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The reduction in estrogen in postmenopausal women contributes to an increase in vascular dysfunction. Models of aging have shown that this is due, in part, to increased prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS)-dependent vasoconstriction. We showed previously that inducible PGHS-2-dependent vasoconstriction is increased with aging. In the present study, we hypothesized that estrogen suppresses PGHS-2-dependent constriction in the aged rat. Isolated mesenteric arteries from placebo- or estrogen-treated, ovariectomized aged (24 mo) Fisher rats were assessed for endothelium-dependent relaxation in the absence or presence of PGHS inhibitors. PGHS inhibition (meclofenamate, 1 micromol/l) enhanced methacholine-induced relaxation only in the placebo group. Specific PGHS-2 inhibition (NS-398, 10 micromol/l) increased arterial relaxation to a greater extent than PGHS-1 inhibition (valeryl salicylate, 3 mmol/l). Estrogen prevented the PGHS-dependent constrictor effect but did not enhance nitric oxide-dependent relaxation in this model. PGHS-1 and endothelial nitric oxide synthase were not altered by estrogen, whereas PGHS-2 expression was decreased in the estrogen-replaced rats (P < 0.05). In summary, estrogen replacement improved vasodilation in aged rats by decreasing PGHS-dependent constriction.  相似文献   

By means of injective and noninjective methods, the structural organization of the incisor and molar blood bed has been studied in the white rat mandible. For the periodontal blood bed, distinguishing by a pronounced organo-specificity, distribution of arterial and venous vessels between collagenous fiber bundles and a reticular arrangement of the capillaries is peculiar. A definite connection is clearly seen between angioarchitectonics of different segments of the periodontium, its structure and function. Unequal density of the capillary networks in the area of the epithelial dental organ and difference of the periodontal angioarchitectonics with the lingual and labial surfaces of the incisors are noted. The area of the epithelial dental organ, having a peculiar functional importance, is characterized by multiple pathways of blood inflow and outflow, by concentration of structural-functional adaptations which increase expansiveness, capacity and diffusive surface of metabolic microvessels, by a small critical thickness of the tissue layer between neighbouring capillaries.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to measure ob mRNA abundance in the zinc-deficient (ZD) rats and the secretion of leptin from adipose tissue obtained from ZD, zinc-adequate (ZA), and pair-fed (PF) rats. It was found that ob mRNA abundance was greatest (P < 0.05) in adipose tissue obtained from ZA and PF rats. Ob mRNA abundance was similar in PF and ZD rats. To study leptin secretion from adipose tissue in a cell culture model, a method was developed to use excised epididymal adipose tissue from ZD, ZA, and PF rats. Tissue was incubated in Opti-modified Eagle's medium (MEM) cell culture medium in which concentrations of zinc and insulin were manipulated. It was observed that leptin secretion was higher (P < 0.05) in adipose tissue obtained from ZA than ZD and PF rats. Secretion of leptin was higher in adipose tissue of PF than ZD rats (P < 0.05). Surprisingly, media zinc content in this ex vivo model tended to suppress secretion of leptin. This suppression seems to be zinc specific and might be caused by the sequestration of insulin in the culture medium. Our results indicate that the reduction in serum leptin observed in ZD rats is likely caused by not only a reduction in body fat, but also by a decrease in leptin synthesis and secretion per gram of adipose tissue. Taking these results into account along with a prior study (1), it is possible that even a marginal zinc deficiency could affect leptin secretion and serum leptin concentrations. Impaired leptin secretion caused by zinc deficiency might be one factor contributing to hypogonadism observed in zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

Chemical character of proteins in rat incisors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

目的 :研究在正常和缺氧 /复氧过程中白细胞介素 2 (IL 2 )对心肌细胞收缩和细胞内钙的处理能力的影响。方法 :采用酶解分离大鼠心室肌细胞化学缺氧模型 ,用视频跟踪系统和细胞内双波长钙荧光系统检测单个心肌细胞收缩和细胞内钙的变化。结果 :①缺氧过程中 ,心肌细胞收缩被抑制 ,钙瞬变幅度降低、静息钙水平增高 ,咖啡因诱导的钙释放减少 ,但对细胞膜L -型钙通道活性无明显影响 ;复氧期间 ,各指标不能恢复到对照水平。②IL 2 (2× 10 5U/L)抑制心肌细胞收缩 ,使钙瞬变幅度降低、静息钙水平增高 ,使咖啡因诱导的钙释放减少。③在缺氧期间加入IL 2 (2× 10 5U/L)后 ,复氧期间各参数回复均减慢。结论 :缺氧时同时存在IL 2 ,可加剧复氧时心肌细胞收缩功能和钙处理能力的降低 ,这可能与心肌细胞肌浆网内贮钙释放减少有关。  相似文献   

Rodent incisors regenerate throughout the lifetime of the animal owing to the presence of epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells in the proximal region of the tooth. Enamel, the hardest component of the tooth, is continuously deposited by stem cell-derived ameloblasts exclusively on the labial, or outer, surface of the tooth. The epithelial stem cells that are the ameloblast progenitors reside in structures called cervical loops at the base of the incisors. Previous studies have suggested that FGF10, acting mainly through fibroblast growth factor receptor 2b (FGFR2b), is crucial for development of the epithelial stem cell population in mouse incisors. To explore the role of FGFR2b signaling during development and adult life, we used an rtTA transactivator/tetracycline promoter approach that allows inducible and reversible attenuation of FGFR2b signaling. Downregulation of FGFR2b signaling during embryonic stages led to abnormal development of the labial cervical loop and of the inner enamel epithelial layer. In addition, postnatal attenuation of signaling resulted in impaired incisor growth, characterized by failure of enamel formation and degradation of the incisors. At a cellular level, these changes were accompanied by decreased proliferation of the transit-amplifying cells that are progenitors of the ameloblasts. Upon release of the signaling blockade, the incisors resumed growth and reformed an enamel layer, demonstrating that survival of the stem cells was not compromised by transient postnatal attenuation of FGFR2b signaling. Taken together, our results demonstrate that FGFR2b signaling regulates both the establishment of the incisor stem cell niches in the embryo and the regenerative capacity of incisors in the adult.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity in response to variations in predatory pressure frequently occurs in wild populations, but it may be more evident and critical in species subjected to high exploitation rates and aquaculture. The Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus is becoming a domesticated species and the production of hatchery-reared scallops (closed environment), has implied the development of successive generations of individuals deprived of several stimuli normally present in their natural habitats (e.g. predators). We compared the escape capacities between wild and cultured A. purpuratus and also evaluated the effect of reproductive investment on the escape response capacities. Wild and cultured scallops, at different reproductive stages (maturing, mature and spawned), were stimulated to escape with the predatory sea star Meyenaster gelatinosus. We recorded: (1) the time to reaction, (2) the total number of claps, the duration of the clapping response and the clapping rate until exhaustion, (3) the time they spent closed after exhaustion, and (4) the proportion of claps recovered, the duration of the clapping response and the clapping rate after 20 min of recuperation. We found that wild A. purpuratus (1) reacted earlier when contacted by their natural predator, (2) escaped faster (greater clapping rates), (3) spent less time with their valves closed when exhausted, and (4) most of their escape capacities (i.e. claps number; clapping time; capacity of recuperation) were less affected by the energetic requirements imposed by gonad maturation and/or spawning than in cultured scallops. We considered that all these aspects of the escape response would make wild scallops less vulnerable to predation than cultured scallops, thus decreasing predation risk. Given the reduction of escape performance in cultured scallops, we suggest that this aspect should be considered for the success of culture-based restocking programs.  相似文献   

Estrogen has an important role to play in energy homeostasis in both men and mice. Lack of estrogen results in the development of a metabolic syndrome in humans and rodents, including excess adiposity, hepatic steatosis (in male but not female aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice) and insulin resistance. Estrogen replacement results in a prompt reversal of the energy imbalance symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency. A corollary to the perturbed energy balance observed in the ArKO mouse is the death by apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of male ArKO mice, an area of the brain pivotal to the regulation of energy uptake, storage, and mobilisation. An extension of our work exploring the relationship between estrogen and adiposity has been to examine the role played by androgens in energy balance. We have demonstrated that an increased androgen to estrogen ratio can promote visceral fat accumulation in the rodent by inhibiting AMPK activation and stimulating lipogenesis. Therefore, understanding the regulation of energy homeostasis is becoming an increasingly fascinating challenge, as the number of contributors, their communications, and the complexity of their interactions, involved in the preservation of this equilibrium continues to increase. Models of aromatase deficiency, both naturally occurring and engineered, will continue to provide valuable insights into energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Among the cercopithecids, papionins were believed to have unique lower incisors without enamel on the lingual surfaces based on analyses by light microscopy. We examined unerupted lower permanent incisors ofMacaca fuscata with scanning electron microscopy and found a lingual thin enamel layer. This seems to be the case for all papionins. Thus, all cercopithecines can be regarded to share this trait which distinguishes cercopithecines from colobines who have substantial enamel layer on the lingual sides of lower incisors. Further study will support this hypothesis. This trait produces self-sharpening chisel-like edges on lower incisors. And the adaptive significance of this chisel-like edged incisor could be understood for scraping and cutting to prepare foods for consumption.  相似文献   

Repeated amputation of the lower incisors in rats carried out at the early postnatal on togenesis causes an enlargement of the salivary glands and hypertrophy of the testis with the phenomena of acceleration of their differentiation. Hypertrophy of the testes withthe mentioned action was much greater (76%) than in the case of unilateral castration at the same age. In adult animals repeated amputation of the lower incisors caused hypertrophy of the salivary glands, but failed to influence the hypertrophy of the testes.  相似文献   

The phosphoprotein of rat incisors has been purified by successive gel and ion-exchange chromatography. The product gave a single band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and contained approximately 34% phosphoserine and 32% aspartic acid. Alkaline elimination experiments showed all the phosphate to be present as phosphoserine. Ultraviolet spectra in the presence or absence of ATP showed that the phosphoprotein did not contain an nucleotide moiety as suggested by Veis, A., Spector, A. R. and Zamoscianyk, H. ((1972) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 257, 404-413) for bovine dentin phosphoprotein.  相似文献   

Estrogen mercapturic acids in the adult male rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J S Elce  J Chandra 《Steroids》1973,22(5):699-705
N-Acetylcysteine derivatives of catechol estrogens have been isolated from the urine of adult male hooded rats with ligated bile ducts, following injection of [4-14C]2-hydroxyestradiol-17β and of [4-14C]estradiol-17β-By application of double isotope methods previously described, it was shown that 2-hydroxyestradiol-17β was converted into mercapturic acids in a yield of 6–8%, confirming two previous experiments with bile duct cannulated rats, and that estradiol-17β was converted into mercapturic acids to the extent of 3–6%. Since these figures are small, and since it has been shown that in two women estrogen mercapturic acids were not formed, it appears that this class of compound will not provide an answer to the problem of unidentified water-soluble metabolites of the estrogens.  相似文献   

Estrogen is known to affect the regulation of all six of the established anterior pituitary gland (AP) hormones, but little is known of the specifics of its regulation of the AP hormones, their isoforms, and nonhormonal AP proteins. We used difference gel electrophoresis in conjunction with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprinting to quantify the effects of estrogen on the AP-soluble protein fraction in rats. Two-month-old rats were ovariectomized and used at 6 months of age. They were injected subcutaneously with sesame oil vehicle or 50 mug estradiol valerate in vehicle and studied 48 hrs later, approximately 3 hrs before the time of the anticipated onset of the estrogen-induced surges of gonadotropins in blood. The APs were pooled, and the soluble protein fraction was examined in replicate analyses. After DeCyder software analysis, we identified 26 protein spots that had a 1.5-fold or greater average increase in the experimental group relative to the controls. Nineteen showed a 1.5-fold or greater decrease. Estrogen increased levels of the more acidic isoforms of growth hormone and prolactin and of proteins involved in protein synthesis, folding, and secretion (e.g., eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2, ERp57, ERp29, Hsc70-ps1, calreticulin, coatomer delta subunit, and secretogranin II) and of some metabolic enzymes (e.g., arginosuccinate synthetase, enolase 1, creatine kinase B, phosphoglycerate mutase, malate dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase, and aldolase A). The majority of the downregulated proteins were involved in RNA or DNA interactions (e.g., five heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins, DEAD-box proteins 17 and 48, ssDNA binding protein PUR-alpha, PTB-associated splicing factor, and Pigpen protein), but isovaleryl coenzyme A dehydrogenase, mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, stathmin 1, vinculin, radixin, and secretogranin III were also reduced. Our results indicate that estrogen acts in vivo within 48 hrs to modulate levels of a significant number of AP proteins.  相似文献   

Estrogen regulation of creatine kinase-B in the rat uterus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Creatine kinase-B (CKB) synthesis is rapidly and specifically induced by estrogen in the uterus of the immature rat. This study indicates that this elevation is due at least in part to increases in the levels of mRNA for CKB. The stimulation of CKB mRNA levels is rapid (a 7- to 10-fold increase is detected 1-3 h after estrogen administration), but transient, as levels return to near control values by 6 h. Analysis of cDNAs to both uterine and brain CKB mRNA indicate that the same sequence is expressed in both tissues despite earlier observations of heterogeneity of the protein isolated from the two tissues. A 1.7-kilobasepair DNA fragment containing the CKB promoter and 5' flanking sequences confers estrogen sensitivity on expression of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene in HeLa cells on cotransfection with an estrogen-receptor expression vector. However, the CKB promoter sequences lack any motif with convincing similarity to the currently accepted consensus estrogen response element GGTCAnnnTGACC.  相似文献   

Estrogen binding protein of rat liver.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An estrogen binding protein for estradiol-17beta is present in the liver cytosol of female intact and one day oophorectomized rats. The dissociation constant reveals high affinity binding (Kd: 0.69 +/- 0.14 times 10(-10) M). Quantitation of EBP using a dextran-coated charcoal method shows that this specific macromolecular binding is much less than in the rat uterus, but similar to that in DMBA-induced mammary tumors. Sucrose density gradient analysis shows sedimentation at 8-9 S and 4-5 S when compared to bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   

The localization of the planar cell polarity proteins Vang12, frizzled-3, Vang11, and Celsr1 in the rat incisors was examined using immunocytochemistry. The results showed that Vang12 was localized at two regions of the Tomes' processes of inner enamel-secretory ameloblasts in rat incisors: a proximal and a distal region. In contrast, frizzled-3 was localized at adherens junctions of the proximal and distal areas of inner enamel- and outer enamel-secretory ameloblasts, where N-cadherin and β-catenin were localized. frizzled-3 was also localized in differentiating inner enamel epithelial cells. Vang11 was localized sparsely in differentiating preameloblasts and extensively at the cell boundary of stratum intermedium. Celsr1 was not localized in ameloblasts but localized in odontoblasts extensively. These results suggest the involvement of planar cell polarity proteins in odontogenesis.  相似文献   

Rats were surgically made bilaterally cryptorchid and after 4-8 days the testes were returned to the scrotum. After 70 days fertility was tested by pairing with females. Fertility was restored in 5/6 rats with testes cryptorchid for 4 or 5 days, but only 2/9 were fertile when the duration of cryptorchidism was 6-8 days. The sterility was due to irreversible degeneration of the spermatogonial stem cells. The testes of infertile males were smaller and lighter than those of fertile males and the seminiferous tubule diameters were reduced.  相似文献   

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