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BACKGROUND: Cytokinesis occurs just as chromosomes complete segregation and reform nuclei. It has been proposed that cyclin/Cdk kinase inhibits cytokinesis until exit from mitosis; however, the timer of cytokinesis has not been experimentally defined. Whereas expression of a stable version of Drosophila cyclin B blocks cytokinesis along with numerous events of mitotic exit, stable cyclin B3 allows cytokinesis even though it blocks late events of mitotic exit. We examined the interface between mitotic cyclin destruction and the timing of cytokinesis. RESULTS: In embryonic mitosis 14, the cytokinesis furrow appeared 60 s after the metaphase/anaphase transition and closed 90 s later during telophase. In cyclin B or cyclin B3 mutant cells, the cytokinesis furrow appeared at an earlier stage of mitosis. Expression of stable cyclin B3 delayed and prolonged furrow invagination; nonetheless, cytokinesis completed during the extended mitosis. Reduced function of Pebble, a Rho GEF required for cytokinesis, also delayed and slowed furrow invagination, but incomplete furrows were aborted at the time of mitotic exit. In functional and genetic tests, cyclin B and cyclin B3 inhibited Pebble contributions to cytokinesis. CONCLUSIONS: Temporal coordination of mitotic events involves inhibition of cytokinesis by cyclin B and cyclin B3 and punctual relief of the inhibition by destruction of these cyclins. Both cyclins inhibit Pebble-dependent activation of cytokinesis, whereas cyclin B can inhibit cytokinesis by additional modes. Stable cyclin B3 also blocks the later return to interphase that otherwise appears to impose a deadline for the completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton is a vital component of several key cellular and developmental processes in eukaryotes. Many proteins that interact with filamentous and/or monomeric actin regulate the structure and dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton. Actin-filament-binding proteins control the nucleation, assembly, disassembly and crosslinking of actin filaments, whereas actin-monomer-binding proteins regulate the size, localization and dynamics of the large pool of unpolymerized actin in cells. In this article, we focus on recent advances in understanding how the six evolutionarily conserved actin-monomer-binding proteins - profilin, ADF/cofilin, twinfilin, Srv2/CAP, WASP/WAVE and verprolin/WIP - interact with actin monomers and regulate their incorporation into filament ends. We also present a model of how, together, these ubiquitous actin-monomer-binding proteins contribute to cytoskeletal dynamics and actin-dependent cellular processes.  相似文献   

Rho-related ROP proteins are molecular switches that essentially regulate a wide variety of processes. Of central interest is their influence on the plant cytoskeleton by which they affect vital processes like cell division, growth, morphogenesis, and pathogen defense. ROPs switch between GTP- and GDP-bound conformations by strictly regulated nucleotide exchange and GTP-hydrolysis, and only the active GTP-form interacts with downstream effectors to ultimately provoke a biological response. However, the mode of action of the engaged regulators and effectors as well as their upstream and downstream interaction partners have long been largely unknown. As opposed to analogous systems in animals and fungi, plants use specific GTPase activating proteins (RopGAPs) with a unique domain composition and novel guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RopGEFs) with a probable link to cell surface receptors. Moreover, plants comprise novel effector molecules and adapters connecting ROPs to mostly unknown downstream targets on the route to the cytoskeleton. This review aims to summarize recent knowledge on the molecular mechanisms and reaction cascades involved in ROP dependent cytoskeletal rearrangements, addressing the structure and function of the unusual RopGAPs, RopGEFs and effectors, and the upstream and downstream pathways linking ROPs to cell receptor-like kinases, actin filaments, and microtubules.  相似文献   

The centrosome is an integral component of the eukaryotic cell cycle machinery, yet very few centrosomal proteins have been fully characterized to date. We have undertaken a series of biochemical and RNA interference (RNAi) studies to elucidate a role for CP110 in the centrosome cycle. Using a combination of yeast two-hybrid screens and biochemical analyses, we report that CP110 interacts with two different Ca2+-binding proteins, calmodulin (CaM) and centrin, in vivo. In vitro binding experiments reveal a direct, robust interaction between CP110 and CaM and the existence of multiple high-affinity CaM-binding domains in CP110. Native CP110 exists in large (approximately 300 kDa to 3 MDa) complexes that contain both centrin and CaM. We investigated a role for CP110 in CaM-mediated events using RNAi and show that its depletion leads to a failure at a late stage of cytokinesis and the formation of binucleate cells, mirroring the defects resulting from ablation of either CaM or centrin function. Importantly, expression of a CP110 mutant unable to bind CaM also promotes cytokinesis failure and binucleate cell formation. Taken together, our data demonstrate a functional role for CaM binding to CP110 and suggest that CP110 cooperates with CaM and centrin to regulate progression through cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications are used by cells to link additional information to proteins. Most modifications are subtle and concern small moieties such as a phosphate group or a lipid. In contrast, protein ubiquitylation entails the covalent attachment of a full-length protein such as ubiquitin. The protein ubiquitylation machinery is remarkably complex, comprising more than 15 Ubls (ubiquitin-like proteins) and several hundreds of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes. Ubiquitin is best known for its role as a tag that induces protein destruction either by the proteasome or through targeting to lysosomes. However, addition of one or more Ubls also affects vesicular traffic, protein-protein interactions and signal transduction. It is by now well established that ubiquitylation is a component of most, if not all, cellular signalling pathways. Owing to its abundance in controlling cellular functions, ubiquitylation is also of key relevance to human pathologies, including cancer and inflammation. In the present review, we focus on its role in the control of cell adhesion, polarity and directional migration. It will become clear that protein modification by Ubls occurs at every level from the receptors at the plasma membrane down to cytoskeletal components such as actin, with differential consequences for the pathway's final output. Since ubiquitylation is fast as well as reversible, it represents a bona fide signalling event, which is used to fine-tune a cell's responses to receptor agonists.  相似文献   

Proteins are often monitored by combining a fluorescent polypeptide tag with the target protein. However, due to the high molecular weight and immunogenicity of such tags, they are not suitable choices for combining with fusion proteins such as immunotoxins. In this study, we designed a polypeptide sequence with a dual role (it acts as both a linker and a fluorescent probe) to use with fusion proteins. Two common fluorescent tag sequences based on tetracysteine were compared to a commonly used rigid linker as well as our proposed dual-purpose sequence. Computational investigations showed that the dual-purpose sequence was structurally stable and may be a good choice to use as both a linker and a fluorescence marker between two moieties in a fusion protein.  相似文献   

In the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum, vegetative hyphal fusion triggers nuclear mitotic division in the invading hypha followed by migration of a nucleus into the receptor hypha and degradation of the resident nucleus. Here we examined the role of autophagy in fusion-induced nuclear degradation. A search of the F. oxysporum genome database for autophagy pathway components identified putative orthologs of 16 core autophagy-related (ATG) genes in yeast, including the ubiquitin-like protein Atg8, which is required for the formation of autophagosomal membranes. F. oxysporum Foatg8Δ mutants were generated in a strain harboring H1-cherry fluorescent protein (ChFP)-labeled nuclei to facilitate analysis of nuclear dynamics. The Foatg8Δ mutants did not show MDC-positive staining in contrast to the wild type and the FoATG8-complemented (cFoATG8) strain, suggesting that FoAtg8 is required for autophagy in F. oxysporum. The Foatg8Δ strains displayed reduced rates of hyphal growth, conidiation, and fusion, and were significantly attenuated in virulence on tomato plants and in the nonvertebrate animal host Galleria mellonella. In contrast to wild-type hyphae, which are almost exclusively composed of uninucleated hyphal compartments, the hyphae of the Foatg8Δ mutants contained a significant fraction of hyphal compartments with 2 or more nuclei. The increase in the number of nuclei per hyphal compartment was particularly evident after hyphal fusion events. Time-lapse microscopy analyses revealed abnormal mitotic patterns during vegetative growth in the Foatg8Δ mutants. Our results suggest that autophagy mediates nuclear degradation after hyphal fusion and has a general function in the control of nuclear distribution in F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

In the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum, vegetative hyphal fusion triggers nuclear mitotic division in the invading hypha followed by migration of a nucleus into the receptor hypha and degradation of the resident nucleus. Here we examined the role of autophagy in fusion-induced nuclear degradation. A search of the F. oxysporum genome database for autophagy pathway components identified putative orthologs of 16 core autophagy-related (ATG) genes in yeast, including the ubiquitin-like protein Atg8, which is required for the formation of autophagosomal membranes. F. oxysporum Foatg8Δ mutants were generated in a strain harboring H1-cherry fluorescent protein (ChFP)-labeled nuclei to facilitate analysis of nuclear dynamics. The Foatg8Δ mutants did not show MDC-positive staining in contrast to the wild type and the FoATG8-complemented (cFoATG8) strain, suggesting that FoAtg8 is required for autophagy in F. oxysporum. The Foatg8Δ strains displayed reduced rates of hyphal growth, conidiation, and fusion, and were significantly attenuated in virulence on tomato plants and in the nonvertebrate animal host Galleria mellonella. In contrast to wild-type hyphae, which are almost exclusively composed of uninucleated hyphal compartments, the hyphae of the Foatg8Δ mutants contained a significant fraction of hyphal compartments with 2 or more nuclei. The increase in the number of nuclei per hyphal compartment was particularly evident after hyphal fusion events. Time-lapse microscopy analyses revealed abnormal mitotic patterns during vegetative growth in the Foatg8Δ mutants. Our results suggest that autophagy mediates nuclear degradation after hyphal fusion and has a general function in the control of nuclear distribution in F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

During cytokinesis, global and equatorial pathways deform the cell cortex in a stereotypical manner, which leads to daughter cell separation. Equatorial forces are largely generated by myosin-II and the actin crosslinker, cortexillin-I. In contrast, global mechanics are determined by the cortical cytoskeleton, including the actin crosslinker, dynacortin. We used direct morphometric characterization and laser-tracking microrheology to quantify cortical mechanical properties of wild-type and cortexillin-I and dynacortin mutant Dictyostelium cells. Both cortexillin-I and dynacortin influence cytokinesis and interphase cortical viscoelasticity as predicted from genetics and biochemical data using purified dynacortin proteins. Our studies suggest that the regulation of cytokinesis ultimately requires modulation of proteins that control the cortical mechanical properties that establish the force-balance that specifies the shapes of cytokinesis. The combination of genetic, biochemical, and biophysical observations suggests that the cell's cortical mechanical properties control how the cortex is remodeled during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Analysis of actin remodeling in live cells and tissues has become an increasingly important tool to study actin-dependent cellular processes. To facilitate these experiments in the mouse we have generated a GFP-actin-expressing line (huGE) by knock-in of the GFP-actin gene into the profilin 1 locus. Here we show that GFP-actin is expressed throughout embryonic development and in all tissues except skeletal muscle, in a pattern similar to profilin 1. Particularly high expression of GFP-actin was observed in bone marrow and all blood cells. The GFP-actin fusion protein is functional as shown by its co-localization with endogenous actin in F-actin-rich structures. Therefore, the huGE mouse line provides a novel tool to monitor actin dynamics in mouse embryos and a wide range of organs.  相似文献   

The small heat shock protein HSPB8 and its co-chaperone BAG3 are proposed to regulate cytoskeletal proteostasis in response to mechanical signaling in muscle cells. Here, we show that in dividing cells, the HSPB8-BAG3 complex is instrumental to the accurate disassembly of the actin-based contractile ring during cytokinesis, a process required to allow abscission of daughter cells. Silencing of HSPB8 markedly decreased the mitotic levels of BAG3 in HeLa cells, supporting its crucial role in BAG3 mitotic functions. Cells depleted of HSPB8 were delayed in cytokinesis, remained connected via a disorganized intercellular bridge, and exhibited increased incidence of nuclear abnormalities that result from failed cytokinesis (i.e., bi- and multi-nucleation). Such phenotypes were associated with abnormal accumulation of F-actin at the intercellular bridge of daughter cells at telophase. Remarkably, the actin sequestering drug latrunculin A, like the inhibitor of branched actin polymerization CK666, normalized F-actin during cytokinesis and restored proper cell division in HSPB8-depleted cells, implicating deregulated actin dynamics as a cause of abscission failure. Moreover, this HSPB8-dependent phenotype could be corrected by rapamycin, an autophagy-promoting drug, whereas it was mimicked by drugs impairing lysosomal function. Together, the results further support a role for the HSPB8-BAG3 chaperone complex in quality control of actin-based structure dynamics that are put under high tension, notably during cell cytokinesis. They expand a so-far under-appreciated connection between selective autophagy and cellular morphodynamics that guide cell division.  相似文献   

60% of the peripheral membrane skeleton of Euglena gracilis consists of equimolar amounts of two proteins (articulins) with M(r)s in SDS gels of 80 and 86 kD. To understand eventually how these proteins assemble and function in maintaining cell form and membrane integrity we have undertaken a molecular characterization of articulins. A lambda gt11 expression library constructed from Euglena gracilis mRNAs was screened with antibodies against both articulins. Two sets of cDNAs were recovered, and evidence from three independent assays confirmed that both sets encoded articulins: (a) Anti-articulin antibodies recognized a high molecular weight beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) fusion protein expressed in bacteria infected with lambda gt11 cDNA clones. (b) Antibodies generated against the bacterially expressed beta-gal fusion protein identified one or the other articulin in Western blots of Euglena proteins. These antibodies also localized to the membrane skeletal region in thin sections of Euglena. (c) Peptide maps of the beta-gal fusion protein were similar to peptide maps of Euglena articulins. From the nucleotide sequence of the two sets of cDNAs an open reading frame for each articulin was deduced. In addition to 37% amino acid identity and overall structural similarity, both articulins exhibited a long core domain consisting of over 30 12-amino acid repeats with the consensus VPVPV--V--. Homology plots comparing the same or different articulins revealed larger, less regular repeats in the core domain that coincided with predicted turns in extended beta-sheets. Outside the core domain a short hydrophobic region containing four seven-amino acid repeats (consensus: APVTYGA) was identified near the carboxy terminus of the 80-kD articulin, but near the amino terminus of the 86-kD articulin. No extensive sequence similarities were found between articulins and other protein sequences in various databanks. We conclude that the two articulins are related members of a new class of membrane cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

Hearing loss is among the most prevalent sensory impairments in humans. Cochlear implantable devices represent the current therapies for hearing loss but have various shortcomings. ERM (ezrin- radixin -moesin) are a family of adaptor proteins that link plasma membrane with actin cytoskeleton, playing a crucial role in cell morphology and in the formation of membrane protrusions. Recently, bioactive sphingolipids have emerged as regulators of ERM proteins. Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a pleiotropic sphingolipid which regulates fundamental cellular functions such as proliferation, survival, migration as well as processes such as development and inflammation mainly via ligation to its specific receptors S1PR (S1P1–5). Experimental findings demonstrate a key role for S1P signaling axis in the maintenance of auditory function. Preservation of cellular junctions is a fundamental function both for S1P and ERM proteins, crucial for the maintenance of cochlear integrity. In the present work, S1P was found to activate ERM in a S1P2-dependent manner in murine auditory epithelial progenitors US/VOT-E36. S1P-induced ERM activation potently contributed to actin cytoskeletal remodeling and to the appearance of ionic currents and membrane passive properties changes typical of more differentiated cells. Moreover, PKC and Akt activation was found to mediate S1P-induced ERM phosphorylation. The obtained findings contribute to demonstrate the role of S1P signaling pathway in inner ear biology and to disclose potential innovative therapeutical approaches in the field of hearing loss prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

A group of antigens related by their reactivity with monoclonal antibodies MPM-1 and MPM-2 appear as cells enter mitosis. These antibodies bind to a phosphorylated epitope on certain proteins, and therefore the antigens are presumed to be a group of phosphoproteins. A subset of these proteins has been shown previously to be components of mitotic microtubule organizing centers in PtK1 cells. We present here evidence that the mitosis-specific appearance of these phosphoproteins is a phenomenon common to all eukaryotic cells. The MPM reactive phosphoproteins were localized to mitotic spindle poles regardless of whether the spindle formed in the cytoplasm after nuclear envelope breakdown (open mitosis) or within the nucleus (closed mitosis). This reactivity was not dependent upon the presence of centrioles at the spindle poles. Proteins that contained the phosphorylated epitope were not, however, restricted to mitotic cells. Cells of neuronal derivation and flagellated cells showed specific localization of MPM antibody to the microtubule network and basal bodies respectively. On immunoblots, the MPM antibody reacted with brain MAP-1 among a number of other phosphoproteins. The identification of microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-1 correlates with the localization of the antibody to microtubules of neuroblastoma cells. These results suggest, that different phosphoprotein molecules detected by the MPM antibody may be specific for different mitotic microtubule organizing centers, basal bodies, and other specialized cytoskeletal structures; and the presence of a related phosphorylated domain on these proteins may be important for their proper function and/or interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   

Chaperone networks are required for the shearing and generation of transmissible propagons from pre-existing prion aggregates. However, other cellular networks needed for maintaining yeast prions are largely uncharacterized. Here, we establish a novel role for actin networks in prion maintenance. The [PIN+] prion, also known as [RNQ+], exists as stable variants dependent upon the chaperone machinery for the transmission of propagons to daughter cells during cell division and cytoplasmic transfer. Loss of the Hsp104 molecular chaperone leads to the growth of prion particles until they are too large to be transmitted. Here, we isolated a unique [PIN+] variant, which is unstable in actin mutants. This prion loss is observed over many generations, and coincides with the detection of both high molecular weight species of Rnq1 and large visible aggregates that are asymmetrically retained during cell division. Our data suggest that the irregular actin networks found in these mutants may influence propagon number by slowly permitting aggregate growth over time, resulting in the generation of nontransmissible large aggregates. Thus, we show the potential contribution of cytoskeletal networks in the transmission of prion propagons, which parallels models that have been proposed for cell-to-cell transmission of small amyloids in neurodegenerative protein aggregation diseases.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from 6-day-old unimmunized male and female (CBA/N X BALB/c)F1 mice, fused with the nonsecreting hybrid SP2/0, gave 184 hybrids secreting immunoglobulins (183 IgM class; 115 from males and 69 from females) which were screened for antibody (Ab) activity against actin, tubulin, myosin, TNP-BSA, dsDNA, and denatured DNA. Eleven hybrids from the male series (9.65%) and eight hybrids from the female series (11.55%) secreted immunoglobulins with significant Ab activity against at least one of the six antigens tested. Four of these clones reacted with a single antigen, while 15 others reacted simultaneously with at least two antigens. Three hybrid clones exhibited Ab activity against all of the antigens tested. The monoclonality and specificity of the immunoglobulins from tissue culture supernatants were respectively assessed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis after biosynthetic labeling and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. These results confirm our previous findings with newborn and adult BALB/c mice, demonstrating a high frequency of this auto-Ab repertoire, especially in newborn mice, and widespread polyspecificity found among these natural auto-Ab. Xid mice are characterized by the absence of a Lyb-3+,5+ B cell population; nevertheless, these studies suggest--but do not prove--that the Lyb-3-,5- lymphocyte population seems to carry genetic information for the production of natural auto-Ab, because no marked differences were observed in the secretory patterns of hybrids obtained from male mice bearing the Xid defect and from normal female mice. Hence, we postulate that the Xid gene might be a regulatory gene because Xid mice, in contrast with normal mice, are unable to secrete anti-DNA auto-Ab on mitogenic stimulation, despite carrying the genetic information.  相似文献   

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