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The Bio 14.6 cardiomyopathic Syrian hamster is an animal model of human idiopathic cardiomyopathy. The pathogenesis of the disease in this animal has not yet been clearly elucidated. It is well known that α- and β-adrenergic receptors are increased in the myocardium of this animal, but that isoprenaline does not produce an augmented response. We examined the activity of cardiac stimulatory GTP-binding protein (Gs), which couple with β-adrenergic receptors to stimulate adenylate cyclase, in Bio 14.6 cardiomyopathic hamsters at 90 and 160 days of age. The cardiac norepinephrine concentration was significantly increased in Bio 14.6 hamsters compared with control hamsters (F1B) at 90 days of age (1,739±120 vs 1,470±161 ng/g wet tissue weight, p<0.05). Cardiac forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activities at 90 and 160 days of age were lower in the cardiomyopathic hamsters than in the F1B controls (90 days old: 98±24 vs 122±29 pmol/min/mg protein, p<0.05; 160 days old: 74±13 vs 124±28 pmol/min/mg protein, p<0.01). Cardiac Gs activities at 90 and 160 days of age were significantly lower in Bio 14.6 hamsters than those in F1B hamsters (90 days old: 204±42 vs 259±49 pmol/min/mg protein, p<0.05; 160 days old: 156±39 vs 211±60 pmol/min/mg protein, p<0.05). We thus demonstrated functional defects in cardiac Gs protein and adenylate cyclase activity in the Bio 14.6 cardiomyopathic hamsters at 90 to 160 days of age (the hypertrophic stage of cardiomyopathy). Such defects could be one possible mechanism preventing an enhanced response to β-adrenergic stimulation in this animal and could also contribute to myocardial decompensation in the late stage of cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

目的利用Cre.LoxP重组酶系统构建乳腺上皮细胞特异性敲除Serib基因杂合子小鼠,并进行鉴定,为进一步在动物整体水平研究Scrib基因在乳腺癌中的作用提供研究平台。方法将Scrib条件敲除杂合子小鼠(Scrib+/ft小鼠)进行繁殖并鉴定,然后将鉴定结果为阳性的子代Scrib+/ft小鼠与乳腺上皮细胞特异性表达Cre重组酶的MMTV.Cre纯合子小鼠进行杂交,鉴定其子代小鼠的基因型。结果成功繁育Scrib条件敲除小鼠和MMTV.Cre小鼠,并通过鉴定得到Scrib+/ft小鼠,与MMTV-Cre小鼠杂交并繁殖,获得基因型为Scrib+/ft;MMTVCre+/-小鼠5只。结论本研究利用Cre.LoxP重组酶系统成功构建了乳腺上皮细胞特异性敲除Scrib基因杂合子小鼠,为进一步研究极性蛋白Scrib表达下调在乳腺癌发生中的作用提供了良好的动物模型。  相似文献   

The effect of sucA or sucC gene knockout on the metabolism in Escherichia coli was investigated for the aerobic cell growth in batch and continuous cultivations based on gene expressions, enzyme activities, intracellular metabolite concentrations and metabolic flux analysis. In the batch cultivation, the cell growth rate and the glucose uptake rate were lower for sucA mutant as compared with the parent strain, while it was not the case for sucC mutant. A significantly higher amount of acetate was produced, and it was not utilized in sucC mutant, while a little less acetate was produced in sucA mutant as compared with the parent strain. Unlike the parent strain and sucC mutant, sucA mutant excreted a little amount of l-glutamate. Enzyme activity results show that some of the glycolytic enzymes such as Tpi and Pgk were up-regulated, while Pfk, Fba and Pyk activities were down-regulated for sucA mutant as compared with the parent strain. For sucC mutant, the activities of Pfk, Fba, Tpi, GAPDH, Pgk and Pyk activities were down-regulated. As for the TCA cycle enzymes, the activities of CS and ICDH were down-regulated, while those of Icl, MS, Fum and MDH were up-regulated for sucA mutant. The activities of the oxidative pentose phosphate (PP) pathway enzymes such as G6PDH and 6PGDH and the gluconeogenic pathway enzyme such as Mez were up-regulated in sucA mutant. The Ack activity was down-regulated for sucA mutant, but not for sucC mutant. In continuous cultivation, the gene expression results indicate that the global regulatory genes such as fadR and iclR were slightly down-regulated in sucA mutant, which enhanced the expression of aceA gene and caused the up-regulation of the isocitrate lyase activity in sucA mutant, while fadR and iclR of sucC mutant changed little and no isocitrate lyase activation was observed for sucC mutant. Some other global regulatory genes such as arcA and fnr genes were down-regulated in both mutants, which caused some of the TCA cycle genes to be up-regulated. The effect of the sucA gene knockout on the metabolic flux distributions was investigated based on 1H–13C NMR spectra and GC–MS signals obtained from 13C-labeling experiments. Flux analysis results indicate that the knockout of sucA gene caused the activation of PP pathway and the glyoxylate shunt. The fluxes through glycolysis and the TCA cycle were down-regulated in the sucA mutant. On the other hand, the fluxes through PP pathway and the anaplerotic reactions of Ppc-Pck and Mez increased.  相似文献   

Parkin knockout (KO) mice show behavioural and biochemical changes that reproduce some of the presymptomatic aspects of Parkinson's disease, in the absence of neuronal degeneration. To provide insight into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the preclinical stages of parkin-related parkinsonism, we searched for possible changes in the brain proteome of parkin KO mice by means of fluorescence two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. We identified 87 proteins that differed in abundance between wild-type and parkin KO mice by at least 45%. A high proportion of these proteins were related to energy metabolism. The levels of several proteins involved in detoxification, stress-related chaperones and components of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway were also altered. These differences might reflect adaptive mechanisms aimed at compensating for the presence of reactive oxygen species and the accumulation of damaged proteins in parkin KO mice. Furthermore, the up-regulation of several members of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase family of synaptic scaffold proteins and several septins, including the Parkin substrate cell division control related protein 1 (CDCRel-1), may contribute to the abnormalities in neurotransmitter release previously observed in parkin KO mice. This study provides clues into possible compensatory mechanisms that protect dopaminergic neurones from death in parkin KO mice and may help us understand the preclinical deficits observed in parkin-related parkinsonism.  相似文献   

Chondrodysplasia of gene knockout mice for aggrecan and link protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The proteoglycan aggregate of the cartilage is composed of aggrecan, link protein, and hyaluronan and forms a unique gel-like moiety that provides resistance to compression in joints and a foundational cartilage structure critical for growth plate formation. Aggrecan, a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, is one of the major structural macromolecules in cartilage and binds both hyaluronan and link protein through its N-terminal domain G1. Link protein, a small glycoprotein, is homologous to the G1 domain of aggrecan. Mouse cartilage matrix deficiency (cmd) is caused by a functional null mutation of the aggrecan gene and is characterized by perinatal lethal dwarfism and craniofacial abnormalities. Link protein knockout mice show chondrodysplasia similar to but milder than cmd mice, suggesting a supporting role of link protein for the aggregate structure. Analysis of these mice revealed that the proteoglycan aggregate plays an important role in cartilage development and maintenance of cartilage tissue and may provide a clue to the identification of human genetic disorders caused by mutations in these genes. Published in 2003.  相似文献   

Effects of treatment with DHEA (0.2 mg or 1.0 mg / kg body weight for 7 days) on oxidative energy metabolism on liver mitochondria from developing and young adult rats were examined. Treatment with DHEA resulted in a progressive dose-dependent increase in the liver weights of the developing animals without change in the body weight. In the young adult rats treatment with 1.0 mg DHEA showed increase only in the body weight. Treatment with DHEA stimulated state 3 and state 4~respiration rates in developing as well as young adult rats in dose-dependent manner with all the substrates used; magnitude of stimulation was age-dependent. In young adults the extent of simulation of state 3 respiration rates declined at higher dose (1.0~mg) of DHEA with glutamate and succinate as substrates. Stimulation of state 3 respiration rates was accompanied by increase in contents of cytochrome aa3, b and c + c1 and stimulation of ATPase and dehydrogenases activities in dose- and age-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Ye HY  Yin M  Shang YJ  Dai XD  Zhang SQ  Jing W  Du HQ  Zhang L  Pan J 《生理学报》2008,60(1):51-58
本文旨在分析脂代谢相关基因在载脂蛋白E(apolipoprotein E,apoE)基因缺失(apoE-/-)幼龄小鼠肝脏中的表达特征及其与血脂紊乱和动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)早期病变的关系.利用半定量RT-PCR和荧光实时定量RT-PCR技术,分析14 d龄、1、2和3月龄apoE-/-小鼠及同龄野生型(wild type,WT)小鼠肝脏脂代谢相关基因的表达,并进行血生化指标及主动脉病理形态学榆测.apo-/-小鼠肝脏中apoAI、apoAIV表达在14d龄时即发生显著变化(P<0.05);在1月龄时apoB10G表达较同龄WT小鼠明显上调(P<0.05);apoA V表达则在2月龄时较同龄WT小鼠上调(P<0.05),此时可观察到apoE-/-小鼠主动脉内膜出现AS早期病变;Faf/CD36和Angptl 3表达在3月龄时较同龄WT小鼠上调(P<0.05);实验中检测的其它基因的mRNA表达与同龄WT小鼠相比无显著性差异.apoE-/-小鼠血清总胆同醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量均高于同龄WT小鼠,并随年龄增长而升高.apoE-/-小鼠和同龄WT小鼠血清中apoB100蛋白浓度在14 d龄到3月龄问变化趋势与其在肝脏中mRNA表达及血清中低密度脂蛋白胆崮醇含量变化趋势基本一致.上述部分脂代谢相关基因表达在幼龄小鼠即发生改变,与血脂紊乱以及主动脉AS病变发生发展过程呈正相关,说明其可能在幼龄小鼠脂质代谢紊乱发生过程中起重要作用,从而引起动脉内皮细胞功能改变乃至AS早期病变的发生.  相似文献   

Earlier studies by Rouslin and coworkers showed that, during myocardial ischemia in slow heart-rate species which include rabbits and all larger mammals examined including humans, there is an IF1-mediated inhibition of the mitochondrial ATPase due to an increase in the amount of IF1, bound to the ATPase (Rouslin, W., and Pullman, M.E.,J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19, 661–668, 1987). Earlier work by Guerrieri and colleagues demonstrated that IF1 binding to bovine heart ESMP was accompanied by parallel decreases in ATPase activity and in passive proton conduction (Guerrieri, F.,et al., FEBS Lett. 213, 67–72, 1987). In the present study rabbit was used as the slow heart-rate species and rat as the fast heart-rate species. Rat is a fast heart-rate species that contains too little IF1 to down regulate the ATPase activity present. Mitochondria were prepared from control and ischemic hearts and ESMP were made from aliquots by sonication at pH 8.0 with 2 mM EDTA. Oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity and IF1 content were measured in SMP prepared from the control and ischemic mitochondrial samples. After identical incubation procedures, oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity, oligomycin-sensitive proton conductivity, and IF1 content were also measured in ESMP samples. The study was undertaken to corroborate further what appear to be fundamental differences in ATPase regulation between slow and fast heart-rate mammalian hearts evident during total myocardial ischemia. Thus, passive proton conductivity was used as an independent measure of these regulatory differences. The results show that, consistent with the low IF1 content of rat heart cardiac muscle mitochondria, control rat heart ESMP exhibit approximately twice as much passive proton conductivity as control rabbit heart ESMP regardless of the pH of the incubation and assay. Moreover, while total ischemia caused an increase in IF1 binding and a commensurate decrease in passive proton conductivity in rabbit heart ESMP regardless of pH, neither IF1 content nor proton conductivity changed significantly in rat heart ESMP as a result of ischemia.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. G. Capozza who died in 1994.  相似文献   

目的 研究小鼠生长停滞特异蛋白6(growth arrest-specific gene 6,GAS6)信号通路的失活对维持机体能量代谢稳态的影响.方法 以GAS6主要受体Axl基因敲除(Axl-/-)小鼠及其野生型(Axl+/+)小鼠为研究对象,比较两组动物基础血糖值、血脂四项指标、脂肪系数及骨骼肌中糖代谢信号蛋白PI3K、AKT与葡萄糖转运蛋白4(glucose transporter 4,GLUT4)基因表达水平及其蛋白磷酸化水平间的差异;同时检测人工诱发2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)造模前后小鼠血清GAS6蛋白水平与T2DM模型成模率的改变之间是否存在相关性.结果 Axl-/-小鼠血脂出现异常波动,且脂肪沉积率显著高于野生型小鼠(P&lt;0.01).Axl-/-小鼠血糖调节能力受损,其空腹血糖值显著高于野生型,骨骼肌Glut4的mRNA水平升高,而PI3K、AKT和GLUT4蛋白的磷酸化水平均略有下降.经人工诱发T2DM后,Axl+/+和Axl-/-小鼠血浆中GAS6浓度均显著低于各自对照组,且Axl-/-小鼠T2DM模型的成模率是Axl+/+小鼠的2倍(P&lt;0.01).结论 GAS6/AXL信号通路的激活在一定程度上降低血糖和抑制脂肪沉积.  相似文献   

粘虫飞行过程中四种相关酶的活性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3日龄粘虫雌蛾吊飞过程中4种相关酶3-羟酰辅酶A脱氢酶(HOAD)、3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)、3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(GDH)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的研究结果表明,在室内条件下,粘虫在吊飞过程中其能量代谢有以下特点: 在吊飞的初始5 min,所有与糖代谢和脂肪代谢相关的酶活性都快速升高,这段时期脂肪代谢的酶活性也完全被活化,HOAD活性明显增强;但在随后的5~60 min持续吊飞期间与能量代谢有关的酶活性都有所下降,表明此时飞行活性趋于平稳。飞行中的粘虫具有极高的有氧代谢能力,也具备一定的无氧代谢能力。吊飞过程中HOAD∶GAPDH大于1,说明粘虫飞行过程中能源物质利用属于混合型,但动用脂肪比糖类要多。  相似文献   

Interrelationships between ambient temperature, activity, and energy metabolism were explored in mice that had been selectively bred for high spontaneous wheel-running activity and their random-bred controls. Animals were exposed to three different ambient temperatures (10, 20 and 30°C) and wheel-running activity and metabolic rate were measured simultaneously. Wheel-running activity was decreased at low ambient temperatures in all animals and was increased in selected animals compared to controls at 20 and 30°C. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) and daily energy expenditure (DEE) decreased with increasing ambient temperature. RMR did not differ between control and selected mice, but mass-specific DEE was increased in selected mice. The cost of activity (measured as the slope of the relationship between metabolic rate and running speed) was similar at all ambient temperatures and in control and selected mice. Heat generated by running apparently did not substitute for heat necessary for thermoregulation. The overall estimate of running costs was 1.2 kJ/km for control mice and selected mice.  相似文献   

Mutations in five unconventional myosin genes have been associated with genetic hearing loss (HL). These genes encode the motor proteins myosin IA, IIIA, VI, VIIA and XVA. To date, most mutations in myosin genes have been found in the Caucasian population. In addition, only a few functional studies have been performed on the previously reported myosin mutations. We performed screening and functional studies for mutations in the MYO1A and MYO6 genes in Korean cases of autosomal dominant non-syndromic HL. We identified four novel heterozygous mutations in MYO6. Three mutations (p.R825X, p.R991X and Q918fsX941) produce a premature truncation of the myosin VI protein. Another mutation, p.R205Q, was associated with diminished actin-activated ATPase activity and actin gliding velocity of myosin VI in an in vitro analysis. This finding is consistent with the results of protein modelling studies and corroborates the pathogenicity of this mutation in the MYO6 gene. One missense variant, p.R544W, was found in the MYO1A gene, and in silico analysis suggested that this variant has deleterious effects on protein function. This finding is consistent with the results of protein modelling studies and corroborates the pathogenic effect of this mutation in the MYO6 gene.  相似文献   

One proposed mechanism for acute and chronic hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a disturbance in cerebral energy metabolism. It also reviews the current status of this mechanism in both acute and chronic HE, as well as in other hyperammonemic disorders. It also reviews abnormalities in glycolysis, lactate metabolism, citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation as well as associated energy impairment. Additionally, the role of mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT), a recently established factor in the pathogenesis of HE and hyperammonemia, is emphasized. Energy failure appears to be an important pathogenetic component of both acute and chronic HE and a potential target for therapy.  相似文献   

Complications of atherosclerosis are the leading cause of death of patients with type 2 (insulin-resistant) diabetes. Understanding the mechanisms by which insulin resistance and hyperglycemia contribute to atherogenesis in key target tissues (liver, vessel wall, hematopoietic cells) can assist in the design of therapeutic approaches. We have shown that hyperglycemia induces FoxO1 deacetylation and that targeted knock-in of alleles encoding constitutively deacetylated FoxO1 in mice (Foxo1(KR/KR)) improves hepatic lipid metabolism and decreases macrophage inflammation, setting the stage for a potential anti-atherogenic effect of this mutation. Surprisingly, we report here that when Foxo1(KR/KR) mice are intercrossed with low density lipoprotein receptor knock-out mice (Ldlr(-/-)), they develop larger aortic root atherosclerotic lesions than Ldlr(-/-) controls despite lower plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The phenotype is unaffected by transplanting bone marrow from Ldlr(-/-) mice into Foxo1(KR/KR) mice, indicating that it is independent of hematopoietic cells and suggesting that the primary lesion in Foxo1(KR/KR) mice occurs in the vessel wall. Experiments in isolated endothelial cells from Foxo1(KR/KR) mice indicate that deacetylation favors FoxO1 nuclear accumulation and exerts target gene-specific effects, resulting in higher Icam1 and Tnfα expression and increased monocyte adhesion. The data indicate that FoxO1 deacetylation can promote vascular endothelial changes conducive to atherosclerotic plaque formation.  相似文献   

The impacts of unnatural every day cycles (circadian) for 60 days on the histological structure of kidneys and ATPase activities in MF1 mice were studied. The exposure times were 16 h dark, 16 h light, 24 h dark, and 24 h light, and control exposure times were 12 h dark followed by 12 h light. Our results showed an increase in the total ATPase activity of mice in all groups. Additionally, the activity of the enzyme Na+/K+-ATPase was increased after 24 h darkness, 24 h light, and 16 h light exposures compared to control. The enzyme Mg+2-ATPase activities of the groups were higher when exposed to 16 h light, 24 h light, 24 h darkness and 16 h darkness. The activities of total ATPase, Na+/K+-ATPase and Mg+2-ATPase in kidneys were increased in all groups after 24 h light, 24 h darkness, 16 h darkness and 16 h light exposures. Interestingly, the activity of V-type ATPase was reduced after 16 h darkness, 24 h darkness and 16 h light. Taking everything into account, changes in the day by day cycle prompt neurotic changes, enzymatic and histological changes in the kidneys of mice. More studies should be directed to explore the impacts of light and darkness that can prompt these progressions.  相似文献   

The heat shock protein Hsp90 plays a key, but poorly understood role in the folding, assembly and activation of a large number of signal transduction molecules, in particular kinases and steroid hormone receptors. In carrying out these functions Hsp90 hydrolyses ATP as it cycles between ADP- and ATP-bound forms, and this ATPase activity is regulated by the transient association with a variety of co-chaperones. Cdc37 is one such co-chaperone protein that also has a role in client protein recognition, in that it is required for Hsp90-dependent folding and activation of a particular group of protein kinases. These include the cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk) 4/6 and Cdk9, Raf-1, Akt and many others. Here, the biochemical details of the interaction of human Hsp90 beta and Cdc37 have been characterised. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was then used to study the solution structure of Hsp90 and its complexes with Cdc37. The results suggest a model for the interaction of Cdc37 with Hsp90, whereby a Cdc37 dimer binds the two N-terminal domain/linker regions in an Hsp90 dimer, fixing them in a single conformation that is presumably suitable for client protein recognition.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic hypobaric hypoxia (1/2 atmospheric pressure) on high energy phosphate (HEP) compounds was investigated in slow (soleus; SOL) and fast twitch (extensor digitorum longus; EDL) muscle from 3 strains of mice with large differences in hypoxic exercise tolerance (HET). Phosphocreatine concentration ([PCr]) decreased 16–29% following hypoxia in EDL and SOL in all strains, while [ADP] and [AMP] increased. In the EDL, HET was negatively correlated with the PCr/ATP ratio and positively correlated with the ATP/Pi ratio. The free energy of ATP hydrolysis (ΔGobs) remained constant despite the substantial changes that occurred in HEP profiles. The alteration of HEP set points and preservation of ΔGobs are consistent with the notion that (1) maximal rates of steady-state ATP turnover are reduced under hypoxia, and (2) HEP perturbations during rest to work transitions are reduced in skeletal muscle from hypoxia acclimated animals. We therefore expected a lower phosphorylation ratio of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK-P/AMPK) during stimulation in hypoxic acclimated animals. However, neither the resting nor stimulated AMPK-P/AMPK was influenced by hypoxia, although there were significant differences among strains.  相似文献   

Obesity is often associated with abnormalities in cardiac morphology and function. This study tested the hypothesis that obesity-related cardiomyopathy is caused by impaired cardiac energetics. In a mouse model of high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity, we applied in vivo cardiac 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate cardiac energy status and function, respectively. The measurements were complemented by ex vivo determination of oxygen consumption in isolated cardiac mitochondria, the expression of proteins involved in energy metabolism, and markers of oxidative stress and calcium homeostasis. We also assessed whether HFD induced myocardial lipid accumulation using in vivo 1H MRS, and if this was associated with apoptosis and fibrosis. Twenty weeks of HFD feeding resulted in early stage cardiomyopathy, as indicated by diastolic dysfunction and increased left ventricular mass, without any effects on systolic function. In vivo cardiac phosphocreatine-to-ATP ratio and ex vivo oxygen consumption in isolated cardiac mitochondria were not reduced after HFD feeding, suggesting that the diastolic dysfunction was not caused by impaired cardiac energetics. HFD feeding promoted mitochondrial adaptations for increased utilization of fatty acids, which was however not sufficient to prevent the accumulation of myocardial lipids and lipid intermediates. Myocardial lipid accumulation was associated with oxidative stress and fibrosis, but not apoptosis. Furthermore, HFD feeding strongly reduced the phosphorylation of phospholamban, a prominent regulator of cardiac calcium homeostasis and contractility. In conclusion, HFD-induced early stage cardiomyopathy in mice is associated with lipotoxicity-associated oxidative stress, fibrosis, and disturbed calcium homeostasis, rather than impaired cardiac energetics.  相似文献   

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