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The pattern of expression of two genes coding for proteins rich in proline, HyPRP (hybrid proline-rich protein) and HRGP (hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein), has been studied in maize (Zea mays) embryos by RNA analysis and in situ hybridization. mRNA accumulation is high during the first 20 d after pollination, and disappears in the maturation stages of embryogenesis. The two genes are also expressed during the development of the pistillate spikelet and during the first stages of embryo development in adjacent but different tissues. HyPRP mRNA accumulates mainly in the scutellum and HRGP mRNA mainly in the embryo axis and the suspensor. The two genes appear to be under the control of different regulatory pathways during embryogenesis. We show that HyPRP is repressed by abscisic acid and stress treatments, with the exception of cold treatment. In contrast, HRGP is affected positively by specific stress treatments.  相似文献   

In the developing endosperm of monocotyledonous plants, starch granules are synthesized and deposited within the amyloplast. A soluble stromal fraction was isolated from amyloplasts of immature maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm and analyzed for enzyme activities and polypeptide content. Specific activities of starch synthase and starch-branching enzyme (SBE), but not the cytosolic marker alcohol dehydrogenase, were strongly enhanced in soluble amyloplast stromal fractions relative to soluble extracts obtained from homogenized kernels or endosperms. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that starch synthase I, SBEIIb, and sugary1, the putative starch-debranching enzyme, were each highly enriched in the amyloplast stroma, providing direct evidence for the localization of starch-biosynthetic enzymes within this compartment. Analysis of maize mutants shows the deficiency of the 85-kD SBEIIb polypeptide in the stroma of amylose extender cultivars and that the dull mutant lacks a >220-kD stromal polypeptide. The stromal fraction is distinguished by differential enrichment of a characteristic group of previously undocumented polypeptides. N-terminal sequence analysis revealed that an abundant 81-kD stromal polypeptide is a member of the Hsp70 family of stress-related proteins. Moreover, the 81-kD stromal polypeptide is strongly recognized by antibodies specific for an Hsp70 of the chloroplast stroma. These findings are discussed in light of implications for the correct folding and assembly of soluble, partially soluble, and granule-bound starch-biosynthetic enzymes during import into the amyloplast.  相似文献   

Cell membranes predominantly consist of lamellar lipid bilayers. When studied in vitro, however, many membrane lipids can exhibit non-lamellar morphologies, often with cubic symmetries. An open issue is how lipid polymorphisms influence organelle and cell shape. Here, we used controlled dimerization of artificial membrane proteins in mammalian tissue culture cells to induce an expansion of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with cubic symmetry. Although this observation emphasizes ER architectural plasticity, we found that the changed ER membrane became sequestered into large autophagic vacuoles, positive for the autophagy protein LC3. Autophagy may be targeting irregular membrane shapes and/or aggregated protein. We suggest that membrane morphology can be controlled in cells.The observation that simple mixtures of amphiphilic (polar) lipids and water yield a rich flora of phase structures has opened a long-standing debate as to whether such membrane polymorphisms are relevant for living organisms (17). Lipid bilayers with planar geometry, termed lamellar symmetry, dominate the membrane structure of cells. However, this architecture comprises only a fraction of the structures seen with in vitro lipid-water systems (711). The propensity to form lamellar bilayers (a property exclusive to cylindrically shaped lipids) is flanked by a continuum of lipid structures that occur in a number of exotic and probably non-physiological non-bilayer configurations (3, 12). However, certain lipids, particularly those with smaller head groups and more bulky hydrocarbon chains, can adopt bilayered non-lamellar phases called cubic phases. Here the bilayer is curved everywhere in the form of saddle shapes corresponding to an energetically favorable minimal surface of zero mean curvature (1, 7). Because a substantial number of the lipids present in biological membranes, when studied as individual pure lipids, form cubic phases (13), cubic membranes have received particular interest in cell biology.Since the application of electron microscopy (EM)3 to the study of cell ultrastructure, unusual membrane morphologies have been reported for virtually every organelle (14, 15). However, interpretation of three-dimensional structures from two-dimensional electron micrographs is not easy (16). In seminal work, Landh (17) developed the method of direct template correlative matching, a technique that unequivocally assesses the presence of cubic membranes in biological specimens (16). Cubic phases adopt mathematically well defined three-dimensional configurations whose two-dimensional analogs have been derived (4, 17). In direct template correlative matching, electron micrographs are matched to these analogs. Cubic cell membrane geometries and in vitro cubic phases of purified lipid mixtures do differ in their lattice parameters; however, such deviations are thought to relate to differences in water activity and lipid to protein ratios (10, 14, 18). Direct template correlative matching has revealed thousands of examples of cellular cubic membranes in a broad survey of electron micrographs ranging from protozoa to human cells (14, 17) and, more recently, in the mitochondria of amoeba (19) and in subcellular membrane compartments associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome virus (20). Analysis of cellular cubic membranes has also been furthered by the development of EM tomography that confirmed the presence of cubic bilayers in the mitochondrial membranes of amoeba (21, 22).Although it is now clear that cubic membranes can exist in living cells, the generation of such architecture would appear tightly regulated, as evidenced by the dominance of lamellar bilayers in biology. In this light, we examined the capability and implications of generating cubic membranes in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of mammalian tissue culture cells. The ER is a spatially interconnected complex consisting of two domains, the nuclear envelope and the peripheral ER (2326). The nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus and is composed of two continuous sheets of membranes, an inner and outer nuclear membrane connected to each other at nuclear pores. The peripheral ER constitutes a network of branching trijunctional tubules that are continuous with membrane sheet regions that occur in closer proximity to the nucleus. Recently it has been suggested that the classical morphological definition of rough ER (ribosome-studded) and smooth ER (ribosome-free) may correspond to sheet-like and tubular ER domains, respectively (27). The ER has a strong potential for cubic architectures, as demonstrated by the fact that the majority of cubic cell membranes in the EM record come from ER-derived structures (14, 17). Furthermore, ER cubic symmetries are an inducible class of organized smooth ER (OSER), a definition collectively referring to ordered smooth ER membranes (=stacked cisternae on the outer nuclear membrane, also called Karmelle (2830), packed sinusoidal ER (31), concentric membrane whorls (30, 3234), and arrays of crystalloid ER (3537)). Specifically, weak homotypic interactions between membrane proteins produce both a whorled and a sinusoidal OSER phenotype (38), the latter exhibiting a cubic symmetry (16, 39).We were able to produce OSER with cubic membrane morphology via induction of homo-dimerization of artificial membrane proteins. Interestingly, the resultant cubic membrane architecture was removed from the ER system by incorporation into large autophagic vacuoles. To assess whether these cubic symmetries were favored in the absence of cellular energy, we depleted ATP. To our surprise, the cells responded by forming large domains of tubulated membrane, suggesting that a cubic symmetry was not the preferred conformation of the system. Our results suggest that whereas the endoplasmic reticulum is capable of adopting cubic symmetries, both the inherent properties of the ER system and active cellular mechanisms, such as autophagy, can tightly control their appearance.  相似文献   

The location of membrane-associated proteins of vesicular stomatitis virus was investigated by using two monofunctional and three bifunctional probes that differ in the degree to which they partition into membranes and in their specific group reactivity. Two hydrophobic aryl azide probes, [(125)I]5-iodonaphthyl-1-azide and [(3)H]pyrenesulfonylazide, readily partitioned into virion membrane and, when activated to nitrenes by UV irradiation, formed stable covalent adducts to membrane constituents. Both of these monofunctional probes labeled the glyco-protein G and matrix M proteins, but [(125)I]5-iodonaphthyl-1-azide also labeled the nucleocapsid N protein and an unidentified low-molecular-weight component. Protein labeling of intact virions was unaffected by the presence of cytochrome c or glutathione, but disruption of membrane by sodium dodecyl sulfate greatly enhanced the labeling of all viral proteins except G. Labeling of G protein was essentially restricted to the membrane-embedded, thermolysin-resistant tail fragment. Three bifunctional reagents, tartryl diazide, dimethylsuberimidate, and 4,4'-dithiobisphenylazide, were tested for their capacity to cross-link proteins to membrane phospholipids of virions grown in the presence of [(3)H]palmitate. Only G and M proteins of intact virions were labeled with (3)H-phospholipid by these cross-linkers; the reactions were not affected by cytochrome c but were abolished by disruption of virus with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Dimethylsuberimidate, which reacts with free amino groups, cross-linked (3)H-phospholipid to both G and M protein. In contrast, the hydrophilic tartryl diazide cross-linked phospholipid primarily to the M protein, whereas the hydrophobic 4,4'-dithiobisphenylazide cross-linked phospholipid primarily to the intrinsic G protein. These data support the hypothesis that the G protein traverses the virion membrane and that the M protein is membrane associated but does not penetrate very deeply, if at all.  相似文献   

Two zein proteins (Z1 and Z2) represent the majority of the protein synthesized during maize endosperm development. Undegraded membrane-bound polysomes isolated from normal maize synthesized these proteins when incubated in a cell-free protein-synthesizing system from wheat germ. The proteins synthesized in vitro were similar to authentic zein in ethanol solubility and electrophoretic mobility. Zein synthesis was associated with large size classes of membrane bound polysomes in normal maize.Membrane-bound polysomes isolated from developing kernels of opaque-2 mutant synthesized less total zein in vitro, and dramatically reduced incorporation into the Z1 component. The reduction in total zein corresponded to a 50% reduction in the level of membrane-bound polysomes in opaque-2, and the near absence of the large polysome size classes, which synthesized zein in normal maize. We concluded that the opaque-2 mutation results in a decreased "availability" of the zein mRNAs, reflected in a reduced level of membrane-bound polysomes.  相似文献   

On a few occasions, soybeans with broken root tips were included in tests to evaluate resistance to Heterodera glycines. Although females developed on these plants, the numbers tended to be lower than on similarly treated intact roots. To test the possibility that removal of the root meristem affected nematode development, a culture system using pruned soybeans was devised that permitted access to the roots without disturbing the plants. Treatments included removal of 2 mm of root tip at various times ranging from 24 hours before to 10 days after inoculation, or roots left intact. In each experiment, all roots were inoculated at the same time with equal numbers of freshly hatched second-stage juveniles of Heterodera glycines. No differences in nematode development were detected in plants with root tips removed after inoculation compared to the control. When tips were removed at or before inoculation, fewer juveniles entered roots and relatively fewer nematodes developed. Penetration levels and development correlated with root tip removal such that progressively fewer nematodes entered roots and relatively greater numbers of nematodes remained undeveloped as the time interval between root tip removal and inoculation was increased.  相似文献   

In Vitro Biosynthesis of Phosphorylated Starch in Intact Potato Amyloplasts   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Intact amyloplasts from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were used to study starch biosynthesis and phosphorylation. Assessed by the degree of intactness and by the level of cytosolic and vacuolar contamination, the best preparations were selected by searching for amyloplasts containing small starch grains. The isolated, small amyloplasts were 80% intact and were free from cytosolic and vacuolar contamination. Biosynthetic studies of the amyloplasts showed that [1-14C]glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) was an efficient precursor for starch synthesis in a manner highly dependent on amyloplast integrity. Starch biosynthesis from [1-14C]Glc-1-P in small, intact amyloplasts was 5-fold lower and largely independent of amyloplast intactness. When [33P]Glc-6-P was administered to the amyloplasts, radiophosphorylated starch was produced. Isoamylase treatment of the starch followed by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection revealed the separated phosphorylated α-glucans. Acid hydrolysis of the phosphorylated α-glucans and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography analyses showed that the incorporated phosphate was preferentially positioned at C-6 of the Glc moiety. The incorporation of radiolabel from Glc-1-P into starch in preparations of amyloplasts containing large grains was independent of intactness and most likely catalyzed by starch phosphorylase bound to naked starch grains.  相似文献   

Cuticles isolated from second-stage juveniles and adult females of Meloidogyne incognita were purified by treatment with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The juvenile cuticle was composed of three zones differing in their solubility in β-mercaptoethanol (BME). Proteins in the cortical and median zones were partially soluble in BME, whereas the basal zone was the least soluble. The BME-soluble proteins from the juvenile cuticle were separated into 12 bands by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and characterized as collagenous proteins based on their sensitivity to collagenase and amino acid composition. The adult cuticle consisted of two zones which were dissolved extensively by BME. The basal zone was completely solubilized, leaving behind a network of fibers corresponding to the cortical zone. The BME-soluble proteins from the adult cuticle were separated by electrophoresis into nine bands one of which constituted > 55% of the total BME-soluble proteins. All bands were characterized as collagenous proteins. Collagenous proteins from juvenile cuticles also contained glycoproteins which were absent from the adult cuticles.  相似文献   

A cDNA (Cel1) encoding an endo-1,4-β-glucanase (EGase) was isolated from ripe fruit of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). The deduced protein of 496 amino acids contains a presumptive signal sequence, a common feature of cell wall-localized EGases, and one potential N-glycosylation site. Southern- blot analysis of genomic DNA from F. × ananassa, an octoploid species, and that from the diploid species Fragaria vesca indicated that the Cel1 gene is a member of a divergent multigene family. In fruit, Cel1 mRNA was first detected at the white stage of development, and at the onset of ripening, coincident with anthocyanin accumulation, Cel1 mRNA abundance increased dramatically and remained high throughout ripening and subsequent fruit deterioration. In all other tissues examined, Cel1 expression was invariably absent. Antibodies raised to Cel1 protein detected a protein of 62 kD only in ripening fruit. Upon deachenation of young white fruit to remove the source of endogenous auxins, ripening, as visualized by anthocyanin accumulation, and Cel1 mRNA accumulation were both accelerated. Conversely, auxin treatment of white fruit repressed accumulation of both Cel1 mRNA and ripening. These results indicate that strawberry Cel1 is a ripening-specific and auxin-repressed EGase, which is regulated during ripening by a decline in auxin levels originating from the achenes.  相似文献   

Araucaria bidwillii Hook. and Araucaria cunninghamii Don D. are two species of conifers whose seeds belong to different physiological categories: A. bidwillii seeds are recalcitrant, while A. cunninghamii seeds are orthodox. The extraction of enzymes and storage proteins was carried out from A. bidwillii and A. cunninghamii megagametophytes. The endopeptidase activities of both species were assayed with azocasein and with haemoglobin; the exopeptidase activities were detected by various N-carbobenzyloxy-dipeptides and L-leucine p-nitroanilide. The use of appropriate proteinase inhibitors, i.e. pepstatin A, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane, showed the presence of aspartic and metallo proteinases and the absence of the cysteine ones both in A. bidwillii and in A. cunninghamii ungerminated seeds. Since the results do not show differences between the types of enzymes in the ungerminated araucarian seeds and those present in some ungerminated angiosperm seeds (barley, wheat, maize, rice, buckwheat), we conclude that their physiological role is similar. The electrophoretical analyses of soluble and insoluble storage proteins of A. cunninghamii showed patterns similar to those found in other gymnosperms, while the storage protein patterns of A. bidwillii seeds were rather atypical.  相似文献   

Development of postparasites and adult females of Romanomermis culicivorax Ross and Smith, 1976 may be retarded by keeping cultures at 10 or 15 C for 15 wk. Storage at 5 C resulted in high mortality of postparasites. A storage temperature of 10 C is suitable if development of postparasites, young adults, and gravid females is to be greatly retarded. None of the females were gravid when postparasites (1-6 days old) were kept at 10 C for 15 wk. Development resumed after the cultures were returned to 26 C and no significant mortality occurred. A storage temperature of 15 C is suitable if development is to be only moderately retarded. After a 15-wk storage period, only a few weeks were required to return the cultures to full production status.  相似文献   

By means of differential centrifugation, cytosol fraction and microsome were prepared from maize roots which have been grown in dark for 4 d. Highly purified plasma membranes were isolated from the microsome in two-phase aqueous system which is composed of 6.9 % (W/W) Dextran T500 and PEG 3350. The tonoplast was collected from the interface between 1% and 8% (W/W) Dextran T70 after gradient centrifugation. Electron microscopic observation and marker enzyme activities analysis proved that these fractions contained very few other membranes. Microvolume radioactivity ligand binding assay indicated that the specific binding sites of ABA in maize root microsome were mainly distributed on tonoplast and plasma membrane fractions. Their specific binding activity was 2485.4 and 1257.3 fmol/mg protein, respectively, the specific binding activity of cytosol fraction being the lowest (one order of magnitude lower). The dissociation constant (KD) of ABA-BP in plasma membrane was 1.57 nmol/L.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans and Panagrellus redivivus were investigated for surface carbohydrates using fluorescent-labelled and ferritin-labelled lectins. Rhodamine-labelled Concanavalin A was specifically located in the cephalic region of both species. Rhodamine-labelled wheat germ agglutinin was located over the entire cuticle of P. redivivus but was absent on C. elegans. Rhodamine-labelled peanut agglutinin and Limax flavus agglutinin did not label nematodes of either species. Galactose and sialic acid were not detected on either species, whereas mannose-glucose residues were specifically localized in the head areas of both species. No detectable N-acetylglucosamine occurred on C. elegans, but it was evenly distributed over the cuticle surface of P. redivivus.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequence for CAP160, an acidic protein previously linked with cold acclimation in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), was characterized and found to encode a novel acidic protein of 780 amino acids having very limited homology to a pair of Arabidopsis thaliana stress-regulated proteins, rd29A and rd29B. The lack of similarity in the structural organization of the spinach and Arabidopsis genes highlights the absence of a high degree of conservation of this cold-stress gene across taxonomic boundaries. The protein has several unique motifs that may relate to its function during cold stress. Expression of the CAP160 mRNA was increased by low-temperature exposure and water stress in a manner consistent with a probable function during stresses that involve dehydration. The coding sequences for CAP160 and CAP85, another spinach cold-stress protein, were introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) under the control of the 35S promoter using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-based transformation. Tobacco plants expressing the proteins individually or coexpressing both proteins were evaluated for relative freezing-stress tolerance. The killing temperature for 50% of the cells of the transgenic plants was not different from that of the wild-type plants. As determined by a more sensitive time/temperature kinetic study, plants expressing the spinach proteins had slightly lower levels of electrolyte leakage than wild-type plants, indicative of a small reduction of freezing-stress injury. Clearly, the heterologous expression of two cold-stress proteins had no profound influence on stress tolerance, a result that is consistent with the quantitative nature of cold-stress-tolerance traits.  相似文献   

Prolamins, the seed storage proteins of maize, sorghum and coix were also found in sugarcane. Prolamins are grouped into structurally distinct classes termed the α-, β-, γ- and δ-prolamins. Orthologues for almost all of the α-, β-, γ- and δ-prolamins classes were identified in sugarcane. In maize, there are two molecular weight classes of α-prolamins, the 22 and 19 kD α-zeins. Sugarcane also possesses both the 22 kD and the 19 kD α-prolamins, which we denote as caneins, whereas sorghum and coix contain only the 22 kD α-prolamin (α-kafirin and α-coixin, respectively). Amino acid sequence alignments of the 22 and 19 kD α-prolamins from these plants revealed that both the 19 kD α-zein and the 19 kD α-canein lack around 20 amino acids at the sixth α-helix domain. We postulate that the 19 kD α-prolamins originated from a deletion of the sixth α-helix of a 22 kD counterpart in the saccharum lineage. Saccharum and sorghum diverged around five to nine million years ago (Mya), when only the 22 kD α-prolamins existed. The 19 kD α-canein must therefore have emerged after this time. Sorghum possesses a 19 kD α-prolamin similar to that of sugarcane and maize, but it contains the sixth α-helix domain lacking in the 19 kD α-zein and the 19 kD α-canein. This sorghum α-prolamin that we called 19 kD-like α-kafirin must be the ancestor of the 19 kD α-canein. The 19 kD-like α-kafirin could also be the ancestor of the 19 kD α-zein but it is also possible that the genes encoding the 19 kD α-zein and the 19 kD α-canein have evolved separately in these close groups.  相似文献   

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