein's intracellular distribution in ameboid cells was examined by immunofluorescence. The antibody labels a punctate cytoplasmic pattern, localizes to a spherical region adjacent to the nucleus, and also appears to label the nuclei. The punctate staining pattern is consistent with cytoplasmic dynein's proposed function in organelle transport. The spherical juxtanuclear object stained is coincident with this cell's microtubule organizing center, an obvious termination point for minus-end directed microtubule motors. By immunofluorescence, there does not appear to be a substantial amount of dynein in the intranuclear mitotic spindles of Dictyostelium. These data provide evidence for localization of cytoplasmic dynein in cells, and suggest that Dictyostelium will be a useful system in which to study the molecular biology of microtubule-associated motor enzymes.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments are synthesized in the cell body of neurons and transported outward along the axon via slow axonal transport. Direct observation of neurofilaments trafficking in live cells suggests that the slow outward rate of transport is due to the net effects of anterograde and retrograde microtubule motors pulling in opposition. Previous studies have suggested that cytoplasmic dynein is required for efficient neurofilament transport. In this study, we examine the interaction of neurofilaments with cytoplasmic dynein. We used fluid tapping mode atomic force microscopy to visualize single neurofilaments, microtubules, dynein/dynactin, and physical interactions between these neuronal components. AFM images suggest that neurofilaments act as cargo for dynein, associating with the base of the motor complex. Yeast two-hybrid and affinity chromatography assays confirm this hypothesis, indicating that neurofilament subunit M binds directly to dynein IC. This interaction is blocked by monoclonal antibodies directed either to NF-M or to dynein. Together these data suggest that a specific interaction between neurofilament subunit M and cytoplasmic dynein is involved in the saltatory bidirectional motility of neurofilaments undergoing axonal transport in the neuron.  相似文献   

Substructure of sea urchin egg cytoplasmic dynein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The substructure of the cytoplasmic dynein molecule was studied using the quick-freeze, deep-etch technique. Cytoplasmic dynein purified as a 12 S form from the eggs of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus was composed of a single high molecular weight polypeptide. Rotary shadowing images of cytoplasmic dynein either sprayed on to a mica surface or quick-frozen on mica flakes demonstrated a single-headed molecule, in contrast to the two-headed molecule of sea urchin sperm flagellar 21 S dynein. More detailed substructure was visualized by rotary shadowing after quick-freeze deep-etching. Cytoplasmic dynein consisted of a head and a stem. The head was pear-shaped (16 nm X 11 nm) and a little smaller than the pear-shaped head of 21 S dynein (18 nm X 14 nm). The form of the stem was irregular, and its apparent length varied from 0 to 32 nm. Binding of cytoplasmic dynein to brain microtubule in the solution was observed by negative staining, and that in the precipitate was examined by the quick-freeze, deep-etch method as well. Both methods revealed the presence of two kinds of microtubules, one a fully decorated microtubule and the other a non-decorated microtubule. Cytoplasmic dynein bound to microtubule also appeared as a globular particle. Neither the periodic binding nor the crossbridges that were observed with 21 S dynein were formed by cytoplasmic dynein, although cytoplasmic dynein appeared to bind to microtubules co-operatively.  相似文献   

The motor protein dynein is predicted to move the tail domain, a slender rod-like structure, relative to the catalytic head domain to carry out its power stroke. Here, we investigated ATP hydrolysis cycle-dependent conformational dynamics of dynein using fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of the dynein motor domain labeled with two fluorescent proteins. We show that dynein adopts at least two conformational states (states I and II), and the tail undergoes ATP-induced motions relative to the head domain during transitions between the two states. Our measurements also suggest that in the course of the ATP hydrolysis cycle of dynein, the tail motion from state I to state II takes place in the ATP-bound state, whereas the motion from state II to state I occurs in the ADP-bound state. The latter tail motion may correspond to the predicted power stroke of dynein.  相似文献   

A study was made of the phosphorylation of chromatographically purified histone H1 subfractions from the liver of premetamorphic tadpoles (Ranacatesbeiana). Two H1 subfractions were obtained which differed in terms of net incorporation of [32P]phosphate invivo. Analysis of N-bromosuccinimide cleavage products further revealed that the two subfractions also differed in the relative distribution of [32P]phosphate in N- and C-terminal regions of the molecule. Incorporation of [32P]phosphate into both regions of the molecule occurred virtually exclusively in serine residues.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit complex driving organelles along microtubules to their minus-end. We used antibodies against two functional domains (motor and microtubule-binding) of one of principal components of the complex—dynein heavy chain of slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum—to test root meristem cells of wheat Triticum aestivum. The antibodies reacted with a high molecular weight protein (>500 kDa) in the total cell extract and the band recognized by the antibodies in plant extracts had a lower electrophoretic mobility than the high molecular weight band of mammalian dynein. Antibodies coupled to protein A-Sepharose precipitated the high molecular weight protein from the purified cell extracts. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated that the antigen recognized by antibodies against dynein heavy chains is associated with the vesicles whose localization depends on the cell cycle stage. The antigen-positive vesicles were localized to the perinuclear region in interphase and early prophase, to the spindle periphery and to spindle pole region during mitosis, and to the interzonal region in the period of fragmoplast and cell plate formation. Some antigen-positive vesicles also reacted with antibodies against Golgi protein markers. The obtained data indicate that higher plant cells contain a high molecular weight protein interacting with antibodies against the motor and microtubules-binding domains of Dictyostelium dynein heavy chain. The revealed antigen was associated with the vesicular structures in the cytoplasm including the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of dynein forms a globular motor domain that tightly couples the ATP-cleavage region and the microtubule-binding site to transform chemical energy into motion along the cytoskeleton. Here we show that, in the fungus Ustilago maydis, two genes, dyn1 and dyn2, encode the dynein heavy chain. The putative ATPase region is provided by dyn1, while dyn2 includes the predicted microtubule-binding site. Both genes are located on different chromosomes, are transcribed into independent mRNAs and are translated into separate polypeptides. Both Dyn1 and Dyn2 co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized within growing cells, and Dyn1-Dyn2 fusion proteins partially rescued mutant phenotypes, suggesting that both polypeptides interact to form a complex. In cell extracts the Dyn1-Dyn2 complex dissociated, and microtubule affinity purification indicated that Dyn1 or associated polypeptides bind microtubules independently of Dyn2. Both Dyn1 and Dyn2 were essential for cell survival, and conditional mutants revealed a common role in nuclear migration, cell morphogenesis and microtubule organization, indicating that the Dyn1-Dyn2 complex serves multiple cellular functions.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit complex driving organelles along microtubules to their minus-end. We used antibodies against two functional domains (motor and microtubule-binding) of one of principal components of the complex--dynein heavy chain of slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum--to test root meristem cells of wheat Triticum aestivum. The antibodies reacted with a high molecular weight protein (> 500 kDa) in the total cell extract and the band recognized by the antibodies in plant extracts had a lower electrophoretic mobility than the high molecular weight band of mammalian dynein. Antibodies coupled to protein A-Sepharose precipitated the high molecular weight protein from the purified cell extracts. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated that the antigen recognized by antibodies against dynein heavy chains is associated with the vesicles whose localization depends on the cell cycle stage. The antigen-positive vesicles were localized to the perinuclear region in interphase and early prophase, to the spindle periphery and to spindle pole region during mitosis, and to the interzonal region in the period of fragmoplast and cell plate formation. Some antigen-positive vesicles also reacted with antibodies against Golgi protein markers. The obtained data indicate that higher plant cells contain a high molecular weight protein interacting with antibodies against the motor and microtubules-binding domains of Dictyostelium dynein heavy chain. The revealed antigen was associated with the vesicular structures in the cytoplasm including the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

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