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New synonymy and distribution records for the genus Macromitrium Brid. in sub-Saharan Africa are presented. Seven names are placed in synonymy, reducing the number of accepted taxa for Macromitrium in sub-Saharan Africa to 33. Macromitrium anomodictyon Cardot was found to be conspecific with M. serpens (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid.; M. mauritianum Schwägr. and M. sanctae-mariae Renauld & Cardot are placed in synonymy with M. subtortum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. and M. belangeri Müll.Hal., M. seriatum Paris & Broth., M. bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and M. trollii Dixon in Herz. are all placed in synonymy with M. sulcatum (Hook.) Brid. subsp. sulcatum. The precise lectotypification is implemented for six species within the genus. Macromitrium chloromitrium (Besch.) Wilbraham and M. orthostichum Nees ex Schwägr. are reported new to Tanzania and M. chloromitrium new to continental Africa.  相似文献   

Macromitrium filicaule Müll.Hal., M. pacificum var. brevisetum Thér. and M. subnitidum Müll.Hal are placed in synonymy with Macromitrium microstomum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. The morphological variations of M. microstomum branch leaves, perichaetial leaves and capsules are illustrated by digital images.  相似文献   

Type material of two poorly known species of Macromitrium, described from East Africa and Madagascar, was examined and both were found to belong to the genus Macrocoma. Macromitrium megalosporum Thér. & Naveau was found to be morphologically very close to Macrocoma abyssinica (Müll.Hal.) Vitt., with the only significant difference between these taxa being the large multicellular spores of M. megalosporum, which is also the first report of multicellular spores for the genus Macrocoma. This name is here transferred to Macrocoma as Macrocoma abyssinica var. megalospora (Thér. & Naveau) Wilbraham comb. nov. Macrocoma abyssinica var. megalospora is reported new for the Comoros, which is the first record for the species in the East African Islands. Macromitrium adelphinum Cardot in Grandidier was found to be conspecific with Macrocoma tenuis (Hook. & Grev.) Vitt. subsp. tenuis and an appropriate synonymy is proposed. Macrocoma tenuis. subsp. tenuis is also reported here new to the Comoros.  相似文献   

An expanded taxonomic study of the narrowly understood Macromitrium cavaleriei Cardot & Thér. identified four new synonyms, M. cancellatum Y.X.Xiong, M. giraldii var. acrophylloides Müll.Hal., M. handelii Broth. and M. rigbyanum Dixon. With the discovery of the new synonyms, the range of M. cavaleriei is extended to India, Nepal, South Korea and Vietnam. To determine the potential distribution range of the species, we described its macroclimatic niche from its extant distribution with the maximum entropy algorithm modelling program (Maxent), contrasting the impact of different geographic backgrounds on the models. We found that the potential range of the species included central, southern, southwestern China to northern Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal and India, and northwards to Japan and the Korean Peninsula. This estimation of the potential distribution range is largely confirmed by the herbarium specimens. The predicted climate suitability for M. cavaleriei is higher in the areas where the annual temperature range is about 26°C and precipitation during the warmest quarter, wettest quarter and month, and driest month are 500–600 mm, 500 mm, 200–210 mm, and 50 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):196-200

Schlotheimia grevilleana Mitt., Schlotheimia rigescens Broth., Schlotheimia laetevirens Broth., Schlotheimia bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and Schlotheimia brachypodia Thér. & Naveau are placed in synonymy with Schlotheimia ferruginea (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid. The typification of Schlotheimia percuspidata Müll.Hal. is discussed and a neotype is proposed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):325-330

Leptobryum Wilson (Bryaceae) consists of two species, viz., Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson and L. wilsonii (Mitt.) Broth. Pohlia integra (Cardot) A.J.Shaw and three other species of Leptobryum, viz., L. escomelii Thér., L. pottiaceum Dusén, L. stellatum (Herzog) Broth. are reduced to synonomy under L. wilsonii. L. sericeum Kindb. is considered a doubtful species because no specimen could be located.  相似文献   

Several taxa erroneously regarded as conspecific with Syrrhopodon trachyphyllus Mont. are reinstated. These include Syrrhopodon cavifolius Sande Lac., S. planifolius P. de la Varde, S. semperi Müll. Hal., S. tosaensis Cardot and Calymperopsis katemensis Zanten (=Syrrhopodon katemensis (Zanten) L.T. Ellis, comb. nov.). Syrrhopodon ludovicae Broth. & Paris is recognized as a synonym of S. mammillosus Müll. Hal., Syrrhopodon orientalis W. D. Reese & P. J. Lin as conspecific with S. cavifolius Sande Lac., Syrrhopodon cambodiensis Tixier as synonymous with S. semperi, S. calymperoides Cardot & P. de la Varde as conspecific with Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwägr., and S. prolifer var. mossmanensis W. D. Reese is placed in synonymy with S. katemensis (Zanten) L.T. Ellis. Varieties of Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwägr. occurring in the palaeotropics are discussed.  相似文献   

Syrrhopodon cuneifolius Thér. is lectotypified and confirmed as a good species, endemic to Madagascar. The features distinguishing it from the superficially similar Syrrhopodon leprieurii Mont., and morphological variation in the latter are discussed. In contrast to the leaves in S. leprieurii, those in S. cuneifolius generally lack large spines, possess a costa with a ventral cortex of small pluripapillose cells, and have a marginal stereome that fails short of the leaf apex. Consideration is given to removing Syrrhopodon recurvulus Mitt. from synonymy with S. leprieurii and placing it in synonymy with Syrrhopodon gaudichaudii Mont.  相似文献   

Leptotheca is recognized as comprising two species,L. boliviana Herzog (L. costaricensis Cardot & Thér., syn. nov.) andL. gaudichaudii Schwaegr. The latter species consists of two varieties, var.gaudichaudii and var.wattsii (Cardot) comb. nov. The genus is characterized by its acrocarpous habit, lanceolate leaves with an excurrent costa and smooth, thick-walled cells, and the occurrence of uniseriate, usually papillose propagula on the upper stems. The genus is transferred from the aulacomniaceae to the Rhizogoniaceae on the basis of gametophytic and sporophytic characters. A key to the genera of the Rhizogoniaceae is provided.  相似文献   

基于燕尾藓属(Bryhnia Kaurin)被处理为狭义青藓属(Brachythecium Schimp.s.str.)的异名,燕尾藓属已不复存在。笔者对原分布于中国的5种燕尾藓属植物进行了相应的分类学修订,结果如下:短尖燕尾藓(B.hultenii E.B.Bartram)、燕尾藓[B.novae-angliae(Sull.Lesq.)Grout]和毛尖燕尾藓(B.trichomitria DixonThér.)被移入狭义青藓属并处理为短尖青藓[Brachythecium hultenii(E.B.Bartram)Min LiY.F.Wang]、燕尾青藓[B.novae-angliae(Sull.Lesq.)A.Jaeger]和东亚青藓[B.trichomitrium(DixonThér.)Huttunen,Ignatov,Min LiY.F.Wang];短枝燕尾藓(B.brachycladula Cardot)被移入鼠尾藓属(Myuroclada Besch.),并处理为羽枝鼠尾藓[M.longiramea(Müll.Hal.)Min Li,Y.F.Wang,IgnatovHuttunen]的异名;密枝燕尾藓[B.serricuspis(Müll Hal.)Y.F.WangR.L.Hu]移入拟异叶藓属(Pseudokindbergia Min Li,Y.F.Wang,IgnatovB.C.Tan),并处理为拟异叶藓[P.dumosa(Mitt.)Min Li,Y.F.Wang,IgnatovB.C.Tan]的异名。  相似文献   

Cytological studies were carried out on four South Indian moss taxa. All four taxa, Macromitrium calymperoideum (n=12), M. moorcroftii (n=ll), M. perrottetii (n = 12) and M. sulcatum (n=11+ m) have received cytological attention for the first time. The largest bivalent in the chromosome complement of two taxa, i.e. Macromitrium perrottetii and M. sulcatum was found to be heteromorphic. An anaphase-II bridge (Macromitrium calymperoideum) and telophasic bridge (M. perrottetii) were also observed. A triad was found in Macromitrium sulcatum.  相似文献   

Macromitrium ousiense is a neglected Chinese moss species, differing from other taxa of the genus in its leaves with smooth laminal cells and gymnostomus capsules with hairy calyptrae. We found that M. heterodictyon Dixon is a new synonym of M. ousiense, and Japan is a new distribution record for the species.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):269-272

Ten taxa of Pottiaceae considered endemic to North Africa have been studied and typified. Nine are newly synonymized with other well-known taxa. A new combination is proposed: Weissia condensa var. armata (Thér. & Trab.) M.J.Cano, Ros & J.Guerra. The distribution of Acaulon triquetrum var. desertorum (Besch.) Jelenc and Weissia condensa var. armata are respectively extended to Europe and the African continent. Barbula muralis var. obovata Schimp. is a misprint in the publication of the taxon. Two nomina nuda, Tortula cuneifolia var. caulescens Jelenc and Tortula cuneifolia var. pilifera Jelenc have no taxonomic value.  相似文献   

The lectotype for Calymperes erosum Müll.Hal. is re-established, and lectotypes are designated for three West African taxa: Calymperes asterigerum Müll.Hal. ex Besch., C. leucomitrium Müll.Hal. and C. proligerum Dusén. Calymperes asterigerum and C. leucomitrium are placed in synonymy with C. erosum, and C. proligerum with C. palisotii Schwägr. A revised key to the seven species of Calymperes occurring in West Africa is provided.  相似文献   

Molecular sequence data provide convincing evidence that Tortella bambergeri (Schimp.) Broth., as understood over the last three decades, consists of two species. On the other hand, a careful investigation of the holotype of Trichostomum bambergeri Schimp. revealed its synonymy with Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. (in its current broad sense), which was confirmed by the molecular sequences of two plants from the Alps that were morphologically similar to the T. bambergeri type and that proved to be unrelated to the European plants currently so named. For T. bambergeri auct., two validly described names were located, T. fasciculata (Culm.) Culm., a suboceanic-submediterranean floristic element, and T. pseudofragilis (Thér.) Köckinger &; Hedenäs, comb. nov., a boreo-montane element. Lectotypes for these two names are designated. Beside molecular differences, the two species can be distinguished mainly by having differently shaped cells on the upper leaf margin and by differences in the orientation of the dry leaves. Distribution and ecology of these two taxa are discussed. A key to Tortella (Müll.Hal.) Limpr. species with quadrate superficial cells on the dorsal, upper costa is provided. Hybrid sporophytes in T. pseudofragilis, with T. tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. as the male parent, are discussed in the light of other observations, including an apparent hybrid T. pseudofragilis?×?inclinata from Sweden, suggesting that hybridisation may be important in the evolution within Tortella.  相似文献   

将康定橐吾(Ligularia kangtingensis S.W.Liu)处理为细茎橐吾[L.hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Hand.-Mazz.]的异名。Senecio ficariifolius H.Lév.Vaniot长期以来被处理为细茎橐吾的异名,但我们检查模式材料后发现其头状花序盘状,与头状花序辐射状的细茎橐吾明显不同,而与头状花序盘状的贵州橐吾[L.leveillei(Vaniot)Hand.-Mazz.]没有区别,故将其处理为贵州橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):797-799

Bryum pyriferum Crundw. &; Whiteh. is reduced to synonomy with B. valparaisense Thér. from Chile. The species is illustrated and its distribution summarized.  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):397-406

Eight epithets of Rigodium (R. araucarieti C. Müll., R. argentinicum C. Müll., R. brachypodium (C. Müll.) Par., R. nano-fasciculatum C. Müll. ex Thér., R. pendulum Herz. &; Thér., R. pseudo-thuidium Dus., R. solutum (Tayl.) Par., and R. tamarix C. Müll), lectotypified here, are listed with their nomenclature and pertinent details involving the careful identification of type specimens and original material. For Rigodium solutum (Tayl.) Par., a specimen from Taylor's original herbarium may likely be the holotype but had not been indicated as such by Taylor, the original author. A conservative approach for this situation is taken here by designating this specimen as a lectotype.  相似文献   

Macromitrium catharinense Paris is a poorly known moss of the family Orthotrichaceae reported from Brazil. In the present paper, Macromitrium catharinense is taxonomically re‐evaluated, resulting in the synonymization of M. drewii H. Rob. from Ecuador and M. catharinense var. gracilius (Müll. Hal.) Paris from Brazil. The phenetic relationships between M. catharinense and other closely related species of Macromitrium from Brazil and Ecuador are also discussed.  相似文献   

Genus Parapholidoptera is revised and three species, P. yoruka sp.n., P. bolkarensis sp.n. and P. salmani sp.n., are described. Parapholidoptera delineata Stolyarov is placed in synonymy with P. ziganensis Karaba?. Parapholidoptera bodenheimeri Karaba? and P. distincta bodenheimeri Karaba? are placed in synonymy with P. distincta (Uvarov). Parapholidoptera flexuosa Karaba?, previously a subspecies of P. castaneoviridis (Brunner von Wattenwyl), is recognized as a separate species. A key to world species is provided. Cladistic analysis revealed the monophyly of the genus with two major clades. A short account of distribution is presented.  相似文献   

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