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The deviation of alleles and chromosomes from Mendelian inheritance is characteristic of the meiotic drive. This review describes the mechanism in question using the best-studied example of transmitted ratio distortion in the heterozygous male mice carrying t-haplotypes. The t-complex is best model for studying the meiotic drive under laboratory conditions. Putative mechanisms of meiotic drive that influence the frequency of t-haplotypes in natural populations are considered, of which prezygotic selection is the most important. The role of meiotic drive in male hybrid sterility is emphasized. The factors and models that determine the phenomenon of meiotic drive are discussed in detail.
Meiotic drive of chromosomal knobs reshaped the maize genome. 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
E S Buckler T L Phelps-Durr C S Buckler R K Dawe J F Doebley T P Holtsford 《Genetics》1999,153(1):415-426
Meiotic drive is the subversion of meiosis so that particular genes are preferentially transmitted to the progeny. Meiotic drive generally causes the preferential segregation of small regions of the genome; however, in maize we propose that meiotic drive is responsible for the evolution of large repetitive DNA arrays on all chromosomes. A maize meiotic drive locus found on an uncommon form of chromosome 10 [abnormal 10 (Ab10)] may be largely responsible for the evolution of heterochromatic chromosomal knobs, which can confer meiotic drive potential to every maize chromosome. Simulations were used to illustrate the dynamics of this meiotic drive model and suggest knobs might be deleterious in the absence of Ab10. Chromosomal knob data from maize's wild relatives (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis and mexicana) and phylogenetic comparisons demonstrated that the evolution of knob size, frequency, and chromosomal position agreed with the meiotic drive hypothesis. Knob chromosomal position was incompatible with the hypothesis that knob repetitive DNA is neutral or slightly deleterious to the genome. We also show that environmental factors and transposition may play a role in the evolution of knobs. Because knobs occur at multiple locations on all maize chromosomes, the combined effects of meiotic drive and genetic linkage may have reshaped genetic diversity throughout the maize genome in response to the presence of Ab10. Meiotic drive may be a major force of genome evolution, allowing revolutionary changes in genome structure and diversity over short evolutionary periods. 相似文献
Meiotic studies in mice carrying the sex reversal (Sxr) factor 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A sex reversal factor (Sxr) that causes mice having apparently normal X chromosomes to become phenotypically male is transmitted in an autosomal pattern. The origin of the Sxr factor is still unknown. It seems most likely that it has originated from an autosomal gene mutation or is the result of a translocation of part of the Y chromosome to one of the autosomes. Chromosomes from four XY and six XO mice carrying this sex reversal factor were examined in the diakinesis stage of meiosis. The following unusual observations were noted: (1) in XY males carrying the Sxr factor, the X and Y chromosomes were separated more often than in controls. (2) The Y chromosome tends to be closer to an autosome when the X and Y are separate than when the X and Y are attached. (3) A chromosome fragment was present in 4/226 cells from two XO males and a single cell from an XY, Sxr carrier. Although there is no direct evidence, these observations seem to favor the possibility that the Sxr factor involves a chromosomal rearrangement rather than a single gene mutation. 相似文献
The properties of the t haplotypes, specific mutant states of the proximal region of chromosomes 17 in the house mouse, are of continuing interest. One such property is increased transmission of the t haplotype by heterozygous t/+ males to offspring. Using the reciprocal translocation T(16;17)43H we have constructed males with tertiary trisomy of chromosome 17 (+T43/+ +/Rb7+) carrying the Robertsonian translocation Rb(16.17)7Bnr. Only the progeny of these males which had inherited either T43/+ or Rb7 from their male parent were viable. The segregation patterns in the offspring of t-bearing trisomics were analysed on days 16-18 of embryonic development. It was found that, when the t12 haplotype is in the normal acrocentric (males+ +T43/+ t12 + /Rb7+ +), its presence in the gamete +t12+/+ + T43 does not produce meiotic drive. However, when t6 is in Rb7, meiotic drive was observed: 80% of offspring carried the t haplotype. It is concluded that the meiotic drive is probably inhibited by the presence of a normal homologue of chromosome 17 in the same sperm. Possible mechanisms for the t haplotype effect are discussed. 相似文献
Chromosome 1 with one or two long insertions has been previously found in natural mouse populations. The inheritance of chromosome 1 with two insertions from the Yakutsk population is analysed in this paper. It was demonstrated that heterozygous females transmit this chromosome to 80-85% of offspring. The observations made at M II, in conjunction with the recombination data, allowed us to conclude that preferential passage of the chromosome 1 with insertions to the oocyte and egg, rather than to the first and second polar bodies at meiosis, is the causative factor of the distorted segregation. A meiotic drive of such potency has not been previously reported for female mammals. The possible mechanism of the drive is discussed. 相似文献
The properties of the t haplotypes, specific mutant states of the proximal region of chromosome 17 in the house mouse keep renewing interest. One such property is increased transmission of the t haplotype from heterozygous t/+ males to their offspring. By means of reciprocal translocation T (16; 17)43H, we have constructed males with tertiary trisomy 17 (+T43/++/RB7+) carrying Robertsonian translocation Rb(16.17)7Bnr. The offspring of these males was viable when sperm of +T43/++ and Rb7+ was used. The segregation patterns in the offspring of t-bearing trisomics were analysed on days 16-18 of embryonic development. It was found that in the case when the t haplotype is on the normal acrocentric (male male ++T43/+t12+/Rb7++), its presence in the gamete +t12+/++T43 does not produce meiotic drive. However, when t6 is on Rb7, meiotic drive was equal to 80%. It is concluded that the presence of a normal homolog and a t-bearing chromosome in sperm does not result in meiotic drive. Possible mechanisms of meiotic drive of the t haplotypes are discussed. 相似文献
An aberrant chromosome 1 carrying an inverted fragment with two amplified DNA regions was isolated from natural populations of Mus musculus. A meiotic drive favouring the aberrant chromosome was previously demonstrated for heterozygous females. The cause for this was the preferential passage of the chromosome 1 to the oocyte. Genetic analysis made it possible to identify a two-component system conditioning the deviation from equal segregation of the homologues. The system consists of the postulated distorter and a responder. The distorter is located on the chromosome 1 distally to the responder, between the 1n and Pep 3 genes, the former acting on the responder when in the trans position. Polymorphism of the distorters was manifested as variation in their effect on the meiotic drive level in the laboratory strain and mice from natural populations. 相似文献
K Reinhold L Engqvist B Misof J Kurtz 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》1999,266(1426):1341-1345
As a special version of the good-genes hypothesis, it was recently proposed that females could benefit from choosing drive-resistant males in a meiotic drive system. Here, we examine with a three-locus, six-allele population genetic model whether female choice for drive resistance can evolve. An allele leading to female preference for drive-resistant males was introduced at low frequency into a population polymorphic for meiotic drive and drive resistance. Our simulations show that female choice of drive-resistant males is disadvantageous when resistance is Y-linked. This disadvantage occurs because, at equilibrium, drive-resistant males have lower reproductive success than drive-susceptible males. Thus, female choice of drive-susceptible males can evolve when resistance is Y-linked. When resistance is autosomal, selection on female choice for drive resistance is less strong and depends on the frequency of choice: female preference of resistant males is favoured when choice is rare and disadvantageous when choice is frequent, leading to a stable equilibrium at a low frequency of the choice allele. Independent of the location of drive resistance alleles, males with the non-driving allele always have above average reproductive success. Female choice is therefore beneficial when choosy females prefer males with the non-driving allele. 相似文献
Vaccination of mice with bacteria carrying a cloned herpesvirus genome reconstituted in vivo

Bacterial delivery systems are gaining increasing interest as potential vaccination vectors to deliver either proteins or nucleic acids for gene expression in the recipient. Bacterial delivery systems for gene expression in vivo usually contain small multicopy plasmids. We have shown before that bacteria containing a herpesvirus bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) can reconstitute the virus replication cycle after cocultivation with fibroblasts in vitro. In this study we addressed the question of whether bacteria containing a single plasmid with a complete viral genome can also reconstitute the viral replication process in vivo. We used a natural mouse pathogen, the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), whose genome has previously been cloned as a BAC in Escherichia coli. In this study, we tested a new application for BAC-cloned herpesvirus genomes. We show that the MCMV BAC can be stably maintained in certain strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium as well and that both serovar Typhimurium and E. coli harboring the single-copy MCMV BAC can reconstitute a virus infection upon injection into mice. By this procedure, a productive virus infection is regenerated only in immunocompromised mice. Virus reconstitution in vivo causes elevated titers of specific anti-MCMV antibodies, protection against lethal MCMV challenge, and strong expression of additional genes introduced into the viral genome. Thus, the reconstitution of infectious virus from live attenuated bacteria presents a novel concept for multivalent virus vaccines launched from bacterial vectors. 相似文献
G S Wilkinson C L Fry 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2001,268(1485):2559-2564
Meiotic drive results when sperm carrying a driving chromosome preferentially survive development. Meiotic drive should therefore influence sperm competition because drive males produce fewer sperm than non-drive males. Whether meiotic drive also influences the competitive ability of sperm after ejaculation is unknown. Here we report the results from reciprocal crosses that are designed for estimating the sperm precedence of male stalk-eyed flies (Cyrtodiopsis whitei) with or without X-linked meiotic drive. We find that nearly half of all sex-ratio males, as compared with 14% of non-sex-ratio males, fail to produce young in a reciprocal cross. Furthermore, the proportion of progeny sired by a sex-ratio male in a female jointly inseminated by a non-sex-ratio male was less than expected from the number of sperm transferred. These effects are not due to differential sperm storage by females because, after a single mating with a sex-ratio male, all females stored sperm and because two sex-ratio males share paternity after jointly mating with a female. In addition to demonstrating a new mechanism of sperm competition, these results provide insight into the maintenance of sex-ratio polymorphisms. Sex-ratio males have less than one-half the fertility of non-sex-ratio males, as is required in order for frequency-dependent selection on males to produce a stable sex-ratio polymorphism. 相似文献
The kinetics of spermatocyte progression through meiotic prophase in cells with or without induced translocations were studied in mice that had been exposed to x-rays. Pulse-labeling experiments using 3H-thymidine, followed by autoradiographic analysis, indicated that at higher x-ray doses (6 and 7 Gy), translocation-carrying cells tend to spend more time in meiotic prophase than do normal cells. At 2 Gy, no such delay seemed to be present. The observed delay may explain the reduction in transmission of translocations to the next generation reported by others. 相似文献
Animals with aberrant chromosome 1 carrying one or two large insertions were earlier described in natural populations of Mus musculus. In the present work, inheritance of the aberrant chromosome 1 from the Yakutsk population was investigated. It was shown that 80-85% of the progeny from heterozygous females received chromosome 1 with insertions. From chromosomal analysis of blastocytes and oocytes at the MII stage, it was concluded that the preferential distribution of the aberrant chromosome into oocytes during the first and especially, the second meiotic divisions is relevant to the segregation distortion observed. The mechanism of this powerful meiotic drive is discussed. 相似文献
Pinton A Raymond Letron I Berland HM Bonnet N Calgaro A Garnier-Bonnet A Yerle M Ducos A 《Cytogenetic and genome research》2008,120(1-2):106-111
A reciprocal translocation between the q arm of the Y chromosome and the q arm of chromosome 14 was identified in a young, phenotypically normal boar presenting azoospermia. Testicular biopsies were analyzed by classical histological and immunolocalization techniques, and by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Meiotic pairing analysis of 85 pachytene spreads showed the presence of an open structure corresponding to a quadrivalent formed by chromosomes 14, X, and the derivative chromosomes 14 and Y in 84.7% of the cases. In the remaining cases (15.3%), a 'trivalent plus univalent' configuration was observed. Immunolocalization of gammaH2AX revealed the presence of this modified histone in the chromatin domains of unsynapsed segments (centromeric region of chromosome 14) and spreading of the gammaH2AX signal from the XY body throughout chromosome 14 in 7.05% of the cells analyzed. The potential causes of the observed infertility, i.e. activation of meiotic checkpoints and/or silencing of genes necessary for the progression of meiosis, are discussed. 相似文献
The fused gag-v-myc oncogene was microinjected into fertilized mouse eggs, which were then implanted into foster mothers. Approximately 26% of the offsprings from injected eggs carried v-myc sequences. 26 of 32 progeny animals were found to be transgenic and some progeny containing the amplified oncogene (about 40 copies per genome). In one F0 and one F1 mice 1.5-2 months after birth the development of tumors was observed: rhabdomyosarcoma and sebaceous carcinoma. In both the cases the tumors were highly differentiated. Because spontaneous tumors of these types are seldom observed in common lines of mice it seems probable that the tumors observed in this study may be associated with the presence of oncogene v-myc. 相似文献
The LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposon, the most important human mobile element, shapes the genome in many ways. Now two groups provide evidence that L1 retrotransposition is associated with large genomic deletions and inversions in transformed cells. If these events occur at a similar frequency in vivo, they have had a substantial effect on human genome evolution. 相似文献
Meiotic recombination: breaking the genome to save it. 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
M Lichten 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(7):R253-R256
Recombination ensures the correct segregation of chromosomes to gametes during meiosis. Recent studies point to a universal mechanism for initiating meiotic recombination: the formation of double-strand DNA breaks by Spo11p. 相似文献
Merico V Pigozzi MI Esposito A Merani MS Garagna S 《Cytogenetic and genome research》2003,103(3-4):321-329
We quantitatively analyzed the spermatogenic process, including evaluation of seminiferous tubules with defective cycles, rates of germ cell death and sperm morphology, in adult male mice with standard telocentric chromosomes (2n = 40, CD1 strain), homozygous (2n = 24, Mil II population) and heterozygous (2n = 24 x 40) for Robertsonian (Rb) rearrangements. The animals were analyzed at three different ages: three, five and seven months after birth. The number and position of crossover events were also determined by chiasmata counting and immunostaining with an antibody against mouse MLH1 protein. Our analysis of spermatogenesis confirms the impairment of the spermatogenic process in multiple simple heterozygotes due to both germ cell and abnormal sperm morphology. The detrimental effects exerted by Rb heterozygosities were found to be at least partially buffered with time: the frequency of defective tubules was lower and germ cell survival and sperm morphology better in 7-month-old animals than in the 3- and 5-month-old mice. While there are previously published data on germ cell death in multiple simple heterozygotes, this is the first report of a partial rescue of spermatogenesis with time. The mean frequency of MLH1 foci was lower in Rb homozygous and heterozygous mice than in mice carrying all telocentric chromosomes. The lower number of foci in Rb mice can be ascribed to a decrease in the number of multiple chiasmata and the maintenance of single chiasmata preferentially located in the terminal region of both the telocentric and metacentric chromosomes. 相似文献