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Soil temperatures in Italian rice fields typically range between about 15 and 30°C. A change in the incubation temperature of anoxic methanogenic soil slurry from 30°C to 15°C typically resulted in a decrease in the CH4 production rate, a decrease in the steady-state H2 partial pressure, and a transient accumulation of acetate. Previous experiments have shown that these changes were due to an alteration of the carbon and electron flow in the methanogenic degradation pathway of organic matter caused by the temperature shift (K. J. Chin and R. Conrad, FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 18:85–102, 1995). To investigate how temperature affects the structure of the methanogenic archaeal community, total DNA was extracted from soil slurries incubated at 30 and 15°C. The archaeal small-subunit (SSU) rRNA-encoding genes (rDNA) of these environmental DNA samples were amplified by PCR with an archaeal-specific primer system and used for the generation of clone libraries. Representative rDNA clones (n = 90) were characterized by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and sequence analysis. T-RFLP analysis produced for the clones terminally labeled fragments with a characteristic length of mostly 185, 284, or 392 bp. Sequence analysis allowed determination of the phylogenetic affiliation of the individual clones with their characteristic T-RFLP fragment lengths and showed that the archaeal community of the anoxic rice soil slurry was dominated by members of the families Methanosarcinaceae (185 bp) and Methanosaetaceae (284 bp), the kingdom Crenarchaeota (185 or 284 bp), and a novel, deeply branching lineage of the (probably methanogenic) kingdom Euryarchaeota (392 bp) that has recently been detected on rice roots (R. Großkopf, S. Stubner, and W. Liesack, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:4983–4989, 1998). The structure of the archaeal community changed when the temperature was shifted from 30°C to 15°C. Before the temperature shift, the clones (n = 30) retrieved from the community were dominated by Crenarchaeota (70%), “novel Euryarchaeota” (23%), and Methanosarcinacaeae (7%). Further incubation at 30°C (n = 30 clones) resulted in a relative increase in members of the Methanosarcinaceae (77%), whereas further incubation at 15°C (n = 30 clones) resulted in a much more diverse community consisting of 33% Methanosarcinaceae, 23% Crenarchaeota, 20% Methanosaetaceae, and 17% novel Euryarchaeota. The appearance of Methanosaetaceae at 15°C was conspicuous. These results demonstrate that the structure of the archaeal community in anoxic rice field soil changed with time and incubation temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract Crop roots provide dynamic nutrient environments within agroecosystems that can influence the relative abundance and activity of oligotrophic and copiotrophic microorganisms. Copiotrophic organisms grow in carbon (C)-rich environments and their distribution implies that C abundance favors their survival. Survival of oligotrophic organisms is dependent on their ability to multiply and maintain activity in habitats of low C flux. To determine if spatial variation in available C along the root coincides with different physiological groups of bacteria, we isolated bacteria from the rhizosphere at different locations along the tap root of lettuce and tomato plants grown under greenhouse and field conditions. In all five experiments, the overall numbers of both oligotrophs and copiotrophs were high at the upper portions of the root and lower at tip locations and in the bulk soil environment. Consistent patterns in the ratio of copiotrophic to oligotrophic (C:O) bacteria along the roots of lettuce and tomato were obtained and clearly showed that the C:O ratio was different for these two crop species. With lettuce, C:O ratios were high at the root tip (1.22 to 1.61) and upper mid-root locations (0.90 to 1.30), intermediate at the lower mid-root locations (0.73 to 0.95), and low at the root base (0.56 to 0.76). With tomato, C:O ratios were low at root tip locations (0.50 to 0.68) and high at mid and base locations along the root (1.20 to 1.28). These differences may reflect qualitative and quantitative differences in root exudates between these crop species. In our experiments, nitrogen (N) concentrations and lateral branch sites, providing C sources, were important factors influencing bacterial populations in the rhizosphere of lettuce and tomato. Competitive interactions between microorganisms and physiological constraints with respect to substrate affinity may be two important mechanisms influencing bacterial populations and structure of rhizosphere communities. Received: 14 August 1996; Accepted: 10 December 1996  相似文献   

Flooded rice fields have become a model system for the study of soil microbial ecology. In Italian rice fields, in particular, aspects from biogeochemistry to molecular ecology have been studied, but the impact of protistan grazing on the structure and function of the prokaryotic community has not been examined yet. We compared an untreated control soil with a γ-radiation-sterilized soil that had been reinoculated with a natural bacterial assemblage. In order to verify that the observed effects were due to protistan grazing and did not result from sterilization, we set up a third set of microcosms containing sterilized soil that had been reinoculated with natural assemblage bacteria plus protists. The spatial and temporal changes in the protistan and prokaryotic communities were examined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis, respectively, both based on the small-subunit gene. Sequences retrieved from DGGE bands were preferentially affiliated with Cercozoa and other bacteriovorous flagellates. Without protists, the level of total DNA increased with incubation time, indicating that the level of the microbial biomass was elevated. Betaproteobacteria were preferentially preyed upon, while low-G+C-content gram-positive bacteria became more dominant under grazing pressure. The bacterial diversity detectable by T-RFLP analysis was greater in the presence of protists. The level of extractable NH4+ was lower and the level of extractable SO42− was higher without protists, indicating that nitrogen mineralization and SO42− reduction were stimulated by protists. Most of these effects were more obvious in the partially oxic surface layer (0 to 3 mm), but they could also be detected in the anoxic subsurface layer (10 to 13 mm). Our observations fit well into the overall framework developed for protistan grazing, but with some modifications pertinent to the wetland situation: O2 was a major control, and O2 availability may have limited directly and indirectly the development of protists. Although detectable in the lower anoxic layer, grazing effects were much more obvious in the partially oxic surface layer.  相似文献   

菜田蜘蛛群落组成及生态位分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李锐  李生才  田瑞钧 《蛛形学报》2007,16(2):116-120
根据2006年5月至8月对蕃茄、茄子、豆角、青椒、尖椒及油菜共6种蔬菜田蜘蛛种类及数量的系统调查,经初步整理鉴定,隶属于9科19属27种。通过时空二维生态位分析,星豹蛛的二维宽度最大,草间钻头蛛和齿螯额角蛛的二维重叠值最大。应用模糊聚类法对群落的相似性进行分析,以λ=0.68为聚类阈值,可将9种菜田优势种蜘蛛划分为1个明显竞争群及3个分离种。以λ=0.9736为聚类阈值,可将菜田蜘蛛时间序列分为5月份,6、7月份和8月份3个状态集,即蜘蛛群落建立、发展和瓦解3个阶段。  相似文献   

小麦,玉米轮作田蜘蛛群落结构及多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
一、研究方法本项工作于1988—1990年在青州市南郊农田进行。位于东经118°17′,北纬36°27′,年平均气温9℃,年降雨量860mm以上,无霜期180天左右。调查了不同作物类型的地块,包括玉米间作(大豆)田、净玉米田、有水浇条件的麦田、旱麦田和田埂杂草五种生境。其中小麦、玉米轮作田各3块,每块面积0.2ha以  相似文献   

We have compiled an extensive database of archaeological evidence for rice across Asia, including 400 sites from mainland East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia. This dataset is used to compare several models for the geographical origins of rice cultivation and infer the most likely region(s) for its origins and subsequent outward diffusion. The approach is based on regression modelling wherein goodness of fit is obtained from power law quantile regressions of the archaeologically inferred age versus a least-cost distance from the putative origin(s). The Fast Marching method is used to estimate the least-cost distances based on simple geographical features. The origin region that best fits the archaeobotanical data is also compared to other hypothetical geographical origins derived from the literature, including from genetics, archaeology and historical linguistics. The model that best fits all available archaeological evidence is a dual origin model with two centres for the cultivation and dispersal of rice focused on the Middle Yangtze and the Lower Yangtze valleys.  相似文献   

Application of a mycorrhizal inoculum could be one way to increase the yield of rice plants and reduce the application of fertilizer. We therefore studied arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots of wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.) collected at the seedling, tillering, heading, and ripening stages in four paddy wetlands that had been under a high-input and intensively irrigated rice cultivation system for more than 20 years. It was found that AMF colonization was mainly established in the heading and ripening stages. The AMF community structure was characterized in rhizosphere soils and roots from two of the studied paddy wetlands. A fragment covering the partial small subunit (SSU), the whole internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and the partial large subunit (LSU) rRNA operon regions of AMF was amplified, cloned, and sequenced from roots and soils. A total of 639 AMF sequences were obtained, and these were finally assigned to 16 phylotypes based on a phylogenetic analysis, including 12 phylotypes from Glomeraceae, one phylotype from Claroideoglomeraceae, two phylotypes from Paraglomeraceae, and one unidentified phylotype. The AMF phylotype compositions in the soils were similar between the two surveyed sites, but there was a clear discrepancy between the communities obtained from root and soil. The relatively high number of AMF phylotypes at the surveyed sites suggests that the conditions are suitable for some species of AMF and that they may have an important function in conventional rice cultivation systems. The species richness of root-colonizing AMF increased with the growth of rice, and future studies should consider the developmental stages of this crop in the exploration of AMF function in paddy wetlands.  相似文献   

Ecosystem degradation caused by factors such as improper natural resources management and contamination with agricultural, industrial, and domestic wastes often results in the creation of an unhealthy ecosystem, a main cause for the prevailing poverty and poor health in many parts of rural Egypt. In collaboration with members of the community in some villages of El-Fayoum province, an interdisciplinary research team is currently employing an ecosystem approach to arrive at an understanding of community health problems with a view to develop resource management interventions and policies aimed at enhancing community health and well-being. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) techniques were used to measure the perceptions of the community’s men and women of their health and environmental priorities, and to test their current state of knowledge and awareness of the health-related issues. The results indicate that these perceptions were gender-sensitive and were different from those of Ministry of Health. Spatial and temporal monitoring and assessment of the ecosystem components revealed considerable land and water resources degradation. Presence of water pools and waterways in the vicinity of the residential areas enhanced the risk of water-associated diseases. Although, the disease-carrying vectors of schistosomiasis and malaria were detected in the waterways, the incidence of the two diseases was relatively low in the main village in contrast to the situation in the nearby hamlets. Prevalence of schistosomiasis was substantially higher in these hamlets (20–30% compared to 2–3% in the main village). Such a highly infected community represents a continuous pool of reinfection of the waterways, an issue that needs to be further examined to determine its relation to the hamlets’ specific ecosystem characteristics. A high incidence of hepatitis C and soil transmitted-intestinal parasites were markedly detected. It is concluded that in addition to natural resources degradation, other potential health risk factors were identified including socioeconomic, cultural, and institutional factors. Further studies are being conducted to explore these potential risk factors and their links to human health and well-being.  相似文献   

Pattern and Structure in an Oceanic Zooplankton Community   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An analysis of pattern can reveal a great deal about the processesthat regulate the species structure of a community, especiallyin those cases where experiments are not possible. It is predictedthat differing mechanisms of regulation should result in differentpatterns in the distribution and abundance of potentially competingspecies and in the ways in which they utilize limiting resources.In this paper we describe these patterns in the zooplanktoncommunity of the North Pacific central gyre. The gyre communityis old, stable and diverse and past studies have suggested thatit is regulated by in situ processes. An analysis of samplescollected over many years shows that the species are close toequilibrium. There are not large spatial, seasonal or year toyear changes in abundance and disturbances do not seem to belarge enough to perturb the species structure and prevent competitiveexclusion. Food and predation are the two main limiting factors.Competition, by inference, appears to be strong, even betweenrelatively dissimilar species. In spite of this the speciesdo not seem to be specialists and niche separation is not apparentin either space or food utilization. This is surprising consideringthe age, stability and high diversity of the system. It is concludedthat either some other mechanism, such as frequency dependentpredation, regulates the species structure or that the mechanismsof niche separation are much more subtle than is suspected.Some of the implications of regulation through predation arediscussed.  相似文献   

Archaeal Community Structure and Pathway of Methane Formation on Rice Roots   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The community structure of methanogenic Archaea on anoxically incubated rice roots was investigated by amplification, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and methyl-coenzyme M reductase (mcrA) genes. Both genes demonstrated the presence of Methanomicrobiaceae, Methanobacteriaceae, Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae, and Rice cluster I, an uncultured methanogenic lineage. The pathway of CH4 formation was determined from the 13C-isotopic signatures of the produced CH4, CO2 and acetate. Conditions and duration of incubation clearly affected the methanogenic community structure and the pathway of CH4 formation. Methane was initially produced from reduction of CO2 exclusively, resulting in accumulation of millimolar concentrations of acetate. Simultaneously, the relative abundance of the acetoclastic methanogens (Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae), as determined by T-RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA genes, was low during the initial phase of CH4 production. Later on, however, acetate was converted to CH4 so that about 40% of the produced CH4 originated from acetate. Most striking was the observed relative increase of a population of Methanosarcina spp. (but not of Methanosaeta spp.) briefly before acetate concentrations started to decrease. Both acetoclastic methanogenesis and Methanosarcina populations were suppressed by high phosphate concentrations, as observed under application of different buffer systems. Our results demonstrate the parallel change of microbial community structure and function in a complex environment, i.e., the increase of acetoclastic Methanosarcina spp. when high acetate concentrations become available.  相似文献   

In a previous study by our group, CH4 oxidation and N2 fixation were simultaneously activated in the roots of wild-type rice plants in a paddy field with no N input; both processes are likely controlled by a rice gene for microbial symbiosis. The present study examined which microorganisms in rice roots were responsible for CH4 oxidation and N2 fixation under the field conditions. Metaproteomic analysis of root-associated bacteria from field-grown rice (Oryza sativa Nipponbare) revealed that nitrogenase complex-containing nitrogenase reductase (NifH) and the alpha subunit (NifD) and beta subunit (NifK) of dinitrogenase were mainly derived from type II methanotrophic bacteria of the family Methylocystaceae, including Methylosinus spp. Minor nitrogenase proteins such as Methylocella, Bradyrhizobium, Rhodopseudomonas, and Anaeromyxobacter were also detected. Methane monooxygenase proteins (PmoCBA and MmoXYZCBG) were detected in the same bacterial group of the Methylocystaceae. Because these results indicated that Methylocystaceae members mediate both CH4 oxidation and N2 fixation, we examined their localization in rice tissues by using catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH). The methanotrophs were localized around the epidermal cells and vascular cylinder in the root tissues of the field-grown rice plants. Our metaproteomics and CARD-FISH results suggest that CH4 oxidation and N2 fixation are performed mainly by type II methanotrophs of the Methylocystaceae, including Methylosinus spp., inhabiting the vascular bundles and epidermal cells of rice roots.  相似文献   

Community structure is driven by mechanisms linked to environmental, spatial and temporal processes, which have been successfully addressed using metacommunity framework. The relative importance of processes shaping community structure can be identified using several different approaches. Two approaches that are increasingly being used are functional diversity and community deconstruction. Functional diversity is measured using various indices that incorporate distinct community attributes. Community deconstruction is a way to disentangle species responses to ecological processes by grouping species with similar traits. We used these two approaches to determine whether they are improvements over traditional measures (e.g., species composition, abundance, biomass) for identification of the main processes driving dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) community structure in a fragmented mainland-island landscape in southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We sampled five sites in each of four large forest areas, two on the mainland and two on the island. Sampling was performed in 2012 and 2013. We collected abundance and biomass data from 100 sampling points distributed over 20 sampling sites. We studied environmental, spatial and temporal effects on dung beetle community across three spatial scales, i.e., between sites, between areas and mainland-island. The γ-diversity based on species abundance was mainly attributed to β-diversity as a consequence of the increase in mean α- and β-diversity between areas. Variation partitioning on abundance, biomass and functional diversity showed scale-dependence of processes structuring dung beetle metacommunities. We identified two major groups of responses among 17 functional groups. In general, environmental filters were important at both local and regional scales. Spatial factors were important at the intermediate scale. Our study supports the notion of scale-dependence of environmental, spatial and temporal processes in the distribution and functional organization of Scarabaeinae beetles. We conclude that functional diversity may be used as a complementary approach to traditional measures, and that community deconstruction allows sufficient disentangling of responses of different trait-based groups.  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in marine sediments is an important global methane sink, but the physiological characteristics of AOM-associated microorganisms remain poorly understood. Here we report the cultivation of an AOM microbial community from deep-sea methane-seep sediment using a continuous-flow bioreactor with polyurethane sponges, called the down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) bioreactor. We anaerobically incubated deep-sea methane-seep sediment collected from the Nankai Trough, Japan, for 2,013 days in the bioreactor at 10°C. Following incubation, an active AOM activity was confirmed by a tracer experiment using 13C-labeled methane. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that phylogenetically diverse Archaea and Bacteria grew in the bioreactor. After 2,013 days of incubation, the predominant archaeal components were anaerobic methanotroph (ANME)-2a, Deep-Sea Archaeal Group, and Marine Benthic Group-D, and Gammaproteobacteria was the dominant bacterial lineage. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that ANME-1 and -2a, and most ANME-2c cells occurred without close physical interaction with potential bacterial partners. Our data demonstrate that the DHS bioreactor system is a useful system for cultivating fastidious methane-seep-associated sedimentary microorganisms.  相似文献   

A dual approach consisting of cultivation and molecular retrieval of partial archaeal 16S rRNA genes was carried out to characterize the diversity and structure of the methanogenic community inhabiting the anoxic bulk soil of flooded rice microcosms. The molecular approach identified four groups of known methanogens. Three environmental sequences clustered with Methanobacterium bryantii and Methanobacterium formicicum, six were closely related but not identical to those of strains of Methanosaeta concilii, two grouped with members of the genus Methanosarcina, and two were related to the methanogenic endosymbiont of Plagiopyla nasuta. The cultivation approach via most-probable-number counts with a subsample of the same soil as an inoculum yielded cell numbers of up to 107 per g of dry soil for the H2-CO2-utilizing methanogens and of up to 106 for the acetate-utilizing methanogens. Strain VeH52, isolated from the terminal positive dilution on H2-CO2, grouped within the phylogenetic radiation characterized by M. bryantii and M. formicicum and the environmental sequences of the Methanobacterium-like group. A consortium of two distinct methanogens grew in the terminal positive culture on acetate. These two organisms showed absolute 16S rRNA gene identities with environmental sequences of the novel Methanosaeta-like group and the Methanobacterium-like group. Methanosarcina spp. were identified only in the less-dilute levels of the same dilution series on acetate. These data correlate well with acetate concentrations of about 11 μM in the pore water of this rice paddy soil. These concentrations are too low for the growth of known Methanosarcina spp. but are at the acetate utilization threshold of Methanosaeta spp. Thus, our data indicated Methanosaeta spp. and Methanobacterium spp. to be the dominant methanogenic groups in the anoxic rice soil, whereas Methanosarcina spp. appeared to be less abundant.  相似文献   

Bacterial autotrophy contributes significantly to the overall carbon balance, which stabilises atmospheric CO2 concentration and decelerates global warming. Little attention has been paid to different modes of carbon/sulphur metabolism mediated by autotrophic bacterial communities in terrestrial soil ecosystems. We studied these pathways by analysing the distribution and abundance of the diagnostic metabolic marker genes cbbM, apsA and soxB, which encode for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, adenosine phosphosulphate reductase and sulphate thiohydrolase, respectively, among different contrasting soil types. Additionally, the abundance of community members was assessed by quantifying the gene copy numbers for 16S rRNA, cbbL, cbbM, apsA and soxB. Distinct compositional differences were observed among the clone libraries, which revealed a dominance of phylotypes associated with carbon and sulphur cycling, such as Gammaproteobacteria (Thiohalomonas, Allochromatium, Chromatium, Thiomicrospira) and Alphaproteobacteria (Rhodopseudomonas, Rhodovulum, Paracoccus). The rhizosphere soil was devoid of sulphur metabolism, as the soxB and apsA genes were not observed in the rhizosphere metagenome, which suggests the absence or inadequate representation of sulphur-oxidising bacteria. We hypothesise that the novel Gammaproteobacteria sulphur oxidisers might be actively involved in sulphur oxidation and inorganic carbon fixation, particularly in barren saline soil ecosystems, suggesting their significant putative ecological role and contribution to the soil carbon pool.  相似文献   

Bacterial Diversity in Rhizospheres of Nontransgenic and Transgenic Corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bacterial diversity in transgenic and nontransgenic corn rhizospheres was determined. In greenhouse and field studies, metabolic profiling and molecular analysis of 16S rRNAs differentiated bacterial communities among soil textures but not between corn varieties. We conclude that bacteria in corn rhizospheres are affected more by soil texture than by cultivation of transgenic varieties.  相似文献   

廖艳阳  方俊  王智 《蛛形学报》2010,19(1):61-64
探讨了做好稻田蜘蛛越冬保护和增加稻田斑块异质性对稻田蜘蛛群落重建的作用及稻田蜘蛛多样性的影响。结果表明,做好稻田蜘蛛的越冬保护和增加早稻田斑块异质性有利于早、晚稻田蜘蛛群落的重建,使早、晚稻田蜘蛛群落重建的速度分别加快8天和7天。同时也能维持蜘蛛群落较高的物种多样性,为防止水稻害虫的早期爆发创造了条件。  相似文献   

The activity and community structure of methanotrophs in compartmented microcosms were investigated over the growth period of rice plants. In situ methane oxidation was important only during the vegetative growth phase of the plants and later became negligible. The in situ activity was not directly correlated with methanotrophic cell counts, which increased even after the decrease in in situ activity, possibly due to the presence of both vegetative cells and resting stages. By dividing the microcosms into two soil and two root compartments it was possible to locate methanotrophic growth and activity, which was greatest in the rhizoplane of the rice plants. Molecular analysis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with family-specific probes revealed the presence of both families of methanotrophs in soil and root compartments over the whole season. Changes in community structure were detected only for members of the Methylococcaceae and could be associated only with changes in the genus Methylobacter and not with changes in the dominance of different genera in the family Methylococcaceae. For the family Methylocystaceae stable communities in all compartments for the whole season were observed. FISH analysis revealed evidence of in situ dominance of the Methylocystaceae in all compartments. The numbers of Methylococcaceae cells were relatively high only in the rhizoplane, demonstrating the importance of rice roots for growth and maintenance of methanotrophic diversity in the soil.  相似文献   

Methanogenesis in paddy fields is significantly influenced by environmental and field management factors such as rice cultivar and nitrogenous fertilizer. However, it has been unclear whether such effects are reflected in the structure of methanogenic archaeal populations. In the present study, molecular analyses including cloning and sequencing and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) fingerprinting of archaeal 16S rRNA genes were used to characterize the methanogenic archaeal assemblages and to identify the effect of environmental variables including rice cultivar and N fertilizer on archaeal community compositions in a Chinese paddy field soil. The correlation between methanogenic archaeal composition and environmental variables was explored by correspondence analysis. The results showed that the spatial or niche factor (rice roots versus rhizosphere, surface, and the deeper layer soils) had the greatest influence on the archaeal community composition. There was an obvious enrichment or selection of hydrogenotrophic as opposed to acetoclastic methanogens by rice roots. The archaeal community also changed, though slightly, between the rhizosphere and bulk soils and between the surface soil and the deeper layer soil. However, rice cultivar and N fertilizer appear to have an effect only on methanogens tightly associated with rice roots.  相似文献   

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