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Rats were exposed to a total dose of 0.75 Gy of gamma radiation from a 60Co source, receiving three doses of 0.25 Gy at weekly intervals. During two days before each irradiation, the animals received daily intragastric doses of 26 mg pantothenol or 15 mg beta-carotene per kg body mass. The animals were killed after the third irradiation session, and their blood and livers were analyzed. As found previously (Slyshenkov, V.S., Omelyanchik, S.N., Moiseenok, A.G., Trebukhina, R.V. & Wojtczak, L. (1998) Free Radical Biol. Med. 24, 894-899), in livers of animals not supplied with either pantothenol or beta-carotene and killed one hour after the irradiation, a large accumulation of lipid peroxidation products, as conjugated dienes, ketotrienes and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, could be observed. The contents of CoA, pantothenic acid, total phospholipids, total glutathione and GSH/GSSG ratio were considerably decreased, whereas the NAD/NADH ratio was increased. All these effects were alleviated in animals supplied with beta-carotene and were completely abolished in animals supplied with pantothenol. In the present paper, we extended our observations of irradiation effects over a period of up to 7 days after the last irradiation session. We found that most of these changes, with the exception of GSH/GSSG ratio, disappeared spontaneously, whereas supplementation with beta-carotene shortened the time required for the normalization of biochemical parameters. In addition, we found that the activities of glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase and NADP-dependent malate (decarboxylating) dehydrogenase ('malic enzyme') in liver were also significantly decreased one hour after irradiation but returned to the normal level within 7 days. Little or no decrease in these activities, already 1 h after the irradiation, could be seen in animals supplemented with either beta-carotene or pantothenol. It is concluded that pantothenol is an excellent radioprotective agent against low-dose gamma radiation.  相似文献   

M G Simic 《Mutation research》1992,267(2):277-290
Endogenous oxidative processes are shown to generate hydrogen peroxide and .OH radicals, which react in vivo to form a variety of products. Thymidine glycol (Tg) and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-dRG-OH) are such products. They result from the excision repair of DNA and are excreted in urine. Both products can be used as biomarkers in the dosimetry of oxidative damage to DNA. Since oxidative processes and accumulation of their effects contribute to carcinogenesis, the proposed rate-of-damage hypothesis provides a rationale for using these biomarkers in early diagnostics and in the assessment of carcinogenic and anticarcinogenic properties of diets, foods, and food components, as well as certain exogenous toxicants and agents. Approaches for measurement of urinary biomarkers of DNA damage are reviewed.  相似文献   

Carnosine and related compounds were compared in terms of their abilities to decrease the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in suspensions of isolated neurons activated by N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) using both stationary fluorescence measurements and flow cytometry. Carnosine was found to suppress the fluorescent signal induced by ROS production and decreased the proportion of highly fluorescent neurons, while histidine showed opposite effects. N-Acetylated derivatives of both carnosine and histidine demonstrated weak (statistically indistinguishable) suppressive effects on the ROS signal. N-Methylated derivatives of carnosine suppressed intracellular ROS generation to the same extent as carnosine. This rank of effectiveness is distinct from that previously obtained for the anti-radical ability of CRCs (anserine>carnosine>ophidine). These differences suggest that the similar ability of carnosine and its N-methylated derivatives to protect neuronal cells against the excitotoxic effect of NMDA is not solely related to the antioxidant properties of these compounds.  相似文献   

The influence of beta-carotene on the clastogenicity of the indirect-acting mutagen cyclophosphamide (CPA) was investigated in mice, in vivo, for the induction of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells (BM). beta-Carotene (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg) was administered by gavage for 5 consecutive days. 4 h after the last treatment with beta-carotene, the mice were injected intraperitoneally with CPA, and the BM cells were fixed after 16, 24 and 32 h for the evaluation of the frequency of chromosome aberrations. The results showed that beta-carotene was effective in reducing chromosomal damage induced by CPA with the increase of its concentration up to a level after which this effect was not observed. This anticlastogenicity was better detected when the cells were fixed at 32 h, although a tendency in reducing the CPA clastogenicity was already observed at 16 and 24 h. Our results suggest that beta-carotene provides significant protection against the genotoxicity of CPA, although no dose-effect relationship on the frequencies of cells with chromosomal aberrations was observed.  相似文献   

A survey of yeasts capable of growing on L(+)-tartaric acid as the sole source of carbon and energy showed that this organic acid is assimilated by a significant number of species of basidiomycetous affinity and is seldom utilized by ascomycetous yeasts. This conclusion was further supported by the fact that among approximately 100 isolates from various natural substrates, using selective media with L(+)-tartaric acid, only one strain of ascomycetous affinity was obtained. In a more comprehensive survey 442 yeast strains belonging to 138 species, mostly of basidiomycetous affinity, were also screened for the assimilation of different aldaric acids: D(-)-tartaric acid, meso-tartaric acid, L(-)-malic acid, D(+)-glucaric acid (saccharic acid), and galactaric acid (mucic acid). L(+)-Tartrate was the most frequently utilized tartaric acid isomer (55% of the total number of strains of basidiomycetous affinity belonging to either the Tremellales/Filobasidiales or the Ustilaginales) when compared with the D(-) and meso forms, which were assimilated by 12 and 18% of the total number of strains, respectively (mainly of tremellaceous species). Saccharic acid was utilized by about 75% of the total number of species of Tremellales affinity and by less than 20% of the ustilaginaceous species. Assimilation of mucic acid occurred in more than 50% of the tremellaceous species and only in 5% of the species related to the Ustilaginales. These tests, not used in standard yeast identification sets, appear to contribute to distinguishing taxa at or above the species level.  相似文献   

Mesalamine (5-aminosalicylic acid, 5-ASA) is known to be the first-line medication for treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis. Studies have demonstrated that ulcerative colitis patients treated with 5-ASA have an overall decrease in the risk of developing colorectal carcinoma. However, the mechanisms underlying 5-ASA-mediated anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects are yet to be elucidated. Because peroxynitrite has been critically involved in inflammatory stress and carcinogenesis, this study was undertaken to investigate the effects of 5-ASA in peroxynitrite-induced DNA strand breaks, an important event leading to peroxynitrite-elicited cytotoxicity. Incubation of φX-174 plasmid DNA with the peroxynitrite generator 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1) led to the formation of both single- and double-stranded DNA breaks in a concentration-dependent manner. The presence of 5-ASA at 0.1 and 1.0 mM was found to significantly inhibit SIN-1-induced DNA strand breaks in a concentration-dependent manner. The consumption of oxygen induced by SIN-1 was found to not be affected by 5-ASA at 0.1–50 mM, indicating that 5-ASA at these concentrations is not involved in the auto-oxidation of SIN-1 to form peroxynitrite. It is observed that 5-ASA at 0.1–1 mM showed considerable inhibition of peroxynitrite-mediated luminol chemiluminescence in a dose-dependent fashion, suggesting that 5-ASA is able to directly scavenge the peroxynitrite. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in combination with spin-trapping experiments, using 5,5-dimethylpyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) as spin trap resulting in the formation of DMPO-hydroxyl radical adduct from peroxynitrite, and 5-ASA only at higher concentration (1 mM) inhibited the hydroxyl radical adduct while shifting EPR spectra, indicating that 5-ASA at higher concentrations may generate a more stable free radical species rather than acting purely as a hydroxyl radical scavenger. Taken together, these studies demonstrate for the first time that 5-ASA can potently inhibit peroxynitrite-mediated DNA strand breakage, scavenge peroxynitrite, and affect peroxynitrite-mediated radical formation, which may be responsible, at least partially, for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.  相似文献   

Norcocaine nitroxide, a free radical metabolite of cocaine, displays a reversible one-electron cyclic voltammogram which is abolished by the addition of reduced glutathione. The corresponding nitrosonium ion was synthesized. It showed the same electrochemical characteristics as the nitroxide. The spin label 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl piperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPOL) and its nitrosonium ion behaved like morcocaine nitroxide and its nitrosonium ion. The nitrosonium ion of TEMPOL caused hemolysis of red blood cells, but TEMPOL did not. These observations suggest that the highly reactive nitrosonium ion may be involved in the production of cocaine-induced hepatic necrosis in mice.  相似文献   

Tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ) has been identified as a major toxic metabolite of the widely used wood preservative pentachlorophenol and has also been implicated in its genotoxicity. We have recently demonstrated that protection by the trihydroxamate iron chelator desferrioxamine (DFO) on TCHQ-induced single-strand breaks in isolated DNA was not the result of its chelation of iron but rather of its efficient scavenging of the reactive tetrachlorosemiquinone (TCSQ) radical. In this study, we extended our research from isolated DNA to human fibroblasts. We found that DFO provided marked protection against both the cyto- and genotoxicity induced by TCHQ in human fibroblasts when it was incubated simultaneously with TCHQ. Pretreatment of the cells with DFO followed by washing also provided marked protection, although less efficiently compared with the simultaneous treatment. Similar patterns of protection were also observed for three other hydroxamic acids (HAs): aceto-, benzo-, and salicylhydroxamic acid. Dimethyl sulfoxide, an efficient hydroxyl radical scavenger, provided only partial protection even at high concentrations. In vitro studies showed that the HAs tested effectively scavenged the reactive TCSQ radical and enhanced the formation of the less reactive and less toxic 2,5-dichloro-3, 6-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone (chloranilic acid). The results of this study demonstrated that the protection provided by DFO and other HAs against TCHQ-induced cyto- and genotoxicity in human fibroblasts is mainly through scavenging of the observed reactive TCSQ radical and not through prevention of the Fenton reaction by the binding of iron in a redox-inactive form.  相似文献   

Hong H  Liu GQ 《Life sciences》2004,74(24):2959-2973
The present study investigated the protective actions of the antioxidant scutellarin against the cytotoxicity produced by exposure to H2O2 in PC12 cells. This was done by assaying for MTT (3,(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide) reduction and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Ca2+ in cells were evaluated by fluorescent microplate reader using DCFH and Fura 2-AM, respectively, as probes. Lipid peroxidation was quantified using thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS). Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was assessed by the retention of rhodamine123 (Rh123), a specific fluorescent cationic dye that is readily sequestered by active mitochondria, depending on their transmembrane potential. The DNA content and percentage of apoptosis were monitored with flow cytometry. Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, was employed as a comparative agent. Preincubation of PC12 cells with scutellarin prevented cytotoxicity induced by H2O2. Intracellular accumulation of ROS, Ca2+ and products of lipid peroxidation, resulting from H2O2 were significantly reduced by scutellarin. Incubation of cells with H2O2 caused a marked decrease in MMP, which was significantly inhibited by scutellarin. PC12 cells treated with H2O2 underwent apoptotic death as determined by flow cytometric assay. The percentage of this H2O2-induced apoptosis in the cells was decreased in the presence of different concentrations of scutellarin. Scutellarin exhibited significantly higher potency compared to the antioxidant vitamin E. The present findings showed that scutellarin attenuated H2O2-induced cytotoxicity, intracellular accumulation of ROS and Ca2+, lipid peroxidation, and loss of MMP and DNA, which may represent the cellular mechanisms for its neuroprotective action.  相似文献   

The DEL assay in yeast detects DNA deletions that are inducible by many carcinogens. Here we use the colorimetric agent MTS to adapt the yeast DEL assay for microwell plate measurement of ionizing radiation-induced cell killing and DNA deletions. Using the microwell-based DEL assay, cell killing and genotoxic DNA deletions both increased with radiation dose between 0 and 2000 Gy. We used the microwell-based DEL assay to assess the effectiveness of varying concentrations of five different radioprotectors, N-acetyl-l-cysteine, l-ascorbic acid, DMSO, Tempol and Amifostine, and one radiosensitizer, 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine. The microwell format of the DEL assay was able to successfully detect protection against and sensitization to both radiation-induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. Such radioprotection and sensitization detected by the microwell-based DEL assay was validated and compared with similar measurements made using the traditional agar-based assay format. The yeast DEL assay in microwell format is an effective tool for rapidly detecting chemical protectors and sensitizers to ionizing radiation and is automatable for chemical high-throughput screening purposes.  相似文献   

Using a plasmid-based uracil-containing DNA substrate, we found that the long patch base excision repair (BER) activity of a wild-type mouse fibroblast extract was partially inhibited by an antibody to DNA polymerase beta (beta-pol). This suggests that beta-pol participates in long patch BER, in addition to single-nucleotide BER. In single-nucleotide BER, the deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) in the abasic site is removed by the lyase activity of beta-pol. Methoxyamine (MX) can react with the aldehyde of an abasic site, making it refractory to the beta-elimination step of the dRP lyase mechanism, thus blocking single-nucleotide BER. MX exposure sensitizes wild-type, but not beta-pol null mouse embryonic fibroblasts, to the cytotoxic effects of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and methylnitrosourea. Expression of beta-pol in the null cells restores the ability of MX to modulate sensitivity to MMS. The beta-pol null cells are known to be hypersensitive to MMS and methylnitrosourea, and in the presence of MX (i.e. under conditions where single-nucleotide BER is blocked) the null cells are still considerably more sensitive than wild-type. The data are consistent with a role of beta-pol in long patch BER, which helps protect cells against methylation damage-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Review of all 126 children admitted to the communicable diseases unit with whooping cough during the epidemic in 1978 showed that two had received two doses of triple vaccine and only one had had full primary immunisation against the disease. None of these three children suffered complications of the disease. Of the 123 children who had not been immunised against pertussis, however, 66 had had one or more complications. In Birmingham the dramatic decline in immunisation against pertussis has been accompanied by a fall in acceptance rates for diphtheria and tetanus immunization. Nevertheless, of the 62 children aged over 1 year in this series, 41 had been so immunised. These findings suggest that the apparently positive decision by parents to omit pertussis immunisation was misplaced, since immunisation does protect against the more serious complications of the disease. Furthermore, there is no firm evidence that pertussis immunisation of children without specific contraindications is associated with serious adverse reactions.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic effect of recombinant human cytokines was tested on glial cells cultured from mature bovine brain. Lymphotoxin (LT) and TNF induced injury to oligodendrocytes in a time and dose-dependent fashion. The other cytokines tested, IFN-gamma, IL-6, and IL-2, did not affect oligodendrocytes in culture over a 72-h observation period. None of the cytokines injured astrocytes cultured from the same source. LT showed a much more potent cytotoxicity than TNF toward oligodendrocytes; cytotoxic changes were noted earlier (24 h) and at lower units of activity. Morphologic studies showed that the LT-mediated effects were associated with early retraction of cell processes, depolymerization of F-actin and subsequent nuclear degeneration. Lack of early cytoplasmic membrane injury as measured by 51Cr release and electron microscope studies demonstrating nuclear disintegration suggested an apoptotic mechanism of oligodendrocyte injury evoked by LT, which was supported by DNA integrity assay. These results demonstrate that LT possesses potent cytotoxic activity against oligodendrocytes and that the major mechanism involved in this process is DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

RNA-based drugs are an emerging class of therapeutics. They have the potential to regulate proteins, chromatin, as well as bind to specific proteins of interest in the form of aptamers. These aptamers are protected from nuclease attack by chemical modifications that enhance their stability for in vivo usage. However, nucleases are ubiquitous, and as we have yet to characterize the entire human microbiome it is likely that many nucleases are yet to be identified. Any novel, unusual enzymes present in vivo might reduce the efficacy of RNA-based therapeutics, even when they are chemically modified. We have previously identified an RNA-based aptamer capable of neutralizing a broad spectrum of clinical HIV-1 isolates and are developing it as a vaginal and rectal microbicide candidate. As a first step we addressed aptamer stability in the milieu of proteins present in these environments. Here we uncover a number of different nucleases that are able to rapidly degrade 2'-F-modified RNA. We demonstrate that the aptamer can be protected from the nuclease(s) present in the vaginal setting, without affecting its antiviral activity, by replacement of key positions with 2'-O-Me-modified nucleotides. Finally, we show that the aptamer can be protected from all nucleases present in both vaginal and rectal compartments using Zn(2+) cations. In conclusion we have derived a stable, antiviral RNA-based aptamer that could form the basis of a pre-exposure microbicide or be a valuable addition to the current tenofovir-based microbicide candidate undergoing clinical trials.  相似文献   

Small-scale washed cell preparations obtained by Percoll density-gradient fractionation of whole blood were used to study the metabolic fate of [3H]thymidine supplied to isolated human blood mononuclear cells and platelets incubated for up to 24 h in vitro. Two cell fractions were monitored: low molecular weight compounds which were soluble in Triton X-100 and TCA were investigated by thin-layer chromatography, and high molecular weight components, distinguished by their Triton and TCA insolubility, were examined by agarose-gel electrophoresis. Under the conditions used, greater than 99% of added [3H]thymidine was very rapidly degraded. Catabolites were recovered in the Triton-soluble (cytoplasmic) fraction and the extracellular medium. A negligible proportion of added label was associated with Triton- and TCA-insoluble cell fractions. These results confirm and clarify previous data and have important implications for genotoxicity tests which employ in vitro leukocyte cultures.  相似文献   

Atienzar FA  Jha AN 《Mutation research》2006,613(2-3):76-102
More than 9000 papers using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) or related techniques (e.g. the arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR)) have been published from 1990 to 2005. The RAPD method has been initially used to detect polymorphism in genetic mapping, taxonomy and phylogenetic studies and later in genotoxicity and carcinogenesis studies. Despite their extensive use, these techniques have also attracted some criticisms, mainly for lack of reproducibility. In the light of their widespread applications, the objectives of this review are to (1) identify the potential factors affecting the optimisation of the RAPD and AP-PCR assays, (2) critically describe and analyse these techniques in genotoxicity and carcinogenesis studies, (3) compare the RAPD assay with other well used methodologies, (4) further elucidate the impact of DNA damage and mutations on the RAPD profiles, and finally (5) provide some recommendations/guidelines to further improve the applications of the assays and to help the identification of the factors responsible for the RAPD changes. It is suggested that after proper optimisation, the RAPD is a reliable, sensitive and reproducible assay, has the potential to detect a wide range of DNA damage (e.g. DNA adducts, DNA breakage) as well as mutations (point mutations and large rearrangements) and therefore can be applied to genotoxicity and carcinogenesis studies. Nevertheless, the interpretation of the changes in RAPD profiles is difficult since many factors can affect the generation of RAPD profiles. It is therefore important that these factors are identified and taken into account while using these assays. On the other hand, further analyses of the relevant bands generated in RAPD profile allow not only to identify some of the molecular events implicated in the genomic instability but also to discover genes playing key roles, particularly in the initiation and development of malignancy. Finally, to elucidate the potential genotoxic effects of environmental contaminants, a powerful strategy could be firstly to use the RAPD assay as a screening method and secondly to apply more specific methods measuring for instance DNA adducts, gene mutations or cytogenetic effects. It is also envisaged that these assays (i.e. RAPD and related techniques), which reflect effects at whole genome level, would continue to complement the use of emerging technologies (e.g. microarrays which aim to quantify expression of individual genes).  相似文献   

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