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The alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex from Escherichia coli catalyzes the hydrolysis of S-succinyl-CoA to succinate and CoASH. The reaction rate is dependent upon the presence of thiamin pyrophosphate and NADH, as well as the functional integrity of the alpha-lipoyl groups associated with the enzyme. The Km value for S-succinyl-CoA is 9.3 X 10(-5) M, and the maximum velocity is 0.02 mumol X min-1 X mg of protein-1 at pH 7 and 25 degrees C. This hydrolysis can be rationalized on the basis that succinyl thiamin pyrophosphate is generated under reductive succinylation conditions. Occasional diversion of succinyl thiamin pyrophosphate to hydrolysis produces succinate.  相似文献   

Altered energy metabolism is characteristic of many neurodegenerative disorders. Reductions in the key mitochondrial enzyme complex, the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDHC), occur in a number of neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The reductions in KGDHC activity may be responsible for the decreases in brain metabolism, which occur in these disorders. KGDHC can be inactivated by several mechanisms, including the actions of free radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species, ROS). Other studies have associated specific forms of one of the genes encoding KGDHC (namely the DLST gene) with AD, Parkinson's disease, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. Reductions in KGDHC activity can be plausibly linked to several aspects of brain dysfunction and neuropathology in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Further studies are needed to assess mechanisms underlying the sensitivity of KGDHC to oxidative stress and the relation of KGDHC deficiency to selective vulnerability in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters of the individual reaction of pig heart alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, succinate thiokinase and the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex-succinate thiokinase coupled system were studied. The KCoAm of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and the K-succinyl CoAm of succinate thiokinase decreased in the coupled system when compared to those of the individual enzyme reactions. This phenomenon can be explained by the interaction between the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and succinate thiokinase. By means of poly(ethylene glycol) precipitation, ultracentrifugation and gel chromatography we were able to detect a physical interaction between the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and succinate thiokinase. Of the seven investigated proteins only succinate thiokinase showed association with alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. On the other hand, succinate thiokinase did not associate with other high molecular weight mitochondrial enzymes such as pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and glutamate dehydrogenase. On this basis, the interaction between succinate thiokinase and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex was assumed to be specific. These in vitro data raise the possibility that a portion of the citric acid cycle enzymes exists as a large multienzyme complex in the mitochondrial matrix.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase in a wild-type and in an adenylate cyclase deletion mutant of Escherichia coli has been investigated. The results obtained clearly indicate that cyclic AMP is not required for the phosphorylation reaction per se, not is it for the synthesis or possible activation of the phosphoprotein kinase in this organism. This data are in contrast to results observed in Salmonella typhimurium, and indicate that important differences exist in the phosphorylation of the isocitrate dehydrogenase in these two organisms.  相似文献   

Studies with alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary Two classes of mutant lacking -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex activity were detected by biochemical analysis of strains of Escherichia coli requiring succinate for aerobic growth on glucose minimal medium. One class, designated sucA, lacked the -ketoglutarate decarboxylase component (E1) whereas the other class, sucB, lacked the dihydrolipoyl transsuccinylase component (E2). Studies with mixed cell-free extracts showed that the overall dehydrogenase activity could be reconstituted from several pairs of sucA plus sucB mutants but not from mixtures of mutants of the same class. Transduction analysis with phage P1 indicated close linkage between the two genes and their frequencies of cotransduction with gal were similar. The order of the two genes was also established as sucA (E1)-sucB(E2)...gal by reciprocal three-point crosses with several pairs of mutants.  相似文献   

We have found previously (Fahien, L.A., Kmiotek, E.H., MacDonald, M. J., Fibich, B., and Mandic, M. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 10687-10697) that glutamate-malate oxidation can be enhanced by cooperative binding of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase and malate dehydrogenase to the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. The present results demonstrate that glutamate dehydrogenase, which forms binary complexes with these enzymes, adds to this ternary complex and thereby increases binding of the other enzymes. Kinetic evidence for direct transfer of alpha-ketoglutarate and NADH, within these complexes, has been obtained by measuring steady-state rates of E2 when most of the substrate or coenzyme is bound to the aminotransferase or glutamate dehydrogenase (E1). Rates significantly greater than those which can be accounted for by the concentration of free ligand, calculated from the measured values of the E1-ligand dissociation constants, require that the E1-ligand complex serve as a substrate for E2 (Srivastava, D. K., and Bernhard, S. A. (1986) Curr. Tops. Cell Regul. 28, 1-68). By this criterion, NADH is transferred directly from glutamate dehydrogenase to malate dehydrogenase and alpha-ketoglutarate is channeled from the aminotransferase to both glutamate dehydrogenase and the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. Similar evidence indicates that GTP bound to an allosteric site on glutamate dehydrogenase functions as a substrate for succinic thiokinase. The potential physiological advantages to channeling of activators and inhibitors as well as substrates within multienzyme complexes organized around the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex are discussed.  相似文献   

The enzymatic defects in a number of Bacillus subtilis mutants of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex lacking activity have been investigated. Mutants in the citK locus, as well as a series of deletions of unknown length covering the citK locus, are deficient in E1 of the complex, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, but have normal activities of E2, dehydrolipoyl transsuccinylase, and E3, lipoamide dehydrogenase. The citK mutants and the citL22 mutant show in vitro complementation of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex activity. The citL22 mutant is severely deficient in lipoamide dehydrogenase activity, and, as a result, lacks activity for both the alpha-ketoglutarate and the pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes. Thus, the E3 components of both complexes are identical. The citL22 mutation maps between ura and metC on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase has been purified to apparent homogeneity from mitochondrial extracts of both beef heart and beef kidney. An essential step in this three-step purification is affinity chromatography of a largely purified phosphatase fraction using Sepharose beads to which pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is covalently bound through the lipoic acid residues of the dihydrolipoyl transacetylase component of the complex. The purified phosphatase, which has a native relative molecular mass, Mr, of about 140000, is composed of two nonidentical subunits of Mr 89000 and 49000.  相似文献   

T L Wu  L J Reed 《Biochemistry》1984,23(2):221-226
Binding of pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) to the isolated dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E2) core of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from bovine heart and kidney was investigated with equilibrium, competitive binding, and kinetic methods. E2, which consists of 60 subunits arranged with icosahedral 532 symmetry, apparently possesses six equivalent, noninteracting binding sites for E3 dimers. It is proposed that each E3 dimer extends across 2 of the 12 faces of the E2 pentagonal dodecahedron. The equilibrium constant (Kd) for dissociation of E3 from E2 is about 3 nM, and the dissociation rate constant is about 0.057 min-1. For E1, Kd is about 13 nM, and the dissociation rate constant is about 0.043 min-1. Extensive phosphorylation of E1 (about three phosphoryl groups per E1 tetramer) increases Kd to about 40 nM.  相似文献   

D E Waskiewicz  G G Hammes 《Biochemistry》1982,21(25):6489-6496
The lipoic acids of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex from Escherichia coli have been modified with two fluorescent probes, N-(1-pyrenyl)-maleimide and 5-[[[(iodoacetyl)amino]ethyl]amino]-naphthylene-1-sulfonic acid. Time-resolved fluorescence polarization of partially labeled complexes (18-77% inhibition of enzyme activity) reveals a complex depolarization process: one component of the anisotropy is characterized by a rotational correlation time much longer than the time scale of the measurements (less than or equal to 400 ns), reflecting the overall rotation of the complex, while a second component of the anisotropy decays with a rotational correlation time of 320 (+/- 50) ns. This decay is essentially independent of viscosity and is consistent with a model in which the depolarization is due to the dissociation from and rotation of lipoic acids between binding sites on the multienzyme complex. The sum of the rate constants characterizing the association and dissociation with the binding sites is approximately 3 x 10(6) s-1. In addition, approximately 5% of the anisotropy of the N-(1-pyrenyl)maleimide-labeled complex decays with a rotational correlation time of 25 ns; this can be attributed to local motion of the probe. At high extents of N-(1-pyrenyl)maleimide labeling (90-95% inhibition of enzyme activity), the anisotropy decay can be described by a constant term plus a rotational correlation time of about 1 microseconds. The increase in the correlation time probably reflects interactions between pyrene moieties. The N-(1-pyrenyl)maleimide-labeled dihydrolipoyl transsuccinylase core of the multienzyme complex has been isolated, and the anisotropy is constant over the observed time range of 300 ns. This suggests that the native structure is necessary for observation of lipoic acid movement within the complex. Fluorescent-labeled limited trypsin digestion fragments of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex also have been isolated, and anisotropy measurements reveal substantial mobility of the label within the fragments. The time-resolved anisotropy of FAD in the native complex and in the isolated dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase indicates some rapid local mobility of the FAD (rotational correlation time of 12 ns) that is viscosity independent, as well as a component of the anisotropy that is constant over the 35-ns time scale of the experiments.  相似文献   

The dihydrolipoyl transacetylase component, which serves as the structural core of mammalian pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes, is acetylated when treated with either pyruvate or with acetyl-CoA in the presence of NADH. Besides the dihydrolipoyl transacetylase component, we have found that another protein, referred to as protein X, is rapidly acetylated at thiol residues. Protein X remains fully bound to the transacetylase core under conditions that remove the pyruvate dehydrogenase and dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase components. Mapping of 125I-tryptic peptides indicated that the transacetylase subunits and protein X are structurally distinct; however, under the same mapping conditions, there is considerable similarity in the positions of acetylated peptides derived from these subunits. Affinity-purified rabbit immunoglobulin G prepared against the dihydrolipoyl transacetylase core reacted exclusively with the transacetylase and with both its tryptic-derived inner domain and outer lipolyl-bearing domain. Those results further indicate that protein X is not derived from the transacetylase subunit Affinity-purified mouse antibody to protein X reacted selectively with large tryptic polypeptides derived from protein X and did not react with the inner domain of the transacetylase. However, the anti-protein X antibody did react with the intact transacetylase subunit, the lipoyl-bearing domain of the transacetylase, and weakly with the transsuccinylase component of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. This cross-reactivity reflected specificity of a portion of the polyclonal antibodies for a related structural region in the transacetylase and protein X (possibly a similar lipoyl-bearing region). Furthermore, a major portion of that polyclonal antibody was shown to react exclusively with protein X. Thus, protein X subunits differ substantially from transacetylase subunits but the two components have a region of structural similarity. We estimate that there are about 5 mol of protein X per mol of the kidney pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Under a variety of conditions that result in a wide range of levels of acetylation of sites in the complex, about 1 acetyl group is incorporated into protein X per 10 acetyl groups incorporated into the transacetylase subunits per mol of complex. That ratio is close to the ratio of protein X subunits of transacetylase subunits in the complex, indicating that there are efficient mechanisms for acylation and deacylation of protein X.  相似文献   

The alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli can bind up to 12 dimers of dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3) besides those already present. Maximal activity does not increase, however, when surplus E3 is present. This observation was previously interpreted to mean that the excess enzyme is inactive. We have now determined that if the reactions catalyzed by E3 are made rate-limiting, the excess E3 functions equivalently to that in the native complex.  相似文献   

The activity of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex from pigeon breast muscle is controlled by ADP and the reaction products, i. e. succinyl-CoA and NADH. ADP activates the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase component of the complex, whereas NADH inhibits alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and lipoyl dehydrogenase. In the presence of NADH the kinetic curve of the complex with respect to alpha-ketoglutarate and NAD and the dependence of upsilon versus [NAD] and upsilon versus [Lip (SH)2] in the lipoyl dehydrogenase reaction are S-shaped. In the absence of inhibitor ADP had no activating effect on lipoyl dehydrogenase; however, in the presence of NADH ADP decreases the cooperativity for NAD. The cooperative kinetics of the constituent enzymes of the complex are indicative of its allosteric properties. Isolation of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex and its lipoyl dehydrogenase and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase components in a desensitized state confirms their allosteric nature. It is assumed that NADH effects of isolated alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is due to a shift in the equilibrium between different oligomeric forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The assembly of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (KGDC) has been studied in wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in respiratory-deficient strains (pet) with mutations in KGD1 and KGD2, the structural genes for alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KE1) and dihydrolipoyl transsuccinylase (KE2) components, respectively. Mutants unable to express KE1 or KE2 form partial complexes similar to those reported in earlier studies on the resolution and reconstitution of bacterial and mammalian KGDC. Thus mutants lacking KE1 assemble a high-molecular-weight subcomplex consisting of a KE2 core particle with bound dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3). Similarly, mitochondrial extracts of mutants lacking KE2 contain dimeric KE1 and E3. These components, however, are not associated with each other. The partial complexes detected in the mutants are capable of reconstituting normal KGDC when supplied with the missing subunit. Complete restoration of overall alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity is achieved by mixing appropriate ratios of mitochondrial extracts from mutants deficient in KE1 and KE2. The reconstitution of enzymatic activity correlates with binding of KE1 to the KE2-E3 particle to form a complex with the same sedimentation properties as wild-type KGDC. Overexpression of KE2 relative to KE1 results in a preponderance of incompletely assembled complexes with substoichiometric contents of KE1. Formation of a complex with a full complement of KE1 therefore depends on a balanced output of KE1 and KE2 from their respective genes. Biochemical screens of a pet mutant collection have led to the identification of a new gene required for the expression of enzymatically active KGDC. Mitochondria of the mutant have all of the catalytic subunits of KGDC. Sedimentation analysis of these components indicates that while the mutant has a stable KE2-E3 subcomplex, the interaction of KE1 with KE2 core is much weaker in the mutant than in the wild type. The gene product responsible for this phenotype, therefore, appears to function at a late stage of assembly of KGDC, most likely by posttranslational modification of one of the subunits.  相似文献   

Bovine kidney mitochondrial branched-chain 2-oxoacid dehydrogenase complex is inactivated by covalent phosphorylation catalysed by a specific protein kinase intrinsic to the complex. It has been shown previously [Cook, K.G., Lawson, R. and Yeaman, S.J. (1983) FEBS Lett. 157, 59-62] that tryptic digestion of phosphorylated complex releases three phosphopeptides, indicative of multisite phosphorylation. In this communication we report several findings. (a) These three tryptic peptides contain only two sites of phosphorylation which are closely grouped on the alpha subunit of the E1 component of the complex. (b) The amino acid sequence of the phosphorylated region has been determined. (c) Conditions have been developed which allow investigation of the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the two sites. (d) Both sites can be dephosphorylated at significant rates in vitro by two cytosolic protein phosphatases, namely phosphatases 2A and 2C. Dephosphorylation of one site correlates closely with re-activation of the complex.  相似文献   

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