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Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), commonly called gram pod borer, is a serious pest of pulse crops in India and damages chickpea (Cicer arietinum L). On average a 30% crop loss is reported. One of the potential natural enemies reported for its biological control is Campoletis chlorideae Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), an idiobiont parasitic wasp that attacks second instar larvae of the pod borer. Male-biased sex ratios hinder efforts to mass release parasitic Hymenoptera for biological control by making the production of females costly. Parental age at time of mating is known to affect the progeny sex ratio in some Braconidae. In this view, we examined the reproduction and survival of the parasitoid C. chlorideae in the laboratory [22 ± 4°C, 70 ± 10% R.H. and 10:14 h light:dark photoperiod]. All the nine (i.e. 3 × 3) combinations of possible mating were made for males and females, being each of different age groups (0–12, 48–60 and 96–108 h old). Second instar larvae of the pod borer were reared on chickpea and exposed to mated females of different mating age group combinations. Results revealed that (a) newly emerged females (0–12 h old) mated to aged males yielded more progeny contrasted to the older females inseminated by newly emerged males (0–12 h old). This implies that increased maternal age at mating caused greater reduction in the progeny yield than that of paternal age; (b) the progeny sex ratio was lowest (0.344 ± 0.057) (mean ± SD) when parents mated just after emergence (0–12 h old). It became more and more male biased as parents were deprived of mate and was highest (0.666 ± 0.701) for 96–108 h old parents. The analysis of variance of the data shows that mate deprived males caused greater contribution in the production of sons, resulting a male-biased progeny sex ratio. Our conclusion indicate that newly emerged parasitoids (0–12 h old) are most fecund and should be used in rearing practices in order to enhance the progeny yield, particularly with respect to daughters. Handling Editor: Torsten Meiners  相似文献   

The fitness of any evolutionary unit can be understood in terms of its two basic components: fecundity (reproduction) and viability (survival). Trade-offs between these fitness components drive the evolution of life-history traits in extant multicellular organisms. We argue that these trade-offs gain special significance during the transition from unicellular to multicellular life. In particular, the evolution of germ–soma specialization and the emergence of individuality at the cell group (or organism) level are also consequences of trade-offs between the two basic fitness components, or so we argue using a multilevel selection approach. During the origin of multicellularity, we study how the group trade-offs between viability and fecundity are initially determined by the cell level trade-offs, but as the transition proceeds, the fitness trade-offs at the group level depart from those at the cell level. We predict that these trade-offs begin with concave curvature in single-celled organisms but become increasingly convex as group size increases in multicellular organisms. We argue that the increasingly convex curvature of the trade-off function is driven by the cost of reproduction which increases as group size increases. We consider aspects of the biology of the volvocine green algae – which contain both unicellular and multicellular members – to illustrate the principles and conclusions discussed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology and feminism share a variety of philosophical and practical concerns. I have tried to describe how a perspective from both evolutionary biology and feminism can accelerate the achievement of goals for both feminists and evolutionary biologists. In an early section of this paper I discuss the importance of variation to the disciplines of evolutionary biology and feminism. In the section entitled “Control of Female Reproduction” I demonstrate how insight provided by participation in life as woman and also as a feminist suggests testable hypotheses about the evolution of social behavior—hypotheses that are applicable to our investigations of the evolution of social behavior in nonhuman animals. In the section on “Deceit, Self-deception, and Patriarchal Reversals” I have overtly conceded that evolutionary biology, a scientific discipline, also represents a human cultural practice that, like other human cultural practices, may in parts and at times be characterized by deceit and self-deception. In the section on “Femininity” I have indicated how questions cast and answered and hypotheses tested from an evolutionary perspective can serve women and men struggling with sexist oppression. Patricia Adair Gowaty studies the evolution of social behavior, particularly mating systems and sex allocation, primarily in birds. She is most well-known for her long-term studies of eastern bluebirds, which began in 1977 and are on-going. She was an undergraduate at H. Sophie Newcomb College of Tulane University (1963–1967). In the late sixties and early seventies, while employed at the Bronx Zoo (New York Zoological Society), she belonged to a feminist “consciousness-raising” group. She started graduate school in 1974 at the University of Georgia and received her Ph.D. from Clemson University (1980). She had a postdoctoral position at the University of Oklahoma (1982–1983) and a visiting faculty position at Cornell University through the Visiting Professorships for Women NSF program (1983–1984) before returning to her bluebird study sites at Clemson in 1985. She has supported herself and her research efforts throughout her academic career on a series of awards and grants. She is currently (1990–1995) supported by a Research Scientist Development Award from The National Institute of Mental Health.  相似文献   

The analogy between artificial selection of domestic varieties and natural selection in nature was a vital element of Darwin’s argument in his Origin of Species. Ever since, the image of breeders creating new varieties by artificial selection has served as a convincing illustration of how the theory works. In this paper I argue that we need to reconsider our understanding of Darwin’s analogy. Contrary to what is often assumed, nineteenth-century animal breeding practices constituted a highly controversial field that was fraught with difficulties. It was only with considerable effort that Darwin forged his analogy, and he only succeeded by downplaying the importance of two other breeding techniques – crossing of varieties and inbreeding – that many breeders deemed essential to obtain new varieties. Part of the explanation for Darwin’s gloss on breeding practices, I shall argue, was that the methods of his main informants, the breeders of fancy pigeons, were not representative of what went on in the breeding world at large. Darwin seems to have been eager to take the pigeon fanciers at their word, however, as it was only their methods that provided him with the perfect analogy with natural selection. Thus while his studies of domestic varieties were important for the development of the concept of natural selection, the reverse was also true: Darwin’s comprehension of breeding practices was moulded by his understanding of the working of natural selection in nature. Historical studies of domestic breeding practices in the eighteenth and nineteenth century confirm that, besides selection, the techniques of inbreeding and crossing were much more important than Darwin’s interpretation allowed for. And they still are today. This calls for a reconsideration of the pedagogic use of Darwin’s analogy too.  相似文献   

We argue that there is a continuum of cases without any demarcation between more individual and more cultural information, and that therefore “culture” should be viewed as a property that human mental representations and practices exhibit to a varying degree rather than as a type or a subclass of these representations and practices (or of “information”). We discuss the relative role of preservative and constructive processes in transmission. We suggest a revision of Richerson and Boyd’s classification of the forces of cultural evloution.  相似文献   

Porphyrins have long been proposed as key ingredients in the emergence of life yet plausible routes for forming their essential pyrrole precursor have heretofore not been identified. Here we show that the anaerobic reaction of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA, 1–5 mM) with the β-ketoester methyl 4-methoxyacetoacetate (2–40 mM) in water (pH 5–7) at 70–100°C for >6 h affords the porphyrinogen, which upon chemical oxidation gives the corresponding porphyrin in overall yield of up to 10%. The key intermediate is the α-methoxymethyl-substituted pyrrole, which undergoes tetramerization and macrocycle formation under kinetic control. The resulting type-I porphyrin bears four propionic acid and four carbomethoxy groups, is distinct from porphyrins (e.g., uroporphyrin or coproporphyrin) derivable from ALA alone via the extant universal biosynthetic path to tetrapyrroles, and is photoactive upon assembly into cationic micelles in aqueous solution. The simple self-organization of eight acyclic molecules into a tetrapyrrole macrocycle, from which a porphyrin is derived that is photoactive in lipid assemblies, augurs well for the spontaneous origin of catalysts and pigments essential for prebiotic metabolism and proto-photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Recruitment is a crucial event in the plant life cycle that is very sensitive to interaction with established vegetation. Based on a large comparative experiment, we tested the hypothesis that the components of recruitment––emergence time and rate, seedling survival and biomass––differ in response to plant–plant interactions during recruitment. The consequences for the population are predicted with a simple demographic model assessing the response of seed production. In a common garden experiment, we recorded the recruitment of four target species in an individual-based survey protocol. A total of 7,680 seeds were sown within 20 neighbourhoods, consisting of 19 mono-specific herbaceous stands and a control treatment without vegetation. We measured transmitted light, temperature and moisture at soil surface to characterise the environmental conditions within neighbourhoods. The mean height of neighbours controlled temperature buffering and light interception and thus depicted the interaction gradient. Emergence rate and time increased with neighbour height in two of the four target species, while seedling survival and biomass significantly decreased with neighbour height in three and all four target species, respectively. We recorded a shift in seedling neighbour interactions under the tallest neighbours that largely favoured emergence but strongly depressed seedling survival and biomass. The components of recruitment were predicted to differ in their impact on later adult performance. Biomass strongly contributed to predicted seed production in three target species, and emergence had an equal or greater impact on a fourth species. These results confirm the fundamental role of plant–plant interactions in the recruitment of herbaceous species through a complex combination of habitat amelioration, which facilitates emergence and light competition, which in turn limits seedling survival and biomass.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that directional female mate choice and order-dependent female mate choice importantly contribute to non-random mating patterns. In species where females prefer larger sized males, disentangling different hypotheses leading to non-random mating patterns is especially difficult, given that male size usually correlates with behaviours that may lead to non-random mating (e.g. size-dependent emergence from hibernation, male fighting ability). Here we investigate female mate choice and order-dependent female mate choice in the polygynandrous common lizard (Lacerta vivipara). By sequentially presenting males in random order to females, we exclude non-random mating patterns potentially arising due to intra-sexual selection (e.g. male–male competition), trait-dependent encounter probabilities, trait-dependent conspicuousness, or trait-dependent emergence from hibernation. To test for order-dependent female mate choice we investigate whether the previous mating history affects female choice. We show that body size and body condition of the male with which a female mated for the first time were bigger and better, respectively, than the average body size and body condition of the rejected males. There was a negative correlation between body sizes of first and second copulating males. This indicates that female mate choice is dependent on the previous mating history and it shows that the female’s choice criteria are non-static, i.e. non-directional. Our study therefore suggests that context-dependent female mate choice may not only arise due to genotype-environment interactions, but also due to other female mating strategies, i.e. order-dependent mate choice. Thus context-dependent female mate choice might be more frequent than previously thought.  相似文献   

In many dioecious plant species in which spatial distributions of males and females have been examined, the sexes are spatially segregated – usually along an environmental gradient. Unless pollen is uniformly distributed in a population, spatial segregation of the sexes should reduce the average mating success of individuals. In three Californian populations of Distichlis spicata – a wind-pollinated grass species that exhibits spatial segregation of the sexes – I examined patterns of pollen movement and the effects of pollen load and nutrient availability on seed set to determine whether spatial segregation of the sexes actually reduces mating success for both males and females. In two of the populations, pollen dispersal was restricted, and pollen augmentation consistently, significantly increased seed set. However, in the third population – which had the lowest seed set – I found that although there were some indications of pollen limitation, pollen dispersal was not restricted, and seed production was limited primarily by nutrient availability. These results imply that in some populations of D. spicata nutrient limitation on the production of seeds by females may be sufficiently strong that spatial segregation of the sexes causes a fairly low cost to reproductive success compared with a more random distribution of the sexes. However, in other populations, pollen does limit mating success, and the spatial segregation of males and females in these populations is reducing the fecundity of both males and females.  相似文献   

For understanding the origin(s) of life on Earth it is essential to search for and study extraterrestrial environments where some of the processes which participated in the emergence of Life on our planet are still occurring. This is one of the goals of astrobiology. In that frame, the study of extraterrestrial organic matter is essential and is certainly not of limited interest regarding prebiotic molecular evolution. Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn and the only planetary body with an atmosphere similar to that of the Earth is one of the places of prime interest for these astrobiological questions. It presents many analogies with the primitive Earth, and is a prebiotic-like laboratory at the planetary scale, where a complex organic chemistry in is currently going on. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   

Male mating success in a multimale–multifemale group can depend on several variables: body condition, dominance, coalitions, “friendship,” or an exchange of services for mating access. Exchange patterns may also be determined by market effects or social relationships. We studied the mating tactics of males in a captive, multimale–multifemale group of rhesus macaques and the resulting patterns of mating and paternity to determine the influence of dominance rank, mating markets, and relationship quality on their mating tactics. Male rank was positively related to the total number of copulations and the number of mating partners, but did not explain male mating distribution completely. Moreover, male fertilization success was not related to male rank. Males did not exchange grooming for mating access on the same day and neither the supply nor the rank (as a proxy for quality) of receptive females affected the amount of male grooming, suggesting that market effects did not explain male mating access. However, there was a positive correlation between long-term grooming patterns of both males and females and mating access, indicating that social relationships were important for male mating access. Paternity data revealed that these social relationships were also important for male reproductive success. We conclude that both male rank and male–female “friendship” determined male mating access in these rhesus macaques, but that “friendship” was more important in determining paternity, emphasizing the importance of intersex social bonds in male mating success in multimale primate societies.  相似文献   

The study of social behaviour can give us important insights into the social and mating system of a species or population. We investigated male–female interactions in captive bushveld gerbils, Gerbilliscus leucogaster, to gain insight into the social behaviour and mating structure. We conducted two experiments. In experiment 1, we studied the interactions between two strangers for a week in a three-tank setup, which tested behavioural variation spatially and temporally. Although tolerance between strange males and females increased with time, it remained generally low throughout the experiment. Females appeared to be cautious of males initially, but they later became aggressive towards them. Males showed an increase in submissive behaviour over time. The ‘home’ cage did not appear to be defended by either sex. In experiment 2, we investigated the social interactions of male–female pairs during pregnancy and lactation. Aggression persisted throughout the study and amicable behaviour was low; females were much more aggressive than males. We did not detect changes in social behaviour with the progression of pregnancy and lactation. We suggest that pair bonding is unlikely and that promiscuity is the most probable mating system. Female aggression may be related to mate choice prior to mating and mate exclusion thereafter, while it may be a response to infanticide risk during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

The settlement of the “Alta Valsesia” during the XIII century by the ethnic group “Walser” coming from the Switzerland region “Vallese”, left clear historical and cultural traces. In the present study we analysed the “Alagna Valsesia” community (Piedmont). The aim of this research is to reconstruct the demographic and the matrimonial structure of this cultural and geographic isolate over three centuries and to evaluate the degree of isolation through the analysis of some biodemographic parameters calculated on the bases of parish registers, from 1618 to 1899 (1503 marriages). Data on the population dynamics highlighted an early depopulation, since 1500, than led in 1800 to a decline to population of about 60%, relating to the well known phenomenon of the leaving of mountainous isolate. The analysis of the marriages shows a low rate of endogamic mating (82%). This rate reach the highest peak 93% between 1650 and 1659, then it decreases to the minimum values 67% in the middle of 1700. The rates of consanguineous and isonymic marriages are around 20% and 4–5% respectively, reaching the maximum values during 1800; with the only exception for the period between 1700 and 1749, when the rates decreases because of a substantial migratory flow. Inbreeding coefficient stressed out — values between 0,4×10–3 and 2,4×10–3, not so different from the ones reported for other Italian mountainous isolates. The analysis of the seasonality of marriages high-lighted a strong concentration of marriages during winter months, particularly in January and February, when works were suspended because of the cold.  相似文献   

Anthropological contributions that challenge several common perceptions on sacred sites are still poorly taken into account in conservation and ecological studies. This paper aims at filling this gap and providing a better framework for biological studies. Local concepts of natural sacred sites and their ritual administration were studied and the ritual practices relating to the vegetation of these sites were analyzed in the Bwaba cultural area in West Burkina Faso. Our research shows that these ritual practices are much more diverse and fluid than might have been supposed. Protection ‘by tradition’ is thus rather different from what we call conservation. While vegetation does matter, its presence on sacred sites is not essential. In addition, under certain circumstances, sacred sites may be transferred or reproduced elsewhere. Attention is drawn to the inadequacy of ‘sacred woods’ as a category, in an ecological as well as an anthropological sense. Even if wooded shrines may contribute to biodiversity conservation as a side-effect of their religious purpose, the idea that they fundamentally are ‘endogenous’ nature conservatories must be disproved.  相似文献   

In previous studies, polyamine depletion by DFMO (α-difluoromethylornithine)-treatment reduced H2O2-induced apoptotic cell death by reduction of ferric ion uptake. In the present study, we analyzed the reduction of radiation-induced cell death by polyamine depletion. Exposure of HT29 cells to radiation induced severe cell death, but when cells were pretreated with DFMO, a specific inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis, radiation-induced cell death was reduced to 50–60% of control. Cell cycle analysis showed that, in these cells, the time to reach the G2/M phase arrest was delayed for 20–24 h compared to the control cells, at which stage the fate of cells exposed to ionizing radiation is determined. DFMO-treated cells also showed a low level of thioredoxin, which is a high-level determinant of the cellular fate. To investigate the relationship between the G2/M phase arrest and the reduction of thioredoxin caused by polyamine depletion, we also analyzed thioredoxin-antisensed (asTRX) HT29 cells as for DFMO-treated cells. In asTRX-transfected cells, the γ-irradiation-induced G2/M phase arrest was also significantly delayed and radiation-induced cell death was profoundly reduced, as in the DFMO-treated cells. Both sets of cells showed a decrease of cyclin D1 and an increment of HSP25, which are involved in radiation-induced cell cycle progress. Overall, these results suggest that polyamines are essential for normal cell death of HT29 cells triggered by γ-radiation and that this is partially mediated by the regulation of thioredoxin expression.  相似文献   

During the past decade the relationship between biodiversity and human diversity has received increased attention, resulting in the identification of what the Declaration of Belém calls an ‘inextricable link’ between biological and cultural diversity. Although the term biocultural diversity, introduced to denote this link, is being used increasingly, there has been little critical reflection on what it precisely refers to. I argue that it is used with particular reference to ‘indigenous traditional’ people, but that there is scope for extending its application within biocultural discourse. I therefore review the concept of culture and discuss what constitutes cultural values of the natural environment. I conclude that the concept of culture must be understood as involving a dynamic process of transcultural exchange and constant re-articulations of tradition resulting in the persistence of certain cultural practices. This approach ultimately reveals that the concept of biocultural diversity is also applicable to non-indigenous traditional communities.  相似文献   

Male competition for mates can occur through contests or a scramble to locate females. We examined the significance of contests for mates in the leaf beetle Chrysomela aeneicollis, which experiences a short breeding season. During peak mating season, 18–52% of beetles are found in male-female pairs, and nearly half of these are copulating. Sex ratios do not differ from parity, females are larger than males, and positive size-assortative mating occurs. Males fight (2–4% of beetles) over access to females, and disruption of mating usually follows these contests. In the laboratory, we compared mating and fighting frequencies for males found in mating pairs (field-paired) and single males placed into an arena with a field-paired female. Mating pairs were switched in half of arenas (new male-female pairs) and maintained in the other half. For 2 days, each male was free to move about and fight; thereafter males were tethered to prevent contests. Mating frequencies were significantly greater for field-paired than single males in both situations. Male size was not related to mating frequency; however, large females received more matings than small ones. These data suggest that males fight for high quality females, but otherwise search for as many matings as possible.  相似文献   

In commercial oil palm plantations in Costa Rica, we tested the hypotheses that pupation site and emergence time affect the mating success of protogynous female bagworms,Oiketicus kirbyi (Guilding) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Greater proportions of female than male pupae on upper leaves of oil palms and greater proportions of mated females in the upper rather than lower crown strata support the hypothesis that selection of pupation site by female larvae influences the mating success of adults. Increasing captures of males with increasing trap height further suggest that enhanced mating success of females in tree tops may be attributed either to most effective dissemination of sex pheromone on higher sites, or to males foraging predominantly in the upper strata of oil palms. As the majority of females pupated in the middle rather than upper crown of oil palms, selection of pupation site by females may be affected by additional as yet unknown factors. Emergence of females significntly preceded emergence of males. Increasing proportions of mated females throughout the emergence seasons probably resulted from an increased ‘availability’ of males. In tropical rainforests with local variations inO. kirbyi developmental time and stage, protogyny may represent an evolutionary strategy that furthers outbreeding.  相似文献   

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