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The effects of trichloroethylene (TCE) oxidation on toluene 2-monooxygenase activity, general respiratory activity, and cell culturability were examined in the toluene-oxidizing bacterium Burkholderia cepacia G4. Nonspecific damage outpaced inactivation of toluene 2-monooxygenase in B. cepacia G4 cells. Cells that had degraded approximately 0.5 μmol of TCE (mg of cells−1) lost 95% of their acetate-dependent O2 uptake activity (a measure of general respiratory activity), yet toluene-dependent O2 uptake activity decreased only 35%. Cell culturability also decreased upon TCE oxidation; however, the extent of loss varied greatly (up to 3 orders of magnitude) with the method of assessment. Addition of catalase or sodium pyruvate to the surfaces of agar plates increased enumeration of TCE-injured cells by as much as 100-fold, indicating that the TCE-injured cells were ultrasensitive to oxidative stress. Cell suspensions that had oxidized TCE recovered the ability to grow in liquid minimal medium containing lactate or phenol, but recovery was delayed substantially when TCE degradation approached 0.5 μmol (mg of cells−1) or 66% of the cells' transformation capacity for TCE at the cell density utilized. Furthermore, among B. cepacia G4 cells isolated on Luria-Bertani agar plates from cultures that had degraded approximately 0.5 μmol of TCE (mg of cells−1), up to 90% were Tol variants, no longer capable of TCE degradation. These results indicate that a toxicity threshold for TCE oxidation exists in B. cepacia G4 and that once a cell suspension has exceeded this toxicity threshold, the likelihood of reestablishing an active, TCE-degrading biomass from the cells will decrease significantly.  相似文献   

High concentrations of acetylene (10 to 50% [vol/vol] gas phase) were required to inhibit the growth of Burkholderia cepacia G4 on toluene, while 1% (vol/vol) (gas phase) propyne or 1-butyne completely inhibited growth. Low concentrations of longer-chain alkynes (C5 to C10) were also effective inhibitors of toluene-dependent growth, and 2- and 3-alkynes were more potent inhibitors than their 1-alkyne counterparts. Exposure of toluene-grown B. cepacia G4 to alkynes resulted in the irreversible loss of toluene- and o-cresol-dependent O2 uptake activities, while acetate- and 3-methylcatechol-dependent O2 uptake activities were unaffected. Toluene-dependent O2 uptake decreased upon the addition of 1-butyne in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The loss of activity followed first-order kinetics, with apparent rate constants ranging from 0.25 min−1 to 2.45 min−1. Increasing concentrations of toluene afforded protection from the inhibitory effects of 1-butyne. Furthermore, oxygen, supplied as H2O2, was required for inhibition by 1-butyne. These results suggest that alkynes are specific, mechanism-based inactivators of toluene 2-monooxygenase in B. cepacia G4, although the simplest alkyne, acetylene, was relatively ineffective compared to longer alkynes. Alkene analogs of acetylene and propyne—ethylene and propylene—were not inactivators of toluene 2-monooxygenase activity in B. cepacia G4 but were oxidized to their respective epoxides, with apparent Ks and Vmax values of 39.7 μM and 112.3 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1 for ethylene and 32.3 μM and 89.2 nmol min−1 mg of protein−1 for propylene.  相似文献   

A Tn5-based mutagenesis strategy was used to generate a collection of trichloroethylene (TCE)-sensitive (TCS) mutants in order to identify repair systems or protective mechanisms that shield Burkholderia cepacia G4 from the toxic effects associated with TCE oxidation. Single Tn5 insertion sites were mapped within open reading frames putatively encoding enzymes involved in DNA repair (UvrB, RuvB, RecA, and RecG) in 7 of the 11 TCS strains obtained (4 of the TCS strains had a single Tn5 insertion within a uvrB homolog). The data revealed that the uvrB-disrupted strains were exceptionally susceptible to killing by TCE oxidation, followed by the recA strain, while the ruvB and recG strains were just slightly more sensitive to TCE than the wild type. The uvrB and recA strains were also extremely sensitive to UV light and, to a lesser extent, to exposure to mitomycin C and H2O2. The data from this study establishes that there is a link between DNA repair and the ability of B. cepacia G4 cells to survive following TCE transformation. A possible role for nucleotide excision repair and recombination repair activities in TCE-damaged cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of toluene ortho-monooxygenase (TOM) of Burkholderia cepacia G4 previously created the hydroxylase α-subunit (TomA3) V106A variant (TOM-Green) with increased activity for both trichloroethylene degradation (twofold enhancement) and naphthalene oxidation (six-times-higher activity). In the present study, saturation mutagenesis was performed at position A106 with Escherichia coli TG1/pBS(Kan)TOMV106A to improve TOM activity for both chloroform degradation and naphthalene oxidation. Whole cells expressing the A106E variant had two times better naphthalene-to-1-naphthol activity than the wild-type cells (Vmax of 9.3 versus 4.5 nmol·min−1·mg of protein−1 and unchanged Km), and the regiospecificity of the A106E variant was unchanged, with 98% 1-naphthol formed, as was confirmed with high-pressure liquid chromatography. The A106E variant degrades its natural substrate toluene 63% faster than wild-type TOM does (2.12 ± 0.07 versus 1.30 ± 0.06 nmol·min−1·mg of protein−1 [mean ± standard deviation]) at 91 μM and has a substantial decrease in regiospecificity, since o-cresol (50%), m-cresol (25%), and p-cresol (25%) are formed, in contrast to the 98% o-cresol formed by wild-type TOM. The A106E variant also has an elevated expression level compared to that of wild-type TOM, as evidenced by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Another variant, the A106F variant, has 2.8-times-better chloroform degradation activity based on gas chromatography (Vmax of 2.61 versus 0.95 nmol·min−1·mg of protein−1 and unchanged Km) and chloride release (0.034 ± 0.002 versus 0.012 ± 0.001 nmol·min−1·mg of protein−1). The A106F variant also was expressed at levels similar to those of wild-type TOM and 62%-better toluene oxidation activity than wild-type TOM (2.11 ± 0.3 versus 1.30 ± 0.06 nmol·min−1·mg of protein−1). A shift in regiospecificity of toluene hydroxylation was also observed for the A106F variant, with o-cresol (28%), m-cresol (18%), and p-cresol (54%) being formed. Statistical analysis was used to estimate that 292 colonies must be screened for a 99% probability that all 64 codons were sampled during saturation mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Aerobic bacterial growth on aromatic hydrocarbons typically requires oxygenase enzymes, which are known to fortuitously oxidize nongrowth substrates. In this study, we found that oxidation of diethyl ether by toluene 2-monooxygenase supported more rapid growth of Burkholderia cepacia G4/PR1 than did the aromatic substrates n-propylbenzene and o-xylene. The wild-type Burkholderia cepacia G4 failed to grow on diethyl ether. Purified toluene 2-monooxygenase protein components oxidized diethyl ether stoichiometrically to ethanol and acetaldehyde. Butyl methyl ether, diethyl sulfide, and 2-chloroethyl ethyl ether were oxidized by B. cepacia G4/PR1.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas cepacia RKJ200 (now described as Burkholderia cepacia) has been shown to utilize p-nitrophenol (PNP) as sole carbon and energy source. The present work demonstrates that RKJ200 utilizes 4-nitrocatechol (NC) as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy, and is degraded with concomitant release of nitrite ions. Several lines of evidence, including thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography, 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, spectral analyses and quantification of intermediates by high performance liquid chromatography, have shown that NC is degraded via 1,2, 4-benzenetriol (BT) and hydroquinone (HQ) formation. Studies carried out on a PNP- derivative and a PNP+ transconjugant also demonstrate that the genes for the NC degradative pathway reside on the plasmid present in RKJ200; the same plasmid had earlier been shown to encode genes for PNP degradation, which is also degraded via HQ formation. It is likely, therefore, that the same sets of genes encode the further metabolism of HQ in NC and PNP degradation.  相似文献   

The effects of trichloroethylene (TCE) oxidation on toluene 2-monooxygenase activity, general respiratory activity, and cell culturability were examined in the toluene-oxidizing bacterium Burkholderia cepacia G4. Nonspecific damage outpaced inactivation of toluene 2-monooxygenase in B. cepacia G4 cells. Cells that had degraded approximately 0.5 micromol of TCE (mg of cells(-1)) lost 95% of their acetate-dependent O(2) uptake activity (a measure of general respiratory activity), yet toluene-dependent O(2) uptake activity decreased only 35%. Cell culturability also decreased upon TCE oxidation; however, the extent of loss varied greatly (up to 3 orders of magnitude) with the method of assessment. Addition of catalase or sodium pyruvate to the surfaces of agar plates increased enumeration of TCE-injured cells by as much as 100-fold, indicating that the TCE-injured cells were ultrasensitive to oxidative stress. Cell suspensions that had oxidized TCE recovered the ability to grow in liquid minimal medium containing lactate or phenol, but recovery was delayed substantially when TCE degradation approached 0.5 micromol (mg of cells(-1)) or 66% of the cells' transformation capacity for TCE at the cell density utilized. Furthermore, among B. cepacia G4 cells isolated on Luria-Bertani agar plates from cultures that had degraded approximately 0.5 micromol of TCE (mg of cells(-1)), up to 90% were Tol(-) variants, no longer capable of TCE degradation. These results indicate that a toxicity threshold for TCE oxidation exists in B. cepacia G4 and that once a cell suspension has exceeded this toxicity threshold, the likelihood of reestablishing an active, TCE-degrading biomass from the cells will decrease significantly.  相似文献   

Degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons by Burkholderia cepacia 2A-12   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A new strain of bacterium degrading polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Burkholderia cepacia 2A-12, was isolated from oil-contaminated soil. Of three PAHs, the isolated strain could utilize naphthalene (Nap) and phenanthrene (Phe) as a sole carbon source but not pyrene (Pyr). However, the strain could degrade Pyr when a cosubstrate such as yeast extract (YE) was supplemented. The PAH degradation rate of the strain was enhanced by the addition of other organic materials such as YE, peptone, glucose, and sucrose. YE was a particularly effective additive in stimulating cell growth as well as PAH degradation. When 1 g YE l–1, an optimum concentration, was supplemented into the basal salt medium (BSM) with 215 mg Phe l–1, the specific growth rate (0.30 h–1) and Phe-degrading rate (29.6 mol l–1 h–1) were enhanced approximately ten and three times more than those obtained in the BSM with 215 mg Phe l–1, respectively. Both cell growth and PAH degradation rates were increased with increasing Phe and Pyr concentrations, and B. cepacia 2A-12 had a tolerance against Phe and Pyr toxicity at the high concentration of 730–760 mg l–1. Through kinetic analysis, the maximum specific growth rate ( max) and PAH degrading rate ( max) for Phe were obtained as 0.39 h–1 and 300 mol l–1 h–1, respectively. Also, max and max for Pyr were 0.27 h–1 and 52 mol l–1 h–1, respectively. B. cepacia 2A-12 could simultaneously degrade crude oil as well as PAHs, indicating that this bacterium is very useful for the removal of oils and PAHs contaminants.  相似文献   

The strain Burkholderia cepacia G4 aerobically mineralized trichloroethene (TCE) to CO2 over a time period of ~20 h. Three biodegradation experiments were conducted with different bacterial optical densities at 540 nm (OD540s) in order to test whether isotope fractionation was consistent. The resulting TCE degradation was 93, 83.8, and 57.2% (i.e., 7.0, 16.2, and 42.8% TCE remaining) at OD540s of 2.0, 1.1, and 0.6, respectively. ODs also correlated linearly with zero-order degradation rates (1.99, 1.11, and 0.64 μmol h−1). While initial nonequilibrium mass losses of TCE produced only minor carbon isotope shifts (expressed in per mille δ13CVPDB), they were 57.2, 39.6, and 17.0‰ between the initial and final TCE levels for the three experiments, in decreasing order of their OD540s. Despite these strong isotope shifts, we found a largely uniform isotope fractionation. The latter is expressed with a Rayleigh enrichment factor, , and was −18.2 when all experiments were grouped to a common point of 42.8% TCE remaining. Although, decreases of to −20.7 were observed near complete degradation, our enrichment factors were significantly more negative than those reported for anaerobic dehalogenation of TCE. This indicates typical isotope fractionation for specific enzymatic mechanisms that can help to differentiate between degradation pathways.  相似文献   

Foam embedded Burkholderia cepacia G4 removed up to 80 % and 60 % of a 3 mg/l solution of trichloroethylene (TCE) and a 2 mg/l solution of benzene, respectively. Removal of TCE and benzene decreased more than 50% when readily metabolizable carbon sources were present. TCE degradative activity was observed with G4 cells induced with phenol or benzene prior or after immobilization of cells. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Embedding of Burkholderia cepacia G4 cells in a polyurethane-based foam decreased their culturability by more than four orders of magnitude. However, respiration rates of immobilized cells were at least 33-41% of unimmobilized cells. Embedded cells also degraded trichloroethylene. Therefore, respirometry is a more reliable indicator of viability of polyurethane immobilized bacteria than culturing methods.  相似文献   

Catechol and 3-methylcatechol were produced from benzene and toluene respectively using different mutants of Pseudomonas putida. P. putida 2313 lacked the extradiol cleavage enzyme, catechol 2,3-oxygenase, allowing overproduction of 3-methylcatechol from toluene to a level of 11.5 mM (1.27 g·1-1) in glucose fed-batch culture. P. putida 6(12), a mutant of P. putida 2313, lacked both catechol-oxygenase and catechol 1,2-oxygenase, and accumulated catechol from benzene to a level of 27.5mM(3g·1-1).

In both biotransformations product formation ceased within 10 hours of feeding the aromatic substrate, and this was due to product inhibition by the catechols. The primary site of catechol toxicity was inhibition of the aromatic dioxygenase. Neither cis-toluene dihydrodiol cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene), nor cis-benzene dihydrodiol (cis-l,2-dihydroxy-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene) dehydrogenase was significantly inhibited by catechol overproduction whereas both ring activating dioxygenases were inhibited within 4-6 hours of the maximum product concentration being attained.

3-Methylcatechol overproduction from toluene was also studied using a continuous product removal system. Granular activated charcoal removed 3-methylcatechol efficiently and was easily regenerated by washing with ethyl acetate. Using P. putida 2313, it was shown that the final product concentration increased approximately fourfold. Additional products were formed and the significance of these are discussed.  相似文献   

Catechol and 3-methylcatechol were produced from benzene and toluene respectively using different mutants of Pseudomonas putida. P. putida 2313 lacked the extradiol cleavage enzyme, catechol 2,3-oxygenase, allowing overproduction of 3-methylcatechol from toluene to a level of 11.5 mM (1.27 g·1-1) in glucose fed-batch culture. P. putida 6(12), a mutant of P. putida 2313, lacked both catechol-oxygenase and catechol 1,2-oxygenase, and accumulated catechol from benzene to a level of 27.5mM(3g·1-1).

In both biotransformations product formation ceased within 10 hours of feeding the aromatic substrate, and this was due to product inhibition by the catechols. The primary site of catechol toxicity was inhibition of the aromatic dioxygenase. Neither cis-toluene dihydrodiol cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene), nor cis-benzene dihydrodiol (cis-l,2-dihydroxy-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene) dehydrogenase was significantly inhibited by catechol overproduction whereas both ring activating dioxygenases were inhibited within 4-6 hours of the maximum product concentration being attained.

3-Methylcatechol overproduction from toluene was also studied using a continuous product removal system. Granular activated charcoal removed 3-methylcatechol efficiently and was easily regenerated by washing with ethyl acetate. Using P. putida 2313, it was shown that the final product concentration increased approximately fourfold. Additional products were formed and the significance of these are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemotactic responses of Pseudomonas putida F1, Burkholderia cepacia G4, and Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1 were investigated toward toluene, trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (cis-DCE), trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (trans-DCE), 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC). P. stutzeri OX1 and P. putida F1 were chemotactic toward toluene, PCE, TCE, all DCEs, and VC. B. cepacia G4 was chemotactic toward toluene, PCE, TCE, cis-DCE, 1,1-DCE, and VC. Chemotaxis of P. stutzeri OX1 grown on o-xylene vapors was much stronger than when grown on o-cresol vapors toward some chlorinated ethenes. Expression of toluene-o-xylene monooxygenase (ToMO) from touABCDEF appears to be required for positive chemotaxis attraction, and the attraction is stronger with the touR (ToMO regulatory) gene.  相似文献   

The introduction of bacteria into the environment for bioremediation purposes (bioaugmentation) requires analysis and monitoring of microbial population dynamics to define persistence and activity from both efficacy and risk assessment perspectives. Burkholderia cepacia G4 5223-PR1 is a Tn5 insertion mutant which constitutively expresses a toluene ortho-monooxygenase that degrades trichloroethylene (TCE). This ability of G4 5223-PR1 to degrade TCE without aromatic induction may be useful for bioremediation of TCE-containing aquifers and groundwater. Thus, a simulated aquifer sediment system and groundwater microcosms were used to monitor the survival of G4 5223-PR1. The fate of G4 5223-PR1 in sediment was monitored by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, a colony blot assay, and growth on selective medium. G4 5223-PR1 was detected immunologically by using a highly specific monoclonal antibody which reacted against the O-specific polysaccharide chain of the lipopolysaccharides of this organism. G4 5223-PR1 survived well in sterilized groundwater, although in nonsterile groundwater microcosms rapid decreases in the G4 5223-PR1 cell population were observed. Ten days after inoculation no G4 5223-PR1 cells could be detected by selective plating or immunofluorescence. G4 5223-PR1 survival was greater in a nonsterile aquifer sediment microcosm, although after 22 days of elution the number of G4 5223-PR1 cells was low. Our results demonstrate the utility of monoclonal antibody tracking methods and the importance of biotic interactions in determining the persistence of introduced microorganisms.  相似文献   

Two distinct regions of DNA encode the enzymes needed for phthalate degradation by Burkholderia cepacia DBO1. A gene coding for an enzyme (quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase) involved in the biosynthesis of NAD+ was identified between these two regions by sequence analysis and functional assays. Southern hybridization experiments indicate that DBO1 and other phthalate-degrading B. cepacia strains have two dissimilar genes for this enzyme, while non-phthalate-degrading B. cepacia strains have only a single gene. The sequenced gene was labeled ophE, due to the fact that it is specifically induced by phthalate as shown by lacZ gene fusions. Insertional knockout mutants lacking ophE grow noticeably slower on phthalate while exhibiting normal rates of growth on other substrates. The fact that elevated levels of quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase enhance growth on phthalate stems from the structural similarities between phthalate and quinolinate: phthalate is a competitive inhibitor of this enzyme and the phthalate catabolic pathway cometabolizes quinolinate. The recruitment of this gene for growth on phthalate thus gives B. cepacia an advantage over other phthalate-degrading bacteria in the environment.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas cepacia G4 degrades trichloroethylene (TCE) via a degradation pathway for aromatic compounds which is induced by substrates such as phenol and tryptophan. P. cepacia G4 5223 PR1 (PR1) is a Tn5 insertion mutant which constitutively expresses the toluene ortho-monooxygenase responsible for TCE degradation. In groundwater microcosms, phenol-induced strain G4 and noninduced strain PR1 degraded TCE (20 and 50 microM) to nondetectable levels (< 0.1 microM) within 24 h at densities of 10(8) cells per ml; at lower densities, degradation of TCE was not observed after 48 h. In aquifer sediment microcosms, TCE was reduced from 60 to < 0.1 microM within 24 h at 5 x 10(8) PR1 organisms per g (wet weight) of sediment and from 60 to 26 microM over a period of 10 weeks at 5 x 10(7) PR1 organisms per g. Viable G4 and PR1 cells decreased from approximately 10(7) to 10(4) per g over the 10-week period.  相似文献   

A lipase from the Burkholderia cepacia strain G63 immobilized on resin was used for the resolution of ketoprofen. To study its catalytic properties in enantioselective esterication, different alcohols and solvents were tested to select the most suitable acyl acceptor and reaction medium. Compared with the low activity of the free lipase, the enzyme activity and E value of the immobilized lipase were significantly enhanced. The enantioselectivity of the immobilized lipase could also be markedly improved by adding a small amount of 18-crown-6. RSM was employed to optimize the reaction parameters. The optimal reaction conditions were: reaction time 22.50 h, additives dosage 0.4322 g (0.33 mmol/mL), and substrate molar ratio 54.11:1. Under optimal conditions, the maximal E value was up to 10.01, which exhibited a better enantioselectivity than some commercial lipases, such as Novozym 435, Lipozyme RM IM and LipozymeTL IM.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacterivorous protists have been recovered from pristine and contaminated aquifer environments, but the ecological role of these organisms in bioremediation strategies has not been well defined. Burkholderia cepacia G4 PR1 constitutively expresses a toluene ortho-monooxygenase (tom) due to a secondary transposition of a Tn5 transposable element in a trichloroethylene (TCE) degradative plasmid (TOM). Groundwater and sediment from a potential site for a TCE bioremediation field demonstration were used in laboratory microcosms to test the survival of this organism. In nonsterile aquifer sediment slurries, the bacterium was eliminated in a logrithmic decay concomitant with an increase in bacterivorous protists. A half-life for the organism calculated from extinction coefficients increased logarithmically with increasing inoculation density above 1 × 106 PR1 ml−1. For inoculation densities below this level, the half-life of PR1 increased exponentially with decreasing inoculation density. The lowest half-lives corresponded to densities of bacteria that stimulate response of bacterivores. In a column system designed to incorporate aquifer flow, repeated addition of PR1 resulted in a buildup of bacterivore populations and reduced half-life of the bacterium. Addition of TCE and growth substrate in the eluent resulted in prolonged survival of PR1 and apparent mineralization of TCE. The results indicate significant but predictable losses due to native bacterivores would occur within and beyond a treatment zone where PR1 would be added to the aquifer, and mineralization of TCE in contaminated groundwater might be possible with repeated inoculation and addition of nutrients. Received: November 1999; Accepted: February 2000; Online Publication: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

A Tn5-based mutagenesis strategy was used to generate a collection of trichloroethylene (TCE)-sensitive (TCS) mutants in order to identify repair systems or protective mechanisms that shield Burkholderia cepacia G4 from the toxic effects associated with TCE oxidation. Single Tn5 insertion sites were mapped within open reading frames putatively encoding enzymes involved in DNA repair (UvrB, RuvB, RecA, and RecG) in 7 of the 11 TCS strains obtained (4 of the TCS strains had a single Tn5 insertion within a uvrB homolog). The data revealed that the uvrB-disrupted strains were exceptionally susceptible to killing by TCE oxidation, followed by the recA strain, while the ruvB and recG strains were just slightly more sensitive to TCE than the wild type. The uvrB and recA strains were also extremely sensitive to UV light and, to a lesser extent, to exposure to mitomycin C and H(2)O(2). The data from this study establishes that there is a link between DNA repair and the ability of B. cepacia G4 cells to survive following TCE transformation. A possible role for nucleotide excision repair and recombination repair activities in TCE-damaged cells is discussed.  相似文献   

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