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This study examined the fish communities of Peri Lagoon in southern Brazil to aid in the development of an effective management plan because the area is under threat from human activities. Sampling of fish fauna, ichthyoplankton and limnological data were compared between sites, differing by habitat type and characteristics such as depth, substratum composition and vegetation type. Results were significantly related to site, with the highest diversity and abundance recorded at shallow vegetated sites. A total of 14 fish species were recorded throughout the lagoon, with the most abundant being Hyphessobrycon luetkenii. Of the 14 species, half were sampled at their larval stage, suggesting a healthy and protected system. Significantly more larvae and eggs were collected during colder months (autumn to winter) and at sites closer to stream flow, possibly owing to increased food sources and habitat protection. This study highlights the importance of Peri Lagoon as a nursery ground for a wide range of fish species, providing essential information for incorporation into the future protection of fish stocks throughout Brazil.  相似文献   

Zostera marina is the dominant seagrass species in coastal lagoons on the western coast of Baja California Peninsula, and due to its coastal location it is threatened by natural and anthropogenic factors, as is happening in Puerto San Carlos, B.C.S., where a fish cannery unloads its wastewater to the beach. Apparently an extensive intertidal meadow replacement was established by great amounts of green macroalgae. We evaluated the possibility to mitigate the impacts of this cannery with transplants of Z. marina meadow using adult plants. The transplant experiment was made in two different seasons for which two undisturbed donor meadows were chosen: El Cuervo and San Carlitos. The winter one obtained a 30% and in San Carlitos 90% after 13 months and the autumn transplant in San Carlos obtained a 0% of survival after 3 months. The results of these transplant activities were reflected in the shoot density at the end of the experiment (San Carlos was of 482 shoots/m2 and San Carlitos of 818 shoots/m2s and agree with the density of the natural meadows. This experiment shows that it is possible to develop a small-scale seagrass restoration as mitigation for Baja California coastal lagoons which are under severe threat for coastal development.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by chironomid larvae: fast growth requires fast food   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Sediments have been considered as a habitat, a cover from predators and a source of food, but also as a source of potential toxic compounds. Therefore, the choice of a suitable substrate is essential for the development of chironomids. 2. For the midge Chironomus riparius (Meigen 1804) the growth rate of larvae has often been related to the food quality in sediments rather than to the amount of toxicants in the sediment. Both food quality and sediment-bound toxicants have been reported to determine the field distribution of chironomid larvae. 3. We therefore studied the habitat selection by C. riparius larvae of floodplain lake sediments, differing in both food quality and concentrations of sediment-bound toxicants. We offered the different sediments pairwise to the chironomid larvae in a choice experiment and their settlement in the paired sediments was determined after 10 days. 4. It was observed that larvae showed a clear preference for sediments with higher food quality, which also provided better growth conditions, and that the food quality overruled avoidance of the sediments with higher toxicant concentrations. 5. Our observations correspond with the persistence of this fast growing opportunistic chironomid species in organically enriched aquatic ecosystems independent of the contamination level.  相似文献   

Mar Chiquita, a brackish coastal lagoon in central Argentina, is inhabited by dense populations of two intertidal grapsid crab species,Cyrtograpsus angulatus andChasmagnathus granulata. During a preliminary one-year study and a subsequent intensive sampling programme (November–December 1992), the physical properties and the occurrence of decapod crustacean larvae in the surface water of the lagoon were investigated. The lagoon is characterized by highly variable physical conditions, with oligohaline waters frequently predominating over extended periods. The adjacent coastal waters show a complex pattern of semidiurnal tides that often do not influence the lagoon, due to the existence of a sandbar across its entrance. Besides frequently occurring larvae (exclusively freshly hatched zoeae and a few megalopae) of the two dominating crab species, those of three other brachyurans (Plathyxanthus crenulatus, Uca uruguayensis, Pinnixa patagonica) and of one anomuran (the porcellanidPachycheles haigae) were also found occasionally. Caridean shrimp (Palaemonetes argentinus) larvae occurred in a moderate number of samples, with a maximum density of 800·m−3. The highest larval abundance was recorded inC. angulatus, with almost 8000°m−3. Significantly moreC. angulatus andC. granulata zoeae occurred at night than during daylight conditions, and more larvae (statistically significant only in the former species) during ebb (outflowing) than during flood (inflowing) tides. In consequence, most crab zoeae were observed during nocturnal ebb, the least with diurnal flood tides. Our data suggest that crab larvae do not develop in the lagoon, where the adult populations live, but exhibit an export strategy, probably based upon exogenously coordinated egg hatching rhythms. Zoeal development must take place in coastal marine waters, from where the megalopa eventually returns for settlement and metamorphosis in the lagoon. Significantly higher larval frequency ofC. granulata in low salinities (≤12‰) and at a particular sampling site may be related to local distribution patterns of the reproducing adult population. Unlike crab larvae, those of shrimp (P. argentinus) are retained inside the lagoon, where they develop from hatching through metamorphosis. They significantly prefer low salinity and occur at the lagoon surface more often at night. These patterns cannot be explained by larval release rhythms like those in brachyuran crabs, but may reflect diel vertical migrations to the bottom. It is concluded that osmotic stress as well as predation pressure exerted by visually directed predators (small species or life-cycle stages of estuarine fishes) may be the principal selection factors for the evolution of hatching and migration rhythms in decapod larvae, and that these are characteristics of export or retention mechanisms, respectively.  相似文献   

A 2 year study of the phytoplankton community was carried outin the Indian River Lagoon, USA. In terms of biovolume, thephytoplankton community was generally dominated by dinoflagellates,diatoms or cyanobacteria. Mean phytoplankton standing cropswere highest in the most flow-restricted regions of the lagoon,which had the lowest mean salinity values and comparativelyhigh total nitrogen:total phosphorus ratios. In this region,blooms of dinoflagellates were common in the first year of thestudy, which was characterized by an El Niño event thatyielded exceptionally high rainfall levels and freshwater outflow.Picoplanktonic cyanobacteria blooms became more prominent inthe second year of the study, which was characterized by belowaverage rainfall conditions. In unrestricted flow regions ofthe lagoon, located near inlets to the Atlantic Ocean, diatomswere most often the dominant taxa. Regions of intermediate waterturnover rates and high external loading of phosphorus had aprevalence of diatom blooms. However, the average phytoplanktonstanding crops in the latter regions did not reach the levelsexperienced in the flow-restricted parts of the lagoon. In termsof individual phytoplankton taxa, the most common bloom-formingdiatoms in the Indian River Lagoon system included: Skeletonemacostatum, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus, Skeletonema menzelii,Cerataulina pelagica, Odontella regia, Chaetoceros lorenzianus,Rhizosolenia setigera and Thalassionema nitzschioides. The majorbloom-forming dinoflagellate species included: Pheopolykrikoshartmannii, Akashiwo sanguinea, Prorocentrum micans, the potentiallytoxic species Pyrodinium bahamense var. bahamense and Prorocentrumminimum. Several picoplanktonic cyanobacteria were also prominentmembers of the phytoplankton community, including Synechococcuselongates. The spatial and temporal patterns observed in someof these dominant species were attributable to patterns in keyenvironmental variables, including salinity, temperature andnutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal patterns of environmental heterogeneity in a Brazilian coastal lagoon were described by means of principal component analysis. Carapebus Lagoon has been subject to eutrophication, due to increased nutrient loading from domestic and industrial sewage. Spatial variations in the trophic state and temporal variations in the degree of marine influence are the major sources of environmental heterogeneity in this lagoon. The close and significant relation between total phosphorus and chlorophyll a (r2 = 60, p <0.05), and the high TN:TP ratios (up to 50:1) suggest that phosphorus might be the major nutrient controlling phytoplankton biomass in this lagoon. However, nitrogen might be more important as a growth-limiting nutrient in the eutrophic site of the lagoon, where high total phosphorus concentration (up to 338 μg l-1) and low TN:TP mass ratios (<10:1) were found. In a multiple regression model, total phosphorus and electric conductivity explained together a high and significant (R2=0.86, p < 0.001) amount of variance in chlorophyll yields. This predictive model of chlorophyll a is important as a tool for Carapebus lagoon management because it allows one to predict the algal biomass development of the lagoon in response to nutrients and marine water inputs resulting from man's activities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Total community, planktonic and benthic metabolisms were measured by using the carbon dioxide production and consumption, the diurnal curve' method and the in situ bottle incubation technique over an annual cycle in two sublagoons of the Saquarema Lagoon, Brazil. Metabolic rates of the phytoplankton-based lagoon were characterized by considerable daytime and daily variability in production and respiration, by a seasonal shift between net autotrophy and heterotrophy and by an annual balance of production (P = 105 ± 65 mmoles/m2/dayn = 25) and respiration (R = 102 ± 50 mmoles/m2/dayn = 25). Total community metabolism was similar throughout the lagoon, but phytoplankton assimilation rates and benthic respiration showed spatial differences. Bottle incubations compared to total community free water respiration suggested that the pelagic community was 2–5 times more active than the benthos  相似文献   

Although spatial and temporal variation in plankton diversity is regularly investigated in surveys, experiments, and models, there is a lack of methods for predicting spatial patchiness of plankton diversity. We develop and apply a suite of geostatistical and multiple-regression analysis tools to assess ciliate diversity in a tropical coastal lagoon; these methods can predict spatial and temporal patterns of diversity, provide error estimates associated with these predictions, and assess which environmental factors may drive diversity patchiness. Geostatistical analysis was applied to H′ (Shannon diversity index) from 25 to 35 data collected from a sampling grid (40 × 40 m), and 10 dispersed lagoonal sites, in the dry and rainy seasons, on numerous occasions. Conditional simulation and kriging were used to predict diversity at the lagoonal and small scales, respectively. The relationship between diversity (H′) and the environment was examined by multiple-regression analysis. Thirty-six ciliate morphospecies occurred; H′ ranged from 0 to 1.9 and was patchy. Multiple regression indicated ciliate diversity changed seasonally, increasing when the sand bar was open and the lagoon was connected with the sea. Geostatistical analysis extended the recognition that seasonal changes alter diversity: when the rainy season produced a variable environment, relatively small scale patches and diversity gradients occurred; in the dry season, when the lagoon was physically uniform, larger and fewer diversity patches occurred; at the sublagoonal scale, diversity patches were similarly structured in the two seasons. Results indicate environmental variability and immigration can be the main drivers behind ciliate diversity in the lagoon. We recommend the patterns these data reveal and methods we employ be considered when further studies are continued to examine diversity on local and larger scales. Handling editor: S. Declerck  相似文献   

Seasonal migration by larvae of an epiphytic chironomid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. A clear seasonal alternation of Endochiranomus albipennis larvae between submerged plants and the bottom sediment was observed in the littoral of a deep mesotrophic and a shallow eutrophic lake. The analysis of change in larval density and of occurrence of pupae suggests that larvae migrated from plants to the bottom sediment in early autumn and back to the plants, where they pupate, in spring. 2. Up to 95% of the third and fourth instar larvae overwintered in the bottom sediment in special cocoons. Larvae staying in the sediment without cocoons were also dormant. The timing of cocoon formation was different in the two lakes. 3. Migration may have a significant influence on the seasonal changes in dominance structure and density of epiphytic and benthic faunas.  相似文献   

The Chironomidae of tropical South America are a very rich species, but are scarcely known. The range of environmental conditions under which chironomids are found is more extensive than that of any other group of aquatic insects. The objectives of this study were to carry out a diversity survey of chironomid larvae in wetland systems of the coastal plain in the south of Brazil and to analyze the effects of area, altitude, water conductivity, nitrate and phosphorus concentrations, and the life form of the dominant plant species on chironomid richness and composition. Collections were carried out from March to April in 2002. A total of 30 taxa (23 morphospecies and 7 species) distributed along 23 genera were found, and the Chironominae showed the greatest richness, followed by Tanypodinae and Orthocladiinae. The chironomid richness was higher in the emergent than in the multistratified wetland class. The wetland area, altitude, nitrate and phosphorus concentrations, and water conductivity did not influence the richness of Chironomidae. The Chironomidae genera and species were present in both the wetland classes (emergent and aquatic bed vegetation). However, while Chironominae were more frequent in the emergent than in the aquatic bed wetlands, no difference was observed for Tanypodinae. The aquatic vegetation was an important environmental predictor for chironomid larvae richness in the studied wetlands in the south of Brazil.  相似文献   

The net utilization of a meridic diet by Sitophilus oryzae from the newly hatched larva to the pupa was more efficient compared with that of S. granarius. The artificial diet was highly digestible to both species, but S. oryzae converted 24·1 per cent of the ingested food into body substance compared with 12·4 per cent converted by S. granarius. The mean pupal weight of S. granarius (1·402 mg) was greater than that of S. oryzae (1·012 mg); however, larvae of S. granarius consumed 2·6 times as much food and excreted 8·1 times as much faecal material to obtain that weight. Even though S. granarius consumed the diet at a greater rate, the relative growth rate of S. oryzae was faster. The intracellular symbiotes present in S. oryzae may have a rôle in the species' faster development and more efficient utilization of its food.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Of the seven orders of macroinvertebrates that make up the DuffinCreek riffle community, the Chironomidae were the dominant taxonmaking up, numerically, 25.8–53.7% of the...  相似文献   

Rates of ammonia release from sediments by chironomid larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. 1. Microcosms of Lake Balaton mud and sterilized sand and aerated water were used to evaluate ammonia increments in the overlying water as influenced by chironomid density and temperature. In the two approaches, the effects of sediment disturbance and metabolic excretion of chironomids were measured.
2. The activity of larvae increased the ammonia content of the overlying water at temperatures above 10°C. A rise of temperature to 20°C resulted in a 5–20-fold increase in ammonia release in both systems with chironomids.
3. At 10°C combined effects of sediment disturbance and of excretion produced lower release rates than did excretion rates alone (mud-water v. sand-water treatments). At higher temperatures (15 and 20°C) release rates of ammonia by sediment disturbance plus excretion were higher than excretion rates alone. Ammonia excretion contributed significantly to the total release at each temperature.
4. Metabolic mineralization of nitrogen compounds appears to be an important mechanism contributing to nitrogen regeneration from aerobic lake sediments. High N:P ratio (14:1) of chironomid excretion materials supports this interpretation.  相似文献   

Four submerged macrophytes were analysed with their respective assemblages of chironomid and algal taxa. Studies were made bimonthly, from January to November, in a shallow macrophyte-dominated lake. The periphytic algal community was represented by chlorophytes, diatoms and cyanobacteria; diatoms showed the highest relative abundance on the macrophyte species during the study. Algal biomass was affected by the season, and in January the highest values were found on Stratiotes aloides L., Potamogeton lucens L., Myriophyllum spicatum L.; in July on Chara aculeolata Kütz. The lowest algal biomass, on most of the macrophytes studied, was found in September. Larvae of Dicrotendipes sp., Diplocladius cultriger Kieffer, Endochironomus albipennis gr., Endochironomus impar (Walker), Glyptotendipes sp. and Paratanytarsus austriacus Kieffer were dominant within the chironomid community. The spatial distribution of chironomids between macrophytes species was related to periphytic algae biomass and certain environmental variables (temperature, water transparency, biomass of chlorophytes and diatoms). Analysis of chironomid diet and the results of canonical correspondence analysis confirmed this relationship. The strongest chironomid-algae relationships were observed on S. aloides and P. lucens.  相似文献   

Episodic river flash floods, characteristic of Mediterranean climates, are suspected to greatly affect the functioning of microbial food webs. For the first time, the abundance, biomass and diversities of microbial food web components were studied before and during 4 consecutive days after a flash flood that occurred in November 2008, in the surface waters of five stations along a salinity gradient from 20 to 36 in the Thau lagoon. Eukaryotic pico- and nanophytoplankton were discharged from the river into the lagoon and increased by 30- and 70-fold, respectively. Bacteria increased by only 2-fold in the lagoon, from around 4–8 × 106 cells ml−1, probably benefiting from river nutrient input. Chlorophyll a increased 4-fold, and pigment biomarkers showed that the dinophyceae, prasinophyceae and prymnesiophyceae were sensitive to the flood perturbation, whereas the bacillariophyceae, cryptophyceae and chlorophyceae were resistant and/or transported to the lagoon from the river. Predator responses were more complex as total heterotrophic flagellate abundance decreased slightly, whereas those of specific naked ciliates increased, particularly for Uronema sp. The flood also induced a specific change in diversity, from a community dominated by Strobilidium spiralis to a community dominated by Uronema sp. The tintinnid community was particularly sensitive to the flood event as the abundance of all species decreased greatly. The high increases in biomass, mainly brought by the river during the flood, could have eventually sedimented to the benthic layer and/or been transported further into the lagoon, supporting the pelagic food web, or have even been exported to the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Studies with disparate taxa suggest that generalist populations are composed of relatively specialist individuals that use a narrow part of a population's resource pool. Models based on optimum diet theory (ODT) can be used to predict different patterns of variation in resource use among individuals. In this work, we investigated the diet and measured the degree of individual specialization of three anuran species, Hypsiboas leptolineatus, Pseudis cardosoi and Scinax granulatus, from the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil. The study is based on gut content obtained using a stomach‐flushing technique. Additionally, we tested for a correlation between the individuals’ diet and morphological variation. Furthermore, we applied methods based on network theory to investigate patterns of resource use among individuals of each species. All three study species showed generalized diets and significant values of individual specialization. However, we did not find any correlation between diet and morphology, indicating that diet variation is not a consequence of morphological trade‐offs. The individual‐resource networks of H. leptolineatus and S. granulatus showed a nested pattern. This result indicates the presence of individuals with more diverse diets than others, and the diets of the more specialist individuals are a predictable subset of the diets of the more generalist ones. The individual‐resource network of P. cardosoi did not show a distinct pattern, diverging from what was predicted by optimal diet theory‐based models. Although nested or modular patterns are commonly found in individual‐resource networks, our results indicate that they are not ubiquitous and that random patterns can also be found.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates wereevaluated in one station in Bahía Concepción,located in the middle region of the Gulf of California, México.We used high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) estimationsof phytoplankton pigment signatures to evaluate the annual variationof taxon-specific grazing and growth rates obtained with thedilution technique. Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations variedwidely (0.34–3.32 µg L–1) and showed two maxima,during late spring and autumn, associated with the transitionbetween mixed and stratified conditions. Phytoplankton growthrates varied seasonally with the lowest rates during summer(range: 0.01–2.55 day–1 for Chl-a; 0.00–3.84day–1 for Chl-b; 0.26–3.29 day–1 for fucoxanthin;0.00–6.27 day–1 for peridinin; 0.00–4.35 day–1for zeaxanthin). Microzooplankton grazing was an important lossprocess (range: 0.0–1.89 day–1 for Chl-a; 0.00–3.12day–1 for Chl-b; 0.26–3.29 day–1 for fucoxanthin;0.00–2.03 day–1 for peridinin; 0.00–3.51 day–1for zeaxanthin). Average grazing rates accounted 68–89%of estimated average phytoplankton pigment-specific growth rates.The analysis of pigment signatures indicates that diatoms anddinoflagellates were the dominant groups, and contrary to expectationfor typical subtropical lagoons, the specific growth rates inBahía Concepción showed a pronounced seasonalvariability, linked to transitional hydrographic conditions.Our results indicate a close coupling between the communitymicrozooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth rates, withoutselective feeding behavior. These results suggest that microzooplanktonplay a critical role and may significantly modify the availabilityand efficiency of transfer of energy to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of phosphate concentration and saturation index for calcite in water of a small stratified coastal lagoon have been studied. In surface waters, where salinity was low and pH high, the saturation index increased to values near 20, whereas in bottom water, with high salinity and low pH, they were usually lower. The ionic product for H3PO4 was strongly correlated with the ionic product of Ca(OH)2 in surface and bottom waters, and with the ionic product of CaCO3 in bottom, which suggested that chemical composition was mainly controlled by a calcium-phosphate solid phase.The low concentrations of phosphate in surface were due to chemical precipitation and organic sedimentation, whereas in bottom, calcium phosphate redissolved and organic matter was mineralized producing high concentrations of soluble phosphate (> 60 µmol l–1).Decrease of calcium-bound phosphate in the upper layers of sediment was in agreement with a diminution of calcium-phosphate precipitation, probably due to a lower influence of seawater in the past.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton populations were investigated weekly at a central station in the Fusaro lagoon (Mediterranean Sea) from 27 November 1989 to 18 June 1990 to assess species composition, temporal succession and standing stock of the different species. Chlorophyll concentrations varied from 1.2 to 73.2 µg 1–1 in surface waters, and from 1.3 to 53.5 µg 1–1 at the 4.5 m depth. Phytoplankton communities were dominated by Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg in December and January, and by small-sized diatoms in the rest of the sampling period. In surface waters, a maximum biomass of 9.5 mg C 1–1 was measured in January, in correspondence with high concentrations (8.1 × 106 cells 1–1) of P. micans, whereas an abundance peak of 159.9 × 106 cells 1–1 was registered on the last sampling date due to a massive bloom of a very small diatom, Minutocellus polymorphus (Hargraves & Guillard) Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen. On the whole, phytoplankton populations of the Fusaro lagoon showed distinct characters as compared to those of southern Tyrrhenian coastal waters and of other lagoons.  相似文献   

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