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The increase in intracellular Ca2+ through the Ca2+ channel is an indispensable step for the secretion of inflammatory mediators by mast cells. It was recently reported that Orai-1 is responsible for the Ca2+ influx that is activated by depletion of stored Ca2+. There are three isoforms of Orai: Orai-1, Orai-2, and Orai-3; however, isoforms other than Orai-1 are poorly understood. We found that Orai-2 is expressed and localized on secretory granules in RBL-2H3. Ca2+ release from Ca2+ store, induced by antigen stimulation, was significantly attenuated by knockdown of Orai-2, while that induced by thapsigargin was not affected. Furthermore, exocytotic release induced by antigen stimulation was inhibited in knockdown cells. This observation suggests a new role of Orai isoforms in secretory cells.  相似文献   

When low density lipoprotein (LDL) is incubated with granules isolated from rat serosal mast cells, a fraction of LDL is bound to the granule heparin proteoglycan. If incubation is continued at 37 degrees C, the bound LDL, but not the unbound LDL, is degraded by granule neutral proteases. In the early stage of incubation, all the granule-bound LDL can be released by 0.3 M NaCl (the "salt-sensitive" fraction of LDL). With time, an increasing proportion of the granule-bound LDL requires 0.5 M NaCl for release (the "salt-resistant" fraction of LDL). Chemical analysis showed that, on average, 20% of the apolipoprotein B LDL was lost from the salt-sensitive fraction and 60% from the salt-resistant fraction, without any change in the composition of the lipid portion. Electron microscopic analysis disclosed large fused particles of LDL (diameters up to 100 nm) in the highly proteolyzed salt-resistant fraction, but no fused particles could be found in the less proteolyzed salt-sensitive fraction. We conclude that both binding and extensive degradation of LDL by mast cell granules is required for fusion of LDL particles on the granule surface. As compared with native LDL, the mast cell granule-modified LDL particles exhibit (i) increased particle size, (ii) selective loss of protein (apoB), (iii) a decrease in hydrated density, and (iv) stronger ionic interaction between apoB and heparin proteoglycan. The particles resemble the extracellular lipid droplets found in atherosclerotic lesions of both man and animals. Modification of LDL by mast cells may therefore provide a model of how these lipid structures are formed.  相似文献   

Isolated human lung mast cells were used to identify subcellular sites of basic fibroblast growth factor using a postembedding immunogold method. The factor was present in quantity in secretory granules and cytoplasmic lipid bodies. Cisterns of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and ribosome clusters, closely associated with lipid bodies, contained the factor as did the nuclear matrix. Factor-positive lipid bodies were adjacent to nuclear pores and often indented perinuclear cisternae. Altered secretory granules with reduced density, characteristic of secretion by piecemeal degranulation in mast cells, showed reduced gold label for basic fibroblast growth factor; small, electron-lucent (80–100nm) transport vesicles near altered granules were labelled for the factor. Since these mature mast cells do not display extensive arrays of classical secretory organelles, such as rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi structures, these new subcellular localizations for basic fibroblast growth factor suggest several possible alternative release routes for a cytokine devoid of a signal sequence characteristic of regulated secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Fluorescent Ca2+ probes and digital photo-sectioning techniques were used to directly study the dynamics of Ca2+ in isolated mast cell granules of normal (CB/J) and beige (Bg(j)/Bg(j)) mice. The resting intraluminal free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]L) is 25 +/- 4.2 microM (mean +/- SD, n = 68). Exposure to 3 microM inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) induced periodic oscillations of luminal Ca2+ ([Ca2+]L) of approximately 10 microM amplitude and a period around 8-10 s. The [Ca2+]L oscillations were accompanied by a corresponding oscillatory release of [Ca2+]L to the extraluminal space. Control experiments using ruthenium red (2 microM) and thapsigargin (100 nM) ruled out artifacts derived from the eventual presence of mitochondria or endoplasmic reticulum in the isolated granule preparation. Oscillations of [Ca2+]L and Ca2+ release result from a Ca2+/K+ exchange process whereby bound Ca is displaced from the heparin polyanionic matrix by inflow of K+ into the granular lumen via an apamin-sensitive Ca2+-sensitive K+ channel (ASK(Ca)), whereas Ca2+ release takes place via an InsP3-receptor-Ca2+ (InsP3-R) channel. These results are consistent with previous observations of [Ca2+]L oscillations and release in/from the endoplasmic reticulum and mucin granules, and suggest that a highly conserved common mechanism might be responsible for [Ca2+]L oscillations and quantal periodic Ca2+ release in/from intracellular Ca2+ storage compartments.  相似文献   

We used cationized colloidal gold in order to investigate the distribution of anionic sites in different secretory granules of rat and mouse mast cells. The localization of the anionic sites was performed by post-embedding labeling of thin sections of rat peritoneal cells or mouse skin tissue, fixed in Karnovsky's fixative and OsO4 and embedded in Araldite or LR white, respectively. In all cases anionic sites were demonstrated with a high density variation depending on cell type. In all mast cell secretory granules we have observed the highest density (ca. 500–900 gold particles/m2), while in other peritoneal cell granules it was about 10 times less (ca. 40–80 gold particles/m2). Pretreatment of the LR white sections with heparinase I and III resulted in a reduction of 97% and 72%, respectively, in the binding of the gold particles to the granules, indicating that the majority of the gold binding reactivity is due to heparin. Correlation of section profile area with labeling density revealed that the smaller granules were significantly more labeled when compared to the larger profiles. On the basis of these observations it seems that a post-translational change (mainly sulfation of heparin) of secretory content influences the granule anionic charge and thus may affect the intragranule buffer capacity.  相似文献   

Summary Chromogranins A and B are glycoproteins originally detected in the adrenal medulla. These proteins are also present in a variety of neuroendocrine cells. The subcellular distribution of the chromogranins, and particularly their intra-granular topology are of special interest with respect to their putative functions.Endocrine cells of the guinea pig adrenal medulla, pancreas and gastric mucosa were investigated immunoelectron microscopically for the subcellular distribution of both chromogranins. Out of 13 established endocrine cell types in all locations, only two endocrine cell types showed immunoreactivity for both chromogranin A and B, and eight endocrine cell types showed immunoreactivities only for chromogranin A. These immunoreactivities varied inter-cellularly. Three endocrine cell types were unreactive for the chromogranins. Moreover, some hormonally non-identified endocrine cells in the pancreas and the gastric mucosa also contained chromogranin A immunoreactivities.Subcellularly, chromogranin A or B were confined to secretory granules. In most endocrine cells, the secretory granules showed chromogranin immunoreactivities of varying densities. Furthermore, the intra-granular topology of chromogranin A or B in the secretory granules varied considerably: in some endocrine cell types, i.e. chromaffin-, gastrin- and enterochromaffin-like-cells, chromogranin A immunoreactivity was localized in the perigranular and/or dense core region of the secretory granules; in others, i.e. insulin-, pancreatic polypeptide-and bovine adrenal medulla dodecapeptide-cells, it was present preferentially in the electron-opaque centre of the secretory granules; chromogranin B immunoreactivity was localized preferentially in the perigranular region of the secretory granules of chromaffin cells and gastrin-cells. The inter-cellular and inter-granular variations of chromogranin A and B immunoreactivities point to differences in biosynthesis or processing of the chromogranins among endocrine cells and their secretory granules.  相似文献   

Adriamycin induced significant non-cytotoxic histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells to which the drug showed a very high affinity. The relationship between adriamycin-induced exocytosis and its uptake by purified rat peritoneal mast cells was studied. Adriamycin induced histamine release and was highly concentrated in mast cells at 37 degrees C but not at 0 degrees C. However, if exocytosis was provoked by other secretagogues like compound 48/80, protamine, concanavalin A, and ionophore A23187, and cells were then treated with adriamycin at 0 degrees C, the concentrations of the antineoplastic drug significantly increased. Adriamycin binding to purified granular material was similar to that of intact cells treated at 37 degrees C, but was not modified by metabolic inhibitors, extremes of temperature (0 or 45 degrees C) or by the carboxylic ionophore monensin. On the contrary, sodium cromoglycate limited adriamycin binding to granular materials as well. In addition, sodium cromoglycate, but not monensin, displaced the antineoplastic drug from mast cells, even when added after adriamycin. We conclude that the high affinity of adriamycin for mast cells is ascribable to the externalization of a granular binding site, as a consequence of the exocytotic process. The experiments with sodium cromoglycate suggest that this binding site could be in common with the antiallergic drug.  相似文献   

Alvarez J 《Cell calcium》2012,51(3-4):331-337
Cellular Ca(2+)signaling results from a complex interplay among a variety of Ca(2+) fluxes going across the plasma membrane and across the membranes of several organelles, together with the buffering effect of large numbers of Ca(2+)-binding sites distributed along the cell architecture. Endoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and even nucleus have all been involved in cellular Ca(2+) signaling, and the mechanisms for Ca(2+) uptake and release from these organelles are well known. In neuroendocrine cells, the secretory granules also constitute a very important Ca(2+)-storing organelle, and the possible role of the stored Ca(2+) as a trigger for secretion has attracted considerable attention. However, this possibility is frequently overlooked, and the main reason for that is that there is still considerable uncertainty on the main questions related with granular Ca(2+) dynamics, e.g., the free granular [Ca(2+)], the physical state of the stored Ca(2+) or the mechanisms for Ca(2+) accumulation and release from the granules. This review will give a critical overview of the present state of knowledge and the main conflicting points on secretory granule Ca(2+) homeostasis in neuroendocrine cells.  相似文献   

To study the role of mitochondrial Ca(2+) clearance in stimulated cells, changes in free Ca(2+) concentration in the cytosol, [Ca(2+)](c) and that in mitochondria, [Ca(2+)](m) along with secretory responses were observed using chromaffin cells co-loaded with Fura-2 and Rhod-2 in the perfused rat adrenal medulla. When the cells were stimulated with 40 mM K(+) in the perfusate, the duration of [Ca(2+)](m) response markedly increased with prolongation of the stimulation period, exhibiting a mean half-decay time of 21 min with 30s stimulation, whereas its amplitude was not altered with stimulations of 10-30s. A computer simulation analysis showed that such a mode of [Ca(2+)](m) response can be produced if excess Ca(2+) taken up by mitochondria precipitates as calcium phosphate (Pi) salt. In the presence of 5 microM rotenone plus 10 microM oligomycin, a decrease in the duration of [Ca(2+)](m) response and a slight but significant increase (24%) in the secretory response to 30s stimulation with 40 mM K(+) were observed. Simulation analyses suggested that this effect of rotenone may be due to reduction in mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake induced by rotenone-elicited partial depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential. In chromaffin cells transsynaptically stimulated through the splanchnic nerve, the intensity of NAD(P)H autofluorescence changed with time courses similar to those of [Ca(2+)](m) responses. The temporal profiles of those two responses were prolonged in a similar manner by application of an inhibitor of mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, CGP37157. Thus, due to the unique Ca(2+) buffering mechanism, [Ca(2+)](m) responses associated with massive mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake may occur within a limited concentration range in which Ca(2+)-sensitive dehydrogenases are activated to control the mitochondrial redox state in stimulated chromaffin cells.  相似文献   



Mast cell secretory granules accommodate a large number of components, many of which interact with highly sulfated serglycin proteoglycan (PG) present within the granules. Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) are absolutely required for the survival of the vast majority of living cells. Given the reported ability of polyamines to interact with PGs, we investigated the possibility that polyamines may be components of mast cell secretory granules.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Spermidine was released by mouse bone marrow derived mast cells (BMMCs) after degranulation induced by IgE/anti-IgE or calcium ionophore A23187. Additionally, both spermidine and spermine were detected in isolated mouse mast cell granules. Further, depletion of polyamines by culturing BMMCs with α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) caused aberrant secretory granule ultrastructure, impaired histamine storage, reduced serotonin levels and increased β-hexosaminidase content. A proteomic approach revealed that DFMO-induced polyamine depletion caused an alteration in the levels of a number of proteins, many of which are connected either with the regulated exocytosis or with the endocytic system.


Taken together, our results show evidence that polyamines are present in mast cell secretory granules and, furthermore, indicate an essential role of these polycations during the biogenesis and homeostasis of these organelles.  相似文献   

Rab proteins comprise a complex family of small GTPases involved in the regulation of intracellular membrane trafficking and reorganization. In this study, we identified Rab18 as a new inhibitory player of the secretory pathway in neuroendocrine cells. In adrenal chromaffin PC12 cells and pituitary AtT20 cells, Rab18 is located at the cytosol but associates with a subpopulation of secretory granules after stimulation of the regulated secretory pathway, strongly suggesting that induction of secretion provokes Rab18 activation and recruitment to these organelles. In support of this, a dominant-inactive Rab18 mutant was found to distribute diffusely in the cytosol, whereas a dominant-active Rab18 mutant was predominantly associated to secretory granules. Furthermore, interaction of Rab18 with secretory granules was associated to an inhibition in the secretory activity of PC12 and AtT20 cells in response to stimulatory challenges. Association of Rab18 with secretory granules was also observed by immunoelectron microscopy in normal, non-tumoral endocrine cells (pituitary melanotropes), wherein Rab18 protein content is inversely correlated to the level of secretory activity of cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that, in neuroendocrine cells, Rab18 acts as a negative regulator of secretory activity, likely by impairing secretory granule transport.  相似文献   

Y Cetin  D Grube 《Histochemistry》1991,96(4):301-310
Chromogranins A and B are glycoproteins originally detected in the adrenal medulla. These proteins are also present in a variety of neuroendocrine cells. The subcellular distribution of the chromogranins, and particularly their intra-granular topology are of special interest with respect to their putative functions. Endocrine cells of the guinea pig adrenal medulla, pancreas and gastric mucosa were investigated immunoelectron microscopically for the subcellular distribution of both chromogranins. Out of 13 established endocrine cell types in all locations, only two endocrine cell types showed immunoreactivity for both chromogranin A and B, and eight endocrine cell types showed immunoreactivities only for chromogranin A. These immunoreactivities varied inter-cellularly. Three endocrine cell types were unreactive for the chromogranins. Moreover, some hormonally non-identified endocrine cells in the pancreas and the gastric mucosa also contained chromogranin A immunoreactivities. Subcellularly, chromogranin A or B were confined to secretory granules. In most endocrine cells, the secretory granules showed chromogranin immunoreactivities of varying densities. Furthermore, the intra-granular topology of chromogranin A or B in the secretory granules varied considerably: in some endocrine cell types, i.e. chromaffin-, gastrin- and enterochromaffin-like-cells, chromogranin A immunoreactivity was localized in the perigranular and/or dense core region of the secretory granules; in others, i.e. insulin-, pancreatic polypeptide- and bovine adrenal medulla dodecapeptide-cells, it was present preferentially in the electron-opaque centre of the secretory granules; chromogranin B immunoreactivity was localized preferentially in the perigranular region of the secretory granules of chromaffin cells and gastrin-cells. The inter-cellular and inter-granular variations of chromogranin A and B immunoreactivities point to differences in biosynthesis or processing of the chromogranins among endocrine cells and their secretory granules.  相似文献   

InsP(3) is an important link in the intracellular information network. Previous observations show that activation of InsP(3)-receptor channels on the granular membrane can turn secretory granules into Ca(2+) oscillators that deliver periodic trains of Ca(2+) release to the cytosol (T. Nguyen, W. C. Chin, and P. Verdugo, 1998, Nature, 395:908-912; I. Quesada, W. C. Chin, J. Steed, P. Campos-Bedolla, and P. Verdugo, 2001, BIOPHYS: J. 80:2133-2139). Here we show that InsP(3) can also turn mast cell granules into proton oscillators. InsP(3)-induced intralumenal [H(+)] oscillations are ATP-independent, result from H(+)/K(+) exchange in the heparin matrix, and produce perigranular pH oscillations with the same frequency. These perigranular pH oscillations are in-phase with intralumenal [H(+)] but out-of-phase with the corresponding perigranular [Ca(2+)] oscillations. The low pH of the secretory compartment has critical implications in a broad range of intracellular processes. However, the association of proton release with InsP(3)-induced Ca(2+) signals, their similar periodic nature, and the sensitivity of important exocytic proteins to the joint action of Ca(2+) and pH strongly suggests that granules might encode a combined Ca(2+)/H(+) intracellular signal. A H(+)/Ca(2+) signal could significantly increase the specificity of the information sent by the granule by transmitting two frequency encoded messages targeted exclusively to proteins like calmodulin, annexins, or syncollin that are crucial for exocytosis and require specific combinations of [Ca(2+)] "and" pH for their action.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy has revealed endocrine secretory granules in the endothelial cells of the rat liver, spleen and bone marrow capillaries. The granules were responsible for serotonin, melatonin, catecholamines and insulin synthesis. Local mechanisms of hormonal control of hemostasis are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Uptake, distribution and turnover of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) was studied by cytofluorometric analysis of whole mast cells and individual granules. Injection of 5-HT as well as 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) intraperitoneally or subcutaneously resulted in a parallel uptake of 5-HT in cells and granules. Intraperitoneal injections of 5-HT in such small quantities that may be available under physiological conditions resulted in an increase in fluorescence intensity of the mast cells, indicating a very efficient uptake mechanism for 5-HT in vivo. Much larger doses of 5-HTP were required to obtain a corresponding uptake of 5-HT in the mast cells. The 5-HT was rather rapidly taken up in the granules and eliminated very slowly, at the same rate both from granules and mast cells. The low elimination rate confirms our previous findings that the turnover of 5-HT is much lower in mast cells than in other amine containing cell systems. The combination of an extremely efficient, rapid uptake of 5-HT with a slow elimination suggests a specific function for mast cells in the regulation of free amine concentrations in tissues.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council, Project no 2235  相似文献   

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