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A molecular study of the wetland pleurocarpous moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs, based on the ITS region, the trnL-trnF region, and rpl16 revealed two cryptic species. One of these is widespread in Europe, and was also sampled from several localities in Minnesota (United States). The other cryptic species occurs only south of the boreal zone in Europe, and was in addition sampled from single localities in Peru and northernmost Asiatic Russian Federation. Although it seems likely that the southern species colonized parts of Europe from southern refugia after the last glaciation, its wide distribution outside Europe indicates that the speciation event is unrelated to the European glacial history. No correlations could be found between variation in habitat preferences (pH and electric conductivity) and molecular variation.  相似文献   

Aneura pinguis and Aneura maxima belong to the simple thalloid liverworts. Previous isozyme studies revealed that A. pinguis is a complex of cryptic species difficult to distinguished based on morphology. In the present study four cryptic species of the A. pinguis complex and A. maxima were examined by means of ISSR method to assess genetic variation and to develop species-specific markers. Eight ISSR primers used generated 460 bands, of which 453 were polymorphic. The highest values of resolving power 28.4 and marker index 18.1 were noted for primer 835 (AG)8-YC, while polymorphism information content for primer 842 (GA)7-AYG. The total gene diversity (HT) based on polymorphic loci was 0.284 for A. pinguis and 0.06 for A. maxima. ISSR markers supported existence of cryptic species in A. pinguis and showed genetic isolation between them. Species-specific bands were found for all studied cryptic species of A. pinguis and A. maxima, thus ISSRs can be used for their identification. A. maxima clearly differ from all the A. pinguis cryptic species in each amplified ISSR primer. The AMOVA conducted for the A. pinguis complex showed that most of genetic variation (ΦPT 0.586) was present among species.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of two species of agamid (dragon) lizards were studied in the Simpson Desert, central Australia, over a period of 7 years, and modelled in relation to rainfall. Both species have annual life cycles, with adults predominating during the breeding season in spring and summer and juveniles predominating in other seasons. Within years, juvenile abundance in both species in autumn and winter was related most strongly to rainfall in the preceding summer and autumn. This pattern suggests that rainfall enhances survival, growth and possibly clutch size and hatching success. Between years, however, rainfall drove successional change in the dominant plant species in the study area, spinifex Triodia basedowii, causing in turn a shift in the relative abundance of the two species. Thus, the central netted dragon Ctenophorus nuchalis was most numerous in 1990 when vegetation cover was <10%, but declined dramatically in abundance after heavy rainfall at the end of that year. In contrast, the military dragon C. isolepis achieved greatest abundance following heavy rains in the summers of 1990 and 1994, when spinifex cover increased to >20%, and remained numerically dominant for much of the study. We suggest that drought-wet cycles periodically reverse the dominance of the two species of Ctenophorus, and perhaps of other lizard species also, thus enhancing local species diversity over time. Further long-term studies are needed to document the population dynamics of other species, and to identify the factors that influence them. Received: 11 September 1998 / Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

Astyanax is well known as a model for developmental biology studies, particularly with regard to Mexico's cave populations. More than 130 species of Astyanax are already known, most of which live in South America. The occurrence of cryptic species and species complexes elucidated by chromosomal and genetic studies demonstrates that the relationship between morphology and molecular evolution is quite complex within this group. In this work, we demonstrate that morphology does not follow the path of vicariant processes observed in Astyanax fasciatus populations, which separated about three million years ago, although molecular data suggests its separation in two species.  相似文献   

One of the few important empirical generalizations regarding herbaceous plant systems has been the demonstration that species richness is related to standing crop with maximum richness occurring at moderate levels of standing crop. This relationship is normally demonstrated by comparing among vegetation types (i.e., vegetation with different dominants). We undertook this study to test whether the species richness-standing crop relationship was evident at a finer-grained level of organization, the within vegetation type level. Fifteen wetland sites were sampled in eastern Canada and species richness and standing crop determined in each of 224 0.25 m2 quadrats. Each site was relatively homogeneous in terms of the dominant species present and were therefore categorized as single vegetation types. However, as a group, the sites comprised a wide range of vegetation types.A second order polynomial regression indicated a significant bitonic relationship between species richness and standing crop at the among-vegetation types scale, that is, when all 15 sites were combined. At the within-vegetation type level, however, no significant relationships were observed (p>0.05). The results indicate that the model of species richness proposed by Grime has predictive power at a coarse-grained level of organization, among vegetation types, but does not survive the transition to a finer-grained level of organization, the within vegetation type level. Therefore, the higher level processes which structure species richness patterns among vegetation types are not the same processes which determine richness patterns within a vegetation type.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genetic diversity, distribution and invasive potential of multiple cryptic operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of the red invasive seaweed Asparagopsis were assessed by studying introduced Mediterranean and Hawaiian populations. Invasive behavior of each Asparagopsis OTU was inferred from phylogeographic reconstructions, past historical demographic dynamics, recent range expansion assessments and future distributional predictions obtained from demographic models. Genealogical networks resolved Asparagopsis gametophytes and tetrasporophytes into four A. taxiformis and one A. armata cryptic OTUs. Falkenbergia isolates of A. taxiformis L3 were recovered for the first time in the western Mediterranean Sea and represent a new introduction for this area. Neutrality statistics supported past range expansion for A. taxiformis L1 and L2 in Hawaii. On the other hand, extreme geographic expansion and an increase in effective population size were found only for A. taxiformis L2 in the western Mediterranean Sea. Distribution models predicted shifts of the climatically suitable areas and population expansion for A. armata L1 and A. taxiformis L1 and L2. Our integrated study confirms a high invasive risk for A. taxiformis L1 and L2 in temperate and tropical areas. Despite the differences in predictions among modelling approaches, a number of regions were identified as zones with high invasion risk for A. taxiformis L2. Since range shifts are likely climate‐driven phenomena, future invasive behavior cannot be excluded for the rest of the lineages.  相似文献   

The diversity and community structure of macrophyte vegetation was studied in 50 boreal lakes forming several upper reaches of lake chains around Lammi, southern Finland. Water chemical parameters and morphometry of the basins were included in a multivariate analysis. Floating-leaved vegetation was the dominant growth form, followed by emergent plants. In downstream lakes, the dominance of floating-leaved macrophytes declined, and emergent species increased in abundance. Species richness was highest in larger lakes, with a wider range of littoral habitats than smaller lakes. Electrical conductivity (range 18–151 mS cm−1, 25 °C) of the water correlated well with patterns in diversity among lakes, but this was not the case for nutrient concentrations. As a whole, morphometrical characteristics of lake basins showed better correlations with vegetation structure than any of the measured chemical parameters. The macrophyte vegetation of neighbouring lake chains differed considerably, depending on the surrounding landscape properties, water quality of the lakes and immigration history of plant species.  相似文献   

In comparative phylogenetic and population genetic studies, one of the most crucial steps is to select appropriate DNA markers, a decision based primarily on the estimated variation in markers in cross-taxonomic surveys. To assess whether genetic variation at the intraspecific level in one species predicts the variation in another closely related species we used two congeneric species of Cereus (Cactaceae: Cereeae). We screened and characterized eight noncoding plastid regions (trnS-trnG, atpI-atpH, trnT-trnL, psbD-trnT, petL-psbE, 3'rps16-5'trnk, trnG intron, and trnL intron), and one nuclear gene (PhyC) in Cereus fernambucensis and C. hildmannianus. A total of 40 individuals from 15 populations were characterized according to nucleotide diversity, number of haplotypes, and number of potentially informative characters. The results revealed that nucleotide substitutions and indels are the main source of variation, with the largest divergence between species found in trnS-trnG. The trnL intron and petL-psbE showed intraspecific variability in both species. The psbD-trnT, atpI-atpH, trnS-trnG, and trnT-trnL, which are the most variable regions in one species, showed no variation in the other. Finally, the nuclear gene PhyC showed more resolution between Cereus species than within species. We thus found considerable heterogeneity among widely used plastid markers, even between closely related species, and suggest the use of PhyC as a marker for phylogenetic inference in these species. These results reinforce the need of screening as a preliminary step to conduct phylogeographic or phylogenetic studies in face of unpredictable sequence variation of molecular markers in plants.  相似文献   

We examined the patterns of habitat use of six radio-tagged booted eagles (Hieraaetus pennatus) in a Special Protection Area (SPA) in southeastern Spain. Variable percentages of radio locations (20.8–72.0 %) and home range areas (45.2–81.3 %) lay outside the SPA limits. A model selection procedure showed that habitat use was mainly influenced by habitat type and the distance to the nest. Edges and open lands were the most selected habitat types at long distances, while the probability of forest use strongly decreased with the distance. We conclude that effective conservation strategies for this species should encourage not only the protection of the forest nesting habitats, but also the traditional agricultural practices of the surrounding agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Kessler  Michael 《Plant Ecology》2000,149(2):181-193
I analyzed the distribution of Acanthaceae, Araceae, Bromeliaceae, Cactaceae, Melastomataceae, and Pteridophyta in 62 vegetation plots of 400 m2 along an elevational transect between 500 m and 2450 m, and at a nearby lowland site in western Santa Cruz department, Bolivia. These groups were selected because they are physiognomically distinctive, have high species numbers, are comparatively easy to identify, adequately reflect overall floristic relationships, include a wide range of life forms, and are small. The transect was located in the Tucumano-Boliviano biogeographic zone and included drought-deciduous (<850–1000 m), mixed evergreen (850–1000 m to 1800 m), and evergreen Podocarpus-dominated (>1800 m) forests. Elevational patterns of species richness were group-specific and probably related to the ecophysiological properties of each group. Species richness in Pteridophyta and Melastomataceae was correlated with moss cover (i.e., humidity), with elevation (i.e., temperatures) in Acanthaceae and epiphytic Bromeliaceae, with potential evapotranspiration (i.e., ecosystem productivity) in Araceae, and with light availability at ground level in terrestrial Bromeliaceae and Cactaceae. Community endemism generally increased with elevation, but showed a maximum at 1700 m for terrestrial Pteridophyta, and a nonsignificant decline for epiphytic Bromeliaceae and Cactaceae. Endemism was higher for terrestrial than for epiphytic taxa, and was lower among Pteridophyta compared to all other groups, reflecting different dispersal ability among taxonomic and ecological groups. Elevational zonation, tested against a null-model of random distribution of elevational limits, revealed a significant accumulation of upper and lower elevational range boundaries at 900–1050 m and at 1500–1850 m, corresponding to the elevational limits of the main physiognomic vegetation types.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary study, engaging morphological, carpological and molecular data, has been performed to investigate the genetic relatedness and taxonomic boundaries of the close species Hedysarum gmelinii, H. setigerum and H. chaiyrakanicum (Fabaceae) with overlapped distribution areas in southern Siberia. The diagnostic features of these legume species are analyzed and discussed, including their macro- and micromorphological characteristics, seed coat ornamentation and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) profiles. The morphometric features, pod and seed microsculpture traits of H. chaiyrakanicum and the ISSR patterns of the three species have been determined for the first time. Sprout, leaf, calyx, corolla, and stem rachis measurements, leaflet indumentum type and ISSR patterns significantly discriminate H. chaiyrakanicum from the other two species, whereas plant height, lengths of stem and leaf, and length and width of leaflet show opposite ranges of variation for H. gmelinii and H. setigerum though none of them is reliable in species identification. Ornamentation of seed coat and ISSR patterns does not differ significantly in the species. Therefore, our study supports the separate taxonomic treatment of H. chaiyrakanicum and the subordination of the cryptic species H. setigerum within H. gmelinii.  相似文献   

The lesser Egyptian jerboa Jaculus jaculus is a desert dwelling rodent that inhabits a broad Arabian–Saharan arid zone. Recently, two distant sympatric lineages were described in North‐West Africa, based on morphometric and molecular data, which may correspond to two cryptic species. In the current study, phylogenetic relationships and phylogeographical structure among those lineages and geographical populations from North Africa and the Middle East were investigated. The phylogeographical patterns and genetic diversity of the cytochrome b gene (1110 bp) were addressed on 111 jerboas from 41 localities. We found that the variation in Africa is partitioned into two divergent mitochondrial clades (10.5% divergence relating to 1.65–4.92 Mya) that corresponds to the two cryptic species: J. jaculus and J. deserti. Diversifications within those cryptic species/clades were dated to 0.23–1.13 Mya, suggesting that the Middle Pleistocene climatic change and its environmental consequences affected the evolutionary history of African jerboas. The third distant clade detected, found in the Middle East region, most likely represents a distinct evolutionary unit, independent of the two African lineages. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

During the identification of Moroccan samples a plant belonging to Isothecium with characteristics of I. alopecuroides (Dubois) Isov. and, to a smaller degree, I. algarvicum W.E. Nicholson and Dixon was found. Problems with attributing the plant to any of the European Isothecium species and the known large morphological variation in I. alopecuroides suggested that molecular studies were needed to evaluate patterns of relationships in this complex. We investigated one nuclear and one chloroplast marker from 66 samples (gametophytes) of Isothecium alopecuroides and from 18 samples of other Isothecium species. Parsimony and likelihood (via Bayesian analysis) were used as optimality criteria to compute phylogenetic trees. Bootstrapping and posterior probabilities were used, not only to quantify support, but also to evaluate competing phylogenetic alternatives in consensus networks. Finally, split decomposition and neighbour net analysis were used to compute distance based split networks, in order to avoid systematic error. The observed discrepancy among morphological and molecular data suggests that none of the European species Isothecium alopecuroides, I. holtii and I. myosuroides are monophyletic as defined by traditional morphological characters. Convergent morphological evolution cannot explain the discrepancy in this particular case; instead exchange of genetic material among Isothecium species is considered a potential explanation for the molecular diversity within morphospecies.  相似文献   

Theories about colonization and evolution in groundwater have assumed that the fragmented structure of groundwater strongly limits dispersal. The high number of endemic and allopatric species in groundwater supports this hypothesis, but the occurrence of widely distributed groundwater taxa calls into question its universality. These widely distributed taxa might also be sets of cryptic species because extreme conditions of life in groundwater promote cryptic diversity by inducing convergent morphological evolution. Niphargus rhenorhodanensis is a widely distributed and ubiquitous groundwater amphipod which supposedly colonized the Alps after Quaternary glaciations. We tested the dispersal and the cryptic species hypotheses within this species using a phylogeographic approach based on two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S) and a nuclear gene (28S). Results support the view that poor dispersal is a main evolutionary factor in groundwater. All genes independently supported the existence of numerous cryptic and mostly allopatric units within N. rhenorhodanensis, indicating that its apparently wide distribution range is an artefact generated by cryptic diversity. We reject the hypothesis of a recent and global colonization of the Alps and argue that some N. rhenorhodanensis lineages probably survived glaciations near or within the Alps.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) was considered as an essential enzyme in glucolipid metabolism. It has been proposed to be a lead candidate gene for genetic markers of lipid deposition in livestock. The aim of this study was to identify sequence variants (SVs) of the bovine HSL gene and evaluate the relations to intramuscular fat in two indigenous Chinese beef cattle breeds. Expression analysis by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reactions (qPCR) indicated that expression levels of bovine HSL gene were highest in the perirenal fat and heart within two different age stage (adult and calf), respectively. Five SVs were identified by direct DNA sequencing, which included four missense mutations (g.16563C>T, g.16734G>A, g.16896A>G, g.17388G>T) in exon 8 and a synonymous mutation (g.17402C>T) in exon 9. Population genetic analysis showed that except for g.16563C>T and g.17402C>T, all the other detected SVs strongly affected the bovine intramuscular fat content (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). The individuals with Hap5/5 diplotypes (CC-GG-GG-GG-CC) was highly significantly associated with intramuscular fat content than the other diplotypes (P < 0.01). The above results suggested that the HSL gene can used as potential candidate markers gene for the beef breed improvement through marker assisted selection in Chinese cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Question: What is the influence of hydrological regime, soils and management on the plant community composition and species richness of Skealoghan turlough (groundwater dependent calcareous wetland). Location: Skealoghan turlough, County Mayo, Ireland. Methods: Percentage cover of vascular plants and bryophytes were recorded, and data on hydrological regimes, soils and management were collected. Data were analysed using multivariate statistical techniques. Results: A total of 69 species of vascular plants and mosses were recorded. Cluster analysis grouped the samples into two separate communities, the Cirsio‐Molinietum and the Ranunculo‐Potentilletum anserinae plant communities. The plant community composition and species richness followed a main gradient down into the turlough basin, but also varied with microtopography, resulting in a mosaic of vegetation types. Conclusions: The biodiversity and conservation value of the site is linked to the heterogeneity in its physical environment in which hydrology, soils and grazing management all play critical roles.  相似文献   

The potential explosive seed dispersal under controlled conditions and the dispersal by ants in natural populations are compared between two diplochoric species: Jatropha hieronymi Kuntze and J. excisa Griseb. The seeds of J. hieronymi are more than eightfold heavier than J. excisa seeds, and were explosively dispersed considerably further distances, reaching a maximum of almost 18 m. The differences in explosive dispersal distances between the two species seem to depend on both carpel wall thickness of the fruit and aerodynamic shape of the seed. Seed removal by ants was positively correlated with the presence of the elaiosome and was higher for J. excisa (83.6%) than for J. hieronymi (31.6%). Seed size was the major factor affecting the removal by ants, as only large bodied ants were able to transport the large seeds of J. hieronymi. The larger size and the higher oleic acid content of the elaiosomes of J. hieronymi seeds had no influence on the observed removal rates by ants. In contrast, ants transported the J. hieronymi seeds further distances than J. excisa seeds. Jatropha hieronymi distances achieved by both dispersal modes are in the range of the furthest distances described for a diplochorous species. Finally, the possible advantages of this dispersal mode in arid zones are discussed.  相似文献   

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