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Tympanate hearing has evolved in at least 6 different orders of insects, but had not been reported until recently in the Diptera. This study presents a newly discovered tympanal hearing organ, in the parasitoid tachinid fly, Ormia ochracea. The hearing organ is described in terms of external and internal morphology, cellular organization of the sensory organ and preliminary neuroanatomy of the primary auditory afferents. The ear is located on the frontal face of the prothorax, directly behind the head capsule. Conspicuously visible are a pair of thin cuticular membranes specialized for audition, the prosternal tympanal membranes. Directly attached to these membranes, within the enlarged prosternal chamber, are a pair of auditory sensory organs, the bulbae acusticae. These sensory organs are unique among all auditory organs known so far because both are contained within an unpartitioned acoustic chamber. The prosternal chamber is connected to the outside by a pair of tracheae. The cellular anatomy of the fly's scolopophorous organ was investigated by light and electron microscopy. The bulba acustica is a typical chordotonal organ and it contains approximately 70 receptor cells. It is similar to other insect sensory organs associated with tympanal ears. The similarity of the cellular organization and tympanal morphology of the ormiine ear to the ears of other tympanate insects suggests that there are potent constraints in the design features of tympanal hearing organs, which must function to detect high frequency auditory signals over long distances. Each sensory organ is innervated by a branch of the frontal nerve of the fused thoracic ganglia. The primary auditory afferents project to each of the pro-, meso-, and metathoracic neuropils. The fly's hearing organ is sexually dimorphic, whereby the tympanal membranes are larger in females and the spiracles larger in males. The dimorphism presumably reflects differences in the acoustic behavior in the two sexes.  相似文献   

Gravid females of Ormia ochracealocate their hosts by homing on their hosts' calling songs. At Gainesville, Florida, O. ochraceafemales were attracted in greatest numbers to broadcast sounds that simulated the calling song of Gryllus rubens.Other candidate hosts and the attractiveness of their songs relative to the simultaneous song of G. rubenswere G. fultoni(9%), G. integer(4%), G. firmus(3%), Orocharis luteolira(1%), Scapteriscus borellii(1%), and S. vicinus(0%). The response of female O. ochraceato simulated G. rubenssongs that have different pulse rates changes with temperature in parallel with temperature-induced changes in the pulse rate of natural songs. Speaker stations 16 m apart in an apparently uniform environment produced strikingly different fly counts (e.g., 852 and 2163). The song of G. rubensat 21 °C approximates a continuous sequence of 4.6-kHz pulses at a rate of 45 s –1 and with a duty cycle of 50%. When two of these parameters were held constant and the third systematically varied in steps of 0.4kHz, 10s –1,and 10–20%, maximum attraction occurred at 4.4 kHz, 45 s –1,and 20–80%. Omitting as many as half the pulses in a rubenssimulation (e.g., 1, 2, 4, or 16 pulses followed by an equivalent silence, and repeat) did not significantly reduce the counts of O. ochracea,proving that chirping (producing pulses in brief groups) is no safeguard from call-seeking O. ochracea.Phase shifting of pulses in successive chirps sometimes decreased fly counts. When songs were first broadcast, flies came within seconds. Flies that landed at sound often stayed for minutes, even when the sound was turned off.  相似文献   

研究了我国蜗寄蝇族瑟寄蝇属Cyrtophleba(双翅目:寄蝇科)2种,其中茹瑟寄蝇Cyrtophleba ruricola 分布于辽宁,山西,宁夏,新疆;变瑟寄蝇Cyrtophleba vernalis为中国新记录种,分布于辽宁。给出了上述2种的鉴别特征及变瑟寄蝇头和雄性尾器的特征图。研究标本分别保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫标本室(SYNU),中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS)和国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站(GSFPM)。  相似文献   

Wingless blowflies (Phormia reginaMeigen)released on a flat uniform substrate hop repeatedly. The rate of hopping decreases with time. Decremental responsiveness resembles behavioral habituation. It can be reestablished by tactile stimulation and is due neither to muscle fatigue nor to sensory receptor adaptation. No effects of age or circadian rhythms were observed. The initial rate of hopping increases with increasing food deprivation, as does the time for waning to be completed. Decapitated flies and isolated wingless thoraxes hop almost as well as control flies and wane at the same rates.  相似文献   

记述中国异蚤蝇属2新种:羽鬃异蚤蝇Megaselia pennisetalis sp.nov.和膨跗异蚤蝇Megaselia tarsocrassa sp.nov.。羽鬃异蚤蝇的体色和尾器的羽状鬃与M.rufipes(Meigen)相似,但后者的中侧片光裸无毛。膨跗异蚤蝇与M.turbidipennis Borgmeier相似,但后者翅较暗、Rs脉基部具1微毛、前缘脉比3.80:1.60:1.00。模式标本存放于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

Summary This study of the ultrastructure of the auditory sensilla of the New Zealand weta, Hemideina crassidens, is the first such study on a member of the orthopteran Superfamily Gryllacridoidea. Ultrastructure of the auditory sensilla is similar in all of the tibial mechanosensory organs, here called subgenual organ, intermediate organ and crista acoustica by analogy with comparable structures in Tettigoniidae.Distal to each sensory soma is a dendrite containing multiple ciliary rootlets that fuse into a single ciliary root. This splits into nine root processes that pass around the outside of the proximal basal body and then rejoin at the level of the distal basal body, distal to which the dendrite has a modified ciliary structure with a circlet of nine peripheral paired tubes and rods as it passes through the proximal extracellular space. It is then enclosed by a zone of scolopale cell cytoplasm before expanding into a dilatation within the distal extracellular space. In some sensilla this space is partially occluded by electron dense material which is part of the scolopale cell. Distal to the dilatation the cilium shrinks and ends surrounded by the scolopale cap.Accessory cells consist of glia enwrapping the sensory neuron in the region of its soma, the scolopale cell surrounding the ciliary portion of the dendrite, and the attachment cell surrounding the scolopale cell and scolopale cap and connected to them by desmosomes. The attachment cells are filled with microtubules in differing densities and orientations. Lamellae are present in the acellular matrix surrounding the attachment cells. Banded fibres, presumably of collagen, are also present in the matrix.  相似文献   

记述中国寒蚤蝇属Triphleba Rondani 1新种:壳叶寒蚤蝇Triphleba conchiformis sp. nov.。本新种缺R2+3,其贝壳状侧尾叶区别于本属其它种。模式标本存放于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

记述采自海南的栓蚤蝇属Dohrniphora Dahl 1新种:密齿栓蚤蝇Dohrniphora densilinearis sp. nov.。新种与D. eilogoensis Disney相似,但后足腿节基部栓状感器大小相等且呈直线排列,可以区分。模式标本藏于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

This study examines the oviposition behavior of the phorid parasitoid Neodohrniphora curvinervisand the antiparasitoid defense behavior of its leafcutting ant host Atta cephalotes. N. curvinervisfemales are diurnal sit- and- wait parasitoids that attack only outbound foragers of head width 1.6 mm or greater. Females deposit a single egg through the foramen magnum of each host successfully parasitized. Pursuit of hosts is usually initiated when an outbound forager of acceptable size passes by a parasitoid perch site. Individual foragers defend themselves against pursuing parasitoids by outrunning them along the foraging trail or by standing their ground and fending them off with their legs,antennae, and mandibles. At the colony level, susceptible foragers are protected against parasitism by a shift in the forager size distribution toward smaller unsusceptible sizes during the day when parasitoids are active and toward larger sizes at night when parasitoids are inactive. The frequency of parasitism of susceptible foragers was 15%, which is more than five times the frequency found in another system involving the phorid parasitoid Apocephalus attophilusand the leafcutting ant host Atta colombica.We offer several possible explanations for such differences in the frequency of parasitism and also examine reasons for the high incidence of superparasitism (19%) observed in the system studied.  相似文献   

Males of the tachinid fly Leschenaultia adusta perch on small trees and shrubs on the highest parts of Usery Peak in central Arizona. Individuals select twig perches on the downwind side of these plants and fly out spontaneously from time to time or in response to another passing insect. Conspecific males elicit chases that on occasion escalate into elaborate, high-speed pursuit flights that go back and forth near the plant for several minutes. Although several males sometimes perch together briefly in the same plant, typically only one individual remains at a site for more than an hour on any given day. These site-faithful males can be considered territorial residents; they constituted about one-quarter of the males marked during the study. More than half of these residents returned to the same perch plant for two or more days. Perch plants varied in their attractiveness to male flies; male preferences were largely consistent across two years of study. Given that females were occasionally observed mating at male-occupied plants, we place the mating system of L. adusta within the hilltopping territorial category in which males compete for landmark perching sites attractive to receptive females. As is true for other hilltopping insects, receptive females of L. adusta appear to be rare and widely distributed.  相似文献   

Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the most recent of four tephritid fruit fly species accidentally introduced into Hawaii. Although parasitoids have been released against other tephritid fruit fly species and have shown partial success in Hawaii, no parasitoids were released until 2004 to suppress populations of B. latifrons. The present study was conducted to document the parasitoid complex that has naturally established against B. latifrons in Hawaii and to assess whether there is a need for improving the biological control of this species. Based on ripe turkeyberry (Solanum torvum Sw) fruit collections over three consecutive years B. latifrons was the dominant tephritid fruit fly infestating turkeyberry at all four sites surveyed, across three major islands in Hawaii. The overall percentage parasitism of B. latifrons ranged from a low of 0.8% (Hana, Maui) to a high of 8.8% (Kahaluu, Oahu). Five primary parasitoid species were recovered from individually held B. latifrons puparia: Fopius arisanus (Sonan), Psyttalia incisi (Silvestri), Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), D. tryoni (Cameron), and Tetrastichus giffardianus Silvestri. F. arisanus was the predominant parasitoid at three of the four sites. Low levels of parasitism suggest that there is a need to improve biological control of B. latifrons, to minimize chances of this species causing economic impacts on crop production in Hawaii. We discuss the possibility of improving biological control of B. latifrons through augmentative releases of F. arisanus or introduction and release of specific and efficient new parasitoid species.  相似文献   

Summary The system formed byN. viridula and its almost specific parasitoidT. giacomellii has been studied in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina for 26 generations of the former and 20 generations of the latter. An intensive study over 9 host generations and key factor analysis made possible the identification and quantification of different mortality factors. The main factors determining the fluctuations in total generation mortality were: egg mortality due mainly to parasitism byT. basalis; nymphal predation on 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs and migration; and adult mortality and reduction on potential natality due to parasitism byT. giacomellii. Adult mortality and reduction of potential natality, due to parasitism byT. giacomellii, was density dependent. This factor is capable of maintaining the simulations generated by a simple model based on key factor analysis, within the range of observed densities. These results suggest that parasitism byT. giacomellii can regulate the population, even in a small area of 450 m2.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of female deprivation on the mating propensity and size selectivity of male Requena verticalis,an Australian katydid in which males provide a large spermatophylax to females during mating. Specifically, I tested the hypotheses that mating readiness would increase, while mate discrimination would decrease (i. e., females would be accepted independently of their size, an indicator of fecundity) as the period of female deprivation increased. Fieldcaught males were held in isolation for 1, 5, or 14 days in the laboratory and then presented with virgin females. As expected, males held for 5 and 14 days were more likely to mate than males held only a single day. However, in none of the treatments did males discriminate among females on the basis of size. These results are compared with those obtained in a similar study on a zaprochiline katydid.  相似文献   

Combating invasive species requires a detailed, mechanistic understanding of the manner and speed with which organisms expand their ranges. Biological control efforts provide an opportunity to study the process of species invasions and range expansions under known initial conditions. This study examines the rate, pattern and mechanisms of spread for two populations of the biological control agent Pseudacteon tricuspis, phorid-fly parasitoids of imported fire ants. We employ a trap-based survey method that detects phorid flies in low-density populations, and provides data on abundance. This technique allows us to differentiate between continuous population spread and effective long-distance dispersal and to examine density gradients of phorid flies across the expanding population front. We find that occupied sites in front of the leading edge of continuous populations were common; forming small populations we refer to as satellite populations. Satellite populations are tens of kilometers from the nearest possible source. Wind governs the dynamics of spread in these two central Texas populations. Population edges expanding with the wind exhibited a higher frequency of effective long-distance dispersal than did populations expanding into the wind. This enhanced effective long-distance dispersal rate translated into a five times faster rate of spread for population edges traveling with the wind. This planned invasion shares many characteristics in common with unplanned species invasions including: protracted establishment phase during which densities were below detection thresholds, and slow initial spread immediately after establishment followed by rapid, accelerating spread rates as population sizes grew.  相似文献   

The genus Diabrotica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) includes a great number of pest species, including some of the most important crops pests of the Americas. However, only five parasitoid species have been recorded for it. The parasitoid Celatoria bosqi Blanchard was the first parasitoid described from Diabrotica spp. in South America, where substantial parasitism has been observed. C. bosqi has been collected almost throughout the South American distribution of its main host, Diabrotica speciosa (Germar), in an area that includes temperate and tropical lowlands, and semiarid to humid highlands. Three Diabrotica species were found to host the parasitoid, D. speciosa (Germar), Hystiopsis sp., and Diabrotica viridula (F.), with a total parasitism of 2.60, 5.55, and <0.02%, respectively. Laboratory experiments with field beetles and puparia, reared in the laboratory, indicate that C. bosqi overwinters obligatorily in overwintering adult host beetles, remaining quiescent in its live host below developmental temperatures. Based on the known climatic range of C. bosqi, and its requirement of adult overwintering hosts, a potential distribution in North America is projected.  相似文献   

Summary The postembryonic development of the morphology and anatomy of the complex tibial organ in the foreleg of the bushcricket Ephippiger ephippiger is described. All the receptor cells are present in the subgenual organ, the intermediate organ and the crista acustica in the 1st larval instar. Generally, even in the 1st instar, the arrangement of the scolopidia in the three organs resembles the adult structure. The acoustic trachea, the tympana, the tympanal covers and the acoustic spiracle develop step by step in subsequent instars. The acoustic trachea resembles the adult structure for the first time in the 4th instar, although its volume is still small. The auditory threshold curves recorded from the tympanal nerve in instars 4, 5 and 6 show the same frequency maxima as those in the adult. The overall sensitivity significantly increases after the final moult. The dimensions of structures that lie within the crista acustica and that are probably involved in stimulus transduction and in frequency tuning have been analysed. The dorsal wall of the anterior trachea, the tectorial membrane and the cap cells have similar dimensions, especially in the last three instars and in adults.  相似文献   

We studied the attraction of a tachinid fly, Gymnosoma rotundatum (Linnaeus) to the male-produced aggregation pheromone of the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali Scott, its parasitism on the bug, and its seasonal occurrence in the field. The tachinid fly was continuously attracted to the aggregation pheromone from spring to autumn and utilized the bugs as hosts. Our field experiment to clarify the effect of the pheromone on parasitism demonstrated that parasitism occurred only in female bugs baited with synthetic aggregation pheromone and did not occur in females without the pheromone. The parasitoid flies therefore appeared to use the bug’s pheromone as a host-finding kairomone. The pheromone attracted not only female flies but also males. Male flies may increase their chance of encountering pheromone-attracted females by waiting near pheromone sources. The tachinid develops multiple generations in active hosts from spring to autumn and overwinters in dormant hosts. Thus, G. rotundatum seems to be highly adapted to using P. stali as its host, and it is a potentially important biological control agent of P. stali populations in the field.  相似文献   

Summary The haemocytes of larvae and young pupae of Calliphora erythrocephala are studied by phase contrast and electron microscopy and three cell lineages are distinguished: plasmatocytes, thrombocytoids and oenocytoids. The plasmatocytes show important modifications during larval development and at the time of histolysis, which are described and discussed in relation to the function of these cells in the physiology of Calliphora. The thrombocytoids, haemocytes which had not been recorded so far, are characterized by a strong tendency to fragmentation, this process leading to the formation of the anucleated cytoplasmic fragments and the naked nuclei referred to by earlier authors. The ability of the cell fragments, which retain normal cytological characteristics, to agglutinate and form intricate networks, is discussed in relation to haemostasis in Calliphora.The ultrastructural study of the haemocyte accumulations in the vicinity of the posterior part of the dorsal vessel reveals the basic organization of haemocytopoetic tissue, as described recently in orthopteran insects. The functional importance of this tissue in the production of haemocytes is demonstrated by X-irradiation and ligation experiments in larvae of Calliphora.
Résumé L'étude en microscopie en contraste de phase et au microscope électronique permet de distinguer dans le sang circulant de larves et de jeunes pupes de Calliphora erythrocephala trois lignées cellulaires: les plasmatocytes, les thrombocytoïdes et les oenocytoïdes. Les plasmatocytes, numériquement les plus importants, présentent au cours du développement larvaire et chez les pupes des modifications considérables, qui sont décrites et discutées en rapport avec la fonction évidente de ces hémocytes chez Calliphora. Les thrombocytoïdes, inconnus dans la littérature, se caractérisent par une forte tendance à la fragmentation, qui aboutit à la formation des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés» et des «noyaux nus» signalés par divers auteurs. Les phénomènes d'agglutination des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés», dont les caractères cytologiques restent normaux, sont discutés en rapport avec le problème de l'hémostase chez cet insecte.L'étude ultrastructurale des accumulations hémocytaires autour du vaisseau dorsal dans la partie postérieure de l'abdomen montre une organisation de base comparable à celle décrite dans les organes hématopoïétiques des Insectes Orthoptères. L'importance fonctionelle de ce tissu hématopoïétique de Calliphora dans la production des hémocytes au cours de la vie larvaire est démontrée par des irradiations de ce tissu et par des ligatures de la partie postérieure de l'abdomen.

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