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Avenin-like b proteins may contribute to the viscoelastic properties of wheat dough via inter-chain disulphide bonds, due to their rich cysteine residues. In order to clarify the effect of the avenin-like b proteins on the functional properties of wheat flour, the functional and biochemical properties of wheat flour were analyzed in three transgenic wheat lines overexpressing the avenin-like b gene using the sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation (SDSS) test, Mixograph and size exclusion-high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) analysis. The results of the SDSS test and Mixograph analysis demonstrated that the overexpression of avenin-like b proteins in transgenic lines led to significantly increased SDSS volume and improved flour mixing properties. The results of SE-HPLC analysis of the gluten proteins in wheat flour demonstrated that the improvement in transgenic line flour properties was associated with the increased proportion of large polymeric proteins due to the incorporation of overexpressed avenin-like b proteins into the glutenin polymers. These results could help to understand the influence and mechanism of avenin-like b proteins on the functional properties of wheat flour.  相似文献   

The storage proteins of 64 F2-derived F6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the bread wheat cross Prinqual/Marengo were analyzed. Parents differed at four loci: Gli-B1 (coding for gliadins), Glu-B1 (coding for HMW glutenin subunits), Glu-A3/Gli-A1 (coding for LMW glutenin subunits/gliadins) and Glu-D3 (coding for LMW glutenin subunits). The effect of allelic variation at these loci on tenacity, extensibility and dough strength as measured by the Chopin alveograph was determined. Allelic differences at the Glu-B1 locus had a significant effect on only tenacity. None of the allelic differences at either the Glu-A3/Gli-A1 or Glu-D3 loci had a significant effect on quality criteria. Allelic variation at the Gli-B1 locus significantly affected all of the dough properties. Epistatic effects between some of the loci considered contributed significantly to the variation in dough quality. Additive and epistatic effects each accounted for 15% of the variation in tenacity. Epistasis accounted for 15% of the variation in extensibility, whereas additive effects accounted for 4%. Epistasis accounted for 14% of the variation in dough strength, and additivity for 9%. The relative importance of epistatic effects suggest that they should be included in predictive models when breeding for breadmaking quality.  相似文献   

The quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for making bread is largely due to the strength and extensibility of wheat dough, which in turn is due to the properties of polymeric glutenin. Polymeric glutenin consists of high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin protein subunits linked by disulphide bonds between cysteine residues. Glutenin subunits differ in their effects on dough mixing properties. The research presented here investigated the effect of a specific, recently discovered, glutenin subunit on dough mixing properties. This subunit, Bx7.1, is unusual in that it has a cysteine in its repetitive domain. With site-directed mutagenesis of the gene encoding Bx7.1, a guanine in the repetitive domain was replaced by an adenine, to provide a mutant gene encoding a subunit (MutBx7.1) in which the repetitive-domain cysteine was replaced by a tyrosine residue. Bx7.1, MutBx7.1 and other Bx-type glutenin subunits were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. This made it possible to incorporate each individual subunit into wheat flour and evaluate the effect of the cysteine residue on dough properties. The Bx7.1 subunit affected dough mixing properties differently from the other subunits. These differences are due to the extra cysteine residue, which may interfere with glutenin polymerisation through cross-linkage within the Bx7.1 subunit, causing this subunit to act as a chain terminator.  相似文献   

High-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) are important determinants of wheat dough quality as they confer visco-elastic properties to the dough required for mixing and baking performance. With this important role, the HMW-GS alleles are key markers in breeding programs. In this work, we present the use of a PCR marker initially designed to discriminate Glu1 Bx7 and Glu1 Bx17 HMW-GS. It was discovered that this marker also differentiated two alleles, originally both scored as Glu1 Bx7, present in the wheat lines CD87 and Katepwa respectively, by a size polymorphism of 18 bp. The marker was scored across a segregating doubled-haploid (DH) population (CD87 × Katepwa) containing 156 individual lines and grown at two sites. Within this population, the marker differentiated lines showing the over-expression of the Glu1 Bx7 subunit (indicated by the larger PCR fragment), derived from the CD87 parent, relative to lines showing the normal expression of the Glu1 Bx7 subunit, derived from the Katepwa parent. DNA sequence analysis showed that the observed size polymorphism was due to an 18 bp insertion/deletion event at the C-terminal end of the central repetitive domain of the Glu1 Bx 7 coding sequence, which resulted in an extra copy of the hexapeptide sequence QPGQGQ in the deduced amino-acid sequence of Bx7 from CD87. When the DH population was analysed using this novel Bx7 PCR marker, SDS PAGE and RP HPLC, there was perfect correlation between the Bx7 PCR marker results and the expression level of Bx7. This differentiation of the population was confirmed by both SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC. The functional significance of this marker was assessed by measuring key dough properties of the 156 DH lines. A strong association was shown between lines with an over expression of Bx7 and high dough strength. Furthermore, the data demonstrated that there was an additional impact of Glu-D1 alleles on dough properties, with lines containing both over-expressed Bx7 and Glu-D1 5+10 having the highest levels of dough strength. However, there was no statistically significant epistatic interaction between Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci.Communicated by J.W. Snape  相似文献   

谷蛋白聚合体大小分布与面粉揉面特性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用单向一步SDS-PAGE方法分析表明小麦品种Suneca和Cook在麦谷蛋白5个亚基位点(Glu-B1,Glu-D1,Glu-A3,Glu-B3和Glu-D3)均含不同等位基因。选用Suneca×Cook的F4代群体中麦谷蛋白亚基位点均为纯合基因的60个系,研究麦谷蛋白基因型不同的株系间谷蛋白聚合体粒度大小分布(用SE-HPLC测定)和面粉揉面特性的变异。结果表明,不同的谷蛋白基因型,其谷蛋白聚合体粒度大小相对分布(用不溶谷蛋白聚合体占总谷蛋白聚合体含量的百分数表示,即UPP%)和面团形成时间(即揉面仪曲线图峰值的和面时间,简写PTM)均有显差异;面粉的揉面曲线形状与其UPP%值密切相关;UPP%与PTM呈极显正相关,与揉面仪曲线图峰高(PHM)呈显负相关;与面粉蛋白质含量(FP%)相比,UPP%对PTM和PHM的影响更大些,可作为育种早代品质性状选择一个指标。  相似文献   

Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have a proven role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and precursor disease states such as metabolic syndrome. Although most studies have focussed on the predominant omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid), recent evidence suggests similar health benefits from their common precursor, stearidonic acid. Stearidonic acid is a Δ6-unsaturated C18 omega-3 fatty acid present in a few plant species (mainly the Boraginaceae and Primulaceae ) reflecting the general absence of Δ6-desaturation from higher plants. Using a Δ6-desaturase from Primula vialii , we generated transgenic Arabidopsis and linseed lines accumulating stearidonic acid in their seed lipids. Significantly, the P. vialii Δ6-desaturase specifically only utilises α-linolenic acid as a substrate, resulting in the accumulation of stearidonic acid but not omega-6 γ-linolenic acid. Detailed lipid analysis revealed the accumulation of stearidonic acid in neutral lipids such as triacylglycerol but an absence from the acyl-CoA pool. In the case of linseed, the achieved levels of stearidonic acid (13.4% of triacylglycerols) are very similar to those found in the sole natural commercial plant source ( Echium spp.) or transgenic soybean oil. However, both those latter oils contain γ-linolenic acid, which is not normally present in fish oils and considered undesirable for heart-healthy applications. By contrast, the stearidonic acid-enriched linseed oil is essentially devoid of this fatty acid. Moreover, the overall omega-3/omega-6 ratio for this modified linseed oil is also significantly higher. Thus, this nutritionally enhanced linseed oil may have superior health-beneficial properties.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a study in which mouse bone marrow micronucleus assay slides were assessed for homogeneity of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPE) among polychromatic erythrocytes (PE). The slides were prepared by 3 distinct methods and several methods of slide reading were assessed. Observations made using our slides were confirmed by re-analysis of slides from 3 independent laboratories. It is concluded that the method of slide preparation and assessment can significantly influence the variability of data obtained from a study. The extent of this variability casts doubt upon the validity of certain assumptions concerning this assay--such as sex differences in MPE incidence, responder variability, etc. Results are discussed within the context of the very recent literature for this assay. Some laboratories appear to have adequate methods of slide preparation and data accumulation, while others do not. Methods to improve the sensitivity of this assay are suggested within the context of the recommendations made by the Gene-Tox review group. In particular, it is suggested that individual investigators present evidence of the adequacy of their data accumulation techniques in order to enhance the value of future studies.  相似文献   

Wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA) is a severe IgE-mediated allergic reaction provoked by the combination of wheat-ingestion with intensive physical exercise over the next few hours. Among wheat proteins, omega-5 gliadin, which is one of the components of fast omega-gliadin, has been reported as a major allergen in the anaphylaxis. In this study, we detected IgE-binding epitopes within the primary sequence of omega-5 gliadin using arrays of overlapping peptides synthesized on derivatized cellulose membranes. Sera from four patients with WDEIA having specific IgE to the fast omega-gliadin were used to probe the membrane. Seven epitopes, QQIPQQQ, QQLPQQQ, QQFPQQQ, QQSPEQQ, QQSPQQQ, QQYPQQQ, and PYPP, were detected within the primary sequence of omega-5 gliadin. By using sera of 15 patients, 4 of them, QQIPQQQ, QQFPQQQ, QQSPEQQ, and QQSPQQQ, were found to be dominant epitopes. Mutational analysis of the QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at positions Gln(1), Pro(4), Gln(5), Gln(6), and Gln(7) were critical for IgE binding. These results will provide a useful tool for developing safer wheat products in addition to diagnostic and immunotherapy techniques for WDEIA.  相似文献   

Doubled haploid lines (n=160) from a cross between wheat cultivars Cranbrook (high dough extensibility) and Halberd (low dough extensibility) were grown at three Australian locations. The parents differ at all high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin loci. Dough rheological parameters were measured using small-scale testing procedures, and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping procedures were carried out using an existing well-saturated genetic linkage map for this cross. Genetic parameters were estimated using three software packages: QTLCartographer, Epistat and Genstat. Results indicated that environmental factors are a major determinant of dough extensibility across the three trial sites, whereas genotypic factors are the major determinants of dough strength. Composite interval mapping analysis across the 21 linkage groups revealed that as expected, the main additive QTLs for dough rheological properties are located at the high- and low-molecular-weight glutenin loci. A new QTL on chromosome 5A for M-extensibility (a mixograph-estimated measure of extensibility) was detected. Analysis of epistatic interactions revealed that there were significant conditional epistatic interactions related with the additive effects of glutenin loci on dough rheological properties. Therefore, the additive genetic effects of glutenins on dough rheological properties are conditional upon the genetic background of the wheat line. The molecular basis of the interactions with the glutenin loci may be via proteins that modify or alter the gluten protein matrix or variations in the expression level of the glutenin genes. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the molar number of individual glutenin subunits across the population showed that certain conditional epistases resulted in increased expression of the affected glutenin. The epistatic interactions detected in this study provide a possible explanation of the variable genetic effects of some glutenins on quality attributes in different genetic backgrounds and provide essential information for the accurate prediction of glutenin related variance in marker-assisted wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Flour colour is an important quality trait in the production of bread, noodles and other related end products. Current screening for flour colour in breeding programs requires several grams of flour to be milled. In order to screen large numbers of plants, a rapid PCR-based assay is required. We report here the conversion of a codominant AFLP marker linked to a major locus controlling flour colour in hexaploid wheat, to a sequence tagged site (STS) marker for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS). The two-allelic AFLP bands were cloned and sequenced to allow specific primers to be designed. The primers amplified bands of the expected size in the parental varieties and co-segregated with the original AFLP marker in the mapping population. The primers also amplified alleles of the expected size from the DNA of parental lines of two other related mapping populations. Cultivars that contributed to the pedigree of the original parent `Schomburgk' used to generate the mapping population were also screened to determine the origin of the `yellow' allele.  相似文献   

Matsuo H  Kohno K  Morita E 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(17):4431-4438
Wheat omega-5 gliadin has been identified as a major allergen in wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis. We have detected seven IgE-binding epitopes in primary sequence of the protein. We newly identified four additional IgE-binding epitope sequences, QQFHQQQ, QSPEQQQ, YQQYPQQ and QQPPQQ, in three patients with wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis in this study. Diagnosis and therapy of food allergy would benefit from the availability of defined recombinant allergens. However, because omega-5 gliadin gene has not been cloned, recombinant protein is currently unavailable. We sought to clone the omega-5 gliadin gene and produce the homogeneous recombinant protein for use in an in vitro diagnostic tool. Using a PCR-based strategy we isolated two full-length omega-5 gliadin genes, designated omega-5 and omega-5b, from wheat genomic DNA and determined the nucleotide sequences. The protein encoded by omega-5a was predicted to be 439 amino acids long with a calculated mass of 53 kDa; the omega-5b gene would encode a 393 amino acid, but it contains two stop codons indicating that omega-5b is pseudogene. The C-terminal half (178 amino acids) of the omega-5a gliadin protein, including all 11 IgE-binding epitope sequences, was expressed in Escherichia coli by means of the pET system and purified using RP-HPLC. Western blot analysis and dot blot inhibition assay of recombinant and native omega-5 gliadin purified from wheat flour demonstrated that recombinant protein had IgE-binding ability. Our results suggest that the recombinant protein can be a useful tool for identifying patients with wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis in vitro.  相似文献   

Expression and inheritance of the wheat Glu-1DX5 gene in transgenic maize   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have produced transgenic maize plants containing a wheat Glu-1Dx5 gene encoding the high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit 1Dx5. Analysis by SDS-PAGE showed that a protein similar in size to the wheat 1Dx5 subunit accumulates in the endosperm of transgenic maize from four independent transformation events. This protein reacts with a monoclonal antibody specific to the wheat 1Dx5 subunit and was not detected in nontransgenic controls or in pollen, anthers, leaves or embryos of plants grown from seeds expressing this protein in endosperm. Genomic Southern-blot analysis is consistent with results from SDS-PAGE and indicates that the transgene integration sites are complex and are different in the four events studied. Using the presence of this protein as a phenotypic marker, we studied the inheritance of this gene through three sexual generations. Reciprocal crosses with nontransgenic plants and self-pollinations were performed, and the resulting kernels were analyzed for the presence of the 1Dx5 subunit. These data, together with PCR analysis for the transgene, suggest that the transgene is inefficiently transmitted through pollen in all four events.  相似文献   

The fungus Cochliobolus sativus is the main pathogen of common root rot, a serious soil-borne disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The fungus Fusarium graminearum is the primary pathogen of Fusarium head blight, a devastating disease of wheat worldwide. In this study, the wheat lipid transfer protein gene, TaLTP5, was cloned and evaluated for its ability to suppress disease development in transgenic wheat. TaLTP5 expression was induced after C. sativus infection. The TaLTP5 expression vector, pA25-TaLTP5, was constructed and bombarded into Chinese wheat variety Yangmai 18. Six TaLTP5 transgenic wheat lines were established and characterized. PCR and Southern blot analyses indicated that the introduced TaLTP5 gene was integrated into the genomes of six transgenic wheat lines by distinct patterns, and heritable. RT-PCR and real-time quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the TaLTP5 gene was over-expressed in the transgenic wheat lines compared to segregants lacking the transgene and wild-type wheat plants. Following challenge with C. sativus or F. graminearum, all six transgenic lines overexpressing TaLTP5 exhibited significantly enhanced resistance to both common root rot and Fusarium head blight compared to the untransformed wheat Yangmai 18.  相似文献   

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a serious health problem linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. To investigate the biological outcome and therapeutic potential of hepatic fatty acid uptake inhibition, we utilized an adeno-associated virus-mediated RNA interference technique to knock down the expression of hepatic fatty acid transport protein 5 in vivo prior to or after establishing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. Using this approach, we demonstrate here the ability to achieve specific, non-toxic, and persistent knockdown of fatty acid transport protein 5 in mouse livers from a single adeno-associated virus injection, resulting in a marked reduction of hepatic dietary fatty acid uptake, reduced caloric uptake, and concomitant protection from diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Importantly, knockdown of fatty acid transport protein 5 was also able to reverse already established non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, resulting in significantly improved whole-body glucose homeostasis. Thus, continued activity of hepatic fatty acid transport protein 5 is required to sustain caloric uptake and fatty acid flux into the liver during high fat feeding and may present a novel avenue for the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.  相似文献   

A new polysaccharide with a molecular weight of 5.0 x 10(4) was isolated as a possible wheat allergen from a water-soluble fraction of flour by affinity chromatography and gel filtration. The isolated polysaccharide was found to be a possible wheat allergen, as it bound specifically to IgE antibodies in the sera of patients allergic to the water-soluble fraction of flour. Chemically, the sugar moiety of the polysaccharide consisted of D-glucose and D-mannose with beta-1,4-linkages in a molar ratio of 4.4:1. Since this mannoglucan is thought to be stable in our body, it would act as a remaining allergen to cause a long-lasting allergic reaction to wheat flour.  相似文献   

The content of specific proteins such as high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits HMW-GS 5+10 and low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits LMW-GS KS2 in wheat mill streams of extra-strong Kachikei 33 wheat was quantified by SDS-PAGE and 2D-PAGE. The mill streams showed varied quantities of HMW-GS 5+10 (0.077 to 2.007 mg/g of mill stream), LMW-GS KS2 (0.018 to 0.586 mg/g of mill stream) and total protein (9.42% to 18.98%). The contents of these specific proteins in the mill streams were significantly correlated with the SDS sedimentation volume and the mixing properties, which are respective indices of specific loaf volume and dough strength. The contents of these specific glutenin proteins in the mill streams were therefore found to be significantly important for improving the dough quality suitable for bread and Chinese noodles. Accordingly, we present here the application of this information to the development of an effective method for producing mill streams with high quality and yield that are suitable for instant Chinese noodles.  相似文献   

The Dahra field site in Senegal, West Africa, was established in 2002 to monitor ecosystem properties of semiarid savanna grassland and their responses to climatic and environmental change. This article describes the environment and the ecosystem properties of the site using a unique set of in situ data. The studied variables include hydroclimatic variables, species composition, albedo, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), hyperspectral characteristics (350–1800 nm), surface reflectance anisotropy, brightness temperature, fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (FAPAR), biomass, vegetation water content, and land‐atmosphere exchanges of carbon (NEE) and energy. The Dahra field site experiences a typical Sahelian climate and is covered by coexisting trees (~3% canopy cover) and grass species, characterizing large parts of the Sahel. This makes the site suitable for investigating relationships between ecosystem properties and hydroclimatic variables for semiarid savanna ecosystems of the region. There were strong interannual, seasonal and diurnal dynamics in NEE, with high values of ~?7.5 g C m?2 day?1 during the peak of the growing season. We found neither browning nor greening NDVI trends from 2002 to 2012. Interannual variation in species composition was strongly related to rainfall distribution. NDVI and FAPAR were strongly related to species composition, especially for years dominated by the species Zornia glochidiata. This influence was not observed in interannual variation in biomass and vegetation productivity, thus challenging dryland productivity models based on remote sensing. Surface reflectance anisotropy (350–1800 nm) at the peak of the growing season varied strongly depending on wavelength and viewing angle thereby having implications for the design of remotely sensed spectral vegetation indices covering different wavelength regions. The presented time series of in situ data have great potential for dryland dynamics studies, global climate change related research and evaluation and parameterization of remote sensing products and dynamic vegetation models.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) of wheat are major determinants of the viscoelastic properties of gluten and dough. The bread making quality of field grown transgenic lines of bread wheat expressing the HMW-GS 1Ax1 or 1Dx5 genes were evaluated over a two year period. Subunit 1Ax1 represented about 29% and 48% of the total HMW-GS in lines 1-2 and 2-2, respectively, while subunit 1Dx5 represented 65.4% and 62% of the total HMW-GS in transgenic lines 6-2 and 9, respectively. The expression of subunits 1Ax1 or 1Dx5 in transgenic wheat led to corresponding decreases in the proportions of endogenous HMW-GS. HMW-GS 1Ax1 and 1Dx5 had contrasting effects on dough quality determined by the Alveograph and sedimentation test. Subunit 1Ax1 increased the tenacity (P), extensibility (L), deformation work (W), and sedimentation value, with the increase being related to the level of expression. In contrast, subunit 1Dx5 led to a smaller increment in the tenacity (P), but to drastic decrease in both extensibility (L), deformation work (W), and the sedimentation value. Expression of subunit 1Ax1 in transgenic wheat resulted in lines with improved rheological properties whereas the lines expressing subunit 1Dx5 resulted in unsuitable breadmaking-related characteristics.  相似文献   

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