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The genus Rhophitulus Ducke, 1907 is a large and complex group of bees of the tribe Protandrenini comprising small, slender, mostly black ground-nesting species that are restricted to South America. We describe a new species of Rhophitulus from Parque Nacional São Joaquim, Urubici, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Rophitulus ater sp. nov. is distinctive and easily distinguished from other species of the genus by a unique combination of morphological characters in both sexes, but especially by the following: dull black body, coarsely and densely punctate integument, basal area of metapostnotum depressed and areolate rugose, posterior margin of hind tibia and pygidial fimbria of female with blackish pilosity, and characters of the male genitalia with hidden sterna. The new species is closely associated with Blumenbachia catharinensis (Loasaceae), which is restricted to cloud forest of the southeastern rim of Serra Geral. Flowers of B. catharinensis are pollen and nectar resources and mating sites for the new species.  相似文献   


Trichostomum schlimii Müll.Hal., a neglected Colombian taxon, is transferred to the genus Pseudosymblepharis Broth. as Pseudosymblepharis schlimii (Müll.Hal.) comb. nov. The species, known only from the type locality in Santa Marta, Colombia, is newly reported for the moss floras of Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guiana, Peru, and Venezuela. It is described, lectotypified, illustrated, and mapped. Diagnostic characters, and distinction from one closely related American species within the genus are discussed. Trichostomum mollissimum (Broth. ex E.B.Bartram) H.A.Crum and Pseudosymblepharis guatemalensis (E.B.Bartram) B.H.Allen are reduced to the synonymy of Pseudosymblepharis schlimii.  相似文献   

Introduction. Over the last years we have been engaged in studies of the South American Pottiaceae. Among the bryophyte specimens collected by us in central and northern Peru, some samples of a puzzling Pottiaceae were found. In this paper, we present our arguments for recognising these plants as a new species and its inclusion in Erythrophyllopsis Broth.

Key Results. It differs most saliently from other species of Erythrophyllopsis by the combination of its oblong-ovate to ovate-lanceolate leaves, with usually fragile apex, leaf margins papillose-crenulate from apex to lower third, sometimes erose or crenate, lamina unistratose, occasionally bistratose in patches, costa broad, usually ending below the apex, without dorsal stereids near the apex where they are replaced by cells similar to those of the lamina, and short and straight peristome teeth.

Conclusions. A new moss species, Erythrophyllopsis perlaticosta M.J.Cano & J.A.Jiménez, is described and illustrated from the Andean highlands in central and northern Peru. A revised identification key for the species of Erythrophyllopsis is also provided. This species grows in crevices or fissures of calcareous rocks or banks between 3050 and 4700?m. The principal distinctive characters that separate it from the nearest species of Erythrophyllopsis and related genera such as Bryoerythrophyllum P.C.Chen and Mironia R.H.Zander are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new genera and three new species of Lycoperdininae (Coleoptera: Endomychidae) from South America, are described and illustrated based on adults: Hylaperdina n. g., along with H. brevicornis n. sp. from Ecuador and H. costariciensis n. sp. from Costa Rica, and Chileanus n. g., along with C. talca n. sp. from Chile. Their most likely placement within the Lycoperdininae is discussed. A key to genera of the neotropical Lycoperdininae is provided.  相似文献   

Five new species of Lamiinae are described from Bolivia, all named after James E. Wappes: Xenofrea wappesi (Xenofreini); Anobrium wappesi (Pteropliini); Cotycicuiara wappesi, Nesozineus wappesi, and Psapharochrus wappesi (Acanthoderini). Anobrium wappesi, Cotycicuiara wappesi, and Nesozineus wappesi are included in known keys. A short note on the name and date of Anobrium oberthueri Belon, 1903 is provided.  相似文献   

This review of Hippidion is based on a multivariate analysis of the foot, and some morphological characteristics of the skull and dentition. We recognize only one genus ( Hippidion ) including all the hippidiform horses, with three different species: H. principale, H. devillei and H. saldiasi. The latter species is stratigraphically and geographically restricted to the period from 13000 to 8000 years BP in the southern part of South America. Hippidion principale and H. devillei have a large geographical distribution (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Perú, Uruguay, Brazil) through the Upper Pliocene-Upper Pleistocene. Both species show some morphometric variations across their geographic range; these features may result from the environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Cladistic and biogeographic analyses of the genus Farrodes are presented. Two species groups are delineated within Farrodes: F. caribbianus and F. bimaculatus. Three species formerly placed in other genera– Thraulus caribbianus Traver, Thraulus roundsi Traver and Homothraulus maculatus (Needham & Murphy)–are transferred to Farrodes. The species of the F. caribbianus species group are revised. Three new species are described: F. savagei from Venezuela, F. maya and F. mexicanus from Mexico. Keys to separate the two species groups of Farrodes and the species of the F caribbianus species group are provided. Successive cladistic analyses were carried out on both adult and nymphal characters using Hennig86 and CLADOS. The matrix was composed of all available data (nymphal characters were missing for some species), from nymphal and adult stages separately and on taxa represented by both adult and nymphal characters. Species of the genera Simothraulopsis and Homothraulus (components of the Farrodes lineage) were included in the analyses, and Ecuaphkbia was used as the outgroup. Results of the four analyses are compatible. The historical biogeography of Farrodes , with a distribution from nordiern Argentina to southern Texas, is analysed using the program COMPONENT. Areas of endemism are established, and some of their relationships compared with those of other groups available in the literature.  相似文献   

Didymodon incurvus J. A. Jiménez & M. J. Cano, is described and illustrated as a new species based on specimens collected from the Puno department in southern Peru. The new taxon is distinguished from others species of the genus by its oblong-lanceolate and appressed leaves when dry, incurved margins above midleaf, and the presence of a bulging ventral costal pad of cells. A key to species of Didymodon in Peru is provided. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 221–226.  相似文献   

Three new species of Notidobiella Schmid (Insecta: Trichoptera) are described from South America: Notidobiella amazonianasp. n. (Brazil), Notidobiella brasilianasp. n. (Brazil), and Notidobiella ecuadorensissp. n. (Ecuador). In addition, the 3 previously described species in the genus, Notidobiella chacayana Schmid, Notidobiella inermis Flint, and Notidobiella parallelipipeda Schmid, all endemic to southern Chile, are redescribed and illustrated, including the females of each species for the first time, and a key to males of the species in the genus is provided. The occurrence of Notidobiella in Brazil and Ecuador represents a significant extension of the range of the genus beyond southern Chile where it previously was thought to be endemic. The biogeography of Sericostomatidae and other austral South American Trichoptera is reviewed. The presence of the family in South America may not be part of a "transantarctic" exchange, but instead may represent an earlier occurence in the region. The distribution of Notidobiella in tropical South America likely represents recent dispersal from southern South America to the north.  相似文献   

The following ten new species of the ant genus Temnothorax are described and illustrated: T. anaphalantus (California, Baja California), T. arboreus (California), T. caguatan (Oregon, California, Baja California), T. morongo (California, Baja California), T. myrmiciformis (California, Baja California), T. nuwuvi (Nevada), T. paiute (California, Nevada), T. pseudandrei (Arizona, California), T. quasimodo (California) and T. wardi (California). A key to workers of the twenty-two Temnothorax species known or expected to occur in California is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):580-583
Only one species of the genus Grahamomyia Alexander, 1935 was previously known from the world. Here one new species, Grahamomyia bilobula sp. nov., is reported from China. Grahamomyia bicellula Alexander, 1935 is re-described and illustrated. A key to the known species of Grahamomyia is presented.LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A18E32D8-B017-46FF-B05B-B664AF988F1B.  相似文献   

A better circumscribed morphological concept of Leiomitra mastigophoroides with its monospecific subgenus Leiomitra subg. Brachygyna from Dominica Island is given. Leiomitra mastigophoroides is characterized by the gynoecia restricted to short lateral branches, rare presence of ventral Acromastigum-type branching, presence of stem paraphyllia, and superficial cilia on marginal parts of the leaf disc. The species is newly confirmed from Peru in addition to Dominica Island. The monospecific subgenus Brachygyna is retained as an isolated element of the genus Leiomitra, because although L. mastigophoroides is unique in terms of the gynoecial position within the family Trichocoleaceae, other vegetative characters, except for the Acromastigum-type branches, are similar to other species of Leiomitra subg. Leiomitra.  相似文献   

Three new species of Curimatopsis are described from major tributaries of the Amazon basin. Curimatopsis guaporensis n. sp., from the Rio Madeira, belongs to the Curimatopsis evelynae clade and can be distinguished by the distinctive shape of the dark blotch on the caudal peduncle and by the position and shape of the nostrils. Curimatopsis pallida n. sp., from the Rio Negro, also related to C. evelynae, is distinguished from all congeners by the complete absence of pigmentation on the lateral surface of the caudal peduncle. Curimatopsis jaci n. sp., apparently endemic to the upper Rio Tapajós, belongs to the Curimatopsis macrolepis clade and differs from all congeners in details of body pigmentation. Meristic and morphometric features supplement diagnoses for the three new species. These species are hypothesized to belong to the two main clades of Curimatopsis on the basis of previous studies of osteology and external morphology and supplement a recent genetic study that revealed several cryptic and yet undescribed species within the genus. An updated identification key to the species of Curimatopsis is also provided.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and distribution of the genus Quillaja (Quillajaceae) is examined and two species, Q. brasiliensis and Q. saponaria, are recognised and keyed out. Quillaja bra‐ siliensis is distributed in southern Brazil, northern Uruguay, northeastern Argentina and eastern Paraguay. The presence of Q. brasiliensis in Peru, indicated in some sources, is not confirmed with herbarium specimens. Quillaja saponaria is distributed in central Chile, besides one doubtful collection from Andean Bolivia. The mention of its presence in Peru is likewise unjustified. A distribution map of the species is provided and two names are lectotypified here. Se examina la taxonomía y distribución del género Quillaja (Quillajaceae), donde dos especies, Q. brasiliensis y Q. saponaria, se reconocen y diferencian mediante una clave. Quillaja brasiliensis se distribuye en el sur de Brasil, norte de Uruguay, noreste de Argentina y este de Paraguay. La presencia de Q. brasiliensis en Perú, indicada en algunas fuentes, no se ve respaldada por ejemplares de herbario. Quillaja saponaria se distrbuye en Chile central, más una colección dudosa proveniente de los Andes de Bolivia. La mención de Q. saponaria para Perú tampoco se justifica. Se presenta un mapa de distribución de las especies y se lectotipifican dos nombres. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):300-303

Pseudocrossidium perpapillosum M.J.Cano & J.A.Jiménez is described and illustrated as a new South American species from Argentina and Chile. It differs from other species of Pseudocrossidium R.S.Williams by the costa excurrent in an awn, elliptical in cross-section, with 4–5(6) guide cells, marginal laminal cells differentiated with rounded, thin-walled and papillose cells, paracostal distal cells with 1–2(4) bi- to quadrifurcate, long papillae, and perichaetial leaves differentiated.  相似文献   

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