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Journal of Ethology - Birds are important predators of insects and insects often incorporate chemical defenses that may make themselves distasteful or toxic to the predators. Predators can respond...  相似文献   

Prey-predator interaction is one of the most commonly observed relationships in ecosystem. In the study of prey-predator models, it is frequently assumed that the changes in population densities are only time-dependent and the dynamics is generally represented by coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations. In natural system, however, either prey or predator or both move from one place to another for various reasons. In such a case, their dynamic interaction depends both on time and space and requires coupled nonlinear partial differential equations for its dynamic representation. It is also well documented that prey refuges affect the interaction between prey and predator significantly. In this paper, we studied the dynamics of a diffusive prey-predator interaction with prey refuge and type III response function. We have considered both one and two dimensional diffusivity in the model system and presented different stability results under the assumptions that one or both species may be mobile or sedentary. Our results showed that the system may exhibit different spatiotemporal (non-Turing) patterns, like spiral waves, patchy structures, spot pattern, or even spatiotemporal chaos depending on the refuge availability and diffusion rate of species. Another interesting finding was that the dynamic complexity in a prey-predator model increases in case of mobile predator and sedentary prey compare to mobile prey and sedentary predator while refuge availability is varied.  相似文献   

In this work,we have introduced an eco-epidemiological model of an infected predator prey system.Incorporation of prey refuge gives that a fraction of the infected prey is available to the predator for consumption.Moreover,to make the model more realistic to the environment,we have introduced strong Allee effect in the susceptible population.Boundedness and positivity of the solution have been established.Local stability conditions of the equilibrium points have been found with the help of Routh-Hurwitz criterion and it has been observed that if a prey population is infected with a lethal disease,then both the prey(susceptible and infected)and predator cannot survive simultaneously in the system for any parametric values.The disease transmission rate and the attack rate on the susceptible have an important role to control the system dynamics.For different values of these two key parameters,we have got only healthy or disease-free or predation-free or a fluctuating disease-free or even a fluctuating predator-free system with some certain parametric conditions.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses of experimentally naive captive-born juvenile females of three macaque species (Macaca mulatta, M. radiata, M. fascicularis)to a passive human observer were compared across three periods, beginning approximately 6 weeks after animals were transferred from multianimal groups housed outdoors to individual cages in colony rooms and ending approximately 6 months later. Responsiveness was assessed using eight relatively stereotyped behavior patterns characteristic of this genus. Although overall responsiveness declined across periods in all groups, this measure was consistently highest for M. fascicularis.Patterns were also analyzed as indicative of “fear” or “hostility.” Responses of M. fasciculariswere frequent in both categories, although fear scores exceeded those for hostility. M. mulattascored more frequently as hostile than as fearful. Both fear and hostility scores for M. radiatawere extremely low. The only response shown with more than minimal frequency was lip-smacking, a pattern that is usually construed as an appeasing, submissive, or affiliative display. Differences among species in their responses to the observer are generally consistent with other behavioral and psychophysiological data on the same subjects and with patterns of social interaction between conspecifics.  相似文献   

Prey refuges are expected to affect population dynamics, but direct experimental tests of this hypothesis are scarce. Larvae of western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis use the web produced by spider mites as a refuge from predation by the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris. Thrips incur a cost of using the refuge through reduced food quality within the web due to spider mite herbivory, resulting in a reduction of thrips developmental rate. These individual costs and benefits of refuge use were incorporated in a stage-structured predator-prey model developed for this system. The model predicted higher thrips numbers in presence than in absence of the refuge during the initial phase. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to test this prediction: the dynamics of thrips and their predators was followed on plants damaged by spider mites, either with or without web. Thrips densities in presence of predators were higher on plants with web than on unwebbed plants after 3 weeks. Experimental data fitted model predictions, indicating that individual-level measurements of refuge costs and benefits can be extrapolated to the level of interacting populations. Model-derived calculations of thrips population growth rate enable the estimation of the minimum predator density at which thrips benefit from using the web as a refuge. The model also predicted a minor effect of the refuge on the prey density at equilibrium, indicating that the effect of refuges on population dynamics hinges on the temporal scale considered.  相似文献   

Finke DL  Denno RF 《Oecologia》2006,149(2):265-275
The ability of predators to elicit a trophic cascade with positive impacts on primary productivity may depend on the complexity of the habitat where the players interact. In structurally-simple habitats, trophic interactions among predators, such as intraguild predation, can diminish the cascading effects of a predator community on herbivore suppression and plant biomass. However, complex habitats may provide a spatial refuge for predators from intraguild predation, enhance the collective ability of multiple predator species to limit herbivore populations, and thus increase the overall strength of a trophic cascade on plant productivity. Using the community of terrestrial arthropods inhabiting Atlantic coastal salt marshes, this study examined the impact of predation by an assemblage of predators containing Pardosa wolf spiders, Grammonota web-building spiders, and Tytthus mirid bugs on herbivore populations (Prokelisia planthoppers) and on the biomass of Spartina cordgrass in simple (thatch-free) and complex (thatch-rich) vegetation. We found that complex-structured habitats enhanced planthopper suppression by the predator assemblage because habitats with thatch provided a refuge for predators from intraguild predation including cannibalism. The ultimate result of reduced antagonistic interactions among predator species and increased prey suppression was enhanced conductance of predator effects through the food web to positively impact primary producers. Behavioral observations in the laboratory confirmed that intraguild predation occurred in the simple, thatch-free habitat, and that the encounter and capture rates of intraguild prey by intraguild predators was diminished in the presence of thatch. On the other hand, there was no effect of thatch on the encounter and capture rates of herbivores by predators. The differential impact of thatch on the susceptibility of intraguild and herbivorous prey resulted in enhanced top-down effects in the thatch-rich habitat. Therefore, changes in habitat complexity can enhance trophic cascades by predator communities and positively impact productivity by moderating negative interactions among predators.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecosystems are particularly sensitive to the introduction of species due to human activities. Increasing salinity in freshwaters due to sea intrusion or to human activities (road salt, industry, etc.) is known to have a negative impact on aquatic organisms and could play a role in the dynamics of invaders. This study compares salt tolerance levels of two introduced aquatic plants Myriophyllum aquaticum (Velloso) Verdcourt and Ludwigia grandiflora (Michaux) Greuter and Burdet. Plants were collected in spring, summer and autumn 2010, and were exposed to a range of salt concentrations (1, 3 and 6 g/L). Plant growth was determined by measuring seven morphological traits and their photosynthetic activity. Increased salt levels induced a decline in growth and photosynthetic activity in L. grandiflora, while photosynthetic activity in M. aquaticum remained constant at all salt concentrations. The response of both species to salt varied according to the season. M. aquaticum allocated its energy to growth in autumn, whereas the growth of L. grandiflora remained constant whatever the season. Our results suggested that M. aquaticum stimulated root and leaf production at the end of summer, which conferred resistance to salt stress and allowed this species to become invasive by overcompensating for this stress. Conversely, L. grandiflora induced premature senescence and lost its leaves. In the context of worldwide salinisation of freshwaters, M. aquaticum could colonize brackish water and other water bodies, whereas L. grandiflora invasion could be limited.  相似文献   

Three physiological variables, haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and ventilation frequency, were measured to test how fathead minnows Pimephales promelas and small and large yellow perch Perca flavescens responded to three different dissolved oxygen concentrations. All fish were monitored continuously for any indications of stress in response to these manipulations. Within and between species, smaller individuals were the most tolerant of hypoxic environments. A species effect, however, did contribute to this observation, with fathead minnows being more tolerant of hypoxic environments than similar-sized yellow perch. In aquatic ecosystems where smaller fishes are more tolerant to hypoxia than their larger predators, hypoxic environments may have the potential to act as a refuge from predators.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal and habitat use are key elements in determining impacts of introduced species. We examined if an invasive crayfish species showed a different pattern of movement, dispersal and refuge use to that of a species that it displaces. 2. Fifteen adults of the introduced American signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus and 20 adult native white‐clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes were radiotagged in an area of river where in 2003 they co‐occurred and the spatial behaviour and habitat use of the two species were examined. Subsequent surveys at the study site in 2005 recorded no A. pallipes and the density of P. leniusculus had increased. 3. Clear differences in the spatial behaviour of the two species were found. The median distance moved per day by signal crayfish was over twice that of white‐clawed crayfish, and dispersal from release locations was higher in signal crayfish. A similar range of refuges with a high degree of overlap was used by both species suggesting that the potential for competitive interaction between the two species exists. 4. The greater movement and dispersal by signal crayfish recorded here supports the hypothesis that invaders are better dispersers than the species that they displace. In addition, movements by signal crayfish may allow them to make better use of patchy resources than white‐clawed crayfish and this, coupled with similar microhabitat use, may contribute to the observed replacement.  相似文献   

刘志广 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2958-2964
建立了一个显式含有空间庇护所的两斑块Leslie-Gower捕食者-食饵系统。假设只有食饵种群在斑块间以常数迁移率迁移,且在每个斑块上食饵间的迁移比局部捕食者-食饵相互作用发生的时间尺度要快。利用两个时间尺度,可以构建用来描述所有斑块总的食饵和捕食者密度的综合系统。数学分析表明,在一定条件下,存在唯一的正平衡点,并且此平衡点全局稳定。进一步,捕食者的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加而降低;在一定条件下,食饵的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加先增加后降低,在足够强的庇护所强度下,两物种出现灭绝。对比以往研究,利用显式含有和隐含空间庇护所的数学模型所得结论不一致,这意味着在研究庇护所对捕食系统种群动态影响时,空间结构可能起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Björn Söderbäck 《Oecologia》1994,100(3):229-235
Two freshwater crayfish species, Astacus astacus L. and Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana, co-occur in some Swedish lakes. Observational studies indicate that the introduced, North American species P. leniusculus may gradually replace the native A. astacus, but the mechanism behind the replacement is not known. This study examined the direct effects of interspecific competition between the crayfish, and indirect effects of competitive interactions and fish (European perch, Perca fluviatilis L.) predation. Three different experiments with young-of-the-year (YOY) crayfish were performed. P. leniusculus was strongly dominant over similar-sized A. astacus in interference competition for shelter in a laboratory experiment. However, in a 35-day experiment in outdoor pools, A. astacus growth and survival were about equally affected by interactions with conspecifics and P. leniusculus. In contrast, P. leniusculus was significantly more affected by intraspecific competition than by competition with A. astacus, suggesting asymmetric competition between the two species. The presence of perch in outdoor ponds with mixed-species groups of the two crayfish species resulted in considerably higher predation rates on A. astacus than on P. leniusculus. Both species showed strong antipredator responses to perch by increasing refuge use. I suggest that higher perch predation rates on A. astacus originate from P. leniusculus being the superior species in interspecific competition for shelter. Because of displacement from refuges, A. astacus individuals become more exposed to the predator. This indirect effect of interactions among the two cray-fish species and the predator may be important in the observed in situ replacement of A. astacus by P. leniusculus.  相似文献   

A refuge model is developed for a single predator species and either one or two prey species where no predators are present in the prey refuge. An individual’s fitness depends on its strategy choice or ecotype (predators decide which prey species to pursue and prey decide what proportion of their time to spend in the refuge) as well as on the population sizes of all three species. It is shown that, when there is a single prey species with a refuge or two prey species with no refuge compete only indirectly (i.e. there is only apparent competition between prey species), that stable resident systems where all individuals in each species have the same ecotype cannot be destabilized by the introduction of mutant ecotypes that are initially selectively neutral. In game-theoretic terms, this means that stable monomorphic resident systems, with ecotypes given by a Nash equilibrium, are both ecologically and evolutionarily stable. However, we show that this is no longer the case when the two indirectly-competing prey species have a refuge. This illustrates theoretically that two ecological factors, that are separately stabilizing (apparent competition and refuge use), may have a combined destabilizing effect from the evolutionary perspective. These results generalize the concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) to models in evolutionary ecology. Several biological examples of predator–prey systems are discussed from this perspective.  相似文献   

In the current context of the anthropocene, the original habitats of many species have been modified or destroyed. Animals may be forced to move from their original habitats, either to refuge habitats that are suboptimal natural habitats, or to substitution habitats that are anthropogenic. The quality of refuge habitats may be lower than that of the original ones, whereas substitution habitats may be of a similar or even better quality. Here, we test this hypothesis empirically, using the example of coastal populations of the bluethroat, Luscinina svecica namnetum. In a radio-tracking survey, we compared the home-range sizes (considered here a proxy of habitat quality) of the breeding males in their original (coastal saltmarshes), refuge (inland reedbeds) and substitution (coastal salinas) habitats. We found that home ranges are up to 15 times larger in the substitution habitat than in the original one, and intermediate in the refuge habitat, suggesting that substitution habitats have the lowest quality and original habitats the highest. To date, most studies and conservation programs related to this species have focused on its substitution habitats. This result challenges the interest of focusing on anthropogenic habitats when studying and conserving such a species, because such habitats may only be low-quality substitutes.  相似文献   

Reversibly blindfolded crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) react to small swimming fish (Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus) approaching or passing nearby with antennal and cheliped movements and body turns (Fig. 3). We studied the accuracy and dynamics of crayfish orientation responses to the previously analyzed hydrodynamic disturbances caused by the fish, mostly produced by tail flicks.Antennal and cheliped movements started slightly before the onset of turning responses (Fig. 4). Antennal sweeps were performed most rapidly. 50% of the appendage sweeps resulted in contacts with the fish (Fig. 5).Most turns were directed toward the stimulus (Fig. 6). Response amplitudes increased with increasing stimulus angle. Turns were accurate for small stimulus angles, but smaller than expected for larger ones. Sweeps of ipsilateral antennae and chelipeds were generally directed backwards, while those of contralateral appendages were smaller and directed forwards. The amplitudes of appendage sweeps first increased with increasing stimulus angle and then decreased again for more caudal stimulus directions. Lateral stimuli (60°–120°) from opposite sides were usually significantly distinguished. The amplitudes of the different elements of orientation behaviour were highly correlated with each other, indicating that they were directed by the same sensory input.  相似文献   

1. Four gastropods common in Wisconsin lakes, Amnicola limosa, Gyraulus parvus, Physella gyrina and Helisoma anceps, were exposed to predation by three crayfish congeners, Orconectes rusticus, O. propinquus and O. virilis in the laboratory to determine prey preference. 2. There were no differences in prey choice among the crayfish congeners, but there were clear differences in electivity for the different snail prey. 3. Crayfish had higher electivities for the thin-shelled, plano-spiral pulmonate Gyraulus parvus, despite its lower abundance in samples, than the thicker-shelled prosobranch Amnicola limosa. Electivity for another plano-spiral pulmonate, Helisoma anceps, was low, evidently because of its relatively thick shell and larger size. Amnicola limosa and the thin-shelled pulmonate Physella gyrina (present at roughly the same relative abundance as Gyraulus parvus) were neither selected nor avoided. 4. Crayfish electivity appears to be a function of the resistance of shells to chipping by crayfish mandibles. Although different species are preferred, this is similar to the previously described selection of thin-shelled species by sunfish.  相似文献   

There are a limited number of feeder-invertebrates available to feed captive insectivores, and many are deficient in certain nutrients. Gut-loading is used to increase the diversity of nutrients present in the captive insectivore diet; however, little is known about delivery of carotenoids via gut-loading. Carotenoids may influence health and reproduction due to their roles in immune and antioxidant systems. We assessed interspecific variation in carotenoid accumulation and retention in three feeder-cricket species (Gryllus bimaculatus, Gryllodes sigillatus and Acheta domesticus) fed one of three diets (wheat-bran, fish-food based formulated diet, and fresh fruit and vegetables). Out of the three species of feeder-cricket in the fish-food-based dietary treatment group, G. bimaculatus had the greatest total carotenoid concentration. All cricket species fed the wheat-bran diet had very low carotenoid concentrations. Species on the fish-food-based diet had intermediate carotenoid concentrations, and those on the fruit and vegetable diet had the highest concentrations. Carotenoid retention was poor across all species. Overall, this study shows that, by providing captive insectivores with G. bimaculatus crickets recently fed a carotenoid-rich diet, the quantity of carotenoids in the diet can be increased.  相似文献   

Many amphibians are known to suffer embryonic die-offs as a consequence of Saprolegnia infections; however, little is known about the action mechanisms of Saprolegnia and the host-pathogen relationships. In this study, we have isolated and characterized the species of Saprolegnia responsible for infections of embryos of natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) and Western spadefoot toad (Pelobates cultripes) in mountainous areas of Central Spain. We also assessed the influence of the developmental stage within the embryonic period on the susceptibility to the Saprolegnia species identified. Only one strain of Saprolegnia was isolated from B. calamita and identified as S. diclina. For P. cultripes, both S. diclina and S. ferax were identified. Healthy embryos of both amphibian species suffered increased mortality rates when exposed to the Saprolegnia strains isolated from individuals of the same population. Embryonic developmental stage was crucial in determining the sensitivity of embryos to Saprolegnia infection. The mortalities of P. cultripes and B. calamita embryos exposed at Gosner stages 15 (rotation) and 19 (heart beating) were almost total 72 h after challenge with Saprolegnia, while those exposed at stage 12 (late gastrula) showed no significant effects at that time. This is the first study to demonstrate the role of embryonic development on the sensitivity of amphibians to Saprolegnia.  相似文献   

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