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Mox homeobox genes are expressed during early vertebrate somitogenesis. Here we describe the expression of Has-Mox, a Mox gene from the gastropod Haliotis asinina. Has-Moxis expressed in the trochophore larva in paraxial mesodermal bands. During larval development, Has-Mox expression remains restricted to mesodermal cells destined to form adult muscle in the foot. This restricted expression of Has-Mox in Haliotis is similar to that observed for vertebrate Mox genes, suggesting a conserved role in myogenesis in deuterostomes and lophotrochozoans. In contrast, Mox is not expressed in muscle lineages in the ecdysozoan representatives Caenorhabditis elegans or Drosophila; the C. elegansgenome has lost Mox altogether. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00427-002-0223-6.  相似文献   

Developmental expression of two Haliotis asinina hemocyanin isoforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hemocyanins are large copper-containing respiratory proteins that play a role in oxygen transport in many molluscs. In some species only one hemocyanin isoform is present while in others two are expressed. The physiological relevance of these isoforms is unclear and the developmental and tissue-specific expression of hemocyanin genes is largely unknown. Here we show that two hemocyanin genes in the gastropod Haliotis asinina, which encode H. asinina hemocyanin (HaH1) and HaH2 isoforms, are developmentally expressed. These genes initially are expressed in a small number of mesenchyme cells at trochophore and pre-torsional veliger stages, with HaH1 expression slightly preceding HaH2. These cells largely are localized to the visceral mass, although a small number of cells are present in head and foot regions. Following metamorphosis the isoforms show overlapping as well as isoform-specific expression profiles, suggesting some degree of isoform-specific function.  相似文献   

Gastropods are members of the Spiralia, a diverse group of invertebrates that share a common early developmental program, which includes spiral cleavage and a larval trochophore stage. The spiral cleavage program results in the division of the embryo into four quadrants. Specification of the dorsal (D) quadrant is intimately linked with body plan organization and in equally cleaving gastropods occurs when one of the vegetal macromeres makes contact with overlying micromeres and receives an inductive signal that activates a MAPK signaling cascade. Following the induction of the 3D macromere, the embryo begins to gastrulate and assumes a bilateral cleavage pattern. Here we inhibit MAPK activation in 3D with U0126 and examine its effect on the formation and patterning of the trochophore, using a suite of territory-specific markers. The head (pretrochal) region appears to maintain quadri-radial symmetry in U0126-treated embryos, supporting a role for MAPK signaling in 3D in establishing dorsoventral polarity in this region. Posterior (posttrochal) structures - larval musculature, shell and foot - fail to develop in MAPK inhibited trochophores. Inhibition of 3D specification by an alternative method - monensin treatment - yields similar abnormal trochophores. However, genes that are normally expressed in the ectodermal structures (shell and foot) are detected in U0126- and monensin-perturbed larvae in patterns that suggest that this region has latent dorsoventral polarity that is manifested even in the absence of D quadrant specification.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity against the abalone egg-laying hormone (aELH) was detected in the fine granules of type 1 and 2 neurosecretory (NS) cells, neurites in the neuropil, and blood sinuses in the connective tissue sheath of the cerebral, pleuropedal, and visceral ganglia of the tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. The number of positive NS cells, and the intensity of staining in the ganglia, varied and might be related to the stage of ovarian cycle. At any stage, positive cells were most numerous in the pleuropedal, and least numerous in the visceral ganglion. In addition, several cells of the statocyst and associated nerves also exhibited the immunoreactivity. In the ovary, the most intense reactivity was detected in the follicular and granular cells adjacent to mature oocytes, in the trabeculae and the ovarian capsule. The cytoplasm of mature oocytes was also moderately stained. The results indicate that the cerebral, pleuropedal, and visceral ganglia are the main sites of aELH-producing cells. The ovary may also produce aELH locally.  相似文献   

A randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to identify the species- and population-specific markers of abalone; Haliotis asinina, H. ovina, and H. varia in Thai waters. Fifteen species-specific and six population-specific RAPD markers were identified. In addition, an 1650 bp band (UBC195) that was restricted to H. ovina from the Gulf of Thailand (east) was also found. All of the specific RAPD markers were cloned and sequenced. Twenty pairs of primers were designed and specificity-tested (N = 12 and 4 for target and non-target species, respectively). Seven primer pairs (CUHA1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, and 14) were specifically amplified by H. asinina DNA, whereas a single pair of primers showed specificity with H. ovina (CUHO3) and H. varia (CUHV1), respectively. Four primer pairs, including CUHA2, CUHA12, CUHO3, and CUHV1, were further examined against 216 individuals of abalone (N = 111, 73, and 32, respectively). Results indicated the species-specific nature of all of them, except CUHO3, with the sensitivity of detection of 100 pg and 20 pg of the target DNA template for CUHA2 and CUHA12 and CUHV1, respectively. The species-origin of the frozen, ethanol-preserved, dried, and boiled H. asinina specimens could also be successfully identified by CUHA2.  相似文献   

Understanding the feeding preferences of abalone (high-value marine herbivores) is integral to new species development in aquaculture because of the expected link between preference and performance. Performance relates directly to the nutritional value of algae--or any feedstock--which in turn is driven by the amino acid content and profile, and specifically the content of the limiting essential amino acids. However, the relationship between feeding preferences, consumption and amino acid content of algae have rarely been simultaneously investigated for abalone, and never for the emerging target species Haliotis asinina. Here we found that the tropical H. asinina had strong and consistent preferences for the red alga Hypnea pannosa and the green alga Ulva flexuosa, but no overarching relationship between protein content (sum of amino acids) and preference existed. For example, preferred Hypnea and Ulva had distinctly different protein contents (12.64 vs. 2.99 g 100 g(-1)) and the protein-rich Asparagopsis taxiformis (>15 g 100 g(-1) of dry weight) was one of the least preferred algae. The limiting amino acid in all algae was methionine, followed by histidine or lysine. Furthermore we demonstrated that preferences can largely be removed using carrageenan as a binder for dried alga, most likely acting as a feeding attractant or stimulant. The apparent decoupling between feeding preference and algal nutritive values may be due to a trade off between nutritive values and grazing deterrence associated with physical and chemical properties.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are essential for cellular maintenance, normal differentiation and morphogenesis, and protection against a range of environmental stresses. It is unknown which of these roles takes precedence when they are required simultaneously. Here we examined the impact of thermal stress on the complex developmental expression patterns of HasHsp70 and HasHsp90A in the vetigastropod Haliotis asinina. We find that near-lethal heat shocks do not alter the spatial demarcation of Hsp expression despite such treatments impacting on the external character of the embryos. Using a suite of molecular markers that are both coexpressed with the Hsps (i.e. in ventrolateral ectoderm and prototroch) and expressed in tissues that have lower (basal) Hsp expression (e.g. serotonergic nervous system and shell gland), we determined that Hsp-expressing tissues do not incur markedly less thermal damage than adjacent tissues. To explore the relationship of Hsp expression with sensitivity of specific cell territories to heat shock, we focused on the formation of the prototroch, a tissue where HasHsp70 and HasHsp90A are coexpressed. By heat shocking at specific developmental stages, we determined that the most sensitive period of prototroch development is during its early specification and differentiation, which overlaps with the time the Hsps are expressed at their highest levels in these cells. This correlation is consistent with heat shock impairing the function of Hsps in regions of the H. asinina embryo undergoing morphogenesis.  相似文献   

本文利用透射电子显微镜对耳鲍(Haliotis asinina Linnaeus)精子的形态及超微结构进行了研究.研究结果表明:耳鲍的精子由头部、中段和尾部三部分组成,全长 41.6 μm.精子头部长 1.8 μm,头部由顶体、顶体下腔和细胞核组成,顶体电子密度比较均匀,呈圆锥形,长 0.6 μm,基部宽度为 0.65 μm,占头部长的 1/3;顶体下腔长 0.03 μm,宽为 0.65 μm,腔中含有中等电子密度物质;细胞核圆棒状,长 1.17 μm,核中部的宽度为 1.0 μm.精子中段较短,长 0.51 μm,宽 1.2 μm,主要由 5 个线粒体包围一对中心粒构成.尾部是一根鞭毛,从前到后逐渐变细,鞭毛是由细胞质膜包被的轴丝组成,轴丝为典型的"9 2"微管结构,即轴丝是由两个中心微管及均匀分布在中心微管周围的 9 对双联体微管组成.因此,耳鲍与其它鲍类精子的基本结构相似,形态结构的主要差异表现在三个方面:一是耳鲍精子的头部似圆锥形,长 1.8 μm,是目前已研究的鲍类中头部最短的种类;二是耳鲍精子顶体长比其基部宽要小,顶体电子密度比较均匀,顶体与核的电子密度差异不明显;三是耳鲍精子中段线粒体的数量为 5 个,没有发现 6 个线粒体现象的存在[动物学报 53(3):552-556,2007].  相似文献   

The effects of the chemical inducers, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and potassium chloride (KCl), on the larval settlement and metamorphosis of the donkey-ear abalone, Haliotis asinina, was investigated. H. asinina larvae (5–6 h post-hatch) were exposed to a range of GABA (0.125–2.00 μM) and KCl (1.00–12.00 mM) concentrations for 72 h. Results of the dose response experiments showed that settlement and metamorphosis vary according to the dose levels of the inducer compounds. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 0.45–0.50 μM and 6.0 mM seemed to be the optima for GABA and KCl, respectively, as these concentrations elicited the greatest number of postlarvae that metamorphosed, settled or survived. However, GABA generally promoted better attachment and metamorphic response as well as survival than KCl in H. asinina postlarvae.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity of the tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina was examined using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite analyses. One hundred and thirteen polymorphic RAPD fragments were generated. The percentage of polymorphic bands of H. asinina across overall primers was 85.20%. The average genetic distance of natural samples within the Gulf of Thailand (HACAME and HASAME) was 0.0219. Larger distance was observed when those samples were compared with HATRAW from the Andaman Sea (0.2309 and 0.2314). Geographic heterogeneity and F(ST) analyses revealed population differentiation between H. asinina from the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea (p < 0.0001). Three microsatellite loci (CUHas1, CUHas4 and CUHas5) indicated relatively high genetic diversity in H. asinina (total number of alleles = 26, 5, 23 and observed heterozygosity = 0.84, 0.42 and 0.33, respectively). Significant population differentiation was also found between samples from different coastal regions (p < 0.0001). Therefore, the gene pool of natural H. asinina in coastal Thai waters can be genetically divided to 2 different populations; the Gulf of Thailand (A) and the Andaman Sea (B).  相似文献   

The early cleavage pattern in embryos of the archaeogastropod Haliotis tuberculata strongly resembles the cleavage pattern of the archaeogastropods Trochus and Patella. It typically deviates from the cleavage patterns found in embryos of more advanced Archaeogastropoda, Caenogastropoda (the majority of the meso- and neogastropods), and Euthyneura (opisthobranch and pulmonate gastropods). It is assumed that the cleavage pattern found in Haliotis, Trochus, and Patella represents the ancestral pattern. A regular pattern of heterochronic changes in the succession of the formation of the larval trochoblasts and the stem cell of the adult mesoderm can be observed from the more primitive Archaeogastropoda to the more advanced Euthyneura. This observation strengthens the idea that the early cleavage pattern contains significant phyletic information. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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