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Archaeobotanical studies of funerary offerings allow important insights into beliefs in the afterlife and rituals in the past. Although the number of such investigations has increased in recent years, there are still only a very few systematic investigations of Gallo-Roman cremation graves, especially in northern France. The archaeobotanical study presented here concerns the cemetery (necropolis) of Faulquemont, located in the Département of Moselle. 70 cremation graves, dated from the 1st up to the beginning of the 3rd century A.D. have been sampled for the study of the botanical remains. The graveyard belongs to a rural site. The structures, mainly pits, contained secondary deposits of cremations, characterised by ashy fillings, broken archaeological burned material, bones and carbonised plant remains. 18 plant species have been identified including cereals, pulses, tubers and fruits plus bread/pastry. The most important ones were Triticum (hulled wheat), Hordeum (hulled barley), Lens (lentil) and Pisum (pea). There were also more “exotic” finds like Olea (olive), Phoenix (date) and Lupinus (lupin). The preservation of the cereals suggests possible cooking before cremation, or a long exposure to the fire. Some other plants like hazelnut and olive were maybe consumed as a component of funerary meals. In addition, there were also complete fruits burned as funerary offerings. Only the wealthy deceased received luxurious products such as date. Altogether, the spectrum of Faulquemont fits very well with the known picture of plant offerings during Gallo-Roman times. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

We present the study of rodents and insectivores from the 1995 season of excavation at the early Late Pleistocene site of Bois Roche (Charente, France). The site is a small cave with a low ceiling, used as a den by hyenas. It contains a large herbivore assemblage (mainly bovids and equids) with a smaller representation of medium-size taxa (cervids), many microvertebrates, abundant coprolites and deciduous hyena teeth, and a few lithic artifacts (Middle Paleolithic) introduced into the cave by gravity and slope wash. The rodent fauna consists of Eliomys quercinus cf. quercinus, Apodemus sp., Microtus gregalis, Microtus oeconomus, Arvicola terrestris and Dicrostonyx torquatus. Insectivores are represented by Neomys cf. fodiens. The most common species is M. gregalis which forms 93.7% of the total MNI. The micromammal fauna suggests an open landscape, with some vegetation mainly of the steppe or tundra type, with areas of water and more wet vegetation and some areas with trees. The micromammal association of Bois Roche is characteristic of a cold or very cold dry climate.  相似文献   

41 archaeobotanical samples were analysed, which had been collected from the seabed at uvula Verige (Verige bay) on the island of Veli Brijun, Croatia, the site of a Roman villa which was settled from the 1st to the 5th century A. D. From the analysis of plant macrofos-sils it is evident that the eu-Mediterranean evergreen woodland, today described as Quercion ilicis in the phyto-sociological system, already existed in the Roman period. During this period it became degraded as a result of human activities to other vegetation types such as maquis and garrigue scrub, and grassland. The remains of Vitis vinifera (grapevine), Olea europaea (olive), Ficus carica (fig), and Pinus pinea (stone pine) were most frequently recorded; they all derive from very important and characteristic Mediterranean foods. Prunus avium (sweet cherry) and P. persica (peach), some vegetables and spices were probably cultivated, too, as well as some cereals, most probably Panicum miliaceum (millet). Juglans regia (walnut), Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut), and Corylus avellana (hazel) were possibly cultivated on the island or imported from neighbouring Istia. The records of some fresh water plants show that there was fresh water in uvala Verige and its surroundings in Roman times, much more than today. Received February 29, 2000 / Accepted January 31, 2001  相似文献   

The archaeobotanical study of the charred macro-remains recovered from the burnt settlement of La Fontanaccia, Allumiere, 50 km northwest of Rome, a small hut from the time of the end of the late Roman Empire, provided results on the use of food of its inhabitants, their living conditions, and the natural environment. The fire which destroyed the small settlement was archaeologically dated to the middle of the 5th century a.d., few years before the end of the Roman Empire. This was a period in which the state structure, undermined by the barbarian invasions which provoked famine and destruction, was in deep economic and political crisis, and the population in Rome and in the countryside lived in precarious conditions. No archaeo-botanical data have been available until now for this period in the region of Rome. The presence of grass peas, acorns, two-rowed barley caryopses, and small horse bean seeds demonstrate the general state of regression in the late Roman Empire, when misery and famine were widespread. The finds of charcoal from chestnut, deciduous oak, maple and elm suggest the presence of thermophilous deciduous woods and environmental conditions similar to today’s. It deserves mention that this is the first site in which macro-remains (charcoal) of Castanea have been found in central Italy.  相似文献   

A rich assemblage of primarily desiccated plant remains has been recovered from the Roman quarry settlement of Mons Claudianus in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. These remains indicate that the food supply to the site was well organized despite its remote location and that both staples and luxury foods were imported. It has also been established that straw and chaff were imported in large quantities, highlighting the fact that the presence of the by-products of the early stages of the crop processing sequence cannot necessarily be interpreted as implying that the cereals were cultivated locally.  相似文献   

As part of the road widening scheme between London and Dover, Oxford Archaeology South uncovered a large boundary ditch of Iron Age origin that contained Iron Age and Roman inhumations, adjacent to which was a small mid-late Roman cemetery, interpreted as a rural cemetery for Romano-British farmers. Grave goods in the cemetery were restricted to a few individuals with hobnailed boots. Bulk bone collagen isotopic analysis of 11 skeletons of Iron Age and Roman date gave a typical C(3) terrestrial signal (average δ(13) C = -19.8‰, δ(15) N = 9.3‰), but also revealed one (SK12671) with a diet which included a substantial C(4) component (δ(13) C = -15.2‰, δ(15) N = 11.2‰). This is only the second such diet reported in Roman Britain. Subsequent δ(18) O(c) and (87) Sr/(86) Sr measurements on the dental enamel in this individual were, however, consistent with a "local" origin, indicating that either C(4) protein was consumed in Late Roman Britain, or that he came from somewhere else, but where conditions gave rise to similar isotopic values. If we accept the latter, then it indicates that using oxygen and strontium isotopes alone to identify "incomers" may be problematic. The provision of hobnailed boots for the dead appears to have had a strong symbolic element in Late Roman Britain. We suggest that in this case the boots may be significant, in that he was being equipped for the long march home.  相似文献   

Although a small number of Roman glass urns used as cinerary containers are known, no study has ever been conducted of the human bones that they contain. This pilot study presents information regarding age and gender of the individuals found in three of these urns at the Danish National Museum as well as basic data regarding the urns themselves. This information, when compared with data that may be secured from the collections of the British Museum and elsewhere, may provide evidence for cultural, temporal or regional variations in the use of glass containers as urns for the bones of the dead.  相似文献   

Four recently collected mammal specimens from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian–?Campanian) Bostobe Formation in the northeastern Aral Sea Region, Kazakhstan are attributed to Asioryctitheria indet. (an edentulous dentary fragment) and the zhelestid Parazhelestes sp. cf. P. mynbulakensis (a maxillary fragment with a double-rooted canine, an M1, and a dentary fragment including m3). These new records double the known mammal fauna from this formation, which previously included the zhelestid Zhalmouzia bazhanovi and Zhelestidae indet. The taxonomic and ecological structure of the mammal assemblage from the Bostobe Formation can, on present evidence, be considered close to the other eutherian dominated Late Cretaceous mammal assemblages of Central Asia. This region is important in particular in the search for Late Cretaceous ancestors of crown-group eutherian mammal clades (Placentalia).  相似文献   

Late Bashkirian and early Moscovian conodonts are abundant and diverse at the Naqing section, South China. All conodont genera known to have numerous species in the late Bashkirian–early Moscovian are recorded here, including Declinognathodus, Diplognathodus, Gondolella, Idiognathodus, Idiognathoides, Mesogondolella, Neognathodus, and Neolochriea. At Naqing, many species of these genera provide a succession of conodont chronomorphoclines throughout the Bashkirian–Moscovian boundary interval. They demonstrate that deposition was remarkably continuous through the boundary interval, a major criterion for selecting a Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). This paper describes the current state of knowledge for several of these chronomorphoclines, and also provides an updated range chart of conodonts recovered from the Naqing section and their correlation with other regions.The taxon that best matches the current concept for the base of the Moscovian Stage in its type region is the phylogenetic first occurrence of Diplognathodus ellesmerensis. An ancestral form with most of the characteristics of D. ellesmerensis occurs at Naqing. More specimens are needed to completely document the chronomorphocline, but because D. ellesmerensis is found worldwide — including that close to the base of the type Moscovian — its evolutionary first occurrence would provide an almost ideal GSSP to define the base of the international Moscovian Stage.  相似文献   


Privernum was a rich Roman colony located 70 km southwest of Rome (southern Latium, central Italy). The archaeobotanical investigations focused on the garden and related structures of the luxury domus della Soglia nilotica. They are archaeologically and radiocarbon dated to the second half of the 1st century AD. The remains of a charred basket were found in the filling of the euripus, an ornamental water basin of the garden. The weaving was made with twisted strands of the leaves of Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Poir.) T. Durand and Schinz; for the bottom and the handle/s of the basket, wood of evergreen oaks and ash and/or elm, respectively were probably used. The basket contained Pinus pinea seeds and cone scales, and Prunus persica endocarps, which were probably burnt in summer. The sediment in the drainage system and in the kitchen was processed for macro- and microremains. The results indicate the presence of spontaneous ruderal and weed flora elements, typical of human settlement areas, and crops.  相似文献   

From the early Famennian of the Montagne Noire 19 different morphotypes of probably phyllocarid (Crustacea) affinities are described. Apart from formerly unknown enamel-like structures that veil the uppermost tips of the denticles on most of the gnathal lobe morphs, the stratigraphic implications concerning extinction behaviour across the Kellwasser mass extinction event and during early Famennian diversification are discussed. In addition, phyllocarids in the Famennian seem to form a useful stratigraphic tool for biostratigraphical correlation. Therefore, three basal Famennian phyllocarid assemblage zones are distinguished.   相似文献   

This paper reports a previously unknown leaf-flora from the Upper Oligocene/Lower Miocene of the Ebro Basin, NE Spain, a period with a relatively poor vascular-plant fossil record in Southern Europe. The presence of Acrostichum sp. is also important. This fern is extremely significant from the point of view of palaeoecology and the depositional environment. The macroflora appears to yield sufficient morphological characteristics to be identified at genus level, and sometimes at species level, although cuticles are not preserved. This article presents the first data obtained from the new outcrop at La Val; the following families have been identified: Pteridaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Equisetaceae, Pinaceae, Lauraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Betulaceae, Myricaceae and Salicaceae. The fossil plant assemblage is correlated with the Cadibona floristic complex (Mai, Tertiäre Vegetationsgeschichte Europas. Methoden und Ergebnisse, Gustav Fischer, Jena, 691 pp., 1995) and suggests a subtropical-to-warm temperate climate, rainy and wet, with a short dry season. The age of the assemblage is Late Oligocene/Early Miocene.  相似文献   

At the later legionary camp of Vindonissa, early Roman (Augustan-Claudian) structures were excavated during a rescue excavation between 1996 and 1998. In phase 2 (10 B.C. until 0), seven in situ carbonised wooden barrels, dug into the ground, were found. They belonged to a rather large building which was most probably used as storage facility. Two of the barrels contained, in the bottom layers, several hundred seeds and pericarp fragments of Punica granatum L. (pomegranates). A large number of other "exotic" plant taxa such as olive, walnut, pine, pistacio, peach, cherry (and probably date) were also found in rather large quantities. Above all, the finds of pomegranates are unique: they are the first finds of this Mediterranean fruit in regions north of the Alps. The origin, use, and other archaeological finds of the pomegranate in the Roman period are discussed. A comparison with other early Roman spectra shows that such large quantities of "exotic" useful plants are mainly present at larger military sites like the legionary camps of Novaesium or Oberaden. It must also be suggested that the pre-camp phases in Vindonissa already had a military charaeter, although this is not at all clear from the other archaeological finds. The precise role of the site is still a matter of debate. Received November 22, 2001 / Accepted February 19, 2002  相似文献   

Investigation of the Mesozoic seed plant Leptostrobus Heer from the Yangcaogou Formation of the Late Triassic and the Yixian Formation of the Early Cretaceous, Liaoning Province, China, provides new Insight Into Its general morphology and geographical distribution. The materials of L. cancer from the Yixian Formation described herein are later than all the past findings of this species and add to the record of L. cancer during the Early Cretaceous. Based on well-preserved specimens, the specific diagnosis Is slightly emended and the reconstructlon of L. cancer Is perfected. The materials from the Yangcaogou Formation of the Late Triassic are placed in L. spheericus, in addition, we review the history of investigation of the genus Leptostrobus since its establishment in 1876 and discuss the main characteristics of each species.  相似文献   

The study of the Late Eocene (Priabonian) otolith associations from Possagno, North-East Italy, and from the Synclinal d’Allons in Haute Provence, South-East France, allows for the reconstruction of a teleost fauna of 55 taxa, which is the most diversified assemblage presently known from the Upper Eocene Paleo-Mediterranean basin. Thirty-six taxa are identified at the species level, and five of those are new: “genus Alepocephalidarum” astrictus, “genus Lophiiformorum” canovae, “genus Agonidarum” sudans, “genus Uranoscopidarum” cochlearis and Aseraggodes laganum. In the Synclinal d’Allons, the otolith associations reflect a tropical to subtropical neritic environment with a few mesopelagic fishes. At Possagno, the associations indicate an environment that changed from one that was deep and exposed to the pelagic realm and then evolved to a more shallow sea with a well-diversified benthic life and less mesopelagic fishes. A paleobiogeographical analysis of all known data on Priabonian otoliths, worldwide, shows clearly a western Atlantic (Louisiana) and an eastern Atlantic-Paleomediterranean association. In the eastern Atlantic-Paleomediterranean association, the Aquitaine association not only differs from the Possagno-Allons association in function of its more distant geographical position, but also by its stronger oceanic character in the southern part of the basin, and by the occurrence in the north, of a very shallow water facies (Saint-Estephe Formation) that contains some taxa which are known nowhere else in the Priabonian. The Ukraine fauna is characterized by a high number of species, which have an Oligocene record in other European sites. The northern geographic location of Ukraine, combined with the good connections to both the North Sea Basin and the Turgai street can provide the explanation. Many Oligocene species (or their close relatives) probably already existed at Eocene times in more northern regions, but could penetrate only in more southern European seas since the strong cooling at the beginning of the Oligocene.  相似文献   

Plant material like threshing remains has been used systematically as filling and insulation material in buildings for a long time. Such plant material can be found in several places, for example in floor cavities (internal floor deposits, Fehlböden) or in beam holes. For the first time in Switzerland, desiccated plant material like this has been investigated. In this article the analysis of the material from three different sites is presented, each dated to a different period, from the late medieval period to the time just before the industrial revolution. The samples consisted of chaff from Triticum spelta in bulk, and smaller amounts of other cereals such as T. monococcum, Avena sativa, Panicum miliaceum and Secale cereale, plus various weeds. The assemblages in the late medieval samples show evidence of three-field rotation: the high percentage of grassland species is interpreted as an indicator of the fallow land phase within the three-field system. A higher ratio of annual to perennial plants in the more modern samples indicates the development of more intensive tillage and cultivation. Methodological questions regarding sampling strategies of the floor cavity subsamples are investigated. The analyses suggest that the volume of these subsamples should be more than two litres.  相似文献   

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