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Summary Gastrin/cholecystokinin (gastrin/CCK)-like immunoreactivity has been detected in the brain, suboesophageal ganglion and corpora cardiaca of the larva of Aeschna cyanea by radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry, by use of two antisera raised against the sulfated (CCK-8S) and the unsulfated form (CCK-8NS) of the carboxyl terminal octapeptide. Numerous immunoreactive neurons were demonstrated in the protocerebrum (exclusive of optic lobes) and suboesophageal ganglion where 20 and 15 symmetrical clusters of reactive cells, respectively, were observed. Immunoreactive cells also occurred in the tritocerebrum, the optic lobes and the frontal ganglion. In the corpora cardiaca, gastrin/CCK-like material was found both within intrinsic cells and axon terminals. RIA measurements support the immunohistochemical results in so far as large amounts of gastrin/CCK-like material were detected in the brain, corpora cardiaca and suboesophageal ganglion complex. Both boiling water-acetic acid- and methanol-extraction procedures were performed. Comparisons of the results lead to the conclusion that a large part of the gastrin/CCK-like material occurs as small molecules. Immunohistochemical procedures performed on material fixed in a solution of picric acid-paraformaldehyde demonstrated differences in the immunoreactivity of the tested antisera. First, the immunohistochemical reaction was always more pronounced when the CCK-8NS antiserum was used instead of the CCK-8S antiserum, which may be interpreted by a lower affinity of the latter. In the second place, some neurons strongly stained by the CCK-8NS antiserum were only very faintly if at all stained by the CCK-8S antiserum, which may mean that different peptides or at least distinct forms of the same precursor are detected.  相似文献   

Summary Lectins with different sugar specificities and labeled with horseradish peroxidase or gold were used to study, at the electron-microscopic level, surface glycoconjugates of glial cells and neurites growing out from explant cultures of the central nervous system of embryonic locusts. Differential binding to differentiating glial cells and to neurites was demonstrated. Concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to glial and neurite surfaces with different degrees of labeling. The formation of glial processes and junctional complexes was invariably accompanied by a corresponding increase of Con A- and WGA-receptors. Peanut agglutinin (PNA) failed to bind to glial cells but strongly stained the plasma membrane of neurite junctions. Lotus tetragonolobus a. (LTA) did not bind either to glial cells or to neurites. In addition, staining with an antibody against laminin showed labeling in areas of neurite outgrowth and neurite interactions; this resembled the localization of PNA receptors. These findings provide evidence for the presence of different carbohydrates at the surface of neurites and glial cells of locust. Their predominant localization in glial processes and neurite junctions suggests that these carbohydrates constitute part of a group adhesion glycoproteins that also includes laminin.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural aspects of the secretory and the endocytotic pathways and the lysosomal system of corpus cardiacum glandular cells (CCG cells) of migratory locusts were studied using morphological, marker enzyme, immunocytochemical and tracer techniques. It is concluded that (1) the distribution of marker enzymes of trans Golgi cisternae and trans Golgi network (TGN) in locust CCG cells corresponds to that in most non-stimulated vertebrate secretory cell types; (2) the acid phosphatase-positive TGN in CCG cells is involved in sorting and packaging of secretory material and lysosomal enzymes; (3) these latter substances are produced continuously; (4) at the same time, superfluous secretory granules and other old cell organelles are degraded; (5) the remarkable endocytotic activity in the cell bodies and the minor endocytotic activity in cell processes are coupled mainly to constitutive uptake of nutritional and/or regulatory (macro)molecules, rather than to exocytosis; (6) plasma membrane recycling occurs mainly by direct fusion of tubular endosomal structures with the plasma membrane and little traffic passes the Golgi/TGN; and (7) so-called cytosomes arise mainly from autophagocytotic vacuoles and represent a special kind of complex secondary lysosomes involved in the final degradation of endogenous (cell organelles) and exogenous material.  相似文献   

This is an investigation of an endocrine cell type in the midgut of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria. This cell type is found in the posterior region of the midgut and is especially common in the ampullae through which Malpighian tubules drain into the gut at the midgut-hindgut junction. Strong Locusta diuretic hormone-like immunoreactivity in these cells was colocalized with FMRFamide- and substance P-like immunoreactivities. At the ultrastructural level, immunoreactivity for Locusta diuretic hormone was found in spherical granules (mean diameter of 450 nm), the contents of which showed variable electron density. Fractionation of a methanolic extract of the ampullae by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography revealed the presence of two peaks of Locusta diuretic hormone-like immunoreactive material, both of which stimulate cyclic AMP production by isolated Malpighian tubules. The more hydrophobic material is most likely Locusta diuretic hormone, which has the same retention time when chromatographed under identical conditions. Received: 15 September 1995 / Accepted: 16 February 1996  相似文献   

Summary The transmitter content of identified inhibitory interneurons in the flight system of the locust, Locusta migratoria, has been characterized using antibodies raised against protein-conjugated gamma aminobutyric acid. Identified flight neurons were filled with the fluorescent dye, Lucifer Yellow. Serial sections of dye-filled neurons were incubated with an antibody to gamma aminobutyric acid which was subsequently tagged with a fluorescent marker. Excitatory motoneurons to wing muscles and 13 flight interneurons (3 excitatory, 7 inhibitory, and 3 with unknown synaptic effect) were examined. Neither the moto-neurons nor any of the 3 excitatory interneurons contained immunoreactive material. Six of the 7 inhibitory interneurons did contain immunoreactive material. All the neurons which contained immunoreactive material and whose synaptic effect is known were inhibitory. We conclude that most of the inhibitory flight interneurons which have been described use gamma aminobutyric acid as their transmitter. Interestingly, at least 1 set of interneurons known to be inhibitory does not use gamma aminobutyric acid. We predict that the 2 interneurons which do contain immunoreactive material and whose synaptic effect is not yet known will be found to have inhibitory roles in the operation of the flight circuitry.  相似文献   

Summary Receptor cell axons from the antennal flagellum terminate in the glomeruli of the ipsilateral deutocerebrum in Periplaneta americana and Locusta migratoria. Processes from several groups of deutocerebral neurons also enter the glomeruli and terminate in characteristic branching patterns. There, they contact the antennal axons. Connections are both convergent and divergent. Not only do single central neurons collect the inputs from many receptor cells, but receptor axons were often observed to branch and terminate at more than one deutocerebral neuron. The axons from a portion of the neurons go to form the deutocerebral bundle of the tractus olfactorioglobularis. These axons of the bundle terminate in the ipsilateral calyx of the corpus pedunculatum and in the lateral lobus protocerebri. The processes of the majority of the deutocerebral neurons stay within the deutocerebrum itself and may serve as local interneurons. Part of some antennal fibers terminate in the lobus dorsalis. The lobus glomeratus receives inputs from the maxillary palps and also from processes of deutocerebral neurons.Electron microscopy of synaptic connections and anatomical experiments reveal a complicated pattern of connections between receptor axons and higher order neurons as well as between higher order neurons themselves within the glomeruli.The ratio of the number of antennal fibers to that of relay fibers could easily lead to the interpretation, that the deutocerebrum merely serves as a device for reducing the number of transmission channels. However, coupled with physiological data, anatomical details such as conand divergence of input and interconnections between input channels suggest rather a filtering system and a highly complicated integrative network.  相似文献   

Summary Proctolin-like immunoreactivity (PLI) was found in different parts of the arthropod central nervous system and in nerve fibers of muscles. In order to examine whether this PLI is related to a uniform type of secretory vesicle, hindgut musculature and frontal and hypocerebral ganglia were examined with the immunogold technique. PLI occurs exclusively within membran-bounded secretory granules. Neither granular ER nor Golgi stacks show PLI. In some cases close relationships between PLI-bearing granules and lysosomes were observed. In presynaptic areas, PLI-reactive granules are associated with numerous clear synaptic vesicles and restricted to an area distinctly separate from the presynaptic membrane. Three types of granules were found, differing in diameter and electron density: (1) dense, 80 nm; (2) dense, 150 nm; (3) low density, 150 nm. The results demonstrate that: (1) the PLI of the produced peptide occurs shortly after its separation from the Golgi stack; (2) the occurrence of PLI in three different granule types could be the morphological expression of the common occurrence of proctolin with other neuroactive substances. However, a possible cross-reactivity with other, hitherto unknown substances must be considered as well.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of endocrine cells in the midgut of the adult mosquito, Aedes aegypti, resembled that of endocrine cells in the vertebrate gastro-intestinal tract. Midgut endocrine cells, positioned basally in the epithelium as single cells, were cone-shaped and smaller than the columnar digestive cells. The most distinctive characteristic of endocrine cells was numerous round secretory granules along the lateral and basal plasma membranes where contents of the granules were released by exocytosis. Secretory granules in each individual cell were exclusively of one type, either solid or 'haloed', and for all cells observed, the range in granule diameter was 60-120 nm. The cytoplasm varied in density from clear to dark. Lamellar bodies were prominent in the apical and lateral cellular regions and did not exhibit acid phosphatase activity. The basal plasma membrane was smooth adjacent to the basal lamina, whereas in digestive cells the membrane formed a labyrinth. Some endocrine cells reached the midgut lumen and were capped by microvilli; a system of vesicles and tubules extended from beneath the microvilli to the cell body. An estimated 500 endocrine cells were distributed in both the thoracic and abdominal regions of the adult midgut. In one midgut, we classified a sample of endocrine cells according to cytoplasmic density and granule type and size; endocrine cells with certain types of granules had specific distributions within the midgut.  相似文献   

Retrograde and orthograde labeling of neurons projecting to the corpus allatum was performed in locust, grasshopper, cricket, and cockroach species in order to identify brain neurons that may be involved in the regulation of juvenile hormone production. In the acridid grasshopper Gomphocerus rufus L., and the locusts Locusta migratoria (R.&F.) and Schistocerca gregaria Forskal, the corpora allata are innervated by two morphologically distinguishable types of brain neurons. One group of 9–13 neurons (depending on species) with somata in the pars lateralis extend axons via the nervus corporis cardiaci 2 and nervus corporis allati 1 to the ipsilateral corpus allatum, whereas two cells in each pars lateralis have bilateral projections and innervate both glands. No direct connection between the pars intercerebralis and corpus allatum has been found. In contrast, neurons with paired axons innervating both glands are not present in Periplaneta americana (L.) and Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer. Instead, two cells in each pars lateralis project only to the gland contralateral to their somata. Electrophysiological experiments on acridid grasshoppers have confirmed the existence of a direct conduction pathway between the two glands via the paired axons of four cells that have been identified by neuroanatomy. These cells are not spontaneously active under experimental conditions. Ongoing discharges in the left and right nerves are unrelated, suggesting that the corpora allata receive independent neuronal inputs from the brain.  相似文献   

Summary Using a monoclonal antibody directed against a synthetic pentadecapeptide corresponding to the N-terminus of the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) of Bombyx mori, we report the presence of immunoreactive molecules in a large number of median neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. These cells correspond to the A1 cell type which we show to contain also neuroparsins, a family of predominant neurohormones of the migratory locust. In contrast, PTTH-like molecules are absent from A2 cells of the pars intercerebralis which contain Locusta insulin-related peptide (LIRP). Developmental studies show the presence of PTTH-related substances in neurosecretory cells of Locusta migratoria from late embryogenesis to adult development, including ageing vitellogenic female adults.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of nerve endings in the oviduct visceral muscles of Locusta migratoria was studied by electron microscopy and by immunogold labeling for two kinds of neuromodulators, the pentapeptide proctolin and FMRFamide-related peptides. Nerve endings contained electron-lucent round vesicles and two kinds of granules (round and avoid), and formed two types of synapses or release sites with the muscle. The morphologically distinct nerve endings were classified into three different categories based on the composition of synaptic vesicles and granules. Type-I nerve endings were dominated by electron-lucent round vesicles and contained only a few round electron-dense granules. Type-II nerve endings contained mostly electron-dense round granules and electron-lucent round vesicles. A few electron-dense ovoid granules were also present. Electron-dense ovoid granules dominated the type-III nerve endings, which usually contained less electron-lucent vesicles than either type-I or II nerve endings. Both proctolin and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was associated with electron-dense round granules. However, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was only found in the type-II nerve endings, while proctolin immunoreactivity was found within type-I nerve endings as well as in some type-II nerve endings. Immunological results therefore allow us to further divide type-II nerve endings into type-IIa (immunonegative for proctolin) and type-IIb (immunopositive for proctolin). Type-III nerve endings show no immunolabeling to either proctolin or FMRFamide.  相似文献   

Summary Exocytotic release of the secretory granules of the endocrine cells in the midgut of a cockroach, Periplaneta americana, was studied by means of fixation with tannic acid in combination with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide. A sequence of images indicative of exocytosis suggests the following steps in this process: (1) A delicate connection appears between the granule-limiting membrane and the plasma membrane. (2) The plasma membrane approaches the granule, forming a concave indentation. (3) The granule-limiting membrane fuses with the plasma membrane and opens to give rise to an omega profile. (4) The granule content is voided into extracellular space. Exocytosis occurs not only at the base of the cell but occasionally at its side facing adjacent cells. (5) The exocytotic invagination after release becomes smaller and narrower; sometimes a coated pit with bristles appears. Multiple exocytosis, and exocytosis in the endocrine cells of the nidus, i.e., the regenerative cell mass, are also described.  相似文献   

Summary This study uses a recently developed technique for preserving the ultrastructure of cells in the insect CNS during immunohistochemical processing for 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine incorporation into newly synthesised DNA. The results allow us to identify the proliferating cell calsses in the regenerating blood-brain barrier. High resistance barrier cells do not label with the antibody but sheath cells clearly do. Intermediate cell types appearing during repair are identified. It is hypothesised that these cells generate matrix molecules for neural lamella repair and may represent transitional forms as invasive blood cells transdifferentiate into functional sheath cells.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on cell death in the midgut of Periplaneta americana were studied histochemically and ultrastructurally. TUNEL assays showed that cell death began to increase in the columnar cells and nidi, the nests of stem cells and newborn cells from 2 weeks of starvation. A significant increase in cell death occurred in the nidi after 4 weeks of starvation. Cockroaches starved for 4 weeks showed active-caspase-3-like immuno-reactivity both in the columnar cells and nidi, whereas control cockroaches that were fed for 4 weeks showed this reactivity only in the apical cytoplasm of columnar cells. Electron microscopy revealed no chromatin condensation in the nucleus of columnar cells of cockroaches, whether fed or starved for 4 weeks. Starved cockroaches exhibited many small vacuoles in the cytoplasm of some columnar cells and “floating” organelles including nuclei in the lumen. A 4-week starvation induced the appearance of cytoplasmic fragmentation and secondary lysosomes in the nidi. Each fragment contained nuclear derivatives with condensed chromatin, i.e. apoptotic bodies. Mitotic cells were found in some, but not all nidi, even within the same starved sample. Fragmentation was not observed in the nidi of control cockroaches. Thus, starvation increases cell death not only in the columnar cells, but also in the nidi. The cell death in the nidi is presumably apoptosis executed by caspase 3.  相似文献   

Summary An immunocytochemical method was used to differentiate between immunoreactive substances in glandular cells in the corpora cardiaca (CC) and in certain cerebral neurons in 2 insect species, Locusta migratoria migratorioides and Periplaneta americana. The staining properties of antisera raised to different parts of the decapeptide adipokinetic hormone (AKH) were compared and their specificity was determined by preabsorption with AKH and related peptides. Antibodies raised to the N-terminal part of AKH (serum 433) and the central and C-terminal part (serum 241) were found to have different staining properties.In the CC of the locust both antisera show a strong immunoreactivity with glandular cells, we therefore suggest that at least one of the compounds revealed is AKH. Some of the glandular cells in the locust and large numbers of glandular cells in the CC of the cockroach are revealed by the N-terminal specific antiserum. On the other hand, neurons in the central nervous system are revealed only by the C-terminal specific antiserum. The possible identity of the various substances revealed by these two antisera is discussed.  相似文献   

Antibody against cockroach trehalase inhibitor was prepared and tested against the plasma of adult locusts and larval silkworms to determine whether these species possess a similar protein. An immunopositive response was elicited in both species. Studies using immunogold labeling show that adult cockroaches have trehalase inhibitor protein in granules of plasmatocytes and in oenocytoid-like structures. Localization of the immunoreactive protein with trehalase inhibitor antibody in locust hemocytes indicated that the protein is also contained in the granules of plasmatocytes. However, in the hemolymph of silkworm larvae, the immunoreactive protein was found only in the spherules of spherulocytes. The results suggest that insect hemolymph commonly contains trehalase inhibitor both in plasma and in certain hemocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Neural connections of the corpus cardiacum (CC) in the African locust, Locusta migratoria, were labelled with the fluorescent tracer Lucifer yellow. (1) Unilateral anterograde labelling of the nervus corporis cardiaci I revealed fluorescent fibres in the storage lobe of the CC (CCS). Some fluorescent fibres in the CCS closely approached the ipsilateral border of the glandular lobes of the CC (CCG). Fluorescent fibres also projected into the neuropile of the hypocerebral ganglion via the ipsilateral nervi cardiostomatogastrici I and II, and from there into the oesophageal nerves. (2) Unilateral anterograde labelling of the nervus corporis cardiaci II revealed fluorescent fibres in the CCS and in the ipsilateral CCG. Fluorescent fibres also projected via the ipsilateral nervus corporis allati I into the corpus allatum. (3) Unilateral retrograde labelling of the nervus corporis allati I revealed a distinct fluorescent nerve tract that runs through the CCS and into the nervus corporis cardiaci II. The tract arises from about eight cell bodies in the brain at the rostroventral side of the ipsilateral calyx of the mushroom body. (4) Labelling of the recurrent nerve revealed fluorescent fibres and some fluorescent cell bodies in the hypocerebral ganglion and, via the nervi cardiostomatogastrici I and II, also in the CCS. Fluorescent fibres were also present in the oesophageal nerves.  相似文献   

Regulatory peptides in fruit fly midgut   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regulatory peptides were immunolocalized in the midgut of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Endocrine cells were found to produce six different peptides: allatostatins A, B and C, neuropeptide F, diuretic hormone 31, and the tachykinins. Small neuropeptide-F (sNPF) was found in neurons in the hypocerebral ganglion innervating the anterior midgut, whereas pigment-dispersing factor was found in nerves on the most posterior part of the posterior midgut. Neuropeptide-F (NPF)-producing endocrine cells were located in the anterior and middle midgut and in the very first part of the posterior midgut. All NPF endocrine cells also produced tachykinins. Endocrine cells containing diuretic hormone 31 were found in the caudal half of the posterior midgut; these cells also produced tachykinins. Other endocrine cells produced exclusively tachykinins in the anterior and posterior extemities of the midgut. Allatostatin-immunoreactive endocrine cells were present throughout the midgut. Those in the caudal half of the posterior midgut produced allatostatins A, whereas those in the anterior, middle, and first half of the posterior midgut produced allatostatin C. In the middle of the posterior midgut, some endocrine cells produced both allatostatins A and C. Allatostatin-C-immunoreactive endocrine cells were particularly prominent in the first half of the posterior midgut. Allatostatin B/MIP-immunoreactive cells were not consistently found and, when present, were only weakly immunoreactive, forming a subgroup of the allatostatin-C-immunoreactive cells in the posterior midgut. Previous work on Drosophila and other insect species suggested that (FM)RFamide-immunoreactive endocrine cells in the insect midgut could produce NPF, sNPF, myosuppressin, and/or sulfakinins. Using a combination of specific antisera to these peptides and transgenic fly models, we showed that the endocrine cells in the adult Drosophila midgut produced exclusively NPF. Although the Drosophila insulin gene Ilp3 was abundantly expressed in the midgut, Ilp3 was not expressed in endocrine cells, but in midgut muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Crustacean cardioactive peptide-immunoreactive neurons occur in the entire central nervous system of Locusta migratoria. The present paper focuses on mapping studies in the ventral nerve cord and on peripheral projection sites. Two types of contralaterally projecting neurons occur in all neuromers from the subesophageal to the seventh abdominal ganglia. One type forms terminals at the surface of the thoracic nerves 6 and 1, the distal perisympathetic organs, the lateral heart nerves, and on ventral and dorsal diaphragm muscles. Two large neurons in the anterior part and several neurons of a different type in the posterior part of the terminal ganglion project into the last tergal nerves. In the abdominal neuromers 1–7, two types of ipsilaterally projecting neurons occur, one of which gives rise to neurosecretory terminals in the distal perisympathetic organs, in peripheral areas of the transverse, stigmata and lateral heart nerves. Four subesophageal neurons have putative terminals in the neurilemma of the nervus corporis allati II, and in the corpora allata and cardiaca. In addition, several immunoreactive putative interneurons and other neurons were mapped in the ventral nerve cord. A new in situ whole-mount technique was essential for elucidation of the peripheral pathways and targets of the identified neurons, which suggest a role of the peptide in the control of heartbeat, abdominal ventilatory and visceral muscle activity.Abbreviations AG abdominal ganglia - AM alary muscle - AMN alary muscle nerve - CA corpus allatum - CC corpus cardiacum - dPSO distal perisympathetic organ - LHN lateral heart nerve - LT CCAP-immunoreactive lateral tract - NCA nervus corporis allati - NCC nervus corporis cardiaci - NM neuromer - PMN paramedian nerve - PSO perisympathetic organ - SOG subesophageal ganglion - VDM ventral diaphragm muscles - VNC ventral nerve cord  相似文献   

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